Author Topic: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates  (Read 183992 times)

Dos Equis

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #975 on: January 04, 2016, 04:38:09 PM »
Look Beach,  I like you, we are on the same side, but you need to open your eyes, Mark Levin is not gonna call out Brit Hume for making a "few critical comments" towards Cruz and neither is Rush, as thy both like and admire Brit Hume and other on Fox News, but both have done so, as even they have seen it happen over and over, and way to often to be considered  "mountain out of molehill stuff"  

Read this:

Personally, I am not trying to promote any candidate. I will vote for anyone I believe will reverse this anti-American government set up by Barack Obama. However, the truth must be told. I like Marco Rubio but in this situation he is using a deceptive tactic to kill off his opponent Ted Cruz.

The left-wing and the Establishment GOP have tried to convince the American people that the Rubio-Senate immigration bill was not amnesty. I read the bill twice and it was definitely amnesty. In the bill, the border wasn’t secured for years and not until after the fact; 40% who come here illegally jump visas and that was not dealt with in the bill; and the short timeline until they could vote would have been completely evaporated once passed. For the Democrats, this was about getting the illegal immigrants to the polls.

We are probably talking about 20 million or more people who would be voting for Democrats. The Senate bill – the Gang of Eight bill – would have done for the country what Reagan’s amnesty and Bush’s did for California.

Unless people want a one-party socialist government, this should concern everyone.

There is a brutal attack going on from these same people against Ted Cruz. They are probably doing it for Marco Rubio. The Establishment would much prefer him to Cruz. He’s pliable and of much the same mind.

Fox News has been vicious in their attack.

In 2013, Cruz, in desperation, put in amendments to modify the Senate bill which looked like it was going to pass. The amendment, which the Establishment is using as proof that Cruz lied, didn’t stop legalization but it clearly forbad these immigrants who were granted amnesty from voting for 25 years.

If you remember at the time, anyone who opposed the bill was a racist, nativist and xenophobe. It was near-impossible to attack it. That was the climate at the time.

The amendment was meant to be a poison pill for the bill. It was also a compromise. It didn’t work but Cruz was doing whatever he could to stop or modify this monstrosity of a bill.

There is no doubt that Cruz has been 100% opposed to amnesty.

Now the Establishment and the Democrats want you to believe the Senate bill wasn’t amnesty. I recommend you read over the thousands of pages and I guarantee when you are done, you will agree with me that it was amnesty.

The GOP wants people to believe Rubio was just young and taken in by the elders in the Gang of Eight but Rubio was not that young and he was the face of the bill. He starred in the ads and what he said about the bill was not what was in the bill.

On the night of the debate, Megyn Kelly and Brit Hume were well-prepared to deal with the back-and-forth between Rubio and Cruz on the issue. Rubio is trying to say that Cruz supported legalization and, by inference, the same amnesty that he put forth in his bill.

The Fox team attacked Cruz and called him a liar and they were vicious. They presented a one-sided argument to protect and promote Rubio.

“He has attempted to muddy the waters,” Cruz said on the stage. “Where there was a battle over amnesty and some chose, like Sen. Rubio to stand with Barack Obama and Chuck Schumer and support a massive amnesty plan. Others chose to stand with Jeff Sessions and Steve King and the American people and secure the border,” Cruz said during the debate.

CNN was fairer to Cruz than Fox. Megyn Kelly and Brit Hume targeted Ted Cruz’s credibility.

After the debate and at the beginning of the after-debate analysis, Megyn Kelly and Brit Hume seemed well-prepared to attack the Rubio-Cruz exchanges, especially the one in which Cruz said their views on immigration were far apart.

Megyn had the clip of Cruz talking about the amendment all ready and waiting. Brit said Cruz was not telling the truth and Megyn claimed that the way he handles Rubio is to bring up the Gang of Eight bill. She meant that as an insult.

They didn’t allow for any nuances. They did not discuss the fact that Rubio always says his immigration plan is the same as Cruz’s when it is not. Rubio escapes scrutiny on that issue and he’s clearly lying.

They tore into Cruz over his position on the NSA. Brit went back to calling him a liar over legalization. They also repeated the over-stated remark that the NSA can’t get five years of records but failed to mention that they can get two years of records, among other pluses they didn’t have before.

Brit ended with yet another jab at Cruz, “he’s an enormously impressive candidate in many ways, but…he can’t shake hands with the truth.” That’s a really awful left-handed compliment.

