Author Topic: Bodybuilding for the Poor - Phase 3 & Re Phase 4  (Read 83991 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Bodybuilding for the Poor - Phase 3 & Re Phase 4
« Reply #275 on: September 23, 2011, 10:28:58 AM »
bump to read later


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Re: Bodybuilding for the Poor - Phase 3 & Re Phase 4
« Reply #276 on: September 23, 2011, 10:31:27 AM »
Just slammed a carton of egg whites with some International Delight coffee creamer. It's actually really good!

I'm thinking three 1/2 liter cartons of egg whites a day now (without anything mixed in it), felt weird at first but pretty normal now.


  • Getbig V
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Re: I have blue balls for Phase 4!!!
« Reply #277 on: September 23, 2011, 10:39:22 AM »
look at how wideeeeeeeeee he was,, could hav ebeen mr o ,, could have ,, would have,, his wife woundt let him near bodybuild after what happened

gh15 approved

Orville was all drugs...Lots of slin. Under the helm.of Oscar too thick, random parts thrown together, lazy and a gut. Would never be Mr. O. Ever.


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Re: Bodybuilding for the Poor - Phase 3 & Re Phase 4
« Reply #278 on: September 23, 2011, 12:36:41 PM »
I'm thinking three 1/2 liter cartons of egg whites a day now (without anything mixed in it), felt weird at first but pretty normal now.

Yeah. At first I nearly cursed gh15 and everyone who said it's tasteless. There's a salty, weird after taste but it's very faint now.
International Delight, a banana, peanut butter and scoop of protein is what I toss in my morning shakes along with a half carton of egg whites and a tray of ice cubes. I can't stop drinking these things.

I weighed myself for the first time in a while and was 5lbs heavier than expected too. I thought with sharper abs that I had lost weight! 8)

the trainer

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Re: Bodybuilding for the Poor - Phase 3 & Re Phase 4
« Reply #279 on: September 23, 2011, 12:47:51 PM »
this is the meat and potatos phase,, now i will go on starting writing everything you need to listen and follow,,

this is meant for bodybuilders! ,, this is not meant for 15 year old that just enter gymnasium 1 month ago,,

this is a phase 3 of bodybuilder for the poor,, i will bring bring you to the mountain ,, i will help you get to troy alvez type of physiqe! but! from then on you are on your own ,, you will need much more money or sponsor to get to what you see today at the top,, so i will bring you up to 220 6% but from then you are on your own friends,,

phase 1 and 2 are must follow ,, and follow directly as i wrote it there,,yes you can chnage fish type but over all follow directly as i wrote it

ingredients needed,,you will have to put some money investment but since you save on supplmenet you wil have this money,,

again this is a program to follow for the fella with the worst bodybuild genetic out there aka vince goodrum and bring him up to ron heris level,, so if you are better and most likley you will end up looking at the level zoen of troy alvez minus the years of experience and muscle maturity


testosterona propioneta 100mg/ml 2 vials

testosterona enantato 250mg/ml or 300mg/ml or 350mg/ml depending on your contact ofcourse and wether human grade or private chef 2 vials

trenbolona ace ,, this is HIGHLY IMPORTANT 100mg per cc  only ace! 2 vials

masterona  100mg per cc  2 vials

equipona 300mg per cc 2 vials

human growth hormone 1 kit 100iu only! nordic ! AGAIN ONLY NORDIC GH!

thats it ,, all you need you will need to buy it every single month so this will be an expense of about 500-600 dollaros first time around and then from third month! you will only need to put 300 dollaors a month ,, which is equal to your supplment sepdning,, this is the cheapest it can be to get to advance level bodybuild 300 dollaros every 4-8 weeks is the cheapest possible way to get there i cant get it any cheaper for you im sorry ,, most bodybuild spend 1000s in a matter of a 3 month period thousands of dollars! sometimes surpassing 10 k in a matter of 90 days
so this is not your will need 500-600 for first 2 months and from then on 300 dolaros every month


injection should be done every time before bed,,
i also want all injects to be done into the ass right and left cheeks ,, again this is your responsbility to be bodybuilder i write my own opinions and i discuss matters for enterntainment only...

