Author Topic: Tennessee atheists win right to distribute literature after schools give Bibles  (Read 92388 times)


  • Getbig V
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  • Iron Pumping University Math Professor
Your question is weak.  Yes, the concept is ridiculous.  And stupid.  

Is this your way of not addressing why atheists need a chaplain?  

We can add this to the list:  atheist churches, magazines, radio station, protests, lawsuits, activism, etc.  Such an irrational bunch.

I agree that it sounds silly to use the term Chaplain - it may even be silly. However, I would argue that atheist soldiers benefit from having the ability to go to someone who shares their outlook to discuss issues or concerns that they might have in the same way that a Christian soldier benefits from going to a Chaplain for. Of course, I would also argue that a "therapist" is better suited that chaplains in filling that role, for all soldiers, theist and atheist.

But the fact is that we have chaplains in the army today. With that in mind, should soldiers who follow pastafarianism have access to a Pastafarian chaplain? What about Jedi soldiers? Or native American soldiers? Or any other number of religions? Again, you may find some of religions silly, perhaps even outright stupid. But there are people who find your religious beliefs silly or even stupid, so that's not really an argument for not having pastafarian ministers or Jedi pastors, or Native American medicine men or whatever else.

Or, to put the question more broadly, on what grounds should we decide which religions or viewpoints get military chaplains?

How about you answer that question?

Straw Man

  • Getbig V
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  • one dwells in nirvana
Thank you!

You are the one entertaining me, and not the other way around.   ;D

You will keep responding to me even though you've already stated, twice, that it's both pointless and a waste of your time to do so.

That's irrational.  You are as mentally ill as you say that I am.

I'm sure Beach Bum is flattered that you, of all people, are going out of your way to prove him right about irrational atheists.

You are more mentally ill than you say Soul Crusher is.

yes, you've done a great job demonstrating your sanity in this thread

why is it again, that you didn't just admit you made mistake and move on?

btw - very nice touch to really drive home the point of how sane you are to post something in beige so that it can't be seen and in spanish (I assume that is spanish)


Las enfermedades mentales o trastornos psicológicos son alteraciones de los procesos cognitivos y afectivos del desarrollo, consideradas como anormales con respecto al grupo social de referencia del cual proviene el individuo. Se puede tratar de alteraciones en el razonamiento, el comportamiento, la facultad de reconocer la realidad o de adaptarse a las condiciones de la vida.

Dependiendo del concepto de enfermedad que se utilice, algunos autores consideran más adecuado utilizar en el campo de la salud mental el término "trastorno mental" (que es el que utilizan los dos sistemas clasificatorios de la psicopatología más importantes en la actualidad: la CIE-10 de la Organización Mundial de la Salud y el DSM-IV-TR de la Asociación Psiquiátrica Americana). Sobre todo en aquellos casos en los que la etiología biológica no está claramente demostrada, como sucede en la mayoría de los trastornos mentales. Además, el término "enfermedad mental" puede asociarse a estigmatización social. Por estas razones, este término está en desuso y se usa más trastorno mental, o psicopatología.

El concepto enfermedad mental aglutina un buen número de patologías de muy diversa índole, por lo que es muy difícil de definir de una forma unitaria y hay que hablar de cada enfermedad o trastorno de forma particular e incluso individualizada ya que cada persona puede sufrirlas con síntomas algo diferentes.

Debido a su naturaleza única y diferenciada de otras enfermedades, están determinados multifactorialemente, integrando elementos de origen ambiental, familiar, psicosocial y psicológico, teniendo todos estos factores un peso no sólo en la presentación de la enfermedad, sino también en su fenomenología, en su desarrollo evolutivo, tratamiento, pronóstico y posibilidades de rehabilitación.

La mayoría de los trastornos psiquiátricos presentan una etiología desconocida, es decir, no se conoce el origen que da lugar al trastorno. Existen evidencias que confirman la implicación de factores genéticos en estos trastornos, en concreto en cinco de los trastornos psiquiátricos más comunes: esquizofrenia, trastorno bipolar, trastorno depresivo mayor, trastorno de autismo y trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad.

El Estudio de asociación del genoma completo (GWAS) ha permitido la identificación de variantes en genes de pacientes, ausentes en individuos sanos. Estos datos han hecho posible estimar la varianza total explicada por SNP a través de las relaciones genéticas entre los casos afectados y los controles.

Los datos fueron obtenidos por Cross-Disorder Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium 1 y demuestran la existencia de heredabilidad de dichos trastornos. Además ha demostrado la correlación genética positiva que existe entre ellos, es decir, los casos de un trastorno muestran mayor similitud con el otro trastorno que con sus propios controles.

1. Heredabilidad de los trastornos

Mediante el cálculo de la varianza total observada de un genotipo se obtienen los datos de la heredabilidad mediante un método univariacional. En el caso de los cinco trastornos mencionados anteriormente se demostró que en todos los casos presentan valores positivos de heredabilidad, por lo que se concluye que dichos trastornos son heredables.