They were much too eager to destroy Cruz’ credibility. Brit called him a liar four times and Megyn grinned broadly – objective interviewer.

A little later, they played up the exchange between Trump and Cruz in which Cruz said all the people on the stage would make a better candidate than Hillary rather than attack Trump. The so-called analysts tried to make Cruz look weak by not attacking Trump but it actually was a deliberate tactic, not weakness on Cruz’s part.

They obviously wanted Cruz and Trump to kill each other.

The next day, last evening, on Special Report, Bret Baier grilled Cruz. Ignoring what Cruz was saying, he later suggested to the panel that Cruz was lying and Charles Krauthammer was quick to agree. You have to understand that while these are generally good men, they are Establishment. They do not bring up any negatives or lies by Marco Rubio. He’s the new golden boy if Jeb fails.

I happened to turn on Rush today, something I rarely do, but it must have been meant to be, because he clearly explained what was going on. I have included the audio here for you. He explains it much better than I do.

What is very interesting, Dana Bash of CNN said the exact same thing Rush says in these audios. The lie isn’t Cruz’s, it’s Rubio’s.

What I'm saying is the examples they give are weak.  I watch Outnumbered, Megyn Kelly, and sometimes Greta.  They are not bashing Cruz every day.  I have seen opinion show hosts and guest commentators make critical comments about essentially all of the candidates.  So yes, I stand by my comments that Levin is being thin-skinned about this. 

I read the commentary.  This is where the author lost credibility:  "Fox News has been vicious in their attack."  Vicious?  Seriously?  They asked Cruz tough questions about his amnesty comments.  Those were legitimate questions. 

Unless all this daily bashing and "vicious" attacks happen when I'm not watching, I think it's really overstated. 


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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #976 on: January 04, 2016, 04:55:42 PM »
What I'm saying is the examples they give are weak.  I watch Outnumbered, Megyn Kelly, and sometimes Greta.  They are not bashing Cruz every day.  I have seen opinion show hosts and guest commentators make critical comments about essentially all of the candidates.  So yes, I stand by my comments that Levin is being thin-skinned about this.  

I read the commentary.  This is where the author lost credibility:  "Fox News has been vicious in their attack."  Vicious?  Seriously?  They asked Cruz tough questions about his amnesty comments.  Those were legitimate questions.  

Unless all this daily bashing and "vicious" attacks happen when I'm not watching, I think it's really overstated.  

Agree to disagree then as I have watched Fox since it started in the 90's and I have voted in every Presidential Election since I turned 18 (over 30 years ago) and all for Republicans, and I honestly find it hard to believe that anyone who watches Fox News does not see their bias towards Ted Cruz.

Fair and Balanced Reporting of the Debates from Brit Hume: ::)

"Ted Cruz going on about all the fights he has led in Washington. Never mentions the number of fights he won. The answer is none." - Brit Hume 7:15 PM - 28 Oct 2015

Dos Equis

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #977 on: January 04, 2016, 05:05:02 PM »
Agree to disagree then as I have watched Fox since it started in the 90's and I have voted in every Presidential Election since I turned 18 (over 30 years ago) and all for Republicans, and I honestly find it hard to believe that anyone who watches Fox News does not see their bias towards Ted Cruz.

Fair and Balanced from Brit Hume on Twittter: ::)

"Ted Cruz going on about all the fights he has led in Washington. Never mentions the number of fights he won. The answer is none." - Brit Hume 7:15 PM - 28 Oct 2015

Yeah we'll have to agree to disagree.  I'm not a Republican and I'm pretty sure I have split my ticket in every election.  I'll vote for (or against) the person I think is best qualified, regardless of party. 

Brit is pretty much right:  Cruz won very few battles in the Senate.  He was right about Obamacare, but in terms what he actually won? Not a whole lot.  That's not bashing Cruz.  It's just the truth.  You can say the same about Rubio:  hasn't accomplished much in the Senate.  And I like Cruz and Rubio a lot.   


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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #978 on: January 04, 2016, 05:17:00 PM »
Yeah we'll have to agree to disagree.  I'm not a Republican and I'm pretty sure I have split my ticket in every election.  I'll vote for (or against) the person I think is best qualified, regardless of party.  

