Author Topic: Did scumbag Elizabeth Warren use 1/32 Cherokee heritage to advance career?  (Read 11086 times)

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Democrats worried about Elizabeth Warren in Massachusetts
 Hotair ^ | 05/04/2012 | Ed Morrissey

Posted on Friday, May 04, 2012 11:42:31 AM by SeekAndFind

Are Democrats about to lose the Senate seat held by the Kennedys since before I was born ... again? According to the Boston Herald’s Joe Battenfeld, a number of Democrats in Massachusetts are aghast over Elizabeth Warren's faceplant on her claims to Native American heritage, and now worry about whether her campaign has completely derailed:

Elizabeth Warren’s stumbling efforts to douse the firestorm surrounding her claims of being a Native American minority have raised concerns among local and national Democrats who are questioning her campaign’s competence.

“There’s nobody watching this that doesn’t think she’s in big trouble,” one well-known Massachusetts Democrat said.

Joe Trippi, a prominent national Democratic consultant, told the Herald that while Warren has time to recover, the campaign should have anticipated this issue would surface.

“The problem is they weren’t ready for something they should have been ahead of,” Trippi said.

Political analyst Larry Sabato is more blunt:

“This takes her biography into a bizarre dimension,” said Larry Sabato, director of the University of Virginia Center for Politics. “It has derailed the effort to define Warren in a voter-friendly way.”

Sabato also said that Warren’s claim that she didn’t list herself as a minority to gain an employment advantage is not believable.

“This is what happens when candidates don’t tell the truth,” he said. “It’s pretty obvious she was using (the minority listing) for career advancement.”

That becomes even more apparent when one looks at the context of Warren’s placement at Harvard. Paul Bedard did some digging for the Washington Examiner and found that Warren was nearly alone on the Harvard Law faculty in terms of her alma mater’s status among law schools:

That “box checking,” as critics call it, likely played a role in her Harvard hiring especially when her background is compared to those of the other near-100 Harvard Law School professors and assistant professors, according to an analysis of law schools the professors attended. Most graduated from Harvard, and all from the nation’s top 10. Warren graduated from Rutgers University in Newark, ranked 82nd by

What’s more, only Rutgers has current law school professors who graduated from Rutgers. And in the analysis of the law school degrees of the roughly 350 Ivy League law school professors provided by a Warren critic, only one graduated from a lower-ranked law school than Warren, a Yale professor who attended the University of Nebraska Law School, ranked 89.

Harvard used that claim to brag about their own inclusiveness. Now they won’t even clarify if they’re still counting Warren as their lone Native American, Hillary Chabot reports for the Herald, which is having a field day with Warren’s identity crisis:

Harvard Law School lists one lone Native American faculty member on its latest diversity census report — but school officials and campaign aides for Elizabeth Warren refused to say yesterday whether it refers to the Democratic Senate candidate. …

The 2011 report indicates that “Race/Ethnicity designations are from self-report data,” meaning whoever is listed as a Native American told the school of their tribal lineage.

Robert C. Clark, a professor and former Harvard Law School dean, is listed as part Choctaw in a 1999 Harvard Magazine article. Clark has worked for the law school since 1989 but wasn’t named in a 1996 Harvard Crimson article when law school officials sought to defend their minority hires. Clark did not return requests for comment.

Former law school spokesman Mike Chmura said in the 1996 article that out of 71 professors, only one was Native American and that was Warren.

This embarrassment comes courtesy of the curious American identity fetish. It wouldn’t exist at all if we hadn’t set up perverse incentives to make baseless (or at least undocumented) claims about heritage in order to gain financial advantages. This fetish started as a means to assist the truly underprivileged overcome economic disadvantages imposed by government discrimination, but became yet another means to exploit employment and educational placement systems for unfair advantage.

Can anyone objectively looking at Elizabeth Warren’s life make a case that a 1/32nd Native American background, even if it’s true, disadvantaged her in any way at all? Of course not; not even Warren can make that case, which is why Warren now says she used that identity claim for social purposes rather than economic advantage. Harvard’s actions speak louder than those words, however.

In the short run, Warren should be thoroughly discredited as a political candidate. In the long run, it’s far past the time to reconsider the incentives placed on ethnic heritage claims in education and employment, and to put a stop to affirmative action. Instead, we should be focused on improving schools through competition so that we produce equitable outcomes up front rather than treat people differently later.

