Author Topic: Gay Marriage for Obama is all about $$$$$$$$$ don't kid yourselves.  (Read 5294 times)


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My point is that Rush falls into the same trap he warns others to avoid.

It's like from 12 to 1215 every day, he will rant about the latest obama gaffe or egyptian post-death sex law *yes, really*, and THEN he'll warn we must not fall into the trap of discussing distractions.   Which is it?  I guess he has to keep his ratings up, and the mouth breathing dropouts just looooove making anti-gay slurs on their lunch breaks while slopping down some dollar menu mcdonalds with their buddies... but wow.

And my point is that Rush has been talking about the bad economic numbers for weeks, long before this issue came up, while this issue arrived, and he'll keep doing it long after this fizzles.

Of course, he's not going to avoid it entirely. In fact, he makes the point that the economic numbers are EXACTLY why his fund raising is down. And, Rush stated that nearly 20% of Obama's bundlers are gay and it was pressure for them that got him to do it (after they got to Biden).

It all ties together, along with the comedic way Rush shot down the left's screwball take that Obama's being brave and bold by taking a principled stand for gay "marriage". We all know he's not and we know why.

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Obama to return to Los Angeles in June for star-studded fundraisers (LGBT gala)
The Hill ^ | 5/11/12 | Jonathan Easley, Amie Parnes
Posted on May 13, 2012 5:52:32 AM EDT by Libloather

Obama to return to Los Angeles in June for star-studded fundraisers
By Jonathan Easley and Amie Parnes - 05/11/12 10:38 AM ET

President Obama's decision to support gay marriage this week is paying off in a big way with the LGBT community in Hollywood.

Obama is expected to attend an LGBT gala in Los Angeles on June 6, where ticket prices range from $1,250 to $25,000 apiece. As part of the same trip, Obama is also expected to attend a fundraiser hosted by Ryan Murphy, the co-creator of the show "Glee," and his fiance David Miller.

Like the fundraising dinner hosted by actor George Clooney on Thursday night in Los Angeles, which raked in $15 million, the dinner is expected to bring in millions of dollars for Obama's reelection campaign.

 Obama's endorsement of same-sex marriage on Wednesday has prompted a slew of big-dollar donations from the gay community.

“Obviously yesterday we made some news," Obama told attendees at Clooney's home on Thursday night. “It was a logical extension of what America is supposed to be. It grew directly out of this difference in visions: Are we a country that includes everybody and gives everybody a shot and treats everybody fairly, and is that going to make us stronger? Are we welcoming to immigrants? Are we welcoming to people who aren’t like us? Does that make us stronger? I believe it does.”

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the LGBT gala is now seeking a larger venue to meet skyrocketing demand for the event, which could include a performance from singer Pink and reel in a haul of up to $10 million.

The Clooney fundraiser on Thursday night also had big star presence, including Tobey Maguire, Stacy Keibler, Diane Von Furstenberg, Jack Black, Robert Downey Jr., Salma Hayek, Barbra Streisand, James Brolin and Billy Crystal.

Some on the right have knocked Obama as a “celebrity president,” and one ad from the American Crossroads super-PAC called “Cool” wove together clips of the president with various entertainers before asking if voters were better off than they were four years ago.


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Obama to return to Los Angeles in June for star-studded fundraisers (LGBT gala)
The Hill ^ | 5/11/12 | Jonathan Easley, Amie Parnes
Posted on May 13, 2012 5:52:32 AM EDT by Libloather

Obama to return to Los Angeles in June for star-studded fundraisers
By Jonathan Easley and Amie Parnes - 05/11/12 10:38 AM ET

President Obama's decision to support gay marriage this week is paying off in a big way with the LGBT community in Hollywood.

Obama is expected to attend an LGBT gala in Los Angeles on June 6, where ticket prices range from $1,250 to $25,000 apiece. As part of the same trip, Obama is also expected to attend a fundraiser hosted by Ryan Murphy, the co-creator of the show "Glee," and his fiance David Miller.

Like the fundraising dinner hosted by actor George Clooney on Thursday night in Los Angeles, which raked in $15 million, the dinner is expected to bring in millions of dollars for Obama's reelection campaign.

 Obama's endorsement of same-sex marriage on Wednesday has prompted a slew of big-dollar donations from the gay community.

“Obviously yesterday we made some news," Obama told attendees at Clooney's home on Thursday night. “It was a logical extension of what America is supposed to be. It grew directly out of this difference in visions: Are we a country that includes everybody and gives everybody a shot and treats everybody fairly, and is that going to make us stronger? Are we welcoming to immigrants? Are we welcoming to people who aren’t like us? Does that make us stronger? I believe it does.”