i want you to start within PRIMING YOUR BODY with hgh ,, that mean you will work hgh into your body for 30-60days as a prime 4 iu a day ,, only 4 iu you hear that right just make sure you get nordic hgh and no other gh! you want that gh because it is the purest one and you want to get the most out of your gh,, yes you can find other decent and good gh but nordic gh never seem to dissapoint for years upon years going already close to 10 years

now,, i want 4 iu into DELTS 2 iu morning when wake up 2 iu night,, yes only this way  and just train ,, do it for 25 days along with equipona at 900mg 3 times a week monday wed friday 300 mg each time that is it! no testosterona yet,, at the end of this 25 days i want you to add trenbolona ace at 100 mg every second day! make sure it is LEGIT TRENBOLONA at 100mg every second day and continue with the second kit of gh for another 25 days at 4-5 iu a day 2.5 and 2.5 morning when wake up and night before sleep

now,, at the same time you add trenbolona ace i want you to add propioneta at 50mg! every 2nd to 3rd day depending on your own feeling since i cant see you you will decide but not every day! every second to third day,, 50 mg!

when 50 day mark arrive i want you to take the enantato ,,and do a 3 time weekly injectiong of 300mg each time mon wed and friday,, can also be tuesday thursday and saturday all up to your choice and how you do things and if you are lazy some fellas like to take their sweet time thats how bodybuild do at times,, this will give you 900-1000mg of testosterona enantato a week when you are done 50-60 days of hgh prime ,, with the enantato i want you to INCREASE the trenbolona to 100 mg every day  5 times a week ,, it is NOT easy ! trenbolona ace is very very tricky it works on your brain it change your personality even if you think it doesnt it does ,, it is the strongest personality change hormone out there but it is also a must to achieve any of today condition ,,you need to be careful with it if you can not tolerate every day 100mg you will have to continue every second day 100 mg ,, but if you can then 100mg a day will be better for this phase

so ,, enantato 900-1000 mg a week ...trenbolna ace 100 mg a day or if really cant 100 mg every 2 days,, and! NO ANTI ESTROGENS! i want you to introduce masterona if you have problem with high estrogen after 50 days! you should not have any problem but if you do introduce masterona at 50mg every 2 days! the masterona i stil dont want in only if you suffer from high levels of estrrogen which you shoudl not not even when you get on 1000 mg testosterona yuo still should be ok with estrogen ,,

now the masterona itself i want you to introduce after 3 weeks on enantato at 1000 mg ,,

so what we have until now,,

we have day 51 start,, you go on enantato 900-1000 mg a week,, you still keep equipona at 900 mg ,, you have trenbolona ace at 100 mg every second day and after another 3 weeks you add in masterona at 50mg every second day ,, you can! combine injections,, it is all oil shoudl be no problem but it is still usualy 3 injects a week atleast no matter how you do it ,, you want it at 3 day injection a week so its ok ,,

now you will notice that by day 80-90 from your start you pretty much suddenly look like one of the best bodybuilder to ever touch foot in your gymnasium ,, this is in 3 months! you still wont be quality of top bodybuilder due to maturity and experience and time ,, and also due to lack of products notice you are poor! there are some things you can not do like bodybuilder with more money,, but you can defenitely have better quality physiqe than them


day 80-90 you REINTRODUCE HGH to the blood,, do it on day 90 ,, this time you LEAVE testosterona enantato in may even increase it to 1200mg a week dependign on personal choice,, you leave equipona in still 900mg and you take trenbolona ace out! insted of trenbolona ace you bring in anadrola preferebly solution and do 100-150mg every day ,, again preferably injectable!  you can still do orals too,, rememer you take out the trenbolona ace! you do gh again for 30 days this time you do it at 6-8 iu a day only for 30 days! if you can afford 60 it will be better for you but 30 will be ok too ,,you can even inject it every second day! at 6-8 iu a day then a day of no hgh then 8 iu a day then day of no hgh etc etc

