Author Topic: how much gains can one expect from a 1st time 6 week dbol only cycle?  (Read 58589 times)


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Re: how much gains can one expect from a 1st time 6 week dbol only cycle?
« Reply #75 on: September 04, 2013, 10:20:10 PM »
wait are you saying oral turinabol the weakest steroid out there, is stronger than dbol? ???
the guy said something (sdrol) was like 10 times weaker than the dbol. that would mean more like 1/10 the strength. hth


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Re: how much gains can one expect from a 1st time 6 week dbol only cycle?
« Reply #76 on: September 05, 2013, 01:33:45 PM »
a i always confuse superdrol and halodrol, sorry, halodrol is the weak shit.

borracho i dont see why dbol cant be run 3 months, you just run it and when sides like bad skin etc start, change to something else.

the REAL original halodrol from gaspari that was only sold for about a month blows superdrol away. Most people have never tried the original Halodrol-50 with the Tbol precursor and the DMT(desoxy Methyl Testosterone) plus the masking agent . Very few people got to try the first run gaspari halodrol-50 most people have only tried the gaspari Tbol-precursor that was put out after they pulled the original halodrol-50, same with H-drol and all the clones those were all just Tbol precursors you cannot compare those to the original gaspari limited first rfun halodrol-50. I have tried superdrol and the original halodrol-50 and the halodrol-50 rocked the superdrol but superdrol is pretty close if made with high quality raws. Pretty close you get some very rapid gains with very limited water retention ,makes you basically explode with muscle. But it is just as toxic as superdrol and alot of guys got sick within days. I pulled a 30 days on it wich was one box. It was great shit. def best oral I have tried.


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Re: how much gains can one expect from a 1st time 6 week dbol only cycle?
« Reply #77 on: September 05, 2013, 01:38:48 PM »
wait are you saying oral turinabol the weakest steroid out there, is stronger than dbol? ???

I wouldn't say Turinabol is a the weakest compound. I got some very high grade Turinabol from the original british Dragon back in 05 and I sent them to SRCS and they were 9.2mg labelled as 10mg so it would of passed USA standards as something that could be labelled as 10mg as they give a 10% margin of error either way wether short 10% or over 10% and that Tbol blew me up nicely. I used it solo for a month and after 3 weeks I was up 11 lbs lean just a touch of water weight. It was def like a mild dbol as advertised. I think winstrol is the weakest AAS I have tried.


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Re: how much gains can one expect from a 1st time 6 week dbol only cycle?
« Reply #78 on: September 05, 2013, 03:26:55 PM »
Real turinabol and superdol are good steroids. I think the problem is that after legislation(or lack of) some companies marketed products with similar names but completely different substances giving them a bad rep....


4-Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone, sold under the brand name Oral Turinabol, is an anabolic steroid. It is a chlor-substituted version of methandrostenolone (Dianabol). Turinabol was the first original product of Jenapharm, an East German pharmaceutical company. The patent registration took place in 1961. The idea of combining the structures of 4-chlorotestosterone and methandrostenolone originated from the chemist Albert Stachowiak.[citation needed] At the time this represented a unique dissociation of anabolic and androgenic effects after oral administration.[1] The product had been introduced for clinical use in 1965. Turinabol was the key steroid administered to approximately 10,000 athletes from East Germany (GDR). The doping program was run by the East German Government from about 1968 thru until 1989 when the Berlin wall was destroyed. The doping program was known as STASI 14.25. The doping was done in secret and it was only in the 1990's when Franke and Berendonk looked closely at the original archived information was the true scope of just how well-planned and successful the doping regime had been (in terms of medal success and world record performances). [2]


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Re: how much gains can one expect from a 1st time 6 week dbol only cycle?
« Reply #79 on: September 05, 2013, 06:26:17 PM »
so maybe i didn't have real superdrol then...

maybe i'll post up some pics here soon to show you dudes what a fast and dramatic effect that dbol is having upon my physique

i gotta say that i'm falling in love with the gym again (no homo) and that i trained barbell squats today and that i may even just stick with them this time

maybe my love for the gym and training is because of such fast and dramatic results that i'm getting from this dbol, or maybe it's because of dbol's "feel good" properties, or maybe a bit of both


