Author Topic: Ronnie's health.  (Read 22093 times)


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Re: Ronnie's health.
« Reply #25 on: December 30, 2005, 08:21:02 PM »
Yeah...I know he is on drugs, but I wouldn't doubt if he is on less than some other pros or that he goes off for longer periods or something like that.  I also would bet that a guy in my gym who is 46 and has been juicing since he was 20 has probably done more in his lifetime than Ronnie.

Yeah, he probably does a boatload - but would he necessarily do more than tons of other people out there?  People single him out health wise because he is the champ, and I don't think that's completely fair.

  For genes to make a 5'11 guy, weight 290 lbs at 5% bodyfat, it would have to be genes from a silverback gorilla or grizzly bear. Sorry, but Ronnie's size is outside the realm of what Human genes can ordinarily do. He takes SHITLOADS of the sauce. Would other guys, with lesser genetics, be as big as Ronnie if they took as much sauce as he does? That's beyond the point. The point is that his genes, by themselves, would never be able to allow him to grow that big.



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Re: Ronnie's health.
« Reply #26 on: December 30, 2005, 08:34:22 PM »
Certainly. But notice a lot of the guys who have come down with health problems (e.g., Mike Morris) haven't been even close to Ronnie's level? He isn't necessarily the least healthy just because he is the most competitive.

Also, Ronnie gets a full blood panel and scans for his heart and organs done every two months. He is on a pharmacy of vitamin supplements probably including beta blockers too. How many pros can make that claim?

I'm sure a lot of pros are like Tom Prince and get virtually no health checkups at all. From what I gathered, Tom had never bothered with it.

Good point. I dont think for a minute this issue is solely Ronnie's problem. As you say lots of other Pros have had issues with health(Prince, Wheeler, Matarazzo, Morris etc)

Two things I would like to point out however:

1) Nobody carries Ronnies Mass. This means that with all things being equal he is much more likely to have Heart/Organ problems. than a BB 50 - 70ILBS lighter.

2) Ronnie may take all the steps in the world to ensure he is as healthy as possible but that does not mean imunity from ill health. He carries a lot of his mass around his vital organs - not good.

As you quite rightly point out it is good to hear he takes steps to insure his health.

However When i see his distended gut and 300LBS physique i cant help wondering..........

Big N

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Re: Ronnie's health.
« Reply #27 on: December 30, 2005, 11:03:20 PM »
Some of u guys seem so busy to diss an awesome bodybuilder, but then again some of ya'll get worried about his health?

Am i missin' somethin' here  ::)


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Re: Ronnie's health.
« Reply #28 on: December 30, 2005, 11:23:27 PM »
Some of u guys seem so busy to diss an awesome bodybuilder, but then again some of ya'll get worried about his health?

Am i missin' somethin' here  ::)

  If he dies, we can't diss him anymore...



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Re: Ronnie's health.
« Reply #29 on: December 30, 2005, 11:28:07 PM »

Also, Ronnie gets a full blood panel and scans for his heart and organs done every two months.  He is on a pharmacy of vitamin supplements probably including beta blockers too.  How many pros can make that claim?

That's becuase they can't afford it.


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Re: Ronnie's health.
« Reply #30 on: December 30, 2005, 11:33:31 PM »
That's becuase they can't afford it.

  Ironic, huh? To make big bucks, in bodybuilding, you have to either win the O, tha Arnold or the Ironman. To win these shows, you need to spend a shitload of cash on drugs. In other words, to make money, in bodybuilding, you need to have money in the first place! :o


Mr. Intenseone

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Re: Ronnie's health.
« Reply #31 on: December 30, 2005, 11:53:26 PM »
I'd be willing to bet he's on less than you might think. Someone who's either been on for a long time with small consistant cycles will retain and gain much more than someone who takes alot for shorter cycles, so in retrospect...the person who's been on the longest with smaller cycles doesn't need much to get it back with more and better results!