you will then approach 120 days which is 4 months since you started and i will want you to start reducing the testosterona doses again ,, i will make phase 4 in next few days to discuss the next steps,,

again the nex phase will involve the possibility of diuretic application and a quick discussion about insulina and why im against it ,, it will also involve what needed to get to the 220 + at cometition condition because all those fellas are addicted to insulina and gh ,, you just dont step on stage 5'7 220 shredded if you are not hgh and insulina addict,, so we will talk abotu it too but again you are poor so i bring you up to 220 6% from then you will either have to find a good job or will have to have help or do something to get the ability to proceed,, most good bodybuilder at 200lb wipe floor with heavier bodybuilders...especialy if in light heavy classes ,, so its not that bad to get up to 200 210 220 6% my friends,, and this is the way you do it ,,

few things,,

you never give up! no matter what you see in the mirror after 11 days ,, you dont just say oh im tired of this,, you will see a lot in the mirror after lefit gh been in your blood for 11 days but! 11 days is not enough time to create body compsition change it takes some more time,, this is 120 days here that you should start ,, then will go to phase 4 which will polish the physiqe and bring it to competition level ,, not stage ready but pretty much 2 weeks out ,, i dont think yuo need it for every day life....but in general if you can get to look 200+ 6% on every day life at 5'10 or under no one will mistaken you for anything other than bodybuilder and you will be the best in your city in most cases,,

good luck to all ,,

phase 4 will come in few days

sealed bible index,,

gh15 approved


 Got into this thread late because I am busy training clients, you do not need all that crap if you are a novice bodybuilder. 500mg sustanon 250 weekly plus 25mg dianabol daily thats all you need to grow. if you are worried about getting bloated just add 50mg of proviron daily .


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Bodybuilding for the Poor - Phase 3 & Re Phase 4
« Reply #280 on: September 23, 2011, 12:50:56 PM »
No no no if your going very basic test and tren.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Bodybuilding for the Poor - Phase 3 & Re Phase 4
« Reply #281 on: September 23, 2011, 07:25:12 PM »


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Re: Bodybuilding for the Poor - Phase 3 & Re Phase 4
« Reply #282 on: October 05, 2011, 07:07:34 AM »


  • Getbig V
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Re: Bodybuilding for the Poor - Phase 3 & Re Phase 4
« Reply #283 on: October 05, 2011, 07:12:31 AM »

 Got into this thread late because I am busy training clients, you do not need all that crap if you are a novice bodybuilder. 500mg sustanon 250 weekly plus 25mg dianabol daily thats all you need to grow. if you are worried about getting bloated just add 50mg of proviron daily .
haha ok "the trainer".   ::);D


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Bodybuilding for the Poor - Phase 3 & Re Phase 4
« Reply #284 on: October 05, 2011, 07:17:06 AM »
Glad you bumped this DK.  I was thinking about this when I got up today... When will we see Phase 4????


  • Getbig V
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Re: Bodybuilding for the Poor - Phase 3 & Re Phase 4
« Reply #285 on: October 05, 2011, 07:33:02 PM »

Would you recommend exactly what you've laid out to someone who is a virgin to hormones??


  • Getbig II
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Re: Bodybuilding for the Poor - Phase 3 & Re Phase 4
« Reply #286 on: October 06, 2011, 04:00:16 AM »

Secret Stack

  • Getbig IV
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Re: Bodybuilding for the Poor - Phase 3 & Re Phase 4
« Reply #287 on: October 07, 2011, 01:44:31 AM »
Glad you bumped this DK.  I was thinking about this when I got up today... When will we see Phase 4????
approved drug addict right there..thinking of the "gh15 phase 4" first thought of the day when jumping out of bed   :D