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Harvard Won’t Say If Liz Warren Listed As Minority
 BH ^ | 5-4-12 | Hillary Chabot

Posted on Friday, May 04, 2012 4:36:32 PM by tcrlaf

Harvard Law School lists one lone Native American faculty member on its latest diversity census report — but school officials and campaign aides for Elizabeth Warren refused to say yesterday whether it refers to the Democratic Senate candidate.

Warren — who has been dogged by questions about whether she used her claims of Cherokee lineage to further her career — has insisted she never authorized Harvard Law to count her as a Native American in the mid-1990s, when the school was under fire for not having enough minority professors.

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Boston Globe: Bad week may haunt Warren - Handling of controversy is roundly criticized
Boston Globe ^ | May 5, 2012 | Noah Bierman and Frank Phillips
Posted on May 5, 2012 11:14:13 AM EDT by Zakeet

Elizabeth Warren fumbled through her worst stretch as a Senate candidate this week, setting off a debate among strategists over whether the controversy over her claims to Native American ancestry would linger when the November election is closer.

The Warren campaign will not say when top advisers learned that she considered herself part-Native American, but it was an element of her biography that seemed to catch them off guard.

When news emerged last Friday that Harvard Law School had publicly touted Warren as a Native American professor in the Harvard Crimson in the 1990s, Warren advisers saw it as a story that would go away quickly.

But the story took added dimension when it was revealed that Warren had listed herself as a minority in a major legal directory.

The fallout and her unsteady response to it subjected the rookie Democratic Senate candidate to tough questions, an unflattering national glare, and a recognition from others that she had hit her first real stumble. The Washington Post’s political blog, The Fix, gave Warren the dubious honor “Worst Week in Washington."

“I have yet to run into anyone in politics who believes that this was handled well at all," said Jennifer Duffy, a senior editor at The Cook Political Report who tracks Senate races around the country. “The explanations have left enormous room for doubt and speculation."

Right: Little Chief Running Mouth dress-um in native garb after her step-um in heap deep doo doo!

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Not defending Warren in this case, however many Indian tribes in the 1800s were lead by Multi-raced chiefs, such as William Weatherford of The Creeks (Muscogee) who was only 1/8th Indian and was bested by the great Andrew Jackson in the Creek War. 

Many other tribes were led by Multi-racial chiefs some with 1/16 to 1/32 heritage.  Another being Alexander McGillivray, who created an alliance between the Creek and the British during the American Revolution and was commissioned as a British Colonel and later commissioned as a Brigadier General for the United States after the war which allowed him to amass three plantations and 60 slaves.

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Elizabeth Warren, fraudster
Last Updated: 10:39 PM, May 6, 2012
Posted: May 07, 2012


‘Like the Seminole, Navajo, Kickapoo . . . I’m an Indian, too,” wrote Irving Berlin for his Broadway classic “Annie Get Your Gun.”
Maybe Elizabeth Warren should adopt the ditty as her campaign theme song.
Last week didn’t go well for the hard-left icon and Democratic US Senate candidate from Massachusetts, as she struggled to find an ancestor to bolster her claims of being a Native American.
Seems that Harvard Law School, where she teaches, had long identified her as such on its ethnic diversity reports to counter criticism that its faculty is too white and too male.

Elizabeth Warren

And she listed herself for a decade in the Association of American Law Schools annual directory of minority law professors.
Her first response: The claim has long been part of her “family lore,” including a photo of her grandfather, who “had high cheekbones, like all of the Indians do.”
Then genealogists finally uncovered a great-great-great-grandmother who was listed as Cherokee on an electronic version of an old government record — which, if accurate, would make Warren 1/32nd Native American.
So why claim such a connection?
To score some free lunches, said Warren.
“I listed myself in the directory in the hopes that it might mean that I would be invited to a luncheon . . . with people who are like I am,” she said.
(We’re not making this up!)
As for the much more likely explanation — that Warren was grasping a dubious affirmative-action hook to help her rise up the academic ladder — don’t even consider it.
That’s sexist, says Warren.
“What does he think it takes for a woman to be qualified?” she piously asked after her GOP opponent, Sen. Scott Brown, raised just that issue.
In fact, the flap just points up the dishonest essence of affirmative-action programs — and the ease with which they can be manipulated.

Never mind that all of the law schools that hired Warren quickly released statements swearing that her so-called minority status had nothing to do with it.
But, as blogger Ann Althouse notes, “What would you expect them to say?”
Such programs are designed to give members of “victimized” groups an unjustifiable leg up over equally — or even more — qualified applicants for the same job.
And all on irrelevant qualifications — like a single ancestor five generations back.
Elizabeth Warren figured out pretty quickly how to game the system.
Fortunately, it takes more than a long-dead bud on the family tree to get elected to the US Senate.

