Author Topic: Nancy Pelosi is a vile, dishonest, lying sack of commie bilge.  (Read 12553 times)

Soul Crusher

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Re: Nancy Pelosi is a vile, dishonest, lying sack of commie bilge.
« Reply #75 on: November 13, 2011, 08:00:24 PM »
REVEALED: Nancy Pelosi Blocked Credit Card Reform While Investing Millions in Exclusive Visa Stock ^ | Sunday November 13, 2011 | Wynton Hall
Posted on November 13, 2011 8:14:43 PM EST by Bigtigermike

Former Speaker of the House–and current Minority Leader–Nancy Pelosi apparently bought $1 million to $5 million of Visa stock in one of the most sought-after and profitable initial public offerings (IPO) in American history, thwarted serious credit card reform for two years, and then watched her investment skyrocket 203%.

The revelation appears in Throw Them All Out, the new book by investigative journalist and Breitbart editor Peter Schweizer

Schweizer’s investigation of Pelosi and other members of Congress–from both parties–raises a critical question: should it be legal for lawmakers to buy stocks in companies directly affected by their legislative efforts?

In early 2008, Nancy Pelosi and her real estate developer husband, Paul, were given an opportunity to buy into a Visa IPO. It was a nearly impossible feat–one that average citizens almost certainly could never achieve.

Despite Pelosi’s consistent railing against credit card companies, on March 18, 2008, the Pelosis bought between $1 million and $5 million (politicians do not have to report the exact amounts, only ranges) worth of Visa stock at the IPO price of $44 per share. Two days later, the stock price rocketed to $65 per share, yielding a 50% profit. The Pelosis then bought Visa twice more. By their third purchase on June 4, 2008, Visa was worth $85 per share.

How did Nancy Pelosi snag one of the most coveted initial public offerings in history? The facts are still emerging. Yet according to Schweizer, corporations that wish to build congressional allies will sometimes hand-pick members of Congress to receive IPOs.

Pelosi received her Visa IPO almost two weeks after a potentially damaging piece of legislation for Visa, the Credit Card Fair Fee Act, had been introduced in the House.

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Re: Nancy Pelosi is a vile, dishonest, lying sack of commie bilge.
« Reply #76 on: November 14, 2011, 04:21:59 AM »
Congressional Insider Trading Gone Wild
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 11/13/2011 23:23 -0500

Insider Trading Nancy Pelosi

Back in May we penned, "Why A Hedge Fund Comprised Of Junior Congressional Democrats Should Outperform The Market By 9%" in which the simple conclusion was that insider trading is not only rampant in Congress, but completely unregulated, as it is perfectly legal for Congressional staffers to trade at their leisure on inside information: an exemption which the beta chasing 2 and 20 crowd on Wall Street would sell their first through fifth born to be granted, now that their glaring inability to generate alpha is laid out for all to see. Tonight we were happy to see that 60 Minutes has finally brought this gross and criminal injustice to the general public, and we expect that Congress will promptly legislate itself into actually complying with laws meant for the mere mortals out there. That said, we fully commiserate with the pathological excrement that makes up House of Representative these days: it is indeed a sad day when a Congressional member has to rely on honest work to make their millions as opposed to perfectly legal trading on inside information predicated upon laws that these very congress men and women legislate. Something tells us all the world's banana republics are just staring at the US with sheer and utter amazement as layer after layer of the unprecedented depravity of American society is exposed for all to see.

From 60 Minutes - the part where Nancy Pelosi's face melts is 9:20 in. And speaking of Nancy Pelosi it may be time to revisit: " Moody's Leaked Again: Told Nancy Pelosi Will "Probably Not" Downgrade US Weeks Ago; Did Her Multi-Millionaire Investor Husband Know Too?" and "SEC To Investigate Trades Based On S&P Downgrade Inside Information"... We wonder just how deep the SEC investigation has penetrated for it to have generated not even a peep 3 months later.

Nancy Pelosi and her hen pecked sock puppet obama are two nasty vultures and parasites. 

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Re: Nancy Pelosi is a vile, dishonest, lying sack of commie bilge.
« Reply #77 on: November 14, 2011, 04:23:39 AM »
SEC To Investigate Trades Based On S&P Downgrade Inside Information
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/11/2011 18:33 -0500

Barack Obama Borrowing Costs Debt Ceiling default Housing Bubble Insider Trading Nancy Pelosi None PIMCO Rating Agency ratings Real estate Reality Wells Notice White House

While the president makes yet more speeches about how the time to leave the past behind us is now (while newly scapegoating Europe for the economic catastrophe), the sniping war against S&P continues, only this time with a twist. According to the FT, the SEC has asked the rating agency to disclose who at the company knew about the downgrade, "as part of a preliminary look into potential insider trading." The funny thing is that while the answer will be everyone, even in that case the SEC will end up doing nothing as it always 'does' (pun intended), and the whole process is nothing but a sham to humiliate the rating agency. "The inquiry was made by the SEC’s examination staff, which has oversight of credit rating firms, one person familiar with the matter said. The exam staff can make referrals to the SEC’s enforcement division if it believes any laws have been violated, but the inquiry might not result in a referral....Proving someone leaked information about the downgrade, or traded ahead of it, could be challenging. Many traders anticipated the downgrade and bets could occur across numerous securities or currencies without inside information. In a traditional insider trading case, there is often a more predictable correlation between a company’s stock price and a particular development." Of course the next question is what is the null hypothesis: that leakees would buy or sell bonds based on the info? Because the natural response would be to dump treasuries even as the real outcome was a plunge in equities and a scramble to safe one-ply paper. So is PIMCO about to be charged with insder trading for having sold 10 Years even though in reality the spread tightened by a record 60 bps in the following week?

