Author Topic: Went from all this to just subutex and a little xanax  (Read 20761 times)


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Re: Went from all this to just subutex and a little xanax
« Reply #25 on: February 10, 2014, 08:09:20 PM »
pharmaceutical heroin and xanax wich is worse then heroin as far as how addictive it is and as far as how you can die going through a xanax withdrawal. You can have a seizure going through a xanax withdrawal and die but it is impossible to die from a opiate withdrawal. xanax withdrawals are far worse! xanax -IMO is the strongest prescription drug made as far as how addictive it is and how bad the withdrawals can be. Both are some serious dope and I was shooting dope as well so I can tell you the old-school oxycontin was 40% pure opiate where as street heroin is 20-30% from a good dealer.

wow....sorry to hear that.

Are we talking about the same Alprazolam? I haven't had the same addiction issues surface with my xanax usage.

Good to hear that you are doing better. With a headstrong attitude you will pull through.
all drugs - TPPIIP


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Re: Went from all this to just subutex and a little xanax
« Reply #26 on: February 10, 2014, 08:20:40 PM »
Good work dude. I'm on subs and they definitely help


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Re: Went from all this to just subutex and a little xanax
« Reply #27 on: February 10, 2014, 08:25:16 PM »
Stay strong, brother.

Master Blaster

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Re: Went from all this to just subutex and a little xanax
« Reply #28 on: February 10, 2014, 10:31:47 PM »
stay strong bro, this life is worth living.


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Re: Went from all this to just subutex and a little xanax
« Reply #29 on: February 10, 2014, 10:38:04 PM »
I worked 24/7 for over 35 years.

My mind finally said "enough is enough" and shut my body down 3 times.

Not a nice feeling. Would not wish this on my worst enemy.

I kept getting up, brushing myself off and going back to work. Extremely stressful job with over 3000 employees that I managed.

My adrenaline was always flowing. Full-blown "workaholic" for whatever reason, it's in my nature. OCD to the extreme. I was great at what I did, but when age set in... another story.

I've always worked out. Always been clean.

At this point my blood pressure was near 200/100 ~ very, very dangerous. Doc looked at me with my six-pack abs... like WTF?

After I told him about my work history, he prescribed 2 mg 3 x daily of Xanax. I have studied every drug out there from head to toe.

Xanax... well, it's a life-saver. It can get you back on your feet, but you have to pace yourself. I don't get high on it, I just get "normal' on it.

I will more than likely be on it for the rest of my life.

When my adrenaline gets going, it doesn't know when to stop. Xanax stops it.

Perfect example of an animal that can turn it on and off like a light switch: A cat.

A cat can go into a deep sleep and in milliseconds be on full alert, only to fall right back asleep again... and purring.

Xanax will allow you to live again, but you can't abuse it. You can't snort it. You only take what you are supposed to (or less)

You really can't come off it very easy. Statistics show that 1 in 3 get the seizures and even "tapering" or "titration" can take years. Many, many doctors (GP's) don't know this when they prescribe it, but the doctors that work in the Emergency wards in hospitals know ALL ABOUT IT!

It is a miracle drug. If you use it correctly, you don't need more and more and more. Using it incorrectly can even give you seizures.

If it wasn't for Xanax, I would be non-functional.

I can go a day without it from time to time, but I usually have to start taking it sometime in the morning.

Outlook on life MUST change also. You can't stress about things. You learn that ALL THE WORRY IN THE WORLD CHANGES NOTHING!!!!

One day at a time. Chill. What happens, happens and you deal with it. Some good days, some bad.

I never had this in my youth. I was 47 when my first mental breakdown or "episode" occurred.

Kids! Listen up. We never listen when we are young and those that do, need be commended. When you get older:THINGS CHANGE!

Whatever you did yesterday, you will pay for tomorrow. Trust me. It's 100% truth.

Young, dumb and full of cum, thinking you are in total control.

Older, wiser and cherish your days.

Wait and see. Live wisely. Learn from OTHER people's mistakes, not your own. You might thank me one day... but I'll prob be dead by then.


