Author Topic: gh15 approved  (Read 7059 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: gh15 approved
« Reply #25 on: January 30, 2012, 05:28:56 AM »
my praises for kigtropin were not for a month they were for a 3 years,, you need to know who you talk to ,, im god of hormones,, i dont praise things for a month...

i praised kigtropina from 2009 2011 they delivered pharma grade level gh ,, it wasnt that they went from pharma grade level to balonie...IT IS THAT! they had no raw left! and thus selective scamed,, it is very very easy to understand ,, very easy concept,, they had no more raw so they put what they had in more vials thus underdosing it...AND THEN STARTED SENDING EMPTY VIALS AS IN NO HGH IN THEM only filler,,

i put them in execution room ,, i would due it with or with out slin mayeb would take another 14 days ,, someoen woudl get it to my attention he did and its good,, they didnt knwo who was bodybuiold and didnt care,, they cared about profiting which could nto happen before xmas because thye were out of raw ,, they could not do same level of work because they didnt have the same amount of raw!

and in regard to the person you talk about,, he was alwys my top 1 not top 5 ,, he hates you ,, you threw him name under the buss many times ,, and i dont care who someone is ,, i go for the best gh out there for my pupils...his was alwys on my approved list,,

you can not play innocent when you are dealing ,, you can not be a source when you are dealing on most importent bodybuild boarding in the world,, ron is not in the know this is problem ,, and arnold junior behnid closed doors DESPIZE gh15,,but! something huge is coming,, dont say i didnt warn ,, rememebr the number of audience gh15 will have in few months ,, thats all i will say

straighten up and fast

gh15 approved
fallen angel


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Re: gh15 approved
« Reply #26 on: January 30, 2012, 06:48:32 AM »
my praises for kigtropin were not for a month they were for a 3 years,, you need to know who you talk to ,, im god of hormones,, i dont praise things for a month...

i praised kigtropina from 2009 2011 they delivered pharma grade level gh ,, it wasnt that they went from pharma grade level to balonie...IT IS THAT! they had no raw left! and thus selective scamed,, it is very very easy to understand ,, very easy concept,, they had no more raw so they put what they had in more vials thus underdosing it...AND THEN STARTED SENDING EMPTY VIALS AS IN NO HGH IN THEM only filler,,

i put them in execution room ,, i would due it with or with out slin mayeb would take another 14 days ,, someoen woudl get it to my attention he did and its good,, they didnt knwo who was bodybuiold and didnt care,, they cared about profiting which could nto happen before xmas because thye were out of raw ,, they could not do same level of work because they didnt have the same amount of raw!

and in regard to the person you talk about,, he was alwys my top 1 not top 5 ,, he hates you ,, you threw him name under the buss many times ,, and i dont care who someone is ,, i go for the best gh out there for my pupils...his was alwys on my approved list,,

you can not play innocent when you are dealing ,, you can not be a source when you are dealing on most importent bodybuild boarding in the world,, ron is not in the know this is problem ,, and arnold junior behnid closed doors DESPIZE gh15,,but! something huge is coming,, dont say i didnt warn ,, rememebr the number of audience gh15 will have in few months ,, thats all i will say

straighten up and fast

gh15 approved

If they wanted a good reutation why didn't they just wait till their new raw materials arrived? they should of just said it was out of stock if they were legit business men but they were scammers and sold bunk HGH and ruined their reputation! people are now always going to be hesitant when it comes to ordering kigs. I know you approved kigs but you said this was a real special batch! even calling it the best HGH to hit the market in decades! maybe best HGH ever was your exact words and it might have been. You did praise it daily and said they finally made a tic-tak toe over their in china. You said it was better than any HGH you had treid better than humatrope, better than serostim, all of these claims I didn't really buy into! But alot of people did take your word for it and once they got their christmas money or paychecks instead of using your #1 guy who you cant go wrong with and has a way better reputation , they bought what you were praising anf saying was better than what your #1 source had.

