Author Topic: What is the correct/polite response....  (Read 21464 times)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: What is the correct/polite response....
« Reply #125 on: December 22, 2011, 05:51:33 PM »


  • Getbig V
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Re: What is the correct/polite response....
« Reply #126 on: December 22, 2011, 06:07:34 PM »
Some things just make no sense to me
You surely can't hate anyone?  There but the Grace of God Go You.  

-Always heard it said, "There but for the grace of God go I." Either way, it's a great motto to live by, IMO.


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Re: What is the correct/polite response....
« Reply #127 on: December 22, 2011, 06:10:53 PM »
on the Autoban

dammit i cannot keep up with this thread it's going too fast.  I thought the Autobaun was for Mercedes and Porches and Audis (et al various other German cars) and the occasional Italian in a brand new red Ferrari putting his foot down?

I've never done that Autoban and I dislike German( car)s >I'd sooner have a Jag or a Triumph or a LandRover (all of which are no longer owned by Brits.  

It's downhill from here.


this is our Girly Board and I think that we ought no longer discuss cars parking weather or football.

I reckon we should discuss fake tits and stick on eyelashes
It's our girly board...

What is the correct/polite response (I wonder) to ooh you didn't look like that till you put more slap on?

What do men do when encountering a massive bra and a fake woman?  Do you peel those stick-on eyelashes off first and kiss her on that lipstick?  Do you then nuzzle her under her chin and find her neck and all those stuck-there hair extensions they all of every last one of them have nowadays?

I'd be curious to know
In my day sluts I knew would leave an earring behind in order to get invited back.

Do you take all of that adornment off them or do they?  I'm curious to know as I just do soap and water and brush my hair.

This is a correct/polite response query on our Girly Board which no women post upon.

Therefore:  men?  what do you do with a pushupbra or a face full of fake?  Do you take that to bed?

okay I understand that you would have been attracted.  But what do you do when she starts taking it all off?  Do they?  I have no comprehension of this matter.  Any help or comments would be appreciated.


Responses polite please

merry everything and happy always


  • Getbig V
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Re: What is the correct/polite response....
« Reply #128 on: December 22, 2011, 06:33:51 PM »

dammit i cannot keep up with this thread it's going too fast.  I thought the Autobaun was for Mercedes and Porches and Audis (et al various other German cars) and the occasional Italian in a brand new red Ferrari putting his foot down?

I've never done that Autoban and I dislike German cars >I'd sooner have a Jag or a LandRover (both of which are no longer owned by Brits.  It's downhill from here.


this is our Girly Board and I think that we ought no longer discuss cars parking weather or football.\

I reckon we should discuss fake tits and stick on eyelashes
It's our girly board...

What is the correct/polite response (I wonder) to ooh you didn't look like that till you put more slap on?

What do men do when encountering a massive bra and a fake woman?  Do you peel those stick-on eyelashes off first and kiss her on that lipstick?  Do you then nuzzle her under her chin and find her neck and all those stuck-there hair extensions they all of every last one of them have nowadays?

I'd be curious to know
In my day sluts I knew would leave an earring behind in order to get invited back.

Do you take all of that adornment off them or do they?  I'm curious to know as I just do soap and water and brush my hair.

This is a correct/polite response query on our Girly Board which no women post upon.

Therefore:  men?  what do you do with a pushupbra or a face full of fake?  Do you take that to bed?

okay I understand that you would have been attracted.  But what do you do when she starts taking it all off?  Do they?  I have no comprehension of this matter.  Any help or comments would be appreciated.


Responses polite please

merry everything and happy always

Gee-sh Linda, do you dislike men or what? Would it make you all better if I volunteered to come over and let you get me up in drag?

Women drive cars. I don't know squat about football and I've not seen any reference to the game here (have I missed something?).

As for the bra question, I am ill informed I guess. Remember, I am an old married guy. My wife had breast cancer and a lumpectomy. Therefore one boob is twice the size of the other. She is long past the push up bra stage and I am long past the obsession with women's boobies stage. So I will leave it to the other men to respond accordingly. As for fake shit on the eyes or otherwise, my wife is a natural beauty. She doesn't need to be fake.