So instead of going on yet another wild horse chase, in which the simple defense is that all those who traded on the leaked downgrade report, actually lost money, how about doing some real work and finding out if some of the numerous politicians who were certainly privy to the data, and for whom insider trading regulations are ineffective, did not by some odd chance spill the secret to their significant others.

Which brings us to the inverse case, already discussed previously on Zero Hedge, when we learned about two months ago that after Moody's had leaked the fact that it would not downgrade the US, one of those who found out was Nancy Pelosi. This inspired us to ask whether it was not so much Ms. Pelosi, but local financier and multi-millionaire Paul Pelosi who may have traded on said information.

For the benefit of those who may have missed it, we recreate the full piece below, and in doing so we ask the SEC to perhaps investigate and pursue cases which are a little easier to prove and prosecute, instead of going on yet another worthless and time-consuming wild goose chase that will inevitably result in absolutely nothing.

From Zero Hedge, June 2, 2011

Moody's Leaked Again: Told Nancy Pelosi Will "Probably Not" Downgrade US Weeks Ago; Did Her Multi-Millionaire Investor Husband Know Too?

Moody's reputation for leaking inside information is well-known: after all it was one of its own employees, Deep "Throat" Shah, who leaked to infamous hedge fund Galleon information of upcoming LBOs. But at least that wasn't information originating from Moody's: the world's most incompetent rating agency was merely a conduit. Yet we were little surprised to learn that the firm that facilitated the housing bubble, and where such talking head apparatchiks as Mark Zandi reside, informed none other than House Minority leader Nancy Pelosi that it likely wouldn't downgrade the US debt as long as several weeks ago. Per Dow Jones: "Moody's earlier Thursday took the unusual step of warning that it might place the U.S. government's debt rating under review for a possible downgrade. The agency said the review would come if Congress doesn't make progress on raising the country's debt ceiling. Pelosi said she was alerted to the Moody's report just after House Democrats met with President Barack Obama at the White House. She said a few weeks ago she was in New York and the head of Moody's told her that it "would probably not downgrade, so this is interesting news today," she said. "But the fact is we cannot default" on the debt." We are relieved to learn that the head of Moody's, a firm which only last summer received a Wells Notice from the SEC, in an investigation which was promptly scuttled by powerful and rich people, takes its responsibility of protecting material, non-public information with such passion. Yet it is the topic of another leak of non-public information, and not Moody's criminal incompetence, that bothers us. Because as we noted last week, it is now proven scientifically that members of both Congress and Senate (especially democrats), tend to trade a littel too much on inside information. And even if not Ms. Pelosi, who precisely will guarantee us that Ms Pelosi's husband, multi-millionaire Paul Pelosi who just happens to be the owner of Financial Leasing Services, Inc., a San Francisco, California-based real estate and venture capital investment and consulting firm, did not procure the Moody's inside information courtesy of wagging tongues at Moody's and in his wife's mouth, and then proceed to trade accordingly. Alas, with the regulator in charge being the same one who let the whole Moody's investigation get deadended in record time, we are not hopeful of getting any information or justice. Ever.

From Dow Jones:

Pelosi said she was alerted to the Moody's report just after House Democrats met with President Barack Obama at the White House. She said a few weeks ago she was in New York and the head of Moody's told her that it "would probably not downgrade, so this is interesting news today," she said. "But the fact is we cannot default" on the debt.


When pressed a few minutes later about what Moody's told her, Pelosi said the ratings agency told her they "might not" downgrade the country's debt.


The country is set to default on its debt by Aug. 2 if Congress doesn't agree to raise the government's borrowing limit. Pelosi said all Democrats agree a default would have devastating consequences for the economy.

A downgrade of the government's debt could increase the country's borrowing costs.

And a little more on the mysterious Mr. Pelosi:

For more than 20 years, Paul Pelosi has been able to stay in the shadows, even as the millions he has made as a successful San Francisco financier and businessman have helped fuel the political career of his wife, Nancy.


"I've made a conscious effort to not be involved or give the appearance of being involved in her political career," he told The Chronicle in 2004. "People should realize that she's the one.


But the couple's net worth, most of it linked to Paul Pelosi's investments, has made the legislator the ninth-richest person in the 435-member House.