As far as your #1 source there is no way he remembers me! I have not talked to him in 5 years! there is nno possible way he could remember me with all the people he deals with. He treated me very well like he did everybody else, very fast worker and the only problem I ever had was the situation you know about. it had nothing to do with AAS or HGH. I had helped him out quite a bit and this was back when he was on outlaw-muscle and he was even on SSb for a little while. but you know what happened there he did not get along with gymace and I dont blame him! I honestly do not like gymace at all! he was way to cocky and acted like he was better than everybody else!

I was in with your #1 very well for awhile bringing him daily things to do. and I asked if he would take on my friend and he agreed as we always got along and he trusted me! he honestly liked me and trusted me enough to take on a friend of mine since I vouched for him and my friedn kept him busy too! between my friend and I we kept him busy daily! and he always did a great job and fast! but this is where things got fucked up my friend asked for xanax and since #1 was into mexican gear at the time(stallion labs) I knew he had sources at mexican pharmacys and you can buy xanax or valium with no problem! so i told my friend to ask#1 for them and it turned out he did have both! I didn't even know he had both. I emailed and asked myself for prices and he gave them to me. I had no interest myself  but my friend did and he sent 200$ for some xanax and it turned out to be bunk. I dont know if #1 even knew it was bunk but it was! and I dont lie! why would I say he came through with daily tasks that were way bigger,WAY BIGGER!  this 200$ was nothing! bit it was about principle because he didn't make it right! my buddy would of been happy with a few extra vials of test with his next ebay order and he just denied him and I even emailed because I found it hard to believe but I tried them too and they were definately bunk! the tabs didnt even have any code or imprint like every tab in the USA does so you can look it up online. these tabs were made clandestine style why else would they have no imprint.

 they have to put a imprint on a medication as potent as xanax. for some reason they were bunk and it was only 200$ not 2,000$ so why would I lie about this? maybe he got good batches in the past and that is why he did not want to refund the money or just add a few vials of tren in the next e-bay order but he refused! and we never had any problems at all besides this. And wether you believe me or not he really trusted me. annyway I thought it was kind of a shitty thing to do so I did not order again.

 My friend ordered again and he was the one who lost his money and got the bunk tabs but that is because he had no other place to go. I did. It pissed me off honestly because I spent thousands and thousands on his supplements and so did my friend I referred and he wouldn't even refund 200$ or add a few free vials on the next supplement order wich were almost daily since it was all domestic and came so fast. this was before ORD and I woulod of kept in contact if that never had happened but I just didn't like how he handled that situation so I went elsewhere from there on out. I have not talked to him since and have  no reason to talk to him. this was so long ago he was still on outlaw at the time. and still owned his board. The only reason he might not like me is because of what I say about that situation but it was the truth I wouldn't make something like this up. we are talking 200$ here. I have scripts for that supplement so I def no what to expect and they were bunk no doubt about it! And he didn't handle the situation correctly most guys would of refiunded or at least tossed a few extra vials of supplements next order.

I use a IP -Rep once to get some PCT products aromasin, nolvadex and clomid and the nolvadex was anavar! they accidently sent me 15mg anavar tabs instead of 10mg nolva tabs. and he messed up my PCT they were labelled nolva and they had made so many diffrent strengths and their were some extra tabs in the nolva bag I figured all they had were 15mg nolva at the time and the extra tabs were to make up for them being 15mg well I noticed they were anavar because I fely pretty strong and got that little itch under my knee anavar always gives me and sure enough I asked the guy if they were for sure nolva and he said NO that he accidently must have sent me anavar. they said IP on one side and 15 on the other and were red. and it made perfect sense because I could feel them! this wasnt bad anavar.

