Author Topic: I have studied the phenomenon called "The Beatles" and have come to a conclusion  (Read 20797 times)


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 79
Dude...can you take this shit to another thread?..or start your own thread?'re really killing this thread which is about the're going on and on about this

Isn't this thread about the "phenomenon called the beetles?"  Dude your trying to hard to and looking dumber each time.  Once again, since you ignored it last time.  I pose the question to you:  Why do you think this isn't the case? 

Instead of running off calling me "wrong" or stupid or trying to get me to post somewhere else when this does belong here, please tell me why?  Can you do that for once?  Or just make your post count continue to grow by stupid 4 and 5 word posts?


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 79
Dude...can you take this shit to another thread?..or start your own thread?'re really killing this thread which is about the're going on and on about this

And each time, you're complaining how bad my cock hurts right?


  • Getbig V
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The reason the beetles were so popular and people were fanatical about them was because of the mainstream media or MSM.  But why?  Simple, who controls the MSM?  The CIA or information/propaganda arm of the U.S. Government.  Alot of people think the cia is this Fbi type force, no.  They do not enforce law.  They are what they are:  Intelligence Services...or just another term for propaganda ministry.  Anderson Cooper, Wolf Blitzer, etc, and many many other news corespondents are former or trained CIA.  Even the movies are cia scripts.  Why do you think the CIA is always portrayed as 007 type assassins in the movies?  To throw you off of what they really do.  Ever seen a real cia agent?  Enough said.

But anyway, so about the Beetles.  What all was going on before the Beetles phenomenon?  Ah..The Hippie Movement among many other political parties (Black Panthers, Martin Luther King, etc).  Basically in those days (Of hardly any tv) everyone was involved in....BINGO:  POLITICS.  When everyone is involved in politics of course everyone's mind is on politics.  The people in power can't do what they want to do.  No one turned a blind eye.  So there were constant anti political groups emerging, riots, and tons and tons of protests.  Do you see protests like that today?  There's your answer to why the Beetles were so popular.  You don't see protests like that today.  And it's because it's engineered.

Think about it, what was the 60's known for?  The beginning of the drug revolution.  You think that was an accident?  No.  LSD was created by the cia for interrogation purposes.  Let me guess how it just happened to find it's way all over America in break neck speed with everyone and their mother doing it.  Hmm.  Then you have the marijuanna craze.  How many people were smoking pot in the 50's?  Barely any.  Wonder what made everyone just happen to start doing that?  Gee.

Fast forward to today, and nothing's changed except the CIA/Gov't has gotten better and suppressing the people.  The Beetles was the start of it all.  The start of the "Celeb Craze".  Because when people have their minds on something like that, their minds are off politics.  Look at things today, how many people are really into politics?  Or REALLY know anything about what is going on, and NO i'm not talking about what this radio or that radio head said.  If it's on the radio, doesn't matter WHO said it, it's engineered.  Even Alex Jones or other wanna be patriots.  These guys are just as involved.  Their just different flavors for different folks. 

The point is, celeb craze, drugs, tv shows, are all tools to get the masses minds off whats really going on.  And it's NOT the people who are boosting these celebs, it's the media making you think that.  Ever since the Beetles you've had Elvis, Madonna, Michael Jackson, Madonna again, Brittany, and on and on and on.  You will always have some big music artist or movie star.  It's all contrived.  The Roman's created the Arena to keep the peoples minds occupied.  It's no different today, all bread and circus to keep the populace out of what's really going on.  Just think about it, and think hard.  It may not come to you now, but it will eventually.  Same thing with drugs.  Funny how new drugs just keep coming out ever so often, all invented within the last few years.  I'm talking about pain pills, crack, cocaine, meth, heroin, the pharma drugs, bath salts, etc.  I know heroin and cocaine has been around for centuries, but i'm talking about it's huge mainstream use in the last few years.  They're all tools to keep you docile and occupied.  The CIA just figured they had to do something and something fast to calm the people.  So they threw in everything but the kitchen sink.  Now with today's technology, it's getting worse, but I promise you this, it's on purpose.  Everyone goes around asking, "Why does the news pimp Paris Hilton so much"?  Well now you know why.

Interesting post.

You mentioned Alex Jones, do you really think he would be affiliated to the CIA?
I don't necessarily agree with him, but he sometimes does make interesting points.
He says the CIA has a 'psy-ops' division and all that the CIA have been involved in bringing in drugs into the USA as well as weapons over the border.
Both of these allegations have apparently been corroborated by former CIA operatives.

Anyway, back on topic.
I don't think the Beatles were overhyped, they were ahead of their time and I still listen to a lot of their songs!


  • Getbig IV
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  • Posts: 1094
  • Getbig!
I believe your thinking of hoover and the vietnam war.. a big reason there was a plot from the inside to take out kennedy since he was steering away from south east asia, where a huge amount of heroin was being smuggled


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 79
Interesting post.

You mentioned Alex Jones, do you really think he would be affiliated to the CIA?
I don't necessarily agree with him, but he sometimes does make interesting points.
He says the CIA has a 'psy-ops' division and all that the CIA have been involved in bringing in drugs into the USA as well as weapons over the border.
Both of these allegations have apparently been corroborated by former CIA operatives.

