Author Topic: The full vetting of Barack Obama that the MSM failed and fails to do.  (Read 56473 times)


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Re: The full vetting of Barack Obama that the MSM failed and fails to do.
« Reply #225 on: March 10, 2012, 08:16:15 AM »
Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... ...............nothing to see here. Holy shit you lefties are retards. If Obama wasn't black this guy would never have gotten in.

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Re: The full vetting of Barack Obama that the MSM failed and fails to do.
« Reply #226 on: March 10, 2012, 08:18:59 AM »
This guy started obama down the road to communism. 

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Re: The full vetting of Barack Obama that the MSM failed and fails to do.
« Reply #227 on: March 10, 2012, 08:25:22 AM »

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Re: The full vetting of Barack Obama that the MSM failed and fails to do.
« Reply #228 on: March 10, 2012, 08:28:48 AM »

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Re: The full vetting of Barack Obama that the MSM failed and fails to do.
« Reply #229 on: March 10, 2012, 10:18:43 AM »
Bell Wanted Preferential Treatment, Not Equality
Big Government ^ | March 9, 2012 | Charles C. Johnson

One of the more common spins by the mainstream media about the now-famous Derrick Bell video is that the rally was for more diversity on the Harvard Law campus. This is wrong.

In fact, Bell and Obama were demanding special treatment for Regina Austin, a radical black law professor with poor credentials—she lacked the usual Supreme Court clerkships or law-review appointments—necessary for the position. Bell and Obama demanded that Harvard violate its longstanding policy about not voting on tenure track positions to visiting professors.

Don’t take my word for it. Take Derrick Bell’s. He granted that Austin lacked the proper credentials in an interview with David Remnick, author of The Bridge: The Life and Rise of Barack Obama, “I thought Regina was perfect,” Bell told Remnick. “ She was saying what needed to be said. And she was a lot more militant than I ever was.” (p. 213)

..Austin asserted that the black community should embrace the criminals in its midst as a form of resistance to white oppression. People of color should view “hustling” as a “good middle ground between straightness and more extreme forms of law breaking.” Examples of hustling include “clerks in stores [who] cut their friends a break on merchandise, and pilfering employees [who] spread their contraband around the neighborhood.”

...Like Bell and Wright, Austin shared a racist view of racial relations. Asked in a 1999 interview to explain her role as a legal scholar of critical race theory, Austin answered that it “should start with the premise that black people are at the center of the universe and go on from there.”

...Obama, meanwhile, compared Bell to Rosa Parks, because everyone, presumably, has a right to be a tenured professor at Harvard Law School, especially if they are black and share Bell’s prejudice masquerading as profundity

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


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Re: The full vetting of Barack Obama that the MSM failed and fails to do.
« Reply #230 on: March 11, 2012, 07:05:38 AM »

WOW - clear proof ayers wrote dreams from my father. 

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Re: The full vetting of Barack Obama that the MSM failed and fails to do.
« Reply #231 on: March 11, 2012, 07:22:27 AM »
All this "Obama did this when he was 20, and will turn us into blah blah blah" = was effective and mattered in 2008.


Now we have 4 years of his reign.  He's Bush II, along with some socialized healthcare.  He didn't do that much diff that we would have seen from president mccain, to be honest.  Mccain would be privatizing social security, while obama is doing his healthcare thing.  They're going to get a wealth shift to the private sector somehow.  We just argue about which is the better way to go.  They're both fcking wrong . But hey, carry on arguing. 

These videos mattered in 2008.  Now, it's about what obama has done as president.  that college shit is irrelevant, sorry champ.

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Re: The full vetting of Barack Obama that the MSM failed and fails to do.
« Reply #232 on: March 11, 2012, 07:24:22 AM »
All this "Obama did this when he was 20, and will turn us into blah blah blah" = was effective and mattered in 2008.
Now we have 4 years of his reign.  He's Bush II, along with some socialized healthcare.  He didn't do that much diff that we would have seen from president mccain, to be honest.  Mccain would be privatizing social security, while obama is doing his healthcare thing.  They're going to get a wealth shift to the private sector somehow.  We just argue about which is the better way to go.  They're both fcking wrong . But hey, carry on arguing. 
These videos mattered in 2008.  Now, it's about what obama has done as president.  that college shit is irrelevant, sorry champ.

