Author Topic: Gay Marriage for Obama is all about $$$$$$$$$ don't kid yourselves.  (Read 5205 times)

Soul Crusher

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Marriage (E-Mail from Mr. Obama)
May 9, 2012 | Barack H. Obama
Posted on May 9, 2012 9:45:44 PM EDT by 2ndDivisionVet

Today, I was asked a direct question and gave a direct answer:

I believe that same-sex couples should be allowed to marry.

I hope you'll take a moment to watch the conversation, consider it, and weigh in yourself on behalf of marriage equality:

I've always believed that gay and lesbian Americans should be treated fairly and equally. I was reluctant to use the term marriage because of the very powerful traditions it evokes. And I thought civil union laws that conferred legal rights upon gay and lesbian couples were a solution.

But over the course of several years I've talked to friends and family about this. I've thought about members of my staff in long-term, committed, same-sex relationships who are raising kids together. Through our efforts to end the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy, I've gotten to know some of the gay and lesbian troops who are serving our country with honor and distinction.

What I've come to realize is that for loving, same-sex couples, the denial of marriage equality means that, in their eyes and the eyes of their children, they are still considered less than full citizens.

Even at my own dinner table, when I look at Sasha and Malia, who have friends whose parents are same-sex couples, I know it wouldn't dawn on them that their friends' parents should be treated differently.

So I decided it was time to affirm my personal belief that same-sex couples should be allowed to marry.

I respect the beliefs of others, and the right of religious institutions to act in accordance with their own doctrines. But I believe that in the eyes of the law, all Americans should be treated equally. And where states enact same-sex marriage, no federal act should invalidate them.

If you agree, you can stand up with me here.

Thank you,


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GAY FOR PAY (Obama "evolves" on gay marriage just hours after donors threatened to withhold funds)
Washington Free Beacon ^ | May 9, 2012 | Washington Free Beacon Staff
Posted on May 9, 2012 11:49:10 PM EDT by Qbert

President Obama announced his support for same-sex marriage less than 48 hours after the Washington Post reported that prominent political donors were threatening to withhold donations over the president’s position on gay rights.

“[A]t a certain point I’ve just concluded that for me personally it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same sex couples should be able to get married,” Obama told ABC News in an interview.

Left-wing blogger Greg Sargent reported on Monday that “leading gay and progressive donors” were angry with Obama over his increasingly convoluted position on gay rights and same-sex marriage, and were refusing to donate any more money to Priorities USA, the pro-Obama Super PAC. Sargent cited Paul Yandura, a political adviser to prominent Democratic donor Jonathan Lewis, who emailed that:

A number of gay and progressive donors, unsolicited, have indicated to us that they aren’t considering requests to donate to the Obama SuperPac because of the president’s refusal to the sign the order. And those are high-dollar asks, some in the seven digits. We have heard from at least half a dozen major gay and progressive donors that they stand united with us.
The Washington Post noted on Tuesday that roughly 20 percent of Obama top campaign bundlers—who are responsible for arranging $500,000 and up—“publicly identified themselves as gay.”

Obama’s announcement fits a pattern of changing positions on major issues for what appear to be financially motivated reasons.

The president in February publicly renounced his opposition to Democratic Super PACs such as Priorities USA, groups capable of raising large amount of money from anonymous sources.

Obama had previously denounced Super PACs as “shadowy groups with harmless sounding names” that pose “a threat to our democracy” because they allow wealthy donors outsized influence on the political process.

Four years ago, Obama became the first presidential candidate in history to reject public campaign financing, despite pledges he would not do so.

UPDATE: The liberal Talking Points Memo reports that one Obama bundler, Jon Cooper, said the president’s announcement will make fundraising for the re-election campaign “immeasurably easier.”


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Don't worry.  I am sure in his next term he will stand up and support marriage to imaginary girlfriends.

So there is hope for you yet.

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Don't worry.  I am sure in his next term he will stand up and support marriage to imaginary girlfriends.

So there is hope for you yet.

He is going down, literally and figuratively.  No incumbent has ever been re-elected with his numbers. 

Say goodbye to your cult messiah.  He is going away. 


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And what happens when he doesn't?

You put another 4 years of your sad little life on hold to post on the internet all day long?


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And what happens when he doesn't?

You put another 4 years of your sad little life on hold to post on the internet all day long?

333... doesnt really want Obama to go way his life would be meaningless if he did

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Do You Believe Obama Actually Changed His Mind About Gay Marriage?

I don’t.