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the LGBT gala is now seeking a larger venue to meet skyrocketing demand for the event, which could include a performance from singer Pink and reel in a haul of up to $10 million.

The Clooney fundraiser on Thursday night also had big star presence, including Tobey Maguire, Stacy Keibler, Diane Von Furstenberg, Jack Black, Robert Downey Jr., Salma Hayek, Barbra Streisand, James Brolin and Billy Crystal.

Some on the right have knocked Obama as a “celebrity president,” and one ad from the American Crossroads super-PAC called “Cool” wove together clips of the president with various entertainers before asking if voters were better off than they were four years ago.

When gays come a-callin', Barack goes a-runnin'.

When black people beg the president to visit, he can't be bothered.

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When gays come a-callin', Barack goes a-runnin'.

When black people beg the president to visit, he can't be bothered.

Obama has never so much as lifted a finger for black people. 

Shame on blacks for still supporting this con man. 

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So this was all about the Benjamins.  Not surprised.


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So this was all about the Benjamins.  Not surprised.

That, and he's losing to Romney in the polls (Rasumssen).

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economy sucks, gas prices suck, and most repubs can't stop talking about how obama officially has the GOP position of 'let the states decide' but personally feels differently.

Yes, he's stupid like a fox.   I look to fox for the economy and find 'Obama's Gay Marriage View To Give Boost to Romney?'.

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economy sucks, gas prices suck, and most repubs can't stop talking about how obama officially has the GOP position of 'let the states decide' but personally feels differently.

Yes, he's stupid like a fox.   I look to fox for the economy and find 'Obama's Gay Marriage View To Give Boost to Romney?'.

They've been sucking for YEARS under Obama. That's why he's "evolved" to supporting gay "marriage". This is about firing up his base.

Haven't you learned by now? No matter how many sideshows Obama and his minions in the media gin up, ultimately it comes back to JOBS and the economy. And, Obama's pitiful record will be front and center.

All this does is basically put a sliver of the black vote in the "red" and hand some swing states to Romney.

Economy is No. 1 election issue for Florida voters

— Forget gay marriage. Put aside the war in Afghanistan. Ignore illegal immigration. All are dwarfed by the big gorilla of 2012 — the economy.

Election 2012 is all about the economy — especially jobs — the one issue with the power to determine if President Barack Obama or Republican Mitt Romney wins Florida's critical electoral votes and, perhaps, the presidency.

"That's the No. 1 priority," said Jansew Sang, of Hollywood.

Laid off in 2009 from her job as Latin America sales manager for a manufacturer of networking devices, she's still relatively fortunate, being able to work as a translator and banking consultant. "I have the advantage of being able to keep myself afloat in this economy," she said.

Sang is an independent — the kind of voter coveted by every candidate because independents decide close elections. She voted for Obama in 2008, but hasn't decided if she'll vote for him or Romney this year.

She was among 646 people seeking work last week at a career fair in Miramar along with city residents Jenni Ressler and Jim Richardson. Like Sang, they're swing voters and haven't decided which candidate will get their votes this year.

Richardson, out of work since August 2011, said jobs are the issue in 2012. And Ressler, who's been looking for two months, said the economy "would play a big role, obviously."

Jobs are a salient issue for many more people than the 9 percent of Floridians who were unemployed in March — when the jobless rate was again higher than the national average and the percentage of people with jobs was 43rd in the country. New state unemployment numbers, for April, are due out Friday.

Dave Welch, who lives west of Boca Raton, said he feels the employment squeeze — even though he still has his job as a copier mechanic.

"I know several people who have lost their jobs: good, hard-working people who have lost their jobs because the economy is in the tank," he said. "We're not selling the products that we have in the past, therefore we don't need the people that we've had. It's been a cascading effect."

He blames Obama and the Democrats, and decided long ago to vote for Romney, even though the Republican candidate isn't as conservative as he'd like.

Welch's concerns about jobs are far from unique. A Suffolk University/WSVN-Ch. 7 poll conducted last week found 81 percent of Florida voters said the state's job outlook is poor or fair. Just 13 percent termed it good or excellent. More than 80 percent believe the state is still mired in a recession.

And 52 percent of the 600 Florida voters surveyed rated the economy as the most important issue facing the country. None of the other nine issues came anywhere close, a finding Suffolk polling director David Paleologos termed "amazing."

Troy Samuels, a Miramar city commissioner, Republican Party committeeman and co-chairman of Romney's campaign in Broward County, said there isn't a single event he's attended in the past three years when at least one person hasn't asked him for job leads.