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Elizabeth Warren, fraudster
Last Updated: 10:39 PM, May 6, 2012
Posted: May 07, 2012


‘Like the Seminole, Navajo, Kickapoo . . . I’m an Indian, too,” wrote Irving Berlin for his Broadway classic “Annie Get Your Gun.”
Maybe Elizabeth Warren should adopt the ditty as her campaign theme song.
Last week didn’t go well for the hard-left icon and Democratic US Senate candidate from Massachusetts, as she struggled to find an ancestor to bolster her claims of being a Native American.
Seems that Harvard Law School, where she teaches, had long identified her as such on its ethnic diversity reports to counter criticism that its faculty is too white and too male.

Elizabeth Warren

And she listed herself for a decade in the Association of American Law Schools annual directory of minority law professors.
Her first response: The claim has long been part of her “family lore,” including a photo of her grandfather, who “had high cheekbones, like all of the Indians do.”
Then genealogists finally uncovered a great-great-great-grandmother who was listed as Cherokee on an electronic version of an old government record — which, if accurate, would make Warren 1/32nd Native American.
So why claim such a connection?
To score some free lunches, said Warren.
“I listed myself in the directory in the hopes that it might mean that I would be invited to a luncheon . . . with people who are like I am,” she said.
(We’re not making this up!)
As for the much more likely explanation — that Warren was grasping a dubious affirmative-action hook to help her rise up the academic ladder — don’t even consider it.
That’s sexist, says Warren.
“What does he think it takes for a woman to be qualified?” she piously asked after her GOP opponent, Sen. Scott Brown, raised just that issue.
In fact, the flap just points up the dishonest essence of affirmative-action programs — and the ease with which they can be manipulated.

Never mind that all of the law schools that hired Warren quickly released statements swearing that her so-called minority status had nothing to do with it.
But, as blogger Ann Althouse notes, “What would you expect them to say?”
Such programs are designed to give members of “victimized” groups an unjustifiable leg up over equally — or even more — qualified applicants for the same job.
And all on irrelevant qualifications — like a single ancestor five generations back.
Elizabeth Warren figured out pretty quickly how to game the system.
Fortunately, it takes more than a long-dead bud on the family tree to get elected to the US Senate.

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Gotta love that tactic.  If you even question it, you're sexist, lol.

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 Breitbart ^ | 5/7/2012 | JOEL B. POLLAK

Shelly Lowe, executive director of Harvard University's Native American Program (HUNAP), told Breitbart News today that U.S. Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren had not, to her knowledge, participated in the program's events while Warren was a professor at Harvard.

Last week, Warren explained that she had listed herself as Native American "in the hopes that it might mean that I would be invited to a luncheon, a group something that might happen with people who are like I am." However, she had not been involved in HUNAP, the most obvious avenue for meeting fellow Native American faculty and students.

Warren, who is the Democratic challenger to incumbent Republican Scott Brown, claims that she has a great-great-great-grandmother who was Cherokee. That claim has yet to be substantiated by evidence beyond family lore, and Warren herself has no formal tribal membership. 

She had listed herself as Native American in the 1980s, but stopped doing so in the mid-1990s, claiming that she never encountered others with similar backgrounds: "Nothing like that ever happened, that was clearly not the use for it and so I stopped checking it off."

HUNAP is a visible presence at Harvard, a university whose 17th-century charter dedicates the school "to the education of the English and Indian youth of this country."

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Report: Elizabeth Warren’s ancestor may have … rounded up Cherokee for Trail of Tears ^
Posted on May 8, 2012 8:31:34 PM EDT by chessplayer

Out: Elizabeth Warren, Native American. In: Elizabeth Warren, Jacksonian Democrat.

Man, in hindsight it’s a good thing she didn’t attend the annual Harvard Powwow yesterday after all, huh? Awwwk-ward.

"As I pointed out in my article here on Sunday, no evidence supports this claim [that her great-great-great grandmother was Cherokee]. O.C. Sarah Smith Crawford had no Cherokee heritage, was listed as “white” in the Census of 1860, and was most likely half Swedish and half English, Scottish, or German, or some combination thereof. (Note, the actual 1894 marriage license makes no claim of Cherokee ancestry.)"

