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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #725 on: September 11, 2015, 10:04:57 AM »
CNN: Fiorina Makes Cut for Sept. 16 GOP Debate

Image: CNN: Fiorina Makes Cut for Sept. 16 GOP Debate (Newsmax File Photo)
Thursday, 10 Sep 2015

Eleven Republican presidential candidates have qualified for next week's primetime debate, a slate that features the full diversity of the GOP's 2016 class and is believed to be the largest group to share a presidential debate stage in modern political history.

The candidates scheduled to meet for Wednesday's primetime affair, announced Thursday night by debate host CNN, will include former technology executive Carly Fiorina, whose weak polling numbers kept her out of the first debate. But a bump in the polls and an aggressive lobbying effort persuaded CNN to broaden its participation criteria, a coup for Fiorina and GOP officials eager to feature the party's only 2016 female candidate in the nationally televised clash.

But don't expect Fiorina to get as much airtime as Donald Trump, who will be positioned front and center when the candidates meet at the Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California. The undisputed leader in national polls, Trump is generally considered the biggest reason why Fox News Channel reached 24 million people for the first GOP presidential debate last month — the most watched program in Fox News history.

Sharing the stage with Trump and Fiorina at next week's 8 p.m. EDT debate will be former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Ohio Gov. John Kasich.

Republican National Committee officials have praised the diversity of the field, which includes a woman, an African-American and two Hispanics.

Five candidates lagging in national polls did not qualify for the main event and will instead be featured in a 6 p.m. debate in the same venue: former Texas Gov. Rick Perry, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum and former New York Gov. George Pataki.

The final lineup offers few surprises, yet plenty of challenges for candidates and organizers ahead of the crowded affair.

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Anticipating Fiorina's attendance, Trump last week cited the obvious challenges associated with sharing the stage with so many people.

"I don't like the fact there are 11 people there now as I understand it," the billionaire businessman said in a press conference. "There are too many people. Because when you've got 11, you're not going to hear me and you're not going to hear other people talking, and I think that's too bad."

Next week's debate is among five scheduled before the 2016 primary season's first voting contest in Iowa next February.

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #726 on: September 11, 2015, 10:09:19 AM »
He's right.

Jindal Dumps on Trump
Posted on September 10, 2015
by Keith Koffler

Hovering at near zero percent in national polls, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal on Thursday drew some attention to himself with a blistering, highly personal attack on Donald Trump, characterizing the GOP front-runner as an unprincipled narcissist who has no business running the country.

“He’s non-serious. He’s a carnival act,” said Jindal during an appearance at the National Press Club in Washington. “Here’s the truth about Donald Trump. Donald Trump is shallow. He has no understanding of policy. He is full of bluster — he has no substance.”

Trump has the support of nearly 30 percent of Republican voters, according to the most recent RealClearPolitics summary of polls.

“Donald Trump is not a serious candidate,” Jindal said. “He’s a narcissist. He’s an egomaniac. The only thing he believes in is himself.”

Jindal said Trump is without political principles — that he is neither a Republican nor a Democrat. He’s just for Trump.

“Donald Trump is dangerous,” Jindal warned. “The question for conservatives is this: Are we going to rely and trust proven conservative principles or we are going to turn to a man who believes in nothing but himself?”

Jindal flavored his assault with heavy doses of ridicule.

“Just because a lot of people like watching Kim Kardashian — we wouldn’t put her in the White House either,” Jindal said. Trump, of course, has the reality TV show background with “The Apprentice.”

Jindal said the multi-billionaire who is trouncing him in the polls is “weak.”

“He is an entertaining narcissist, but he is still a narcissist,” Jindal said. “Like all narcissists, Donald Trump is insecure and weak. He’s afraid of being exposed. That’s why he tells us, always and constantly, how big and strong and wealthy he is.”

He added that the country won’t become great again “by putting an unserious and unstable narcissist in the White House.”

Jindal’s attack comes just a day after retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, who is second in the polls, said he didn’t have the “impression” that Trump’s religion is a major part of his life.

“I realize where my successes comes from, and I don’t in any way deny my faith in God,” Carson said in differentiating himself from Trump.

Jindal echoed Carson’s skepticism. “It’s clear Donald Trump has never read the Bible. The reason we know he’s never read the Bible? He’s not in the Bible,” Jindal scoffed.

