Author Topic: Best of Getbig - Quotes, Pictures and Videos  (Read 1249976 times)


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Re: Best of Getbig - Quotes, Pictures and Videos
« Reply #5275 on: May 29, 2021, 02:02:15 AM »
Wes, my brother you left out the ever important part about Matt's aesthetically pleasing 6.45inch prick.  If 60% of the worlds Jews were wiped out in Europe it is almost statistically impossible for 80% of German Jews to have survived. 
What an oversight on my part.................wha t was I thinking?  ;D


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Re: Best of Getbig - Quotes, Pictures and Videos
« Reply #5276 on: May 29, 2021, 02:03:11 AM »
Jane takes no fucking prisoners  ;D


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Re: Best of Getbig - Quotes, Pictures and Videos
« Reply #5277 on: May 29, 2021, 04:26:09 AM »


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Re: Best of Getbig - Quotes, Pictures and Videos
« Reply #5279 on: May 31, 2021, 11:20:56 AM »

that's gangsta. bet his car was full of cross-eyed white boi pussy

You've really taken YouTube by storm, Vince. With your provocatively pleonastic video titles and enthralling content featuring you obeying the speed limit to decades-old 'crunk' as you narrowly avoid having to call the emergency breakdown services, it's no wonder you're such a success.


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Re: Best of Getbig - Quotes, Pictures and Videos
« Reply #5280 on: May 31, 2021, 11:24:09 AM »

Hahahaha that comment by spunker was great


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Re: Best of Getbig - Quotes, Pictures and Videos
« Reply #5281 on: June 02, 2021, 12:24:39 AM »
Hey man you want to go save the starving children in Africa from Ebola have at it. Not sure why you are hating on me though. I have never been to prison because again I am not a felon so please keep your homoerotic fantasies to yourself.

Because you are a breathtakingly shallow, vain, self-absorbed, spoiled rich kid that you did nothing to earn or deserve. To think that the most important thing in your life, your "noble, righteous, quest" is how your body looks. How you're whole life revolves around trying to get big muscles.

Tell me this. Say you get these great big muscles. You look like Ramy. Then what?


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Re: Best of Getbig - Quotes, Pictures and Videos
« Reply #5282 on: June 04, 2021, 12:02:46 AM »
In the morning I weigh this amount precisely and look just like mid afternoon I`m a tad heavier but holding a little water along with my night I`m very vascualar and weigh 78 more pounds than I did that exact same morning.........if I get up to piss I check my condition in my mirror as always,measure my arms, and weight myself once again.

It`s tough to be this dedicated but it pays off in huge dividends even though I only train to impress some fag on the street or a half blind chick who cant ascertain how fucking ugly I trophied for me,I`m doing this for myself.

Oh,did I also mention I do extra high reps with pussified poundages if the urge ever strikes me.....due to my tinfoil knees.


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Re: Best of Getbig - Quotes, Pictures and Videos
« Reply #5283 on: June 05, 2021, 07:25:03 AM »
Re: Matt Canning Has Lakehead U. in Fear, 'revenge is a dish best served cold.'

Matt got fired for racist comments on FB, now he has sour grapes about getting fired and won't leave the topic alone.


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Re: Best of Getbig - Quotes, Pictures and Videos
« Reply #5284 on: June 13, 2021, 08:07:41 AM »
I have been kicked out of public malls and grocery stores and asked not to loiter on sidewalks outside of restaurants and stores for looking homeless


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Re: Best of Getbig - Quotes, Pictures and Videos
« Reply #5286 on: June 17, 2021, 02:12:55 PM »
He may have lost half an ass cheek, but sometimes he was right -



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Re: Best of Getbig - Quotes, Pictures and Videos
« Reply #5287 on: June 18, 2021, 01:46:21 AM »
Oh yeah. I remember when he was sporting a hole in his butt was gross.
The irony.....


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Re: Best of Getbig - Quotes, Pictures and Videos
« Reply #5288 on: June 19, 2021, 11:44:44 AM »
Holy fuck what a queer looking cunt, I long for the days when revolting pieces of shit like this are beaten brutally just for daring to appear in public with zero legal repercussions and maybe even awards for whoever did it


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Re: Best of Getbig - Quotes, Pictures and Videos
« Reply #5289 on: June 20, 2021, 02:57:09 AM »
Re: Official Goodrum - Gains Debate Thread -

The reason I wasn't on camera was that Richard couldn't hear me on the phone that I was using so I had to switch to my laptop which doesn't have a working camera.   
Overall, I think it went well.   Richard is hard to debate and I had already knew what to expect.  He got me on a few things in ethics and I got him on B12 injections, KFC and Burger King.    Its a debate

You always have excuses. Before the debate you said you could handle the ethical issues. Turns out you were exposed as ignorant and misinformed about such matters. Richard clearly made you look like a guy who rambled on but knew very little...

in other words a complete fool. You totally underestimated his abilities whereas you overestimated your own! Some commentators said this was a train wreck. It might have been entertaining in parts but you ended up looking like a nincompoop. I doubt you even comprehend what a debate is.


