mcway, hold on, are you saying that a guy will build more muscle if he allows himself to become fatter compared to if he tries to stay same bf level?
so the fastest way would be to eat gallons of icream and 200 gramms protein powder a day and the muscle will come faster than for a guy on same protein but otherwise clean diet?
What I said was that for skinnier folks, their priority should be overall size. OF COURSE, you should try to minimize your bodyfat levels. But, as Arnold is credited as saying,
"You can't sculpt a pebble; you sculpt a block of granite."If a young guy puts on 30 lbs in a year and 15-20 of that is muscle, you think he's going to whine about not being "lean"? I don't.
Had I eaten "clean", I may not have ever broken 200 lbs. I didn't eat junk food. I ate high calorie foods: whole eggs, milk, beef, chicken and weight-gainer shakes.
ectomorphs?even they can get fat,seen it before
I know that. I'm an ectomorph myself. That tends to happen as they get older. If I ate the amount of calories I did 17 years ago, I'd look more like a sumo wrestler. But, if I ate then the way I eat now, I'd be lucky if I made it to a buck ninety.