Author Topic: What health problems have you had from gear?  (Read 17434 times)

El Diablo Blanco

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Re: What health problems have you had from gear?
« Reply #25 on: April 16, 2012, 12:32:40 PM »
some side effects good and bad

shrunken balls
penis enlargement  :)
premature aging...I look 25
more masculine facial structure over the past few months strangely enough, think it jsut happens when you jack up the doses while your still in your teens.

You're 19 and experiencing hair loss.  Fuck man.  At least you'll be a jacked 25 year old who looks 50 with a bald head.


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Re: What health problems have you had from gear?
« Reply #26 on: April 16, 2012, 02:11:31 PM »
You're 19 and experiencing hair loss.  Fuck man.  At least you'll be a jacked 25 year old who looks 50 with a bald head.

lol it's not horrible I'll have my hair for a little while longer I imagine but it will be gone at some point. It's not the end of the world though.... Gear has made me better looking, women who wouldn't of given me a second look 6 months ago actually go out of their way to talk to me I can talk to just about any woman I want no problemo, not saying I fuck em all but I'm not intimidated by a 10/10 like I used to be. IT's amazing what the ever so slightest change in your jaw/facial structure can do, I'm talking half an inch here. Have you noticed makaveli25's face? Notice the insane amount of women he picks up despite being bald,it has nothing to do with his personality or his physique or money or anything else its all in his his face.....his jawline is highly masculine and he has good genetics and high natural test levels. His genetics are "better" than mine, yet my jawline is bigger than his thanks to pharmacetucais. So if a woman looks at the two of us she'll see two healthy males with good genes, when in reality one of us is living a lie. So is life a lie? Ask yourself... Have I cheated genetics? Is my life a lie? women are naturally attracted to men with masculine facial features as it signals high testosterone levels and the ability to produce a healthy offspring. Thing is I DONT have high natural test levels, my face would probably be quite feminine had I not taken gear and my kids will not have high test levels, despite a woman looking at me she will think I am a "healthy" male when I'm really not.

on the flip side" Women are attracted to naturally musacular men as it signals good genes, when those of us with poor natural msucle building genetics and a good response to drugs pick up women when we are on a hefty dose of pharmaceuticals.... are we in a way cheating genetics and living a lie? Big muscles are linked with fertility and healthier offspring, so if your 260 pounds and 5% and sterile with the sperm count of a 10 year old, are you cheating the laws of nature? food for thought...better living through chemistry.


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Re: What health problems have you had from gear?
« Reply #27 on: April 16, 2012, 02:16:20 PM »
kind of like a woman getting her ass done or a boob job or lip enhancements to appear more feminine,  she is cheating the laws of nature. Just like I'm about to lie some more, 50mg farmak prop and 250mg phizer cyp in my right ass cheek. hope that answers your question OP, life without gear is no way to live. Ask yourself Do you think arnold would of been the massive bodybuilder with the chiseled jawline and most masculine face hollywood has ever seen if it had not been for the copious amounts of dbol he took in his teens?

Arnold jr

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Re: What health problems have you had from gear?
« Reply #28 on: April 16, 2012, 08:17:43 PM »
Why do you regret using HCG?

Because it's what damaged my HPTA.

Glass Gorilla

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Re: What health problems have you had from gear?
« Reply #29 on: April 16, 2012, 08:31:43 PM »
Because it's what damaged my HPTA.

You probably told me this in the other thread Arnold Jr, but how much were you on?


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Re: What health problems have you had from gear?
« Reply #30 on: April 16, 2012, 08:50:21 PM »
Because it's what damaged my HPTA.

they give hypogonadal men, somewhere around 30k iu over the course of a week or two without desensitizing the testes. you have to use a lot of that shit to get permanently suppressed.

being suppressed just happens naturally when men age, and using steroids doesn't help much. my test output was always low, genetically.