Anyway, back on topic.
I don't think the Beatles were overhyped, they were ahead of their time and I still listen to a lot of their songs!

Well in 09 the Obama admin posted a story about how they were going to infilitrate "patriots and conspiracy theorists", I think Alex is one of those, controlled opposition mouth pieces.  Meaning, he's put out there by the establishment to easily monitor who's doing what, because they will flock to Alex.  Same thing with this guy, Hal Turner.

Hal was a white supremacist who had other white supremacist's flock to him, among conspiracy theorists and others.  The whole time though he was an fbi informant turning people over.  I believe Alex is the same thing.  

If you really listen to Alex he always does the same thing.  He puts down every other conspiracy talk show host or anyone else speaking out.  He twists news stories to fit his agenda, so he's basically just twisting the news, not telling anyone anything they don't know.  He also will talk about the CIA,  but nothing that hasn't already been put out there, drug running and that type thing, etc.  In other words, he's really not bringing anything new to the table.

But the main point I'm trying to make is, it's the establishment pushing these celebs, not the celebs involved themselves.  Have you ever noticed how some movies get talked about on the msm like their the greatest thing ever produced?  You go see it and think to yourself, "what's the big deal"?  Then you'll see other movies that were never that popular and were way better?  


  • Getbig V
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LOL, no.  I wasn't saying the Beetles were CIA.  I was saying it was the CIA who came up with the idea to boost the Beetles through the mainstream media to get the peoples minds on something else.  It was the beginning of the celeb craze.  It was something they decided to try to see if it would quell all the uprisings at the time.  And it worked.  They got better and better at it.  This is why you don't see people protesting today like they did in the old days.  People today could care less about what Obama just did, but they know what celeb did or wore where ever the night before.  See what I'm saying?

This is an old trick used by the Roman Empire with the Arena (Gladiator's etc).  Tv for instance.  When tv was first invented it only had three main stations, maybe four in some parts of the country.  All gov't owned.  It's purpose was nothing more than news.  Many smaller countries do this still today.  Of course the U.S. now has 100's of stations, all to fill peoples minds with crap to keep them docile and uninformed.  

I don't have any links, because honestly you won't hear about this or learn about this anywhere.  This is just what I've figured out on my own and to me it makes perfect sense.  Especially if you know how bad those in power want to control the populace un-interrupted.  Why else would the news focus so hard on stupid acts of celebs?  

I may not be writing everything out like I want to, but was hoping you guys would get the message of what I was trying to say and form your own opinions.  But if you really think about what's happening, it all makes sense.

The reason I said CIA was because that is who controls our news.  I promise you they get the jump on events when they happen before the news does.  Ever notice how ALL the news stations at once are reporting something?  Who do you think gives them the heads up?  So when they do, they've already crafted the story on how they (CIA) want it told to the American people.  The CIA was created right after world war 2, it was meant to do the same thing the Nazi's did with Goebelles Propaganda of Ministry.  Remember, the U.S. viturally became Nazi, Germany after WWII, just without their political ideologies.  Operation Paperclip was bringing over all the useful nazi's to work over here after wwII.  After all, Germany was the most technological advanced country in the world at the time.  After wwii, look at our jump in tech.  Look at Nasa, the pharm companies.  Pzifer, Malkinkrodt, etc, all German companies.  The cia was no different.  The U.S. just learned how to control information using the CIA like the Nazi's did.  This is why the CIA controls a huge portion of our news.  It was them who worked the beetles into the mainstream media to get the peoples attention.  Psychological opperation 101 or psyops.

There's nothing that is just foriegn about psyops either.  Psyops are routinely and constantly being ran on U.S. citizens.  Really read what that wiki page is saying and you'll figure it all out.

Good post!

Jut watch the news on Russia Today (RT) and BBC or CNN and the news reports on the same issues are sometimes very very different. Especially the news topics mysteriously omitted from the Western news media channels.

Sure, RT is also a propaganda network to boost the image of Russia, but when it comes to Western news it at least provides a different perspective that isn't aligned with the CIA or MI6.


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 79
Good post!

Jut watch the news on Russia Today (RT) and BBC or CNN and the news reports on the same issues are sometimes very very different. Especially the news topics mysteriously omitted from the Western news media channels.

Sure, RT is also a propaganda network to boost the image of Russia, but when it comes to Western news it at least provides a different perspective that isn't aligned with the CIA or MI6.

Yes, very true indeed.  Good point. 


  • Getbig IV
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  • Getbig!
you guys have my attention now, do you think noam chomsky is a similiar property of the us govt. he did some great research and proved without a doubt alot of misdeeds the govt did, but as he got older he seemed to steer shy away from all that.


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 79
you guys have my attention now, do you think noam chomsky is a similiar property of the us govt. he did some great research and proved without a doubt alot of misdeeds the govt did, but as he got older he seemed to steer shy away from all that.