Brit is pretty much right:  Cruz won very few battles in the Senate.  He was right about Obamacare, but in terms what he actually won? Not a whole lot.  That's not bashing Cruz.  It's just the truth.  You can say the same about Rubio:  hasn't accomplished much in the Senate.  And I like Cruz and Rubio a lot.    

Brit Hume loves Rubio and loves Jeb and hates Ted Cruz as do many others at Fox News do and he for one should not be making Political Comments on a News Channel that describes itself as Fair and Balanced.

Here he is defending Rubio:

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #979 on: January 04, 2016, 05:25:07 PM »
Brit Hume loves Rubio and loves Jeb and hates Ted Cruz as do many others at Fox News and he for one should not be making Political Comments on a News Channel that describes itself as Fair and Balanced.

Here he is defending Rubio:

I listened to the clip.  That is from Laura Ingraham's radio show.  Brit Hume said Rubio was right, which is Brit's opinion.  Brit is an opinion commentator.  That's what opinion commentators do.  There is absolutely nothing unfair or biased about a network (if this were actually a discussion on Fox) having a commentator give opinions about any candidate. 

Where the network would be unfair and unbalanced is if they didn't have opposing viewpoints on the network.  But if you watch Fox as you say, then you know the opinion shows always have opposing viewpoints on their shows. 


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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #980 on: January 04, 2016, 05:39:41 PM »
I listened to the clip.  That is from Laura Ingraham's radio show.  Brit Hume said Rubio was right, which is Brit's opinion.  Brit is an opinion commentator.  That's what opinion commentators do.  There is absolutely nothing unfair or biased about a network (if this were actually a discussion on Fox) having a commentator give opinions about any candidate.  

Where the network would be unfair and unbalanced is if they didn't have opposing viewpoints on the network.  But if you watch Fox as you say, then you know the opinion shows always have opposing viewpoints on their shows.  

I have seen Brit Hume on FOX News many times attacking and smearing Cruz with no "opposing viewpoints".

He was on Bret one night and then Megan Kelly the very next night basically saying the same talking points smearing Cruz saying something to the effect that now Cruz is in first place in Iowa many people will now get to see why he is so hated by many and will the voters still feel they same way about him once they do find out.

Found it:

also listen to this:

Dos Equis

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #981 on: January 04, 2016, 05:50:01 PM »
I have seen Brit Hume on FOX News many times attacking and smearing Cruz with no "opposing viewpoints".

He was on Bret one night and then Megan Kelly the very next night basically saying the same talking points smearing Cruz saying something to the effect that now Cruz is in first place in Iowa many people will now get to see why he is so hated by many and will the voters still feel they same way about him ones they find out.

Found it:

also listen to this:

Meh.  Brit Hume is usually on Megan Kelly's show by himself.  She also has liberal commentators who appear by themselves.  That's not evidence of being unfair or unbalanced.  He appears on the Fox News Sunday as part of a panel that always includes someone left of center.     

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #982 on: January 04, 2016, 06:09:05 PM »
Dos Equis also comments on MSNBC all the time, despite not watching it.  Doesn't surprise me a bit that he is claiming to be knowledgeable on FOX news practices but has missed all of these examples.

FOX has their protected favorites, and Cruz sure ain't one of them.  Dos Equis, here's a Q... do you believe FOX hass treated all of the republican candidates equal in terms of criticism?


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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #983 on: January 05, 2016, 07:06:50 AM »
Meh.  Brit Hume is usually on Megan Kelly's show by himself.  She also has liberal commentators who appear by themselves.  That's not evidence of being unfair or unbalanced.  He appears on the Fox News Sunday as part of a panel that always includes someone left of center.    

Are you now not only arguing that Cruz is not being treated unfairly by many on fox, but also that FOX is truly Fair and Balanced? come on Beach, even you posted earlier that they bash Trump, Megan Kelly will have on 2 guest at the same time and they both are bashing Trump while at the same time she is sitting there agreeing and adding her hits as well, with no one there to talk for trump, and Bret Bair is even worse having 3 on his panel and all will be bashing Trump with no one on there to take trumps side. IS that your definition of "Fair and Balanced?  So If You want to debate about FOX's treatment of Cruz then OK we can have that debate, but if you truly want to say that FOX is Fair and Balanced, then you are beyond reasoning.

 He appears on the Fox News Sunday as part of a panel that always includes someone left of center.    