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Re: Went from all this to just subutex and a little xanax
« Reply #30 on: February 11, 2014, 03:25:07 AM »
Whitewidow did you ever try Seroquel for sleep! My brother was on Seroquel and Xanax for anxiety! Used Seroquel on a low dose for sleep!

I think the xanax is enough since I use 6mg a day. If I used seroquel on top on the xanax I would never get up-lol. I hear mixed reviews on the seroquel. Most of the guys who tried it said they prefer just xanax. I am aware of seroquel though. Just think my usage at the imte was already to much to add in another drug. I have good luck sleeping just on the xanax but like I said I take 6mg a day wich you know is a shit load. I could never get off xanax it is way worse then opiates.


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Re: Went from all this to just subutex and a little xanax
« Reply #31 on: February 11, 2014, 03:31:37 AM »
Congrats on your progress so far....

Keep going....if you relapse, start fresh the next day.  DO NOT give in.... 

Try to ease up on Xanax, as it is one of the toughest drugs to kick.

Continued success....

I know how hard the xanax is to kick or even taper down a bit. I think That comeing off the xanax won't happen. I think xanax is the most addictive drug anybody could take and some people die trying to get off xanax(they seizure out). I really wish I could taper down. The opiates are diffrent you cannot die going off opiates even cold turkey but if somebody went off 6mg xanax cold turkey that might kill somebody. like i was saying even tapering down is a bitch! most addictive drug made! more addictive the heroin and the withdrawals are the worst out of any drug and i have kicked alot of diffrent drugs.


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Re: Went from all this to just subutex and a little xanax
« Reply #32 on: February 11, 2014, 03:33:40 AM »
I take it for anxiety and insomnia. I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety dissorder and I got prescribed the max dose to begin with.. My doctor never is intending to raise my dose or drop my dose I get 6mg a day. Valium,ativan,klonopin and xanax are all benzodiazepams. They make xanax in these strengths .25mg, .50mg, 1mg and 2mg. I started out getting 90 x 2mg xanax bars but sometimes I did not want to take a full xanax bar and it sucks biting them in half ,so my doctor prescribed me 180x 1mg xanax wich works out better because I can manage them better.I don't like taking a 2mg xanax bar right in the morning they make me to cloudy if you take 2mg that early but with the 1mg tabs you can control your dosage much better.

I get such a good brand of 1mg xanax they seriously seem like 1.5mg in a tab,they seem overdosed. I would say you would have to take 20-30mg of valium to equal 1mg of xanax. valium only works on the gaba -1 receptor just like the rest of the benzos, xanax works on the gaba-1, gaba 2,gaba3,gaba4 and I believe gaba 5 receptor so xanax is by far the most potent benzodiazepam medication. xanax works great for anxiety,panic attacks and also works great for insomnia.

 It is horribly addictive though! valium is used to taper people off of xanax.valium is way weaker then xanax. xanax is the most potent benzo manufactured but some generic brands are better then others. I love the sandoz brand as you can see in my picture,I also like the greenstone version. The greenstone xanax is just upjohns generic xanax. Upjohn held the original patent and are the most expensive xanax tab by a mile but since they have lost so much money since generics have been available they make a generic xanax tab of their own out of the same plant the name brand tabs come out of.

They also make sandoz's generic tab.I have used valium,ativan,klonopin and by far the xanax was the best but my doctor did not want to precribe it to me he said he wasn;t qualified to make that decision so I got sent to see a psych doctor who decided to write them for me but i had to take UA's everytime I saw him. but aftre the first few appointments they usually do not want to see you for 6 month to a year.

Whoever your doctors are they should be fired, this is some straight up retard shit here, straight to 6mgs of xanax long term to an addict? LOLOLOLOLOLOL.

for GAD? no SRI, SNRI,bupropion, buspirone,pregabalin, neurontin etc for anxiety instead of xanax?

dude they have fucked you up bad.


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Re: Went from all this to just subutex and a little xanax
« Reply #33 on: February 11, 2014, 03:36:50 AM »
Good job, bro. Doctors hand that out way too easily.

When I was first working with doctors to get my migraines under control they were already writing scripts for super potent opiates. I never filled the scripts because I can barely tolerate a couple of T3s (and get chemically dependent on them after a few days). And when I went for follow up appointments, the doctors would just write another huge script without even asking me anything. It's incredible how quickly they'll write a script for that shit!

