Author Topic: Masteron nonstop?  (Read 15203 times)


  • Getbig III
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Re: Masteron nonstop?
« Reply #25 on: March 05, 2012, 08:54:27 AM »

Good shit . You're the man sleep.

Arnold jr

  • Getbig V
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Re: Masteron nonstop?
« Reply #26 on: March 05, 2012, 10:53:49 AM »
I would worry about prostate health being on masteron year round.

Yep, this would be a sure fire way to blow your prostate up, I'd pretty well call it guaranteed. After that, it won't take too long until training and gear is the last thing on your mind. Nevertheless, people don't listen to reason and logic on this board anymore (not all but most) and as their leader has said Masteron is the ultimate power they'd inject it in their eyeball or chode it year round if they could.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Masteron nonstop?
« Reply #27 on: March 05, 2012, 12:10:02 PM »
Yep, this would be a sure fire way to blow your prostate up, I'd pretty well call it guaranteed. After that, it won't take too long until training and gear is the last thing on your mind. Nevertheless, people don't listen to reason and logic on this board anymore (not all but most) and as their leader has said Masteron is the ultimate power they'd inject it in their eyeball or chode it year round if they could.

Well I do take gh 15 advice. But I also cruise for a huge part of the year on only 250 mg of test, and I never ever ever would stay on tren for a whole year , ad logically I would not stay on masteron either.

However coming off test is absurd to me. I will never run PCT again. Not all of us are idiots Arnold. I get blood work done every 6 months and I used to get it done every 2 months. I also do 15-30 minutes of cardio daily. I am one of the "extreme"" members, but I don't follow everything gh 15 says and if you are implying that we would jump off a bridge if he said to , you're wrong.

You have helped me a lot in the last year w advice Arnold I just feel like lately some posts here have been directed at me and a few members who do follow gh15 advice to an extent. Sorry if I'm
Being defensive. I just want the board to know that I am
My own man and I think for myself, and I know when to stop cycling heavily and I find importance in blood work, cardio and a healthy diet.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Masteron nonstop?
« Reply #28 on: March 05, 2012, 01:16:13 PM »
smoofcat, do you mind posting a pic? 1400mg sounds like a shitload to me and I'm curious to see what your physique looks like at such a low bodyfat

Arnold jr

  • Getbig V
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Re: Masteron nonstop?
« Reply #29 on: March 05, 2012, 01:27:15 PM »
Well I do take gh 15 advice. But I also cruise for a huge part of the year on only 250 mg of test, and I never ever ever would stay on tren for a whole year , ad logically I would not stay on masteron either.

However coming off test is absurd to me. I will never run PCT again. Not all of us are idiots Arnold. I get blood work done every 6 months and I used to get it done every 2 months. I also do 15-30 minutes of cardio daily. I am one of the "extreme"" members, but I don't follow everything gh 15 says and if you are implying that we would jump off a bridge if he said to , you're wrong.

You have helped me a lot in the last year w advice Arnold I just feel like lately some posts here have been directed at me and a few members who do follow gh15 advice to an extent. Sorry if I'm
Being defensive. I just want the board to know that I am
My own man and I think for myself, and I know when to stop cycling heavily and I find importance in blood work, cardio and a healthy diet.

Directed at you, no...directed at several of the GH15 followers, absolutely. I don't have any problem with you, from what I can tell, an idiot is the last thing I'd call you. And I don't have any problem with what you're referring to as "extreme" I was in that boat for many years and never came off, and if I could go back I still wouldn't come off. Big cycles with testosterone cruises...I did that for a long time.

My problem is when people talk about things on this board that just give steroid users a bad name; things that prove the anti-steroid crowd right, that we're a bunch of idiots. For example, Masteron year round, this is guaranteed prostate enlargement and to go on bragging about an idiotic choice, it just chaffs my ass a little bit.

All-in-all, my problem is also those who can't think for themselves...if GH15 wants to say this or that I don't have any problem with that, but the repeated echo is annoying. A few wks ago, GH15 replied to a comment of mine and that G101 or whatever his name is replied as well and his reply was as always almost verbatim what GH15 had's annoying and there are hundreds here just like him.

Does GH15 make some good points, sure...does he say things I disagree with, absolutely but the idiotic sheep mentality that he has created by a bunch of members, most who will probably never step on stage or consider it is beyond annoying and it sends a message to the rest of the world that's damaging to the overall cause.