I really don't see you too upset over what he has done over the last 4 years. 

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Re: The full vetting of Barack Obama that the MSM failed and fails to do.
« Reply #233 on: March 11, 2012, 07:28:55 AM »

I really don't see you too upset over what he has done over the last 4 years. 

I disagree with him on some things, agree with him on others.

Like the guy you'll support for president said about obamcare, "First of all, it's not worth getting angry about".

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Re: The full vetting of Barack Obama that the MSM failed and fails to do.
« Reply #234 on: March 11, 2012, 07:46:57 AM »
 :).  Yawn.  You still are in love w him.

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Re: The full vetting of Barack Obama that the MSM failed and fails to do.
« Reply #235 on: March 11, 2012, 03:27:56 PM »
Video: Derrick Bell Describes Marxist Foundation of Critical Race Theory
Verum Serum ^ | 3/11/12 | Morgen
Posted on March 11, 2012 6:04:38 PM EDT by Nachum

I posted a clip from Derrick Bell last week which included some pretty obvious Marxist undertones, but this…this is like a Marxism primer. CUNY TV in New York has curiously pulled a video clip of this down from their site, and YouTube, but c’mon, you know that’s not going to stop me. From 2007:

(Full source MP3 available here.)

But I thought according to Soledad O’Brien, Critical Race Theory was just about the intersection of race and politics and stuff?

On a related note, does this (pdf) remind of you anyone?

The empathethic perspective also comes from the Critical Race Theory tradition, which suggests that a diverse judiciary greatly shapes judicial decision making, legal analysis, and, by extension, the law itself. Specifically, judges who hail from different social or cultural backgrounds may provide a more nuanced understanding of facts, evidence, and credibility determinations than judges who lack such experience.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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Re: The full vetting of Barack Obama that the MSM failed and fails to do.
« Reply #236 on: March 11, 2012, 03:43:47 PM »
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"Abolish the White Race - By Any Means Necessary"
Flopping Aces ^ | 03-11-12 | DrJohn
Posted on March 11, 2012 2:01:54 PM EDT by Starman417

Or, why Soledad O'Brien is so desperate to quash this story

Not long before he passed away, Andrew Breitbart promised a proper vetting of Barack Obama. It began with the publication of the "The Love Song of Saul Alinsky" post at Obama was among several left wing radical panelists to speak following the 1998 play. It seems that a video of the discussion exists but the director of the play has declared

“There is only one archive tape of the play and I have it,” Dickler informed our source. “It is not in Chicago.”
Dickler told our source that she doesn’t believe she’s ever watched the tape, and she doesn’t know if it “can be viewed.” But she added: “No one is going to see the tape.”

Naturally, such a decision leads one to wonder why.

Now has published a 1991 video of Barack Obama embracing Bell and imploring everyone to

"Open your hearts and open your minds to the words of Prof. Derrick Bell."
Professor Charles Ogletree claims

"We hid this throughout the 2008 campaign."
Of course, left wing lamestream media rose as one in full Obama protection mode

From the Week

Breitbart Obama video fails to shock US establishment

The ever-so-predictable Dylan Stableford at Yahoo:

Andrew Breitbart's promised video of Barack Obama's college days at Harvard University was released in full on Sean Hannity's Fox News show on Wednesday night—and unlike the late conservative provocateur's other video hits, this one appears to be a bit of a dud.
David Graham at the Atlantic

A supposedly incriminating clip debunks the myth of insufficient vetting, proves little about Obama, and distracts from more serious issues.
And at HuffPo

If this is indeed the footage in question, it's not particularly controversial.
Nothing to see here, folks, move along. The media is trying the suppress this story, as they suppressed the Jeremiah Wright/Bill Ayers stories in 2008.

Soledad O'Brien reached new heights in journalistic daffiness with her hyper-partisan deflection of this story. And she apparently needed some coaching from her producer to even blather a false assertion. In an interview with Joel Pollak, senior editor of, O'Brien repeatedly interrupts Pollak as she tries to steer the conversation away from the actual issue. It's fun to watch.