"But the most stunning discovery about the life of O.C. Sarah Smith Crawford is that her husband, Ms. Warren’s great-great-great grandfather, was apparently a member of the Tennessee Militia who rounded up Cherokees from their family homes in the Southeastern United States and herded them into government-built stockades in what was then called Ross’s Landing (now Chattanooga), Tennessee—the point of origin for the horrific Trail of Tears, which began in January, 1837."

"This new information about Ms. Warren’s true heritage came as a direct result of a lead provided to me by William Jacobson over at Legal Insurrection, who in turn had received the information from one of his readers. Jacobson, who has questioned Warren’s explanation for her law faculty listing, calls this discovery “the ultimate and cruelest irony” of the Warren Cherokee saga."


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i vageuly remember somethign like that from college, reading it on an application.  It's either 1/8 or 1/16... but i'm pretty sure it's only 1/16.  I thought at the time I was surprised it was so little.  i'm too lazy to google.

It's 1/8 if you want to use it for minority status as a general contractor.

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It's 1/8 if you want to use it for minority status as a general contractor.

cool.   i dunno what the college standard is.

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Posted on May 9, 2012 9:37:40 PM EDT by Clintonfatigued

Elizabeth Warren, who also goes by her Indian name, "Lies on Race Box," is in big heap-um trouble. The earnest, reform-minded liberal running for Senate against Scott Brown, R-Mass., lied about being part-Cherokee to get a job at Harvard.

Harvard took full advantage of Warren's lie, bragging to The Harvard Crimson about her minority status during one of the near-constant student protests over insufficient "diversity" in the faculty. Warren also listed herself as an Indian in law school faculty directories and, just last month, said, "I am very proud of my Native American heritage."

Except, oops, she has no more evidence that she's an Indian than that buffoon out of Colorado, Ward Churchill.

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Second law school touted Elizabeth Warren's Cherokee status...
 Political ^ | 05/10/2012 5:13 PM | Noah Bierman, Globe Staff

Posted on Thursday, May 10, 2012 5:20:06 PM by Internet Walnut

A second law school, the University of Pennsylvania, has touted Elizabeth Warren as a minority faculty member in an official school publication, according to an online document obtained by the Globe.

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Elizabeth Warren Is Getting Destroyed More For Calling Herself A Native American (Fauxcahontas)
 Business Insider ^ | 05/15/2012 | Grace Wyler

Posted on Wednesday, May 16, 2012 9:28:56 AM by SeekAndFind

The controversy over Elizabeth Warren's claim to Native American ancestry shows no signs of dying down, and is now threatening to derail her campaign for Republican Scott Brown's Massachusetts Senate seat.

Politico reporter Maggie Haberman has now uncovered Pa 1997 piece from the Fordham Law Review that refers to Warren as "the first woman of color" hired by Harvard Law School.

The piece cites as its source Harvard Law spokesman Michael Chmura, the same spokesman who bragged about Warren's Native American heritage to the Harvard Crimson in 1996.

Warren has so far dismissed the story, which first surfaced when the Boston Herald uncovered the Crimson article. She has said that she did not know Harvard was billing her as a minority professor, although identified herself as a minority on law professor listings until around 1995, and was also identified as a minority faculty member when she worked at the University of Pennsylvania.

The Brown campaign has seized the story, and is demanding that Warren release her law school personnel records to show whether her minority background had anything to do with her hiring.

“The question here is not about Elizabeth Warren’s credentials, so much as it is about Elizabeth Warren’s integrity and truthfulness and willingness to be transparent,’’ Brown's campaign manager Jim Barnett told reporters yesterday.

Conservatives have also demanded that proof that Warren is 1/32 Cherokee, as she claims. has turned the issue into a cause célèbre, publishing almost daily stories that claim debunk Warren's ancestry, including one alleging that one of Warren's forebearers actually rounded up Cherokees for the Trail of Tears.

Warren's response hasn't helped quell the firestorm. Despite first denying that she knew anything about the minority listing, she now repeatedly claims to be "proud" of her Native American heritage

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‘Pow wow’ factor: Elizabeth Warren touted native roots in ’84 cookbook
Boston Herald ^ | May 17, 2012 | Hillary Chabot
Posted on May 17, 2012 5:59:44 AM EDT by billorites

Elizabeth Warren was touting her claim of Cherokee heritage as early as 1984, according to a cookbook titled “Pow Wow Chow” edited by her cousin that includes Warren’s recipes for a savory crab omelet and spicy barbecued beans.