By David Plotz|Posted Wednesday, May 9, 2012, at 6:57 PM ET

Did Barack Obama "evolve" on gay marriage or has he always been for it?
Saul Loeb/AFP/GettyImages

President Obama is no more hypocritical than the next politician—especially if the next one is Mitt Romney—but he certainly is a hypocrite. So while I’m thrilled to celebrate his support for gay marriage, as little as it means legally, I’m irked by his all-too-eloquent conversion story.
In his interview with ABC News, the president recounted a change of heart on gay marriage. He said his thinking had evolved “over the course of several years as I have talked to friends and family and neighbors.” He talked of having observed members of his own staff “in incredibly committed monogamous relationships, same-sex relationships, who are raising kids together.” He referenced conversations with his wife, who agrees with him. And of course he invoked the troops: “those soldiers or airmen or marines or sailors who are out there fighting on my behalf and yet feel constrained, even now that Don't Ask Don't Tell is gone, because they are not able to commit themselves in a marriage.”
Do you believe that—through exposure to these people—the president has actually changed his mind on gay marriage? I don’t. He has always supported it.

Everything about his history—his progressive politics, his civil rights activism, his own heritage—strongly indicates that he would favor gay marriage. Oh, and then there is the fact that he said he supported gay marriage, unequivocally. In 1996, as a state senate candidate, Obama wrote and signed a survey declaring: “I favor legalizing same sex marriages, and would fight efforts to prohibit such marriages.” When he ran for president, Obama denied support for gay marriage while endorsing civil unions, and circulated an obviously bushwah story disavowing the 1996 survey, claiming someone else had filled it out. (No matter that Obama signed it.) Liberal Democrats accepted his cover story—and his obvious hypocrisy—because they knew that supporting gay marriage would have been politically fatal to his 2008 prospects. Nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more.
There is no elegant way to own up to past hypocrisy. But perhaps we shouldn’t spend too much time congratulating the president on his “evolution.” When he decided to pursue higher office, he made the wrong decision on gay marriage for political convenience. Now, he is making the right decision on gay marriage, and also for political convenience. He has known that gay marriage was right for at least 16 years—a lot longer than most Americans, including me. Let’s not praise him too much for finally speaking out about it today.

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Black voters divided on gay marriage
By: Joseph Williams
May 9, 2012 06:39 PM EDT

African-Americans voted 2-1 in favor of the North Carolina amendment banning gay marriage Tuesday, but the White House is betting that black voters there and beyond will stick with the president, despite broad resistance to legalization.

While there’s faith that African-Americans will turn out strong at the polls to protect Obama’s legacy, pollsters point out that while opposition to same-sex marriages has fallen in the black community, it’s still just a point shy of 50 percent — enough to affect black turnout, at least theoretically, in an election where every vote will matter.

Obama’s statement rocked the political world. But it also underscored a widely held belief that African-American voters are closer to Republicans than Democrats when it comes to gay marriage.

“A lot of the people that I have spoken to that are self-identified Democrats are completely and totally against gay marriage — they believe it’s a sin,” said Michelle Bernard, president of the Bernard Center for Women, Politics and Public Policy.

In North Carolina in 2008, black turnout was the engine that propelled Obama to a key swing-state victory; the president captured over 95 percent of that vote, according to exit polls. On Tuesday, however, reports from North Carolina indicate a majority of black voters cast ballots for Amendment 1, defining marriage as solely between a man and a woman, and effectively nullifying the rights of same-sex partners.

A coalition of conservative activists and African-American ministers helped drive black turnout, according to reports. Ad campaigns on both sides compared the vote to African-Americans’ struggle for civil rights — a move that many black voters opposed to the initiative saw as offensive.

Yet a Pew Center poll released in April showed that the African-American community has softened in its opposition to gay marriage: In a 2008 survey, 67 percent of respondents said they didn’t approve of it, but in 2012 that number had dropped to 49 percent.

Aisha Moodie-Mills, an African-American and gay rights activist who spearheaded a movement to legalize gay marriage in Washington, D.C., thinks the community’s evolution was actually ahead of the president’s.

“I do not believe the black community is any more homophobic than any other community. It is not in my experience,” said Moodie-Mills, a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress, who noted that the amendment was part of the state’s Republican primary, drawing more black conservatives.

Still, “there is an education process that needs to happen” that’s reflected in the North Carolina vote, and Obama’s change of heart, she said.

Democratic pollster Cornell Belcher said Obama shouldn’t worry about black voters abandoning him over the issue.