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Re: Ronnie's health.
« Reply #32 on: December 31, 2005, 01:34:28 AM »
I'd be willing to bet he's on less than you might think. Someone who's either been on for a long time with small consistant cycles will retain and gain much more than someone who takes alot for shorter cycles, so in retrospect...the person who's been on the longest with smaller cycles doesn't need much to get it back with more and better results!

  I absolutely, positively garantee you, that a man who weights a ripped 290 lbs, at a height of 5'11, is NOT on small doses of sauce. It is impossible. How can a human being synthesize that much muscle protein? People keep talking about genes, but Ronnie, like all other pro bodybuilders, does NOT have outstanding genetics for size! Having outstanding genetics, for size and for bodybuilding, are two very different things.

  Greg Kovacs has outstanding genetics for size, but terrible genetics for bodybuilding. Sorry, dude, but a man at that height, with that frame, has to take GIGANTIC quantities of sauce to get that big. He has to induce muscle protein synthesis, through an increase in RNA-transcrypase, to a ridiculous degree to produce so much actin and myosin! This is logic, bro! Human beings are not bulls; we do NOT have the capacity, to synthesize hundreds of pounds of lean mass, by simply eating and training. To get so big, we MUST change our biochemistries, to a quite dramatic degree. You fool yourselves if you believe, that Ronnie got that big, by taking 200mg of Deca a week. You're delusional!



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Re: Ronnie's health.
« Reply #33 on: December 31, 2005, 06:18:50 AM »
This has come up before but I don't recall any conclusive answers that could be proven with actual scientific or medical information.

If Ronnie gets his blood checked every two months and also gets heart scans done during that time, both of which suggest he is in perfect health, why do people go on about him being so terribly unhealthy?

ok, so he gets up to 335 pounds in the offseason or something close to it - but how many obese people live to 60+?  Lots of them.  Sure, a lot die, but it's not like they're all dropping like flies.  He may or may not do more roids than the next guy - my guess is that there are PLENTY of pros and amateurs and even recreational juicers out there doing just as much.

So why is he so unhealthy?  His blood would suggest he is quite healthy based on self reports, so why does he run the risk of dropping dead any more than any other 41 year old with the same blood profile?

Don Youngblood had a sleep apnea, was a diagnosed diabetic, and had an angioplasty performed on him, and was still looking to make a comeback in 2006 at the age of 52.  That is what causes harm I think - ignoring the writing on the wall.  Ronnie has said he would not go on if his health was compromised.  I personally think he is one of the healthier pros.

matt it sounds like you are justifying your own use of drugs and your own health risks.....

there is no need to justify it.....


Mr. Intenseone

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Re: Ronnie's health.
« Reply #34 on: December 31, 2005, 08:45:09 AM »
  I absolutely, positively garantee you, that a man who weights a ripped 290 lbs, at a height of 5'11, is NOT on small doses of sauce. It is impossible. How can a human being synthesize that much muscle protein? People keep talking about genes, but Ronnie, like all other pro bodybuilders, does NOT have outstanding genetics for size! Having outstanding genetics, for size and for bodybuilding, are two very different things.

  Greg Kovacs has outstanding genetics for size, but terrible genetics for bodybuilding. Sorry, dude, but a man at that height, with that frame, has to take GIGANTIC quantities of sauce to get that big. He has to induce muscle protein synthesis, through an increase in RNA-transcrypase, to a ridiculous degree to produce so much actin and myosin! This is logic, bro! Human beings are not bulls; we do NOT have the capacity, to synthesize hundreds of pounds of lean mass, by simply eating and training. To get so big, we MUST change our biochemistries, to a quite dramatic degree. You fool yourselves if you believe, that Ronnie got that big, by taking 200mg of Deca a week. You're delusional!


I'm not saying he isn't taking alot, I understand what you're saying and took that into consideration before I wrote my post, I meant to say he doesn't need as much as he used to.