If I took all those pills I'd probably be slamming rigs fully of heroin.

Yeah that is what I did. I was taking 5 x80mg oxycontin tabs a day, scraping off the coding and snorting them,smoking them off foil, shooting it,shooting heroin, the heroin addiction only lasted 3 months because I was getting higher off the oxycontin. all we get around here is black tar heroin wich is really low quality compared to what they get in NY. I can't believe how me tolerance jumped in 6 years,if somebody with no tolerance did just one of my dosages they would probably die(not even talking about my whole days dosage) just one of my dosages of oxy and xanax especially because I abuse the pills.


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Re: Went from all this to just subutex and a little xanax
« Reply #34 on: February 11, 2014, 03:40:29 AM »
wow....sorry to hear that.

Are we talking about the same Alprazolam? I haven't had the same addiction issues surface with my xanax usage.

Good to hear that you are doing better. With a headstrong attitude you will pull through.

Yes I get the sandoz alprazolam(generic xanax). when you get to 6mg a day your fucked! no going back,the opiates on the other hand you can kick even cold turkey. no way anybody could go off 6mg of xanax cold turkey they would die! xanax is very dangerous to come off of. you can have a seizure withdrawing from xanax.


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Re: Went from all this to just subutex and a little xanax
« Reply #35 on: February 11, 2014, 03:44:51 AM »
I worked 24/7 for over 35 years.

My mind finally said "enough is enough" and shut my body down 3 times.

Not a nice feeling. Would not wish this on my worst enemy.

I kept getting up, brushing myself off and going back to work. Extremely stressful job with over 3000 employees that I managed.

My adrenaline was always flowing. Full-blown "workaholic" for whatever reason, it's in my nature. OCD to the extreme. I was great at what I did, but when age set in... another story.

I've always worked out. Always been clean.

At this point my blood pressure was near 200/100 ~ very, very dangerous. Doc looked at me with my six-pack abs... like WTF?

After I told him about my work history, he prescribed 2 mg 3 x daily of Xanax. I have studied every drug out there from head to toe.

Xanax... well, it's a life-saver. It can get you back on your feet, but you have to pace yourself. I don't get high on it, I just get "normal' on it.

I will more than likely be on it for the rest of my life.

When my adrenaline gets going, it doesn't know when to stop. Xanax stops it.

Perfect example of an animal that can turn it on and off like a light switch: A cat.

A cat can go into a deep sleep and in milliseconds be on full alert, only to fall right back asleep again... and purring.

Xanax will allow you to live again, but you can't abuse it. You can't snort it. You only take what you are supposed to (or less)

You really can't come off it very easy. Statistics show that 1 in 3 get the seizures and even "tapering" or "titration" can take years. Many, many doctors (GP's) don't know this when they prescribe it, but the doctors that work in the Emergency wards in hospitals know ALL ABOUT IT!

It is a miracle drug. If you use it correctly, you don't need more and more and more. Using it incorrectly can even give you seizures.

If it wasn't for Xanax, I would be non-functional.

I can go a day without it from time to time, but I usually have to start taking it sometime in the morning.

Outlook on life MUST change also. You can't stress about things. You learn that ALL THE WORRY IN THE WORLD CHANGES NOTHING!!!!

One day at a time. Chill. What happens, happens and you deal with it. Some good days, some bad.

I never had this in my youth. I was 47 when my first mental breakdown or "episode" occurred.

Kids! Listen up. We never listen when we are young and those that do, need be commended. When you get older:THINGS CHANGE!

Whatever you did yesterday, you will pay for tomorrow. Trust me. It's 100% truth.

Young, dumb and full of cum, thinking you are in total control.

Older, wiser and cherish your days.