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Re: The full vetting of Barack Obama that the MSM failed and fails to do.
« Reply #237 on: March 11, 2012, 03:56:53 PM »

by JOEL B. POLLAK 2 hours ago 100 POST A COMMENT
In November 1985, the Harvard Law Review published an article by Derrick Bell that was a "classic" in the development of Critical Race Theory. The article was edited by then-student Elena Kagan, and was cited by Prof. Charles Ogletree in support of her nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court by President Barack Obama in 2010. The article makes clear that Critical Race Theory sees the U.S. Constitution as a form of "original sin"--a view later embraced by Obama as a state legislator, and reflected in his actions and appointments. The following is an excerpt from the non-fiction portion of the article; much of what follows is a fictional story that Bell intended as a parable of racial "fantasy." (99 Harv. L. Rev. 4)
At the nation's beginning, the framers saw more clearly than is perhaps possible in our more enlightened and infinitely more complex time the essential need to accept what has become the American contradiction.  The framers made a conscious, though unspoken, sacrifice of the rights of some in the belief that this forfeiture was necessary to secure the rights of others in a society embracing, as its fundamental principle, the equality of all.  And thus the framers, while speaking through the Constitution in an unequivocal voice, at once promised freedom for whites and condemned blacks to slavery....
The Constitution has survived for two centuries and, despite earnest efforts by committed people, the contradiction remains, shielded and nurtured through the years by myth. This contradiction is the root reason for the inability of black people to gain legitimacy -- that is, why they are unable to be taken seriously when they are serious and why they retain a subordinate status as a group that even impressive proofs of individual competence cannot overcome. Contradiction, shrouded by myth, remains a significant factor in blacks' failure to obtain meaningful relief against historic racial injustice.
The myths that today and throughout history have nurtured the original constitutional contradiction and thus guided racial policy are manifold, operating like dreams below the level of language and conscious thought.  Much of what is called the law of civil rights -- an inexact euphemism for racial law -- has a mythological or fairy-tale quality that is based, like the early fairy tales, less on visions of gaiety and light than on an ever-present threat of disaster. We are as likely to deny as to concede these myths, and we may well deny some and admit others. They are not single stories or strands.  Rather, they operate in a rich texture that constantly changes, concealing content while elaborating their misleading meanings.
When recognized, these myths often take the form of the missing link between the desire for some goal of racial justice and its realization. Black civil rights lawyers propound the myth that this case or that court may provide the long-sought solution to racial division. They fantasize and strategize about hazy future events that may bring us a long-envisioned racial equality. White people cling to the belief that racial justice may be realized without any loss of their privileged position. Even at this late date, some find new comfort in the old saw that "these things" -- meaning an end to racial discrimination -- "take time." The psychological motivations behind the myths perpetrated by people of both races can be sufficiently complex to engender book-length explanations by psychiatrists. Racial stereotypes are also part of this suffocating web of myth that forms the rationale of inaction, but it is not necessary to catalogue here the myriad stereotypes about black people that have served since the days of slavery to ease the consciences of the thoughtful and buoy the egos of the ignorant,
The contemporary myths that confuse and inhibit current efforts to achieve racial justice have informed all of our racial history. Myth alone, not history, supports the statements of those who claim that the slavery contradiction was finally resolved by a bloody civil war. The Emancipation Proclamation was intended to serve the interests of the Union, not the blacks, a fact that Lincoln himself admitted. The Civil War amendments, while more vague in language and ambiguous in intent, actually furthered the goals of northern industry and politics far better and longer than they served to protect even the most basic rights of the freedmen. The meager promises of physical protection contained in the civil rights statutes adopted in the post-Civil War period were never effectively honored. Hardly a decade later, the political compromise settling the disputed Hayes-Tilden election once again left the freedmen to the reality of life with their former masters. Finally, the much-discussed "40 acres and a mule," hardly extravagant reparations for an enslaved people who literally built the nation, never got beyond the discussion stage.
The reason that the Civil War amendments failed to produce equality for blacks remains an all-too-familiar barrier today: effective remedies for harm attributable to discrimination in society in general will not be granted to blacks if that relief involves a significant cost to whites. Even in northern states, abolitionists' efforts following the Revolutionary War were stymied by this unspoken principle. Today, affirmative action remedies as well as mandatory school desegregation plans founder as whites balk at bearing the cost of racial equality.
Throughout this history of unkept promises and myth-making about the possibility and proximity of racial equality, racial policy via fantasy has not been the exclusive province of "the perpetrator perspective." Black victims of racial oppression also subscribe to myths about racial issues.  The modern civil rights movement and its ringing imperative, "We Shall Overcome," must be seen as part of the American racial fantasy.  This is not a condemnation.  Much of what advocates call the "struggle" to throw off the fetters of subordinate status is simply an age-old effort to uncover the reality beneath the racial illusions that whites and blacks hold both about themselves and about each other.Clutching for ideological straws is understandable, but, unfortunately, the result is as predictable as that of the framers' fantasy...