“The fairness argument — that gays are being discriminated against — is one that gives African-Americans a great deal of pause,” said Belcher, noting that African-Americans have remained firmly behind Obama even though the black unemployment rate is nearly double that of whites. “The history of black people in this country had been one of fighting for fairness and equality.”

“I wouldn’t say it’s a nonissue,” he said. “But on the list of things that keep me up at night worrying about Obama’s reelection, it’s really low on the list.”

An earlier version of this story had Moodie-Mills’ and Belcher’s names spelled incorrectly.


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Black voters divided on gay marriage
By: Joseph Williams
May 9, 2012 06:39 PM EDT

African-Americans voted 2-1 in favor of the North Carolina amendment banning gay marriage Tuesday, but the White House is betting that black voters there and beyond will stick with the president, despite broad resistance to legalization.

While there’s faith that African-Americans will turn out strong at the polls to protect Obama’s legacy, pollsters point out that while opposition to same-sex marriages has fallen in the black community, it’s still just a point shy of 50 percent — enough to affect black turnout, at least theoretically, in an election where every vote will matter.

Obama’s statement rocked the political world. But it also underscored a widely held belief that African-American voters are closer to Republicans than Democrats when it comes to gay marriage.

“A lot of the people that I have spoken to that are self-identified Democrats are completely and totally against gay marriage — they believe it’s a sin,” said Michelle Bernard, president of the Bernard Center for Women, Politics and Public Policy.

In North Carolina in 2008, black turnout was the engine that propelled Obama to a key swing-state victory; the president captured over 95 percent of that vote, according to exit polls. On Tuesday, however, reports from North Carolina indicate a majority of black voters cast ballots for Amendment 1, defining marriage as solely between a man and a woman, and effectively nullifying the rights of same-sex partners.

A coalition of conservative activists and African-American ministers helped drive black turnout, according to reports. Ad campaigns on both sides compared the vote to African-Americans’ struggle for civil rights — a move that many black voters opposed to the initiative saw as offensive.

Yet a Pew Center poll released in April showed that the African-American community has softened in its opposition to gay marriage: In a 2008 survey, 67 percent of respondents said they didn’t approve of it, but in 2012 that number had dropped to 49 percent.

Aisha Moodie-Mills, an African-American and gay rights activist who spearheaded a movement to legalize gay marriage in Washington, D.C., thinks the community’s evolution was actually ahead of the president’s.

“I do not believe the black community is any more homophobic than any other community. It is not in my experience,” said Moodie-Mills, a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress, who noted that the amendment was part of the state’s Republican primary, drawing more black conservatives.

Still, “there is an education process that needs to happen” that’s reflected in the North Carolina vote, and Obama’s change of heart, she said.

Democratic pollster Cornell Belcher said Obama shouldn’t worry about black voters abandoning him over the issue.

“The fairness argument — that gays are being discriminated against — is one that gives African-Americans a great deal of pause,” said Belcher, noting that African-Americans have remained firmly behind Obama even though the black unemployment rate is nearly double that of whites. “The history of black people in this country had been one of fighting for fairness and equality.”

“I wouldn’t say it’s a nonissue,” he said. “But on the list of things that keep me up at night worrying about Obama’s reelection, it’s really low on the list.”

An earlier version of this story had Moodie-Mills’ and Belcher’s names spelled incorrectly.

32 times this has gone to the ballot and 32 times gay "marriage" supporters got the brakes beaten off them.

As for blacks being divided on this issue, what a joke. I guess these crackpots in the media forgot that there was a marriage amendment vote less than 48 hours ago in North Carolina. To the surprise of no one, the amendment easily passed.

Blacks being divided....tell that to the black people in NC where they voted for the amendment by over a 2 to 1 margin.

Predominantly black counties were voting for this amendment to the tune of over 70 percent. And, this has happened in other states like Florida and California.


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Obama must be desperate if he felt this was a good idea. Take a look at the following article. Its not just North Carolina where this could be problematic.
Obama's seven states of gay marriage grief
By: Charles Mahtesian
May 10, 2012 04:45 AM EDT
If there’s been one constant over the course of President Barack Obama’s evolution on gay marriage, it’s this: The White House’s keen awareness of the radioactive politics of the issue.

Obama aides fretted that delay would dent his new-breed brand, and likewise that plunging in could weigh him down in battleground states. They even hatched a plan to announce his support just prior to the Democratic National Convention — a characteristically all-in-good-time solution that acknowledged the minefield he was walking through.