The family money, along with the many business and social connections Paul Pelosi has brought to their 43-year marriage, gave Nancy Pelosi the financial independence she needed to spend long hours doing unpaid Democratic Party business in the 1970s and 1980s. Since she was elected to Congress in 1987, it has also added a degree of comfort to her life in Washington, where she has a $1 million-plus residence and a lifestyle that doesn't depend on the $212,100 annual salary she will receive as speaker.

"Having a Town Car pick you up is way better than Yellow Cab," said Joe Cotchett, a Burlingame attorney and Democratic fundraiser who is a longtime friend of the Pelosis.


"Frankly, it's a copout to say, 'My husband makes the money,' " said Peter Schweizer, a fellow at Stanford's Hoover Institution whose recent book "Do as I Say (Not as I Do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy" contains a chapter on the Pelosis.


In fact, Nancy Pelosi's most recent financial disclosure statement shows just how careful Paul Pelosi has been in his investment decisions. Because the federal statements require a politician to give only a range of value for investments, they show the Pelosis' net worth was $14.7 million to $55 million in 2005, ranking them ninth in the House and 17th in the entire Congress.


The bulk of the Pelosis' money comes from investments in stocks and real estate. Operating through Financial Leasing Services, his San Francisco investment firm, Paul Pelosi owns stock in companies including Microsoft, AT&T, Cisco Systems, Disney, Johnson & Johnson and a variety of tech stocks.


Real estate investments include a four-story office building at 45 Belden St. in the Financial District, office buildings on Battery and Sansome streets near the Embarcadero, a building housing a Walgreens drugstore near Ocean Beach and other commercial property in San Anselmo.


Other investments include a St. Helena vineyard worth between $5 million and $25 million, a $1 million-plus townhome in Norden (Nevada County), and minority interests in the Auberge du Soleil resort hotel in Rutherford, the CordeValle Golf Club in San Martin, and the Piatti Italian restaurant chain.

Yes, something tells us Mr. Pelosi would make quite a few financial decisions were he, like his wife, to know weeks in advance of the general public, what Moody's intentions vis-a-vis America's sovereign rating were...

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Re: Nancy Pelosi is a vile, dishonest, lying sack of commie bilge.
« Reply #78 on: November 14, 2011, 07:58:47 PM »
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Pelosi aide: '60 Minutes' report a 'right-wing smear'
San Francisco Chronicle ^ | 11/14/11 | Carolyn Lochhead, Chronicle Washington Bureau
Posted on November 14, 2011 9:03:40 PM EST by SmithL

Washington -- House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi's office accused the news program "60 Minutes" of omitting key information from its report Sunday on how members of Congress use privileged information to profit from stock trades.

Pelosi spokesman Drew Hammill also called the report "a right-wing smear" based on a new book by conservative author Peter Schweizer of the Hoover Institution, a think tank based at Stanford University. The book is titled: "Throw Them All Out: How Politicians and Their Friends Get Rich Off Insider Stock Tips, Land Deals, and Cronyism That Would Send the Rest of Us to Jail."

Pelosi, a San Francisco Democrat, was highlighted in the report with House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, and House Financial Services chairman Spencer Bachus, R-Ala., among others.

In an interview Monday, Schweizer said the "most egregious" allegations of insider trading concerned Bachus. At the height of the 2008 financial panic, Bachus participated in private briefings by Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke and then-Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson warning that the financial system was about to collapse.

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Re: Nancy Pelosi is a vile, dishonest, lying sack of commie bilge.
« Reply #79 on: November 15, 2011, 12:42:46 PM »
New details on Visa's attempt to influence Pelosi
CBS ^ | November 15, 2011 | Stephanie Condon

Following a report on CBS' "60 Minutes" regarding the way members of Congress profit off of insider information, new details are emerging about the way Visa tried to wield influence over former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.

As CBS reported, current insider trading laws do not apply to nonpublic information about current or upcoming congressional activity. In other words, lawmakers can go into confidential meetings with corporate leaders, understanding new legislation is going to come out next week, and are free to trade on that information. This form of "insider trading" is one of the reasons why there are so many wealthy members of Congress, reported earlier this year.

As Steve Kroft reported on "60 Minutes," Pelosi is one of many lawmakers whose stock market trades could have been seen as a conflict of interest. The former speaker and her husband have participated in at least eight IPOs, one of which was from Visa in 2008 - just as a troublesome piece of legislation that would have hurt credit card companies began making its way through the House. The Pelosis purchased 5,000 shares of Visa at the initial price of $44 dollars. Two days later it was trading at $64.

Now Newsweek and The Daily Beast report that this stock purchase was made as Visa was engaged in a full-court press to lobby Pelosi to stop legislation to curb credit-card swipe fees to vendors.

In 2007, Visa used an army of lobbyists to try to influence Pelosi, including one of her former advisers, Dean Aguillen, Newsweek reports. Aguillen left Pelosi's office to work for the lobbying firm Ogilvy. By law, he could not lobby Pelosi's office directly, but he did lobby Congress on the credit card issue and offered advice to other lobbyists on that particular mission.