Wait and see. Live wisely. Learn from OTHER people's mistakes, not your own. You might thank me one day... but I'll prob be dead by then.

alomost same story. The xanax is a miracle drug but once you get on 6mg dosages you are going to be on them for life in 90% of cases. I have no intention of stopping the xanax usage,just the opiates. xanax when needed can change your life for the better. I made the mistake of abusing it before but have always made my pills last most months


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Re: Went from all this to just subutex and a little xanax
« Reply #36 on: February 11, 2014, 03:46:42 AM »
Whoever your doctors are they should be fired, this is some straight up retard shit here, straight to 6mgs of xanax long term to an addict? LOLOLOLOLOLOL.

for GAD? no SRI, SNRI,bupropion, buspirone,pregabalin, neurontin etc for anxiety instead of xanax?

dude they have fucked you up bad.

They did start me off on ativan ,then to klonopin and then to xanax within 9 months. They just did not throw me on 6mg of xanax, sorry I should of mentioned that. all of what they prescribed me were benzos though from the start


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Re: Went from all this to just subutex and a little xanax
« Reply #37 on: February 11, 2014, 03:47:09 AM »
same medication i take. addiction history kinda same. sub i take daily as little as possible. 12mg aday each morning is standard. xanax only when needed. usually need to take a few 2 mg pills twice a week (4-6mg standard those days). not been doing them for 4 days now... being addicted to morphine/oxys/opiates overall is no joke!...feel like crap just thinking about those times. keep it up ww!
what doses u need?

gracie bjj

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Re: Went from all this to just subutex and a little xanax
« Reply #38 on: February 11, 2014, 06:21:37 AM »
ive been on xanax for 5 yrs now but only take 1mg a day divided into 4 doses of .25, ive found that dosage takes the edge off without turning me into a zombie

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Re: Went from all this to just subutex and a little xanax
« Reply #39 on: February 11, 2014, 06:42:42 AM »
I think the xanax is enough since I use 6mg a day. If I used seroquel on top on the xanax I would never get up-lol. I hear mixed reviews on the seroquel. Most of the guys who tried it said they prefer just xanax. I am aware of seroquel though. Just think my usage at the imte was already to much to add in another drug. I have good luck sleeping just on the xanax but like I said I take 6mg a day wich you know is a shit load. I could never get off xanax it is way worse then opiates.
I know seroquel is some strong shit! I only suggested it if you were having problems sleeping, can't take it during the day if you have to function! Do you build up a resistance to xanax 6mg's is a lot! Do the Doc's switch your tranquilizers back and forth so you don't build a resistance!

gracie bjj

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Re: Went from all this to just subutex and a little xanax
« Reply #40 on: February 11, 2014, 06:45:38 AM »
seroquil is the strongest shit ive ever taken, i remember taking a pill n drinking a 40 oz of bud n i passed out in my kitchen n slammed my head into the fridge, that shit is high powered


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Re: Went from all this to just subutex and a little xanax
« Reply #41 on: February 11, 2014, 08:42:27 AM »
alomost same story. The xanax is a miracle drug but once you get on 6mg dosages you are going to be on them for life in 90% of cases. I have no intention of stopping the xanax usage,just the opiates. xanax when needed can change your life for the better. I made the mistake of abusing it before but have always made my pills last most months

Ive seen people break it and snort it and get an incredible high... then within three hours: Seizures... .it's pretty scary b/c there is nothing you can do, and they need more to get calmed down quickly.

It horrible, but people don't know how bad Xanax can be if abused and misused.

Like I said, use it correctly and you can live again.

I've come off it before with no problems, but this time around I am older and I don't have the same mindset, which has a lot to do with any titration process....

I'm content to be living and working again. I'm pretty much the same person, just older and possibly wiser.


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Re: Went from all this to just subutex and a little xanax
« Reply #42 on: February 11, 2014, 01:06:08 PM »
We're you prescribed Xanax at that high of a dose, is so the doc needs his license taken away for that, there is no medical reason to give someone that much.


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Re: Went from all this to just subutex and a little xanax
« Reply #43 on: February 11, 2014, 06:51:58 PM »
I know seroquel is some strong shit! I only suggested it if you were having problems sleeping, can't take it during the day if you have to function! Do you build up a resistance to xanax 6mg's is a lot! Do the Doc's switch your tranquilizers back and forth so you don't build a resistance!

