Author Topic: Obama blames . . . . . . . . . . . . The Official Obama Excuse Thread  (Read 35800 times)

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Re: Obama blames . . . . . . . . . . . . The Official Obama Excuse Thread
« Reply #176 on: August 10, 2014, 07:27:26 PM »
Obama: 'Balkanization of Media' Has 'Blocked' My Agenda (shortened title)
Breitbar - Big Government ^ | 8-10-2014 | Matthew Boyle
Posted on August 10, 2014 8:37:00 PM EDT by Sir Napsalot

(snip) “What you’ve seen with our politics, partly because of gerrymandering, partly because of the Balkanization of media so people just watch what reinforces their deepest biases, partly because of big money in politics, is increasingly politicians are rewarded for taking the most extreme, maximalist positions,” Obama told the liberal Times columnist. “Sooner or later, that catches up with you. You end up not being able to move forward on things we need to move forward on. We need to reform our immigration system. That would be good not just for our domestic economy but for our position in the world. You travel around Latin America—nothing would more reinforce an admiration for the United States than us doing that. We need to rebuild our infrastructure. You go to the Singapore airport and then you come back to one of our airports and you say, huh? We’re not acting like a superpower.”

“It’s like going from the Jetsons to the Flintstones,” Friedman agreed.

“Exactly,” Obama concurred. ......

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Re: Obama blames . . . . . . . . . . . . The Official Obama Excuse Thread
« Reply #177 on: August 11, 2014, 04:02:30 AM »
‘Astounding': Flashbacks shred Obama claim troop withdrawal from Iraq wasn’t his decision ^ | august 9, 2014
Posted on August 11, 2014 6:36:11 AM EDT by lowbridge

During his statement on the situation in Iraq before leaving for Martha’s Vineyard, President Obama was asked if he regretted pulling the remaining U.S. troops from Iraq in 2011. An agitated Obama answered that it wasn’t his decision. In other words, “Bush’s fault”:


Obama campaigned on and eventually took credit for and celebrated the withdrawal of troops from Iraq, and now it wasn’t his decision?

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Re: Obama blames . . . . . . . . . . . . The Official Obama Excuse Thread
« Reply #180 on: September 02, 2014, 07:38:03 AM »

Blaming FB and social media for perception the world is in the shitter


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Re: Obama blames . . . . . . . . . . . . The Official Obama Excuse Thread
« Reply #182 on: September 07, 2014, 11:09:48 AM »
"My dog ate the constitution, Mooshell ate everything else" - Barack Huissane Obama, Imam

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Re: Obama blames . . . . . . . . . . . . The Official Obama Excuse Thread
« Reply #183 on: September 07, 2014, 02:07:28 PM »
Obama blames the press for criticisms of his post-beheading golf outing
Hot ^ | September 7, 2014 | NOAH ROTHMAN
Posted on September 7, 2014 at 3:04:27 PM EDT by Kaslin

Within minutes of addressing the nation following the Islamic State’s brutal beheading of American journalist James Foley, President Barack Obama had resumed his August vacation on the golf course. More than a few observers, even the president’s supporters, said that the decision to continue golfing immediately after announcing to the country that ISIS had executed what administration would later call a “terrorist attack” on the United States was unwise.

On Sunday, Obama acknowledged that he had erred, not only in seeming detached but also in failing to consider the “optics” associated with appearing callous and disinterested in the wake of that attack.

“I should’ve anticipated the optics,” Obama said on Sunday in an interview on NBC’s Meet the Press. He said that he did not adequately consider how some would feel about his dispassion in the aftermath of that attack on the United States by ISIS.

“But part of this job is also the theater,” he said. “It’s not something that always comes naturally to me. But it matters, and I’m mindful of that.”

Displaying compassion for the Foley family and those Americans rocked by this gruesome affront by appearing somber and reserved – even at the expense of a whole day of vacation – is, in Obama’s opinion, just more of the burdensome performance art that the public has come to expect of their commander-in-chief.

That may be slightly more insulting than if he had just golfed away the day and never acknowledged it again.