He said even plenty of people with a job are concerned about what the near future might bring. "If there's a bump in the economy … will my company all of a sudden lay off 100 people, and I'm one of those 100?" he said. "Those are still serious concerns in the minds of people no matter what party they're from, and they think about it every single day."

And those kind of worries have a big impact on elections if "the unemployment rate gets reported and people sort of look around and say things don't look so good," said Kevin Wagner, a political scientist at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton. And that's bad for incumbents.

Conflicting trends mark the all-important unemployment picture, said Xu Cheng, senior economist atMoody'sAnalytics, a leading independent economic forecasting firm.

From 2010 to today, the Florida unemployment rate has come down more than 2 percentage points, "In normal times, this would be great," the economist said. "In normal times, if we put this variable in the [election forecasting] model, Obama would win Florida for sure."

But there's another factor in play: A state unemployment rate higher than 8 percent produces the "grumpy voter effect," Cheng said. "Despite Florida's relatively strong recovery in the last two years, given that Florida unemployment figures will still be very high — and we believe at the time of the election it will still be about 9 percent — we believe this grumpy voter effect will kick in."

That means Floridians are much less likely than normal to give the president any credit for the decline in the unemployment rate, he said.,0,3873665.story


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Obama has never so much as lifted a finger for black people. 

Shame on blacks for still supporting this con man. 

I want to see which black ministers call Obama out on this mess vs. which ones suck up or clam up (Sharpton and Jackson don't count; that's a given).

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I want to see which black ministers call Obama out on this mess vs. which ones suck up or clam up (Sharpton and Jackson don't count; that's a given).

It's such a shame since black people, like everyone, are getting slammed to death in this economy as a result of these crazy policies and we never get to discussing that since all this bs gets in the way. 


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thread title says it all. i hope it sinks his shit.


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It's such a shame since black people, like everyone, are getting slammed to death in this economy as a result of these crazy policies and we never get to discussing that since all this bs gets in the way. 

Oh, we've been discussing it (maybe not as it relates so much to black people). That's why we know that the left, who just a year ago, lectured everyone that social issues didn't matter, now want to use this particular social issue to deflect from Obama's pathetic record.

They're playing right into Romney's hands. If he can harness that and hone his message, especially in the swing states, he'll beat Obama like a red-headed stepchild.

Black people in conservative states have passed amendments, to the tune of 65-70%; and Obama does THIS?

Here's the funny part. Gay "marriage" advocates outspent traditional marriage supporters over 2 to 1 in North Carolina and about 3 to 1 in Florida. Yet, their respective amendments won going away....well, not quite in Florida, as you need a 60% supermajority to pass one (FL's Amendment 2 got the nod, 62-38).

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I'm so utterly pissed off over this crap.  Birth control and Gay Marriage?   Seriously?   

Oh he'll no!!! 

Say what you want about Bush, but I was doing. Much better under GWB than the last three years. 

BTW - broker for my office building said I have to drop price by 30k off the listing at least to get any interest.    Yeah!!!! 

hope and change!!!


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I'm so utterly pissed off over this crap.  Birth control and Gay Marriage?   Seriously?  

Oh he'll no!!!  

Say what you want about Bush, but I was doing. Much better under GWB than the last three years.  

BTW - broker for my office building said I have to drop price by 30k off the listing at least to get any interest.    Yeah!!!!  

hope and change!!!

I look at it this way. We conservatives can beat up Obama, regardless of the playing field.

If he wants to focus on economic issues, beat him over the head with his lousy record.

If he wants to play the social issue game, that's fine by me. We have the horses to trample him on that one.

The one issue on which Romney struggled was uniting the social conservatives and the moderate/economic GOP crew. Thanks to Mr. Flip-and-Flop, Romney's job is a lot easier.

There are no social conservatives who don't also want a balanced budget, low gas prices, more jobs, strong foreign policy, enforced borders, etc.

I've said from the start, that Bachmann was dead on the money: Social issues and economic issues go hand in hand.

Three rules for staying out of poverty

Thanks to the Great Recession, poverty in America has increased in recent years.

So what are the best ways to avoid falling into poverty?

The Brookings Institution has spent a great deal of effort studying this issue.

And presidential candidate Rick Santorum has been quoting their findings on the campaign trail.

Brookings whittled down a lot of analysis into three simple rules. You can avoid poverty by:

1. Graduating from high school.

2. Waiting to get married until after 21 and do not have children till after being married.

3. Having a full-time job.

If you do all those three things, your chance of falling into poverty is just 2 percent. Meanwhile, you’ll have a 74 percent chance of being in the middle class.