Is that person who is "left of center" that you speak of on Fox News Sunday there defending Trump and Cruz from Brit Hume (and others) bashing them? the answer is no, so what does that have to do with this argument?  and that in no way shows them as Fair and Balanced, as Fair and Balanced is letting both sides have an equal say (which they do not when it comes to Trump and Cruz) and this argument is about Brit along with others at Fox being for the Washington Establishment candidates and unfairly bashing Cruz, its not about democrat vs republican.

Rubio ran for Senator as being 100% against Amnesty and he called out his opponents for not being against Amnesty, yet once elected he did a 100% flip and teamed up with many democrats and republican establishments to ram amnesty through, yet Fox never shows that in any negative way, they do not point this out, not like they point out Cruz's previous words, why is that? If you are going to do it to Cruz then shouldn't you do it to Rubio too and have him explain his sudden flip? (I mean that is a complete flip from one of the main people pushing Amnesty) is that not the "Fair and Balanced" way? but if they did do it, and did it as often as they have done it to Cruz then by all means show me, as the only thing I can recall is Brit Hume defending Rubio when it comes to this subject.

In fact for someone who is so fast to put down my proof and evidence (videos and links ) that supports my point, you sure dont put up any to justify your side of the argument. where is your proof?

All you do is downplay my links and videos, basically saying myself, Levin, and Rush have made something out of nothing. yet where is your proof?

Please show proof where Brit Hume writes negatively of Rubio during the Debates on twitter like he did of Cruz?

Please post where Brit discusses how when Rubio ran for Senator he was strongly against Amnesty (and shows a video to support that) and then once elected he did an exact and sudden flip and is now for Amnesty so strongly that he even teams up with democrats, showing the contradiction of words like Brit has done non stop to Cruz.

Please post video links to all the many times that after the debate where Rubio admitted he is for Amnesty where then anyone on FOX News played that video of Rubio saying he is strongly against Amnesty while running for Senator showing the contradictions in his words and beliefs like they have done to Cruz non stop by playing the video of Cruz.

Post a link to where Roger Ailes (who runs FOX) speaks negatively of Rubio, as he did of Cruz.

Post a link to where Greg Gutfield refers to Rubio as "only being for himself" or "only about him" as he did referring to Cruz when Cruz gave a speech announcing that he was running for President.

Post a link to where Charles Krauthammer refers to Rubio as being a hypocrite like he did Cruz ?

Post a link to where Brit Hume refers to Rubio as being a hypocrite like he did Cruz ?

Dos Equis

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #984 on: January 05, 2016, 11:44:44 AM »
Are you now not only arguing that Cruz is not being treated unfairly by many on fox, but also that FOX is truly Fair and Balanced? come on Beach, even you posted earlier that they bash Trump, Megan Kelly will have on 2 guest at the same time and they both are bashing Trump while at the same time she is sitting there agreeing and adding her hits as well, with no one there to talk for trump, and Bret Bair is even worse having 3 on his panel and all will be bashing Trump with no one on there to take trumps side. IS that your definition of "Fair and Balanced?  So If You want to debate about FOX's treatment of Cruz then OK we can have that debate, but if you truly want to say that FOX is Fair and Balanced, then you are beyond reasoning.

Is that person who is "left of center" that you speak of on Fox News Sunday there defending Trump and Cruz from Brit Hume (and others) bashing them? the answer is no, so what does that have to do with this argument?  and that in no way shows them as Fair and Balanced, as Fair and Balanced is letting both sides have an equal say (which they do not when it comes to Trump and Cruz) and this argument is about Brit along with others at Fox being for the Washington Establishment candidates and unfairly bashing Cruz, its not about democrat vs republican.

Rubio ran for Senator as being 100% against Amnesty and he called out his opponents for not being against Amnesty, yet once elected he did a 100% flip and teamed up with many democrats and republican establishments to ram amnesty through, yet Fox never shows that in any negative way, they do not point this out, not like they point out Cruz's previous words, why is that? If you are going to do it to Cruz then shouldn't you do it to Rubio too and have him explain his sudden flip? (I mean that is a complete flip from one of the main people pushing Amnesty) is that not the "Fair and Balanced" way? but if they did do it, and did it as often as they have done it to Cruz then by all means show me, as the only thing I can recall is Brit Hume defending Rubio when it comes to this subject.

In fact for someone who is so fast to put down my proof and evidence (videos and links ) that supports my point, you sure dont put up any to justify your side of the argument. where is your proof?