Last thing, again, I have no problem with you, I read a lot of your post and I'm glad you're here.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Masteron nonstop?
« Reply #30 on: March 05, 2012, 06:28:43 PM »

So uh yeah . Tren at 1400 mg weekly and primo at 700 weekly with a bit of sustanin and Some gh, t3, clen, proviron: Arnold status.

I am 5' 10" and 200 lbs @ 8% right now and I'm currently doing this exact same regimen except I'm only doing 700mg of tren. You've inspired me to bump it up to 1400mg though.  ;D


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Re: Masteron nonstop?
« Reply #31 on: March 05, 2012, 06:54:40 PM »
I am 5' 10" and 200 lbs @ 8% right now and I'm currently doing this exact same regimen except I'm only doing 700mg of tren. You've inspired me to bump it up to 1400mg though.  ;D

Whose tren are you using and how are you finding it?


  • Getbig III
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Re: Masteron nonstop?
« Reply #32 on: March 05, 2012, 09:19:48 PM »
Directed at you, no...directed at several of the GH15 followers, absolutely. I don't have any problem with you, from what I can tell, an idiot is the last thing I'd call you. And I don't have any problem with what you're referring to as "extreme" I was in that boat for many years and never came off, and if I could go back I still wouldn't come off. Big cycles with testosterone cruises...I did that for a long time.

My problem is when people talk about things on this board that just give steroid users a bad name; things that prove the anti-steroid crowd right, that we're a bunch of idiots. For example, Masteron year round, this is guaranteed prostate enlargement and to go on bragging about an idiotic choice, it just chaffs my ass a little bit.

All-in-all, my problem is also those who can't think for themselves...if GH15 wants to say this or that I don't have any problem with that, but the repeated echo is annoying. A few wks ago, GH15 replied to a comment of mine and that G101 or whatever his name is replied as well and his reply was as always almost verbatim what GH15 had's annoying and there are hundreds here just like him.

Does GH15 make some good points, sure...does he say things I disagree with, absolutely but the idiotic sheep mentality that he has created by a bunch of members, most who will probably never step on stage or consider it is beyond annoying and it sends a message to the rest of the world that's damaging to the overall cause.

Last thing, again, I have no problem with you, I read a lot of your post and I'm glad you're here.

yeah i totally agree with you arnold actually. and i am sorry i got defensive. some of the talk on this board does make me raise my eyebrows, specifically in regards to extremes. there is a lot of no cardio, no clean diet, always tren year round, etc'. a lot of these points are simply exaggerations of solid ideas that have simply been possessed by a mob mentality, and converted into black and white "truths", rather than what they really are- grey area.

for example, the assertion that cardio is unnecessary is not accurate from a  big picture view. guys in the golden era of bodybuilding were known to do 30-60 minutes a day. i have read this in many autobiographies. yes, they were much smaller than the guys today. but let's be serious now- ignoring cardio in entirety is something that can kill you. it is counterintuitive to the premise that much of the thunder dome supports, being that hormones make you super human (and the extreme version of this that i have read here, is that hormones make you immune to HIV, etc'). if you are 275 lbs and 5'10'' and you ignore your cardio, you can die at any moment.

the next assertion that i want to dispute is that eating a fully dirty diet is the only way to grow, especially on GH. there is no way i can support this. if you are eating hawaiian pizzas and ice cream all day, you are not going to be in good health. i don't care what you physically appear like. diet is an area that is GREY, not black and white. you can eat relatively clean (meat, brown rice, some vegetables, oatmeal, egg whites, fish, etc') and still grow. trust me. i lived my life doing this and i am over 220 @ 5.5% right now, and i am under 6 foot. of course you can eat a lot of dirty food on anabolics and gh. just not all the time. i personally have many, many cheat meals through the week. but the assertion that you can and should eat dirty all of the time does not vibe well with me. i personally know pros in the area, and members who know me can back me on this, who eat relatively clean. these are PROS. brown rice, lots of meat, vegetables and YES cheat meals. but there are egg whites, oatmeal, fish, meat, etc' in that diet too.