Applies to everyone

These rules apply to all races and ethnic groups. Breaking these rules is becoming more commonplace, unfortunately, for all racial groups.

By contrast, young adults who violated all three norms — dropped out, got married before 21 and had children out of wedlock and didn’t have a full-time job — had a 76 percent chance of winding up in poverty and a 7 percent chance of winding up in the middle class.

Ron Haskins, co-author of the Brookings study, looked at census information.

He called the results “astounding,” noting that it’s time to emphasize the role that personal decisions have on staying out of the poorhouse.

As he said on the Brookings website: “The figures on investing and spending demonstrate that government is already doing a lot. A typical child from a poor family enjoys income and housing support for their family, health care, preschool education, public school education, college loans or scholarships, and employment and training programs, to name a few of the prominent government programs.”

It's personal

But personal decisions trump anything the government can do.

As Haskins notes, a typical child from a poor family already receives income and housing support, health care, preschool education, college aid and employment training programs.

“I raise this study because as the nation’s economy appears to be gaining steam,” Haskins said, “the Occupy movements and other domestic problems continue to stimulate lots of talk about the lack of opportunity in America, and federal and state social programs continue (or not) their slow progress toward effectiveness, it seems timely to emphasize the role of personal responsibility in the fight to promote opportunity.

“But unless adolescents and young adults make wise decisions about their schooling, about marriage before childbearing and about work, our Brookings study strongly suggests that all this programmatic spending will do little to boost their chances of moving into the middle class.”

The so-called middle class values of hard work, perseverance and delaying gratification are the cornerstones of the Harlem Children’s Zone program.

Some families have these values as if they are in the water; others need to be taught them.

But they are the essence of the American ideals that hard work will pay off.

The pursuit of happiness is the only promise.

“Federal and state policymakers, program operators and teachers, and parents need to constantly remind themselves and their children that personal responsibility is the key to success and insist that children and adolescents demonstrate more of it,” Haskins wrote.

“Arguing that bad decisions are understandable when made by a child from a poor, single-parent family living in a bad neighborhood and attending a lousy school is a flimsy excuse that abets the problem.

“Without a relentless emphasis on personal responsibility, the billions of dollars we spend on government programs will continue to produce mediocre results, and opportunity in America will continue to stagnate.”

Government has a role in giving people a hand up, but in the final analysis, it’s the choices made by individuals that seal their fate.

Personal responsibility is unleashed in a free society. It’s only the right to way to produce wealth, it’s the only practical way to do it.

It's a bit like that church saying, "God gave Adam a job, before He gave him a wife".....and He gave him a wife, before He gave him kids.

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That, and he's losing to Romney in the polls (Rasumssen).

He's in a world of hurt.  Romney hasn't even started campaigning against him yet. 

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the focus on these nonsense issues is getting me more upset than ever.


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the focus on these nonsense issues is getting me more upset than ever.

outed big time.

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Ricky Martin Hosts Reception for President Obama in NYC Today, 5/14 ^ | 5/14/12

Ricky Martin, currently starring in the new revival of EVITA, will host a fundraising event today, May 14th to support the re-election of President Barack Obama.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


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subscribing to read the funny posts.

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Obama To Deliver Barnard Commencement Address (1st gay president brings gay week to NYC)
 NY 1 News ^ | 5/13/12 | NY1 News

Posted on Sunday, May 13, 2012 5:32:21 PM by jimbo123

After the presidential campaign has been focusing on female reproductive rights and other women's issues, President Barack Obama is coming to the city Monday to deliver the commencement address at all-female Barnard College and attend two high-profile fundraisers.


After the commencement, Obama is heading to the Rubin Museum of Art in Chelsea for a $5,000-a-ticket fundraiser co-hosted by the LGBT Leadership Council and openly gay singer Ricky Martin.

The president will also attend a private, $35,800-a-plate fundraising dinner featuring the cooking of Manhattan chef Vikas Khanna before heading back to the White House.

While in the city, Obama will tape an interview with the TV show "The View." It will be his fourth appearance on the show, and his second as president.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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Obama's Same-Sex Marriage Announcement Timed For Tinseltown (George Clooneys' party is tonight!)

I said that shit immediately.  It was obvious to the wise CTer.

He earned 15 million at one party.  The getbiggers who said it woudln't work, well, it worked.

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This is pretty shameless, given that he was supposedly opposed to homosexual marriage as late as last week:  "While the president has done well for himself at the fundraisers since his announcement, the campaign is also selling LGBT merchandise on its official website. The novelty items include shirts, posters, stickers and even a $10 "Obama Pride" can holder."

