Author Topic: 33, GW, Fury were right: Obama intentionally collapsing the Middle East.  (Read 5132 times)

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September 16, 2012
Obama Destabilized the Middle East on Purpose

By Karin McQuillan
On Fox News Wednesday night, both Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity were full of self-congratulatory comments about how they had easily seen the Muslim Brotherhood problem with the "Arab Spring," and how could Obama have failed to see it?  Duh.  Of course, our State Department and White House knew that the Muslim Brotherhood would be taking over Egypt.  It was obvious to any reasonably informed ordinary citizen.

The same debate we've seen over Obama's destruction of the American economy has already begun over his Middle East policy.  Did Obama hand Egypt over to jihadis, and is he giving a green light to nuclear Iran, because of incompetence or his leftist ideology?

John Hinderacker over at writes:

You could call his actions in the region incoherent, except that it's worse than that, especially if you take into account his hostility toward Israel. If a consistent principle can be deduced, it is that Obama wants to avoid doing anything that might advance U.S. interests. Maybe that's the answer, or maybe he just doesn't care enough to formulate a real policy.  Be that as it may, one thing is clear: but for Obama's feckless participation in the overthrow of Egypt's and Libya's governments, yesterday's events would not have happened.

The answer, of course, is both incompetence and ideology.  Muddle-headed ideologues of the left, such as our president, want America to be brought down to size.  They truly believe that violent jihadi hate-groups can be tamed by appeasement, because the evil parties are Israel and America.  So Obama helps depose Mubarak and Gaddafi, knowing they will be replaced by Islamic supremacists.  He tells Israel they are on their own, we didn't really mean it about being allies.  He blocks attempts to prevent a nuclear Iran, even by economic sanctions, because he doesn't like American shows of force and thinks we can live with a nuclear Iran.  We lived with a nuclear Soviet Union, didn't we?  Are we against Arabs, that we think they shouldn't have nuclear weapons, too?  It sounds like a joke, but it isn't.

Incompetence was also in full force this 9/11.  The attacks in Egypt and Libya were preventable.  Why weren't our embassies and consulates in the Middle East properly protected?  Why are fifty Marines sent in after the fact?  Why didn't we have intelligence in advance?  When the mob was gathering outside the Cairo embassy, the frightened staff issued an apology.  What is wrong with our diplomatic corps if that was their response?  Clinton should have gotten on the phone to the Muslim Brotherhood President Morsi and explained to him what would happen if he didn't protect our embassy.  The rent-a-riot, inflamed purposefully by publicizing an obscure anti-Mohammed video, should have been stopped before they got anywhere close to our embassy.

When the embassy did issue their pathetic attempt at appeasement, and reissue it after our flag was torn down, Obama should have made a strong statement immediately, one that indicated that there are repercussions for attacking America.  Instead, he allowed the apology to stand (for nine hours) until Romney condemned it.  Desecrations of our flag didn't get the president's attention, but electoral politics did.

Obama's incompetence is an outgrowth of a broadly based Democrat ideology that wants us to believe that the war on terror was a stupid Bush idea.  They accuse Republicans of exaggerating the jihadi threat.  They smear any public figure who is concerned about the global Islamist war with the label "Islamophobe."

Obama, along with many liberal Democrats, believes that American strength is immoral.  We shouldn't impose our views on other nations.  So when the Muslim Brotherhood made its move last year, using the "Facebook revolution" as cover (and a very transparent cover it was), we abandoned Mubarak and told the Egyptian military to stand aside.  We purposefully let the Middle East's oldest terror organization take over the Middle East's most populous country. 

The Muslim Brotherhood is considered the father of the jihadi movement.  It was adopted by Adolf Hitler under the Third Reich and grew from a languishing 10,000 members to a million strong by the end of World War II -- Hitler's permanent legacy for world destruction.  Yet our president and State Department believe in embracing the Brothers as modernizing moderates.

The Brothers started the modern jihadi movement, complete with a genocidal program against Jews. In the words of Matthias Kuntzel, "[t]he significance of the Brotherhood to Islamism is comparable to that of the Bolshevik Party to communism: It was and remains to this day the ideological reference point and organizational core for all later Islamist groups, including al-Qaeda and Hamas."