In addition to exploiting the revolving door between Congress and lobbying firms, Visa's political action committee made a $1,000 donation to Pelosi's re-election campaign, Newsweek reports (Visa headquarters is in Pelosi's home district). Two days after that donation was made, Pelosi met with Visa executives in her office. Aguillen also contributed $1,000 to Pelosi and another $1,000 to the campaign arm of the House Democratic caucusin the first half of 2008.

The former speaker maintains she wasn't influenced by Visa's lobbying efforts or her husband's stock purchases. "I will hold my record in terms of fighting the credit card companies as speaker of the House or as a member of Congress up against anyone," she told "60 Minutes."

Indeed, the swipe fee legislation opposed by credit card companies eventually passed. Additionally, in 2008 -- before the Pelosis' stock transaction -- the House passed the Credit Cardholders' Bill of Rights over the objections of the industry.

Drew Hammill, a spokesman for Pelosi, said her husband Paul Pelosi's finances are kept distinctly separate from the congresswoman's legislative work, Newsweek reports.

Pelosi is far from the only example of a legislator about whom questions have been raised.

"We know that during the health care debate people were trading health care stocks," Peter Schweizer, a fellow at the conservative Stanford think tank the Hoover Institution, told "60 Minutes." "We know that during the financial crisis of 2008 they were getting out of the market before the rest of America really knew what was going on."

With the new focus on congressional "insider trading," legislation to stop it is gaining momentum. Democratic Reps. Louise Slaughter of New York and Tim Walz of Minnesota have introduced legislation to stop insider trading in Congress. But the bill, which has been introduced before, has never had more than 14 congressional sponsors.

Today, however, Sens. Scott Brown, R-Mass., and Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., and said they will introduce the legislation in the Senate. Several other lawmakers are now saying they could support the measure, Roll Call reports, including Pelosi.

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Re: Nancy Pelosi is a vile, dishonest, lying sack of commie bilge.
« Reply #80 on: November 17, 2011, 10:11:09 AM »
Nancy Pelosi declines debate challenge, mocks Rick Perry
Politico ^ | November 17, 2011 | ALEXANDER BURNS |

Nancy Pelosi rebuffed Rick Perry's debate challenge this morning, POLITICO's Jake Sherman reports, giving three reasons for her decision:

"He did ask if I could debate here in Washington on Monday. It is my understanding that such a letter has come in," Pelosi said in the Capitol Thursday. "Monday I'm going to be in Portland in the morning, I'm going to be visiting some of our labs. I'm in California in the afternoon, that's two. I can't remember what the third is."


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Re: Nancy Pelosi is a vile, dishonest, lying sack of commie bilge.
« Reply #81 on: November 22, 2011, 08:49:01 AM »
Pelosi Bashes Catholics: “They Have This Conscience Thing”
by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC | | 11/21/11 6:43 PM

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ShareFormer House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is at it again, bashing Catholics for their pro-life position when she has promoted abortion in defiance of Catholic Church teaching at every turn.

This time, Pelosi is upset that the nation’s Catholic bishops are protesting a potential Obama administration decision forcing insurance companies to cover birth control, contraception and drugs that could cause abortions. They say certain religious groups may not be exempt from providing the insurance, which would violate their moral and religious views.

Pelosi says the position is akin to having hospitals “say to a woman, ‘I’m sorry you could die’ if you don’t get an abortion,” she told the Washington Post.

“Those who dispute that characterization “may not like the language,’’ she said, “but the truth is what I said. I’m a devout Catholic and I honor my faith and love it . . . but they have this conscience thing” that the Post said Pelosi “insists put women at physical risk, although Catholic providers strongly disagree.”

Pelosi also defended controversial remarks she made about a bill to prevent Obamacare from funding abortions, where she claimed Republicans “want women to die on the floor.”

“For a moment, I want to get back to what was asked about the issue on the floor today that Mr. Hoyer address,” Pelosi said. “He made a point and I want to emphasize it. Under this bill, when the Republicans vote for this bill today, they will be voting to say that women can die on the floor and health care providers do not have to intervene if this bill is passed. It’s just appalling.”

She told the Post in a new interview, that she doesn’t think the assessment went to far.

“They would” let women die on the floor, she said. “They would! Again, whatever their intention is, this is the effect.”

Pelosi is bastardizing a portion of the bill that reinstates conscience protections for pro-life medical workers who don’t want to be involved in abortions.

The Protect Life Act makes it clear that no funds authorized or appropriated by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), including tax credits and cost-sharing reductions, may be used to pay for abortion or abortion coverage. It specifies that individual people or state or local governments must purchase a separate elective abortion rider or insurance coverage that includes elective abortion but only as long as that is done with private funds and not monies authorized by Obamacare.

The bill also specifies that insurance issuers may offer health plans that include elective abortion and may offer separate elective abortion riders, so long as they ensure PPACA funds are not used for premiums or administrative costs. The bill also clarifies that issuers who offer elective abortion coverage must also offer a qualified health benefits plan that is identical except that it does not cover elective abortion.