Timing of gay marriage announcement paying dividends for Obama

Published May 15, 2012

Though President Obama supposedly was not planning to endorse gay marriage until closer to the Democratic convention, the decision to make the call last week has paid dividends -- helping him raise at least $21 million for his campaign coffers in a matter of days.

Based on ticket information provided by the campaign and other estimates, the five fundraisers Obama has attended since his endorsement last Wednesday have brought in at least that much. The haul was aided in large part by the $15 million fundraiser at the home of actor George Clooney.

The total continues to underscore how the Obama campaign has quickly managed to turn a potential political liability into a political tool, at least in the short term -- either to paint GOP candidate Mitt Romney as intolerant, divert attention from the economy or simply raise money.

If the last point was the goal, it's a strategy that's paying off. And based on a New York Times/CBS News poll, the controversial position might not even cost him much at the polls, considering the survey shows gay marriage is a top issue for just 7 percent of voters.

The president's fundraiser Monday evening with openly gay singer Ricky Martin was just the latest venue where Obama was able to tout his administration's efforts to fight for gay rights and raise money on the side. By arranging for an interview last Wednesday to announce his position shift, the president was able to pivot immediately to a string of appearances and fundraisers -- including two on Monday -- where his decision, to put it mildly, was welcomed.

For those dizzy from the past week of developments, the following is a timeline of what preceded and followed Obama's pivot.

Oct. 3, 2011: In Obama's most recent public comments on gay marriage before his endorsement, the president tells ABC News that "at minimum" gay couples should have strong civil unions. He says he doesn't plan to "make news right now" -- asked whether he'd change his mind on gay marriage before the election, Obama says: "I'm still working on it."
May 6, 2012: In an interview aired on NBC's "Meet the Press," Vice President Biden says he's "absolutely comfortable" with gay marriage rights.

May 7: Education Secretary Arne Duncan says in a TV interview that he thinks gay couples should be allowed to legally marry.

May 7: White House Press Secretary Jay Carney says he has "no update" on Obama's personal views, but claims Biden was making "the same point" Obama had made previously on the rights of gay couples. Duncan, he says, was expressing a "personal opinion."

May 9: Obama calls an interview with ABC News, and announces that in his personal view, "same-sex couples should be able to get married."

May 10: The Obama campaign releases a web video that focuses on the gay-marriage announcement, and calls Romney "backwards on equality."

May 10: Obama travels to Seattle for a pair of campaign fundraisers. From there, he heads to Los Angeles for another fundraiser at George Clooney's house. The president sets a single-day fundraising record, pulling in nearly $15 million.

May 14: Obama delivers the commencement address at Barnard College, touching on the gay-marriage debate. He then tapes an interview with "The View," where he again discusses his gay-marriage announcement. From there, he heads to two fundraisers in New York, one hosted by the LGBT Leadership Council, Ricky Martin and The Futuro Fund. At the event, Obama declares the Defense of Marriage Act should be repealed.

While the president has done well for himself at the fundraisers since his announcement, the campaign is also selling LGBT merchandise on its official website. The novelty items include shirts, posters, stickers and even a $10 "Obama Pride" can holder.

Politically, pundits continue to speculate on whether Obama's announcement helps or hurts him. Obama's advisers have suggested they were taking a political risk with the announcement. After all, several battleground states are not exactly receptive to the president's view, considering they have statutory and/or constitutional bans on gay marriage -- including in North Carolina, the latest to join that list.

But the New York Times/CBS News poll indicated the issue might not resonate all that much in trying economic times. While it showed gay marriage as the top issue for just 7 percent of voters, an overwhelming majority picked the economy as the No. 1 issue in the upcoming election.

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said last Thursday that, for the administration, the economy remains the top matter of concern.
"The president's focus ... has been and will continue to be on jobs and the economy," Carney said. "That's been the -- creating greater security for a middle class in this country that has been under stress for a long time, even predating the Great Recession, has been No. 1 priority.  It was his No. 1 priority when he ran for office, for this office, and it has been his priority since he took the oath of office."

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"Though President Obama supposedly was not planning to endorse gay marriage until closer to the Democratic convention, the decision to make the call last week has paid dividends -- helping him raise at least $21 million for his campaign coffers in a matter of days. "

Exactly.   It was a calculated ploy and repubs stepped right into it.  Rush and Beck spent their week working as Obama's mouthpieces!

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Lol.  Gays, like other typical racial solidarity voters are gullible idiots prone to buying this crap.  

I still have yet to see anyone wearing an Obama "Health Care is still aBig FNG deal" shirt.