Mubarak was the reason there have been no attacks by Arab states on Israel for thirty years.  The 1979 Camp David accords neutralized Egypt as a player in the Arab war against Israel.  To protect his own life and power, Mubarak kept the Muslim Brothers of Egypt under control.  In return, Egypt has been receiving a billion and a half dollars a year -- payoff money from the United States.  Egypt didn't agree to a friendly peace, and it wasn't a democracy, but in terms of Middle East geopolitics, supporting Mubarak was a critical success factor.

Obama and Hillary threw all that away with their embrace of the Arab Spring.  It could have gone differently.  We could have spoken out in support of Mubarak, showing the world that we are trustworthy allies.  Instead, we abandoned a crucial ally when the mob howled.  We could have told the Egyptian military that they had better make sure the Muslim Brothers don't take over the country.  Instead, we told them to step aside and usher the Brothers into power.

Hillary's State Department proclaimed that the Muslim Brothers had become moderates.  Anyone having a flashback to the Carter era, when all the liberals knew that the Ayatollah Khomeini would be a partner for peace? 

The Obama Doctrine on the Middle East was hinted at in the president's 2009 Cairo speech, during a Middle East tour in which Obama did not visit Israel.  Obama apologized for our war on terror.  "The fear and anger" after 9/11 "led us to act contrary to our ideals," he told the Egyptian crowd.  In a speech in France, Obama declared that America must make deep cuts in our nuclear arsenal, because otherwise we don't have "the moral authority to say to Iran, don't develop a nuclear weapon." 

President Obama fought Congress tooth and nail on imposing economic sanctions against Iran this year -- already too little, too late.  According to vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan, the White House did everything they could to stop Congress from requiring sanctions, and then they used the waiver provision to gut them.  There is no benign explanation for this.  Left-wing anti-colonialists -- and our president is one -- think Iran will use its nuclear weapons responsibly.

One of the most chilling visuals in 2016: Obama's America is a map of the world's nuclear arsenals.  Obama has already cut our nuclear warhead arsenal from 5,000 to 1,500 (in an "arms treaty" that allowed Russia to increase its arsenal).  He has asked the Pentagon to report to him on reducing our nuclear warheads to 300.  That's about the same number as France.  Pakistan has 110 nuclear weapons.  Obama, it seems, believes in equality in national defense, as well as in class warfare. 

In July, five conservative congressmen, including Michele Bachmann, expressed alarm over evidence that the Muslim Brotherhood has succeeded in placing operatives in key positions throughout the Obama administration.  In Bachman's words, State Department polices "appear to be a result of influence operations conducted by individuals and organizations associated with the Muslim Brotherhood."  Instead of backing up Bachmann, our Republican leadership joined in Democrat attacks on her.

The policies Bachmann listed are not trivial.  The Obama/Clinton team defied a congressional resolution to hold up our 1.5 billion dollars to Egypt until we knew they were still allies.  Paying off Mubarak made sense.  Handing billions to a Muslim Brotherhood Egypt, not so much.  Do you think Egyptian President Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood candidate, would have allowed a mob to attack our embassy if these funds were in play?

Congressman Bachman is concerned, based on Frank Gaffney's analysis,  that our Department of Homeland Security may have eight Muslim Brotherhood members in key advisory roles, including the Countering Violent Extremism (CVE)'s Working Group, which is responsible for training homeland security agents.  The CVE will be using federal Homeland Security funds to funnel money to Muslim Brotherhood organizations in the United States, in the name of a "community-oriented policing approach."  The Homeland Security Office of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties has established the policy of protecting "terrorism-precursor activities" as "cultural behaviors."

Congressman Bachmann questioned why the DHS official lexicon equates jihadi extremists with "Christian patriots" and "Constitutionlists."  She asked about Huma Abedin, Hillary's closest adviser at State, who formerly worked for a Brotherhood organization, founded and funded by Abdullah Naseef, who also finances al-Qaeda.  There is no question that Abedin helps Clinton formulate U.S. Middle East policy.

The sorry list goes on and on.  (For more details, see Frank Gaffney's "The Muslim Brotherhood in the Obama Administration.")

The point here is not only that the Muslim Brotherhood is influencing American foreign policy.  The arrow points in both directions: the Obama/Clinton policy of tolerating and even promoting the power of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt is the same policy that promotes their front groups in America.  It is the liberal idiocy that our enemies are friends, and our friends enemies.