And the White House is right to be concerned.

No doubt, Obama gets some political pluses out of supporting same-sex marriage Wednesday — energizing LGBT voters and donors, adding a new line to his Mitt Romney’s-a-throwback brief, kick-starting college turnout or in simply reminding people that yes, he came to Washington to do big things.

But for all the polls showing movement toward greater public acceptance of gay marriage, for all the signs of increased tolerance and changing mores, there’s one undeniable fact: A full embrace of gay rights has never been a winner in the political arena.

(See also: 20 gay rights milestones)

Fifteen years of ballot measures in more than 30 states from coast-to-coast show an issue that has been rejected nearly every time it’s gone before the voters — often by large margins.

Here are seven states where Obama just bought himself headaches with his historic decision to back gay marriage:

North Carolina

A political rule of thumb: You don’t want to be on the wrong side of an issue supported by 6-in-10 voters. But that’s where the president is in North Carolina, where a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage passed Tuesday by 61 percent to 39 percent. Just seven of the state’s 100 counties opposed the ballot measure.

North Carolina is no ordinary state. In 2012, it occupies a central location in the political universe — it’s not only a key swing state, it’s the place that will host the Democratic National Convention this summer. Obama won it in 2008, arguably his biggest reach on Election Night, and hoped accepting his re-nomination there would keep it in his column.

But the state was a pretty shaky proposition for Obama this year already, and it just got shakier. After the constitutional amendment — and the backlash against it from gay rights activists — the Democratic National Convention Committee was forced Wednesday to confirm that the convention would remain in Charlotte. That’s not the convention messaging that Democrats are looking for this year.


One day, gay marriage might be enshrined in law across the map. But it won’t be until after the current generation of senior citizens passes away. Not only do they oppose it by lopsided margins, they also vote in disproportionately high percentages.

Consider this fact about Florida, a state with an unusually large population of seniors. Four years ago, Obama and an anti-gay marriage constitutional amendment shared the Florida ballot. Obama won the state narrowly, the amendment won by a landslide.

And the amendment won 600,000 more votes than Obama.

The president can still win reelection without Florida’s treasure trove of electoral votes. But he’d prefer not to risk it, which could be the side effect of a public affirmation of support for gay marriage in a state as competitive as Florida.


The new capital of evangelicalism? No, it’s not in the South. It’s Colorado Springs, according to Christianity Today magazine, which once described the city as having “more megachurches, megaseminaries, and mega-Christian activity than any other American city.”

After Denver, Colorado Springs is the largest city in the most important state in the Mountain West — the city is bigger than Cleveland or Pittsburgh. Gay marriage is an issue that resonates there among Christian conservatives and it’s the kind of issue that can get evangelical voters very enthusiastic about the prospect of voting for Romney.

The evidence of that came in 2006, when Colorado voters passed an amendment to outlaw gay marriage — a measure strongly supported by the Colorado Springs-based Focus on the Family. While the state voted in favor of the constitutional amendment, 55 percent to 45 percent, in Colorado Springs’ El Paso County the numbers were far greater — 66 percent voted for the measure. More pro-amendment votes were cast there than in any other county in the state.

Colorado is the kind of place that helps Team Obama sleep a little more soundly at night because it’s a hedge in case Florida flips back Republican, or Ohio or Virginia drifts back to red. Any leg up for Romney there would be bad news back in Chicago.


Utah may be the LDS heartland but Nevada ranks among the top five states in terms of percentage of Mormon population. And the LDS church opposes gay marriage.

While Mormons aren’t a significant Democratic constituency — and especially not with Romney in the race — it’s best not to antagonize any constituency in a swing state like Nevada, where the presidential outcome in 2000 and 2004 was decided by less than 25,000 votes.

“Overall in Nevada, it hurts. To what degree is hard to determine,” said Pete Ernaut, a former GOP state legislator and a confidant of Gov. Brian Sandoval. “The issue here is about a tossup, with voters about evenly split. But that said, there are key constituencies affected by this, most notably Mormon voters — and specifically Democratic Mormon voters — and that is going to be a difficult issue for the president.”


In 2009, the Iowa Supreme Court made history with its unanimous decision to allow same-sex marriage.

One year later, Iowa voters made history again by ousting three of the justices who handed down that ruling.

The backlash was as extreme as it sounds: their removal from the high court was the first time an Iowa Supreme Court justice wasn’t retained in nearly a half-century.

