Author Topic: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.  (Read 71462 times)


  • Getbig III
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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #200 on: March 29, 2012, 08:30:44 PM »
He's very wealthy... Beyond wealth.

He's basically attempting to buy her back

Don't let them patronize you in a condescending manner. The rich by their nature can come off like that. They can come across as the paragons of virtue, yet their own character might be of questionable morals. You are an educated - well to do individual -- not some joe blow they can talk down too however they please. That should be quite evident to them by now, if they are not totally blind.

Nowadays, people think they can buy anything, if they have money. Her daddies trust fund can't give her love. Been in a situation akin to your gf, except the shoe was on the foot. The parents loved the money more then she did.

Men should be men and stick to their ground on their own principles, not the ones bestowed upon them.

P.S. Great thread. Always learning something new. Best of luck on the competition bro.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #201 on: March 29, 2012, 08:37:21 PM »
He's very wealthy... Beyond wealth.

He's basically attempting to buy her back

Sell her.  ;D


  • Getbig IV
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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #202 on: March 29, 2012, 08:43:36 PM »
i have been training very heavy. i am back on my old blood and guts training regime where i really push myself. i feel very safe with the npp in my system, so i am back to 5+ plates on each side of the military hammer for reps, or 160s for my working set for seated dumbbell presses. that is jus ta shoulder day example.

furthermore i have been focusing a lot on the ancillary exercises, like high incline dumbbell flies for chest, and doing them slower than ever, and at a heavier weight than i ever have. my chest is seeing some serious growth in the past 2 months from going all out on incline dumbbell presses and then doing roughly 6 sets of incline flies, at 2 different angles. i also rely heavily on the hammer flat for chest development and i load it up. i no longer flat bench and rarely incline bench with barbell any longer. i have realized that flat hammer and incline dumbbell is the way pros truly train chest. it is not the best work out for your ego, but it actually hits the muscle.

i really don't have too much time now, since i am at work, to discuss my training in depth. but my mind set is load up on PWO anabolics and a bit of caffeine and then if you are not including at least one set per body part where you TRULY can not get more than 6 reps out with good form, then you are not respecting your body as you should. i think us in the sport too often rely on light weights, and "time under stress". while obviously one could grow on a normal diet and an exercise routine of strictly aerobics if they are on good AAS, i am a firm believer that you should go heavy every single day for one set.

i am however NOT a believer in olympic lifts in our sport. i think the only 2 that have a real place are :

1. squats

2. to a much lesser degree, deadlifts. because ask around. really try to ask around. find out which pros actually deadlift if it is not for a video. really do some research. nobody deadlifts. i do about 2 times a month, and i go heavy. But i truly notice a thickening in my midsection from deadlifts that is simply not aesthetic, and there are better ways to isolate your lower back without risking injury. but when i deadlift, i work my way up to 695.

flat bench has NO place in our sport. ask around! no pro flat benches! they use hammers. period. flat bench for close grip, yes. triceps, yes. chest? no.

video? yes. load the plates up. make that video. but alone it is incline and hammer, incline and hammer, flies of all sorts. no flat bench.

i can go on and on about arms because i do some really specific things for biceps/triceps and i am a firm believer that over training your BICEPS specifically is one of the worst ideas in our sport. there is a specific way to get 20 inch arms, or close to it, with no fucking synthol or insulin. and it is exactly what you do NOT think. let me put it this way. dorian never trained w heavier than 35 lb dumbbells to grow his arms... what should we use?

 more later. i have work. i have a girlfriend/fiancee who truly may have left me. i have a contest in the next couple days. my life is sort of falling apart right now to be honest, and it sucks because i am doing everything to be a man and support a family. but somehow my girlfriend and her family view my bodybuilding hobby as equating to mean i am an unfit father and unfit husband.

absurdity. but regardless, my life is in shambles this week for sure.

and the diuretic and upped dose of t3 and the diet is all starting to kill me, and i wish my life was just normal and my fiancee would come back to me. staying faithful to this pre contest regime is very hard to me with all that is going on in my life and many times in the last few days i have been tempted to say fuck it and go the easy way and quit it all. but some of the vicodin that every god damned bodybuilder i know takes every day and i don't. have a drink. but i know if i do any of that shit the world comes crumbling down.

this is just a warning to all that pre contest mindset can be a little funny... a lot of bodybuilders get fucked up right now. i may not be not he site for a few days, because i have some serious personal issues to work out and i am meeting not only my fiancee who is carrying my kid but her parents this evening. so i don't know what my next chapter is. but i'll be back soon.

interesting read. by in large i agree with your training advice.

whatever happens with your fiance don't stress over it. remember you can not control other people only yourself. so just do your personal best. force a smile and positive attitude. grow into the show. and NEVER EVER ABANDON YOUR DREAMS!!!


  • Getbig IV
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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #203 on: March 29, 2012, 08:48:37 PM »
Good luck Smoof. Don't let her control you or steal your individuality. Stand strong and don't ever regret what you could have done with your life.