The cookbook, edited by Warren’s cousin Candy Rowsey, is a compilation of “special recipes passed down through the Five Tribes families,” according to the introduction in a copy obtained by the Herald.

Warren, who has been under fire for claiming Indian lineage despite a lack of documentation, is identified as “Elizabeth Warren, Cherokee” under each of five recipes she contributes in the cookbook, published in 1984 by the Five Civilized Tribes Museum located in Muskogee. Warren is not listed as an official member of the Cherokee tribe and she has been unable thus far to document her claim of any Native American heritage.

She offered a recipe on herbed tomatoes, touting them as a “great accompaniment to a plain meat and potatoes meal!” She also included a crab with tomato mayonnaise dressing dish and a Mexican oatmeal soup that included oats, onions, tomatoes and chicken broth.

“The soup sounds weird, but everyone who tries it, loves it!” Warren wrote.

“These are all recipes passed down through family members,” said Martha Griffin, a former volunteer and patron of the Five Civilized Tribes Museum who was friends with Warren’s late cousin. Griffin, who has several recipes of her own in the book, didn’t remember the contributions from Warren.

The cookbook also includes a recipe for a sweet “burnt sugar cake” that appears to have been submitted by Warren’s mother. Another, “grandmother’s peach cobbler,” appears above the names of Warren’s two children.

Warren’s campaign did not respond to multiple requests for comment last night.

News of Warren’s Cherokee recipes comes as outraged members of the tribe — including a Warren supporter — demanded she release her employment records following reports that she has no documentation to prove her Native American ancestry.

Steve Russell, an enrolled Cherokee who lives in Texas and said he supports Warren, said he just wants to make sure the Senate candidate didn’t mention her roots when applying to jobs.

“If I were her I would release those employment documents,” said Russell. “I guess she thinks because she doesn’t have to release them then no one will care, but I guarantee you Indians care, and I care.”

Said Twila Barnes, a Cherokee genealogist: “She needs to admit the truth. There is no documentation showing that she has Cherokee ancestry. She needs to come clean and release her employment records.”

Barnes also called the cookbook “silly.”

“Cherokees don’t even traditionally have powwows,” she said.

Warren has said she learned of her heritage through “family lore,” but the campaign and genealogists have been unable to provide conclusive proof of any Indian roots.

Warren listed herself as a minority on a law school directory from 1986 to 1995, and both Harvard Law School and the University of Pennsylvania touted her as a minority hire.

Representatives from both institutions said Warren’s minority status played no role in her hire.

“In spite of conclusive evidence to the contrary, the story continues to circulate that Elizabeth Warren enjoyed some kind of affirmative action leg-up in her hiring as a full professor by the Harvard Law School. The innuendo is false,” Harvard Law professor Charles Fried, who helped recruit Warren, said in a statement yesterday.

“I can state categorically that the subject of her Native American ancestry never once was mentioned.”

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Elizabeth Warren’s goose is cooked No morsel of truth in her Indian identity
 Boston Herald ^

Posted on Friday, May 18, 2012 11:31:49 AM by outpostinmass2

If I might make one suggestion before the updated version of the “Pow Wow Chow” cookbook is released: Next time, Liz, hold the mayo.

Even if you were 1/1000th Native American — which you’re not — and even if Cherokees did hold pow wows — which Cherokee genealogist Twila Barnes told the Herald yesterday they don’t — even then, your contribution to authentic teepee cuisine is “Crab With Tomato Mayonnaise Dressing?”

Why didn’t you throw in Tuna Casserole and Some Twinkies while you’re at it?

Like her recipe (“serve salad with remaining mayo on the side”), everything about Liz Warren screams “I’m white!”

In fact, I doubt you know anyone who is more “white” than Professor Pow Wow Chow. Her blond hair, her blue eyes, her pale, freckled skin, her wealth, her white-collar job at a “white-kid” Ivy League college, her liberal-suburbs-white-lady politics — Liz Warren is a walking, talking tribute to “Guilty, Affluent White People Who Listen To NPR” American culture.

Which is why it’s so offensively shocking to read report after report about Warren as a “woman of color.” That’s the exact phrase used 15 years ago in an in-depth article from the Fordham University Law Review about minority women in academia: “Harvard Law School hired its first woman of color, Elizabeth Warren, in 1995.”

And she’s got the cookbook to prove it!

Nobody cares that Liz Warren is not really 1/32nd or 1/64th Native American. What’s off-putting is that Warren is so clearly not a minority member in any meaningful sense of the word.

