Does a high dose of b6 like 100 to 300mg help with the prolactin? Sure i read that somewhere. Will try npp next cycle as im a fan of nadrolone and if thats better then bring it on! That with test and then halotestin pre workout instead of the dbol should be crazy.
B6 has been proven to lower prolactin in studies so it may or may not help you. It did work for me but as I increased my npp dose it no longer did. The dopamine agonists must be much better at lowering prolactin...I would think.
I wouldn't say npp is better but I like it cause the shorter ester makes the hormone readily available much sooner, and there is less bloat than with deca while still providing the strength and joint benefits of nandrolone that ww mentions above. Oh yeah and this hormone makes me hungrier than a pregnant woman...great for growth!
Now this is what people should keep in mind...because it can lubricate your joints and you're able to lift heavy weights, it can mask injuries and make them worse in the end. I Had this happen recently as I was coming off npp....a nagging shoulder injury came back with a vengeance.