Post as …

Really? White people spend all their time Opressing black people? We have nothing better to do with our spare moments?
CRT is inherently a RACIST theory. It is built on the premise that all Whites are themselves RACIST.
And yes Democrats, Black people hating White people just because they are White is RACIST.

Get used to the equal application of your own standards.

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It's built on the idea that whites treat other whites with preferential treatment just because the people who wrote the Constitution were white. If I were to assume, it probably builds upon the left's assumption that individuals cannot be separated from their deeply rooted, involuntary biases, and so if whites wrote the Constitution, it was racist whether they wanted it to be or not.

Doesn't even make sense, really.

To the left, any Government that is not re-distributive is benefiting some more than others, and is thus not working 'For the People'.

Critical theory is based on tearing down the status quo inside such a society, in order so that 'the 99%' can rise up and make a redistributive Government to get back at who they think are 'hoarders'.

Little do they realize that the 'hoarders' have most of their money invested, and all they'll accomplish is collapsing society.

As for Critical Theory, it comes from the Frankfurt school of Socialist Professors who fled Germany when Hitler was attacking any collectivists that weren't part of his group. They found a warm and welcome reception and audience for their Marxism at Columbia University.

It's essentially a form of Marxism, which is easily provable through research. It focuses on tearing apart institutions using materialist and results-oriented logic, ignoring the deeper issues such as unintended consequences, values and morality, and human nature.

Critical Racial Theory is just Critical Theory tailored for a subgroup, black people who feel victimized. It seems to be a favorite tactic of the modern left to divide people into subgroups they identify with and to attack that subgroup's weakness.

For example:

For women, you attack reproduction.
For hispanics, you kowtow on the border.
For blacks, you sympathize with their victimhood.
For the middle class, you sympathize with their growing difficulties.
For the poor, you promise redistribution.

It's always focused on their more superficial, lower order needs. The KEY to seeing and proving that they are doing it for political gain, though, is to ask a simple question: Do they have a coherent, sustainable plan involving all of these factors and showing how they lead to a sustainable future? If they do not, then they are doing it for political gain, obviously, and shouldn't anyone be able to see that if it is shown to them?

If you know Maslow's hierarchy of needs you can easily see a pattern: The left appeals to more base, instinctual needs, while we are focused more on the indirect consequences of such demagoguery and the arbitrary use of force.

As for Columbia University, the Free Speech Movement happened about 25 years later...most people don't know that the Free Speech Movement was about REPEALING laws against politicization of campuses, an old tradition to maintain schools' neutrality and tradition as a place of debate...

Fast forward almost 40 years later, and look how politicized colleges have become, while the left still attempts to use their image as a neutral place of debate. Rallies and shouting down are far more common methods for debating with conservative professors in colleges today, and Obama's speeches around the country are practically a tour-de-force of colleges.

EDIT: Added information about Columbia and the FSM.

(Edited by author 1 hour ago)
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Keep on posting, Tilon!  We need you.  Thanks for sharing this.

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Thanks a lot.

I'd like to note that the reason the left seems to not care how much money they spend kowtowing to various subgroups is buried in the same beliefs as critical racial theory's belief that as long as the system exists that was created by whites, the whites will be superior.