All you do is downplay my links and videos, basically saying myself, Levin, and Rush have made something out of nothing. yet where is your proof?

Please show proof where Brit Hume writes negatively of Rubio during the Debates on twitter like he did of Cruz?

Please post where Brit discusses how when Rubio ran for Senator he was strongly against Amnesty (and shows a video to support that) and then once elected he did an exact and sudden flip and is now for Amnesty so strongly that he even teams up with democrats, showing the contradiction of words like Brit has done non stop to Cruz.

Please post video links to all the many times that after the debate where Rubio admitted he is for Amnesty where then anyone on FOX News played that video of Rubio saying he is strongly against Amnesty while running for Senator showing the contradictions in his words and beliefs like they have done to Cruz non stop by playing the video of Cruz.

Post a link to where Roger Ailes (who runs FOX) speaks negatively of Rubio, as he did of Cruz.

Post a link to where Greg Gutfield refers to Rubio as "only being for himself" or "only about him" as he did referring to Cruz when Cruz gave a speech announcing that he was running for President.

Post a link to where Charles Krauthammer refers to Rubio as being a hypocrite like he did Cruz ?

Post a link to where Brit Hume refers to Rubio as being a hypocrite like he did Cruz ?

Dude you are protesting too much.  I'm not about to go do research.  It's not that important.  I know what see when I watch Fox.  If you have a different take that's fine. 

Yes I am saying their network is fair and balanced.  The hard news reports the news.  The majority of opinion show hosts are conservative, but they always have opposing viewpoints on their shows. 

Regarding your links, there isn't a whole lot there.  They are primarily complaining about Cruz taking heat for his pro amnesty comments.  As I indicated, those were legitimate questions. 


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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #985 on: January 05, 2016, 12:25:00 PM »
Dude you are protesting too much.  I'm not about to go do research.  It's not that important.  I know what see when I watch Fox.  If you have a different take that's fine.  

Yes I am saying their network is fair and balanced.  The hard news reports the news.  The majority of opinion show hosts are conservative, but they always have opposing viewpoints on their shows.  

And I am saying its not fair and balanced when it comes to Trump and Cruz and the negative comments thrown at them by Fox News Employees and Guest as they rarely (and definitely not equal) have someone on there giving the "opposing viewpoint" defending Cruz and Trump.

I guess you would say Bill Maher is fair and balanced too, as he always has 3 or 4 guest on at a time that agree with him and only one with an opposing view, which to be honest is many times 1 more Guest than Fox will have giving an opposing view to their bashing of Cruz and Trump.

Regarding your links, there isn't a whole lot there. They are primarily complaining about Cruz taking heat for his pro amnesty comments.  As I indicated, those were legitimate questions.  

Wrong again Beach:

Just a few:

The audio from Mark Levin is short but very to the point, as he hammers Brit Hume for his obsessive hatred of Ted Cruz:
Video: (Below too)

not about "Cruz taking heat for his pro amnesty comments"

Fox News RINO Britt Hume's Constant Cruz Bashing

not about "Cruz taking heat for his pro amnesty comments"

Brit Hume attacks Ted Cruz at the end of the debate

not about "Cruz taking heat for his pro amnesty comments"

Then yesterday on Fox, The Five in the afternoon dumped all over Ted Cruz

not about "Cruz taking heat for his pro amnesty comments"

Fox News begins bashing Ted Cruz to protect Jeb

not about "Cruz taking heat for his pro amnesty comments"

Fox ‘News’ Host Megyn Kelly Basically Calls Ted Cruz An Idiot

not about "Cruz taking heat for his pro amnesty comments"
Baier Blames Ted Cruz

not about "Cruz taking heat for his pro amnesty comments"

Brit Hume: Ted Cruz is a hypocrite.

not about "Cruz taking heat for his pro amnesty comments"

Charles Krauthammer: Refers to Ted Cruz as a hypocrite

not about "Cruz taking heat for his pro amnesty comments"

WOW! Greg Gutfeld Rips Ted Cruz After Presidential Announcement: It’s Always Been About Him (Video)

not about "Cruz taking heat for his pro amnesty comments"

Rush Limbaugh Defends Ted Cruz From Fox News'


I’ve Lost a Little Respect for Fox News’ Brit Hume After This Attack on Ted Cruz

not about "Cruz taking heat for his pro amnesty comments"