The pro-life measure also ensures that state laws “protecting conscience rights, restricting or prohibiting abortion or coverage or funding of abortion, or establishing procedural requirements on abortion” are not abrogated by Obamacare. It also makes it so any state or local governments receiving funding under Obamacare may not subject any health care entity to discrimination or require any health plan to subject any entity to discrimination on the basis that it refuses to undergo abortion training, refuses to require abortion training, refuses to perform or pay for abortions, or refuses to provide abortion referrals.

Obama - Nancy is the best speaker we ever had.   

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Re: Nancy Pelosi is a vile, dishonest, lying sack of commie bilge.
« Reply #82 on: December 26, 2011, 06:59:07 PM »
Pelosi Slips Quietly into Hawaii Resort; $10,000 a night suite... [Drudge Headline]
The Hawaii Reporter ^ | 12/26/11 | MALIA ZIMMERMAN
Posted on December 26, 2011 10:06:43 PM EST by MissesBush

News that President Barack Obama arrived in Hawaii this weekend to join his wife Michelle and daughters Malia and Sasha in time for a Christmas holiday has been covered by news media worldwide.

The first family and their friends have been enjoying a reclusive 17-day holiday vacation in beach front homes in Kailua, Oahu.

But another powerful politician is here for the holidays as well, albeit on another island and with less media attention.

Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, who served as Speaker of the House and is now head of the House minority, is once again spending her Christmas at the exotic Four Seasons Resort Hualalai at Historic Ka'upulehu in Kona on the island of Hawaii.

Pelosi reportedly plans to spend her Christmas Eve at midnight mass in St. Michael's Catholic Church in Kailua-Kona.

Pelosi spent the last two Christmas holidays in Kona at the same hotel in an elaborate suite that rents for $10,000 a night.

The Four Seasons Resort Hualalai’s details its luxurious setting and amenities on its web site: “Gloriously revitalised, this natural tropical paradise offers more than ever to explore – with a newly expanded Spa, beachfront dining, fashion boutiques and new Deluxe Suites, in addition to Jack Nicklaus signature golf. Set on the Big Island’s exclusive Kona-Kohala Coast, this showpiece resort captures the essence of Hawaiian design, culture and tradition.”

Pelosi has her share of allies in Hawaii, including Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie, who she defended during his successful campaign for governor in 2010. When Democratic Gubernatorial Candidate Mufi Hannemann claimed during the primary that Abercrombie was not effective in Congress, Pelosi issued a statement calling Abercrombie “outstanding, effective and courageous.”

Pelosi has been escorted by local police during her last two holiday visits to Hawaii Island at a cost of $34,000 to local taxpayers.

Obama’s trip to the island of Oahu has proved much pricier to state and federal taxpayers.

In a Hawaii Reporter story published last week, the total cost (based on what is known) for a 17-day round trip vacation to Hawaii for the President and his family and staff and security is an estimated $4,113,038.

That includes $3,629,622 for separate travel for the president and his family, $151,200 for housing for security, $72,216 for staff to stay in one of Hawaii's most luxurious resorts, the Moana Surfrider in Waikiki, and local police protection and ambulance detail for $260,000.

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Re: Nancy Pelosi is a vile, dishonest, lying sack of commie bilge.
« Reply #83 on: December 26, 2011, 07:48:35 PM »
Pelosi has her share of allies in Hawaii, including Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie, who she defended during his successful campaign for governor in 2010. When Democratic Gubernatorial Candidate Mufi Hannemann claimed during the primary that Abercrombie was not effective in Congress, Pelosi issued a statement calling Abercrombie “outstanding, effective and courageous.”

He has done a lousy job so far. 

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Re: Nancy Pelosi is a vile, dishonest, lying sack of commie bilge.
« Reply #84 on: December 29, 2011, 06:16:37 AM »
EXCLUSIVE: Nancy Pelosi’s Daughter: ‘My Mom Wants to Leave Congress’
Big Government ^ | 12/29/11 | Jeffrey Scott Shapiro

Alexandra Pelosi, daughter of House Minority Leader and former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, told Big Government this week that her mother wants to leave Congress–and that she remains in Washington only at the behest of her campaign donors.

During a telephone interview, Ms. Pelosi–speaking from a friend’s home in New York City–described her mother’s predicament:

She would retire right now, if the donors she has didn’t want her to stay so badly. They know she wants to leave, though. They think she’s destined for the wilderness. She has very few days left. She’s 71, she wants to have a life, she’s done. It’s obligation, that’s all I’m saying.

Pelosi’s revelation is significant, given that her mother pushed to serve as Minority Leader after the Democrats’ historic losses in the 2010 midterm elections, and that many Democrats–including President Barack Obama–are campaigning on the expectation that she will be restored as Speaker if they can retake the House in 2012.

Alexandra Pelosi, 41, is a television producer and documentarian who won multiple Emmy awards for her work on Journeys with George (2002), an HBO documentary on George W. Bush’s 2000 presidential campaign. The film was widely hailed as fair in its depiction of a president not used to sympathetic media portrayals.

