Author Topic: DIAZ test poitive for Cannabis, Rematch with Condit unlikely  (Read 4466 times)

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Re: DIAZ test poitive for Cannabis, Rematch with Condit unlikely
« Reply #25 on: February 14, 2012, 04:29:19 AM »
these days, it's easier to count the people who AREN'T crazy in some way.


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Re: DIAZ test poitive for Cannabis, Rematch with Condit unlikely
« Reply #26 on: February 14, 2012, 09:24:36 AM »
While I do think that Marijuana use should be legalized, I also feel strongly that use should be limited to that of mentally healthy adults.

What do I mean by this?  I will illustrate with a quick story involving a family member.

About a year or so ago, my nephew (17 years old now), who suffers from an anxiety disorder, decided to consume marijuana via brownies.  He got a little trigger happy and consumed close to 5-6 brownies in one sitting during a party at a friend's house. An hour or so afterwards, his parents got a call stating that he was having some sort of panic attack, where he began to think that he was actually dying, while screaming out for an ambulance.

My brother called me while driving over to my nephew and I, in turn, picked up and headed over to Rochester immediately.  Once there, I found my brother, his wife and the parents of my nephew's friend surrounding my nephew and yelling at him to calm down.  They had already called an ambulance minutes prior to me showing up.

I remember holding my nephew firmly, asking him to look into my eyes and take nice, deep breaths.  He had various moments where he was shaking violently and saying that he started to see things from a "past life" and it took much work, but I managed to calm him down slightly.

The only thing that truly worked to get him back to normal/reality prior to the ambulance arriving, was when I forced him to drink about half a gallon of milk and then made him vomit what he had consumed.  

Five minutes after violently vomiting out what looked like a sea of brown, he came back to his senses, stopped shaking and was able to relax and quickly thereafter fell asleep for a few hours before we headed back to my brother's home.

It saved us a trip to the hospital, a possible report stating that a minor suffered from drug intoxication and the hassle of then having to explain to the local police force why minors even had access to marijuana to begin with.

I think his situation was exacerbated by the underlying anxiety issues he suffers from, hence why I think only healthy minded adults should use marijuana and with good measure.

x2 my wife smoke with me once, she freaked out and started crying, she thought she was dieing, she was saying all kinds of crazy things and was just generally freaking out. (She had a rough childhood, which may have contributed)
She is no longer allowed to smoke. Lol. I dont smoke anymore either, as a result.


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Re: DIAZ test poitive for Cannabis, Rematch with Condit unlikely
« Reply #27 on: February 14, 2012, 09:34:35 AM »
x2 my wife smoke with me once, she freaked out and started crying, she thought she was dieing, she was saying all kinds of crazy things and was just generally freaking out. (She had a rough childhood, which may have contributed)
She is no longer allowed to smoke. Lol. I dont smoke anymore either, as a result.

That must have been terrifying for you. 

Similar to you, I had my nephew in the same predicament and what was even harder to witness, besides his panic attack, was my brother's complete emotional disarmament, whereby he was frozen and incapable of reacting due to sheer fear and sadness.

Like I said, weed smoking should be left for the strong minded, like us getbiggers.



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Re: DIAZ test poitive for Cannabis, Rematch with Condit unlikely
« Reply #28 on: February 15, 2012, 11:29:08 AM »
There is absolutely no way in which marijuana would have enhanced his performance during that fight.  If anything, I think it is more likely to distort his overall perception of reality.

I can see a fighter struggling with speed and overall concentration while smoking marijuana.

It's total bullshit, if you ask me.


well if you ask me I think diaz seems little "high" now that you mention weed, look at his reactions and the way he punches, they are all medium punches but he just keeps coming.
Reminds me of that time when I ran my best time and longest distance after I took couple of tokes, I fealt like I could run forever, as I was listening to the music I fealt like the more i got tirred the more energy and interest I got to the running lol.

maby that's it.

The Abdominal Snoman

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Re: DIAZ test poitive for Cannabis, Rematch with Condit unlikely
« Reply #29 on: February 15, 2012, 11:49:01 AM »
I have a medical marijuana exemption and have grown it for years. I've got access to dozens of unique and rare strains too. It's safe to say that I am familiar with the affects.

There is no argument whatsoever, smoking weed doesn't help when getting punched in the face. If anything, it will feel worse. I have access to tons of different strains and while there are many different psychoactive ingredients, they're pretty similar in the grand scheme of things and all that's different are ratios of different THC analogs and endocannabinoids.

Performance enhancer or hindrance outside of pain tolerance... it's tough to say. It can be argued either way, but I think if people say it's an enhancer then they're starting off on a slippery slope. You can think more abstractly but often it's easy to lose focus. And in a fight, I don't know how much that would help. Getting a barrage of abstract ideas and not having as much focus is too volatile. Strains are too different, and it's far too difficult to standardize marijuana even if you use prepared tinctures and oral preparations. I would say that this alone nullifies any argument for it being helpful. It's just too random to be reliable, and when you only fight a few times a year that is far too risky to fight blitzed out of your gourd.