Jindal claimed he likes “the idea of Donald,” saying an outsider willing to go after the D.C. political class is a good thing. The bad thing, according to Jindal, is that it’s Trump.

“Donald Trump himself is full of foolishness and nonsense as well,” Jindal added.

A version of the story first appeared in PoliZette.

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #727 on: September 11, 2015, 04:24:39 PM »
Good decision.  He was never going to be the nominee anyway. 

Perry suspends presidential campaign
Published September 11, 2015

Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry announced Friday that he's suspending his presidential campaign, becoming the first in the crowded Republican field to bow out.

The longest-serving governor in Texas history announced his decision during a speech Friday night in St. Louis before conservative activists.

"I am suspending my campaign for the presidency of the United States," Perry said.

Perry, who also ran in 2012, has struggled to get his campaign off the ground, finding himself strapped for cash and stuck in polling at near 1 percent.

In his St. Louis speech, Perry took some parting, albeit veiled, shots at primary front-runner Donald Trump, saying the eventual nominee "must make the case for the cause of conservatism more than the cause of their own celebrity."

But he went on to say, "We have a tremendous field of candidates -- probably the greatest group of men and women -- I step aside knowing our party is in good hands."

He said the party must "listen to the grassroots, listen to that cause of conservatism."

With the campaign crunched for cash, Perry's‎ senior staff had been volunteering for the past month.

Asked what led to Friday's decision, a source close to the campaign told ‎Perry's team was behind him "all the way" and it was "his decision in the end."

But the source also said: "Finances are never simple when there are 17 candidates, quality candidates, in a presidential race. It's very expensive to run for president, and even more so with so many people in the race."

Perry is the first major candidate to bow out, leaving the field of Republicans at 16 candidates, just days before the next GOP debate.

His former GOP opponents were quick to praise him once he announced he was leaving the race. Donald Trump tweeted that Perry was "a terrific guy and I wish him well." Dr. Ben Carson's statement, delivered via his press secretary, described Perry as a "very decent and fine gentleman" while Jeb Bush tweeted, "Amen. God bless Rick Perry for his continuing commitment to that cause."

At the lead-off GOP debates in August, Perry's polling left him in the undercard debate, but former HP head Carly Fiorina stole the spotlight in that event. She has climbed in the polls since; Perry has not, and was again relegated to a pre-debate forum at next week's debate at the Reagan Library outside Los Angeles.

He still delivered a stronger performance at that first debate than he did four years ago, when he couldn't remember the third federal agency he'd promised to close if elected and muttered, "Oops" -- a moment that doomed his bid in 2012. But few noticed in a GOP campaign dominated by billionaire Donald Trump, who stole away Perry's Iowa campaign chairman after Perry was forced to suspend paying members of his staff as his campaign fundraising dried up.

A group of super PACs, largely funded by three big Perry backers, briefly kept him afloat by raising $17 million, hiring their own Iowa staff and producing television and digital ads and mailers. His decision Friday appeared to come as a surprise to those groups.

A pro-Perry super PAC emailed its supporters Friday morning saying it was back on television in Iowa to promote his candidacy. A Twitter message from the group sent later in the morning further emphasized, "In It For the Long Haul."

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #728 on: September 14, 2015, 10:08:46 AM »
Dropping like a rock.  I thought he would be a contender. 

With dropping polls numbers, Walker cancels events to reportedly focus on Iowa, S. Carolina
Published September 12, 2015

Republican presidential candidate Scott Walker, who has recently dropped in the polls after a much-anticipated start, has dropped out of an upcoming event with the California GOP party.

The Walker campaign said Friday night that the Wisconsin governor cannot attend the state Republican Party’s Saturday night event because of a scheduling conflict but that he hopes to get back to California soon.

However, the campaign told The Washington Post that Walker has also cancelled an event Friday night in Michigan so he can campaign in early-voting states Iowa and South Carolina.

Walker entered the White House race in mid-July touting his experience running a state government (a familiar theme for governors seeking the White House) and as a bona fide conservative capable of taking on and defeating powerful, public sector labor unions.

He entered the race at 11 percent, about 5 percentage points below his high mark of 16 percent in April.

