Author Topic: The Truth about Muslims!  (Read 7545 times)


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Re: The Truth about Muslims!
« Reply #25 on: November 07, 2012, 03:52:06 AM »
Meh. You continue to live in fear. I'll just enjoy my life.


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Re: The Truth about Muslims!
« Reply #26 on: November 07, 2012, 04:37:59 AM »
The thing I want gone is the U.N.
The whole West is infected with idiots that destroy everything we've stood for and on top of that is that oil frenzy which is another nail on our coffin.


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Re: The Truth about Muslims!
« Reply #27 on: November 07, 2012, 12:20:16 PM »
E-kul has mental issues all relating to his childhood abuse from his father/family. He is also an islamophobe troll.

He has already been refuted on all his 'claims' about islam and muslims so he went psycho mad copy pasting answering islam (an islamophobe website, to which all claims have been refuted). Only an ignorant like himself would fall for that crap.

Oh well one can only try to correct a person so many times. He is like a droid


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Re: The Truth about Muslims!
« Reply #28 on: November 07, 2012, 01:29:02 PM »
100s UK troops self-harm in Afghanistan

British soldiers desperate to leave Afghanistan are increasingly turning to self-inflicted injuries to escape action with non-battle injuries forming a major part of forces’ hospitalizations.

While the Ministry of Defense does not reveal how many of the injuries have been self-inflicted, official data shows 471 people have been admitted to hospital with non-battle injuries this year compared to 151wounded in action, The Daily Express reported.
The report cited sources in Afghanistan as saying that 10 to 15 percent of injuries are instances of self-harm.
“Of course there are genuine accidents but there is also a proportion, and it seems to be growing, of soldiers who have deliberately wounded themselves to leave theatre,” a senior Army medical officer was quoted as saying.
The officer said desperate soldiers use methods including cutting hands with knives and ingesting toxins to find a way out of the battleground.
The paper quoted other sources as saying the Afghan withdrawal is a key factor in increasing self-inflicted injuries.
“It begins with a feeling of demotivation. Often, they don’t even bother to hide what they have done and why. They are seldom punished these days,” an infantry officer said.
Britain has currently 9,500 forces mostly in Afghansitan's province of Helmand and has so far suffered 437 military casualties in the country.
London has announced it will withdraw troops from Afghanistan in 2014.


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Re: The Truth about Muslims!
« Reply #29 on: November 07, 2012, 02:08:47 PM »


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Re: The Truth about Muslims!
« Reply #30 on: November 07, 2012, 02:09:36 PM »

Suicide rate now higher than combat toll
Updated Tue Jun 26, 2012 2:16pm AEST

New statistics from the war in Afghanistan have revealed more American soldiers are now dying through suicide, rather than in combat. The spike in the number of troops taking their own lives is causing concern at the highest levels of the Obama administration, with the Defence Secretary Leon Panetta admitting he's 'very concerned'.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The Truth about Muslims!
« Reply #31 on: November 07, 2012, 02:11:17 PM »
U.S. military suicide rate doubles for July

(AP) WASHINGTON - Suicides among active-duty soldiers in July more than doubled from June, accelerating a trend throughout the military this year that has prompted Pentagon leaders to redouble efforts to solve a puzzling problem.

The Army, which is the only branch of the military that issues monthly press statements on suicides, said 26 active-duty soldiers killed themselves in July, compared with 12 in June. The July total was the highest for any month since the Army began reporting suicides by month in 2009, according to Lt. Col. Lisa Garcia, an Army spokeswoman.

The Marine Corps had eight suicides in July, up from six in June. The July figure was its highest monthly total of 2012 and pushed its total for the year so far to 32 — equal to the Marines' total for all of 2011. The Marines' July figure is being posted on its website but was provided first to The Associated Press.

The Air Force said it had six in July, compared with two in June. The Navy had four in July but its June figure was not immediately available.

The Army's suicide numbers have been higher than the other services, in part because it is substantially larger than the Marine Corps, Navy and Air Force. The Army also has had more members in combat over the past decade. It was the main ground force in Iraq and has a preponderance of the U.S. troops today in Afghanistan.