Arnold jr

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Re: What health problems have you had from gear?
« Reply #31 on: April 16, 2012, 09:23:47 PM »
The problem wasn't necessarily how much I used but how long I used it.

aesthetics, in your example, you refer to a one to two week period of use, granted, that's a massive dose but it's still short lived.

My point, the dependency factor largely revolves around time, not necessarily dosing. I used HCG regularly for a good five or six years. I didn't always use it but I used it while on cycle a pretty good bit, and I was on cycle most of the time and I also always used it if I came off.


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Re: What health problems have you had from gear?
« Reply #32 on: April 17, 2012, 05:56:26 AM »
I always enjoy reading Arnold jr,Wes, and Rearden Metal replays.

Just wanted to thank you guys sharing you expericane and knowledge.


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Re: What health problems have you had from gear?
« Reply #33 on: April 17, 2012, 08:25:20 AM »
so are you gaylords saying I shouldn't ever use HCG? I haven't used HCG in a long time but was gonna throw it into this cycle


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Re: What health problems have you had from gear?
« Reply #34 on: April 17, 2012, 08:50:48 AM »
Holy fuck hahahah

you shot a whole fucking bottle of EQ? :o :o :o


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Re: What health problems have you had from gear?
« Reply #35 on: April 17, 2012, 09:26:55 PM »
Because it's what damaged my HPTA.

I believe we spoke about this through pm's in the past but what was your hcg protocol?

Arnold jr

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Re: What health problems have you had from gear?
« Reply #36 on: April 17, 2012, 11:58:04 PM »
I believe we spoke about this through pm's in the past but what was your hcg protocol?

On-cycle, usually around 350iu/e5d or so. If I came off, 1,000iu/ed for 10 straight days. Sometimes if I was on for a long time but not using HCG I'd go through 5,000-10,000iu in a few days and then continue on with the 350iu plan.


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Re: What health problems have you had from gear?
« Reply #37 on: April 18, 2012, 05:22:23 AM »
haha this is good.

at the beginning, MASSIVE  water retention and i was proud, thought its all rock hard mass ;D

the face turned into a melon, my postworkout meal was 2 menues at the mcdonalds,haha.

i seen a pic of flexwheeler drinking grapejuice and id drink about a gallon every day, based on that picture ;D

oh goodness, my dosages were good,too.when i asked my supplier of hormones how to take ganabol/equipoise, he said you take 1 10ml bottle into right buttcheck, another into the left one.i did that :D

further insanitys, lasix before going out on a date.

anapoon and halotestin used as pre workout booster ;D

dieting on efedrin, clen, t3, gh, sometimes the heartrate was similiar to a machinegun firing.
from the t3, my neck/thyroid hurted so badly i thought something will explode.

all of this non stop of course, and when i came off, it took about half a year until i could get a proper errection for more than a minute.

my hair always stayed the same i guess im lucky on that.

back then i never evn bothered to have bloodwork done until that one time, and the liver enzymes were absolutely ridiculous, about 3 times higher than the normal maximum.

kideys stayed fine, i havent became a diabetic, but got some gout issues for a while.

however, i was indeed massive then and very strong, i did tricps skullcrushers with 220lbs for 10 etc.

but the most massive, spectacular bodypart was my.....BITCHTITS. ;D

there was no letrozol, no nolvadex no proviron to save me anymore, the doc cut out a massive 150gramms of tissue, i still keep it at home, asa reminder.

and yes, i tok all the anti estrogens to prevent it, they helped fuck all.

these days i use much lower dosages, go off regularly and all the bloodwork is fine as long my diet is very clean and the dosage isnt too high for extended periods of time.

I fucking lost it right there


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Re: What health problems have you had from gear?
« Reply #38 on: April 18, 2012, 09:09:26 AM »
you should read the rest :D

whats worse, this wasnt even my own idea, it was group mentality, the whole lot of friend did it.

there is more incredibly stupid stuff that was done, but i better not even post that :o

but there was atleast one thing positive, everyone was training like an animal, it was fun times, but never again.