And the issue echoed through the 2010 governor’s race as well. Republican Terry Branstad argued that the court was wrong to strike down the state law banning same-sex marriage and advocated a constitutional amendment to re-institute the ban. His Democratic opponent, Gov. Chet Culver, disagreed on the idea of putting the court decision to a vote.

Culver lost his reelection bid, though not solely because of his position on same-sex marriage. Still, it didn’t help him, and that’s the risk Obama takes there. Obama and Iowa go way back — he’s president today because he dealt Hillary Clinton a third-place finish there in the 2008 caucuses — but it’s a state where just 1 percentage point divided the presidential nominees in 2000 and 2004.


There are many Democrats who already concede Missouri is a lost cause for Obama in 2012, even though he only lost to John McCain there by a razor-close margin in 2008.

Wednesday’s announcement only makes the situation worse. In a state where there’s no room for error, the president has taken a position that places him at odds with 71 percent of the state — at least that’s the percentage that voted to ban gay marriage when it was on the ballot in 2004.

There’s a very good chance that number has eroded since then. But not enough for it to be an asset, in a state where Obama’s strength in St. Louis, Kansas City and some surrounding suburbs is counterbalanced by the parts of the state that sit squarely in the Bible Belt.


It’s often said that the 2004 gay marriage initiative that passed in Ohio played a key role in lifting George W. Bush to victory over John Kerry. Whether that’s true or not — Bush strategist Matthew Dowd argued Wednesday that it’s not — it’s an issue that resonates outside of Democratic vote centers like Columbus and Cleveland.

In 2004, here’s how state GOP Chairman Robert Bennett framed it to The New York Times. “I’d be naive if I didn’t say it helped,” he said. “And it helped most in what we refer to as the Bible Belt area of southeastern and southwestern Ohio, where we had the largest percentage increase in support for the president.”

Recent polls continue to show that a majority in Ohio oppose gay marriage, compared with only about one-third of voters who support it. And, as POLITICO reported Wednesday, when Vice President Joe Biden privately argued for the president to refrain from expressing his support, he flagged two states where there could be a backlash — his native Pennsylvania and Ohio.

CORRECTION: An earlier version of this story misidentified former Iowa Gov. Chet Culver.
Jan. Jobs: 36,000!!

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Funny how during the time the demos controlled all 3 branches of govt they did nothing on this whatsoever.   

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Funny how during the time the demos controlled all 3 branches of govt they did nothing on this whatsoever.   

i heard rush complain about this obama speech for 14 minutes at noon today.

then went on a 2 minute rant about how gullible the media is, for talking about this distratction non-story.

it's getting predicable lol.

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Obama raising Hollywood cash on heels of gay marriage endorsement
 Fox News ^ | 5/10/2012 | Fox News

President Obama and his aides claim they're just not sure how his endorsement of same-sex marriage will play politically.

But his campaign is pushing awfully hard to make sure it plays well.

The campaign, within hours of Obama's interview in which he declared for the first time his support for gay marriage, blasted out a fundraising email to supporters. At dawn on Thursday, the campaign released a web video highlighting the president's new-found stance and lambasting likely GOP opponent Mitt Romney's opposition to gay marriage.

Now the president is preparing to head to a sold-out fundraiser Thursday evening at George Clooney's home in Los Angeles -- where he is sure to be embraced by well-heeled celebrity donors.

Hollywood is home to some of the most high-profile backers of gay marriage and the 150 donors who are paying $40,000 to attend Clooney's dinner Thursday night will no doubt feel newly invigorated by Obama's watershed announcement the day before.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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CT that Biden said it on purpose to create this.

Nobody is talkkng about that adjustment to the workplace participant numbers shadiness to move down the UE rate.  Rush and msn alike are talking about this nonsense.

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CT that Biden said it on purpose to create this.

Nobody is talkkng about that adjustment to the workplace participant numbers shadiness to move down the UE rate.  Rush and msn alike are talking about this nonsense.

Obama is pissing all over blacks again in favor of wealthy white gay leftists.    Typical and sad that people keep falling for this disgusting con man.


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Oh for fucks sake! 


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CT that Biden said it on purpose to create this.

Nobody is talkkng about that adjustment to the workplace participant numbers shadiness to move down the UE rate.  Rush and msn alike are talking about this nonsense.

Rush has been talking about that for WEEKS, now. (edit - he just brought it up, yet again, just a minute ago).

Obama can't avoid his lousy record, no matter how much he tries.

Rush is talking about this issue today, to make that point, that Obama wants to talk about ANYTHING but the economy. Obama isn't fooling anyone; he's pandering for rich gay donors and he knows it.