Walker is now at 5 percent, according to an averaging of polls by the non-partisan website And a Quinnipiac University poll released Friday shows him at 3 percent among likely caucus-goers in Iowa, which in February becomes the first state to vote in the presidential primary.

A low finish in either or both Iowa or South Carolina, the third state to vote, frequently results in donors pulling out of campaigns, forcing them to end. New Hampshire votes second.

Walker was scheduled to speak at a California Republican convention in Anaheim, as reported first by The Los Angeles Times. 

Former Ark. Gov. Mike Huckabee is still scheduled to attend the event.

Both have qualified for CNN’s main GOP primary debate Wednesday at the Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, Calif. 

However, they, like most others in the crowded GOP field, have struggled to connect with voters amid the unexpected run by leading candidate Donald Trump.

The Michigan event that Walker will no longer attend is the Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference, according to The Post.

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #729 on: September 14, 2015, 10:10:13 AM »
Club for Growth: Trump 'Worst Republican, Simply Awful'

Image: Club for Growth: Trump 'Worst Republican, Simply Awful'
By Newsmax Wires   
Sunday, 13 Sep 2015

Them be war words.

Club for Growth President David McIntosh released an email letter this weekend saying the group was not going to "back down" in their fight against Donald Trump.

McIntosh claimed Trump is "posing" as an anti-establishment conservative, but in reality he’s a liberal.

The letter accuses the billionaire of supporting single-payer socialized medicine "to the left" of Obamacare; advocating the largest tax increase in history; opposing a flat tax; use of eminent domain laws to seize private property; and protective tariffs that will lead to "massive trade wars."

McIntosh described Trump as the "worst Republican candidate on economic issues" and that "short of Bernie Sanders, he may be the most liberal candidate" in the race.

Trump, for his part, has also trashed the Club on Twitter, claiming they run an "extortion" racket after they asked him for a donation that he declined to give.

The Club responded that the donation ask came after Trump requested to meet with the group and before he revealed his platform.

The Club has earned kudos from conservatives for its long history of holding Republicans in Washington accountable for their voting records.

Now, expect the Twitter firestorm to continue.

Here’s McIntosh’s letter:

Dear Friend:

I’d rather not talk about Donald Trump.

Everyone is talking about Donald Trump and I’d rather talk about just about anything else. But I have to talk about Donald Trump. The Club for Growth has to talk about Donald Trump. There’s simply too much at stake not to talk about Donald Trump.

By now, you may have seen some of the very public clashes between Trump and the Club for Growth. I don’t expect them to end anytime soon.

Because perhaps the only thing that Donald Trump and the Club for Growth have in common is that neither of us back down from a battle, even a tough battle!

The Club believes that Donald is the worst Republican candidate on economic issues – plain and simple. In fact, short of Bernie Sanders, he may be the most liberal candidate in the whole field on fiscal policy.

Not only has Trump been all over the map on some of the Club’s key issues – but he has taken several positions that are downright horrendous!
Trump came out for socialized medicine that was to the left of Obamacare, and he still thinks it works.
Trump proposed the largest tax increase in U.S. history. That’s not easy to do, but Trump did.
Trump not only supported eminent domain to take people’s private property so developers could use it for casinos and amusement parks, he’s tried to do it himself!
Trump jumped on board with Obama’s tax-the-rich mantra, dismissing a flat tax because he wants rates that "graduate upward." Note to Donald: that’s the system we have in place.
Trump doesn’t just saber-rattle about trade wars, he wants to take up the sword and rush the U.S. into massive trade wars with huge tariffs that would be a devastating tax on American businesses and consumers.
Donald Trump poses as anti-establishment. But that’s exactly the problem. He’s posing, just like the reality star he is. Playing a part for the sake of an audience – he really is the worst kind of politician.

The Club for Growth has also built a reputation on being anti-establishment, especially when it comes to fighting against the Republican Party for failing to cut taxes and shrink government.

But that’s the key difference between the Club and Donald Trump. The Club is anti-establishment but it is also FOR something: "Prosperity and Opportunity through Economic Freedom."

The only thing Donald Trump is for – is Donald Trump.

This past week I wrote an op-ed explaining how the failure of Republican leaders in Washington has given birth to the Donald Trump show.