one of the things that is a black and white area that i commend this website for getting very, very right is that alcohol and narcotics are a HUGE no in this sport. i never drink, ever. i haven't had one drink in god knows how long. and i have literally witnessed 2 bodybuilders who i knew die in the past year and a half from narcotic over doses. one was close to me. this is not a grey area. drinking + hormones (especially tren.. i can not emphasize this enough, that alcohol + tren equals institutionalization of the bodybuilder; jail, hospital or morgue) does not mix. and the worst thing are the opiate pain killers. this is a KILLER among the bodybuilding community. so many of us are secretly addicted to oxycontin, vicodin and percocet for the energy, because it is simply unnatural to walk around at the weights that some of us do. do not argue with me on this. hormones do not mix with opiate pain killers or alcohol, and i am not even getting into the cocaine, ecstasy, and other narcotics that so many bodybuilders are dependent on. i commend this site for promoting awareness on this subject ( a lot of boards DO NOT share this attitude).

i have other issues i want to write about  and personally debunk, but right now i have to go to bed, because i have a pregnant girlfriend and my time on get big is no longer as plentiful as it was months ago. but i still get on here when i can because i love this section specifically. believe it or not, i have only been on G and O once, and it is just not my style. i'm not here to joke around. hormones is serious to me, and in fact i would probably martyr myself if i could make them legal for the greater good of the cult.

Arnold jr

  • Getbig V
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Re: Masteron nonstop?
« Reply #33 on: March 05, 2012, 11:24:01 PM »
yeah i totally agree with you arnold actually. and i am sorry i got defensive. some of the talk on this board does make me raise my eyebrows, specifically in regards to extremes. there is a lot of no cardio, no clean diet, always tren year round, etc'. a lot of these points are simply exaggerations of solid ideas that have simply been possessed by a mob mentality, and converted into black and white "truths", rather than what they really are- grey area.

for example, the assertion that cardio is unnecessary is not accurate from a  big picture view. guys in the golden era of bodybuilding were known to do 30-60 minutes a day. i have read this in many autobiographies. yes, they were much smaller than the guys today. but let's be serious now- ignoring cardio in entirety is something that can kill you. it is counterintuitive to the premise that much of the thunder dome supports, being that hormones make you super human (and the extreme version of this that i have read here, is that hormones make you immune to HIV, etc'). if you are 275 lbs and 5'10'' and you ignore your cardio, you can die at any moment.

the next assertion that i want to dispute is that eating a fully dirty diet is the only way to grow, especially on GH. there is no way i can support this. if you are eating hawaiian pizzas and ice cream all day, you are not going to be in good health. i don't care what you physically appear like. diet is an area that is GREY, not black and white. you can eat relatively clean (meat, brown rice, some vegetables, oatmeal, egg whites, fish, etc') and still grow. trust me. i lived my life doing this and i am over 220 @ 5.5% right now, and i am under 6 foot. of course you can eat a lot of dirty food on anabolics and gh. just not all the time. i personally have many, many cheat meals through the week. but the assertion that you can and should eat dirty all of the time does not vibe well with me. i personally know pros in the area, and members who know me can back me on this, who eat relatively clean. these are PROS. brown rice, lots of meat, vegetables and YES cheat meals. but there are egg whites, oatmeal, fish, meat, etc' in that diet too.

one of the things that is a black and white area that i commend this website for getting very, very right is that alcohol and narcotics are a HUGE no in this sport. i never drink, ever. i haven't had one drink in god knows how long. and i have literally witnessed 2 bodybuilders who i knew die in the past year and a half from narcotic over doses. one was close to me. this is not a grey area. drinking + hormones (especially tren.. i can not emphasize this enough, that alcohol + tren equals institutionalization of the bodybuilder; jail, hospital or morgue) does not mix. and the worst thing are the opiate pain killers. this is a KILLER among the bodybuilding community. so many of us are secretly addicted to oxycontin, vicodin and percocet for the energy, because it is simply unnatural to walk around at the weights that some of us do. do not argue with me on this. hormones do not mix with opiate pain killers or alcohol, and i am not even getting into the cocaine, ecstasy, and other narcotics that so many bodybuilders are dependent on. i commend this site for promoting awareness on this subject ( a lot of boards DO NOT share this attitude).

i have other issues i want to write about  and personally debunk, but right now i have to go to bed, because i have a pregnant girlfriend and my time on get big is no longer as plentiful as it was months ago. but i still get on here when i can because i love this section specifically. believe it or not, i have only been on G and O once, and it is just not my style. i'm not here to joke around. hormones is serious to me, and in fact i would probably martyr myself if i could make them legal for the greater good of the cult.

Well said, I agree with everything you said.