For the first seven months of 2012, the Army recorded 116 suicides among active-duty soldiers. If that pace were maintained through December the year's total would approach 200, compared with 167 for all of 2011.

"Suicide is the toughest enemy I have faced in my 37 years in the Army," said Gen. Lloyd J. Austin III, the Army's vice chief of staff, who is spearheading his service's efforts to find ways to halt the surge in suicides.

"That said, I do believe suicide is preventable," Austin added. "To combat it effectively will require sophisticated solutions aimed at helping individuals to build resiliency and strengthen their life coping skills."

Suicidal behavior in the military is thought to be related to cumulative stress from combat duty, but it also is believed to be linked to a range of other pressures such as marital and financial problems as well as health issues.

Of the 26 active-duty soldiers who committed suicide in July, all were male and only two were officers, according to figures provided by the Army's office of public affairs. Thirteen were married, 10 were single and three were divorced. A breakdown of the deployment history of 14 of the 26 showed that six had never been deployed, seven had been deployed between one and three times, and one had been deployed six times.

So far this year the number of suicides in the military has surged beyond expectations, given that the pace of combat deployments has begun to slow. The Defense Department closely tracks suicides throughout the military but releases its figures only once a year. The Associated Press in June obtained an internal Defense Department document that revealed that there had been 154 suicides in the first 155 days of the year, though June 3. That marked the fastest pace of active-duty military suicides in the nation's decade of war.

The Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors, a private organization that provides support for military members and their families, said counseling and other forms of care for emotionally distraught military members is often too little, too late.

"Others never seek help out of fear over how others will view seeking treatment," the group said in a statement Thursday.


When you're inherently doing so much evil, it will cause psychological issues. Going abroad to kill people for money so you can 'enjoy' yourself back home, is not going to bring peace to these soldier's lives as it will not bring peace to the people they kill or maim abroad.

Radical Plato

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Re: The Truth about Muslims!
« Reply #32 on: November 07, 2012, 10:35:11 PM »

When you're inherently doing so much evil, it will cause psychological issues.
HA HA That's funny, this probably explains why all Muslims are so fucked up!  Odd that a Muslim is aware of the connection between evil and psychological issues but unaware how it applies to Islam.  This is the worst part of their psychological issues, their complete lack of awareness of it, an unbelievable state of denial.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The Truth about Muslims!
« Reply #33 on: November 08, 2012, 03:32:27 PM »

I just read this page, explains a lot about your behaviour. This one bellow really rings true for your case:

Phobias can be a form of self sabotage, self punishment, an underlying feeling that; I am not worthy to enjoy life, therefore if I cannot function properly then I will not enjoy life.

It can also take the form of a distraction. When a person has a serious phobia or illness to deal with then the fear of facing the deep emotional scarring of childhood abuse can be put off. (Mistaken beliefs may be: I deserve punishment. I don't count. I'm bad, dirty, contaminated, ruined.)

This page too:

It seems in your life you have this anger driving you, and you change it from one thing to another, currently focusing on Islam and Muslims. Regardless of Muslims attempts at rationally communicating, you turn to rage and spew repeated lies telling yourself that it must be all true and further engage in unleashing hate and anger.

pulling weight

  • Getbig III
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Re: The Truth about Muslims!
« Reply #34 on: November 08, 2012, 04:03:08 PM »
Where's getbigs resident gay Muslim reppingfor20? Wonder how he reconciled that :D


  • Getbig III
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Re: The Truth about Muslims!
« Reply #35 on: November 08, 2012, 04:58:51 PM »

I just read this page, explains a lot about your behaviour. This one bellow really rings true for your case:

Phobias can be a form of self sabotage, self punishment, an underlying feeling that; I am not worthy to enjoy life, therefore if I cannot function properly then I will not enjoy life.

It can also take the form of a distraction. When a person has a serious phobia or illness to deal with then the fear of facing the deep emotional scarring of childhood abuse can be put off. (Mistaken beliefs may be: I deserve punishment. I don't count. I'm bad, dirty, contaminated, ruined.)

This page too:

It seems in your life you have this anger driving you, and you change it from one thing to another, currently focusing on Islam and Muslims. Regardless of Muslims attempts at rationally communicating, you turn to rage and spew repeated lies telling yourself that it must be all true and further engage in unleashing hate and anger.

have you ever been to a atheist website ahmed?