You and I don’t want any more excuses from John Boehner and Mitch McConnell. We want them to fight for the principles they were sent to Washington to defend. And Republicans are angry because they haven’t done the job. So, they’re looking for presidential candidates to stir things up and force real change.

The Club for Growth has done exhaustive work researching the economic liberty records of GOP presidential candidates, and there are decidedly pro-growth candidates with policies that could turn things around.

Donald Trump is absolutely not one of them. His record on taxes, trade, spending, and entitlement reform is simply awful. And his posturing on all sides of issues makes him the worst kind of politician.

So it’s great that Donald Trump is anti-establishment. But I’m more concerned about what he’s FOR than just what he’s against – and we hope you are too.

Best regards,

David McIntosh
President | Club for Growth

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #730 on: September 14, 2015, 10:11:46 AM »
WaPo/ABC Poll: Trump, Carson Surge in Popularity With GOP Voters

Image: WaPo/ABC Poll: Trump, Carson Surge in Popularity With GOP Voters (Getty Images)
By Cathy Burke   
Monday, 14 Sep 2015

Political outsiders Donald Trump and Ben Carson continue to surge in popularity with GOP voters, pulling far ahead of the rest of the Republican presidential primary pack, a new poll shows.

The Washington Post/ABC News survey, released Monday, shows real estate billionaire Trump with 33 percent of Republican-leaning voters and retired pediatric neurosurgeon Carson with 20 percent.

Polling for the rest of the field included:
 Jeb Bush, 8 percent
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, each with 7 percent
Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, 5 percent
Ohio Gov. John Kasich, 3 percent
Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, 2 percent each

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal , Rick Santorum, and former Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who has quit the race, all with 1 percent.
Former Virginia Gov. Jim Gilmore, 0 percent.

In a general election among registered voters, Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton is neck-and-neck with Trump, ahead 46 percent to 43 percent. The poll's margin of error is plus or minus 3.4 percentage points.

In other polling on Democrats, the survey finds:
Clinton was the top choice, at 42 percent, a fall of 21 percent since July's level of support. Her support from women fell to 42 percent, compared with 71 percent in July.

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and Vice President Joe Biden, who has not yet announced his candidacy, follow with 24 percent and 21 percent respectively.


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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #731 on: September 14, 2015, 10:22:41 AM »
WaPo/ABC Poll: Trump, Carson Surge in Popularity With GOP Voters

Image: WaPo/ABC Poll: Trump, Carson Surge in Popularity With GOP Voters (Getty Images)
By Cathy Burke   
Monday, 14 Sep 2015

Political outsiders Donald Trump and Ben Carson continue to surge in popularity with GOP voters, pulling far ahead of the rest of the Republican presidential primary pack, a new poll shows.

The Washington Post/ABC News survey, released Monday, shows real estate billionaire Trump with 33 percent of Republican-leaning voters and retired pediatric neurosurgeon Carson with 20 percent.

Polling for the rest of the field included:
 Jeb Bush, 8 percent
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, each with 7 percent
Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, 5 percent
Ohio Gov. John Kasich, 3 percent
Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, 2 percent each

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal , Rick Santorum, and former Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who has quit the race, all with 1 percent.
Former Virginia Gov. Jim Gilmore, 0 percent.

In a general election among registered voters, Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton is neck-and-neck with Trump, ahead 46 percent to 43 percent. The poll's margin of error is plus or minus 3.4 percentage points.

In other polling on Democrats, the survey finds:
Clinton was the top choice, at 42 percent, a fall of 21 percent since July's level of support. Her support from women fell to 42 percent, compared with 71 percent in July.

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and Vice President Joe Biden, who has not yet announced his candidacy, follow with 24 percent and 21 percent respectively.

Haha Jim Gilmore at 0% :)

Poor bastard can't catch a break. :D

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #732 on: September 14, 2015, 01:01:04 PM »
Dropping like a rock.  I thought he would be a contender. 

With dropping polls numbers, Walker cancels events to reportedly focus on Iowa, S. Carolina

Many people were upset that Walker considered adding violence to the peaceful protests in order to justify cracking skulls. 

He admitted it on that recorded phone call.  Decided against using violence to achieve his political goals (terrorism), so I think many people are forgiving.  He didn't actually use violence against Americans, it was just an option he considered until he thought he'd be caught for it. 