Basically, the reason the left doesn't care how much they spend is because according to their beliefs, as long as capitalism still exists, they haven't spent enough. The object is to overwhelm the system, because that's when the Government can step in further.

They see results-oriented, secular Government as superior to both the old American Constitutional system, and superior to capitalism itself.

As long as capitalism still exists, according to their ideology, they haven't taken enough yet.

The Fabian Socialist Society openly states in their writings that one of their main objectives is to tax those who make money off of property (renters, stockholders) until those people CEASE TO EXIST. 

Look here, at the Fabian Society's writings. 

Revision of Taxation.


Object.—Complete shifting of burden from the workers, of whatever grade, to the recipients of rent and interest, with a view to the ultimate and gradual extinction of the latter class.


 This is a great summary. Thanks.


You got it right on in very identifiable and relational terms.....for most people who mean well......and not those that are harping their political devisive opinions!    This needs to be published in other news meia!  Good job!!!

Your article certainly exposes the real intentions of the sociialist/marxist....whoops Democrats in this country today. The head of the Dems are very organized and know where they want to take this country.........and the rest of us....are being dragged kicking and screaming along with the direction they are going....with us not knowing how to STOP THEM!!!!!


This is what our president said in 2008.

Obama, “If you look at the victories and failures of the civil rights
movement and its litigation strategy in the court. I think where it
succeded was to vest formal rights in previously disposed peoples. So
that I would now have the right to vote, I would now be able to sit a a
lunch counter and as long as I could pay for it, it would be OK. But the

“And to that extent as radical as I think people try to radicalize the Warren Court it wasn’t that radical it didn’t BREAK FREE FROM THE ESSENTIAL CONSTRAINTS BY THE FOUNDING FATHERS IN THE CONSTITUTION, at least as its been interpreted and the Warren Court interpreted it in the same way that generally the CONSTITUTION IS A CHARTER OF NEGATIVE LIBERTIES

Sounds a little like CRT.

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 This was actually in 2003, on Chicago Public Radio.

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Thank you.


YA, CHICAGO radio...the conform or be a racist chicago?  Chicago plays MIND games with its keep them in line...


GOVERNMENT MUST DO ON YOUR BEHALF." Because its the government that takes the rights of the the people away...That is why we are a REPUBLIC -   BY the People For the People...The people we elect should be looking out for the American People...obviously the people who have been put in these elected positions have changed our law to fit their agenda so as they can get away with raping and stealing from the People and the rest of the World.  You should read the Declaration if Independence and the Constitution and its Amendments and not just parrot what others say it says like the Usurper...


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Re: The full vetting of Barack Obama that the MSM failed and fails to do.
« Reply #239 on: March 11, 2012, 04:48:15 PM »
FOX news, the largest and most watched part of the MSM machine, is pretty much a 24/7 Obama Vetting Network.

So this thread title is kinda wrong.

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Re: The full vetting of Barack Obama that the MSM failed and fails to do.
« Reply #240 on: March 11, 2012, 06:27:58 PM »

04 Sep 2008
Another Obama Radical Connection
Donald Ward, Black Panthers, Khalid Al Mansour, Racial Politics, 2008 Election, Barack Obama, Islam

Donald Ward aka “Khalid Al Mansour”

Kenneth R. Timmerman describes the latest skeleton to fall out of Barak Obama’s personal closet.

When Obama was applying to Harvard, Manhattan Borough President Percy Sutton was asked to write a letter of recommendation for him by Donald Warden aka Khalid Al Mansour, a radical Black Nationalist, once mentor to Huey Newton, founder of the Black Panthers, later an Islamicist extremist and antisemite.

YouTube has numerous videos of this gentleman’s rants.

New evidence has emerged that Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama was closely associated as early as age 25 to a key adviser to a Saudi billionaire who had mentored the founding members of the Black Panthers.

In a videotaped interview this year on New York’s all news cable channel NY1, a prominent African-American businessman and political figure made the curious disclosures about Obama.

Percy Sutton, the former borough president of Manhattan, off-handedly revealed the unusual circumstances about his first encounter with the young Obama.