Obama has signaled clearly and repeatedly that America no longer has Israel's back.  He could not have done anything more effective to sabotage negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians than his public pressure on Israel to declare unilaterally they will withdraw to their 1948 borders.  Obama bypassed congressional limits on aid to the Palestinian Authority after their alliance with Hamas, putting $200 million into the hands of one of the most vicious and dangerous terror groups in the Middle East.  And he has signaled to the Iranians that Israel is on its own.  Then there are the personal but well-publicized snubs to the Israeli prime minister, and the open mike revelations of Obama's contempt and dislike for Bibi.  Obama has time to go on the Letterman show in New York next week, but he refuses to meet with Netanyahu, as the go/no go decision on bombing Iran stares Israel in the face.  

Abandoning Israel invites war.  But in Obama's mind, he is promoting fairness.  He thinks Israel is the problem.  He thinks that harming Israel will win America friends among Arabs.  He thinks he is pressuring the Israelis to stop being bad guys. 

Obama is purposefully harming American interests, but he thinks it will turn out okay.  He attacks the American economy and free-enterprise system, and he thinks it will turn out okay.  He attacks our energy industry, and he thinks it will turn out okay.  He attacks the rule of law and our Constitution, and he thinks it will turn out okay.  He undermines the hard-won stability of Egypt and thinks it will turn out okay.  We have a president who thinks American national security interests, power, and prosperity are the problem.  Then, when it's a broken mess, he's surprised, and he asks for more time to do more of the same.  Obama is the problem.

The Middle East is a harsh taskmaster.  It is no place for an aging schoolboy leftist like our president.  In the real world, stupid ideas such as the one dominant in Obama's administration, that jihadis really want peace -- such ideas have very bloody consequences.  The tragic deaths of our diplomats in Libya are only the beginning.  Iran looms over us all.

Page Printed from: at September 16, 2012 - 06:05:21 AM CDT

Soul Crusher

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Re: 33, GW, Fury were right: Obama intentionally collapsing the Middle East.
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2012, 01:24:14 PM »
Obama and the Deliberate Decline of America ^ | September 17, 2012 | Crystal Wright

Are we really surprised by the Middle East uprising against America? This isn’t about the American produced video against the prophet Muhammad. This is about President Obama being a weak defender of America abroad, almost by design. Barely six months in office, Obama decided his first foreign trip, as president, would be to Egypt to apologize to the Muslim world for America behaving badly after 9/11.

Since when did America apologize for defending itself against madmen who kill in the name of God and give us advance notice of their impending carnage? In his Cairo speech delivered in June 2009, Obama said he was “honored” to be in a country from which many 9/11 terrorists came.

Then our president criticized American democracy and freedom and promised radical Muslims they could come to expect a less aggressive defender of “peace through strength.” Obama roared to cheers from Cairo: “9/11 was an enormous trauma to our country. The fear and anger that it provoked was understandable, but in some cases, it led us to act contrary to our ideals. We are taking concrete actions to change course. . . So America will defend itself, respectful of the sovereignty of nations and the rule of law.”

This speech combined with Obama’s subsequent lack of engagement during the Arab Spring, as dictators were toppled in Tunisia, Libya, Yemen, and Egypt, and his do nothing approach to Iran and Syria was an invitation to radical Islamists to commit the events of this past week. Islamic madmen have been given a license to kill our diplomats, deface our embassies and burn our flag because we have a president who has indicated from the start his disdain for America’s strength in the world, it’s superpower.

When Iran held rigged elections in 2009, Iranians stormed the streets in protests, what did Obama do? Nothing. When Iran indicated it would pursue a nuclear program, what did Obama do? Say, give diplomacy a chance.

When Israel repeatedly asked Obama to prove USA was its ally and give Iran a deadline to end its nuclear program, what did Obama do? Nothing. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said America won’t put deadlines on Iran, a terror state that indicates its mission is to destroy Israel. (It is worth noting in Obama’s three and half years in office he has yet to visit Israel, though he professes to have the Israeli’s back.)

When Syrian president Assad began “butchering” 20,000 Syrians almost two years ago, what did Obama do. Nothing.

In her Republican National Convention speech, Condoleeza Rice warned when America fails to lead, chaos ensues and “others who do not share our values will fill the vacuum. My fellow Americans, we do not have a choice. We cannot be reluctant to lead — and one cannot lead from behind.”