 The anavar gave me that itch under my knee good anavar always gives me. and I felt strength for being off cycle.I was at the gym lifting wondering why i was still so strong after coming off cycle. anyway He felt bad he fucked up my PCT he let me keep everything and refunded my money. and this was a IP Rep not #1 who makes way more money than this IP rep. #1 probabky made in one day what this IP rep made in a month yet the IP rep stepped up and sent my money back and let me keep everything and they were not that bad of tabs I was surprised of the quality of the var and the aromasin and clomid! that was the only problem I ever had with your #1 and he should of made things right! It showed me a side of him that was greedy and didn't care. sometimes the more money you make the greedier one becomes.


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Re: gh15 approved
« Reply #27 on: January 30, 2012, 07:44:00 AM »
If they wanted a good reutation why didn't they just wait till their new raw materials arrived? they should of just said it was out of stock if they were legit business men but they were scammers and sold bunk HGH and ruined their reputation! people are now always going to be hesitant when it comes to ordering kigs. I know you approved kigs but you said this was a real special batch! even calling it the best HGH to hit the market in decades! maybe best HGH ever was your exact words and it might have been. You did praise it daily and said they finally made a tic-tak toe over their in china. You said it was better than any HGH you had treid better than humatrope, better than serostim, all of these claims I didn't really buy into! But alot of people did take your word for it and once they got their christmas money or paychecks instead of using your #1 guy who you cant go wrong with and has a way better reputation , they bought what you were praising anf saying was better than what your #1 source had.

As far as your #1 source there is no way he remembers me! I have not talked to him in 5 years! there is nno possible way he could remember me with all the people he deals with. He treated me very well like he did everybody else, very fast worker and the only problem I ever had was the situation you know about. it had nothing to do with AAS or HGH. I had helped him out quite a bit and this was back when he was on outlaw-muscle and he was even on SSb for a little while. but you know what happened there he did not get along with gymace and I dont blame him! I honestly do not like gymace at all! he was way to cocky and acted like he was better than everybody else!

I was in with your #1 very well for awhile bringing him daily things to do. and I asked if he would take on my friend and he agreed as we always got along and he trusted me! he honestly liked me and trusted me enough to take on a friend of mine since I vouched for him and my friedn kept him busy too! between my friend and I we kept him busy daily! and he always did a great job and fast! but this is where things got fucked up my friend asked for xanax and since #1 was into mexican gear at the time(stallion labs) I knew he had sources at mexican pharmacys and you can buy xanax or valium with no problem! so i told my friend to ask#1 for them and it turned out he did have both! I didn't even know he had both. I emailed and asked myself for prices and he gave them to me. I had no interest myself  but my friend did and he sent 200$ for some xanax and it turned out to be bunk. I dont know if #1 even knew it was bunk but it was! and I dont lie! why would I say he came through with daily tasks that were way bigger,WAY BIGGER!  this 200$ was nothing! bit it was about principle because he didn't make it right! my buddy would of been happy with a few extra vials of test with his next ebay order and he just denied him and I even emailed because I found it hard to believe but I tried them too and they were definately bunk! the tabs didnt even have any code or imprint like every tab in the USA does so you can look it up online. these tabs were made clandestine style why else would they have no imprint.

 they have to put a imprint on a medication as potent as xanax. for some reason they were bunk and it was only 200$ not 2,000$ so why would I lie about this? maybe he got good batches in the past and that is why he did not want to refund the money or just add a few vials of tren in the next e-bay order but he refused! and we never had any problems at all besides this. And wether you believe me or not he really trusted me. annyway I thought it was kind of a shitty thing to do so I did not order again.

 My friend ordered again and he was the one who lost his money and got the bunk tabs but that is because he had no other place to go. I did. It pissed me off honestly because I spent thousands and thousands on his supplements and so did my friend I referred and he wouldn't even refund 200$ or add a few free vials on the next supplement order wich were almost daily since it was all domestic and came so fast. this was before ORD and I woulod of kept in contact if that never had happened but I just didn't like how he handled that situation so I went elsewhere from there on out. I have not talked to him since and have  no reason to talk to him. this was so long ago he was still on outlaw at the time. and still owned his board. The only reason he might not like me is because of what I say about that situation but it was the truth I wouldn't make something like this up. we are talking 200$ here. I have scripts for that supplement so I def no what to expect and they were bunk no doubt about it! And he didn't handle the situation correctly most guys would of refiunded or at least tossed a few extra vials of supplements next order.