This has been my biggest problem with a lot of what's been on this board for the last year or so, people taking truths and twisting them to fully meet what they's both annoying and at times can be dangerous. Another thing is the constant bashing of guys who don't want to follow a non-stop extreme cycling lifestyle....this would be most people who supplement, and the advice given to such people for the last year or so has been horrendous.

As for your food/diet comments, why people cannot see this anymore on this board blows my mind. Yes, of course you can get away with more junk food when you're using hormones, but you're still going to have a better body and one that is far healthier if you limit it to reasonable amounts. This isn't brain surgery but for some reason people want to believe what they believe despite the truth. I know plenty of pros who eat clean, I know those who eat dirtier, and the ones who have a little more discipline seem to tend to place a little higher...that can't be a coincidence. Same for cardio, if Flex has to do 2.5hrs of cardio a day in his diet, if Ronnie used to do butt loads of cardio and Jay still does, why people here think they're any different makes no sense to me.

As for the opiates and alcohol....I agree, these have no place in bodybuilding. Alcohol is probably one of the worst things you can put into your body. Although there are heart benefits with moderate amounts, the negative aspects of consumption far outweigh any benefit. Talk about a metabolic destroyer. As for opiates, yes, it's a problem for a lot of bodybuilders, but it's a huge problem in the U.S. as a society as a whole. I dated a girl once who had this problem...I was unaware...she was completely functional but eventually fell off the deep end and completely destroyed her life and many of the people around her. I tried to help her but eventually I had to run for my life before she destroyed me. You never would have expected it from her if you saw her...she was a D1 cheerleader in collage, got her nursing degree and a good job, grew up completely normal but ended up a strung out junkie. She crosses my mind from time to time...I simply hope she got the help she needed before it was too late.

Speaking of drugs, real drugs...I don't consider anabolic steroids drugs, they're hormones and there's a big difference....there have been a few studies revolving around anabolic steroid users in the U.S. over the past decade...not many but a few. However, from the statistics, the vast majority do not use any recreational drugs like cocaine, X or opiates. Sure, there's enough who do and they stand out in a big way and they are a problem.

In-regards to your last bodybuilding days are over as far as I can tell, I still train, I actually still train fairly hard and almost every day....I simply love that part of my life, it gives me something nothing else can give me. Even so, my primary goal is no longer bodybuilding, but education on what's really going on...steroid education, and with any luck, changing the perception of anabolic steroids into what they really are. Of course, I still have goals around the bodybuilding industry of a similar nature to what I used to do, but overall these two goals are interconnected. It's my full time job, and my passion, and I hope it's one that bares some fruit.  


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Masteron nonstop?
« Reply #34 on: March 06, 2012, 01:54:03 AM »
Arnold, been running tren, masteron, test for about 5 months now, what would you say is a good anabolic to switch out with masteron?  Also, I've been running lower doses.

50mg test prop
50mg masteron
100mg tren ace

all three eod, test and tren are staples, also here and there I would throw in some orals on and off, such as m1t, andro, halodrol, was going to get anadral in there soon. 

would switching out masteron for eq be a wise choice?   I don't plan on coming off.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Masteron nonstop?
« Reply #35 on: March 06, 2012, 07:27:32 AM »
yeah i totally agree with you arnold actually. and i am sorry i got defensive. some of the talk on this board does make me raise my eyebrows, specifically in regards to extremes. there is a lot of no cardio, no clean diet, always tren year round, etc'. a lot of these points are simply exaggerations of solid ideas that have simply been possessed by a mob mentality, and converted into black and white "truths", rather than what they really are- grey area.

for example, the assertion that cardio is unnecessary is not accurate from a  big picture view. guys in the golden era of bodybuilding were known to do 30-60 minutes a day. i have read this in many autobiographies. yes, they were much smaller than the guys today. but let's be serious now- ignoring cardio in entirety is something that can kill you. it is counterintuitive to the premise that much of the thunder dome supports, being that hormones make you super human (and the extreme version of this that i have read here, is that hormones make you immune to HIV, etc'). if you are 275 lbs and 5'10'' and you ignore your cardio, you can die at any moment.