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Obama: Biden ‘Got Out a Little Over His Skis’ on Same-Sex Marriage
 National Journal ^ | 5/10/12 | Lara Seligman

President Obama said that he had already decided to endorse gay marriage at some point ahead of the presidential election when Vice President Joe Biden jumped the gun with his own announcement on Sunday, according to an interview with ABC. “He probably got out a little over his skis, but out of generosity of spirit,” Obama told ABC’s Robin Roberts in an interview that aired Thursday on Good Morning America. “Would I have preferred to have done this in my own way on my own terms without, I think, there being a lot of notice to everybody? Of course. But all’s

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Like I said - it's all about money for Obama.

Do you know politicians who run their campaigns without money/donations? How much money have the Koch brothers contributed to Romney's campaign?

If the Koch brothers didn't exist, the left would have to invent them. They're the plutocrats from central casting – oil-and-gas billionaires ready to buy any congressman, fund any lie, fight any law, bust any union, despoil any landscape, or shirk any (tax) burden to push their free-market religion and pump up their profits. 
But no need to invent – Charles and David Koch are the real deal. Over the past 30-some years, they've poured more than 100 million dollars into a sprawling network of foundations, think tanks, front groups, advocacy organizations, lobbyists and GOP lawmakers, all to the glory of their hard-core libertarian agenda. They don't oppose big government so much as government – taxes, environmental protections, safety-net programs, public education: the whole bit. (By all accounts, the Kochs are true believers; they really buy that road-to-serfdom stuff about the the holiness of free markets. Still, you can't help but notice how neatly their philosophy lines up with their business interests.) They like to think of elected politicians as merely "actors playing out a script," and themselves as supplying "the themes and words for the scripts." Imagine Karl Rove’s strategic cunning, crossed with Ron Paul’s screw-the-poor ideology, and hooked up to Warren Buffett's checking account, and you’re halfway there.

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Do you know politicians who run their campaigns without money/donations? How much money have the Koch brothers contributed to Romney's campaign?

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 ::)  ::)

Why didnt you add Bush, Palin, and Fox TV as well in that?   


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Why didnt you add Bush, Palin, and Fox TV as well in that?   

I decided to leave that for you to say.

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Rush has been talking about that for WEEKS, now. (edit - he just brought it up, yet again, just a minute ago).

Obama can't avoid his lousy record, no matter how much he tries.

Rush is talking about this issue today, to make that point, that Obama wants to talk about ANYTHING but the economy. Obama isn't fooling anyone; he's pandering for rich gay donors and he knows it.

My point is that Rush falls into the same trap he warns others to avoid.

It's like from 12 to 1215 every day, he will rant about the latest obama gaffe or egyptian post-death sex law *yes, really*, and THEN he'll warn we must not fall into the trap of discussing distractions.   Which is it?  I guess he has to keep his ratings up, and the mouth breathing dropouts just looooove making anti-gay slurs on their lunch breaks while slopping down some dollar menu mcdonalds with their buddies... but wow.

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WH won't push gay marriage into party platform
 The Washington Examiner ^ | May 10, 2012 | Joel Gehrke

President Obama declared his personal support for same-sex marriage yesterday, but the White House chose not to push for the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act today.

"Well, party platform issues are for the party to decide," White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said when asked if Obama would call for the repeal of DOMA and endorsement of pro-gay marriage language in the party platform. "That process is underway, and I refer you to the DNC on the question about the platform."

(Excerpt) Read more at campaign2012.washingtone ...

lol!!!!!   S U C K E R S !!!!!!

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Obama's Same-Sex Marriage Announcement Timed For Tinseltown (George Clooneys' party is tonight!) ^ | 5/10/12 | Ben Shapiro
Posted on May 10, 2012 10:48:35 PM EDT by Justaham

President Obama’s seemingly-sudden decision to endorse same-sex marriage may have been far more orchestrated than previously believed. CNN reported today that President Obama was supposedly planning to announce his support for gay marriage next week on ABC’s The View before comments by Joe Biden caused him to accelerate his timetable.

But there is another theory in the works.

Biden’s comments on Sunday were clearly orchestrated; the notion that they were unplanned neglects the tape of the interview, which shows David Gregory consulting his notes as he asked a completely out-of-the-blue question on same-sex marriage. The very next day, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan endorsed same-sex marriage. The following day, Obama himself did so. That’s not an accident. That’s a roll-out.

So why the timing?

Today is President Obama’s big Hollywood swing.

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