I use a IP -Rep once to get some PCT products aromasin, nolvadex and clomid and the nolvadex was anavar! they accidently sent me 15mg anavar tabs instead of 10mg nolva tabs. and he messed up my PCT they were labelled nolva and they had made so many diffrent strengths and their were some extra tabs in the nolva bag I figured all they had were 15mg nolva at the time and the extra tabs were to make up for them being 15mg well I noticed they were anavar because I fely pretty strong and got that little itch under my knee anavar always gives me and sure enough I asked the guy if they were for sure nolva and he said NO that he accidently must have sent me anavar. they said IP on one side and 15 on the other and were red. and it made perfect sense because I could feel them! this wasnt bad anavar.

 The anavar gave me that itch under my knee good anavar always gives me. and I felt strength for being off cycle.I was at the gym lifting wondering why i was still so strong after coming off cycle. anyway He felt bad he fucked up my PCT he let me keep everything and refunded my money. and this was a IP Rep not #1 who makes way more money than this IP rep. #1 probabky made in one day what this IP rep made in a month yet the IP rep stepped up and sent my money back and let me keep everything and they were not that bad of tabs I was surprised of the quality of the var and the aromasin and clomid! that was the only problem I ever had with your #1 and he should of made things right! It showed me a side of him that was greedy and didn't care. sometimes the more money you make the greedier one becomes.


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Re: gh15 approved
« Reply #28 on: January 30, 2012, 07:45:51 AM »
lol wes, thats it, exactly  :D



  • Getbig III
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Re: gh15 approved
« Reply #29 on: January 30, 2012, 09:51:37 AM »
If they wanted a good reutation why didn't they just wait till their new raw materials arrived? they should of just said it was out of stock if they were legit business men but they were scammers and sold bunk HGH and ruined their reputation! people are now always going to be hesitant when it comes to ordering kigs. I know you approved kigs but you said this was a real special batch! even calling it the best HGH to hit the market in decades! maybe best HGH ever was your exact words and it might have been. You did praise it daily and said they finally made a tic-tak toe over their in china. You said it was better than any HGH you had treid better than humatrope, better than serostim, all of these claims I didn't really buy into! But alot of people did take your word for it and once they got their christmas money or paychecks instead of using your #1 guy who you cant go wrong with and has a way better reputation , they bought what you were praising anf saying was better than what your #1 source had.

As far as your #1 source there is no way he remembers me! I have not talked to him in 5 years! there is nno possible way he could remember me with all the people he deals with. He treated me very well like he did everybody else, very fast worker and the only problem I ever had was the situation you know about. it had nothing to do with AAS or HGH. I had helped him out quite a bit and this was back when he was on outlaw-muscle and he was even on SSb for a little while. but you know what happened there he did not get along with gymace and I dont blame him! I honestly do not like gymace at all! he was way to cocky and acted like he was better than everybody else!

I was in with your #1 very well for awhile bringing him daily things to do. and I asked if he would take on my friend and he agreed as we always got along and he trusted me! he honestly liked me and trusted me enough to take on a friend of mine since I vouched for him and my friedn kept him busy too! between my friend and I we kept him busy daily! and he always did a great job and fast! but this is where things got fucked up my friend asked for xanax and since #1 was into mexican gear at the time(stallion labs) I knew he had sources at mexican pharmacys and you can buy xanax or valium with no problem! so i told my friend to ask#1 for them and it turned out he did have both! I didn't even know he had both. I emailed and asked myself for prices and he gave them to me. I had no interest myself  but my friend did and he sent 200$ for some xanax and it turned out to be bunk. I dont know if #1 even knew it was bunk but it was! and I dont lie! why would I say he came through with daily tasks that were way bigger,WAY BIGGER!  this 200$ was nothing! bit it was about principle because he didn't make it right! my buddy would of been happy with a few extra vials of test with his next ebay order and he just denied him and I even emailed because I found it hard to believe but I tried them too and they were definately bunk! the tabs didnt even have any code or imprint like every tab in the USA does so you can look it up online. these tabs were made clandestine style why else would they have no imprint.