the next assertion that i want to dispute is that eating a fully dirty diet is the only way to grow, especially on GH. there is no way i can support this. and ice cream all day, you are not going to be in good healthif you are eating . i don't care what you physically appear like. diet is an area that is GREY, not black and white. you can eat relatively clean (meat, brown rice, some vegethawaiian pizzas ables, oatmeal, egg whites, fish, etc') and still grow. trust me. i lived my life doing this and i am over 220 @ 5.5% right now, and i am under 6 foot. of course you can eat a lot of dirty food on anabolics and gh. just not all the time. i personally have many, many cheat meals through the week. but the assertion that you can and should eat dirty all of the time does not vibe well with me. i personally know pros in the area, and members who know me can back me on this, who eat relatively clean. these are PROS. brown rice, lots of meat, vegetables and YES cheat meals. but there are egg whites, oatmeal, fish, meat, etc' in that diet too.

one of the things that is a black and white area that i commend this website for getting very, very right is that alcohol and narcotics are a HUGE no in this sport. i never drink, ever. i haven't had one drink in god knows how long. and i have literally witnessed 2 bodybuilders who i knew die in the past year and a half from narcotic over doses. one was close to me. this is not a grey area. drinking + hormones (especially tren.. i can not emphasize this enough, that alcohol + tren equals institutionalization of the bodybuilder; jail, hospital or morgue) does not mix. and the worst thing are the opiate pain killers. this is a KILLER among the bodybuilding community. so many of us are secretly addicted to oxycontin, vicodin and percocet for the energy, because it is simply unnatural to walk around at the weights that some of us do. do not argue with me on this. hormones do not mix with opiate pain killers or alcohol, and i am not even getting into the cocaine, ecstasy, and other narcotics that so many bodybuilders are dependent on. i commend this site for promoting awareness on this subject ( a lot of boards DO NOT share this attitude).

i have other issues i want to write about  and personally debunk, but right now i have to go to bed, because i have a pregnant girlfriend and my time on get big is no longer as plentiful as it was months ago. but i still get on here when i can because i love this section specifically. believe it or not, i have only been on G and O once, and it is just not my style. i'm not here to joke around. hormones is serious to me, and in fact i would probably martyr myself if i could make them legal for the greater good of the cult.

Excellent post.

Arnold jr

  • Getbig V
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Re: Masteron nonstop?
« Reply #36 on: March 06, 2012, 05:54:13 PM »
Arnold, been running tren, masteron, test for about 5 months now, what would you say is a good anabolic to switch out with masteron?  Also, I've been running lower doses.

50mg test prop
50mg masteron
100mg tren ace

all three eod, test and tren are staples, also here and there I would throw in some orals on and off, such as m1t, andro, halodrol, was going to get anadral in there soon. 

would switching out masteron for eq be a wise choice?   I don't plan on coming off.

Anything that's not a DHT compound would be a good choice.


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Re: Masteron nonstop?
« Reply #37 on: March 06, 2012, 10:07:52 PM »
I'm not a religious man but I will pray for you guys lol. A few hundred mgs a week and I go from Dalai Llama to Craig Titus LMAO

Seriously, how do you guys handle those doses? I'd love to use more but 100mg EOD is a mental challenge for me and as most fellas know I'm usually cool as a cucumber.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Masteron nonstop?
« Reply #38 on: March 06, 2012, 10:16:18 PM »
I'm not a religious man but I will pray for you guys lol. A few hundred mgs a week and I go from Dalai Llama to Craig Titus LMAO

Seriously, how do you guys handle those doses? I'd love to use more but 100mg EOD is a mental challenge for me and as most fellas know I'm usually cool as a cucumber.

why? i don't see the problem. i have run up to 5 grams of gear weekly and i promise i am cool. occasionally a weird thought pops up, but i just calmly tell myself it is the gear, and then i take a breathe and it is over.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Masteron nonstop?
« Reply #39 on: March 07, 2012, 08:53:05 AM »
Smoofcat, what makes you say alcohol is so bad with tren and hormones? I'm sorry but I just don't see a correlation unless you are talking about orals. And I'm talking about a social drinker (drunk once a week maybe), not an alcoholic


  • Getbig III
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Re: Masteron nonstop?
« Reply #40 on: March 07, 2012, 09:24:34 AM »
Smoofcat, what makes you say alcohol is so bad with tren and hormones? I'm sorry but I just don't see a correlation unless you are talking about orals. And I'm talking about a social drinker (drunk once a week maybe), not an alcoholic

I just find alcohol , even in moderate amounts, goes right to the waist. One or two drinks a week won't kill you.

But more importantly I would say about half of people who run high dose tren can not handle the sides. They take it out on their girlfriends, their mothers, they lose their job and relationship and some even jump on an anti depressant. These are the guys who end up in jail, the hospital or the morgue from mixing alcohol with tren.