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Bodybuilding for the Poor - Phase 3 & Re Phase 4
« Reply #288 on: October 21, 2011, 08:59:59 PM »
this is the meat and potatos phase,, now i will go on starting writing everything you need to listen and follow,,

this is meant for bodybuilders! ,, this is not meant for 15 year old that just enter gymnasium 1 month ago,,

this is a phase 3 of bodybuilder for the poor,, i will bring bring you to the mountain ,, i will help you get to troy alvez type of physiqe! but! from then on you are on your own ,, you will need much more money or sponsor to get to what you see today at the top,, so i will bring you up to 220 6% but from then you are on your own friends,,

phase 1 and 2 are must follow ,, and follow directly as i wrote it there,,yes you can chnage fish type but over all follow directly as i wrote it

ingredients needed,,you will have to put some money investment but since you save on supplmenet you wil have this money,,

again this is a program to follow for the fella with the worst bodybuild genetic out there aka vince goodrum and bring him up to ron heris level,, so if you are better and most likley you will end up looking at the level zoen of troy alvez minus the years of experience and muscle maturity


testosterona propioneta 100mg/ml 2 vials

testosterona enantato 250mg/ml or 300mg/ml or 350mg/ml depending on your contact ofcourse and wether human grade or private chef 2 vials

trenbolona ace ,, this is HIGHLY IMPORTANT 100mg per cc  only ace! 2 vials

masterona  100mg per cc  2 vials

equipona 300mg per cc 2 vials

human growth hormone 1 kit 100iu only! nordic ! AGAIN ONLY NORDIC GH!

thats it ,, all you need you will need to buy it every single month so this will be an expense of about 500-600 dollaros first time around and then from third month! you will only need to put 300 dollaors a month ,, which is equal to your supplment sepdning,, this is the cheapest it can be to get to advance level bodybuild 300 dollaros every 4-8 weeks is the cheapest possible way to get there i cant get it any cheaper for you im sorry ,, most bodybuild spend 1000s in a matter of a 3 month period thousands of dollars! sometimes surpassing 10 k in a matter of 90 days
so this is not your will need 500-600 for first 2 months and from then on 300 dolaros every month


injection should be done every time before bed,,
i also want all injects to be done into the ass right and left cheeks ,, again this is your responsbility to be bodybuilder i write my own opinions and i discuss matters for enterntainment only...

i want you to start within PRIMING YOUR BODY with hgh ,, that mean you will work hgh into your body for 30-60days as a prime 4 iu a day ,, only 4 iu you hear that right just make sure you get nordic hgh and no other gh! you want that gh because it is the purest one and you want to get the most out of your gh,, yes you can find other decent and good gh but nordic gh never seem to dissapoint for years upon years going already close to 10 years

now,, i want 4 iu into DELTS 2 iu morning when wake up 2 iu night,, yes only this way  and just train ,, do it for 25 days along with equipona at 900mg 3 times a week monday wed friday 300 mg each time that is it! no testosterona yet,,
at the end of this 25 days i want you to add trenbolona ace at 100 mg every second day! make sure it is LEGIT TRENBOLONA at 100mg every second day and continue with the second kit of gh for another 25 days at 4-5 iu a day 2.5 and 2.5 morning when wake up and night before sleep

now,, at the same time you add trenbolona ace i want you to add propioneta at 50mg! every 2nd to 3rd day depending on your own feeling since i cant see you you will decide but not every day! every second to third day,, 50 mg!

when 50 day mark arrive i want you to take the enantato ,,and do a 3 time weekly injectiong of 300mg each time mon wed and friday,, can also be tuesday thursday and saturday all up to your choice and how you do things and if you are lazy some fellas like to take their sweet time thats how bodybuild do at times,, this will give you 900-1000mg of testosterona enantato a week when you are done 50-60 days of hgh prime ,, with the enantato i want you to INCREASE the trenbolona to 100 mg every day  5 times a week ,, it is NOT easy ! trenbolona ace is very very tricky it works on your brain it change your personality even if you think it doesnt it does ,, it is the strongest personality change hormone out there but it is also a must to achieve any of today condition ,,you need to be careful with it if you can not tolerate every day 100mg you will have to continue every second day 100 mg ,, but if you can then 100mg a day will be better for this phase

