Author Topic: Fast Food Workers - We want $15 and hour!  (Read 17852 times)


  • Getbig V
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The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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In Sweden the Big Mac is equal to $7.29 and in Norway $9.63.
And guess what the average wage is?  Then compare it to the average house size and land they (don`t) own.  Good luck trying to buy a car and drive there.  ;)

Being black there would be even worse. Nobody would hire you. lol

Their social programs are good for the size of their country, but that would never work here.   Plus they have a totally different culture and way of life.


  • Getbig V
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  • Child of Y'srael
And guess what the average wage is?  Then compare it to the average house size and land they (don`t) own.  Good luck trying to buy a car and drive there.  ;)

Being black there would be even worse. Nobody would hire you. lol

Their social programs are good for the size of their country, but that would never work here.   Plus they have a totally different culture and way of life.

You clearly have never left the borders of this country. I've been treated better in other countries vs. here. You're a fool.

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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The Ronald McDonald House?! U can't be serious!!!
Giving Back
How McDonald’s Revolutionized Corporate Philanthropy


  • Getbig V
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  • Royalty is a schmoe-cel.
The Ronald McDonald House?! U can't be serious!!!

Why not?

But on another note... dont want to pay employees better wages, but take earnings from those employees and give it away to charities?

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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You clearly have never left the borders of this country. I've been treated better in other countries vs. here. You're a fool.
A moron black man who thinks the Universe is 6000 years old and campaigned for Ron Paul, doesn`t believe in paying taxes and believes in Mayan Prophecies smack dab in the middle of a White, Atheist, Socialist country with no blacks.  What could go wrong?   :D

I`m Suuuuuuuuure they would just LOVE to have you there.  ::)  :D


  • Getbig V
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  • Child of Y'srael
A moron black man who thinks the Universe is 6000 years old and campaigned for Ron Paul, doesn`t believe in paying taxes and believes in Mayan Prophecies smack dab in the middle of a White, Atheist, Socialist country with no blacks.  What could go wrong?   :D

I`m Suuuuuuuuure they would just LOVE to have you there.  ::)  :D

LOL. Are you going to send them my getbig profile?


  • Getbig V
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A Big Mac is not worth 7 dollars.  Only a moron like you would pay that kind of price and think nothing of it. Hell, you`d probably charge it on a credit card.

i wouldn't pay 5 cents for a big mac because it's crap, you on the other hand swallow them like tic tacs

if you like them so much you should think nothing of dropping a measly 7 bucks on one but you can't afford that as you mentioned :)


The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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  • Fear is proof of a degenerate mind.
LOL. Are you going to send them my getbig profile?
I don`t think you would make it past immigration anyways.  :D

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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  • Fear is proof of a degenerate mind.
i wouldn't pay 5 cents for a big mac because it's crap, you on the other hand swallow them like tic tacs

if you like them so much you should think nothing of dropping a measly 7 bucks on one but you can't afford that as you mentioned :)

I prefer Hardees.  :D

Voice of Doom

  • Getbig IV
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250 years ago great men wrote down this:

We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

And make it the basis for a free society.  It doesn't say you have a "right" to be paid a certain amount, or make a certain amount, or travel where they tell you, or live where they tell you.  It says you have rights, just from being born, that include the "pursuit of happiness".

Other rights included are here and some of you son's of bitches on this thread to read and learn.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

that means you worship they way you want but keep it the fuck to yourself.  It means you can say what you want and can assemble to countenance your representatives in office without fear of jail, or murder or beatings (which were common in Europe)

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Pretty self evident.  It means that free men can arm themselves to perserve these freedoms.

"No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law."
This means your property is yours.  It's NOT on loan to you to be used by the state for their purposes or suppressions.  Again, a common practice in Europe

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized"

This means the State, the Church, the Lord of the Land or the King cannot take your things without due process.  That private property is the bedrock of free men.

"No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation"

This means you cannot be railroaded into prison by the State, Church, Lord of the Lands or Kings or their whim.  That you have a right to a trial by jury, the chance to face your accuser and the requirement of evidence.  Again, a common practice in Europe for people who had fallen out of favor with the powers that be.