I did. quality fucking post. At least you have friends to juice with. I am flying solo when it comes to the juice game, which is why i post on steroid forums


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Re: What health problems have you had from gear?
« Reply #39 on: April 20, 2012, 03:26:20 PM »

back then i never evn bothered to have bloodwork done until that one time, and the liver enzymes were absolutely ridiculous, about 3 times higher than the normal maximum.

Galeniko, how did you manage to get your liver enzymes down to normal levels?

Are high doses of AAS the culprit behind elevated liver enzymes? I was also wondering if ephedrine played any culprit in that too. I was running tren, EQ, GH and 75mgs of ephredrine when my bloodwork showed elevated enzyme levels.

I have recently decided to drop tren and ephedrine and just run 500mg test, 900mg EQ and 5iu GH with 50mcg T3, in hope to lower my levels. Will this help?

Do name further recommendations if you have any.


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Re: What health problems have you had from gear?
« Reply #40 on: April 21, 2012, 06:41:54 AM »
haha, it was mad times man, we'd inject eachother in the sunbed cabins, the cleaning personell once tried to get us out of there they said "please dont do this, youre throwing away your lives".ha,they meant were injecting recreational drugs, bc they found syringues in the waste before.


almost every single one of us developed bitchtits and was PROUD about it ;D
some, including me, have been back in the gym the day after gyno operation, with the plastic canals still atached to the nipples. :o 8)

the best times by far were the bulking days, everybody developed heads like melons, the girls would point at us and shout "waterheads", and these same girls would later on swallow the semen and choke on our sausages after we came back months later mean and lean 8)

1 time,2guys injected eachother in the lockerromm into their backs because everywhere else was not possible anymore, and one guy took out the syringue but the needle was left stuck in the other guys back, he walked shirtless around in the gym, slightly bleeding from the injection spot, when a guy approached him and said"hey theres something on your back".everybody realized then it was the needle, the whole gym laughed to tears.

great times, walking in tshirts during winter was no problems, the steroids and whatnot warmed the body up enough to make it possible.

and the clenbuterol times,whenit was new, everybody measuring body temp, if it wasnt raised enough>>>more pills ;D

ha, i must always chuckle when i see people on this forum being worried when they get bit puffy nipples, its so hillarious bc we back then couldnt wait to get them so we can remove them.

nolvadex was never on anones shopping list, simply bc its known it makes the steroids taken weaker.

ah, the times 8)

fucking lol. I'm speechless


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Re: What health problems have you had from gear?
« Reply #41 on: April 21, 2012, 09:22:04 AM »
haha, it was mad times man, we'd inject eachother in the sunbed cabins, the cleaning personell once tried to get us out of there they said "please dont do this, youre throwing away your lives".ha,they meant were injecting recreational drugs, bc they found syringues in the waste before.


almost every single one of us developed bitchtits and was PROUD about it ;D
some, including me, have been back in the gym the day after gyno operation, with the plastic canals still atached to the nipples. :o 8)

the best times by far were the bulking days, everybody developed heads like melons, the girls would point at us and shout "waterheads", and these same girls would later on swallow the semen and choke on our sausages after we came back months later mean and lean 8)

1 time,2guys injected eachother in the lockerromm into their backs because everywhere else was not possible anymore, and one guy took out the syringue but the needle was left stuck in the other guys back, he walked shirtless around in the gym, slightly bleeding from the injection spot, when a guy approached him and said"hey theres something on your back".everybody realized then it was the needle, the whole gym laughed to tears.

great times, walking in tshirts during winter was no problems, the steroids and whatnot warmed the body up enough to make it possible.

and the clenbuterol times,whenit was new, everybody measuring body temp, if it wasnt raised enough>>>more pills ;D

ha, i must always chuckle when i see people on this forum being worried when they get bit puffy nipples, its so hillarious bc we back then couldnt wait to get them so we can remove them.

nolvadex was never on anones shopping list, simply bc its known it makes the steroids taken weaker.

ah, the times 8)

lmao. these are come great stories. keep them coming.

just out of curiosity galeniko, how old are you?

jon cole

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Re: What health problems have you had from gear?
« Reply #42 on: April 22, 2012, 04:11:41 AM »
1-got liver trouble with pink dbol,never again pink/yellow dbol

2-run cycle with deca/test e, and test e was in fact tren e...

so i got insane night sweating and insomnia for 5 week, lost some hair, and got trouble to got a decent boner for 2 month.
but my strenght was insane, lost bdft a lot, my facial structure changed lol

3-friend of mine put winny and deca in the same syringue (water +oil wtf)= worst abcess i've ever seen.