  • Getbig V
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Re: What is the correct/polite response....
« Reply #129 on: December 22, 2011, 06:48:05 PM »
of course I adore men.  I'll ignore your tranny comment and ask that others respond to that.  

Obviously I know you've an enormous sense of humour - but we''ll see.  You can't come over >I'm in London and you're way way a long way away.  Ta for making me giggle.

And I worship men and their cars.  We must agree to disagree.  I adore cars.  I once drove a silver Jag.  You just get in the fast lane and everyone gets out of your way.  Obviously it wasn't my car it came with the job.  Funny thing was we were doing the ads for Porshe/Audi/VW and I'm driving into their parking lot in a Jaguar.

Regarding Footie:  There's nothing worse than a football supporter than a female football supporter.
My grandad played for Liverpool so I'm blood.  I go bonkers when my team are playing.  They've just paid 35mill for my new favourite.

Can I go completely and utterly off topic on our Girly Board and post a pic of LFC star who they never put on the pitch?

have i answered your post?


I haven't.  Nor have I read your Christmas Dinner and Christmas Music menus or scores.  gotta go.



  • Getbig V
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Re: What is the correct/polite response....
« Reply #130 on: December 23, 2011, 05:07:55 PM »
of course I adore men.  I'll ignore your tranny comment and ask that others respond to that.  

Obviously I know you've an enormous sense of humour - but we''ll see.  You can't come over >I'm in London and you're way way a long way away.  Ta for making me giggle.

And I worship men and their cars.  We must agree to disagree.  I adore cars.  I once drove a silver Jag.  You just get in the fast lane and everyone gets out of your way.  Obviously it wasn't my car it came with the job.  Funny thing was we were doing the ads for Porshe/Audi/VW and I'm driving into their parking lot in a Jaguar.

Regarding Footie:  There's nothing worse than a football supporter than a female football supporter.
My grandad played for Liverpool so I'm blood.  I go bonkers when my team are playing.  They've just paid 35mill for my new favourite.

Can I go completely and utterly off topic on our Girly Board and post a pic of LFC star who they never put on the pitch?

have i answered your post?


I haven't.  Nor have I read your Christmas Dinner and Christmas Music menus or scores.  gotta go.


It wasn't a "tranny" thing at all. I have no desire to be a transvestite....or to be done up in drag for that matter. Furthermore, I am way, way to ugly to ever look like a woman. I have heavy brow bones, a fat nose and no lips to speak of. I was just being funny, I thought and apparently you thought so too.

I love expensive cars. I don't love spending money on an expensive car. If a Jaguar came with a job, I'd happily drive it. I just can't see myself spending $80,000 on a car. So, I'll keep on driving my 2004 Mazda sport wagon for another 100,000 miles or until it falls apart. It may not be fancy, but it gets me where I'm going. Personally, I'd rather spend my money on travel, my wife, my kids and my grandchildren.

If I ever travel to London, we should meet. I think you'd be a hoot to know in person.

Yes, you answered my post. Glad that you don't hold grudges, Linda.


  • Getbig V
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Re: What is the correct/polite response....
« Reply #131 on: December 26, 2011, 04:19:31 PM »
If you re-read your post, you'll note that I was only being silly and sarcastic about your daft trannytheme and we said we'd ignore it.  Noone else has commented on it so we all now know that you were just kidding darlin' .

I oftentimes get into trouble for that - my sense of humour and irony are frequently misunderstood.  

Sometimes I do hold grudges (in real life - not on the www).  

I bear a grudge for life to be honest.  Far too many people are rude and horrid & thoughtless and selfish nowadays and I'm not putting up with it.  It's not that I can't forgive, it's more that I pity the person who does me wrong and then I concern myself about their karma.  I've tried not to hold grudges but I do tend to.  I just don't forget wrongdoing and enough is enough after a few times.  Some people are so utterly nasty and completely unconcerned about others - it's scary...  

Remind me to tell you some of my karma stories?  Things that have happened to people who have let me down or hurt me?  Some of them are mind-boggling.  

I think it depends upon whether the person just wasn't thinking or whether they were deliberately hurtful.  I've known people to die shortly after being horrid to me.  One guy took his Mother with him (they were both killed) in a car crash in Cannes in a fast sports car one Christmas Eve.  I wasn't even surprised.  Horrid feeling, to feel that.  