If you are one of the jedis of this sport cult and you can control your mind, then go ahead and drink. I personally do not drink ever for my own reasons , including my genetics which are prone to alcoholism and addiction. I can not drink or use drugs at all. Not ever.

But the other reason is because I love my body. I see alcohol as poison and it is an empty calorie. Even ice cream makes you grow. Alcohol jut makes your waist grow and it effects your training. I just personally never drink.

And girls don't care. They love that I don't. It impresses them and makes party whores feel guilty , and they already are infatuated.

Arnold jr

  • Getbig V
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Re: Masteron nonstop?
« Reply #41 on: March 07, 2012, 10:50:16 AM »
I just find alcohol , even in moderate amounts, goes right to the waist. One or two drinks a week won't kill you.

But more importantly I would say about half of people who run high dose tren can not handle the sides. They take it out on their girlfriends, their mothers, they lose their job and relationship and some even jump on an anti depressant. These are the guys who end up in jail, the hospital or the morgue from mixing alcohol with tren.

If you are one of the jedis of this sport cult and you can control your mind, then go ahead and drink. I personally do not drink ever for my own reasons , including my genetics which are prone to alcoholism and addiction. I can not drink or use drugs at all. Not ever.

But the other reason is because I love my body. I see alcohol as poison and it is an empty calorie. Even ice cream makes you grow. Alcohol jut makes your waist grow and it effects your training. I just personally never drink.

And girls don't care. They love that I don't. It impresses them and makes party whores feel guilty , and they already are infatuated.

I agree with the exception of the mental control aspects. That's a topic I disagree with a handful of you guys on here, but as far as alcohol you're dead on the money.

I once read this in a magazine 5 or 6 years ago, I can't remember what it was but the article said that from 2-3oz of alcohol and the form of alcohol doesn't matter, it will take 72hrs for your metabolism to return to where it was before you had those 2-3oz, and that's assuming you only had 2-3oz.

Anyway, I do not know how accurate those figures are above, but I'd say they're close. There's just nothing good about alcohol, especially if you're trying to bodybuild it has got to be the single worst thing on earth. It's like being a NASCAR driver and putting square tires on your car before the race.

....BTW, your comment about girls, 100% true. I know a lot of guys think they need alcohol to get a girl, but that's just no self-confidence.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Masteron nonstop?
« Reply #42 on: March 07, 2012, 10:59:25 AM »
I don't drink much at all because I just don't enjoy it anymore.
I had a couple drinks at dinner the other night, while on 50mg tren ED,
and the buzz feeling I got was completely different than when I am not on
tren. Instead of feeling good, I felt more uncomfortable. I suppose that is
a good thing, it will keep me from even having one drink at all now.
I'm going to a birthday party this Saturday, I plan on staying sober.


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Re: Masteron nonstop?
« Reply #43 on: March 07, 2012, 11:35:40 AM »
I haven't drank anything with alcohol in almost 6 months.

I think once i hit my 30's i just lost interest in drinking all together; i have only drank a handful of times in the last 3-4 years. Which of course is a very good thing. Plus i have been training very seriously this year so far and I'm in the best cardiovascular shape of my life.

Substance abuse runs deep on both sides of my family. Irish/Scottish heritage(McElvaney)...imagine that. ;D



  • Getbig III
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Re: Masteron nonstop?
« Reply #44 on: March 07, 2012, 12:00:56 PM »
I haven't drank anything with alcohol in almost 6 months.

I think once i hit my 30's i just lost interest in drinking all together; i have only drank a handful of times in the last 3-4 years. Which of course is a very good thing. Plus i have been training very seriously this year so far and I'm in the best cardiovascular shape of my life.

Substance abuse runs deep on both sides of my family. Irish/Scottish heritage(McElvaney)...imagine that. ;D


Yeah you and me both. Addiction in genetics is no joke. The same genetics that blessed me with a ridiculously big frame (6'7" wingspan and about 6 foot tall) also do not allow me to enjoy alcohol like many do. Even when I was a teen and hormone free i would get mean when I drank. I also had issues with stopping, and I never blacked out.

It's not something I am proud of but I also am facing it head on instead of running from it or pretending everything will be ok if I have a drink. I am on hormones and I don't know who is waiting on the other end of a drinking binge if I go down that path. I think it's a monster. I don't want to meet him.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Masteron nonstop?
« Reply #45 on: March 07, 2012, 12:16:54 PM »
I just find alcohol , even in moderate amounts, goes right to the waist. One or two drinks a week won't kill you.

