Author Topic: Does adult life always keep finding new ways of sucking.  (Read 3890 times)


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Does adult life always keep finding new ways of sucking.
« on: February 10, 2014, 06:24:52 PM »
Don't get me wrong I'm quite happy with many parts of my adult life, and things for the most part seem to be getting better and better.

However this feeling that all the things I use to like about life have disappeared is really growing on me. The me 5 years ago couldn't be happy with my life now. So much is missing, and hasn't been replaced.

i donno it's a strange thing to explain, but it feels like as an adult there is this constant loss of all things familiar.

P.S. I know most getbiggers don't have emotions, and generally ignore the process of aging but I'm serious.

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Re: Does adult life always keep finding new ways of sucking.
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2014, 06:26:27 PM »
Don't get me wrong I'm quite happy with many parts of my adult life, and things for the most part seem to be getting better and better.

However this feeling that all the things I use to like about life have disappeared is really growing on me. The me 5 years ago couldn't be happy with my life now. So much is missing, and hasn't been replaced.

i donno it's a strange thing to explain, but it feels like as an adult there is this constant loss of all things familiar.

P.S. I know most getbiggers don't have emotions, and generally ignore the process of aging but I'm serious.
Whats preventing you from doing the things you liked then versus now?


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Re: Does adult life always keep finding new ways of sucking.
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2014, 06:33:45 PM »
Are you on anti depressants? You should be.


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Re: Does adult life always keep finding new ways of sucking.
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2014, 06:37:00 PM »
Whats preventing you from doing the things you liked then versus now?
Disinterest. Or inability to believe in something I once thought was important.

For example I once wanted to be big like Arnold, yet at the moment my only interest physically is in having Old Man Strength at work.

Being the most fit at your job is nice and all, but it's far from the glamour of wanting to be like Arnold. I wouldn't call that transition a bad thing, as I have far better body for working hard and long than looking good in a thong. But its one of those things, where getting older seems like a constant pattern of moving on from the shinny new ideas, onto the less glamorous less inspired thoughts.


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Re: Does adult life always keep finding new ways of sucking.
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2014, 07:43:05 PM »
I agree with you retard. My life suck and the harder I try the worse it gets. Like running on a treadmill and going nowhere.  :(

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Re: Does adult life always keep finding new ways of sucking.
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2014, 07:50:15 PM »
I agree with you retard. My life suck and the harder I try the worse it gets. Like running on a treadmill and going nowhere.  :(

The key is to be happy in the moment, the key to attaining that is to meditate.Download the audiobook or ebook for the power of now for a good explanation of this.Happiness comes from within, not externally. You will only get fleeting moments of pleasure if you seek it externally.

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Re: Does adult life always keep finding new ways of sucking.
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2014, 07:52:47 PM »
Everybody's tempted to give up from time to time, whatever the undertaking, but this isn't about everyday stuff. We're talking about dreams: our heart of hearts, goal of goals, the motor that energizes us and puts a spring in our step.

When do we pull the plug on a dream?
We shouldn't give up when the dream still lights our days and a door or two stands slightly ajar, if not completely open. If we're happy to hear the alarm clock every morning because it means we can move our dream a little further down the road, we can't give up.

We shouldn't give up because Mother says we look tired. Eat the dinner, tell her she's a good cook and you love her, then get back to work on the dream. Repeat as necessary.

We shouldn't give up because it's harder than we expected. Life's not supposed to be easy. How can we expect to do something great without breaking a sweat? Nobody would start anything if they realized the swamps they'd have to struggle through to get to the finish line.

We shouldn't give up because somebody says it can't work. New concepts often stump onlookers. Also, conventional thinkers resist the changes brought by new ideas. Scientific American wrote that the Wright brothers would never be able to fly their machine-after they had already done so.

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Re: Does adult life always keep finding new ways of sucking.
« Reply #7 on: February 10, 2014, 07:58:36 PM »
Everybody's tempted to give up from time to time, whatever the undertaking, but this isn't about everyday stuff. We're talking about dreams: our heart of hearts, goal of goals, the motor that energizes us and puts a spring in our step.

When do we pull the plug on a dream?
We shouldn't give up when the dream still lights our days and a door or two stands slightly ajar, if not completely open. If we're happy to hear the alarm clock every morning because it means we can move our dream a little further down the road, we can't give up.

We shouldn't give up because Mother says we look tired. Eat the dinner, tell her she's a good cook and you love her, then get back to work on the dream. Repeat as necessary.

We shouldn't give up because it's harder than we expected. Life's not supposed to be easy. How can we expect to do something great without breaking a sweat? Nobody would start anything if they realized the swamps they'd have to struggle through to get to the finish line.

We shouldn't give up because somebody says it can't work. New concepts often stump onlookers. Also, conventional thinkers resist the changes brought by new ideas. Scientific American wrote that the Wright brothers would never be able to fly their machine-after they had already done so.