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Re: how much gains can one expect from a 1st time 6 week dbol only cycle?
« Reply #80 on: September 06, 2013, 01:01:49 AM »
so maybe i didn't have real superdrol then...

maybe i'll post up some pics here soon to show you dudes what a fast and dramatic effect that dbol is having upon my physique

i gotta say that i'm falling in love with the gym again (no homo) and that i trained barbell squats today and that i may even just stick with them this time

maybe my love for the gym and training is because of such fast and dramatic results that i'm getting from this dbol, or maybe it's because of dbol's "feel good" properties, or maybe a bit of both

probably a bit of both it is nice to go to the gym and actually feel like you are making progress especially when you can see it in the mirror. Have you had alot of people ask you why you are getting big so fast? dbol can give a little facial bloat and usually that is what tips people off.


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Re: how much gains can one expect from a 1st time 6 week dbol only cycle?
« Reply #81 on: September 06, 2013, 02:44:32 AM »
yeah, a few of my students have made comments and said something about it

and this face bloat thing ain't such a bad thing for me, being as i'm quite ripped and when i'm ripped like this, then i have a skelator face lol

but the thing is, my bod isn't getting bloated which is a great thing, you see, i'm a naturally "dry guy" and this is one of my genetic blessings, but being a true ectomorph isn't such a great genetic blessing :'(


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Re: how much gains can one expect from a 1st time 6 week dbol only cycle?
« Reply #82 on: September 07, 2013, 07:50:45 AM »
nah it doesnt help,

all one can do is maybe bit clomid and letro afterwards, but that wont help so greatly, the letro will eventualy rebound, but it can reduce damage.

as for the limp dick,sure you forgot the estrogen water bloat for no reason,lol, but viagra might temporarily help.

i feel bit sorry for the kids who do dbol only cycles, but to each their own, must learn hard way.


If you have to chose between anavar and dboll wat should be your choice?


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Re: how much gains can one expect from a 1st time 6 week dbol only cycle?
« Reply #83 on: October 02, 2013, 10:47:21 AM »
i'm 5 weeks in and my bodyweight is up 5 kg, which is 11 pounds and my ab skinfold is only up 1 mm

what's shocking is that i'm eating shit, like micky d's and tons of ice cream and cookies and i'm still quite lean, sitting @ 7-8% 8)

i'm convinced that either this superdol i had was shit or dbol really likes me ;D

my lats and delts have really grown and i'm starting to take on the look of a bodybuilder :)


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Re: how much gains can one expect from a 1st time 6 week dbol only cycle?
« Reply #84 on: October 02, 2013, 11:28:33 AM »
i'm 5 weeks in and my bodyweight is up 5 kg, which is 11 pounds and my ab skinfold is only up 1 mm

what's shocking is that i'm eating shit, like micky d's and tons of ice cream and cookies and i'm still quite lean, sitting @ 7-8% 8)

i'm convinced that either this superdol i had was shit or dbol really likes me ;D

my lats and delts have really grown and i'm starting to take on the look of a bodybuilder :)

welcome to the dark side... now you'll forever be chasing gains. you'll go off and realize "shit, I gotta go back on"... and you'll forever be #1not big enough #2 not separated enough #3 not hard enough & #4 not vascular enough.. lol... you'll always think "I can get just a lil better...", go to an NPC show and sit in the audience and realize, "wtf... I should've entered this show" and you'll be off to the races.

Kim Jong Bob

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Re: how much gains can one expect from a 1st time 6 week dbol only cycle?
« Reply #85 on: October 02, 2013, 11:48:11 AM »
his dbol is not crazy. I don;t know how many brands you have tried though. never tried his superdrol though he must have added the superdrol in the last year. I bet it is good though it is probably made with good raws. Any superdrol made with good raws will blow most dbol away. the purity really makes a diffrence.
have you ever tried those old real russian dbols that came in blister packs and im blue writing  something like methapohoctenon ln the backside?  They where fucking brutal. Was btw the early 2001 and 2003 i took them.. Have never come over dbol that are near them. Could take 3 5mg and blew up like crazy.