No at first I got ativan and I bitched it did not work because I was a xanax addict before I get a legal prescription.I did not the drug though I do have bad anxiety. Then since I was unhappy with the ativan they gave me klonopin and then I bithced about that because I had tried xanax ( the king of benzos) then when I asked my Dr for xanax he wouldn;t prescribe it to me because he said he didn't know enough about mental health so I had to go see a psych doctor and I was started at 6mg and that is what I have gotten for the last 6 years -no change-ups. seroquel is not prescribed for people like me but I know about all it does is make you sleep. The xanax helps me sleep fine.


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Re: Went from all this to just subutex and a little xanax
« Reply #44 on: February 11, 2014, 06:54:43 PM »
Ive seen people break it and snort it and get an incredible high... then within three hours: Seizures... .it's pretty scary b/c there is nothing you can do, and they need more to get calmed down quickly.

It horrible, but people don't know how bad Xanax can be if abused and misused.

Like I said, use it correctly and you can live again.

I've come off it before with no problems, but this time around I am older and I don't have the same mindset, which has a lot to do with any titration process....

I'm content to be living and working again. I'm pretty much the same person, just older and possibly wiser.

It can be horrible. Xanax is one of only 2-3 types of drugs that can kill you from W/Ds, and a person fucked up on xanax and meth is HORRIBLE, absolutley HORRIBLE to be around, because they're all fucked up, have no idea whats goign on, are violent and agressive, and could either pass out or freak out at any second.


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Re: Went from all this to just subutex and a little xanax
« Reply #45 on: February 11, 2014, 06:55:09 PM »
seroquil is the strongest shit ive ever taken, i remember taking a pill n drinking a 40 oz of bud n i passed out in my kitchen n slammed my head into the fridge, that shit is high powered

I have been on some strong cocktails where I would pass out and not remember what happened. I broke my shower door because I was trying to come out of a haze and passed out in the shower and fell through the door. I have passed out waiting to take a piss,the meds make it hard to piss and I was standing there for like 5 minutes trying to piss and fell over. all sorts of crazy times.


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Re: Went from all this to just subutex and a little xanax
« Reply #46 on: February 11, 2014, 06:56:00 PM »
ive been on xanax for 5 yrs now but only take 1mg a day divided into 4 doses of .25, ive found that dosage takes the edge off without turning me into a zombie

I wish I could do that. I would be going through withdrawals if I only took 1mg of xanax


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Re: Went from all this to just subutex and a little xanax
« Reply #47 on: February 11, 2014, 06:58:20 PM »
Ive seen people break it and snort it and get an incredible high... then within three hours: Seizures... .it's pretty scary b/c there is nothing you can do, and they need more to get calmed down quickly.

It horrible, but people don't know how bad Xanax can be if abused and misused.

Like I said, use it correctly and you can live again.

I've come off it before with no problems, but this time around I am older and I don't have the same mindset, which has a lot to do with any titration process....

I'm content to be living and working again. I'm pretty much the same person, just older and possibly wiser.

I used to chop up oxcontin or oxycodone(same shit when you strip off the coding on the old style oxycontin tabs) and I would chop up a 80mg oxy and chop up 1mg of xanax and snort that and I was addicted to snoting xanax ever since. I took them by mouth too but I snorted alot of my daily dose mixed with oxy.


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Re: Went from all this to just subutex and a little xanax
« Reply #48 on: February 11, 2014, 06:59:51 PM »
Fuck. If I took all that shit I'd probably run through a glass window and sleep in a pile of blood for 48 hours.

Really glad that you're managing to trim all of those meds down. Do you still have much day to day pain on such a contrasting dose?


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Re: Went from all this to just subutex and a little xanax
« Reply #49 on: February 11, 2014, 07:01:43 PM »
We're you prescribed Xanax at that high of a dose, is so the doc needs his license taken away for that, there is no medical reason to give someone that much.

NO. I had been on high doses of ativan and klonopin so he knew i could handle that amount.Plus since it was a psych Dr. I told him I bought them off the blackmarket and took around 4-6mg a day. You would think he would give me shit for telling him I bought them off the street but I told him I was sick of buying them off the street since I have insurance and should get the medication that works best. he agreed and didn't want to see me get in trouble buying drugs from the blackmarket. he was a cool psych Dr.