"The Dream" is the problem, you delay your happiness for some magical point in the future that never comes, when I get that car, when I get that house, when I get the promotion, if you do happen to achieve any of them then the pleasure derived from the goal is fleeting until you delay your happiness once more for a point in the future that won't come or bring you the feeling you want.You have everything you need to be happy right now, and its right inside you.


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Re: Does adult life always keep finding new ways of sucking.
« Reply #8 on: February 10, 2014, 08:00:52 PM »
no youre not mostly happy.

and its not life that sucks, its always yourself.

must lwer the standards.

relatively a kd in afrcia will be very happy when it gets a meals, while a coke head millionaire will be bored about getting a new ferrari,he will be less excited than the african kid.

think about that.


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Re: Does adult life always keep finding new ways of sucking.
« Reply #9 on: February 10, 2014, 08:05:08 PM »
Don't get me wrong I'm quite happy with many parts of my adult life, and things for the most part seem to be getting better and better.

However this feeling that all the things I use to like about life have disappeared is really growing on me. The me 5 years ago couldn't be happy with my life now. So much is missing, and hasn't been replaced.

i donno it's a strange thing to explain, but it feels like as an adult there is this constant loss of all things familiar.

P.S. I know most getbiggers don't have emotions, and generally ignore the process of aging but I'm serious.
What you are experiencing is GOOD, it is REAL.  Most Getbiggers would have no idea what you are talking about, as they strive to avoid or numb themselves to reality.  Most people avoid having to reflect on life and be honest about it.  For many people, life is a depressing journey, littered with suffering, disappointments and continual losses, but they fear to acknowledge it.  For then it will be REAL and need to be confronted.  You are starting to see LIFE for what it really is, don't be too concerned, for many things we cannot change, you can attempt to medicate these feelings away, but they will lead you to greater truths and living a GENUINE life. The simple acknowledgment of a painful truth can sometimes lessen the harshness of it.

Leave the hippy optimist platitudes to the deluded new age crowd.  It is far more satisfying to live a genuine life, acknowledging your deepest truest feelings, riding the ups and downs rather than some forced attempt to ignore or deny the misery, forcing yourself to TRY and be happy.


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Re: Does adult life always keep finding new ways of sucking.
« Reply #10 on: February 10, 2014, 08:08:32 PM »
No.....RAtard....I honestly believe you have a chemical imbalance.

In 2007/2008 I started becoming quite tired. I lost all interest in things....I had no motivation whatsoever.....universit y, working out, watching TV, etc. I just couldn't bring myself to want to do anything but sleep.

I couldn't figure it out because nothing in my life had changed...I was in a great relationship, happy in school, making good gains in the gym, etc.

Yet slowly I lost all interest in my friends, boyfriend, activities, sex, etc.

I eventually would just sit on the couch staring at the TV and cry for hours on end.

I wasn't sad or depressed....I just wasn't functioning normally and nothing significant in my life had changed. Diet was great...I really had a great life. I had beaten cancer.....awesome friends.....was just fucking happy.

One evening my boyfriend woke up and caught me crying on the couch ( I always hid it from him). I literally cried for 2 hours straight in his arms and told him I had no idea why I felt this way......and that's a long fucking time to just sit there crying.

The next day he called in sick to work and took me straight to the doctor.

The doctor who I had never seen before said " have depression." I said...."but I'm not depressed or sad about anything...I have a great life."

He then took over 45 minutes to explain all about depression and chemical imbalances......there is chemical depression and situational depression. As we get older our brain chemistry changes often and this can affect serotonin, norepinephrine, etc.

Anyways....he put me on anti depressants and it took about a year to find the perfect blend of anti depressants to help me. It was a lot of trial and error. The first one I ever tried was Effexor....what a fucking nightmare. Then wellbutrin, etc. He said I will work with you till we find the right one.......everybody reacts different to different meds.....and it took me trying 5 AD's till I found one that worked. You have to give them least 6 to 8 it was a very long year for me. I also played around with some anxiety meds......but finally we found something that worked.

Honestly saved my fucking life....I swear. I then stayed on for about 2-3 years and slowly tapered off. My doctor said there was a possibility I may need to be on for life.....but you never we slowly tapered off and I was fine. I've been fine without them for about 4-5 years now.

One day I may need them again....who knows. I now know the signs though. And will never be ashamed or afraid to go into a doctor and say "I'm depressed and think I need to go on meds."

Before that I used to think that people who were "depressed" were lazy schmucks that felt sorry for themselves. I had no idea about mental illness and I thought I was far to strong to ever get it. I had battled some physical illness brilliantly and thought "I'm a fucking fighter".

I'm not ignorant anymore.

It can happen to anyone at anytime.