so ,, enantato 900-1000 mg a week ...trenbolna ace 100 mg a day or if really cant 100 mg every 2 days,, and! NO ANTI ESTROGENS! i want you to introduce masterona if you have problem with high estrogen after 50 days! you should not have any problem but if you do introduce masterona at 50mg every 2 days! the masterona i stil dont want in only if you suffer from high levels of estrrogen which you shoudl not not even when you get on 1000 mg testosterona yuo still should be ok with estrogen ,,

now the masterona itself i want you to introduce after 3 weeks on enantato at 1000 mg ,,

so what we have until now,,

we have day 51 start,, you go on enantato 900-1000 mg a week,, you still keep equipona at 900 mg ,, you have trenbolona ace at 100 mg every second day and after another 3 weeks you add in masterona at 50mg every second day ,, you can! combine injections,, it is all oil shoudl be no problem but it is still usualy 3 injects a week atleast no matter how you do it ,, you want it at 3 day injection a week so its ok ,,

now you will notice that by day 80-90 from your start you pretty much suddenly look like one of the best bodybuilder to ever touch foot in your gymnasium ,, this is in 3 months! you still wont be quality of top bodybuilder due to maturity and experience and time ,, and also due to lack of products notice you are poor! there are some things you can not do like bodybuilder with more money,, but you can defenitely have better quality physiqe than them


day 80-90 you REINTRODUCE HGH to the blood,, do it on day 90 ,, this time you LEAVE testosterona enantato in may even increase it to 1200mg a week dependign on personal choice,, you leave equipona in still 900mg and you take trenbolona ace out! insted of trenbolona ace you bring in anadrola preferebly solution and do 100-150mg every day ,, again preferably injectable!  you can still do orals too,, rememer you take out the trenbolona ace! you do gh again for 30 days this time you do it at 6-8 iu a day only for 30 days! if you can afford 60 it will be better for you but 30 will be ok too ,,you can even inject it every second day! at 6-8 iu a day then a day of no hgh then 8 iu a day then day of no hgh etc etc

you will then approach 120 days which is 4 months since you started and i will want you to start reducing the testosterona doses again ,, i will make phase 4 in next few days to discuss the next steps,,

again the nex phase will involve the possibility of diuretic application and a quick discussion about insulina and why im against it ,, it will also involve what needed to get to the 220 + at cometition condition because all those fellas are addicted to insulina and gh ,, you just dont step on stage 5'7 220 shredded if you are not hgh and insulina addict,, so we will talk abotu it too but again you are poor so i bring you up to 220 6% from then you will either have to find a good job or will have to have help or do something to get the ability to proceed,, most good bodybuilder at 200lb wipe floor with heavier bodybuilders...especialy if in light heavy classes ,, so its not that bad to get up to 200 210 220 6% my friends,, and this is the way you do it ,,

few things,,

you never give up! no matter what you see in the mirror after 11 days ,, you dont just say oh im tired of this,, you will see a lot in the mirror after lefit gh been in your blood for 11 days but! 11 days is not enough time to create body compsition change it takes some more time,, this is 120 days here that you should start ,, then will go to phase 4 which will polish the physiqe and bring it to competition level ,, not stage ready but pretty much 2 weeks out ,, i dont think yuo need it for every day life....but in general if you can get to look 200+ 6% on every day life at 5'10 or under no one will mistaken you for anything other than bodybuilder and you will be the best in your city in most cases,,

good luck to all ,,

phase 4 will come in few days

sealed bible index,,

gh15 approved

trying to sort out this confusing disorganized mess (that i'm nevertheless grateful for):

week 01 | hgh 28iu | equipona 900mg
week 02 | hgh 28iu | equipona 900mg
week 03 | hgh 28iu | equipona 900mg
week 04 | hgh 28iu | equipona 900mg

