Jewish Rabbis Have Now Infected 14 Babies With Herpes After Sucking Their Penis
U.S. Army admits to widespread cultural pedophilia in Afghanistan
Thread degenerates into pointless turd slinging contest as tensions rise. "Their retarted" proclaims participants.
It was embarrassing to watch.
You are embarrassing to watch Vince. I doubt that Arnold would remember you but if he did, then he would then be embarrassed. Just think about it you bitter old fart. You have nothing to offer but negativity. PS. Arnold got paid more for that ad than you have earned in the last 20-25 years.
Nice one, Tony. Attack the messenger. Arnold now sucks as an actor. All the money in the world can't give a person what he hasn't got.
Vince, that wasn't an attack, that was just me pointing out the obvious. Your comment here defies logic. Are you suggesting that Arnold is unhappy, or perhaps wishing he had less money and a the life of a simpleton like you. Arnold is doing just fine, happy as hell andaking 5 films this year.With my show in 2015 and South Africa in 2016, that 5 Arnold Classic's a year. He loves what he does and makes serious money doing it.Meanwhile, after doing the math, I realised he may have made more from that one TV commercial than you made in your whole life. Now you want to talk seriously about embarrassment, go stand in front of a mirror and have a good hard look at yourself and what you have become. I bet you don't last five minutes looking at your pathetic self before a little tear rolls down that fat little red face.
Tony is one of the few schmoes that I would love to meet...
I have many gimmicks accounts with lots of posts and registered from long time ago.I can come here anytime, act normal and no one would know its me.I am just getting rid of the shit gimmicks like this with low post count that I don't give a fuck about.I have been doing this for years.Imagine hypothetically tomorrow I bought BigRo's account, you idiots would think I am an Olympian God and Lobstah would be sending me pussy pics all night long.I have been doing this for fucking years.Some of my accounts could even end up as mods, god forbid it that ever happens.I have been some of the greatest character on here for fucking years.As stupid as Shizzo is he is the only muthtafucker close to knowing truth of how long I have been on here.You guys are fucking
Listen, I'm going to go for a run at Tribeca Park.If this nonsense helps you get through the day, by all means, have at it.Ultimately, this is Ron's website. If he wants to let you continue destroying it, he will. Once he gets tired of your approach, he might then remove you.Let me post a little something you sent to Lobstah in order to show the type of psychopath(s) that are behind this shared account of yours...Go ahead and be the fearless leader you want these gentlemen to follow."1"
The most important part of my home gym is the piano.
Love to lay atop the piano in a red dress while you perform various pressing movements
The party is over.
Brutal open-eyed herpes simplex sharing between the caramelized semi-retardate and horrific Hills Have (Wonky) Eyes chode chugging cross dresser of peace.No disrespect intended, but this picture aptly represents the perils to humanity of not considering eugenics going forward.
Impressive picture of Kai Greene
yes, nice circumsized penis visible through the shorts (no homo)
I definitely don't want to be one of those pros that isn't able to talk with anyone or be a people person. Heck out of high school senior year I weighed 110. I'm still that guy inside that just loves food and is a huge fan of the sport. This is what I believe, you aren't really a pro unless you are able to hold your own against the pros in the industry and can't improve from a placing. I haven't competed yet so as far as I'm concerned I'm just a guy sitting on the bench still. And any pro who gets on here and starts trash talking, putting down others, or doesn't know how to handle criticism from anyone professionally isn't really cut out for this. It takes thick skin and a lot of patience if you want to be marketable win or lose in this sport... - Martae Ruelas
real women love a well made back.
Sup GetbigTrying to do good things you knowI recall at least once someone on here wanted to buy some products off of me, and they sent me cash and I never sent them what they ordered.If this sounds like you, please send me a P.M. so we can work out a deal to make things rightAlso, there may have been a person or two that I sent bunk stuff to. If you recieved something from me and it didnt do what it was supposed to, P.M. me and we can work something out.But please know that I will not be sending anyone anything illegal, I no longer deal with anything illegal and I will only be sending cash refunds.God bless
no one cares. stupid thread
great first post.Have you thought of killing yourself?
you're a half faced measle i have spent over half of the last day fornicating or having my cock sucked by a blonde nurse from texasgo fill my goblet now my escapades all end in ejaculation. pulchritudinous whores lick my asshole regularly. and by "go fill my goblet now" i mean shut the fuk up, you unoriginal half breed
is the vissy photoshop of the OP in that thread?
I love the photo of Wiggs and Goodrum.
Wiggs sporting impressive arm girth. Just need Bay in there for the negro trifecta.