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Re: Ronnie's health.
« Reply #35 on: December 31, 2005, 10:04:42 AM »
I`ve no idea what amount Ronnie takes,but a good friend of mine who won the NABBA Universe was on 32 iu of GH a day,and when he got his IFBB Pro card,he spent some time in the US and stayed with various people.He said he was shocked when he was at Nassers and saw him taking double the amount of GH and gear that he took,he said he felt like a beginner.


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Re: Ronnie's health.
« Reply #36 on: December 31, 2005, 10:15:28 AM »

If Ronnie gets his blood checked every two months and also gets heart scans done during that time, both of which suggest he is in perfect health, why do people go on about him being so terribly unhealthy?

The first easy and obvious question to your answer is jealously.  Noone prior to Ronnie have built such an incredibly muscular, ripped physique.  He's brought leg and glute development to levels unseen before and has conditioned himself to the point of near perfection. 

The second reason people make idiotic statements about him being unhealthy is the Body Mass Index factor.  This dumb "number" which takes into consideration your height and weight (with disreguard for any type of training you may persue) says that if you're above a certain number, you're OVERWEIGHT, and below a certain number you're underweight.  Thus, using the BMI index for Ronnie he receives a score between 40 and 42.  OBESE, according to this index, is a BMI of 30 or greater.  Therefore, Ronnie is really a fat bastard, not a muscular sculpture. 

Finally, ignorance.  People enjoy skimming magazine articles, interviews and studies and make half-assed opinions based on conjecture and rumor.  So, Ronnie is really a drug freak with some genetic predisposition to muscle who will soon die of heart failure, kidney disease, or liver failure - according to most idiots.  The reality is that Ronnie is gifted genetically (watch his first video and his mothers biceps - a woman who DOES NOT WORK OUT), trains harder than anyone on the planet, and eats correctly.

The guy is the king, and boldly made that statement last year, and he's correct. Until he decides it's time to step down, he'll never be beaten.

Oh and by the way - why hasn't anyone attacked Fat Jay Cutler's health?  His was the most distended belly on that stage, surpassing even Markus Ruhl whos gut was in control! 


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Re: Ronnie's health.
« Reply #37 on: December 31, 2005, 11:05:20 AM »
The first easy and obvious question to your answer is jealously.  Noone prior to Ronnie have built such an incredibly muscular, ripped physique.  He's brought leg and glute development to levels unseen before and has conditioned himself to the point of near perfection. 

The second reason people make idiotic statements about him being unhealthy is the Body Mass Index factor.  This dumb "number" which takes into consideration your height and weight (with disreguard for any type of training you may persue) says that if you're above a certain number, you're OVERWEIGHT, and below a certain number you're underweight.  Thus, using the BMI index for Ronnie he receives a score between 40 and 42.  OBESE, according to this index, is a BMI of 30 or greater.  Therefore, Ronnie is really a fat bastard, not a muscular sculpture. 

Finally, ignorance.  People enjoy skimming magazine articles, interviews and studies and make half-assed opinions based on conjecture and rumor.  So, Ronnie is really a drug freak with some genetic predisposition to muscle who will soon die of heart failure, kidney disease, or liver failure - according to most idiots.  The reality is that Ronnie is gifted genetically (watch his first video and his mothers biceps - a woman who DOES NOT WORK OUT), trains harder than anyone on the planet, and eats correctly.

The guy is the king, and boldly made that statement last year, and he's correct. Until he decides it's time to step down, he'll never be beaten.

Oh and by the way - why hasn't anyone attacked Fat Jay Cutler's health?  His was the most distended belly on that stage, surpassing even Markus Ruhl whos gut was in control! 

  Dude, Coleman is not healthy. The human body can't be healthy by being constantly bombarded by so many poisons. I don't care what his medical check-up says. I'm sure Ronnie will live less than the average person. Refer to my previous post, where I discuss why Ronnie's physique can only be built by massive doses of drugs.



