when you say diet, what do you meen about eating clean wile he is on tren? lol, he says he is on 8/9 weeks on tren, when you on that period of time on tren/mast you will se different more muscle separation no mater what diet you are
Thanks for the Tren lesson.....if he is/was on Tren for weeks,why is he soft and fat.
Drugs are no excuse for laziness.
If he was starting out lean on Tren it would be different,but he`s not,he is fat while doing tren,which means he needs to eat cleaner and do cardio to burn up the excess fat.
Just because a guy takes gear doesn`t mean he can live on cake and ice cream while training like a pansy,and not doing cardio as needed.
When you get this out of shape while on gear,something else is usually not in place.