Obama sounded a bit resentful of the fact that the media had made the post-Foley speech golf outing an issue. “I think everybody who knows me, including, I suspect, the press, understands that that, you know, you take this stuff in,” Obama said. “And it’s serious business. And you care about it deeply.”

“The possibility of a jarring contrast, given the world’s news, is always — there’s always going to be some tough news somewhere — is going to be there,” he added. In other words, one day it’s an American beheaded, another day it’s some other horrible development. There will always be something critics will point to in order to say Obama shouldn’t be golfing. What more do you people want from him?

If Obama’s intention was to convey to the public the depth of his concern over the beheading of Americans by ISIS fighters, he failed to achieve that objective.

A charitable interpretation of Obama’s remarks would allow for the possibility that he was expressing his genuine regret for the hard-edged display that followed the Foley speech in an artless manner. Obama played pundit, as he often does, and sounded callous by making an assessment of the political implications surrounding what the public saw as a lack of empathy for those wounded by Foley’s execution. But the president’s implied scolding of the media for amplifying that criticism indicates that this interpretation of his remarks may be a bit too forgiving.

Obama capped off his venting to NBC’s Chuck Todd by insisting that he needs another vacation, but this time from the Fourth Estate. “Part of what I want is a vacation from the press,” Obama said.

Todd reminded him that his permanent break from professional responsibilities begins on January 20, 2017, but does the vacation really ever end if you’ve already checked out?

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Re: Obama blames . . . . . . . . . . . . The Official Obama Excuse Thread
« Reply #184 on: September 07, 2014, 05:10:47 PM »
After Saying “I Should’ve Anticipated the Optics” of Golfing After Foley Beheading Speech… Obama
Gateway Pundit ^ | Kristinn Taylor
Posted on September 7, 2014 at 8:02:48 PM EDT by Nachum

Daniel Halper at the Weekly Standard points out that contrary to media reports Obama was not contrite in his Meet the Press remarks about going golfing immediately after making a statement while on vacation last month about the videotaped beheading of American journalist James Foley by the Islamist terrorist group ISIS. Obama seemed to blame press coverage—saying he’s looking forward to a vacation from the press–rather than his conduct for the optics of being seen laughing it up on the golf course mere minutes after making a somber statement on what many consider to be an act of war on America.

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Re: Obama blames . . . . . . . . . . . . The Official Obama Excuse Thread
« Reply #185 on: September 30, 2014, 06:45:54 AM »

Fury as Obama blames intelligence agencies for Isil surprise

With his foreign policy approval ratings at a historic low, Barack Obama meets furious reaction after blaming US intelligence agencies for failing to predict rise of Isil in Syria

President Barack Obama

Mr Obama singled out James Clapper, his director of national intelligence, for blame Photo: REX FEATURES

By Peter Foster, Washington

9:03PM BST 29 Sep 2014


President Barack Obama was facing a fierce political backlash on Monday night after he blamed US intelligence chiefs for being caught by surprise by the sudden rise of the Islamic State (Isil) terror movement in Iraq and Syria.

In a highly unusual step, Mr Obama singled out James Clapper, his director of national intelligence, when asked by a television interviewer whether he had underestimated the threat posed by Isil after its fighters burst across the Syrian border into Iraq this summer, capturing large swathes of territory.

“I think our head of the intelligence community, Jim Clapper, has acknowledged that they underestimated what had been taking place in Syria,” Mr Obama told CBS News.

The president’s apparent unwillingness to take responsibility for his administration’s failure to foresee the threat was met with disbelief by both policy experts and senior Republicans, who have long warned of the risks of ceding strategic space to the jihadists in Syria.

“This was the ‘dog ate my homework speech’,” Senator John McCain, the former Republican presidential candidate who has long called for Mr Obama to arm moderate rebel forces in Syria, told Fox News, adding that Mr Obama should follow other presidents and admit his mistake.

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“Every president in history had made a mistake, acknowledged it and then moved on. President Reagan with Iran contra, President Clinton in Bosnia, President George W Bush after the debacle in Iraq, when he started the surge - but it doesn’t seem to be in this president’s DNA,” he said.