week 05 | hgh 28-35iu | equipona 900mg | trenbolona 350mg | test propioneta 150mg
week 06 | hgh 28-35iu | equipona 900mg | trenbolona 350mg | test propioneta 150mg
week 07 | hgh 28-35iu | equipona 900mg | trenbolona 350mg | test propioneta 150mg
week 08 | hgh 28-35iu | equipona 900mg | trenbolona 350mg | test propioneta 150mg

week 09 | equipona 900mg | trenbolona 500mg | testosterona enantato 900-1000mg | masterona 0-175mg
week 10 | equipona 900mg | trenbolona 500mg | testosterona enantato 900-1000mg | masterona 0-175mg
week 11 | equipona 900mg | trenbolona 500mg | testosterona enantato 900-1000mg | masterona 0-175mg
week 12 | equipona 900mg | trenbolona 500mg | testosterona enantato 900-1000mg | masterona 175mg

week 13 | hgh 42-56iu | equipona 900mg | anadrola 700-1050mg | testosterona enantato 900-1200mg | masterona 175mg
week 14 | hgh 42-56iu | equipona 900mg | anadrola 700-1050mg | testosterona enantato 900-1200mg | masterona 175mg
week 15 | hgh 42-56iu | equipona 900mg | anadrola 700-1050mg | testosterona enantato 900-1200mg | masterona 175mg
week 16 | hgh 42-56iu | equipona 900mg | anadrola 700-1050mg | testosterona enantato 900-1200mg | masterona 175mg

he never says take the equipona out. So 900mg/week x 16 weeks = 14.4g. Yet two vials will only give you 6g? ???

2g of test propioneta is at our disposal, but i only see 600mg being consumed? do you run it for two consecutive months overlapping a month with enanthate? that would roughly account for the difference.

2.8-3.4g tren ace is suggested, but only 2g is included.

2.8-4.2g anadrol is suggested, but not on the ingredients list.

392-476iu hgh is suggested, but 100iu is included... (seriously, am i missing something here???)

7.2-8.8g of test e is suggested, but 5-7g is included...  ::)

in a nutshell: nothing adds up. :-\

his pricing is very unclear and unrealistic i feel unless you have the connections of a pro-bodybuilder (in which case you wouldn't need this).

i'd appreciate it if gh15 would make a chart that actually added up and gave some kind of a realistic internet pricing estimate.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Bodybuilding for the Poor - Phase 3 & Re Phase 4
« Reply #289 on: October 21, 2011, 09:12:58 PM »
y switch to enth from prop is a good question


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Bodybuilding for the Poor - Phase 3 & Re Phase 4
« Reply #290 on: October 21, 2011, 09:20:40 PM »
y switch to enth from prop is a good question
i think he suggests that so you'll hold less water and so you can see yourself getting defined before blowing up on high dose test e + gh.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Bodybuilding for the Poor - Phase 3 & Re Phase 4
« Reply #291 on: October 21, 2011, 09:28:39 PM »
test e causes more water retention


  • Getbig III
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Re: Bodybuilding for the Poor - Phase 3 & Re Phase 4
« Reply #292 on: October 21, 2011, 09:41:32 PM »
trying to sort out this confusing disorganized mess (that i'm nevertheless grateful for):

week 01 | hgh 28iu | equipona 900mg
week 02 | hgh 28iu | equipona 900mg
week 03 | hgh 28iu | equipona 900mg
week 04 | hgh 28iu | equipona 900mg

week 05 | hgh 28-35iu | equipona 900mg | trenbolona 350mg | test propioneta 150mg
week 06 | hgh 28-35iu | equipona 900mg | trenbolona 350mg | test propioneta 150mg
week 07 | hgh 28-35iu | equipona 900mg | trenbolona 350mg | test propioneta 150mg
week 08 | hgh 28-35iu | equipona 900mg | trenbolona 350mg | test propioneta 150mg

week 09 | equipona 900mg | trenbolona 500mg | testosterona enantato 900-1000mg | masterona 0-175mg
week 10 | equipona 900mg | trenbolona 500mg | testosterona enantato 900-1000mg | masterona 0-175mg
week 11 | equipona 900mg | trenbolona 500mg | testosterona enantato 900-1000mg | masterona 0-175mg
week 12 | equipona 900mg | trenbolona 500mg | testosterona enantato 900-1000mg | masterona 175mg