Fox News Pundits Bash Ted Cruz!

not about "Cruz taking heat for his pro amnesty comments"

Some people noticed something curious about Fox News' treatment of Ted Cruz;

not about "Cruz taking heat for his pro amnesty comments"

Hammers, Fox News's Roger Ailes HATES Ted Cruz

not about "Cruz taking heat for his pro amnesty comments"

GOP, Fox, Dems All Trying to Destroy Cruz’s Credibility

not about "Cruz taking heat for his pro amnesty comments"

Megyn Kelly nasty interviSeems Donald Trump isn’t the only conservative that Megyn Kelly hates. She has had multiple interviews with Ted Cruz on ‘The Kelly File.’ Most of them snarky, obnoxious and downright disrespectful. Here are a few samples:Calls Ted Cruz the most hated man in Americaews with Ted Cruz VIDEO


 Mark Levin hammers Brit Hume of FOX News for his obsessive hatred of Ted Cruz:

"I dont know of anybody who has more obsessive hate for Ted Cruz than Brit Hume at FOX.  Its Incredible!" - Mark Levin

not about "Cruz taking heat for his pro amnesty comments"


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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #986 on: January 05, 2016, 12:49:11 PM »
Thats a long list nice work James.

They did the same thing with Ron Paul.

They dont like libertarians to much freedom.


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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #987 on: January 05, 2016, 12:50:41 PM »
They did the same thing with Ron Paul.

very true whork.

Dos Equis

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #988 on: January 05, 2016, 01:21:28 PM »
And I am saying its not fair and balanced when it comes to Trump and Cruz and the negative comments thrown at them by Fox News Employees and Guest as they rarely (and definitely not equal) have someone on there giving the "opposing viewpoint" defending Cruz and Trump.

I guess you would say Bill Maher is fair and balanced too, as he always has 3 or 4 guest on at a time that agree with him and only one with an opposing view, which to be honest is many times 1 more Guest than Fox will have giving an opposing view to their bashing of Cruz and Trump.

Wrong again Beach:

Just a few:

The audio from Mark Levin is short but very to the point, as he hammers Brit Hume for his obsessive hatred of Ted Cruz:
Video: (Below too)

not about "Cruz taking heat for his pro amnesty comments"

Fox News RINO Britt Hume's Constant Cruz Bashing

not about "Cruz taking heat for his pro amnesty comments"

Brit Hume attacks Ted Cruz at the end of the debate

not about "Cruz taking heat for his pro amnesty comments"

Then yesterday on Fox, The Five in the afternoon dumped all over Ted Cruz

not about "Cruz taking heat for his pro amnesty comments"

Fox News begins bashing Ted Cruz to protect Jeb

not about "Cruz taking heat for his pro amnesty comments"

Fox ‘News’ Host Megyn Kelly Basically Calls Ted Cruz An Idiot

not about "Cruz taking heat for his pro amnesty comments"
Baier Blames Ted Cruz

not about "Cruz taking heat for his pro amnesty comments"

Brit Hume: Ted Cruz is a hypocrite.

not about "Cruz taking heat for his pro amnesty comments"

Charles Krauthammer: Refers to Ted Cruz as a hypocrite

not about "Cruz taking heat for his pro amnesty comments"

WOW! Greg Gutfeld Rips Ted Cruz After Presidential Announcement: It’s Always Been About Him (Video)

not about "Cruz taking heat for his pro amnesty comments"

Rush Limbaugh Defends Ted Cruz From Fox News'


I’ve Lost a Little Respect for Fox News’ Brit Hume After This Attack on Ted Cruz

not about "Cruz taking heat for his pro amnesty comments"

Fox News Pundits Bash Ted Cruz!

not about "Cruz taking heat for his pro amnesty comments"

Some people noticed something curious about Fox News' treatment of Ted Cruz;

not about "Cruz taking heat for his pro amnesty comments"

Hammers, Fox News's Roger Ailes HATES Ted Cruz

not about "Cruz taking heat for his pro amnesty comments"

GOP, Fox, Dems All Trying to Destroy Cruz’s Credibility

not about "Cruz taking heat for his pro amnesty comments"

Megyn Kelly nasty interviSeems Donald Trump isn’t the only conservative that Megyn Kelly hates. She has had multiple interviews with Ted Cruz on ‘The Kelly File.’ Most of them snarky, obnoxious and downright disrespectful. Here are a few samples:Calls Ted Cruz the most hated man in Americaews with Ted Cruz VIDEO


 Mark Levin hammers Brit Hume of FOX News for his obsessive hatred of Ted Cruz:

"I dont know of anybody who has more obsessive hate for Ted Cruz than Brit Hume at FOX.  Its Incredible!" - Mark Levin

not about "Cruz taking heat for his pro amnesty comments"

I agree they don't like Trump, and for good reason.  He is horrible.  He will destroy the GOP if he is the nominee.  We can agree to disagree about Cruz.