In speaking to Big Government, Pelosi–who was polite and friendly throughout–also criticized CNN anchor Anderson Cooper:

Look, you guys are journalists, so you do what you have to do. I could give you chapter and verse on what’s going on in the media–and I’m not talking about Andrew Breitbart, I’m talking about Anderson Cooper–so as long as you guys tell the truth, just write whatever you want, and feel free to call me anytime.

In a follow-up exchange text message, Pelosi elaborated on her remarks about Cooper:

I make television-i know about editing! I worked at NBC for 10 years+ 11 for 11 – I edit for a living. I just I know for a fact that 60 minutes and cnn have edited NP [Nancy Pelosi] out of context! XO, A

Minority Leader Pelosi’s departure would make room for her deputy and former rival, Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD), who currently serves as Minority Whip.

Hoyer is widely seen as more moderate than Pelosi. She opposed his election to the party leadership in 2006, choosing instead to back the late Rep. Jack Murtha (D-PA), despite his ethical challenges.


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Re: Nancy Pelosi is a vile, dishonest, lying sack of commie bilge.
« Reply #85 on: January 05, 2012, 12:06:51 PM »
Pelosi ‘glad’ Obama made ‘bold’ recess appointments while Congress in session [VIDEO]
Published: 1:37 PM 01/05/2012 | Updated: 1:42 PM 01/05/2012
inShare.1  By Nicholas Ballasy - The Daily Caller
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Brushing aside criticism of President Obama’s recess appointments made while Congress was in session, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi told The Daily Caller that his decision was “bold” and said Democrats are “glad” the president “took the lead” on the appointments.


“Let that be the public debate with the Senate but fortunately, or unfortunately for us we do not have a role in the confirmation process but we’re glad that the president took the lead, went out there, it was bold and made the appointments,” Pelosi said on Thursday when asked by TheDC about criticism of the president’s actions.

House Speaker John Boehner called the President’s recess appointment of Richard Cordray to run the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau an “unprecedented power grab,” noting that Congress was still in session.

Ads by Google“This action goes beyond the President’s authority, and I expect the courts will find the appointment to be illegitimate,” he said in a statement on Wednesday.

Obama also appointed three members to the National Labor Relations Board.

As the Daily Caller previously reported, Obama’s Deputy Solicitor General Neal Katyal said before the Supreme Court, “The recess appointment power can work in — in a recess. I think our office has opined the recess has to be longer than three days [to make an appointment].”

Despite this, Pelosi said she’s “very proud of the President of the United States and the appointments that he made yesterday.”

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Re: Nancy Pelosi is a vile, dishonest, lying sack of commie bilge.
« Reply #86 on: February 17, 2012, 02:30:14 PM »
This hag is demented!!

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Re: Nancy Pelosi is a vile, dishonest, lying sack of commie bilge.
« Reply #87 on: March 22, 2012, 02:33:50 PM »

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Re: Nancy Pelosi is a vile, dishonest, lying sack of commie bilge.
« Reply #88 on: April 19, 2012, 02:31:35 PM »
Pelosi: Amend the First Amendment
CNSNews ^

Posted on Thursday, April 19, 2012 5:11:32 PM by Sub-Driver

Pelosi: Amend the First Amendment By Terence P. Jeffrey April 19, 2012

( - House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi on Thursday endorsed a movement announced by other congressional Democrats on Wednesday to ratify an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would allow Congress to regulate political speech when it is engaged in by corporations as opposed to individuals.

The First Amendment says in part: "Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press..."

Television networks, newspapers, publishing houses, movie studios and think tanks, as well as political action committees, are usually organized as, or elements of, corporations.

Pelosi said the Democrats' effort to amend the Constitution is part of a three-pronged strategy that also includes promoting the DISCLOSE Act, which would increase disclosure requirements for organizations running political ads, and “reducing the roll of money in campaigns” (which some Democrats have said can be done through taxpayer funding of campaigns).

The constitutional amendment the Democrats seek would reverse the Supreme Court’s 2009 decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. In that decision the court said that the First Amendment protects a right of free speech for corporations as well as for individuals, and that corporations (including those that produce newspapers, films and books) have a right to speak about politicians and their records just as individuals do.

“We have a clear agenda in this regard: Disclose, reform the system reducing the roll of money in campaigns, and amend the Constitution to rid it of this ability for special interests to use secret, unlimited, huge amounts of money flowing to campaigns,” Pelosi said at her Thursday press briefing.

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Re: Nancy Pelosi is a vile, dishonest, lying sack of commie bilge.
« Reply #89 on: April 20, 2012, 04:00:48 AM »
Pelosi: Obama Has Been ‘So Respectful’ of GOP Lawmakers and ‘Engaged With American People’
CNSNews ^
Posted on April 20, 2012 6:34:20 AM EDT by Sub-Driver

Pelosi: Obama Has Been ‘So Respectful’ of GOP Lawmakers and ‘Engaged With American People’ By Edwin Mora April 19, 2012

( -- House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) told reporters on Thursday that President Barack Obama has been “engaged” with the American people and “so respectful” of GOP lawmakers when urging them to work with his administration to craft a bi-partisan solution to the country’s problems.