 they have to put a imprint on a medication as potent as xanax. for some reason they were bunk and it was only 200$ not 2,000$ so why would I lie about this? maybe he got good batches in the past and that is why he did not want to refund the money or just add a few vials of tren in the next e-bay order but he refused! and we never had any problems at all besides this. And wether you believe me or not he really trusted me. annyway I thought it was kind of a shitty thing to do so I did not order again.

 My friend ordered again and he was the one who lost his money and got the bunk tabs but that is because he had no other place to go. I did. It pissed me off honestly because I spent thousands and thousands on his supplements and so did my friend I referred and he wouldn't even refund 200$ or add a few free vials on the next supplement order wich were almost daily since it was all domestic and came so fast. this was before ORD and I woulod of kept in contact if that never had happened but I just didn't like how he handled that situation so I went elsewhere from there on out. I have not talked to him since and have  no reason to talk to him. this was so long ago he was still on outlaw at the time. and still owned his board. The only reason he might not like me is because of what I say about that situation but it was the truth I wouldn't make something like this up. we are talking 200$ here. I have scripts for that supplement so I def no what to expect and they were bunk no doubt about it! And he didn't handle the situation correctly most guys would of refiunded or at least tossed a few extra vials of supplements next order.

I use a IP -Rep once to get some PCT products aromasin, nolvadex and clomid and the nolvadex was anavar! they accidently sent me 15mg anavar tabs instead of 10mg nolva tabs. and he messed up my PCT they were labelled nolva and they had made so many diffrent strengths and their were some extra tabs in the nolva bag I figured all they had were 15mg nolva at the time and the extra tabs were to make up for them being 15mg well I noticed they were anavar because I fely pretty strong and got that little itch under my knee anavar always gives me and sure enough I asked the guy if they were for sure nolva and he said NO that he accidently must have sent me anavar. they said IP on one side and 15 on the other and were red. and it made perfect sense because I could feel them! this wasnt bad anavar.

 The anavar gave me that itch under my knee good anavar always gives me. and I felt strength for being off cycle.I was at the gym lifting wondering why i was still so strong after coming off cycle. anyway He felt bad he fucked up my PCT he let me keep everything and refunded my money. and this was a IP Rep not #1 who makes way more money than this IP rep. #1 probabky made in one day what this IP rep made in a month yet the IP rep stepped up and sent my money back and let me keep everything and they were not that bad of tabs I was surprised of the quality of the var and the aromasin and clomid! that was the only problem I ever had with your #1 and he should of made things right! It showed me a side of him that was greedy and didn't care. sometimes the more money you make the greedier one becomes.

at the end of the day they scammed a lot of guy's...if i was anyone thinking of trying them ide think again an stay well away..

if they scammed once there do it again..i was going to order some King's befor all this but not now no way ever...

dont fancy wasting my dolla on bunk.

@ GH15... look if it wasent for you saying King's are the bee's knee's of GH a lot of guy's wouldent of lost there dolla an you carnt get around that.

the trainer

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Re: gh15 approved
« Reply #30 on: January 30, 2012, 10:31:24 AM »
If they wanted a good reutation why didn't they just wait till their new raw materials arrived? they should of just said it was out of stock if they were legit business men but they were scammers and sold bunk HGH and ruined their reputation! people are now always going to be hesitant when it comes to ordering kigs. I know you approved kigs but you said this was a real special batch! even calling it the best HGH to hit the market in decades! maybe best HGH ever was your exact words and it might have been. You did praise it daily and said they finally made a tic-tak toe over their in china. You said it was better than any HGH you had treid better than humatrope, better than serostim, all of these claims I didn't really buy into! But alot of people did take your word for it and once they got their christmas money or paychecks instead of using your #1 guy who you cant go wrong with and has a way better reputation , they bought what you were praising anf saying was better than what your #1 source had.