Mr Obama’s foreign policy approval ratings are at a historic low, with almost 60 per cent of American disapproving of his handling of foreign policy – a number that has not improved since the president began implementing his strategy to “degrade and destroy” Isil.

Frederic Hof, the former State Department special adviser on Syria now with the Rafik Hariri Center in Washington, who argued for greater support for the rebels but later resigned in the face of White House opposition to the policy, said the intelligence community was not to blame.

“I very much doubt that the intelligence community was asleep at the switch while Isil was gaining strength in Syria,” he told The Telegraph, “None of this was exactly hidden from view.

“No doubt President Obama and his advisors were perplexed when it came to policy options, and no doubt the scope and speed of the Isil thrust into Iraq were surprising. But I doubt that the US intelligence community is to blame for any policy shortfalls."

The White House denied that Mr Obama was trying to shift the blame away from himself and onto the intelligence community.

“That is not what the president’s intent was,” said Josh Earnest, the White House press secretary, adding the president had “the highest degree of confidence” in the intelligence community.

However Mr McCain warned of ‘blowback’ from the intelligence community which already appeared to be moving to defend itself, with a former senior Pentagon official who worked on Isil intelligence assessments telling the Daily Beast website: “Either the president doesn’t read the intelligence he’s getting or he’s bullsh------.”

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Re: Obama blames . . . . . . . . . . . . The Official Obama Excuse Thread
« Reply #186 on: September 30, 2014, 07:26:36 AM »
Obama will pay a price for blaming intelligence services for ISIS failures.
American Thinker ^  | 09/30/2014 | Thomas Lifson

Posted on ‎9‎/‎30‎/‎2014‎ ‎9‎:‎59‎:‎07‎ ‎AM by SeekAndFind

President Obama’s 60 Minutes interview, taped last Friday and aired Sunday, is turning out to be a disaster for him, and may even be a tipping point of sorts. There are six dimensions to the disaster.
1.  By blaming the intelligence community for his failure to act on the ISIS threat, he ensured that a series of damaging leaks will be coming, and they are already starting.

The UK Daily Mail, always far less constrained than the American media when it comes to revealing information damaging to the American progressive establishment, quotes “an administration insider,” summarized in its own bullet points:

•A national security staffer in the Obama administration said the president has been seeing 'highly accurate predictions' about the rise of the ISIS terror army since 'before the 2012 election'
•Obama insisted in his campaign speeches that year that America was safe and al-Qaeda was 'on the run'
•The president said during Sunday's '60 Minutes' program that his Director of National Intelligence had conceded he underestimated ISIS
•But the administration aide insisted that Obama's advisers gave him actionable information that sat and gathered dust for more than a year
•'He knew what was at stake,' the aide said of the president, and 'he knew where all the moving pieces were'
•Obama takes daily intelligence briefings in writing, he explained, because no one will be able to testify about warning the president in person about threats that the White House doesn't act on

This may be a foretaste of what is to come, as intelligence officials realize they will be sacrificial lambs.

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Re: Obama blames . . . . . . . . . . . . The Official Obama Excuse Thread
« Reply #188 on: October 03, 2014, 08:24:22 AM »
Obama Mocks American Concern Over Obamacare, Whines About Fox News Again ^  | October 3, 2014 | Katie Pavlich

Posted on ‎10‎/‎3‎/‎2014‎ ‎11‎:‎20‎:‎18‎ ‎AM by Kaslin

When Obama’s Justice Department isn’t monitoring the phone lines of Fox News reporters and their parents, he’s publicly berating them during boring, tired speeches.

During his new but old economic speech yesterday at Northwestern University, President Obama mocked Americans who have concerns about Obamacare limiting their freedom and whined about Fox News.

“While good affordable health care might seem like a fanged threat to the freedom of the American people on Fox News, it turns out it’s working pretty well in the real world,” he said.

Bonus: A second complaint about Fox News was sent out on Obama's official Twitter account.