You can read the rest of your "rights" online but what you won't find is a "right" to someone else's money...a "right" to be paid a certain amount a "right" to someone else's services (healthcare).  You're given terrible freedom at birth and you have to fight to maintain it.  The rest of you arguing that life isn't fair can fuck off back to commie-land where a bureaucrat determines your life for you. >:(


  • Getbig V
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  • Child of Y'srael
I don`t think you would make it past immigration anyways.  :D

Yawn. I've been to more countries than you ever will Adam.

Jack T. Cross

  • Getbig V
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"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized"

This means the State, the Church, the Lord of the Land or the King cannot take your things without due process.  That private property is the bedrock of free men.

Nice, bro. But it means so much more than that.

It has also been completely disregarded by those who would most benefit by such disregard.

Princess L

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Why not?

But on another note... dont want to pay employees better wages, but take earnings from those employees and give it away to charities?

McDonald's pays their full time employees VERY well,; managers, supervisors, ops, etc.  Single store mgt. start over $40K.  Supervise 5 stores = $75K+ car & other expenses + lots of perks.  Territory managers = 6 figures + MANY other perks, including nice cars and a few trips per year.


  • Getbig V
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True Adonis do you even work? Degree?

Roger Bacon

  • Getbig V
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  • Roger Bacon tries to be witty and fails
True Adonis do you even work? Degree?

You can't dispute his point, so you attempt to discredit him personally?   ::)

Whether he's a Rhodes Scholar, or middle school dropout is irrelevant. 

Roger Bacon

  • Getbig V
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  • Roger Bacon tries to be witty and fails
Good for them. I hope they get it. If you take the $2.00 minimum wage Martin Luther King Jr. wanted back in his day and adjust it for inflation, it equals to 15.25 today. The should be a mandatory minimum wage of at least $15.00 per hour. Republicans will argue it will cause them not to hire or spend money on their businesses. Too fucking bad. There's been nothing to show raising the minimum wage has a negative effect on business overall. Look back in history. It never has. The poor and the people that aren't that blessed (or cursed) with intellect have the right to earn a living to take care of their family. The companies make billions of dollars and it can be said since it's not automated yet, no fast foodworkers, no fast food.

I've never worked fast food and never would. But these people take a beating on a daily basis from assholes around the country for shit money. At least $15.00 would kinda make it worth and would put them in a better financial situation. Then you can kick people off welfare and that's alot of money saved there also.

No one is forcing anyone to work, ever hear of the Thirteenth Amendment?

Roger Bacon

  • Getbig V
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  • Roger Bacon tries to be witty and fails
Hahaha..legit LOL at the creativity of this post.

The guy is a legit genius, I wish I knew the Falcon in real life.  We would spend our days laying laminate flooring, and painting rental units.  8)


  • Getbig V
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  • Child of Y'srael
No one is forcing anyone to work, ever hear of the Thirteenth Amendment?

I know you're a kid. But you're also a man. So please don't give pathetically weak excuses that will never result in solving a problem. "If you don't like it, get out". Has never solved anything. And why you are mimicking the behaviors of this elite scum when they don't give a shit about you any more than anyone else, escapes me.

Natural Man

  • Getbig V
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Working a McD type job is not intended to nor was it ever intended to support a family.  It's an ENTRY LEVEL position ::)

The majority of workers who earn a minimum wage in the US work outside of the restaurant industry. In reality, only 5% of the 10 million restaurant employees earn the minimum wage. Those who do are predominantly teenagers working part-time.  According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 71% of minimum-wage employees in the restaurant industry are under the age of 25 and 47% are teenagers.
Politicians, labor unions and the media portray service jobs as inferior or less valuable to society than other kinds of employment. Instead of degrading this type of hard work, critics might consider the pride that many restaurant workers take in their jobs and the skills they learn.
Many Americans rely on the additional income and flexibility of these jobs.  Most restaurant workers are students with irregular schedules, teenagers saving for school or people who need a job with flexible hours that fit their busy lives.  Part-time, entry-level work fills a critical need in the nation's workforce.
85% percent of minimum wage employees are students, young people without kids or the second or third wage earner in their family. The average household income of a minimum wage earner is $62,507.
Restaurants train inexperienced workers – teaching them the skills they will need to succeed on any career path, whether in the foodservice industry, or elsewhere.
Ultimately, the fast food strike hurts and exploits low-wage workers, stifles recovery, and creates an environment where it is harder for young people to get their first jobs. If only the economically illiterate mainstream media could explain this instead of simply filming crowds.  ::)

there s just a little problem... when adults get fired left and right everywhere, they have to go work in fast foods because nobody else wants them anymore, too old... There, they re facing the competition of younger people, old people who got fired just like them, and immigrants. Life is war!