As far as your #1 source there is no way he remembers me! I have not talked to him in 5 years! there is nno possible way he could remember me with all the people he deals with. He treated me very well like he did everybody else, very fast worker and the only problem I ever had was the situation you know about. it had nothing to do with AAS or HGH. I had helped him out quite a bit and this was back when he was on outlaw-muscle and he was even on SSb for a little while. but you know what happened there he did not get along with gymace and I dont blame him! I honestly do not like gymace at all! he was way to cocky and acted like he was better than everybody else!

I was in with your #1 very well for awhile bringing him daily things to do. and I asked if he would take on my friend and he agreed as we always got along and he trusted me! he honestly liked me and trusted me enough to take on a friend of mine since I vouched for him and my friedn kept him busy too! between my friend and I we kept him busy daily! and he always did a great job and fast! but this is where things got fucked up my friend asked for xanax and since #1 was into mexican gear at the time(stallion labs) I knew he had sources at mexican pharmacys and you can buy xanax or valium with no problem! so i told my friend to ask#1 for them and it turned out he did have both! I didn't even know he had both. I emailed and asked myself for prices and he gave them to me. I had no interest myself  but my friend did and he sent 200$ for some xanax and it turned out to be bunk. I dont know if #1 even knew it was bunk but it was! and I dont lie! why would I say he came through with daily tasks that were way bigger,WAY BIGGER!  this 200$ was nothing! bit it was about principle because he didn't make it right! my buddy would of been happy with a few extra vials of test with his next ebay order and he just denied him and I even emailed because I found it hard to believe but I tried them too and they were definately bunk! the tabs didnt even have any code or imprint like every tab in the USA does so you can look it up online. these tabs were made clandestine style why else would they have no imprint.

 they have to put a imprint on a medication as potent as xanax. for some reason they were bunk and it was only 200$ not 2,000$ so why would I lie about this? maybe he got good batches in the past and that is why he did not want to refund the money or just add a few vials of tren in the next e-bay order but he refused! and we never had any problems at all besides this. And wether you believe me or not he really trusted me. annyway I thought it was kind of a shitty thing to do so I did not order again.

 My friend ordered again and he was the one who lost his money and got the bunk tabs but that is because he had no other place to go. I did. It pissed me off honestly because I spent thousands and thousands on his supplements and so did my friend I referred and he wouldn't even refund 200$ or add a few free vials on the next supplement order wich were almost daily since it was all domestic and came so fast. this was before ORD and I woulod of kept in contact if that never had happened but I just didn't like how he handled that situation so I went elsewhere from there on out. I have not talked to him since and have  no reason to talk to him. this was so long ago he was still on outlaw at the time. and still owned his board. The only reason he might not like me is because of what I say about that situation but it was the truth I wouldn't make something like this up. we are talking 200$ here. I have scripts for that supplement so I def no what to expect and they were bunk no doubt about it! And he didn't handle the situation correctly most guys would of refiunded or at least tossed a few extra vials of supplements next order.

I use a IP -Rep once to get some PCT products aromasin, nolvadex and clomid and the nolvadex was anavar! they accidently sent me 15mg anavar tabs instead of 10mg nolva tabs. and he messed up my PCT they were labelled nolva and they had made so many diffrent strengths and their were some extra tabs in the nolva bag I figured all they had were 15mg nolva at the time and the extra tabs were to make up for them being 15mg well I noticed they were anavar because I fely pretty strong and got that little itch under my knee anavar always gives me and sure enough I asked the guy if they were for sure nolva and he said NO that he accidently must have sent me anavar. they said IP on one side and 15 on the other and were red. and it made perfect sense because I could feel them! this wasnt bad anavar.