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Re: Best of Getbig - Quotes, Pictures and Videos
« Reply #5290 on: June 27, 2021, 01:59:25 AM »
If you haven't noticed, I haven't been replying to your posts because I haven't been reading them.

I just skip over when I see your name or user picture.

I know you probably peck at your keyboard, one key at a time, like someone who has never seen a computer before, and so you assume my long posts take me hours to type, because that's how long it would take *you* to type.

I guess that's just one more deficit you have compared to me along with IQ, education level, net worth, strength, speed, hairline, and presumably face too.

Let's both give up to date pictures to a mod in 16 weeks and have him post it on a dating website, and report back to see whose dating profile attracts more women.

Call it a Getbig social experiment.

Oh wait, I forgot - you're forced to hide behind a screen name because you need to work a 9 to 5 to pay your bills, and don't have the personal freedom to speak the way you do without being in hiding.  ;D

Thank you for remembering my previous plan to first cut to 160-lb, then to bulk back up to 175-lb. I'm glad you show so much interest in my posts.

To answer your question:

At the time, I had no adequate place to do proper free weight training. Both options that came available were way across town; one of them was in the carpeted living room in the home of a friend of a friend, and only had one of those lat pulldown machines with plastic coated weights, and dumbbells up to 30-lb. The other option was a proper gym that had everything, but was not only a massive drive, but was $75 an hour, with staggered availability that wasn't particularly convenient.

That would have been an option until I found an AMAZING option that I can't even describe here, given that it's technically still illegal in Ontario.  ::)

Let's just say I talked to enough friends with home gyms, and eventually managed to find something that gave me everything I need for weight, sans the strongman event implements. But I'm not ready yet to train events anyway.

So here is the why I kiboshed that diet to 160-lb:

I didn't expect to get an actual place to train this soon - let alone what I lucked into - and I wasn't willing to buy home equipment because I don't want to do Bowflex training in my basement. I want to train with weights that will definitely damage my floor over time, and so I made the judgment to take the time off and keep asking friends to see if there were options for me.

Then I decided enough was enough, and that by June 1st, I would bite the bullet and buy home equipment, even if that meant a Bowflex, or one of those Wal-Mart lat pulldown machines and whatever dumbbells I can get my hands on [which is actually oddly difficult in Canada for anything heavy], and then - SUCCESS - I lucked into my current training situation by complete happenstance.  :)

I had no way of knowing that would happen, and now that I can train properly, I've decided to just train with weights and drop to 175.

My plan to drop to 160-lb was based on the possibility I wouldn't find a proper place to train with weights, which means dumbbells going to up 120-lb or more.

Basically the cut to 160 was predicated on not being able to weight train, and only being able to go on walks, or buy limited home gym equipment suitable to not destroy my home.

It was a diet I was going to do just to do something to kill time until I had proper training options. I have one now, and since I only need one, I don't need to do a diet-only cut...I can start a full workout and nutrition lifestyle program - setting intermediate and long-term goals as the days and workouts go on.

The 160 cut through diet alone was because I thought that was all I would have access to do. But now I have a way to train I adjusted my goals.

But I'll see where my diet and training takes me, and - who knows? Things change, priorities change - goals change. So time will tell. But for now I am set on getting to 175-lb and lean. Just an everyday health look. If I add anything strong to assist my goals, it will be limited - both in dose and in time.

Lastly, I don't read your posts because some insults are fine with me if you make an intelligent point to. Little if any of what you post is anything intelligent. It's just a drag to read most of your posts, and I don't gain much benefit from doing so. That's why I started just scrolling past when I saw any posts by you, a while back.

I decided to reply to this one just to tell you that.

Being negative is one thing - I don't get the accusations you make of me of being in the closet, because I literally had no idea any homosexuals were still even in the closet, given how much LGBT issues are shoved down our throats on a daily basis.

But you accusing me of being a closet gay.

But bringing up my family, and attacking my role as a father?

Are you a complete piece of shit? It would NEVER occur to me to call someone I don't know a bad father, and even cases where I know of someone is a mostly absentee father, or a father who pays for nothing for his kids, I wouldn't go up and say it to them [mainly because I'm not friends with any bad fathers - but I do know women who have had children with a man who is largely absentee, or otherwise unsupportive].

Truth be told, if we ever met in person, the very first thing I'd do is ask you why you brought up my family on here, and then ask for a apology.

Failing to apologize, I'd come at you like Hannibal Lecter, with the only intention being to literally murder you.

Only one time in my life did someone suggest I wasn't involved with my kids when I see them literally every possible day I can, aside from days they have plans with other family - and given that my kids literally still have *three great grandmothers still alive who live in this city*, and one great grandfather also living here, they often have other family to see.