How many times does it have to be told. Currently, worldwide, not just in north america, THERE ARE TOO MANY PEOPLE OF ALL AGES, QUALIFICATIONS, ORIGINS, AND NOT ENOUGH JOBS FOR THEM ALL.

Roger Bacon

  • Getbig V
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Well there's intent and there's actuality. And in it's actuality, if these fast food or minimum wage jobs period have helped keep the 3.6 million people paid minimum wage and below employed and able to help provide necessities and luxuries for their families. Minimum wage is just that. The minimum amount of money they are allowed to pay you by law. Laborers., and the people get shit on by everyone and get paid shit money. But I remember working my minimum wage days and your average person can attest that you probably physically "worked" the hardest in those shit jobs. The federal min. wage in 1968 was $1.60. Adjusted for inflation is $10.47 per hour. So for anyone to argue that it shouldn't be at least that is a piece of shit or an idiot. It's going to vary state to state because of cost of living. e.g. It's more expensive to live in the city in New York and Los Angeles vs. Tupelo, Mississippi and San Antonio, Texas. So naturally min. wage is going to be higher in New York and L.A. and . So with the min. wage at 10.47 (adjusted for inflation) $15.00 dollars isn't out of the question at all depending on where you live. And as inflation increases minimum wage increases. If it were to decrease (not likely) the minimum wage would decrease.  

Like it or not, this is our new normal (till it gets worse). The people are usually fooled into thinking the stock market is an indicator as to how the economy is doing. It's not. unemployment is still high and these jobs popping up are part time jobs for the most part and people that quit looking for work are not counted in the numbers.  So these minimum wage jobs have much more value to them now. Lets say the wage is set at $15.00 an hour in this economy. You'll have a totally different applicant than you had before. smarter (on average) and more experienced. So the employer if he or she is hiring the correct way will certainly be getting their money's worth.  Businesses can easily absorb a higher minimum wage—with a small price increase or a small reduction in already very high profits. The argument that a higher minimum wage will be a job killer simply doesn’t pass the sniff test of basic economic arithmetic, and is contradicted by reams of serious economic research.

What it ends up being is plain and simple. The greedy rich in the big industries that have corporations that employ a mass of min. wage workers don't want to give up ANYTHING. Even if it doesn't really affect them. It's the principle to them. Make most money at all cost, including breaking the rules.  And do they have you all fighting their battle for them and you get jack shit for it.

I liked you way more before you disappeared and lost your marbles a while back.

Roger Bacon

  • Getbig V
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McDonald's Corp. more than tripled the pay packages last year for  CEO  Jim Skinner. ... In 2012, his pay package went up to $27.7 million from $8.8 million.

Hard working mofo

I think you're confusing value with physical labor or something.

I can go out and hire people capable of running a McDonald's Restaurant all day long, in any city around the world.

Try finding a guy capable of running a Fortune 500 company at their level.  It won't be very easy.

Natural Man

  • Getbig V
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What it ends up being is plain and simple. The greedy rich in the big industries that have corporations that employ a mass of min. wage workers don't want to give up ANYTHING. Even if it doesn't really affect them. It's the principle to them. Make most money at all cost, including breaking the rules.  And do they have you all fighting their battle for them and you get jack shit for it.

You are right. But still, in the end, they ll kick your ass, cause you re poor , dumb and defenseless compared to the security they can pay themselves.

Roger Bacon

  • Getbig V
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I liked you way more before you disappeared and lost your marbles a while back.

I didn't mean that captain Wiggins  :).

Seriously though, you've done a 180, you use to be a completely different guy...

Roger Bacon

  • Getbig V
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  • Roger Bacon tries to be witty and fails
People use to be thankful for employment, maybe we need another great depression?  It did wonders for my grandparents generation.  Then the baby-boomers came along...  ::)

Instead of punishing people that provide us with jobs, lets instead punish people who haven't employed anyone?