Her comments at her weekly press briefing at the Capitol came in response to a reporter asking her to react to House Speaker John Boehner (R-Calif.) who said on Wednesday that the “president has been AWOL since Labor Day” and that he “lacks the courage to lead on the economy.”

Pelosi said, “The fact is [that] this president has been so respectful of the Republicans in Congress. He has given them every opportunity for the executive and the legislative branch to work together, to have a solution that has bi-partisan support. He’s been criticized by some for taking the time that it takes to find out that they’re never going to give him a break, which is a compromise.”

“One thing I do know with absolute certainty, President Obama was in agreement with the grand bargain, which the two of them negotiated last summer,” said Pelosi. “When he asked us, the Democrats in Congress, can you support us going down a path that doesn’t have as much revenue as we want, but that it has the balance, that has cuts that are painful, but also has some revenue in terms of assuming the repeal of the Bush tax cuts [on Dec. 31, 2012] he said, go for it, that would be our recommendation.

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What fucking liar.   Dastardly c u n t

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Re: Nancy Pelosi is a vile, dishonest, lying sack of commie bilge.
« Reply #90 on: April 30, 2012, 01:13:32 PM »
Top CIA al-Qaida Interrogator: Obama, Pelosi 'Reinventing The Truth'
 Newsmax ^ | Monday, 30 Apr 2012 12:03 PM

The retired CIA officer who oversaw the tough terrorist interrogation program using waterboarding and other techniques says his methods saved lives by thwarting plots against the United States.

During an interview Sunday night on “60 Minutes”—just days before the first anniversary of Osama bin Laden's death at the hands of Navy SEALs—Jose Rodriguez also lashed out at President Barack Obama for calling waterboarding torture and criticizing its use, and at congressional Democrats like former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for dodging responsibility over the issues. …

… The highly charged interview came in the same week Republicans harshly criticized the administration for using bin Laden's death as a campaign tactic. Last week, Vice President Joe Biden said that presumptive GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney would not have made the tough call to kill bin Laden.

But Rodriguez criticizes many Democrats for not backing the tough tactics that he said eventually led to bin Laden.

“Pelosi said that we only briefly mentioned waterboarding and left the impression that it had not been used,” Rodriguez writes, insisting that the California Democrat was fully briefed—by Rodriguez himself—about waterboarding and its use. He says that Pelosi posed no objection to the technique. “I know she got it.”

“There is no doubt in my mind that she, like almost all Americans less than a year after, wanted us to be aggressive to make sure that al-Qaida wasn’t able to replicate their attack.” He writes that “Pelosi was another member of Congress reinventing the truth.”

Many members of Congress have “watched too many episodes of the old TV series Mission Impossible—the part they liked best was the opening, in which the operatives were told that if anything went wrong, their leaders would ‘disavow any knowledge of your actions,’” says Rodriguez. …

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Re: Nancy Pelosi is a vile, dishonest, lying sack of commie bilge.
« Reply #91 on: May 23, 2012, 04:00:42 AM »
Pelosi slams measure to protect military chaplains from being forced to hold gay weddings
Life Site News ^ | 5/22/2012 | Kathleen Gilbert
Posted on May 23, 2012 6:55:13 AM EDT by IbJensen

WASHINGTON, May 22, 2012 ( - Democrat House leaders including Nancy Pelosi have opposed a measure to ensure military chaplains are not forced to perform same-sex “marriages,” arguing that it is based on a “manufactured crisis” and therefore unnecessary - a response strongly criticized by chaplain advocates.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi on Thursday echoed sentiments issued by the Obama White House regarding the conscience language, part of a defense spending bill, saying that “there’s nothing that says that chaplains act against their faith.”, which had queried Pelosi about the language, then asked, “So why would you not support the provision that protects them?”

“Because it’s a fraud. It’s a - welcome to the world of manufactured crises. Here’s one,” Pelosi responded.

“So I think that this bill, it’s a very serious bill, the Defense Authorization bill. It’s about the protection of our country,” she said. “And to sprinkle it with almost scare tactics that somebody is proposing something that we have to prevent is really a frivolous exploitation of a very serious piece of legislation.”

Section 536 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 (H.R. 4310) reinforces conscience protection for servicemen regarding sexuality, and states that officers may not order military chaplains to perform same-sex “marriages,” or punish them for declining to do so.

The following section, 537, reverses a Pentagon rule issued immediately after the armed forces’ “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy was lifted last Fall, stating that marriage ceremonies for homosexual couples can be performed on military bases.

The amendments were approved on party-line votes in the House Armed Services committee May 10, the same day President Obama announced that he “personally” supported same-sex “marriage.”

The White House last Tuesday listed 536 and 537 specifically among several disagreeable portions of the bill, saying that the administration “strongly objects” to the two sections as “unnecessary and ill-advised policies that would inhibit” marriage for same-sex couples, a “potentially unconstitutional” infringement. The conscience rule was criticized specifically as “prohibit[ing] all personnel-related actions based on certain religious and moral beliefs.”