But more importantly I would say about half of people who run high dose tren can not handle the sides. They take it out on their girlfriends, their mothers, they lose their job and relationship and some even jump on an anti depressant. These are the guys who end up in jail, the hospital or the morgue from mixing alcohol with tren.

If you are one of the jedis of this sport cult and you can control your mind, then go ahead and drink. I personally do not drink ever for my own reasons , including my genetics which are prone to alcoholism and addiction. I can not drink or use drugs at all. Not ever.

But the other reason is because I love my body. I see alcohol as poison and it is an empty calorie. Even ice cream makes you grow. Alcohol jut makes your waist grow and it effects your training. I just personally never drink.

And girls don't care. They love that I don't. It impresses them and makes party whores feel guilty , and they already are infatuated.

I do happen to be one of those jedis. I'm like you with tren. I've gone as high as 700mg for a very brief period and it doesn't make me behave any differently at all. I just don't get sides other than being hot and sweaty. I've spent a lot of november and december going out and drinking and was totally fine physique wise and mentally. I've never touched a drug in my life though (except roids of course)

I can't go out and not drink. I need to be buzzed/drunk to really maximize my experience out. I give you credit for not needing that, but I do. I just can't be in a crowded bar sober and expect to hit on chicks or have any fun.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Masteron nonstop?
« Reply #46 on: March 07, 2012, 01:20:50 PM »
I do happen to be one of those jedis. I'm like you with tren. I've gone as high as 700mg for a very brief period and it doesn't make me behave any differently at all. I just don't get sides other than being hot and sweaty. I've spent a lot of november and december going out and drinking and was totally fine physique wise and mentally. I've never touched a drug in my life though (except roids of course)

I can't go out and not drink. I need to be buzzed/drunk to really maximize my experience out. I give you credit for not needing that, but I do. I just can't be in a crowded bar sober and expect to hit on chicks or have any fun.

I'm the same way bro. When I go out with friends I have to catch a buzz. It's a chance for me to blow off steam let loose and have some fun. I avoid it when I'm on heavy orals though. I can barely handle tren. When mixed with alcohol I was a physco path I learned I can't do both at the same time.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Masteron nonstop?
« Reply #47 on: March 07, 2012, 06:00:58 PM »
Whose tren are you using and how are you finding it?

I use Sciroxx and love it.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Masteron nonstop?
« Reply #48 on: March 07, 2012, 06:03:28 PM »
I do happen to be one of those jedis. I'm like you with tren. I've gone as high as 700mg for a very brief period and it doesn't make me behave any differently at all. I just don't get sides other than being hot and sweaty.

Same with me.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Masteron nonstop?
« Reply #49 on: March 08, 2012, 10:02:16 AM »
I'm the same way bro. When I go out with friends I have to catch a buzz. It's a chance for me to blow off steam let loose and have some fun. I avoid it when I'm on heavy orals though. I can barely handle tren. When mixed with alcohol I was a physco path I learned I can't do both at the same time.

Smart man. You Are introspective enough to know. Many troglodytes, the ones who give hormones a bad name, never realize. The Chris Benoits. The Titus type.

U don't think you too can be a monster? Try mixing 200 mg
Tren ace w OxyContin and some alcohol, maybe add in some cocaine. I mean who cares? You're blacked out at this point.

Tell me where u wake up, if u wake up at all. Psych ward, Icu or jail.

I've seen it all fellas. I'm 25 but I have seen the deaths in the sport. I see the walking dead which is worse. I see walking dead who post here too.

Narcotics + alcohol + hormones : morgue, hospital icu , psych ward or jail

Fuck losing a relationship like I hear so often on this site, "I lost my Girl because of the tren crazies". I'm talking about your life gone or changed permanently because of one night u will never remember.

So please be cautious . I Am so adamant in my warnings because too often hormones to hand in hand with opiate pain killers. U know the 5'9 270 8 percent gym rat dealer in every gym who is red in the face and he is the walking dead, and he sells tren ace and of course OxyContin. You all know what I mean. And I urge you all to be introspective and realize if u are slipping down a bad path. And do not rationalize. You can change at the beginning , but once u are not getting out of bed without your narcotics, doing TNT shot 1 hour before lifting with a line of oxy, this is when you are walking dead.