“I was introduced to (Obama) by a friend who was raising money for him,” Sutton told NY1 city hall reporter Dominic Carter.

“The friend’s name is Dr. Khalid al-Mansour, from Texas,” Sutton said. “He is the principal adviser to one of the world’s richest men. He told me about Obama.”

Sutton, the founder of Inner City Broadcasting, said al-Mansour contacted him to ask a favor: Would Sutton write a letter in support of Obama’s application to Harvard Law School?

“He wrote to me about him,” Sutton recalled. “And his introduction was there is a young man that has applied to Harvard. I know that you have a few friends up there because you used to go up there to speak. Would you please write a letter in support of him?”

Sutton said he acted on his friend al-Mansour’s advice.

“I wrote a letter of support of him to my friends at Harvard, saying to them I thought there was a genius that was going to be available and I certainly hoped they would treat him kindly,” Sutton told NY1.

various links embedded in article.

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Re: The full vetting of Barack Obama that the MSM failed and fails to do.
« Reply #241 on: March 12, 2012, 04:33:03 AM »
Jeremiah Wright, Barack Obama's incendiary Chicago pastor, admired radical Harvard Law School professor Derrick Bell, inviting him to speak at Trinity United Church of Christ and referring to him from the pulpit.
In one sermon, which Wright published in 1995 in a collection entitled Africans Who Shaped Our Faith: A Study of 10 Biblical Personalities, Wright referred specifically to Bell's protest against Harvard--the same protest that Obama supported in a video released by last week.
The sermon repeats the main doctrine of Bell's Critical Race Theory--that the United States was founded on racism, and that America remains irredeemably racist. Wright also attacked "Jewish lawyers," comparing the Jews of Jesus's time to "Klansmen" and describing Jesus as a racial provocateur:
Jesus is a perfect model for the best type of faith. Jesus had a faith that did not avoid the realities of race. Modern reasoning tries to avoid the issue of race and pretend that race doesn't really matter.
That is a lie. Race does matter. Race is a reality that one cannot ignore. America was founded on racism. America lives and breathers racism. In this country, racism is as natural as motherhood, apple pie and the fourth of July....
What this country is is about racism from day one. The moment you take your first breath as a black person in this country, you have four strikes against you. You cannot ignore race.
Consider the case of Derrick Bell. Some people would rather fire an "uppity" Black lawyer like him than hire one woman of color. If you don't believe me, send for the transcript from Phil Donahue. Race matters in this country. There is no reason to pretend it doesn't. It doesn't make sense to bury one's head in the sand. Some of us want a Holy Ghost that is blind and dumb, one that will give us tongues but will not give us truth.

Some of us want to run past this issue of race and pretend that race does not really matter. However, Jesus had a faith that did not avoid the reality of race. He kept bringing up the Samaritan issue, because race does matter. Every time Jesus said the word "Samaritan," while talking to Jewish lawyers, it was just like saying the word "black" to some Klansmen in America.

In 2008, Obama claimed that he had never heard Wright use anti-American or racist rhetoric from the pulpit. Yet this radical, antisemitic sermon--among others--was in print, and likely available from the church, while Obama sat in the pews. He could not have missed it, nor pretended not to know about Wright's views.
Wright referred specifically to an appearance by Bell on the Phil Donahue show that has recovered on video (below). In the episode, Bell refers to his departure from Harvard and argues that the civil rights movement made racial inequality worse in some respects.

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Re: The full vetting of Barack Obama that the MSM failed and fails to do.
« Reply #242 on: March 12, 2012, 07:08:31 AM »
How Derrick Bell Beat Martin Luther King Jr.
FrontPage Magazine ^ | March 12, 2012 | Daniel Greenfield

“History proves that the white man is a devil,” said Malcolm X. “Whites are liars,” said Jeremiah Wright. “I love to harass white folks,” said Derrick Bell.

“This is what you deserve. You get what you deserve, white boy,” a black teenager said to Allen Coon, a white student on the porch of his own home, as he set him on fire.