President Obama: While affordable health care might still be a threat to freedom on Fox News, it’s working pretty well in the real world.— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) October 2, 2014

Obama's lack of self-awareness when it comes to Obamacare is astounding. While he attempts to insult Fox News, he is actually insulting millions of Americans who have lost their healthcare, lost their doctors, seen their premiums and deductibles skyrocket or lost jobs as a result of the overbearing cost Obamacare puts on the healthcare system and the economy. Obamacare isn’t affordable, it isn’t working and the numbers prove it. Guy broke this down last week after liberal wonk Ezra Klein published a piece titled In conservative media, Obamacare is a disaster. In the real world, it’s working.:

A recent Kaiser Foundation poll found that 14 percent of Americans say the 'Affordable' Care Act has impacted their family for the better. The trouble is that twice that number said they've been directly harmed by the law, which was marketed as a win-win for all consumers. Numerous national surveys have consistently tracked the same two-to-one, hurt-to-helped ratio. People's actual experiences are not a product of propaganda-driven confusion.

By the way, why is President Obama stealing Ezra Klein's work? Or is has he put Klein on the payroll? Further, if Obamacare is so great, then why is it that just 36 percent of Democrat candidates support it?

Democrats on the campaign trail are not feeling so hot about Obamacare.

New research from the Brookings Institution’s Elaine C. Kamarck and Alexander R. Podkul shows that only 36 percent of Democrats running for Congress this year have expressed a position in support of Obamacare. Another small segment–25.5 percent–have offered a lukewarm position on the law.
Obamacare is in fact a disaster in the real world. Fox News on the other hand, is a roaring success. Over to you Greta.
"When leaders blame others they sure don't look like leaders, they look absolutely childish and it's distressing President Obama is so quick to blame others." 

Greta: Obama should lead, stop picking fights with Fox News 'Off the Record,' 10/2/14: President Obama likes to play the blame game and blaming Fox News was red meat for his base. But he has to realize he doesn't hurt us and only diminishes his office.

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Re: Obama blames . . . . . . . . . . . . The Official Obama Excuse Thread
« Reply #189 on: October 03, 2014, 11:10:49 AM »
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Re: Obama blames . . . . . . . . . . . . The Official Obama Excuse Thread
« Reply #190 on: October 09, 2014, 09:15:18 AM »
Obama Blames The Media For His Low Polls

Americans don’t understand that the economy is doing great because the press is biased against good news, President Barack Obama told a group of prosperous donors Tuesday.

“Frankly, the press and Washington, all it does is feed cynicism,” he insisted, despite getting six years of favorable coverage from establishment newspapers and TV shows.

“Most of you don’t know the statistics I just gave you,” Obama said, after listing a series of cherry-picked data that ignored that roughly 10 million Americans who have given up looking for work, and the $7 trillion in added debt.

“The reason you don’t know [the favorable data] is because they elicit hope. They’re good news … and that’s not what we hear about,” he declared to the roughly 250 supporters who paid up to $1,000 to attend.

“We hear about phony scandals, and we hear about the latest shiny object, and we hear about how Washington will never work,” Obama insisted.

Obama’s complaints about the media are belied by the favorable media coverage he gets.

“Polling news has practically vanished from the Big Three evening newscasts in 2014 as President Obama’s approval ratings have tumbled and the public opposes defining administration policies like ObamaCare,” the Media Research Center reported in September.

In early September, “Gallup found Obama’s approval rating at a record low of 38 percent, yet none of the three broadcast networks bothered to mention this on their evening or morning newscasts.”

In 2012, “from August 27 through October 21, 19% of stories about Obama studied in a cross section of mainstream media were clearly favorable in tone while 30% were unfavorable,” the Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism said in November 2012.

For [GOP candidate] Mitt Romney, “15% of the stories studied were favorable, 38% were unfavorable,” it said.

In 2009, the Pew Research Center reported that “as he marks his 100th day in office, President Barack Obama has enjoyed substantially more positive media coverage than either Bill Clinton or George [W.] Bush during their first months in the White House.”