H.R. 4310 passed the Republican-led House on Friday.

Meanwhile, military chaplain advocates strongly questioned the idea that concern about chaplains’ conscience rights was “manufactured.”

“I’m a little bit perplexed, because if according to her, there’s no danger to ministers being forced to act against their conscience, what logical objection could there possibly be to putting that in a law?” Archbishop Timothy Broglio of the U.S. Archdiocese for the Military Services told

Broglio suggested that “perhaps she’s not very familiar with how the military works.”

“While no one might be constrained to act against his or her conscience, you can also have a situation where someone in command makes it very, very difficult for that person, if the command wants him or her to act in a certain way,” he saidl. “And I think that the law, the provision in the draft, the provision in the bill, would protect the chaplain from that kind of situation.”

Dr. Ron Crews, executive director of the Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty, offered several reasons to believe the crisis is quite real.

“We already have some examples of a chaplain being pulled from an assignment simply because he forwarded an e-mail that was critical of the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy. He was told that ‘You need to be closely supervised.’ He was threatened that he would have to retire early,” he said.

“We have another chaplain who asked, “Can I speak about this issue? And the commander told him, ‘If you can’t get in line (with the military policy in support of homosexuality), resign your commission.’ So we have those kind of real life cases that the American public doesn’t realize is going on.”

Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt, who was court-martialed and removed from the U.S. Navy for praying “in Jesus’ name” at a public event in 2007, agreed.

“Pelosi and Obama now violate every soldier’s right to a sacred worship space devoted to Catholic or Evangelical worship, and threaten to punish chaplains who refuse to turn over the chapel keys,” said Klingenschmitt in a statement. 


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Re: Nancy Pelosi is a vile, dishonest, lying sack of commie bilge.
« Reply #92 on: May 23, 2012, 04:29:15 AM »
Why do you hate freedom?



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Re: Nancy Pelosi is a vile, dishonest, lying sack of commie bilge.
« Reply #93 on: May 23, 2012, 05:00:57 AM »
Why do you hate freedom?

Don't the chaplains have religious freedom?

Interesting that you focused only on the gay "marriage" issue and ignore all the articles that clearly show incompetent and corrupt Pelosi has become.


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Re: Nancy Pelosi is a vile, dishonest, lying sack of commie bilge.
« Reply #94 on: May 23, 2012, 05:03:30 AM »
Don't the chaplains have religious freedom?

Interesting that you focused only on the gay "marriage" issue and ignore all the articles that clearly show incompetent and corrupt Pelosi has become.
Why do you hate America?


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Re: Nancy Pelosi is a vile, dishonest, lying sack of commie bilge.
« Reply #95 on: May 23, 2012, 05:29:09 AM »
Why do you hate America?

You are an idiot.   Really - go get checked out.   

So now according to the obamatrons unless you adfopt communism and socialism you hate America.   incredible. 


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Re: Nancy Pelosi is a vile, dishonest, lying sack of commie bilge.
« Reply #96 on: May 23, 2012, 05:59:43 AM »
Why do you hate America?

Why do you hate the Constitution? Why do you hate religious freedom? Why do you hate natural normalcy?


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Re: Nancy Pelosi is a vile, dishonest, lying sack of commie bilge.
« Reply #97 on: May 23, 2012, 09:00:12 PM »
why are you so dumb?

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Re: Nancy Pelosi is a vile, dishonest, lying sack of commie bilge.
« Reply #98 on: July 11, 2012, 10:52:59 AM »
Nancy Pelosi made between $1-5 million on Asian investments in 2011


On the heels of The Weekly Standard’s report yesterday that DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz — a vocal critic of Mitt Romney‘s investing practices, had herself dabbled in the foreign markets — we can add Nancy Pelosi to the list of prominent Democrats to profit from overseas investments.
According to Pelosi’s 2011 financial disclosure statement, the Democratic House Minority Leader received between $1 million and $5 million in partnership income from ”Matthews International Capital Management LLC,” a group that emphasizes that it has a “A Singular Focus on Investing in Asia.” A quick trip to the company website reveals a featured post extolling the virtues of outsourcing.
“Designed in California, Made in Manila”sounds like an excellent title for a smear ad to be run the by the Barack Obama campaign. Instead, it appears to be Nancy Pelosi’s investment strategy.
Pelosi is also a small investor in the embattled “Moduslink Global,” one of the “outsourcing pioneers” that Mitt Romney has been criticized for associating with while at Bain Capital.
It’s not surprising that a wealthy politician would invest globally (nor should it be considered problematic). This is interesting because of the attacks on Mitt Romney’s investments — because Obama purportedly believes in the virtues of “insourcing” and anti-globalization. (Obama appears to be running on a protectionist platform that went out of style with Canadian tuxedos)
Obama sure can preach the economic nationalism, but it doesn’t appear his fellow leaders and surrogates are buying the message.
If they aren’t, why should other Americans?

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