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Re: how much gains can one expect from a 1st time 6 week dbol only cycle?
« Reply #86 on: October 02, 2013, 12:33:48 PM »
welcome to the dark side... now you'll forever be chasing gains. you'll go off and realize "shit, I gotta go back on"... and you'll forever be #1not big enough #2 not separated enough #3 not hard enough & #4 not vascular enough.. lol... you'll always think "I can get just a lil better...", go to an NPC show and sit in the audience and realize, "wtf... I should've entered this show" and you'll be off to the races.
AMEN I've been the guy that preached this same sermon and hooked dudes up and they are like na I'll just do a 3 month run BULLSHIT !!!!!! You start looking better feeling better getting female's attention and now have the nerve to approach chicks,,, ha


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Re: how much gains can one expect from a 1st time 6 week dbol only cycle?
« Reply #87 on: October 02, 2013, 12:53:55 PM »
have you ever tried those old real russian dbols that came in blister packs and im blue writing  something like methapohoctenon ln the backside?  They where fucking brutal. Was btw the early 2001 and 2003 i took them.. Have never come over dbol that are near them. Could take 3 5mg and blew up like crazy.

define "blew up like crazy"

how much how fast?

i was training every goddamn day, due to me being a very compulsive individual, but this past week i actually took 3 days off completely and i grew more and faster this week than i have during any of the other weeks (all this while staying at the same dose) so this basically tells me not to train every goddamn fucking day LOL

Kim Jong Bob

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Re: how much gains can one expect from a 1st time 6 week dbol only cycle?
« Reply #88 on: October 02, 2013, 01:19:49 PM »
define "blew up like crazy"

how much how fast?

i was training every goddamn day, due to me being a very compulsive individual, but this past week i actually took 3 days off completely and i grew more and faster this week than i have during any of the other weeks (all this while staying at the same dose) so this basically tells me not to train every goddamn fucking day LOL
dont remember the numbers it was 10 years ago but  it was a big difference in the feel of it. And i always blew up lets say 10kg in 4-5weeks  with test e now maybe 6kg..numbers could be a little wrong was 10 years ago...but one thing i remember was how they made me feel.  More agression in the gym and the pump was waaay better.  I hade pump in the muscles 2-3 hours sfter i took some dbols to without going to the gym


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Re: how much gains can one expect from a 1st time 6 week dbol only cycle?
« Reply #89 on: October 02, 2013, 01:26:26 PM »
dont remember the numbers it was 10 years ago but  it was a big difference in the feel of it. And i always blew up lets say 10kg in 4-5weeks  with test e now maybe 6kg..numbers could be a little wrong was 10 years ago...but one thing i remember was how they made me feel.  More agression in the gym and the pump was waaay better.  I hade pump in the muscles 2-3 hours sfter i took some dbols to without going to the gym

thanks for the feedback

when i was on the superdrol i tried to "bulk" 2 different times and i did gain a bit but i basically just got fatter

this time around i'm "bulking" as well, but now it's lean gains and not fat gains :)


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Re: how much gains can one expect from a 1st time 6 week dbol only cycle?
« Reply #90 on: October 03, 2013, 03:16:58 AM »
welcome to the dark side... now you'll forever be chasing gains. you'll go off and realize "shit, I gotta go back on"... and you'll forever be #1not big enough #2 not separated enough #3 not hard enough & #4 not vascular enough.. lol... you'll always think "I can get just a lil better...", go to an NPC show and sit in the audience and realize, "wtf... I should've entered this show" and you'll be off to the races.

lol totally right.... ;D


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Re: how much gains can one expect from a 1st time 6 week dbol only cycle?
« Reply #91 on: October 03, 2013, 10:24:30 AM »
best dbol ever.
10mg is fine, 20/25mg is hard to support.