 The anavar gave me that itch under my knee good anavar always gives me. and I felt strength for being off cycle.I was at the gym lifting wondering why i was still so strong after coming off cycle. anyway He felt bad he fucked up my PCT he let me keep everything and refunded my money. and this was a IP Rep not #1 who makes way more money than this IP rep. #1 probabky made in one day what this IP rep made in a month yet the IP rep stepped up and sent my money back and let me keep everything and they were not that bad of tabs I was surprised of the quality of the var and the aromasin and clomid! that was the only problem I ever had with your #1 and he should of made things right! It showed me a side of him that was greedy and didn't care. sometimes the more money you make the greedier one becomes.

dude if you want people to read your post get to the point quickly and stop the rambling nobody is going to read this shit.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: gh15 approved
« Reply #31 on: January 30, 2012, 10:38:12 AM »
it's when ww tries to convince people of something that is not true that he rambles


  • Getbig V
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Re: gh15 approved
« Reply #32 on: January 30, 2012, 11:04:07 AM »
If they wanted a good reutation why didn't they just wait till their new raw materials arrived? they should of just said it was out of stock if they were legit business men but they were scammers and sold bunk HGH and ruined their reputation! people are now always going to be hesitant when it comes to ordering kigs. I know you approved kigs but you said this was a real special batch! even calling it the best HGH to hit the market in decades! maybe best HGH ever was your exact words and it might have been. You did praise it daily and said they finally made a tic-tak toe over their in china. You said it was better than any HGH you had treid better than humatrope, better than serostim, all of these claims I didn't really buy into! But alot of people did take your word for it and once they got their christmas money or paychecks instead of using your #1 guy who you cant go wrong with and has a way better reputation , they bought what you were praising anf saying was better than what your #1 source had.

As far as your #1 source there is no way he remembers me! I have not talked to him in 5 years! there is nno possible way he could remember me with all the people he deals with. He treated me very well like he did everybody else, very fast worker and the only problem I ever had was the situation you know about. it had nothing to do with AAS or HGH. I had helped him out quite a bit and this was back when he was on outlaw-muscle and he was even on SSb for a little while. but you know what happened there he did not get along with gymace and I dont blame him! I honestly do not like gymace at all! he was way to cocky and acted like he was better than everybody else!

I was in with your #1 very well for awhile bringing him daily things to do. and I asked if he would take on my friend and he agreed as we always got along and he trusted me! he honestly liked me and trusted me enough to take on a friend of mine since I vouched for him and my friedn kept him busy too! between my friend and I we kept him busy daily! and he always did a great job and fast! but this is where things got fucked up my friend asked for xanax and since #1 was into mexican gear at the time(stallion labs) I knew he had sources at mexican pharmacys and you can buy xanax or valium with no problem! so i told my friend to ask#1 for them and it turned out he did have both! I didn't even know he had both. I emailed and asked myself for prices and he gave them to me. I had no interest myself  but my friend did and he sent 200$ for some xanax and it turned out to be bunk. I dont know if #1 even knew it was bunk but it was! and I dont lie! why would I say he came through with daily tasks that were way bigger,WAY BIGGER!  this 200$ was nothing! bit it was about principle because he didn't make it right! my buddy would of been happy with a few extra vials of test with his next ebay order and he just denied him and I even emailed because I found it hard to believe but I tried them too and they were definately bunk! the tabs didnt even have any code or imprint like every tab in the USA does so you can look it up online. these tabs were made clandestine style why else would they have no imprint.

 they have to put a imprint on a medication as potent as xanax. for some reason they were bunk and it was only 200$ not 2,000$ so why would I lie about this? maybe he got good batches in the past and that is why he did not want to refund the money or just add a few vials of tren in the next e-bay order but he refused! and we never had any problems at all besides this. And wether you believe me or not he really trusted me. annyway I thought it was kind of a shitty thing to do so I did not order again.