I don't watch Bill Maher.  He's an idiot.  But if he has guests with opposing viewpoints, then yes that's fair and balanced too.

I'm not watching or listening to all of those links, but the several that I did review don't really say anything.  The first is just Levin saying Brit Hume has obsessive hatred for Ted Cruz.  The only thing he cites specifically in support of this obsessive hatred is a tweet by Hume about Cruz's lack of accomplishments in the Senate.  

The second is a link to another message board.  

The third link cites the tweet mentioned in the first link.  And so on.  As I said, pretty weak stuff.  

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #989 on: January 05, 2016, 04:24:20 PM »
I agree they don't like Trump, and for good reason.  He is horrible.  He will destroy the GOP if he is the nominee. 

Props for your honesty on trump from minute #1.

lots of bandwagon republicans who called him a joke early on, and have fallen in love with him since he's on top of the polls.  They have no values, they're just partisan cheerleaders.

Trump does suck.  He will wreck the GOP... mainly because the party is truly torn.  There's a huge ignorant slice of the base that just loves negative nationalism.  I mean, Trump is leading EVANGELICALS?  How is that humanly possible?  He's a lifetime dem that supported abortion, bribed clintons, married repeatedly, and said he's not all that religious in the past.  How in the WORLD is he leading religious conservatives over Cruz, who is the TEXTBOOK definition of a consistent religious candidate?   

The base is ignorant, hateful, starstruck and/or just too lazy to care about his policies or history.  Screw them - the death of the GOP is on THEIR hands if trump wins nomination (and it's very likely now)


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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #990 on: January 06, 2016, 06:46:55 AM »
I agree they don't like Trump, and for good reason.  He is horrible.  He will destroy the GOP if he is the nominee.  We can agree to disagree about Cruz.

I don't watch Bill Maher.  He's an idiot.  But if he has guests with opposing viewpoints, then yes that's fair and balanced too.

The third link cites the tweet mentioned in the first link.  And so on.  As I said, pretty weak stuff.  

Once again you dont get it..

I have not watched Bill Maher since his show was on ABC back in the year 2000, but back then every time I put it on he had 4 Guest on at once, 3 would always be liberals like himself and only 1 republican/conservative (opposing view), and by the end of the show the republican/conservative only ended up with a few minutes of airtime of an hour in length show as the other 3 all agreed with Bill Maher and took up most of the airtime and also talked over and attacked the republican/conservative every time he/she tried to get in a word in support of the opposing view, meaning it was the furthest thing from being balanced, and when it comes to the subject of Trump and or Cruz on the FOX News Channel this is often how they are done as its all the Guest (or Host) on a a particular show that are all talking negatively of Trump or Cruz with many times no one there to speak positive of either, but as unbalanced as Bill Maher's show was when I watched it (which was very unbalanced) at least the opposing view point got about 2 minutes of time of the hour long show, which is often 2 minutes more than someone who is pro-Trump and Pro-Cruz get to rebuttal the smear from Hume, Krauthammer, Rove and others, but you just dont see it as you agree with them.. which makes you just like the liberals who watch Bill Maher and think that his show is fair and balanced.

You probably have "Jeb!" bumper stickers on your car and surfboard, or you did but now you covered them with your "Rubio!" stickers once Jeb dropped to single digits in the polls.

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #991 on: January 06, 2016, 08:03:37 AM »
You probably have "Jeb!" bumper stickers on your car and surfboard, or you did but now you covered them with your "Rubio!" stickers once Jeb dropped to single digits in the polls.

The Christie sticker was there first.


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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #992 on: January 06, 2016, 08:06:49 AM »
Beach Bum's Car:


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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #993 on: January 06, 2016, 08:20:24 AM »
Beach Bum and Brit Hume would both orgasm if this happened:

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #994 on: January 06, 2016, 09:12:23 AM »
Beach Bum probably also stands on his toes to appear taller in photos.