“Overall, roughly four out of ten stories, editorials and op ed columns about Obama have been clearly positive in tone, compared with 22% for Bush,” said Pew.

Many other reports — and many reporters too — admit that the established media favors Democratic claims and politicians, including Obama.


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Re: Obama blames . . . . . . . . . . . . The Official Obama Excuse Thread
« Reply #191 on: October 09, 2014, 09:18:33 AM »
In the same know when the douchbag libs here cheerlead Barry or say shit doesn't matter. Remember when Ol Barry said there was a line in the sand and then back tracked...there is always fall out. 

If you set a red-line, you should stick to it,” remarked a Japanese defense official at a recent conference on extended deterrence in Seoul when asked about the U.S. approach to dealing with Syria. But the question on redlines has shifted from chemical weapons use itself to the idea of credibility and the implications of inaction towards Washington’s key allies around the world.

Iran’s nuclear program is often cited first but there is also the complex situation on the Korean peninsula. Secretary of State John Kerry told the U.S. Senate last week that “North Korea is hoping that ambivalence carries the day. They are listening for our silence.” This point was also brought up this past week by James Miller, U.S. Undersecretary of Defense for Policy, while meeting with Chinese officials in Beijing, “I emphasized the massive chemical weapons arsenal that North Korea has and that we didn't want to live in a world in which North Korea felt that the threshold for chemical weapons usage had been lowered.”


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Re: Obama blames . . . . . . . . . . . . The Official Obama Excuse Thread
« Reply #192 on: October 09, 2014, 09:21:59 AM »
240 and the rest of the Barry ball washers were incredulous that Soul and others wanted  Barry to keep his word about red lines. Actually nobody wanted to send in troops no matter how much gas Syria uses...except Barry said it was a red line. He should never have said that it was a red line. It encourages the rest of the idiots to  do dumb shit....but please don't take my word for it...apparently our Jap friends would also like Barry to keep his word. I'd also like it if u libs would stop telling us how smart he is....he's a fucking babbling retard.

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Re: Obama blames . . . . . . . . . . . . The Official Obama Excuse Thread
« Reply #193 on: October 09, 2014, 09:34:29 AM »
Obama not being an American citizen, hating this country, being a sympathizer of terrorists, and wanting to destroy this country - this is all part of the plan - create chaos so that it weakens us militarily, economically, commercially, etc. 

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Re: Obama blames . . . . . . . . . . . . The Official Obama Excuse Thread
« Reply #194 on: October 09, 2014, 10:39:54 AM »
240 and the rest of the Barry ball washers were incredulous that Soul and others wanted  Barry to keep his word about red lines. Actually nobody wanted to send in troops no matter how much gas Syria uses...except Barry said it was a red line. He should never have said that it was a red line. It encourages the rest of the idiots to  do dumb shit....but please don't take my word for it...apparently our Jap friends would also like Barry to keep his word. I'd also like it if u libs would stop telling us how smart he is....he's a fucking babbling retard.

in his defense, only one person was making up stats about ISIS border crossings yesterday, and it wasn't a dem.

Maybe Barry "invented" or whatever fueled ISIS to fight the syrian govt.  That's the outcome we're seeing.  Maybe they're just doing our bidding on a completely random basis, who knows, but they and syrian govt are killing each other off, which are TWO goals of the USA.  So it works.  Bombing/invading them now would be a very bad move - let them kill each other thru the winter then we can MOAB their asses when spring breaks and they crawl out of the snow with "mission accomplished" banners.

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Re: Obama blames . . . . . . . . . . . . The Official Obama Excuse Thread
« Reply #195 on: October 12, 2014, 08:36:28 AM »
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Administration points fingers on Ebola
The Hill ^ | October 11, 2014 | Megan R. Wilson
Posted on October 12, 2014 11:05:24 AM EDT by Tolerance Sucks Rocks

White House National Security Advisor Susan Rice says other countries “haven’t done enough” to help stop the deadly disease Ebola from spreading.

“We are pushing very hard for everybody to do more. This is going to take all hands on deck,” she told NBC’s Chuck Todd, in an interview set to air Sunday on “Meet the Press.”