Obama's abdication of leadership in his foreign policy seems to be deliberately designed “to reduce American power in the world,” as Dinesh D’Souza writes in the Roots of Obama’s Rage. D’Souza traces Obama’s anti-colonist beliefs back to his father and demonstrates how Obama’s foreign policy goal is to level out the global playing field, so America has declining influence in the world. In a 2009 speech in Europe, Obama said “I believe in American exeptionalism just as I suspect the Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks in Greek exceptionalism,” (p. 11, Roots of Obama’s Rage).

In his apologist speech in Cairo, Obama revealed his anti-colonial beliefs and seemed to sympathize with Muslim radicals. “More recently, tension has been fed by colonialism that denied rights and opportunities to many Muslims, and a cold war in which Muslim-majority countries were too often treated as proxies without regard to their own aspirations.” The subtext of what Obama appeared to be saying was he could understand how years of Muslim nations being oppressed by other nations like America would lead them to such heinous terrorist attacks.

Whether Obama is driven by his father’s anti-colonial worldview that America as been the oppressor of the oppressed and needs to be cut down to size or he’s just in over his head, it’s evident Obama’s isn’t getting the job done. As a result of his incompetence, Obama is making America and the world a less safer place. We can’t afford four more years of this. The question is how will Mitt Romney capitalize on this?

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Re: 33, GW, Fury were right: Obama intentionally collapsing the Middle East.
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2012, 01:29:18 PM »
before i read this.. it this real proof or a bunch of circumstantial shit held together with a string of relation

Soul Crusher

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Re: 33, GW, Fury were right: Obama intentionally collapsing the Middle East.
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2012, 01:33:49 PM »
before i read this.. it this real proof or a bunch of circumstantial shit held together with a string of relation

Obama is trying collapse the ME so that he can allow Iran to get nukes and become the dominate player in the ME.  Once Iran gets nukes it can destroy Israel and spike the cause of oil as well as create a pan-islamist Superstate sort of like the EU, NATO, to where they can extract more wealth and power from us over tot hem and upset the balance of power.

Obama, misery be upon him, is doing this since he believes we are exploiting the ME's resources and that it is not fair for us to live a good lifestyle at their expense.  he believes that the only way to redistribute our wealth to the sand nigs is to collapse the ME, create a power vacuum to where the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Quaeda can take over w Iran being the flagship of the new Islamist superstate. 

you voted for this piece of shit - deal w it.   

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Re: 33, GW, Fury were right: Obama intentionally collapsing the Middle East.
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2012, 01:45:46 PM »

Obama is trying collapse the ME so that he can allow Iran to get nukes and become the dominate player in the ME.  Once Iran gets nukes it can destroy Israel and spike the cause of oil as well as create a pan-islamist Superstate sort of like the EU, NATO, to where they can extract more wealth and power from us over tot hem and upset the balance of power.Obama, misery be upon him, is doing this since he believes we are exploiting the ME's resources and that it is not fair for us to live a good lifestyle at their expense.  he believes that the only way to redistribute our wealth to the sand nigs is to collapse the ME, create a power vacuum to where the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Quaeda can take over w Iran being the flagship of the new Islamist superstate. 

you voted for this piece of shit - deal w it.   

Dumbest shit ive ever read on this thread.. just jump.. do yourself a favor

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Re: 33, GW, Fury were right: Obama intentionally collapsing the Middle East.
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2012, 01:47:58 PM »
Dumbest shit ive ever read on this thread.. just jump.. do yourself a favor

Really you stupid fuck????

Why not explain to me why obama put the radical muslim brotherhood in power in egypt, lybia, yemen, etc and said nothing when Iran was cracking down on dissents seeking a revolution of freedom? 

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Re: 33, GW, Fury were right: Obama intentionally collapsing the Middle East.
« Reply #6 on: September 17, 2012, 02:00:19 PM »
Really you stupid fuck????

Why not explain to me why obama put the radical muslim brotherhood in power in egypt, lybia, yemen, etc and said nothing when Iran was cracking down on dissents seeking a revolution of freedom? 

Because Obama did PUT anyone anywhere.. you fucking moron

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Re: 33, GW, Fury were right: Obama intentionally collapsing the Middle East.
« Reply #7 on: September 17, 2012, 02:02:57 PM »
Because Obama did PUT anyone anywhere.. you fucking moron

Yes he did you illiterate fool. 