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Re: Ronnie's health.
« Reply #38 on: December 31, 2005, 04:20:44 PM »
1.) It's not just about your heart health - consider your liver, kidneys, prostate, etc. Down the road any serious complication can arise.  You do not need to have early warning signs. Medical science does not fully understand the long term risks of steroid use and especially GH use. 
   BUT, the pro bodybuilder will never have any other excuse but to die from "old age". They are not allowed to die of any other medical reason or drug use is blamed by the media. Unless it can be proven, this is also faulty reasoning.

2.) I am tired of you kids thinking if you injected all of this crap into your bloodstream, you too (we all) would look like mr. O  years down the road. YOU WON'T. let me say this again, YOU WILL NOT. IT IS ALL ABOUT YOUR GENES. It's like training to make your hair turn purple. Yes, I understand you have to lift, eat , train and take many pharmaceuticals consistently for years, this is essential. But what is also essential is what mommy and daddy gave to you.


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Re: Ronnie's health.
« Reply #39 on: December 31, 2005, 04:39:31 PM »
Ronnie has that old black man skin forming all around his eyes. Not sure if that's health related or just genetic. Other than that, he's at just as much risk as the next guy when it comes to gear usage. I'm sure considering his size and his noted metabolic functions though, he seems to be handling the shit quite well.
   Speaking of his some of the most recent pics of Ronnie ,the whites of his eyes are yellow with a blood shot overtone....not a good sign.
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Re: Ronnie's health.
« Reply #40 on: December 31, 2005, 05:52:02 PM »
   Speaking of his some of the most recent pics of Ronnie ,the whites of his eyes are yellow with a blood shot overtone....not a good sign.

tell me about it.
I am a mini beast


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Re: Ronnie's health.
« Reply #41 on: December 31, 2005, 06:12:16 PM »
You could argue that that photo is just a huge guy trying to regain his breath after posing in compulsories for 30 mins.  Nobody says anything when 300 lb linemen (with much less active tissue mind you) huff on an O2 tank. 
Thing i'd worry about mainly is my joints at that weight.  OUCH!


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Re: Ronnie's health.
« Reply #42 on: December 31, 2005, 06:13:28 PM »
Thing i'd worry about mainly is my joints at that weight.  OUCH!

not only your joints
I am a mini beast


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Re: Ronnie's health.
« Reply #43 on: December 31, 2005, 08:31:20 PM »
He looks like he could go any day to me.


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Re: Ronnie's health.
« Reply #44 on: December 31, 2005, 08:46:28 PM »
I've been to every Mr."O" expo here in Vegas. I remember a few years back seeing Kovacs and Trevor Smith both sitting at the booths with sweat just pouring off their faces . Kovac's old lady kept wiping him off with a rag and Trevor's wife kept handing him paper towels. I was talking to Trevor and without turning around or anything he would just reach out his hand and his wife would hand him towel....crazy!
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Re: Ronnie's health.
« Reply #45 on: December 31, 2005, 11:06:35 PM »
I've been to every Mr."O" expo here in Vegas. I remember a few years back seeing Kovacs and Trevor Smith both sitting at the booths with sweat just pouring off their faces . Kovac's old lady kept wiping him off with a rag and Trevor's wife kept handing him paper towels. I was talking to Trevor and without turning around or anything he would just reach out his hand and his wife would hand him towel....crazy!

probably from DNP


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Re: Ronnie's health.
« Reply #46 on: December 31, 2005, 11:17:42 PM »
probably from DNP
   I don't want to sound too's not clink'n....DNP ??
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Re: Ronnie's health.
« Reply #47 on: December 31, 2005, 11:33:32 PM »


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Re: Ronnie's health.
« Reply #48 on: January 01, 2006, 02:42:58 AM »
   I don't want to sound too's not clink'n....DNP ??

2,4-dinitrophenol to be exact

the first and best "diet pill"....overdose, and its a fine line, and you're dead


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Re: Ronnie's health.
« Reply #49 on: January 01, 2006, 05:55:50 AM »
he lookz healthy to me