“Don’ tell me words don’t matter,” Obama once said. And he was right. Words do matter. The words of his mentors that have rooted hate so deep in the black community that it has become a cancer, a sore that bleeds violence, a stain on the soul.

While white racism continues to decline year by year, black racism has advanced to the White House and into the hearts and minds of millions. It leads to everything from discrimination to murder. It led to a thirteen-year-old boy screaming as fire ate at the flesh of his face, burning away the white skin that his attackers had been taught to hate so much.

“While city officials, state agencies, white liberals, and sober-minded Negroes stand idly by, a group of Negro dissenters is taking to street-corner step ladders, church pulpits, sports arenas, and ballroom platforms across the United States, to preach a gospel of hate that would set off a federal investigation if it were preached by Southern whites.”

The year was 1959 and the voice was that of Mike Wallace. Since then the “Gospel of Hate” has become mainstream in parts of the black community. Black leaders like Jeremiah Wright have discarded the Black Muslim origins of their hate, along with the tales of UFOs and Mohammed, but have retained its deep-seated venomous racism.

The Nation of Islam, the subject of Wallace’s documentary, has won. Its Million Man March was the largest organized show of political force by the black community in decades. Its breakaway activist, Malcolm X, has displaced Martin Luther King, as a political role model in the black community. Most of all its hate has become distilled into the rhetoric and beliefs of even non-Muslim clergy and scholars.

While we look at the hateful words of a Jeremiah Wright or a Derrick Bell who preach from the pulpit or propound from their ivory tower desks, we often ignore their impact on the ground floor of public life and what happens when their teachings trickle down to create an atmosphere of oppression and hate.

Allen Coon, a 13-year-old boy, was set on fire as a consequence of the mainstreaming of racism in the black community to the extent that hatred for white people became a regular feature of his classes at school.

“You’ve got to be taught, to hate and fear,” Lieutenant Cable hummed in Rodger and Hammerstein’s South Pacific. “You’ve got to be taught, from year to year.”

Allen Coon’s assailants, who followed him home from school, poured gasoline on him and flicked the lighter, had been carefully taught to hate by teachers in the Kansas City public school system. Those teachers had also been taught to hate from year to year. The burns on the face of a thirteen-year-old white boy did not emerge out of thin air. They are marks of the bigotry of men like Jeremiah Wright and Derrick Bell, of words that collect like rainwater in the gutter, seeping into the hearts and minds of those in the black community who consider those bigots leaders, until it overflows and torture, rape and murder follow.

The greatest testament to the triumph of black racism in the black community is in the number of racist figures surrounding Barack Obama. If anyone imagined a black president in 1959, few would have imagined that his wife would pose in a photo together with the wife of the leader of a black hate group, that his mentor would screech “God damn America” from the pulpit or that his good friend would proudly proclaim, “I live to harass white folks.”

As parents and students from the same school that Allen Coon attended come forward to testify to the atmosphere of racism and racial intimidation, we can easily imagine the coverage that the story would receive if only the races were reversed. Cameras would fill every corner of East High School, assemblies would be called, tolerance programs would be implemented, and every media outlet would demand an orgy of soul-searching by white parents and students to understand their part in this atrocity.

Two years ago Newsweek ran a photo of a white baby asking the question, “Is your baby racist?” While the media will gleefully charge 6-month-old white babies with racism, accusing them of bigotry for staring longer at photos of other races; it will go on ignoring the Allen Coon case, as it has ignored any number of similar and worse cases. Obama graced Sandra Fluke with a sympathetic phone call over the devastating trauma of being called a slut. Having your face set on fire though doesn’t qualify for a two minute long distance call from the Oval Office.

The eager critiquers of white bigotry are unwilling to take a hard look at the unpleasant reality of black racism and their role in sanctifying and perpetuating it. They are unwilling to analyze language like, “You get what you deserve, white boy,” to find the legacy of hate embedded within from their own teachings, which say that victimization invites a violent response, that guilt is racial rather than individual and being told you are the victim exempts you from accountability for your own actions.

“I pale in hatred to the hatred of white people,” Farrakhan once said, justifying his black racism through the prop of white racism. That prop is still there, and its spectral image of a universal and pervasive white racism is taught in every school and used to justify every aspect of black racism, from discrimination at colleges to intimidation at polls, to setting a thirteen-year-old boy on fire.