We discussed it at the time. 

Of course being a brainwashed leftist idiot you know ZILCH other than what leftist comedians spoon feed you but are you still so blind to not see what happened as recently as two years ago? 

Of course not!  Because in the Obama colored whack ass shades you wear, the Messiah can never do any wrong whatsoever. 

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Re: 33, GW, Fury were right: Obama intentionally collapsing the Middle East.
« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2012, 02:06:12 PM »
Yes he did you illiterate fool. 

We discussed it at the time. 

Of course being a brainwashed leftist idiot you know ZILCH other than what leftist comedians spoon feed you but are you still so blind to not see what happened as recently as two years ago? 

Of course not!  Because in the Obama colored whack ass shades you wear, the Messiah can never do any wrong whatsoever. 

Supply proof of what youre talking about.. not theory, not guessing.. but a thing call Proof... something that a lawyer should have a firm grasp on.. please show me something that would stand up in court... if all you have is circumstantial evidence... then shut the complete fuck up..


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Re: 33, GW, Fury were right: Obama intentionally collapsing the Middle East.
« Reply #9 on: September 17, 2012, 04:37:44 PM »
Supply proof of what youre talking about.. not theory, not guessing.. but a thing call Proof... something that a lawyer should have a firm grasp on.. please show me something that would stand up in court... if all you have is circumstantial evidence... then shut the complete fuck up..

i'm starting to feel sorry for 333386 i think he's mentally challenged,    not :D :D

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Re: 33, GW, Fury were right: Obama intentionally collapsing the Middle East.
« Reply #10 on: September 17, 2012, 04:47:29 PM »
i'm starting to feel sorry for 333386 i think he's mentally challenged,    not :D :D

Yeah - muslim brotherhood just got there by themselves.   ::)

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Re: 33, GW, Fury were right: Obama intentionally collapsing the Middle East.
« Reply #11 on: September 17, 2012, 04:49:24 PM »
Supply proof of what youre talking about.. not theory, not guessing.. but a thing call Proof... something that a lawyer should have a firm grasp on.. please show me something that would stand up in court... if all you have is circumstantial evidence... then shut the complete fuck up..


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Re: 33, GW, Fury were right: Obama intentionally collapsing the Middle East.
« Reply #12 on: September 17, 2012, 05:03:53 PM »
Supply proof of what youre talking about.. not theory, not guessing.. but a thing call Proof... something that a lawyer should have a firm grasp on.. please show me something that would stand up in court... if all you have is circumstantial evidence... then shut the complete fuck up..

Is there proof? Well I guess it depends on how you look at it. You have 2 scenario's
1) Obama is destabilizing the ME on purpose by giving time lines for with drawl and not supporting "allies" in the region which is leaving a power vacuum.
2) Obama's isn't doing it intentionally, and his foreign policy of "diplomacy", has back fired and he had no idea the pandora's box he was opening.

So which is worse?

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Re: 33, GW, Fury were right: Obama intentionally collapsing the Middle East.
« Reply #13 on: September 17, 2012, 05:15:32 PM »
Is there proof? Well I guess it depends on how you look at it. You have 2 scenario's
1) Obama is destabilizing the ME on purpose by giving time lines for with drawl and not supporting "allies" in the region which is leaving a power vacuum.
2) Obama's isn't doing it intentionally, and his foreign policy of "diplomacy", has back fired and he had no idea the pandora's box he was opening.

So which is worse?

Obama didnt give marching orders for Arab Spring... wtf bro?


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Re: 33, GW, Fury were right: Obama intentionally collapsing the Middle East.
« Reply #14 on: September 17, 2012, 05:17:04 PM »
The Ron Paul voter going to bat for Obama again.  ::)

Mal, why do you spend so much time defending the guy if you're not voting for him?

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Re: 33, GW, Fury were right: Obama intentionally collapsing the Middle East.
« Reply #15 on: September 17, 2012, 05:27:50 PM »
The Ron Paul voter going to bat for Obama again.  ::)

Mal, why do you spend so much time defending the guy if you're not voting for him?