4-i live in France, back in time steroid were sold in the gym, the dealer arrived in the gym with 100 liter trash bag full of gear, testoviron depot, primo schering, para negma, all in genuine box, and 5 buck for an amp.
legit primo was only for bridging between cycle.

5-pantestone was a hit and widely available, guy were popping them like candy at the gym.

6-a friend of mine collapse after taking a huge spoon of ventipulmin, ,something like 20 gram, guy took over 400 mcg of clen, it was his first time with clen.
we slapped him and he awake.

jon cole

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Re: What health problems have you had from gear?
« Reply #43 on: April 22, 2012, 04:36:57 AM »
lol it's not horrible I'll have my hair for a little while longer I imagine but it will be gone at some point. It's not the end of the world though.... Gear has made me better looking, women who wouldn't of given me a second look 6 months ago actually go out of their way to talk to me I can talk to just about any woman I want no problemo, not saying I fuck em all but I'm not intimidated by a 10/10 like I used to be. IT's amazing what the ever so slightest change in your jaw/facial structure can do, I'm talking half an inch here. Have you noticed makaveli25's face? Notice the insane amount of women he picks up despite being bald,it has nothing to do with his personality or his physique or money or anything else its all in his his face.....his jawline is highly masculine and he has good genetics and high natural test levels. His genetics are "better" than mine, yet my jawline is bigger than his thanks to pharmacetucais. So if a woman looks at the two of us she'll see two healthy males with good genes, when in reality one of us is living a lie. So is life a lie? Ask yourself... Have I cheated genetics? Is my life a lie? women are naturally attracted to men with masculine facial features as it signals high testosterone levels and the ability to produce a healthy offspring. Thing is I DONT have high natural test levels, my face would probably be quite feminine had I not taken gear and my kids will not have high test levels, despite a woman looking at me she will think I am a "healthy" male when I'm really not.

on the flip side" Women are attracted to naturally musacular men as it signals good genes, when those of us with poor natural msucle building genetics and a good response to drugs pick up women when we are on a hefty dose of pharmaceuticals.... are we in a way cheating genetics and living a lie? Big muscles are linked with fertility and healthier offspring, so if your 260 pounds and 5% and sterile with the sperm count of a 10 year old, are you cheating the laws of nature? food for thought...better living through chemistry.

women are more attracted by me when i'm on.
bigger neck, bigger jaw.


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Re: What health problems have you had from gear?
« Reply #44 on: April 24, 2012, 12:40:24 PM »
women are more attracted by me when i'm on.
bigger neck, bigger jaw.

hear this- I just got out of the DMV and had to show the woman at the front desk proof of residence, I had a local resident ID taken around 4-5 months ago and she said that it was not me in the picture and would not allow me to use it. Flat out the picture looks like a different guy, I'll show makaveli when I see him next the picture of me so he can see what I'm talking about if yall think I'm crazy. I'm really thinking my deca was overdosed and I was on like 2 grams of nandrolone for months on end. Everything, forehead jaw and cheeks grew as well as my nose :'( ::). My bf is the same too, same skin tone and hairstyle. Goes to show you anabolic steroids are anabolic in bone as well as muscle tissue and I'm living proof. think my wrists got bigger too looking at them


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Re: What health problems have you had from gear?
« Reply #45 on: April 24, 2012, 12:45:04 PM »
I was on roughly a gram of nandrolone