Quite possible, it's hard to say with Noam.  The thing is though, anyone who speaks out about the establishment, you have to wonder how they got so popular.  If the cia really didn't want something getting out there, they would silence whomever is really telling the truth.  So it's quite possible he was controlled as well or controlled opposition.  Freedom of speech or freedom of press?  Sure it can be seen that way, but when every major news agency is owned by someone who is tied to Washington or politics (Turner/Cnn, Rupert Murdoch/Fox) its kind of hard to see the truth in that anymore.  Freedom of speech, ever see the news cut to commercial real quick when a guest says the wrong thing?  I have many of times.  Also notice all the "experts" on the news are the same ones over and over again?  I'm talking about the so called "analysts" and such.  Watch Fox or Cnn long enough and you'll see what I'm talking about.  They're paid by those news corps.  Everything is controlled now.

But yeah, it's very possible Noam is controlled or has been scared. 


  • Getbig IV
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  • Getbig!
I have experienced this first hand, I was in Washington D.C for the inauguration of Barack O bama and during the ceremony as they were announcing the former president G.W.B  a stream of boos developed and rose to a fever pitch. All you could hear for a good 2 minutes were people booing and heckling both the president and vice pres. who came out in a wheelchair poor guy,,,lol.  when I got back home they were replaying the ceremony on nbc and I thought I would watch it to see what it must have looked like to the folks at home.. well, they had completely edited out the sound and all you could hear was what sounded like wind. I guess it was bad enough without putting it on tv but I was surprised it wasnt even spoken about.


  • Getbig V
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  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 79
I have experienced this first hand, I was in Washington D.C for the inauguration of Barack O bama and during the ceremony as they were announcing the former president G.W.B  a stream of boos developed and rose to a fever pitch. All you could hear for a good 2 minutes were people booing and heckling both the president and vice pres. who came out in a wheelchair poor guy,,,lol.  when I got back home they were replaying the ceremony on nbc and I thought I would watch it to see what it must have looked like to the folks at home.. well, they had completely edited out the sound and all you could hear was what sounded like wind. I guess it was bad enough without putting it on tv but I was surprised it wasnt even spoken about.

That's exactly what they do.  Good story.  Reminds me of the toppling of Sadaam's statue during the Iraq war.  They made it look like 100's of citizens were running the through street praising the fall of the statue, beating it with shoes, etc.  Later on, it was exposed that it was all actors and only about 60 or so people.


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 5121
Most overrated band in history.

Zeppelin or the Rolling Stones are the greatest bands there ever were.  not the beatles.  that statement is based on the music they put out, listen to them. 

Now before some dick-gobbling sheep tries to bring up album sales, keep in mind that bieber is selling more albums than all of the above right now, and he's definitely not better than them.

Also fuck vh1, Bob marley is not a better rock artist than Nirvana, and Kurdt Kobane is not a better guitarist than Yngwie malmsteen  ::)

Fuck rolling stone magazine.  That Clash album that killed punk rock is not a better album than Van Halen's 1st album. 

quoting rolling stone or vh1 statistics = I don't have ears and just repeat whatever I'm told.


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 16720
Isn't this thread about the "phenomenon called the beetles?"  Dude your trying to hard to and looking dumber each time.  Once again, since you ignored it last time.  I pose the question to you:  Why do you think this isn't the case? 

Instead of running off calling me "wrong" or stupid or trying to get me to post somewhere else when this does belong here, please tell me why?  Can you do that for once?  Or just make your post count continue to grow by stupid 4 and 5 word posts?

all I'm saying is I want to talk about the want to talk about some shit you have absolutely no proof of.....all I asked you to do was discuss in another thread.....don't get butthurt over it


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 16720
And each time, you're complaining how bad my cock hurts right?

now you want to discuss your gayness here.....sigh..... ::)

Andy Griffin

  • Getbig V
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  • I know my own name, bitch.
all I'm saying is I want to talk about the want to talk about some shit you have absolutely no proof of.....all I asked you to do was discuss in another thread.....don't get butthurt over it


There are dozens of places on this site that a man can get butthurt without trying to hijack threads.


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 16720

There are dozens of places on this site that a man can get butthurt without trying to hijack threads.



  • Getbig IV
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  • Posts: 1142
Most overrated band in history.

Zeppelin or the Rolling Stones are the greatest bands there ever were.  not the beatles.  that statement is based on the music they put out, listen to them. 

Now before some dick-gobbling sheep tries to bring up album sales, keep in mind that bieber is selling more albums than all of the above right now, and he's definitely not better than them.

Also fuck vh1, Bob marley is not a better rock artist than Nirvana, and Kurdt Kobane is not a better guitarist than Yngwie malmsteen  ::)

Fuck rolling stone magazine.  That Clash album that killed punk rock is not a better album than Van Halen's 1st album. 

quoting rolling stone or vh1 statistics = I don't have ears and just repeat whatever I'm told.

Im not one for sales either, but sales kind of tell you that the majority of people kind of disagree with you

Dr Dutch

  • Getbig V
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  • The Incredible Dr Dutch
Don't you never, EVER, re-activate a jephrius thread again, kevcat...... >:(


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 5121
Im not one for sales either, but sales kind of tell you that the majority of people kind of disagree with you
yes justin bieber is better than Beethoven because the majority said so.