I was blessed to have a doctor that gave a fuck and was patient. After the third anti depressant I thought that none of them would help me.......but he pushed me to hang in there and I'm glad I fucking did.

Our bodies will go through many changes in our lifetimes and we have to learn to adapt and embrace those changes. I can't eat what I did at twenty and have a great body.  You have to learn to deal with those changes. It's the same with brain chemistry.


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Re: Does adult life always keep finding new ways of sucking.
« Reply #11 on: February 10, 2014, 08:11:02 PM »
When I was depressed you could have given me a supermodel face, bikini competitor body, a marriage to Denzel Washington and 3 trillion dollars.

I still would have felt numb and unsatisfied.

Mind over matter is not always as easy as people make it out to be. I used to think that's all it took.

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Re: Does adult life always keep finding new ways of sucking.
« Reply #12 on: February 10, 2014, 08:11:22 PM »
No.....RAtard....I honestly believe you have a chemical imbalance.

In 2007/2008 I started becoming quite tired. I lost all interest in things....I had no motivation whatsoever.....universit y, working out, watching TV, etc. I just couldn't bring myself to want to do anything but sleep.

I couldn't figure it out because nothing in my life had changed...I was in a great relationship, happy in school, making good gains in the gym, etc.

Yet slowly I lost all interest in my friends, boyfriend, activities, sex, etc.

I eventually would just sit on the couch staring at the TV and cry for hours on end.

I wasn't sad or depressed....I just wasn't functioning normally and nothing significant in my life had changed. Diet was great...I really had a great life. I had beaten cancer.....awesome friends.....was just fucking happy.

One evening my boyfriend woke up and caught me crying on the couch ( I always hid it from him). I literally cried for 2 hours straight in his arms and told him I had no idea why I felt this way......and that's a long fucking time to just sit there crying.

The next day he called in sick to work and took me straight to the doctor.

The doctor who I had never seen before said " have depression." I said...."but I'm not depressed or sad about anything...I have a great life."

He then took over 45 minutes to explain all about depression and chemical imbalances......there is chemical depression and situational depression. As we get older our brain chemistry changes often and this can affect serotonin, norepinephrine, etc.

Anyways....he put me on anti depressants and it took about a year to find the perfect blend of anti depressants to help me. It was a lot of trial and error. The first one I ever tried was Effexor....what a fucking nightmare. Then wellbutrin, etc. He said I will work with you till we find the right one.......everybody reacts different to different meds.....and it took me trying 5 AD's till I found one that worked. You have to give them least 6 to 8 it was a very long year for me. I also played around with some anxiety meds......but finally we found something that worked.

Honestly saved my fucking life....I swear. I then stayed on for about 2-3 years and slowly tapered off. My doctor said there was a possibility I may need to be on for life.....but you never we slowly tapered off and I was fine. I've been fine without them for about 4-5 years now.

One day I may need them again....who knows. I now know the signs though. And will never be ashamed or afraid to go into a doctor and say "I'm depressed and think I need to go on meds."

Before that I used to think that people who were "depressed" were lazy schmucks that felt sorry for themselves. I had no idea about mental illness and I thought I was far to strong to ever get it. I had battled some physical illness brilliantly and thought "I'm a fucking fighter".

I'm not ignorant anymore.

It can happen to anyone at anytime.

I was blessed to have a doctor that gave a fuck and was patient. After the third anti depressant I thought that none of them would help me.......but he pushed me to hang in there and I'm glad I fucking did.

Our bodies will go through many changes in our lifetimes and we have to learn to adapt and embrace those changes. I can't eat what I did at twenty and have a great body.  You have to learn to deal with those changes. It's the same with brain chemistry.
There is no such thing as a chemical imbalance.  This is pseudo science.  You denied yourself REAL growth by avoiding REALITY.  Medicating NORMAL emotional reactions to LIFE is ridiculous.  What are you going to do every-time you face difficulty, run from it and drug yourself up. Great Solution.  It's a GIFT to see REALITY for what it is, it was WASTED on you.


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Re: Does adult life always keep finding new ways of sucking.
« Reply #13 on: February 10, 2014, 08:13:58 PM »
There is no such thing as a chemical imbalance.  This is pseudo science.

Like hell there's not. Ignorance at it's finest.

You can actually fucking test for it by gathering a syringe full of meningococcal fluid. However this is dangerous, costly and not viable.

I remember my doctor saying he wishes he could do this regularly.

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Re: Does adult life always keep finding new ways of sucking.
« Reply #14 on: February 10, 2014, 08:14:19 PM »
if you have a chemical imbalance, and many of us (myself included) invariably do...

try different things.  Don't use one thing forever.  Don't drink so much.  Read a lot.  Change things up.  

Find the underlying causes of what really bugs you daily, and try to remove them from your life.  