But thinking about it again all these years later, that ought not to have been the response he received from life no matter how bad his behaviour.

Oh dear...

with mad love

Happy Everything and Merry Always.


  • Getbig V
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Re: What is the correct/polite response....
« Reply #132 on: December 26, 2011, 04:37:29 PM »
If you re-read your post, you'll note that I was only being silly and sarcastic about your daft trannytheme and we said we'd ignore it.  Noone else has commented on it so we all now know that you were just kidding darlin' .

I oftentimes get into trouble for that - my sense of humour and irony are frequently misunderstood.  

Sometimes I do hold grudges (in real life - not on the www).  

I bear a grudge for life to be honest.  Far too many people are rude and horrid & thoughtless and selfish nowadays and I'm not putting up with it.  It's not that I can't forgive, it's more that I pity the person who does me wrong and then I concern myself about their karma.  I've tried not to hold grudges but I do tend to.  I just don't forget wrongdoing and enough is enough after a few times.  Some people are so utterly nasty and completely unconcerned about others - it's scary...  

Remind me to tell you some of my karma stories?  Things that have happened to people who have let me down or hurt me?  Some of them are mind-boggling.  

I think it depends upon whether the person just wasn't thinking or whether they were deliberately hurtful.  I've known people to die shortly after being horrid to me.  One guy took his Mother with him (they were both killed) in a car crash in Cannes in a fast sports car one Christmas Eve.  I wasn't even surprised.  Horrid feeling, to feel that.

Oh dear...

with mad love

Happy Everything and Merry Always.

I believe in karma too. I am not sure that I have any direct affect on other folk's karma though. That might be too much of a burden to bear. For example, I would never want to think I could have inadvertently be the reason someone died....even if they deserved it.

It seems to me that we have a couple of choices when it comes to how we see other folks. We can expect they are bad or mean or we can expect only the best of them. I prefer to try and give folks a reputation to live up to. Sometimes they disappoint me, but usually they don't. This way of thinking is kind of like walking around with a smile on your face. If you do this, I've found that most folks smile back at me. If they are thinking "what a dolt," I don't really care. I've been told when I don't smile or am just being serious, I look mean and sometimes unapproachable and actually I might hit someone. Since I don't feel like that at all, I don't want to give that impression.

A thousand years ago, when I was still in my teens,  two lady friends of mine wanted to put makeup on me and my best friend. We agreed to let them make us up. My friend didn't look too bad. I, on the otherhand looked like an ape in drag. I immediately washed my face! That is about as close as I ever came to being a trans-anything. 


  • Getbig V
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Re: What is the correct/polite response....
« Reply #133 on: December 26, 2011, 04:51:19 PM »

I don't have sufficient time to respond so shall ponder upon your post.  

Because I tend to expect nothing and therefore am more often than not hugely disappointed.

And remember - you're a big bloke and you can smile at anyone you want and not worry - you can defend yourself.  I'm just a 5'6" woman on my own and (I learned this in New York years ago)  - anything could happen.  Someone could punch my perfect teeth out because I smiled at them the wrong way.  So I've adopted a new half-smile which hopefully isn't so in-your-face.  Dunno.

tomorrow maybe okay?  I'll respond to the rest of your thoughts.  I do need to learn.


Merry Everything
and Happy Always.

My Mum is buying me a holiday for Christmas so I'm ecstatic !    i've much to look forward to.


  • Getbig V
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Re: What is the correct/polite response....
« Reply #134 on: December 26, 2011, 07:27:31 PM »

I don't have sufficient time to respond so shall ponder upon your post.  

Because I tend to expect nothing and therefore am more often than not hugely disappointed.

And remember - you're a big bloke and you can smile at anyone you want and not worry - you can defend yourself.  I'm just a 5'6" woman on my own and (I learned this in New York years ago)  - anything could happen.  Someone could punch my perfect teeth out because I smiled at them the wrong way.  So I've adopted a new half-smile which hopefully isn't so in-your-face.  Dunno.

tomorrow maybe okay?  I'll respond to the rest of your thoughts.  I do need to learn.


Merry Everything
and Happy Always.

My Mum is buying me a holiday for Christmas so I'm ecstatic !    i've much to look forward to.