I have been hit many times while high and no matter what the strain it usually feels a lot more "trippy". The pain and subsequent sensations reverberate and are much more vivid. It does NOT feel good getting hit while high, especially because of the longer lasting pulsing sensation it leaves. I've hit my finger with a hammer, stubbed my toe, got a hipper walking around a corner, I HAVE been punched in the face while high, I've hit the cement, etc... it almost always feels worse because of the high. You get consumed by the sensation a lot more than if you were sober, and I wonder how much of an affect it has on adrenaline. When I've been jacked up getting hit feels like nothing, and if it curbs the adrenaline rush then he might be feeling a lot more pain during the fight than if he were sober.

When it comes to sports and playing them high, I can say that I've performed a lot better at some sports. I used to skateboard back in high school and was actually sponsored by a few local shops. We weren't throwing things down huge handrails but we were killing it on the streets and at the parks. I was the primary joint roller and I always skated better when stoned. Basketball and soccer, I've played those great while stoned as well. It could be argued that it's just my perception but others observed the same thing too. But if I were to fight someone I would not smoke a joint beforehand... no way.

Good post. I think the fact that it curbs anxiety in a lot of people could also be argued that anything that curbs anxiety could be looked at as a PED...If i'm not mistaken, anxiety causing your heart rate to elevate. And anything that can keep the heart beats down I would think would be a great thing in a sport where gassing/punching yourself out is the kiss of death.  Now that weed has gone the medical route, it will be interesting on how its looked at in the future. There was a football player that got suspended by the league for testing positive for adderall. Adderall is on the list of PED's in the NFL but the kicker is that if he had a script for it, he would have been allowed to use it. I do know the fight game looks at shit like this differently though. And they don't have a union to fight for there "rights" like other sports.


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Re: DIAZ test poitive for Cannabis, Rematch with Condit unlikely
« Reply #30 on: February 15, 2012, 11:56:51 AM »
I rolled up a blunt one time this was way back in highschool. My girlfriend and I had gotten a hotel room. It was after winterball dance or some big occasion like that. We would get a hotel room once in awhile and just have awesome crazy sex all night. She had never really smoked that much weed before. She told me she had she was trying to act cool. I rolled the blunt of fat and we get about half way through it and I put it out. About ten minutes later she starts freaking out big time! She thinks she's two different people. The curtains are moving and they look evil. She's crying uncontrollably. I make her lay in the bed and I get behind her and just comfort her. I tell her positive things trying to calm her down. I would talk her down for like an hour. All of a sudden she would spring up and say are you trying to poisen me what did you do to me, call my mom :-X I would have to start all over and talk her down again. This went on to like 4-5 in the morning. I was a complete fool for having her smoke that much. I was completely fucked up I can't imagine how she felt. What a nightmare situation that was. I think it kind of made of closer though. I wouldn't let go of her. I took care of her and didn't leave her side.


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Re: DIAZ test poitive for Cannabis, Rematch with Condit unlikely
« Reply #31 on: February 15, 2012, 01:35:15 PM »
While I do think that Marijuana use should be legalized, I also feel strongly that use should be limited to that of mentally healthy adults.

What do I mean by this?  I will illustrate with a quick story involving a family member.

About a year or so ago, my nephew (17 years old now), who suffers from an anxiety disorder, decided to consume marijuana via brownies.  He got a little trigger happy and consumed close to 5-6 brownies in one sitting during a party at a friend's house. An hour or so afterwards, his parents got a call stating that he was having some sort of panic attack, where he began to think that he was actually dying, while screaming out for an ambulance.

My brother called me while driving over to my nephew and I, in turn, picked up and headed over to Rochester immediately.  Once there, I found my brother, his wife and the parents of my nephew's friend surrounding my nephew and yelling at him to calm down.  They had already called an ambulance minutes prior to me showing up.

I remember holding my nephew firmly, asking him to look into my eyes and take nice, deep breaths.  He had various moments where he was shaking violently and saying that he started to see things from a "past life" and it took much work, but I managed to calm him down slightly.

The only thing that truly worked to get him back to normal/reality prior to the ambulance arriving, was when I forced him to drink about half a gallon of milk and then made him vomit what he had consumed.  

Five minutes after violently vomiting out what looked like a sea of brown, he came back to his senses, stopped shaking and was able to relax and quickly thereafter fell asleep for a few hours before we headed back to my brother's home.

It saved us a trip to the hospital, a possible report stating that a minor suffered from drug intoxication and the hassle of then having to explain to the local police force why minors even had access to marijuana to begin with.