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Re: Does adult life always keep finding new ways of sucking.
« Reply #15 on: February 10, 2014, 08:15:05 PM »
the best thing for mood is to walk in nature and get sun light.  amino acids and st johns wort help too.


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Re: Does adult life always keep finding new ways of sucking.
« Reply #16 on: February 10, 2014, 08:16:16 PM »
As we grow as people and evolve our priorities change. One of the most important things in personal growth is to first and foremost be happy with YOU, without relying on outside sources for validation. Things and people around you may change but as long as you are happy and confident with who you are, problems and challenges that arise become workable.

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Re: Does adult life always keep finding new ways of sucking.
« Reply #17 on: February 10, 2014, 08:16:31 PM »
Like hell there's not. Ignorance at it's finest.

You can actually fucking test for it by gathering a syringe full of meningococcal fluid. However this is dangerous, costly and not viable.

I remember my doctor saying he wishes he could do this regularly.
You are so gullible, I actually feel sorry for people like you.  I wouldn't even waste my time on people who so easily BUY into concepts such as chemical imbalances.


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Re: Does adult life always keep finding new ways of sucking.
« Reply #18 on: February 10, 2014, 08:17:37 PM »
the best thing for mood is to walk in nature and get sun light.  amino acids and st johns wort help too.

Actually, taking vitamin D drops has helped me greatly. I feel a big difference with this particular supplement. When I work night shift I don't see sun for 14 days straight.

Although I do prefer the nights.

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Re: Does adult life always keep finding new ways of sucking.
« Reply #19 on: February 10, 2014, 08:19:41 PM »
One of the most important things in personal growth is to first and foremost be happy with YOU, without relying on outside sources for validation.

Most important sentence in this thread.All these people you are trying to impress getting rich,jacked, intelligent, whatever else, how many will care for more than a week or two if you died?If you can count more than one hand then you are delusional/liar.Live for yourself.


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Re: Does adult life always keep finding new ways of sucking.
« Reply #20 on: February 10, 2014, 08:19:52 PM »
You are so gullible, I actually feel sorry for people like you.  I wouldn't even waste my time on people who so easily BUY into concepts such as chemical imbalances.

Good. Then we won't get into a petty argument where you write 2000 words of nonsensical babble while insulting me instead of insulting my argument. The usual E-Kul drivel.

And my opinion is not only coming from my own experience but from my particular university education in where I had to learn about this.


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Re: Does adult life always keep finding new ways of sucking.
« Reply #21 on: February 10, 2014, 08:21:14 PM »
Most important sentence in this thread.All these people you are trying to impress getting rich,jacked, intelligent, whatever else, how many will care for more than a week or two if you died?If you can count more than one hand then you are delusional/liar.

Yes, but it's not easy. We all want the validation of's human nature.

Some just want it more than others and some definitely vie for it more than others. These are called attention whores aka Shizzo.


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Re: Does adult life always keep finding new ways of sucking.
« Reply #22 on: February 10, 2014, 08:24:14 PM »
ekul of course theres something like a chemical imbalance, go on seroquel,or pop couple extasy pills, or lsd, bit cocaine, or heroin and see how chemical imbalance doesnt exist.

this retard kid is on headcase meds

has hdasd or whatever the hell they call this disordr that paris hilton has.

this didnt exist before they made up a name for it, back then instead of giving these dumbass kids meds,they were sent to the hills to work some hard labour and sent there with a facespa left and right so their fucking ears would ring for whole afternoon.

nowdays they on some tablets and moan how bad life is.

jesus wept.


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Re: Does adult life always keep finding new ways of sucking.
« Reply #23 on: February 10, 2014, 08:25:31 PM »
Ratard, ignore the Nutters in this thread.  It is perfectly OK to grow and change and feel loss.  You don't need to find a way to force yourself into another state of being like BikiniSlut does.  Idiots like that have some twisted belief that happiness is acceptable but feeling flat low or down isn't.  And that happiness should be the goal. There is no such things as finding some permanent flat line of happiness, this is all bullshit.  Life is a series of ups and downs, gains and losses, neither the ups or downs being more desirable than the other.  It's just what life is.  Like I said, the majority are barely consciously aware of how they feel or think about life.  Henry David Thoreau wrote 'Most men lead lives of quiet desperation'.  The reason is because people run from their true feelings, they refuse to acknowledge the truth and harsh realities of life.

Happiness isn't a more desirable state than other feeling states, it''s just one of the many.  If anything, the way you are feeling now is more desirable, it will lead you to greater growth and satisfaction.  Be wary of those who suggest the way you are feeling is undesirable and should be changed via the use of drugs.


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Re: Does adult life always keep finding new ways of sucking.
« Reply #24 on: February 10, 2014, 08:28:22 PM »
man i did some meditation to find inner peace and happynes.
no pills balonie.

as long you on thos epils they will screw with your head.easy as.