When this article and others were published describing Warren this way, she should have objected. She should have corrected the record on behalf of those Americans who have truly suffered because of their race. But instead she spent her career, as she put it, “checking the box.”

Here’s the reaction to Warren’s self-serving box-checking from “Polly’s Granddaughter,” a Cherokee Indian and genealogist in an open letter to Harvard Law’s “first woman of color”:

“You say you only ‘checked the box’ in an attempt to meet others like you, but that doesn’t make sense. If one is claiming to be Cherokee and wants to meet other Cherokees, they don’t ‘check a box’ on a job application or in a directory for their profession! They go to where Cherokees are.”

“You are from Oklahoma!” (emphasis in original)

Polly’s Granddaughter is absolutely right. As I’ve written previously, my mom was born in Oklahoma, and her great-grandmother, Nancy Hill, was a Cherokee from the Oklahoma territories. I also attended college in Tulsa, Okla. Meeting Indians in Oklahoma is as easy as knocking on a neighbor’s door and saying “Hi, wanna come over for some crab-and-mayonnaise salad?”

Being from Oklahoma also means there’s a good chance Warren also encountered anti-Indian prejudice first-hand. I only lived there a few years, and I did. I ran into some Okies who spoke about Native Americans the way the worst Southern whites talked about black Americans.

Those are the Native Americans the phrase “person of color” is intended for, not “Former member of ABBA” look-alike Liz Warren.

She knows this. She’s known it her whole life. Yet she’s chosen to play the role of suffering minority member, thereby making a mockery of the real suffering of others

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The credibility of Massachusetts Democratic  Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren took another hit today as Boston radio talk show host Howie Carr released evidence that appears to confirm Ms. Warren may have plagiarized at least three of the five recipes she submitted to the 1984 Pow Wow Chow cookbook edited by her cousin Candy Rowsey.
Two of the possibly plagiarized recipes, said in the Pow Wow Chow cookbook to have been passed down through generations of Oklahoma Native American members of the Cherokee tribe, are described in a New York Times News Service story as originating at Le Pavilion, a fabulously expensive French restaurant in Manhattan. The dishes were said to be particular favorites of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor and Cole Porter.
The two recipes, "Cold Omelets with Crab Meat" and "Crab with Tomato Mayonnaise Dressing," appear in an article titled “Cold Omelets with Crab Meat,” written by Pierre Franey of the New York Times News Service that was published in the August 22, 1979 edition of the Virgin Islands Daily News, a copy of which can be seen here.
Ms. Warren’s 1984 recipe for Crab with Tomato Mayonnaise Dressing  is a word-for-word copy of Mr. Franey’s 1979 recipe.
Mrs. Warren’s 1984 recipe for Cold Omelets with Crab Meat contains all four of the ingredients listed in Mr. Franey’s 1979 recipe in the exact same portion but lists five additional ingredients. More significantly, her instructions are virtually a word for word copy of Mr. Franey’s instructions from this 1979 article. Both instructions specify the use of a “seven inch Teflon pan.” The 1984 Pow Wow Chow recipe reads:

Use a small omelet pan, or, preferably, a seven-inch Teflon pan. Heat about one-half teaspoon butter in the pan. Add about one-third cup of the egg mixture. Let cook until firm and lightly brown on the bottom, stirring quickly with a fork until the omelet starts to set. When set slip a large pancake turner under the omelet starts to set. When set, slip a large pancake turner under the omelet and turn it quickly to the other side. Let cook about five seconds. Remember, you want to produce a flat omelet, not a typical folded omelet. Turn the omelets out flat onto a sheet of was paper. Continue making omelets until all the egg mixture is used.
Ms. Warren’s instructions are word-for-word copies of Mr. Franey’s 1979 instructions for this recipe, with one exception. Ms. Warren says, “Let cook until firm and lightly brown…” and Mr. Franey says “Let cook until firm and lightly browned…” [emphasis added]
Mr. Franey elaborates in this 1979 article on the origins of the recipe:

When I was chef at Le Pavilion it enjoyed a considerable esteem in America, and the owner, Henri Soule, had one particular specialty that he would ask to have prepared for his pet customers. The dish was a great favorite of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor and Cole Porter. It is a delicate and interesting creation, especially good for summer dining. It consists of small omelets, flavored with herbs and bits of tomato, served cold with a crab meat filling…This is not the usual oval-shaped omelet rolled over a filling and served hot. It is a flat omelet that is cooked like a pancake and turned over once on the skillet, then served cold. [emphasis added]
Mr. Franey does not suggest that the Duke and Duchess of Windsor enjoyed Cold Omelets with Crab Meat due to any claim on their behalf of Cherokee ancestry, though it is true that the Duchess was American born.
The third potentially plagiarized recipe, "Herbed Tomatoes," appears to be copied from this 1959 recipe from Better Homes and Garden.
Ms. Warren ‘s campaign has not commented on the suggestion that she may have plagiarized her recipe contributions to the Pow Wow Chow cookbook. Sales of the Pow Wow Chow have heated up on Amazon since this controversy began, vaulting from a lowly 1.2 million ranking book to number 11,289 early this morning.
Michael Patrick Leahy is a Breitbart News contributor, Editor of Broadside Books’ Voices of the Tea Party e-book series, and author of Covenant of Liberty: The Ideological Origins of the Tea Party Movement

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Another taxing problem for Elizabeth Warren
Boston Herald ^ | 5-25-12 | Howie Carr

If there’s any politician that infuriates me more than a carpetbaggin’, recipe-stealing fake Indian, it’s one that unloads her imported BMW 528i just before announcing her candidacy, and then doesn’t even bother to pay the automobile excise tax on her campaign’s new Ford Escape.

Yes, Comrade Warren, I’m talking about you.

A BMW — how tenured Harvard Law is it? She’d owned it since early 2000, but it had to go. After all, she’s a “fight-ah,” as her new TV ad says. So adios BMW and hello used 2008 Ford — hybrid, of course — which is registered to her teepee on Linnaean Street in Cambridge under Elizabeth for MA Inc.

For someone who wants to raise taxes on everybody, she certainly seems allergic to paying her own. Refuses to pay at the voluntary higher state income tax rate, and now totally blows off the auto excise tax for five weeks now and counting. When we first checked with the city of Cambridge on Monday, she owed $68.12 in overdue excise taxes.

As of yesterday, it was up to $68.19 — the city charges a 2-cent a day late fee. Seems pretty usurious to me, like J.P. Morgan.

Granny, you’re a 1 percenter’s 1 percenter. You have $10 million in your campaign account. Who do you think you are, John Kerry, or Tim Geithner, or Charlie Rangel, or Tom Daschle ...

I almost forgot, taxes are for the little people, not the Beautiful People.

The campaign called last night to report that, after receiving Herald inquiries, the excise bill has been paid.

Meanwhile, what I found most interesting in the new Suffolk poll numbers was not the Warren-Scott Brown dead heat, but the fact that 49 percent of the electorate still believes that this fraud has Native-American blood.

Forty-nine percent — now we know the moonbat baseline in Massachusetts. And to think that they call themselves “reality-based.”

Of course, the other way for Granny’s moonbats to deal with this fiasco is to just flat-out lie. That was the M.O. that Melrose state Sen. Katherine Clark used this week on Sgt. Schultz’s show on MSNBC.

Even Ed Schultz was calling out Pinocchio-hontas, so listen to how Sen. Clark tried to parry his thrusts about Warren’s forked-tongue ancestry.

“It’s been demonstrated by some of the research that’s been done, in fact, that there are records that support that claim.”

Really? Like what? Even the Globe had to confess (in a belated, buried correction) that there is “no documentation.” Sen. Clark, what is your source, the “Pow Wow Chow” cookbook?

Repeated calls to Sen. Clark were not returned.

As for you, Comrade Granny, I know, you’re cheap. You’re a liberal. But after all, it’s for the children

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Boston Globe: Documents “raise further questions” about Warren’s story on ancestry
 Hot Air ^ | 5/25/12 | Ed Morrissey

Elizabeth Warren might have hoped to scare off more media inquiries into her claims of Native American ancestry as a career boost yesterday, but today’s front page of the Boston Globe makes it clear the problem isn’t going away — and in fact might get worse. Warren has insisted that she only cited her supposed Cherokee ancestry once at Harvard to meet others like herself, even though there is no evidence she took steps to socialize among other Native Americans at Harvard. A Globe review of documentation suggests that Harvard and/or Warren repeatedly made those claims, and that even if Warren had believed herself to be 1/32nd Cherokee, she wouldn’t have met the definition for inclusion