Ebola has killed more than 4,000 people, mostly centralized to three countries in Western Africa. The outbreak has caused skepticism of international health workers in some of those communities, who fear the workers could be spreading the disease instead of helping cure it.

The outbreak in Africa began in March in Guinea, but has rapidly spread, primarily, to Liberia and Sierra Leone.

The Obama administration has also authorized up to 4,000 American troops to go into West Africa to assist in the effort. A smaller advance team in Liberia is already opening up clinics for infected aid workers and testing labs to expedite patient checks for the disease.

A man who traveled to Dallas from Liberia became the single case of Ebola diagnosed in the United States. He died last week from the illness.

Five U.S. airports are stepping up screening measures on passengers arriving from the mostly Ebola-afflicted countries in Western Africa, in addition to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention testing airport passengers departing the capitals of Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea.

The disease is only spread through contact with bodily fluids of a diseased person, but as those being treated increase beyond hospital capacities, friends and family members are left to care for the ill – making it likely they will come into contact with those fluids.

Among the many symptoms of the disease are vomiting and excessive bleeding both internally and through parts of the body, including the eyes and nose.

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Re: Obama blames . . . . . . . . . . . . The Official Obama Excuse Thread
« Reply #197 on: November 03, 2014, 06:15:18 AM »
Obama always pointing the finger of blame at someone else

By Michael Goodwin

November 2, 2014 | 1:58am


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Obama always pointing the finger of blame at someone else
Barack Obama
Photo: AP


Michael Goodwin

Michael Goodwin

Race and ethnicity are hot topics for NYPD, but what about crime?


Back on bloody road to terror


Fear and loathing in the US


A fight at the opera


A toxic president

In the New York Times the other day, anonymous aides to President Obama trashed Secretary of State John Kerry and Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel. Kerry was mocked mercilessly, with officials joking “that he is like the astronaut played by Sandra Bullock in the movie ‘Gravity,’ somersaulting through space, untethered to the White House.”

A week before that, The Times reported that, despite Obama’s public efforts to calm fears over Ebola, he was privately seething at health aides’ bungling. In a bid to separate him from the incompetence of his administration, the leakers claimed Obama was “visibly angry” and “demanded a more hands-on approach” from his team.

Then there was the story about Pentagon boss Hagel firing off a memo to national security chief Susan Rice that faulted America’s Syrian policy. Then there was a story about — oh, never mind, you get the picture.

The extraordinary pile-up of crises has turned the usual White House blame game into something more lethal: a shootout in a lifeboat. The presidency is sinking, but we are expected to believe that only the president is blameless.

It won’t wash. The problems cannot be fixed by firing one or two members of the president’s team, or all of them. Something else, something more fundamental, is happening.

Obamaism, a quasi-socialist commitment to a more powerful government at home and an abdication of American leadership around the world, is being exposed as a historic calamity.

We are witnessing the total collapse of a bad idea. Obamaism, a quasi-socialist commitment to a more powerful government at home and an abdication of American leadership around the world, is being exposed as a historic calamity. It is fueling domestic fear and global disorder and may well lead to a world war.

If there is a smidgen of a silver lining, it is that the unraveling, complete with Obama’s shameless attempts to duck responsibility, is playing out on the eve of the midterm elections. Fortunately, voters seem ready to respond by giving Republicans control of both houses of Congress.

I second that emotion, and not just because Obama is a failure. For all his narcissism, he didn’t make this mess alone.

He was aided and abetted by every Democrat in Congress. They marched in lockstep with his cockamamie policies, from ObamaCare to open borders. They protected corrupt leaders in numerous federal agencies, from the IRS to the General Services Administration. They stymied efforts to find the truth about Benghazi and the Fast and Furious gunrunning debacle.

They ceded their constitutional obligations and allowed Obama to crash the system of checks and balances. The vast majority stood silent while he gutted the military and abandoned our allies, including Israel, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, and courted Iran, the most menacing nation on Earth.

With painfully few exceptions, Democrats put their loyalty to him above their duty to America.