I think his situation was exacerbated by the underlying anxiety issues he suffers from, hence why I think only healthy minded adults should use marijuana and with good measure.

weed brownies can be really strong imo, eating 5 or 6 is like smoking four blunts


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Re: DIAZ test poitive for Cannabis, Rematch with Condit unlikely
« Reply #32 on: February 15, 2012, 01:43:58 PM »
Good post. I think the fact that it curbs anxiety in a lot of people could also be argued that anything that curbs anxiety could be looked at as a PED...If i'm not mistaken, anxiety causing your heart rate to elevate. And anything that can keep the heart beats down I would think would be a great thing in a sport where gassing/punching yourself out is the kiss of death.  Now that weed has gone the medical route, it will be interesting on how its looked at in the future. There was a football player that got suspended by the league for testing positive for adderall. Adderall is on the list of PED's in the NFL but the kicker is that if he had a script for it, he would have been allowed to use it. I do know the fight game looks at shit like this differently though. And they don't have a union to fight for there "rights" like other sports.

Yeah, it can truly be argued either way. I can take a puff for instance and feel cool as a cucumber. Then my wife can show up saying she found pins in the trash can and starts asking if I'm stepping on the gas pedal. And that can send me into an uncontrollable anxiety attack that's very hard to dig out of.

The way it curbs anxiety is different from CNS depressants. It's more of a mental thing than a pharmaceutical thing. That's why you see people who really dislike weed or are unfamiliar get super bad anxiety and swear it off forever.

I've taken benzos and other medications that are CNS depressants and it's crazy. I was on beta blockers for migraines for instance and no matter what I did I couldn't elevate my heart rate. It's pretty nuts because people don't really know how powerful these drugs are. Marijuana is much more of a mental thing and it's far too unpredictable in my experience and opinion to be considered a PED.

But yeah, I guess people could argue it either way but for the vast majority of people I wouldn't say it's going to be beneficial. I'd consider myself to be a weed guru and extremely experienced, but even I can be caught off guard and can experience negative and uncontrollable mental side affects.

BTW, I just noticed jaejonna post as I posted this. My weed brownies are so potent that a piece the size of a marbel will make a 230lb fall to the ground in a drooling psychedelic meltdown. I don't exaggerate either. I use a slow cooker and heat it just before the point where THC degrades and use water and oil so it doesn't break down. I use a slow cooker so I can keep it going for a long time and usually stop around 6-8 hours.

My weed butter is so potent that I only use about 10mls of oil/butter in a brownie recipe and it brings life long smokers to their knees. It also doesn't take an hour or two to kick in. I eat it at work everyday and about 5-10 minutes after ingestion my eyes start drying out and my thoughts become more and more abstract.

The Abdominal Snoman

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Re: DIAZ test poitive for Cannabis, Rematch with Condit unlikely
« Reply #33 on: February 15, 2012, 06:49:14 PM »
Yeah, it can truly be argued either way. I can take a puff for instance and feel cool as a cucumber. Then my wife can show up saying she found pins in the trash can and starts asking if I'm stepping on the gas pedal. And that can send me into an uncontrollable anxiety attack that's very hard to dig out of.

The way it curbs anxiety is different from CNS depressants. It's more of a mental thing than a pharmaceutical thing. That's why you see people who really dislike weed or are unfamiliar get super bad anxiety and swear it off forever.

I've taken benzos and other medications that are CNS depressants and it's crazy. I was on beta blockers for migraines for instance and no matter what I did I couldn't elevate my heart rate. It's pretty nuts because people don't really know how powerful these drugs are. Marijuana is much more of a mental thing and it's far too unpredictable in my experience and opinion to be considered a PED.

But yeah, I guess people could argue it either way but for the vast majority of people I wouldn't say it's going to be beneficial. I'd consider myself to be a weed guru and extremely experienced, but even I can be caught off guard and can experience negative and uncontrollable mental side affects.

BTW, I just noticed jaejonna post as I posted this. My weed brownies are so potent that a piece the size of a marbel will make a 230lb fall to the ground in a drooling psychedelic meltdown. I don't exaggerate either. I use a slow cooker and heat it just before the point where THC degrades and use water and oil so it doesn't break down. I use a slow cooker so I can keep it going for a long time and usually stop around 6-8 hours.

My weed butter is so potent that I only use about 10mls of oil/butter in a brownie recipe and it brings life long smokers to their knees. It also doesn't take an hour or two to kick in. I eat it at work everyday and about 5-10 minutes after ingestion my eyes start drying out and my thoughts become more and more abstract.

Those brownies sound awesome...Good to be living in a time where people can legally do shit like this.


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Re: DIAZ test poitive for Cannabis, Rematch with Condit unlikely
« Reply #34 on: February 15, 2012, 07:11:44 PM »
Those brownies sound awesome...Good to be living in a time where people can legally do shit like this.

Yeah, man. It's way better than having a screaming migraine with brutal nausea. Only side affects are dry eyes and a stupid looking smile from ear to ear. ;D