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #995 on: January 06, 2016, 09:48:55 AM »
Once again you dont get it..

I have not watched Bill Maher since his show was on ABC back in the year 2000, but back then every time I put it on he had 4 Guest on at once, 3 would always be liberals like himself and only 1 republican/conservative (opposing view), and by the end of the show the republican/conservative only ended up with a few minutes of airtime of an hour in length show as the other 3 all agreed with Bill Maher and took up most of the airtime and also talked over and attacked the republican/conservative every time he/she tried to get in a word in support of the opposing view, meaning it was the furthest thing from being balanced, and when it comes to the subject of Trump and or Cruz on the FOX News Channel this is often how they are done as its all the Guest (or Host) on a a particular show that are all talking negatively of Trump or Cruz with many times no one there to speak positive of either, but as unbalanced as Bill Maher's show was when I watched it (which was very unbalanced) at least the opposing view point got about 2 minutes of time of the hour long show, which is often 2 minutes more than someone who is pro-Trump and Pro-Cruz get to rebuttal the smear from Hume, Krauthammer, Rove and others, but you just dont see it as you agree with them.. which makes you just like the liberals who watch Bill Maher and think that his show is fair and balanced.

You probably have "Jeb!" bumper stickers on your car and surfboard, or you did but now you covered them with your "Rubio!" stickers once Jeb dropped to single digits in the polls.

You haven't watched Bill Maher in 16 years?  Not a very informed opinion. 

What you don't get is we simply have a difference of opinion.   


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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #996 on: January 06, 2016, 10:07:42 AM »
You haven't watched Bill Maher in 16 years?  Not a very informed opinion.  

I doubt his show has changed at all, as I read he donated a million dollars to a Obama super Pac, so if his show has changed feel free to show and I will take a look, but unlike you I am open to being shown I am wrong and will admit so when that happens.

What you don't get is we simply have a difference of opinion.    

I do get it and that is you agree with Hume and others unfair smearing so you dont see a problem with what they are doing, and dont see it as being unbalanced and unfair, you even earlier admitted that they hate on Trump but since you dont care for him its no problem for you, and your admittance of their hate for Trump shows that you know they are not always "Fair and Balanced".

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #997 on: January 06, 2016, 10:24:08 AM »
I doubt his show has changed at all, as I read he donated a million dollars to a Obama super Pac, so if his show has changed feel free to show and I will take a look, but unlike you I am open to being shown I am wrong and will admit so when that happens.

I do get it and that is you agree with Hume and others unfair smearing so you dont see a problem with what they are doing, and dont see it as being unbalanced and unfair, you even earlier admitted that they hate on Trump but since you dont care for him its no problem for you.

I make mistakes all the time and I always admit when I'm wrong. 

I don't view what Hume and others do as unfair to Cruz.  We have a different take on that. 

Yes I acknowledge they don't like Trump.  I don't care about that because Trump is a tool and they happen to be right about Trump being a tool.  Even with that, Greta and Sean Hannity give Trump an enormous amount of air time, complete with softball questions, so even the bashing of Trump by some is balanced by at least two opinion show hosts. 


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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #998 on: January 06, 2016, 10:29:45 AM »
I make mistakes all the time and I always admit when I'm wrong. 

I don't view what Hume and others do as unfair to Cruz.  We have a different take on that. 

Yes I acknowledge they don't like Trump.  I don't care about that because Trump is a tool and they happen to be right about Trump being a tool.  Even with that, Greta and Sean Hannity give Trump an enormous amount of air time, complete with softball questions, so even the bashing of Trump by some is balanced by at least two opinion show hosts. 

Trump gets bashed every day on Fox News, and all day long, and you think him being on Hannity once a month makes it "fair and balanced"?  Sure thing Beach Bum ::)

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Re: 16 for '16: The Most Talked-About Potential GOP Presidential Candidates
« Reply #999 on: January 06, 2016, 11:29:36 AM »
Trump gets bashed every day on Fox News, and all day long, and you think him being on Hannity once a month makes it "fair and balanced"?  Sure thing Beach Bum ::)

I don't watch Fox News all day long, but I doubt Trump is getting bashed all day.  In fact, I know he isn't because I just watched an extended interview he had with Sean Hannity last night, which was at about 15 minutes before I turned the channel.  It was like a Trump campaign ad.