And now they must be punished. All of them.

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Democrats need to be removed from every possible federal office during the midterms as punishment for the failed Obama presidency, according to Michael Goodwin.
Photo: Getty Images

Normally, I am not a partisan advocate. I am a registered Democrat, though I vote as an independent.

Not this year. This is a national emergency and the only responsible action is to vote Republican for every federal office.

Sparing even a favorite Democrat or two could allow Obama to spin defeat as a minor loss. Most worrisome, if Dems keep the Senate, the election will further entrench a corrupt government and further erode America’s strength and influence.

That is not a chance worth taking. Six years is enough. Collective punishment is the appropriate answer.

If there were any doubts that the Obama Democrats cannot be trusted, look at their scurrilous campaigns. From coast to coast, their message is uniformly odious: Republicans are waging a “war on women” and they are racists.

That’s it. They can’t defend the legislation they passed, the economy they produced or the foreign policy they supported. Most don’t want to be seen with Obama, yet they take the money he raises and follow his lead in exploiting race and gender fault lines.

Scraping the bottom of the rancid barrel, they prove they will do anything to hold on to power. They cannot be allowed to succeed.

It is time for them to go.

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Re: Obama blames . . . . . . . . . . . . The Official Obama Excuse Thread
« Reply #198 on: November 03, 2014, 02:14:00 PM »
Ten reasons why bluffing, boring, blame-pointing Obama can expect a well-deserved shellacking in the midterm elections

By Piers Morgan for MailOnline

Published: 11:48 EST, 3 November 2014  | Updated: 13:57 EST, 3 November 2014 

When Barack Obama was first elected President in 2008, I celebrated by having an exquisitely romantic dinner on a tiny, temporary sand dune in the middle of the Indian Ocean.

Like most of the world, I was thoroughly entranced by this dynamic young senator. He seemed so fresh, vibrant, eloquent and smart.

I believed him when he repeatedly cried: ‘Yes, we can!’

And I punched the air as he assured us: ‘Change has come to America!’

We all did.

We thought he could: In November 2008 Barack Obama was a dynamic young senator elected to the White House as a shining, youthful beacon of audacious hope
We thought he could: In November 2008 Barack Obama was a dynamic young senator elected to the White House as a shining, youthful beacon of audacious hope

Well, everyone bar the Republicans who had seen their hopes go up in smoke with John McCain.

Today, six years on, harsh reality has set in.

It turned out that ‘Most of the time we can’t’ and ‘Not much has changed in America’.

Obama’s personal approval ratings have crashed to an all-time low and his Democrat party is facing a humiliating shellacking in tomorrow’s mid-term elections.

He’s gone from being a shining, youthful beacon of audacious hope to a greying, increasingly defeatist purveyor of disappointment.

The Maldives dune where I enjoyed that sumptuous dinner now seems a perfect metaphor for Obama’s administration: it appeared as if by magic and brought such glorious promise and excitement. But as midnight arrived, water began to lap away at my ankles and the very substance of the dune evaporated before my eyes.

I was whisked to safety in a speedboat.

Sadly, that option is not available to the American people stuck on the rather larger Obama-run dune for another two years.

So why has it all gone so horribly wrong?

Here are ten reasons:

Six years later: The boring, greying president, seen here over the weekend campaigning for Pennsylvania Democratic gubernatorial candidate Tom Wolf, has broken his promises and deserves a shellacking

Six years later: The boring, greying president, seen here over the weekend campaigning for Pennsylvania Democratic gubernatorial candidate Tom Wolf, has broken his promises and deserves a shellacking

1. HE BREAKS HIS PROMISES. Obama said he’d shut down Guantanamo Bay, then didn’t. He said he’d be more transparent, then we found out his NSA was secretly bugging everyone. He vowed to put a limit on America’s warfare but has continued to wage Drone-led war on numerous fronts. He looked Newtown families in the eye and said he’d get action on gun control - and failed. He insisted he’d make Washington less cynically divisive but it’s never been worse. Above all, he pledged to restore trust in Government and has achieved the complete opposite.