All they do is bash jesus and christianity, but e-kul never reports on that or posts on that, but he says religion is poison and that he doesnt believe in religion.

So why isnt he balanced in his posts if religions are evil?
Little credibilty the guy has.

Radical Plato

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Re: The Truth about Muslims!
« Reply #36 on: November 08, 2012, 05:31:11 PM »
HA HA Muslims are humorous in their DENIAL and attempts to deflect from their serious pathological neurosis.  I wonder if a-ahmed's behaviour is the typical pre-requisite for terrorist action, first step - push Islam on others that are not interested, second step - become defensive when those that aren't interested tell Muslim to fuck off with their EVIL Bullshit, Third Step - Personally attack and abuse those who show no interest in Islam fourth step: seek out other radicals fifth step: Purchase Suicide vest sixth step: Kill Innocent People

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  • Getbig V
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Re: The Truth about Muslims!
« Reply #37 on: November 08, 2012, 05:37:53 PM »
lol no one's pushing anything on you, just exposing you for being a hate mongering ignorant baboon who doesn't speak human language or rational, only anger.

It was really enlightening to find out why you behave the way you do when I found out a little more about you.

You are deflecting this 'reality' about your past and fueling your anger in this distraction about Islam and Muslims.

Radical Plato

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Re: The Truth about Muslims!
« Reply #38 on: November 08, 2012, 05:50:50 PM »
lol no one's pushing anything on you, just exposing you for being a hate mongering ignorant baboon who doesn't speak human language or rational, only anger.

It was really enlightening to find out why you behave the way you do when I found out a little more about you.

You are deflecting this 'reality' about your past and fueling your anger in this distraction about Islam and Muslims.
a-ahmed, you're insistence on littering a bodybuilding board with islam when you have been told over and over again that particular religion is despised, is Hated and considered EVIL, that other people don't want to know about islam, it makes them sick, yet you continue to ram it down everyone's throat.  This is why Muslims are HATED, they do not follow social Norms, they consider themselves above others, they do not consider other people, or their needs, they are so obsessed, so unaware of themselves, that they could never assimilate into normal human behaviour.  This is why all across the World, Islam is being attacked.  If islam doesn't change it's ways, they will be nuked off the face of the planet, this is a simple fact, the deviants who worship a pedo and practice a violent ideology will be dealt with.  Islam will end up a nostalgic memory that is considered archaic and barbaric and others will consider why the world waited so long before they finally dealt with the scourge that is Islam. 

 Your attempts to somehow discredit me by suggesting you know about me or my past and how it has affected my dislike of Islam is typical of Muslims, they are terrified of other people, they are terrified in general, and will attempt to say and do anything to discredit others.  It is a sad and desperate attempt by a sad and desperate man.  Calling me a 'hate mongering ignorant baboon" is ridiculous, everyone in the West knows that Islam is HATE ISLAM is Ignorance and ISLAM is run by BABOONS.  All you are doing is projecting the aspects of your personality that you yourself are unaware of.  I don't imagine you will ever become self aware of such things, your only hope is that you listen to others here who are trying to point out that you are a victim, that their may be hope for you as long as you move away from Islam.  Judging by your posts here, I doubt that will happen.  My only hope is that you don't take radical action because you are despised and considered an outcast in the Western world.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The Truth about Muslims!
« Reply #39 on: November 08, 2012, 06:15:59 PM »
Oh I get it. You mad that white women are becoming Muslim  ;D

Lol, you are quite the entertaining clown, please go on :) As if it's deterring people from actually knowing about islam and becoming Muslim lol. You only deter yourself from being knowledgeable and intellectually sounding.

And... lol.. no one is forcing islam on anybody, just talking back at your demonic posessed psycho mind that spews non-sense about Islam and Muslims in uncontrollable rage mirroring your childhood experiences of abuse.

Seriously I did some reading on child abuse psychology and it all clicked in that much more. You're sick, but honestly.. if you stopped all this islam hating, I would give you some advice on how to fix yourself if you don't seek professional help. You're nuts.

wait wait... let me help you

lalalalallalalalalalalal alallalallala jiihhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaa aad lalalalalallalalalalalal laala

*turns on arabic accent*, wait wait, where is my sword, I must have left it with my magic lamp... quick fetch my magic carpet!