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The credibility of Massachusetts Democratic  Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren took another hit today as Boston radio talk show host Howie Carr released evidence that appears to confirm Ms. Warren may have plagiarized at least three of the five recipes she submitted to the 1984 Pow Wow Chow cookbook edited by her cousin Candy Rowsey.
Two of the possibly plagiarized recipes, said in the Pow Wow Chow cookbook to have been passed down through generations of Oklahoma Native American members of the Cherokee tribe, are described in a New York Times News Service story as originating at Le Pavilion, a fabulously expensive French restaurant in Manhattan. The dishes were said to be particular favorites of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor and Cole Porter.
The two recipes, "Cold Omelets with Crab Meat" and "Crab with Tomato Mayonnaise Dressing," appear in an article titled “Cold Omelets with Crab Meat,” written by Pierre Franey of the New York Times News Service that was published in the August 22, 1979 edition of the Virgin Islands Daily News, a copy of which can be seen here.
Ms. Warren’s 1984 recipe for Crab with Tomato Mayonnaise Dressing  is a word-for-word copy of Mr. Franey’s 1979 recipe.
Mrs. Warren’s 1984 recipe for Cold Omelets with Crab Meat contains all four of the ingredients listed in Mr. Franey’s 1979 recipe in the exact same portion but lists five additional ingredients. More significantly, her instructions are virtually a word for word copy of Mr. Franey’s instructions from this 1979 article. Both instructions specify the use of a “seven inch Teflon pan.” The 1984 Pow Wow Chow recipe reads:

Use a small omelet pan, or, preferably, a seven-inch Teflon pan. Heat about one-half teaspoon butter in the pan. Add about one-third cup of the egg mixture. Let cook until firm and lightly brown on the bottom, stirring quickly with a fork until the omelet starts to set. When set slip a large pancake turner under the omelet starts to set. When set, slip a large pancake turner under the omelet and turn it quickly to the other side. Let cook about five seconds. Remember, you want to produce a flat omelet, not a typical folded omelet. Turn the omelets out flat onto a sheet of was paper. Continue making omelets until all the egg mixture is used.
Ms. Warren’s instructions are word-for-word copies of Mr. Franey’s 1979 instructions for this recipe, with one exception. Ms. Warren says, “Let cook until firm and lightly brown…” and Mr. Franey says “Let cook until firm and lightly browned…” [emphasis added]
Mr. Franey elaborates in this 1979 article on the origins of the recipe:

When I was chef at Le Pavilion it enjoyed a considerable esteem in America, and the owner, Henri Soule, had one particular specialty that he would ask to have prepared for his pet customers. The dish was a great favorite of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor and Cole Porter. It is a delicate and interesting creation, especially good for summer dining. It consists of small omelets, flavored with herbs and bits of tomato, served cold with a crab meat filling…This is not the usual oval-shaped omelet rolled over a filling and served hot. It is a flat omelet that is cooked like a pancake and turned over once on the skillet, then served cold. [emphasis added]
Mr. Franey does not suggest that the Duke and Duchess of Windsor enjoyed Cold Omelets with Crab Meat due to any claim on their behalf of Cherokee ancestry, though it is true that the Duchess was American born.
The third potentially plagiarized recipe, "Herbed Tomatoes," appears to be copied from this 1959 recipe from Better Homes and Garden.
Ms. Warren ‘s campaign has not commented on the suggestion that she may have plagiarized her recipe contributions to the Pow Wow Chow cookbook. Sales of the Pow Wow Chow have heated up on Amazon since this controversy began, vaulting from a lowly 1.2 million ranking book to number 11,289 early this morning.
Michael Patrick Leahy is a Breitbart News contributor, Editor of Broadside Books’ Voices of the Tea Party e-book series, and author of Covenant of Liberty: The Ideological Origins of the Tea Party Movement

LOL - nobody except Breitbart seems to care about her omelet recipe

Polls show she's neck in neck with Scott Brown so it seems potential voters don't give a shit

Breitbart is going to have to find a way to tie her to Ayers or Wright or start pretending she was born in Kenya

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LOL - nobody except Breitbart seems to care about her omelet recipe

Polls show she's neck in neck with Scott Brown so it seems potential voters don't give a shit

Breitbart is going to have to find a way to tie her to Ayers or Wright or start pretending she was born in Kenya


Straw Man

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and in regards to this particular election they are the only people that matter

why don't you start a thread about how Elizabeth Warren told her literary agent that she was born in Kenya

Soul Crusher

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and in regards to this particular election they are the only people that matter

why don't you start a thread about how Elizabeth Warren told her literary agent that she was born in Kenya

Don't have to - she already told them she is a native american indian. 

She is like most typical leftist frauds and charlatans who have to make up composites of themselves to hide their true selves.