week 13 | hgh 42-56iu | equipona 900mg | anadrola 700-1050mg | testosterona enantato 900-1200mg | masterona 175mg
week 14 | hgh 42-56iu | equipona 900mg | anadrola 700-1050mg | testosterona enantato 900-1200mg | masterona 175mg
week 15 | hgh 42-56iu | equipona 900mg | anadrola 700-1050mg | testosterona enantato 900-1200mg | masterona 175mg
week 16 | hgh 42-56iu | equipona 900mg | anadrola 700-1050mg | testosterona enantato 900-1200mg | masterona 175mg

he never says take the equipona out. So 900mg/week x 16 weeks = 14.4g. Yet two vials will only give you 6g? ???

2g of test propioneta is at our disposal, but i only see 600mg being consumed? do you run it for two consecutive months overlapping a month with enanthate? that would roughly account for the difference.

2.8-3.4g tren ace is suggested, but only 2g is included.

2.8-4.2g anadrol is suggested, but not on the ingredients list.

392-476iu hgh is suggested, but 100iu is included... (seriously, am i missing something here???)

7.2-8.8g of test e is suggested, but 5-7g is included...  ::)

in a nutshell: nothing adds up. :-\

his pricing is very unclear and unrealistic i feel unless you have the connections of a pro-bodybuilder (in which case you wouldn't need this).

i'd appreciate it if gh15 would make a chart that actually added up and gave some kind of a realistic internet pricing estimate.

how you go into so much detail about everything and miss the part where he says you need to buy these supplies every month is beyond me

He may be a little loose with the doses but its not far off.

Obviously the gh is bumped towards the end which is going to be more expensive..  His start out numbers are fairly accurate.  Whether you can get it at that price all depends on your location and hook ups..  No way I can get it for that cheap.  But what I do know is that THAT is the protocol to mutate, so find the resouces and cash do it, if you want to take your physiqe to the next level.. or continue to be stuck among the gym rats running their pre dbols and test


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Re: Bodybuilding for the Poor - Phase 3 & Re Phase 4
« Reply #293 on: October 21, 2011, 09:50:32 PM »
how you go into so much detail about everything and miss the part where he says you need to buy these supplies every month is beyond me

the way he writes it is very easily misunderstood (at least for me). he seems to say $500/600 for months one and two (might buy you the kit of gh and that's it) then $300 for consecutive months. nevertheless what we have here is a 16 week cycle and it doesn't make sense for the ingredients list to be incomprehensive.


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Re: Bodybuilding for the Poor - Phase 3 & Re Phase 4
« Reply #294 on: October 22, 2011, 07:20:34 AM »
You didn't get the GH doses right
yeah i did.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Bodybuilding for the Poor - Phase 3 & Re Phase 4
« Reply #295 on: October 22, 2011, 12:07:12 PM »
They're right.. he posted weekly and gh was posting daily for gh


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Re: Bodybuilding for the Poor - Phase 3 & Re Phase 4
« Reply #296 on: October 22, 2011, 12:56:33 PM »
the guide is understandable

use something called your brain if you have one  :-\

unbelievable some of you people...


  • Getbig V
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Re: Bodybuilding for the Poor - Phase 3 & Re Phase 4
« Reply #297 on: October 22, 2011, 03:03:58 PM »
where's the diet and workout plan to go with this?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Bodybuilding for the Poor - Phase 3 & Re Phase 4
« Reply #298 on: October 23, 2011, 12:25:20 AM »
where's the diet and workout plan to go with this?
If you dont know how to eat and train you shouldnt be touching drugs. :-\


  • Getbig V
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Re: Bodybuilding for the Poor - Phase 3 & Re Phase 4
« Reply #299 on: October 23, 2011, 01:14:11 AM »
where's the diet and workout plan to go with this?
Hi Kai.  ::) ::) do you need a babysitter?