BTW, if she can be reasoned with AT ALL, get her to watch these two videos:

enlarged for truth. she'll never respect you if you give into her bull shit demands. also the docudrama bigger faster stronger is a real eye opener for most people. cuts past the bull shit.


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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #204 on: March 30, 2012, 05:27:24 AM »
I got 50 pms YESTERDAY widow! what are you talking about? when i said 200 i meant i got a bit over 200 PMs in one single day...

and i have a show to really get into prep for and i have work and personal issues and frankly this thread is shut to me.

Do you want me to shut it? or keep it going? I dont want the thread fucking up your prep. and Tbumz is banned if he says anymore delusional bullshit! Bro all we wanted to see was a picture! no offense.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #205 on: March 30, 2012, 05:49:14 AM »
yeah at a certain point he was definitely in the 190-200 zone.

but that last year i do think he got up around 215-220 or whatever. but regardless he was 6'2'' and just lanky. he would have had to get up to 245, and then his physique would be great because he had the frame to do big things.

his brother was always bigger and his brother now is a monster.
Well his brother doesn't put himself to shame

Kinda funny they are matching dressing style and skin color


  • Getbig IV
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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #206 on: March 30, 2012, 08:33:58 AM »
Hope your personal shit gets sorted out homie. I went through something similar last year that nearly ruined my whole life.


  • Getbig III
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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #207 on: March 30, 2012, 09:13:49 AM »
Do you want me to shut it? or keep it going? I dont want the thread fucking up your prep. and Tbumz is banned if he says anymore delusional bullshit! Bro all we wanted to see was a picture! no offense.

i'm on it. trust me a picture will be posted. right now i am sitting @ work, 1 day out from prep. spent last 4-5 nights w.out my fiancee or whatever the fuck she is who is carrying my kid. last night's meeting went something like this:

her father "you are a drug addict (referring to steroids), and you are living a life of sin (implying my life style goes against the relics of his catholic devotion.). i will not allow my daughter to stay with you at your house (which happens to be a 3,000 square foot, very clean loft with no alcohol or drugs in it and nothing bad at all. i have been completely sober for years, and they are attempting to say that since steroids are in the house, she is at risk). your tattoos (some americano traditional work that is really well done on one of my arms- nothing offensive!) are a microcosm of who you are. You are an unfit husband and father and you will have to fight to see my daughter or her child." He actually referred to the kid as "her child".

 the entire time she was fighting her father and explaining she loved me and she wanted to come back. and he kept repeating that it would be "the end" of their relationship, and she finally texted me back last night when i got home and said that her father would "disown her" if she came back.

so i have a serious problem. i am making over 75 k. i can easily support a kid. she works too.

anyways, a lawyer was contacted today and i put down a 3,000 dollar retainer and some sort of action will be taken by this evening. a preemptive action to remind the father and my girl/fiancee/whatever that once the kid is born, whatever their decision is, that i have every right to custody that she does. and that i am not going to back down whatsoever from this. i will fucking bleed it out in court.

and i want this thread closed. i shouldn't have even discussed this many personal details. i will be gone for a bit trying to do this contest tomorrow and handling my personal business.i really don't have time to come on her any more. this site which used to be one of my favorite things to do, now just makes me sad. everything actually has just been making me sad lately. because for some reason everything comes back to her. this site: steroids; steroids: the reason she left, apparently. therefore when i come on this site i just get depressed, which is really just me projecting. my life, which from a big picture stand point is SO in control for a 25 year old, is really a mess.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #208 on: March 30, 2012, 09:29:10 AM »
bringing a lawyer into it at this point would give the impression that it's finalizing the breakup, which it doesn't look like the girl wants to do. i would continue trying to talk with her first, her father obviously is going to calm down eventually and he isn't going to disown her, or even if he does she can still be placed back into the will (which undoubtedly would happen eventually once he cools down.)

that girl's father is a pretty big dickhead though and he's just desperately trying to cling to his position of authority as he feels as though he's becoming irrelevant and losing control of his own daughter, which it sounds like he views as a piece of his property.


  • Getbig III
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Re: The Greatest Cycle Ever. Seeing DAILY changes to my physique.
« Reply #209 on: March 30, 2012, 09:45:57 AM »
bringing a lawyer into it at this point would give the impression that it's finalizing the breakup, which it doesn't look like the girl wants to do. i would continue trying to talk with her first, her father obviously is going to calm down eventually and he isn't going to disown her, or even if he does she can still be placed back into the will (which undoubtedly would happen eventually once he cools down.)

that girl's father is a pretty big dickhead though and he's just desperately trying to cling to his position of authority as he feels as though he's becoming irrelevant and losing control of his own daughter, which it sounds like he views as a piece of his property.

this is the same advice my dad just gave me basically.

to keep the lawyer on retainer, but not take any action... it is a very sketchy situation, and i need a lawyer on retainer. i don't necessarily need to take action today, but i need a lawyer on retainer.