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #733 on: September 14, 2015, 01:17:14 PM »
Haha Jim Gilmore at 0% :)

Poor bastard can't catch a break. :D

At least he'll do better than Perry.   :)

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #734 on: September 14, 2015, 01:17:55 PM »
Many people were upset that Walker considered adding violence to the peaceful protests in order to justify cracking skulls. 

He admitted it on that recorded phone call.  Decided against using violence to achieve his political goals (terrorism), so I think many people are forgiving.  He didn't actually use violence against Americans, it was just an option he considered until he thought he'd be caught for it. 

Only some liberals, internet trolls, 9/11 Troofers . . . .

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #735 on: September 15, 2015, 10:42:03 AM »
Ben Carson draws close behind Donald Trump in national poll
By Tom LoBianco, CNN
Tue September 15, 2015

Washington (CNN)Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson is continuing to ride a surge of support for outsiders, pulling up close behind Donald Trump in the latest CBS News/New York Times poll.

Republican voters nationwide continue to back Trump in large numbers, climbing from 23% support in the last CBS poll, conducted before the Fox News debate last month, to 27% in the poll out Tuesday. But Carson rocketed in that same period from 6% to 23%. The survey also found Carson doing well across demographic groups, edging out Trump among college-educated Republican voters.

The rest of the field, with the exception of Carly Fiorina and Ohio Gov. John Kasich, has slipped behind with Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker falling farthest from 10% support last month to 2% now.

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio all tied for third place with 6%.

The margin of error for the 376-person sample of Republican voters in this newest poll is plus-or-minus 6%, and was conducted Sept. 9-13.

The latest CNN/ORC survey, released last week, showed Carson rising in the polls -- landing at 19% support among Republicans, behind Trump's 32% support. The latest poll from ABC News/Washington Post also showed Trump significantly ahead of Carson.

READ: Donald Trump surges to 32% support

Facing a rising Carson last week, Trump took some potshots at the retired neurosurgeon, even as Carson apologized for questioning Trump's faith.

"We need energy," Trump said last Saturday during a campaign stop in Iowa. "I don't think Ben has the energy. Ben is a nice man, but when you're negotiating against China, and you're negotiating against these Japanese guys who are going to come at you in waves ... we need people that are really smart that have tremendous deal-making skills and have great, great energy."

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #736 on: September 15, 2015, 10:45:05 AM »
Club for Growth Rips 'Worst Republican' Trump in $1 Million Ad Blitz

Image: Club for Growth Rips 'Worst Republican' Trump in $1 Million Ad Blitz (Club for Growth)
By Bill Hoffmann 
Tuesday, 15 Sep 2015

The war of words between Donald Trump and Club for Growth escalated to a new high Tuesday as the conservative political action group launched two nasty TV ads slamming the billionaire developer.

“Club for Growth Action is committed to exposing Donald Trump for the liberal he is on economic policy,” the group said as it announced the release of two 30-second ads which it is paying over $1 million to air.

Story continues below video.

“Donald Trump is the worst Republican candidate on economic issues,” Club for Growth president David McIntosh said.

“It’s astonishing that he’s even running as a Republican. Trump is the most liberal candidate on fiscal policy in the whole field, with the possible exception of Bernie Sanders.

“His angry style may reflect the deep frustration Americans have with Washington leaders who have failed to keep their promises. But the policies he’d implement would benefit himself and his own interests, not the American people. That makes him the worst kind of politician.”

The ads come a week after Trump slammed the group, which advocates limited government and tax cuts, as a “phony” organization for threatening to run negative ads against him after it asked him for a $1 million donation.

Trump called on Club for Growth to release the letter its president, David McIntosh sent on June 2 requesting the donation. When Club for Growth didn't bite, Trump tweeted out a copy of the letter himself.

In a Sept. 6th message on Twitter, Trump wrote: The phony Club For Growth, which asked me in writing for $1,000,000 (I said no), is now wanting to do negative ads on me. Total hypocrites!”

Story continues below video.

But McIntosh said Tuesday:

“Club for Growth Action is committed to exposing Trump for the liberal he is on taxes, trade, health care, and eminent domain.

“These ads let Trump speak for himself, about his Democrat core and his full support for giving government the power to take private property and give it to corporations.”

