Author Topic: BigCyps Frugal Fitness - Part one: BB Meals for under £1 / $1.50  (Read 122245 times)


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Re: BigCyps Frugal Fitness - Part one: BB Meals for under £1 / $1.50
« Reply #50 on: May 31, 2013, 02:03:44 AM »
13. Big Mac Pasta – 90p/$1.37
(42g protein, 55g carbs, 28g fat, 640 kcals)

What you’ll need: 150g ground beef, ½ small onion, 75g pasta, 2 slices burger cheese, ½ cup lettuce, 2 tablespoons mayo, 1 tablespoon French dressing, 1 teaspoon ketchup, ½ teaspoon vinegar, ½ teaspoon salt.

Sure, you can buy the real thing for about $3 in MacDonald’s, but where’s the fun in that? Plus, this pasta twist on the original sandwich is easy to put together, with nearly double the protein, and a 1/3 less fat for half the price!

1. Throw the pasta in a pan with boiling water and pinch of salt.

2. While the pasta’s cooking, fry up the ground beef in a pan with a drop of oil, breaking it down as much as you can. While the meat is simmering, chop up half an onion as small as you can get it (the tinier the better!).

3. Drain the excess fat from the cooked beef (rinse also if you prefer less fat) then return to the heat and add the chopped onion, stirring until the onion’s just about cooked.

4. By now your pasta should be cooked, so drain the excess water and leave to one side. Chop up around a cup of lettuce, nice thin strips just like the bistro chefs at Mcd’s. Also cut your 2 burger cheese slices into small squares.

5. To make the ‘Big Mac Sauce’ simple mix the mayo, French dressing, vinegar, ketchup and salt in a small cup and keep to one side also.

6. Chuck the cooked pasta in a bowl and stir in the ground beef. Throw the cheese squares in and give it a stir, then microwave for 30 seconds to melt the cheese.

7. Sprinkle the lettuce on top, douse in your own homemade Big Mac Sauce, and enjoy!

Charles Ramsey Approved:

(Ground Beef: £3.00 for 1kg Asda, Cheese: 10 slices £1.00 Sainsbury’s, Pasta: £0.39 500g Sainsbury’s, Mayo £1.00 500g Sainsbury’s, French Dressing £0.89 250g Sainsbury’s, Onion 4p each Sainsbury’s, Lettuce £1 Sainsbury’s)


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Re: BigCyps Frugal Fitness - Part one: BB Meals for under £1 / $1.50
« Reply #51 on: June 19, 2013, 09:34:41 AM »
Enough eggs, chicken thighs, broccoli, potatoes, bananas & oats for a whole week for $49.45, so that's about $1.18 for a meal (6 meals/day), not bad!


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Re: BigCyps Frugal Fitness - Part one: BB Meals for under £1 / $1.50
« Reply #52 on: October 25, 2013, 02:32:04 PM »
This thread is awesome.


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Re: BigCyps Frugal Fitness - Part one: BB Meals for under £1 / $1.50
« Reply #53 on: October 25, 2013, 04:33:11 PM »


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Re: BigCyps Frugal Fitness - Part one: BB Meals for under £1 / $1.50
« Reply #55 on: August 17, 2014, 04:13:29 AM »
This next installment was inspired by a recipe on my sister's food blog, which I've amended a tad to up the protein content. With protein comes extra pennies, however at 24p a burger I'm sure no one will be complaining to the moderators!

2. Egg, Carrot, & Kidney Bean burgers with a hint of curry  - £0.64p/ 98 cents (makes 4)
(35g protein, 44g carbs, 12g fat, 600 kcals/150 per patty)

What you'll need: 1 can of red kidney beans, 2 eggs (whole), 1 large carrot, 1 sm onion, heaped teaspoon of hot curry powder, 1 tablespoon dry oats, sm handful coriander (optional) salt/pepper to taste.