We go today..... take sword.... hunt e-kul.... take his womens......... lalalalalalala

hahahaha you're a moron lol disguised as a moron, wait that's not a disguise :)


  • Getbig V
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Re: The Truth about Muslims!
« Reply #40 on: November 08, 2012, 06:29:41 PM »
Shock photography, it can make someone look that much more emotional:

Bush after finding out e-kul is hiding in his pants.

Radical Plato

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Re: The Truth about Muslims!
« Reply #41 on: November 08, 2012, 06:38:06 PM »
Oh I get it. You mad that white women are becoming Muslim  ;D

Lol, you are quite the entertaining clown, please go on :) As if it's deterring people from actually knowing about islam and becoming Muslim lol. You only deter yourself from being knowledgeable and intellectually sounding.

And... lol.. no one is forcing islam on anybody, just talking back at your demonic posessed psycho mind that spews non-sense about Islam and Muslims in uncontrollable rage mirroring your childhood experiences of abuse.

Seriously I did some reading on child abuse psychology and it all clicked in that much more. You're sick, but honestly.. if you stopped all this islam hating, I would give you some advice on how to fix yourself if you don't seek professional help. You're nuts.

wait wait... let me help you

lalalalallalalalalalalal alallalallala jiihhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaa aad lalalalalallalalalalalal laala

*turns on arabic accent*, wait wait, where is my sword, I must have left it with my magic lamp... quick fetch my magic carpet!

We go today..... take sword.... hunt e-kul.... take his womens......... lalalalalalala

hahahaha you're a moron lol disguised as a moron, wait that's not a disguise :)
EPIC MELTDOWN - a_AHMED is losing it, I fear for his community, perhaps someone could find out a-ahmeds exact location and report him to the authorities.  Best to prevent terrorist action, if anyone knows where a-ahmed lives in Canada, please let the relevant authorities know, he is obviously a serious terrorist threat!


pulling weight

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Re: The Truth about Muslims!
« Reply #42 on: November 08, 2012, 09:12:31 PM »
Lol look at these nutcase pedo worshippers!

If someone wants to cut his head and stalk down the street with the blood streaming down, that's his business, I suppose. It isn't illegal. But others are likewise free to find it unnerving, disgusting, and possibly a danger to the public health. And it is certainly a sign of an increased assertiveness on the part of Shi'ite Muslims in Britain, and a manifestation of a value system that differs radically from that held by most in the West. Islamization of Britain Update: "Muslims Cut Bodies for Faith," by David Jarvis and Shekhar Bhatia in the Express, November 7 (thanks to all who sent this in):
ISLAMIC fanatics are mutilating themselves at a British mosque in a bloody ceremony carried out only yards from a busy high street.
Shia Muslims use a five-bladed chain called a Zanjeer to whip their own backs and make cuts in their foreheads with razor blades in homage to their faith.

Bare-chested men were left bleeding heavily during the ritual known as Matam - self-flagellation - which a witness described as being "like a scene from a horror film".

Muslims are freaks!

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Re: The Truth about Muslims!
« Reply #43 on: November 08, 2012, 09:23:44 PM »

Sherief Shalaby

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Re: The Truth about Muslims!
« Reply #44 on: November 08, 2012, 10:01:02 PM »
Lol look at these nutcase pedo worshippers!

Muslims are freaks!

man these idiots are shia muslims.. they changed quran exactly as christians changed the bible :D


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Re: The Truth about Muslims!
« Reply #45 on: November 09, 2012, 10:28:40 AM »
^Hey Sharif, I was asked before to join team nasser, i think ill join :D

Sherief Shalaby

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Re: The Truth about Muslims!
« Reply #46 on: November 09, 2012, 10:42:18 AM »
^Hey Sharif, I was asked before to join team nasser, i think ill join :D

great bro. i know you would ;D..  haters are going to hate you more now lol..


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Re: The Truth about Muslims!
« Reply #47 on: November 09, 2012, 11:05:53 AM »
In :D