In one ad, images of Trump, and Democratic candidates Hillary Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders are flashed as viewers are asked, “Which presidential candidate supports higher taxes, national health care, and the Wall Street bailout? It’s Donald Trump.”

Trump is then heard saying, “In many cases, I probably identify more as a Democrat.”

In the second ad, images of property being condemned are shown as a narrator says: “The Supreme Court’s Kelo decision gave government massive new power to take private property and give it to corporations. Conservatives have fought this disaster. What’s Donald Trump say about the decision?”

Trump is heard saying: “I happen to agree with it one hundred percent.”
The Club for Growth narrator continues: Trump supports eminent domain abuse because he can make millions while we lose our property rights. Trump: the worst kind of politician.”

The Club for Growth PAC says it “endorses and raises money for House and Senate candidates who stay true to the fundamental principles of limited government and economic freedom.”


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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #737 on: September 15, 2015, 10:57:01 AM »
As a local resident I can tell you his arrival was right up there with The Cowboys debut game and The Rangers pennant race as far as local buzz was concerned. Parents were pulling their kids out of school to go see him because THE KIDS wanted to see him. haha

I'm thinking this guy might be SUCH a celebrity/pop culture name in a similar way to Hillary that he is definitely going deep in this race and won't be bowing out anytime soon.

Trump Draws 20,000 in Dallas

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #738 on: September 15, 2015, 12:28:37 PM »
As a local resident I can tell you his arrival was right up there with The Cowboys debut game and The Rangers pennant race as far as local buzz was concerned. Parents were pulling their kids out of school to go see him because THE KIDS wanted to see him. haha

I'm thinking this guy might be SUCH a celebrity/pop culture name in a similar way to Hillary that he is definitely going deep in this race and won't be bowing out anytime soon.

Trump Draws 20,000 in Dallas

Meh.  I remember Ron Paul drawing large crowds too.  Like Paul, I think Trump's support is a mile wide and an inch deep.  I agree with Zogby (and others) that Trump is going to fizzle.

Pollster Zogby: Trump Campaign About to Fizzle
By Bill Hoffmann   
Monday, 14 Sep 2015

Donald Trump's presidential campaign is just days from running out of gas and stalling — and those of Jeb Bush and Scott Walker are also on shaky ground, veteran pollster John Zogby tells Newsmax TV.

"Just as Donald Trump has risen, because of personality and because of bluster, he is in control of his own fall," Zogby, CEO of Zogby Analytics, said Monday to J.D. Hayworth on "Newsmax Prime."

"It could be a combination of does he run out of outrageous things to say, can he handle two or three days in a row where he doesn't get enough attention to fuel his ego?"

As well, Zogby said, the campaigns of Bush, former Florida governor, and Walker, the governor of Wisconsin, are also facing their day of reckoning.

"[Bush has] got to start breaking away a little bit. He was the frontrunner," Zogby said.

"But one of the people who could face an extinction tomorrow is Scott Walker as well — if he doesn't give a compelling reason for voting for him, he could easily fall by the wayside. He's on a downward spiral."

Ken Blackwell, former Mayor of Cincinnati and senior fellow at the Family Research Council, who appeared with Zogby, said he was impressed with candidate Carly Fiorina's ad ripping Trump for making fun of her face, noting it will appeal to women.

"She's talking to the largest voting bloc in the American electorate. She's identifying with them and she in fact has ignored Trump. That's something that infuriates Trump, when you ignore him," Blackwell said.

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #739 on: September 16, 2015, 03:29:54 PM »
The GOP Outsiders Rule as Trump, Carson and Carly Top New Poll

Image: The GOP Outsiders Rule as Trump, Carson and Carly Top New Poll  (Getty Images) 
By Bill Hoffmann   
Wednesday, 16 Sep 2015

The GOP's three political outsiders are leading the pack in New Hampshire, with Donald Trump in first place, Dr. Ben Carson right behind him, and followed by Carly Fiorina, according to a new poll released Wednesday by WBUR, Boston's NPR news station.

In the telephone survey of 404 likely primary voters, the billionaire developer grabbed 22 percent of the vote, with the retired pediatric neurosurgeon taking 18 percent.