But I'm with them as much as they possibly can, and for my friend to assume that because I split time with the mothers of my children that I don't see them ALL THE TIME was literally the strangest assumption anyone has ever made in my life.

Specifically, he said "Are you going to abandon this baby when it's born too?", when I excitedly announced the news that my littlest girl was about to born.

I was thinking "WHAT THE FUCK?" And told him I literally just dropped my kids off before stopping my his house.

But that wasn't enough - I fed him a few good shots while he was begging me to stop, and then I just got in my car and drove home.

I got multiple text messages from him apologizing, while on the drive home.

Apparently, when he went inside to explain what happened to his wife, she explained that our kids and their kids had been going swimming together once a week for literally the past five years. Not one of those times did he attend.

Seriously though - what kind of piece of shit would assume how involved a person is with their children, who has absolutely no first-hand knowledge of it?

Most of your posts only suck, and degrade the quality of the board. But accusing me of not being in my children's lives - those are fighting words. And I couldn't give a fuck if in real life you're 6'6" and 325-lb and deadlift 700 - if you breathed a word insinuating I don't love my children or that I'm not actively involved in their lives, I'd come at you like a rabid pitbull.

There are some things you just don't say - and those are fighting words. There's a reason my friend apologized to ME after I smashed him in the face multiple times.

And I know myself - I know I would never tolerate you talking shit like that about my family in real life. You get away with it online. I know what happened to the only man who ever made a comment like the ones you make to me, and it's almost scary to think if it happens again, I could very well be facing a murder charge; at the very least, I'll be charged with assault.

And you know what? I don't give a shit. I'd sooner take an assault charge than to have someone talk shit about my family - my CHILDREN, for fuck's sake.

The fuck is even wrong with you?

If you want to post some strength videos by the end of the year, just to show Getbig I can beat you in every lift - I'm game.

In the meantime, I'm going back to just scrolling past your posts. I figured I would let you know that I have been ignoring your posts for some time now.

I may occasionally peak at one in the future like I peaked at this one - but by and large, I'll just be scrolling past.

Read all my threads if you want and post whatever you want in them. I only ask you keep your attacks about me, and leave my family out of it. But I won't know, because I won't be reading them.

So if you noticed I wasn't replying to anything you post - now you know why. All you do is talk shit about everyone. You contribute nothing of quality to the board. Your posts trashing SJW's, I can respect, but even then - I've never seen you post a logical argument.

All you do is talk shit, and it's just a drag.

So this will be my last reply to you, unless someone informs that you actually start posting anything worth reading, and not just talking shit.

Have a nice day.

For a Downs Syndrome twink, that is quite the pre-teen girl little temper tantrum.

I just want to make sure that “this” person in the photo is who is going to fight me in a street fight?

I know you’re a retard and an attention whore, but making that type of threat is exactly my type of game. Exactly my type of game.

Now get off the fucking internet and go raise your illegitimate kids. But you better start looking over your shoulder now, phaggot.


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Re: Best of Getbig - Quotes, Pictures and Videos
« Reply #5292 on: June 30, 2021, 12:08:02 AM »

Don't people check their posts? Haven't they figured out that you can't quote a quote?


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Re: Best of Getbig - Quotes, Pictures and Videos
« Reply #5294 on: July 09, 2021, 12:13:27 AM »
Board rules? ::) There are no board rules...besides the few pretend rules which are never enforced unless one of the mods wants you gone. This place is a free-for-all circus for freaks.

So no matter what shit Walter 'suck-a-cock' posts, he is here to stay. Accept it.  You can block him by not reading or responding to his asinine, trolling and homophobic posts. He's just another attention whore who has nothing worth anyone's notice. It is sad and telling that some folks here think he is the shits.

Wes says "Welcome to  the thunderdome", meaning if you can't deal with the nonsense, your best bet is to move on. Like it or leave it. If you choose leave it, you are wiser than most, including me.


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Re: Best of Getbig - Quotes, Pictures and Videos
« Reply #5295 on: July 09, 2021, 05:21:26 AM »
Yeah, I'm old, some might like to say soggy and I am queer. 

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Re: Best of Getbig - Quotes, Pictures and Videos
« Reply #5299 on: July 12, 2021, 08:12:53 AM »
I'm sure you're all familiar with the bitcoin by now. But what you might not know is that there is a whole ecology of alternative cryptocurrencies being brought to market (initially just mined, then put on an exchange and traded for fiat) with their own special functions -- e.g., coins whose mining sends computational power to BOINC research projects (gridcoin).

As CEO of Vincent Goodcome Enterprises, I'm always looking for ways to innovate and expand my burnt appendages into new markets. Today I'd like to share my latest innovation:

Introducing, the Goodcoin (GOC)