2. HIS FOREIGN POLICY STINKS. He heralded a ‘new dawn’ for the Middle East, but kept American involvement at such minimal levels that ISIS has been allowed to ferment into a potent, dominant terror force in the region. Libya, Yemen, Egypt, Gaza and Syria all burn as Obama fiddles with his golf swing. As for Iraq and Afghanistan, Obama may pride himself on ending America’s involvement as he said he would – but leaving behind complete chaos and borderline anarchy should be a matter for self-reflective sadness at failed missions to instil freedom and democracy, not celebration.

3. HE’S A BLUFFER. Obama made America a laughing stock when he warned Syria’s Assad regime, ‘A red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized’ and then blinked when Assad promptly crossed that red line. It’s that kind of spinelessness which emboldened Vladimir Putin to wage imperialistic Russian assaults on Crimea and Ukraine - and ISIS to behead his citizens with impunity. I hate seeing America look weak and I’m not even American.

4. HE CAN’T GET THE ECONOMY OUT OF THE TANK. Nobody can credibly blame Obama for the modern day Great Depression that he inherited, but America’s recovery has been painfully slow and still crawls along like a wounded snail, ravaged by a rapidly expanding $17 trillion national debt. The gap between rich and poor rages ever wider too, making a mockery of Obama’s demand for a ‘more inclusive, fairer’ society.

5. HE CAN’T EVEN DO THE RIGHT THINGS RIGHT. Obamacare should have been his great legacy. Bringing 30 million impoverished, uninsured Americans into the health care system is an achievement of genuine worth. But the launch was so haplessly cack-handed and disastrous that the perception remains of dismal failure even as statistics suggest Obamacare is enjoying an increasing positive performance. The great communicator has lost ability to successfully communicate.

6. HE’S BORING. What happened to the charismatic, courageous, quick-fire political firebrand who charged to victory in 2008? Obama’s speeches have become repetitive and turgid, his pressers a monument to mind-numbing, professorial tedium, and his endless heavily-controlled media interviews a sycophantic, pointless embarrassment to him and the carefully selected journalists who conduct them. No wonder audiences have started running for the exit when he turns up on the stump.

7. HE BLAMES REPUBLICANS FOR EVERYTHING. I’m sick and tired of Obama constantly berating his political opponents for his own inaction. I’m no fan of the way GOP leaders have tried to strangle his every policy at birth – often at the expense of America’s national interest - but that’s the nature of modern politics. He’s the President and has extraordinary powers, not least of which via his personal fiefdom of Executive Orders. Stop incessantly bleating about ‘Washington intransigence’ and damn well lead.

8. HE CAN’T NEGOTIATE. I wouldn’t trust Obama to renegotiate my monthly gardener’s fees. He just doesn’t know how to make a deal. Politics, at its best, is about strong, powerful men and women getting in each others’ faces, arguing the toss about issues they care about, and agreeing points of compromise. Clinton was a master at it. Obama, by general consent, is useless. Donald Trump may not be everyone’s cup of tea but I can tell you this – he’d negotiate way better deals for America than Obama. It’s in his blood.

9. HE’S DONE NOTHING TO IMPROVE THE LIVES OF MINORITIES. Virtually every leading black American I interviewed on my old CNN show believed that the basic living standards of their fellow African-Americans were poorer now than before Obama came to power. Further, they believed that racism is now worse than it was six years ago. Two breath-taking failures on behalf of the very section of population that most helped get him elected.

10. HE PERSISTS IN CALLING US ALL ‘FOLKS’. I don’t why he does this, but I find it incredibly patronising and irritating. I can’t be the only one.

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Re: Obama blames . . . . . . . . . . . . The Official Obama Excuse Thread
« Reply #199 on: November 03, 2014, 02:58:28 PM »
Isn't Piers Morgan for England?   I could give zero fcks what some fat foreign liberal thinks about our leadership.

screw him.   he might be right, he might be wrong, but he's an anti-gun prick, and therefore anyone who cites him considers him to be credible.   Screw that.  you take that back.