But with the margin of error having a 4.9 percent spread, that puts Trump and Carson in a statistical dead heat. Fiorina, the former Hewlett Packard CEO, scored 11 percent of the vote.

Tying in fourth place were former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Ohio Gov. John Kasich.

"This is a much closer race than we've seen over the last few months in pretty much any state," said Steve Koczela, of The MassINC Polling Group, which conducted the WBUR survey.

"But it's similar to a couple polls that have come out just in the last few days, and a couple in Iowa from the last few weeks that have shown Ben Carson doing much better against Donald Trump than anybody has done in quite a while."

The new poll, released just hours before the second GOP presidential debate is aired on CNN, is a jarring letdown for the rest of the pack.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida scored just 2 percent, with Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, a onetime frontrunner, and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee taking just 1 percent apiece.

Way out in the bleachers were Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina with 0.9 percent, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal with 0.4 percent, former Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania with 0.3 and former New York Gov. George Pataki with 0.2 percent.

And Jim Gilmore, the former governor of Virginia, received zero percent.

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #740 on: September 17, 2015, 09:14:47 AM »
I've watched over an hour so far.  Very disappointed in the level of discourse.  Rand Paul was right that some of that stuff belonged in middle school.  I think the primary reason is Trump has dumbed down the entire process.  All this talk about name-calling, attacking people's appearance, attacking people's spouses, his stupid facial expressions, etc. is absurd.  Huge distraction from the issues.  I will lose all faith in my fellow Americans if that man survives this process.  

In terms of performance on the merits, I liked Fiorina, Cruz, Rubio, Carson, and Fat Man.  Not impressed by Bush.  I like Walker, but he was pretty much ignored.  

Rand Paul and Huckabee need to quit.  So does Trump, but no way does that narcissist quit until his poll numbers tank and/or he starts losing primaries/caucuses.  

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #741 on: September 17, 2015, 09:15:51 AM »
Links to the first two debates:

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #742 on: September 17, 2015, 09:29:18 AM »
Pollster Zogby: 'Summer Flirtation' With Trump is Over
By Cathy Burke   
Thursday, 17 Sep 2015

Donald Trump's dominance in the national polls will likely decline in the wake of the second Republican presidential candidates' debate Wednesday night, pollster John Zogby tells Newsmax TV.

In a post-debate interview with hosts Ed Berliner and J.D. Hayworth, the polling analyst declared Trump "begins the process of losing points tonight."

"He was a big loser in the debate tonight," Zogby said. "Look for him to go down."

"The summer flirtation is over," Zogby added. "By mid-September, after two and half months on top, you got to start getting specific and you can't continue to obfuscate, to counterpunch, to name-call and then to treat that as running for president. This has been pure entertainment on Donald's part, and when it comes to getting specific, he can't even name any of his advisers yet."

Zogby said the "big winner" of the debate was Carly Fiorina.

"That's almost universal now — it certainly was for me," he said. "She was strong, she was forceful, she was clear, experienced and all of that. She gets a big bump."

He also praised Ohio Gov. John Kasich, saying he "did fine" and "stayed on message."

But besides Trump, Zogby also panned Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul's performance.

"Jeb Bush, even though more forceful, even funny at moments — got a big applause line defending his brother — I just don't see him making a move — yet anyway."

Zogby's reference was Bush's defense of his brother, former President George W. Bush, against criticism from Trump, saying "he kept us safe."


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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #743 on: September 17, 2015, 10:52:17 AM »

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #744 on: September 17, 2015, 10:55:45 AM »
lol   :D

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #745 on: September 17, 2015, 12:05:30 PM »
Jeb is 6 foot 3, wearing the high-based heel shoes, and STILL playing tipsy toes.   

he's lived in a bubble.


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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #747 on: September 17, 2015, 01:53:01 PM »
Jeb is 6 foot 3, wearing the high-based heel shoes, and STILL playing tipsy toes.   

he's lived in a bubble.

Hopefully Trump shames him about it at the beginning of the next debate. :)

I got a little chuckle at that dig he took at Rand.


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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #748 on: September 17, 2015, 02:44:06 PM »

Isn't this the same as Phil Cheath stepping over the line on stage at the Mr O?

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #749 on: September 17, 2015, 06:45:20 PM »

perhaps the funniest moment so far of the 2016 election season.