Effects of the anabolic steroid nandrolone phenylpropionate on craniofacial growth in rats.
Noda K, Chang HP, Takahashi I, Kinoshita Z, Kawamoto T.
Department of Orthodontics, Osaka Dental University, Japan.
Primary testosterone and its derivatives are anabolic steroids used in the treatment of osteoporosis and Turner syndrome. They also enhance fast-twitch muscle weight in female rats. The present study examines the effect of an anabolic steroid on craniofacial growth and development in rats. Five-week-old female Sprague-Dawley rats (125) were divided into experimental and control groups. The experimental group was injected subcutaneously with 1 mg nandrolone phenylpropionate in the interscapular region on alternate days, whereas those in the control group were injected with a vehicle, arachis oil. Rats were sacrificed at 60 and 120 days of age. Cephalometric analysis of soft X-ray cephalograms showed that chronic administration of the anabolic steroid, nandrolone phenylpropionate, resulted in: (1) about a 20% increase in body weight, (2) an increase in total skull length, (3) elongation of the maxillary and mandibular incisors, (4) an increase in the depth of the antegonial notch, and (5) downward-forward growth of the viscerocranium against the neurocranium. These results suggest that nandrolone phenylpropionate may accelerate craniofacial growth and/or induce high functional activity of the masticatory muscles in female rats.

Max B

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Re: What health problems have you had from gear?
« Reply #46 on: April 24, 2012, 01:45:53 PM »
trenbolona acetato=americano whore magnet.  FACT

jon cole

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Re: What health problems have you had from gear?
« Reply #47 on: April 26, 2012, 10:46:43 AM »
hear this- I just got out of the DMV and had to show the woman at the front desk proof of residence, I had a local resident ID taken around 4-5 months ago and she said that it was not me in the picture and would not allow me to use it. Flat out the picture looks like a different guy, I'll show makaveli when I see him next the picture of me so he can see what I'm talking about if yall think I'm crazy. I'm really thinking my deca was overdosed and I was on like 2 grams of nandrolone for months on end. Everything, forehead jaw and cheeks grew as well as my nose :'( ::). My bf is the same too, same skin tone and hairstyle. Goes to show you anabolic steroids are anabolic in bone as well as muscle tissue and I'm living proof. think my wrists got bigger too looking at them

a cycle of tren e and deca changed my facial structure a little bit,, something more aggressive on my look.

jon cole

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Re: What health problems have you had from gear?
« Reply #48 on: April 26, 2012, 10:49:35 AM »
I was on roughly a gram of nandrolone

Effects of the anabolic steroid nandrolone phenylpropionate on craniofacial growth in rats.
Noda K, Chang HP, Takahashi I, Kinoshita Z, Kawamoto T.
Department of Orthodontics, Osaka Dental University, Japan.
Primary testosterone and its derivatives are anabolic steroids used in the treatment of osteoporosis and Turner syndrome. They also enhance fast-twitch muscle weight in female rats. The present study examines the effect of an anabolic steroid on craniofacial growth and development in rats. Five-week-old female Sprague-Dawley rats (125) were divided into experimental and control groups. The experimental group was injected subcutaneously with 1 mg nandrolone phenylpropionate in the interscapular region on alternate days, whereas those in the control group were injected with a vehicle, arachis oil. Rats were sacrificed at 60 and 120 days of age. Cephalometric analysis of soft X-ray cephalograms showed that chronic administration of the anabolic steroid, nandrolone phenylpropionate, resulted in: (1) about a 20% increase in body weight, (2) an increase in total skull length, (3) elongation of the maxillary and mandibular incisors, (4) an increase in the depth of the antegonial notch, and (5) downward-forward growth of the viscerocranium against the neurocranium. These results suggest that nandrolone phenylpropionate may accelerate craniofacial growth and/or induce high functional activity of the masticatory muscles in female rats.[/glow]


Marlo Stanfield

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Re: What health problems have you had from gear?
« Reply #49 on: April 27, 2012, 05:18:43 AM »
my only medical condition is "fatigued groin"..