Without a doubt there is a difference dynamic when a woman smiles then when a man does. There was a time when mothers taught their daugters to avoid eye contact with strangers, particarly male strangers. Speaking as a male, this was never something my parents suggested to me. Perhaps wise women continue to be more selective when smiling at someone with good reason. There is always a chance one's smile will be misinterpreted as some manner of come-on. Of course, one could say the same thing about a man smiling at a woman. So far, I've not been slapped by anyone for smiling at them.  ;)

I am an averaged sized fellow in my opinion. I stand 5'11" and currently weigh 205 lbs. I workout regularly, so I hope I am reasonably fit looking. I don't see myself as being a threat to anyone. But then, I know I am basically a lover and a big pussy cat. I like people and I expect them to like me in return.

I can only think of one time I put on a tough guy attitude with someone. That was a time, late at night, when I was convinced the person behind me on the street intended to mug me. I turned around and faced them square on telling them to get the *uck away from me before I beat the sh*t out of them. It worked, they took off running. If I'd been a 5'6" female like you, that situation may not have worked out the same; I don't know.

Where are you going on your holiday?


  • Getbig V
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Re: What is the correct/polite response....
« Reply #135 on: December 27, 2011, 04:22:07 PM »
So far, I've not been slapped by anyone for smiling at them.

But you have been slapped by a current partner for smiling at another woman?

I've lost good girlfriends whose friendship I've valued - for smiling at and being pleasant to their boyfriends.  

I thought I was being nice.

More responses later - Must re-read...

Merry Everything and Happy Always


  • Getbig V
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Re: What is the correct/polite response....
« Reply #136 on: December 27, 2011, 04:27:50 PM »

Where are you going on your holiday?

I fly to Trivandrum
kerala India then head south to Varkala Beach
end of Jan till end of Feb



  • Getbig V
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Re: What is the correct/polite response....
« Reply #137 on: December 27, 2011, 04:44:07 PM »
There was a time when mothers taught their daugters to avoid eye contact with strangers, particarly male strangers.

My Mum said "Do not accept sweets from strange men"

Don't just say no - say no thank you...




  • Getbig V
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Re: What is the correct/polite response....
« Reply #138 on: December 27, 2011, 09:53:57 PM »

But you have been slapped by a current partner for smiling at another woman?

I've lost good girlfriends whose friendship I've valued - for smiling at and being pleasant to their boyfriends.  

I thought I was being nice.

More responses later - Must re-read...

Merry Everything and Happy Always

Hopefully, your question is for everyone here.

In my case, my wife and I have been married for 47 years and we lived together for a year before we married. Neither of us is the jealous type. We both agree that innocent flirting is harmless and good for the ego. Obviously, neither of us feel threatened by a glance or a smile, either given or received. So no, there will be no slapping between us. Additionally, neither of us believe in any form of a slap is out of the question!

Here is the thing. One should be with their partner because they want to be there, not because they feel some kind of obligation. If either of us had wanted to leave the other, we would have long ago. No amount of slapping would have stopped this. Infact, it may have caused it if we'd gone there.


  • Getbig V
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Re: What is the correct/polite response....
« Reply #139 on: December 27, 2011, 09:56:33 PM »

Where are you going on your holiday?

I fly to Trivandrum
kerala India then head south to Varkala Beach
end of Jan till end of Feb


Very nice! If your very generous mom is ever interested in expanding her family, I know a couple of orphans she could wife and me.  :)

Princess L

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Re: What is the correct/polite response....
« Reply #140 on: December 31, 2011, 08:56:15 PM »
Without a doubt there is a difference dynamic when a woman smiles then when a man does. There was a time when mothers taught their daugters to avoid
I can only think of one time I put on a tough guy attitude with someone. That was a time, late at night, when I was convinced the person behind me on the street intended to mug me. I turned around and faced them square on telling them to get the *uck away from me before I beat the sh*t out of them. It worked, they took off running. If I'd been a 5'6" female like you, that situation may not have worked out the same; I don't know.

I did that once a few years ago... walking down the street with a g/f, a couple of guys a little too close for comfort behind us.  I stopped and turned around and said "back the f@!& off".  They did.  

Really stupid on my part, since it was down in Mexico.  ::)  Their response was "better be careful bitch, you're in our country now".  Stayed on resort property after that.