what do you mean by "hard to support"

also, i vary the dose from day to day, but i stay within the range of 20 mg minimum to 40 mg maximum

my plan is to take the dbol til i'm around 80 kg and then switch up compounds and go to var and see if it really is a "hardener" as it's claimed to be

i sometimes think bout trying to go to a ripped 90 kg but i'm not sure i want to go that far and maybe i'll be satisfied with being a RIPPED 75-80 kg

and yeah, i gotta admit that this post pissed me the fuck off >:( >:( >:(

why? coz it's probably fucking true lol

welcome to the dark side... now you'll forever be chasing gains. you'll go off and realize "shit, I gotta go back on"... and you'll forever be #1not big enough #2 not separated enough #3 not hard enough & #4 not vascular enough.. lol... you'll always think "I can get just a lil better...", go to an NPC show and sit in the audience and realize, "wtf... I should've entered this show" and you'll be off to the races.

Kim Jong Bob

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Re: how much gains can one expect from a 1st time 6 week dbol only cycle?
« Reply #92 on: October 03, 2013, 12:47:05 PM »
My muscles gets hard as stone when im on dbol. Like a fucking rock even if im offseason. And when i stop they get softer (still hard)  even if im on 1gram t and eq. I love the feeling on dbol, its like you go around with a little pump in all of your muscles  even if you havent trained.


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Re: how much gains can one expect from a 1st time 6 week dbol only cycle?
« Reply #93 on: October 03, 2013, 04:50:22 PM »
Just bumped mine up to 40 ed .... fucking awesome pumps


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Re: how much gains can one expect from a 1st time 6 week dbol only cycle?
« Reply #94 on: October 05, 2013, 12:13:11 PM »
I know a ton of guys who did Dbol only for their first cycle.  It's not the best, but whatever, at least you are thinking in the right direction.

I'd start off with 30mg per day and keep your diet tight.  You might gain some water, but you will look swole.

It gives you a mild boost mentally, just like most AAS do and you will feel good overall.


I ran D as my first non pro hormone "real cycle" and had great results at 50mg/day. I gained @ 15lbs but my nipples felt very sore and the gains slipped away as fast as they came on when I stopped.

Kim Jong Bob

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Re: how much gains can one expect from a 1st time 6 week dbol only cycle?
« Reply #95 on: October 05, 2013, 12:27:13 PM »
Dbol is my fav steroid. I love the feeling of it and the pump i get in and off the gym. Last time i ran it 8weeks on 50-80mg together with eq and test e and i will def do those 3 compounds together more times


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Re: how much gains can one expect from a 1st time 6 week dbol only cycle?
« Reply #96 on: October 05, 2013, 12:42:11 PM »
80 mg :o

from all the sources i've read online they say to keep the dose somewhere btw 15-50 mg per day and that the "sweet spot" is usually @ 40 mg

Kim Jong Bob

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Re: how much gains can one expect from a 1st time 6 week dbol only cycle?
« Reply #97 on: October 05, 2013, 12:46:56 PM »
80 mg :o

from all the sources i've read online they say to keep the dose somewhere btw 15-50 mg per day and that the "sweet spot" is usually @ 40 mg
nah i know many guys that go 100 and even 200. But if this was the old russians i wouldt probably go over 50mg but these new ug i had wasnt as powerfull. But i dont belive there is a sweetspot at 40mg. If you take more the more you grow. But i lile to keep them btw 40 and 80 mg. Nevee gone higher


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Re: how much gains can one expect from a 1st time 6 week dbol only cycle?
« Reply #98 on: October 05, 2013, 01:42:36 PM »
fuck it then, i'll jump up to 60 mg then 8)

i'm gonna fucking hit 181 or die trying LOL


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Re: how much gains can one expect from a 1st time 6 week dbol only cycle?
« Reply #99 on: October 05, 2013, 05:23:29 PM »
nah i know many guys that go 100 and even 200. But if this was the old russians i wouldt probably go over 50mg but these new ug i had wasnt as powerfull. But i dont belive there is a sweetspot at 40mg. If you take more the more you grow. But i lile to keep them btw 40 and 80 mg. Nevee gone higher

I've run 150-200/day... can't say it's any better than 100-150 though... same as drol, gains from 250/day arnb't much better than 150/day.... and my stuff is as good as it gets.

that being said, the 'sides' from 150+ are no different from 50mg/day.