 My friend ordered again and he was the one who lost his money and got the bunk tabs but that is because he had no other place to go. I did. It pissed me off honestly because I spent thousands and thousands on his supplements and so did my friend I referred and he wouldn't even refund 200$ or add a few free vials on the next supplement order wich were almost daily since it was all domestic and came so fast. this was before ORD and I woulod of kept in contact if that never had happened but I just didn't like how he handled that situation so I went elsewhere from there on out. I have not talked to him since and have  no reason to talk to him. this was so long ago he was still on outlaw at the time. and still owned his board. The only reason he might not like me is because of what I say about that situation but it was the truth I wouldn't make something like this up. we are talking 200$ here. I have scripts for that supplement so I def no what to expect and they were bunk no doubt about it! And he didn't handle the situation correctly most guys would of refiunded or at least tossed a few extra vials of supplements next order.

I use a IP -Rep once to get some PCT products aromasin, nolvadex and clomid and the nolvadex was anavar! they accidently sent me 15mg anavar tabs instead of 10mg nolva tabs. and he messed up my PCT they were labelled nolva and they had made so many diffrent strengths and their were some extra tabs in the nolva bag I figured all they had were 15mg nolva at the time and the extra tabs were to make up for them being 15mg well I noticed they were anavar because I fely pretty strong and got that little itch under my knee anavar always gives me and sure enough I asked the guy if they were for sure nolva and he said NO that he accidently must have sent me anavar. they said IP on one side and 15 on the other and were red. and it made perfect sense because I could feel them! this wasnt bad anavar.

 The anavar gave me that itch under my knee good anavar always gives me. and I felt strength for being off cycle.I was at the gym lifting wondering why i was still so strong after coming off cycle. anyway He felt bad he fucked up my PCT he let me keep everything and refunded my money. and this was a IP Rep not #1 who makes way more money than this IP rep. #1 probabky made in one day what this IP rep made in a month yet the IP rep stepped up and sent my money back and let me keep everything and they were not that bad of tabs I was surprised of the quality of the var and the aromasin and clomid! that was the only problem I ever had with your #1 and he should of made things right! It showed me a side of him that was greedy and didn't care. sometimes the more money you make the greedier one becomes.

pupils,, i hav equestion ,, are violins play in the backround when you read this above decleration of independence?

what the fuck is wrong with you ,, you just revealed to th eall world now that you are a source ,,what ar you seriously mentaly fucked? im out of words

number 1 never betray anyone,, number one send free products to fellas who deserve it and got fucked or helped the comunity of bodydbuild,, number 1  sent 1000 dolaros free products to fellas who truly deserve it nto to cocroaches who stub in back ,,before you talk about number 1 you should take your shoes of your feet and be in a prayer position twards mecca your holy city because number 1 is just as important as that mecca

you are not there in the head widow

gh15 approved
fallen angel


  • Getbig V
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Re: gh15 approved
« Reply #33 on: January 30, 2012, 11:06:25 AM »

at the end of the day they scammed a lot of guy's...if i was anyone thinking of trying them ide think again an stay well away..

if they scammed once there do it again..i was going to order some King's befor all this but not now no way ever...

dont fancy wasting my dolla on bunk.

@ GH15... look if it wasent for you saying King's are the bee's knee's of GH a lot of guy's wouldent of lost there dolla an you carnt get around that.

gimick,, i f i say right now anything of my choice it wil be disapeairing off shelves,, want to try?  you are gimick but im too strong this is the main problem of gimickssa....same fellas who got kigtropin same exact fellas would buy now any other thing i say becaused my word is so importent to them and they know! that i dont lie and say the truth ,,, nto so sure they would even fart twards

gh15 approved
fallen angel