 1. Drain the can of beans and rinse thoroughly in cold water (gets rid of gloopy 'tinny' taste) throw them in a small pan and cover with boiling water and simmer for 10 minutes to soften them.
2. While they are boiling, finely chop the onion, grate the carrot, and add coriander and curry powder with a little salt and pepper. Saute in a frying pan with a little oil/butter/no kcal spray and stir until the onion softens (usually 4-5 mins) and remove from heat.
3. Once the beans have softened, drain away all the liquid and add to a bowl along with the carrot and onions. At this point add 2 egg whites, 2 whole eggs, and a large tablespoon of oats. Mash it all together with a fork/potato masher until you have a smoothish consistency
4. Heat a drop of oil in a pan on a medium heat, and spoon the mixture into 4 large patties (at this point you'll need to keep 'shaping' the patties for 30 seconds so they hold their shape). Cook each side for around 5 minutes on each side until browned/your sure the egg's cooked (handle gently while turning!).

5. Serve hot with your favourite complex carbohydrates - you could even bake a few sweet potatoes and have Pat Banya round for tea!  ;D (I just eat all 4 four on their own with some hot sauce)

My sisters version:

(Eggs: £1.35 for 15 - Aldi, Kidney Beans 21p Sainsbury/Tesco, Carrot 8p loose Sainsbury, Onion 8p loose Sainsbury, Oil 5p, Oats 2p)

I have to try this one!

Country Guy

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Re: BigCyps Frugal Fitness - Part one: BB Meals for under £1 / $1.50
« Reply #56 on: August 24, 2014, 08:27:20 PM »
I will try out some of these recipes - thank you BigCyp.

Country Guy

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Re: BigCyps Frugal Fitness - Part one: BB Meals for under £1 / $1.50
« Reply #57 on: September 07, 2014, 04:22:28 PM »
I've made the banana & raisin pancakes several times so far & really like them. Tomorrow I plan to try out the kidney bean burgers   :)

TEH boob

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Re: BigCyps Frugal Fitness - Part one: BB Meals for under £1 / $1.50
« Reply #58 on: October 14, 2014, 05:20:49 PM »
I made the kidney bean curry burgers!!! They were amazing. I cooked in coconut oil, and my roommate had the idea to dip it in soy sauce. They reminded me a bit of scallion pancakes.

I loved them. Definitely making them again. I served with roasted rainbow carrots and multicolor marble potatoes.


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Re: BigCyps Frugal Fitness - Part one: BB Meals for under £1 / $1.50
« Reply #59 on: June 12, 2015, 09:55:04 PM »
This was actually quite interesting


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Re: BigCyps Frugal Fitness - Part one: BB Meals for under £1 / $1.50
« Reply #60 on: June 12, 2015, 10:10:27 PM »
This was actually quite interesting

Good bump.

I used to eat pancakes as described here all the time. How the hell could I have forgotten about them? Plus, they're good to eat cold,  you can pack them in a cooler and eat later on, no problem.


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Re: BigCyps Frugal Fitness - Part one: BB Meals for under £1 / $1.50
« Reply #61 on: January 01, 2016, 12:00:00 PM »
Damn! I'm loving these meal ideas!! Deffo trying that breakfast pancakes tomorrow!!!

The Wizard of Truth

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Re: BigCyps Frugal Fitness - Part one: BB Meals for under £1 / $1.50
« Reply #62 on: October 03, 2016, 04:12:48 PM »
We need more big cyp


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Re: BigCyps Frugal Fitness - Part one: BB Meals for under £1 / $1.50
« Reply #63 on: October 03, 2016, 04:15:30 PM »
We need more big cyp

He's on a permanent business trip to Cyprus, hope he's doing well :)


  • Getbig V
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Re: BigCyps Frugal Fitness - Part one: BB Meals for under £1 / $1.50
« Reply #64 on: October 04, 2016, 02:11:24 AM »
BigCyp was a good guy

The Wizard of Truth

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Re: BigCyps Frugal Fitness - Part one: BB Meals for under £1 / $1.50
« Reply #65 on: October 04, 2016, 11:22:44 AM »
Did he died?