The Allen Coon case is yet another reminder that an end to racism does not mean an end to white racism. It means an end to all racism. And that day will only come when black people are just as ashamed of Jeremiah Wright, affirmative action and schools like East High School where white students are harassed because of their race, as white people already are of separate lunch counters and drinking fountains.

“You get what you deserve, white boy,” isn’t just the credo of Coon’s attackers; it’s the credo of Al Sharpton, of Derrick Bell, of Jeremiah Wright and of a legion of black activists, academics and clergy. And until that credo is rooted out as completely as “segregation forever,” then America will remain a nation divided by race.

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Article printed from FrontPage Magazine:


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Re: The full vetting of Barack Obama that the MSM failed and fails to do.
« Reply #243 on: March 12, 2012, 07:17:14 AM »
So, cut and paste force powers?

Wonder twin powers?  Form of: Birther with a cuase. 


He had himself an epic little cut and paste weekend. 

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Re: The full vetting of Barack Obama that the MSM failed and fails to do.
« Reply #244 on: March 12, 2012, 07:31:04 AM »

The Breitbart vetting of President Obama continues with this incredibly revealing, damaging, disturbing and embarrassing video starring Democrat (or, should I now say, "Communist") Congressman, Danny K. Davis, serving the 7th district of Illinois (Chicago, of course).  Here, Congressman Davis is walking out of the offices of the Communist Party USA, and is receiving an award for a "Lifetime of Inspiring Leadership", from People's World, the news arm for the Communist Party USA,  Barack Obama is praising Davis, who he knew very well at the time, stating, "You just heard from one of the best congressman in the country, and the reason he's one of the best congressman in the country is that he shares our values."

Shares our values?  What values?  Communist values?  I'm pretty sure those aren't American values. I wrote an article on January 25th, 2012, following Obama's Marxist diatribe of a State of the Union Address, entitled, "Obama's Values are Not American Values", which is loudly amplified and confirmed by Obama's endorsement of a "fellow" (yes, I said, "fellow") communist. 

As the video shows, Barack Obama and the Communist Congressman have a long friendship as comrades going back to the days of the "New Party", a front group for the Communist Party USA.  Here, on the Chicago Democratic Socialists of America website, both Davis and Obama are listed as members of the New Party:
Comrades Obama & Davis exchanging pleasantries

"the NP's '96 Political Program has been enormously successful with 3 of 4 endorsed candidates winning electoral primaries. All four candidates attended the NP membership meeting on April 11th to express their gratitude. Danny Davis, winner in the 7th Congressional District, invited NPers to join his Campaign Steering Committee. Patricia Martin, who won the race for Judge in 7th Subcircuit Court, explained that due to the NP she was able to network and get experienced advice from progressives like Davis. Barack Obama, victor in the 13th State Senate District, encouraged NPers to join in his task forces on Voter Education and Voter Registration."

Below is an invitation from the communist news, "People's World", to a meeting bashing the Tea Party (Hey, it's just like what the Democrats do), with Obama's favorite, Democrat Congressman Danny K. Davis as the featured speaker:

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Re: The full vetting of Barack Obama that the MSM failed and fails to do.
« Reply #246 on: March 12, 2012, 07:58:43 AM »

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Re: The full vetting of Barack Obama that the MSM failed and fails to do.
« Reply #247 on: March 12, 2012, 08:01:49 AM »

Soul Crusher

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Re: The full vetting of Barack Obama that the MSM failed and fails to do.
« Reply #248 on: March 12, 2012, 08:02:25 AM »

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Re: The full vetting of Barack Obama that the MSM failed and fails to do.
« Reply #249 on: March 12, 2012, 09:22:12 AM »
you repubs are wasting all your political capital with this.

economy sucks, syria, libya, afghanistan, iran, egypt...

and you dummies are screaming about a speech given 25 years ago to 30 people on a college quad?

hahahaha clueless.  No wonder you have a lib (romney) and a zealot up for your nomiation.  Stupid beyond belief to spend your political capital on this.