Im not defending the guy.. I defend rational thinking, evidence etc...If you want to bring up GITMO, have at at, ill fully agree if you weren't with Obama's actions. How about War on Drugs.. Dont like his policies in CA and the weed shops... ill agree with Obama hatred all day. But what The Mal will not engage in is circumstantial theories (opinions) that come from a source that has expressed a deep seeded hatred for the accused. I didnt ever say I agreed  or disagreed with what was said about his involvement, but i did want to see something in writing, some objective evidence.. not shit from someone who already doesn't like the guy. Just because i liked Ron Paul doesnt mean that i will start lying about anyone against him. Thats just fucking stupid. I dont defend, or "go to bat" for obama.. i defend and "go to bat" for rational thinking, evidence and unbiased objective truth... and im out this muthafucka {drops the mike, walks off stage}


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Re: 33, GW, Fury were right: Obama intentionally collapsing the Middle East.
« Reply #16 on: September 17, 2012, 06:04:15 PM »
Obama didnt give marching orders for Arab Spring... wtf bro?

He's the one that started calling it the Arab Spring, and if you look hard enough you are going to find the CIA involved in the social media output that lit the fuse in Egypt. The problem being there was no plan for the aftermath. Their guy didn't assume power and the US stood by and let Mubarak fall. The shit started in Libya, only this time we decided on "kinetic warfare" and brought the rebels back from the brink of defeat. And again their guy didn't assume power. Why do you think we stayed out of the Syria mess? His foreign policy is crap, Islam and democracy are like oil and water, they don't mix. The Islamist take over and then 9/11 anniversary comes along and holy shit our embassies are under siege, ambassador killed. But of course it's all due to a video that is so poorly put together a 3 yo could do a better job. Obama is neck deep in this mess, and the BS coming out of DC can't change that fact.

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Re: 33, GW, Fury were right: Obama intentionally collapsing the Middle East.
« Reply #17 on: September 17, 2012, 06:21:48 PM »
Obama didnt give marching orders for Arab Spring... wtf bro?

LMFAO!!!!   I swear - you obama sycophants never dissappoint. 

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Re: 33, GW, Fury were right: Obama intentionally collapsing the Middle East.
« Reply #18 on: September 17, 2012, 07:15:35 PM »
Im not defending the guy.. I defend rational thinking, evidence etc...If you want to bring up GITMO, have at at, ill fully agree if you weren't with Obama's actions. How about War on Drugs.. Dont like his policies in CA and the weed shops... ill agree with Obama hatred all day. But what The Mal will not engage in is circumstantial theories (opinions) that come from a source that has expressed a deep seeded hatred for the accused. I didnt ever say I agreed  or disagreed with what was said about his involvement, but i did want to see something in writing, some objective evidence.. not shit from someone who already doesn't like the guy. Just because i liked Ron Paul doesnt mean that i will start lying about anyone against him. Thats just fucking stupid. I dont defend, or "go to bat" for obama.. i defend and "go to bat" for rational thinking, evidence and unbiased objective truth... and im out this muthafucka {drops the mike, walks off stage}

You claim to be a defender rational thinking, yet you can't see something blatantly obvious happening right in front of your face. Methinks your not capable of rational thinking when it comes to political matters ( and possibly many other things)  based on your relentlessly predictable defenses of Obama.

With Obama, you need written proof signed, witnessed by the pope and notarized which states unequivocally that he's an anti American fuck up who has no idea what he's doing and would like nothing more than to destroy life as we know it in order to prop up his childish 3rd world ideology.


If such a signed statement existed, and it was released-- I'm sure you would spend every waking hour on this website telling everyone how the document is a fake and the signature isn't Obama's, the pope is racist and the notary's license expired 2 months ago.

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Re: 33, GW, Fury were right: Obama intentionally collapsing the Middle East.
« Reply #19 on: September 17, 2012, 07:25:50 PM »
To the obamabot - nothing he does ever matters! 

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Re: 33, GW, Fury were right: Obama intentionally collapsing the Middle East.
« Reply #20 on: September 18, 2012, 07:14:46 AM »
You claim to be a defender rational thinking, yet you can't see something blatantly obvious happening right in front of your face. Methinks your not capable of rational thinking when it comes to political matters ( and possibly many other things)  based on your relentlessly predictable defenses of Obama.
With Obama, you need written proof signed, witnessed by the pope and notarized which states unequivocally that he's an anti American fuck up who has no idea what he's doing and would like nothing more than to destroy life as we know it in order to prop up his childish 3rd world ideology.
If such a signed statement existed, and it was released-- I'm sure you would spend every waking hour on this website telling everyone how the document is a fake and the signature isn't Obama's, the pope is racist and the notary's license expired 2 months ago.
Jesus h christ, based on your opinions and slanted view point EVERY PRESIDENT EVER COULD BE BLAMED FOR TRYING TO DESTROY THE COUNTRY. You can say Bush II got us in 2 wars to bankrupt the nation and blah can Say Clinton with NAFTA, and on and on and on. You can say Reagon tried to destroy the innercities with his Iran Contra shit.. dude... its all BS. You idiots get on here and present Opinions as fact.. you string enough shit together you can accuse anyone of anything. Cmon son.. youre smarter than that.


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Re: 33, GW, Fury were right: Obama intentionally collapsing the Middle East.
« Reply #21 on: September 18, 2012, 08:00:37 AM »
You claim to be a defender rational thinking, yet you can't see something blatantly obvious happening right in front of your face. Methinks your not capable of rational thinking when it comes to political matters ( and possibly many other things)  based on your relentlessly predictable defenses of Obama.

With Obama, you need written proof signed, witnessed by the pope and notarized which states unequivocally that he's an anti American fuck up who has no idea what he's doing and would like nothing more than to destroy life as we know it in order to prop up his childish 3rd world ideology.


If such a signed statement existed, and it was released-- I'm sure you would spend every waking hour on this website telling everyone how the document is a fake and the signature isn't Obama's, the pope is racist and the notary's license expired 2 months ago.


This man is an awesome poster.

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Re: 33, GW, Fury were right: Obama intentionally collapsing the Middle East.
« Reply #22 on: September 18, 2012, 08:08:01 AM »

This man is an awesome poster.

All that sounds good but cant be backed up.. thats just the fact... I dont defend Obama, but i do condemn false truths. You cant just say shit with out a thing called evidence. I just dont operate like that. Like i said, if you want to talk about how Obama lied about GITMO, im all with you (which is highly documented). Or you want to talk about how the Stim bill didnt have enough infrastructure spending... i will agree.. Fuck Obama.. but dont sit here and blame a man for shit that he didnt do.. Shit that you string together on some 7 degrees of seperation shit. Charles Manson did some fucked up shit, but im not gonna blame him for the Oklahoma city Bombing because im lazy. God damn, just go one step further and do just a little bit of research..


  • Getbig V
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  • Getbig!
Re: 33, GW, Fury were right: Obama intentionally collapsing the Middle East.
« Reply #23 on: September 18, 2012, 08:38:52 AM »

Obama is trying collapse the ME so that he can allow Iran to get nukes and become the dominate player in the ME.  Once Iran gets nukes it can destroy Israel and spike the cause of oil as well as create a pan-islamist Superstate sort of like the EU, NATO, to where they can extract more wealth and power from us over tot hem and upset the balance of power.

Obama, misery be upon him, is doing this since he believes we are exploiting the ME's resources and that it is not fair for us to live a good lifestyle at their expense.  he believes that the only way to redistribute our wealth to the sand nigs is to collapse the ME, create a power vacuum to where the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Quaeda can take over w Iran being the flagship of the new Islamist superstate. 

you voted for this piece of shit - deal w it.   

You are killing me hahhhahhh

Go tell that to your closet fag gop friends and in-breed family they will love it.
Oh yeah and leave the politics to grown-ups who is not retarded.
Have a nice day.

Oh and fuck off shit-for-brains


  • Getbig V
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  • Getbig!
Re: 33, GW, Fury were right: Obama intentionally collapsing the Middle East.
« Reply #24 on: September 18, 2012, 08:41:05 AM »
Jesus h christ, based on your opinions and slanted view point EVERY PRESIDENT EVER COULD BE BLAMED FOR TRYING TO DESTROY THE COUNTRY. You can say Bush II got us in 2 wars to bankrupt the nation and blah can Say Clinton with NAFTA, and on and on and on. You can say Reagon tried to destroy the innercities with his Iran Contra shit.. dude... its all BS. You idiots get on here and present Opinions as fact.. you string enough shit together you can accuse anyone of anything. Cmon son.. youre smarter than that.

You are discussing common sense and reality with a Neocon friend.
Your time would be better spent teaching your dog to do your taxes.