2. Co-heredabilidad entre trastornos

Orden de co-heredabilidad existente entre los diferentes pares de trastornos.
Mediante el cálculo de la correlación genética explicada por SNPs entre casos y control obtenidos independientemente de 2 tipos de trastornos se obtienen los datos de co-heredabilidad mediante un análisis bivariacional. Estos datos reflejaron evidencias empíricas de que los cinco trastornos presentan una etiología genética compartida.

Las parejas de trastornos que presentan un mayor valor de etiología compartida son: esquizofrenia-trastorno bipolar; esquizofrenia-trastorno depresivo mayor y trastorno bipolar-trastorno depresivo mayor. Es importante destacar que a pesar de que los trastornos de autismo y trastornos por déficit de atención con hiperactividad se diagnostican antes de la infancia, y los demás se diagnostican después de la niñez, comparten variantes genéticas comunes.

Esquema que representa los dos principales pares de trastornos que muestran mayor correlación genética.
Existe una relación directa, empírica y cuantificada de la contribución genética a los cinco trastornos.
La heredabilidad procedente de SNPs es positiva para todos los trastornos, por lo que son moderadamente o altamente heredables.
Existen evidencias de la presencia de factores de riesgo genéticos compartidos de los trastornos.
Los datos de correlación reflejan la pleiotropía de SNPs existente en el genoma.
Existe una etiología compartida entre los diferentes trastornos, destacando esquizofrenia y trastorno bipolar y; trastorno bipolar y trastorno depresivo mayor.
Estas evidencias permitirán ayudar a la clasificación de trastornos psiquiátricos y ayudará a entender los mecanismos terapéuticos.

Artículo principal: Manual diagnóstico y estadístico de los trastornos mentales
Aún cuando clásicamente se han dividido las enfermedades mentales en Trastornos Orgánicos y Trastornos Funcionales, haciendo referencia al grado de génesis fisiológica o psíquica que determine al padecimiento, la clínica demuestra que ambas esferas no son independientes entre sí y que en la patología, como en el resto del desempeño psíquico "normal", ambos factores interactúan y se correlacionan para generar el amplio espectro del comportamiento humano tal como lo conocemos. De hecho, alteraciones biológicas alteran la psique, al igual que alteraciones psicológicas alteran o modifican la biología.

Existen numerosas categorías de trastornos mentales, con mayor o menor gravedad tanto en la vivencia subjetiva del individuo como en su repercusión dentro del funcionamiento social, así se hace alusión a otra clasificación clásica: Trastornos Neuróticos y Trastornos Psicóticos.

Las neurosis afectan en mayor grado a la percepción del sujeto sobre sí mismo, y a su nivel de agrado, de plenitud y de integración del yo, así como a sus relaciones con el entorno social y familiar más cercano; sin embargo, no presentan los síntomas usuales de desconexión con la realidad y amplio alejamiento de la vida social, pueden desempeñarse laboral y académicamente, y según Freud y las escuelas psicoanalíticas este estado es la condición natural de la vida psíquica.
Las psicosis, abarcan la manifestación más claramente asociada con la enfermedad mental, sus síntomas clásicos incluyen las alucinaciones, delirios y grave alteración afectiva y relacional, estos trastornos suelen tener un factor orgánico bastante pronunciado como los Trastornos Depresivos y Bipolares, aunque las esquizofrenias son claramente las de mayor repercusión personal, social y familiar dado su carácter crónico y degenerativo caracterizado por los elementos propios de todos los trastornos psicóticos a los cuales se añaden la desconexión con la realidad y aplanamiento afectivo.

La enfermedad mental suele degenerar en aislamiento social, inactividad, abulia, desorden del ritmo de vida en general y, en ciertos casos y circunstancias, comportamientos violentos e intentos suicidas.

Antecedentes del tratamiento
En la Edad Media al trastorno mental se le relacionaba con el demonio pues pensaban que la persona estaba poseída por espíritus malvados y que tenía alguna relación con la brujería, así que el tratamiento era tortura o la hoguera para liberar el alma.

En el siglo XIX, los manicomnios eran como cárceles, pues solo se disfrazaba la tortura como una curación, uno de los tantos casos fue en el hospital psiquiátrico Charenton en París, donde aplicaban como tratamiento, mantenerlos atados, sumergirlos en agua fría, golpes y sumergirles la cabeza en una bañera. Todo esto para apartar las ideas e ilusiones que ellos pudieran albergar.

En 1949, Antonio Egas Moniz, un Premio Nobel en Medicina, practicaba la lobotomía, que consiste en retirar un trozo del cerebro en la parte frontal, pero en 1967 este tratamiento dejo de ser legal.

Paralelamente, en 1964 se llevó a cabo el proyecto MK-ULTRA, que buscaba controlar la mente y así borrar la memoria existente y reconstruir el pensamiento, algunos de los experimentos realizados eran la radiación, uso de psicodélicos, inyección simultánea de barbitúricos y anfetaminas, y descargas eléctricas al cerebro. El único resultado de este experimento fue dejar a las personas involucradas con daño cerebral.2

Actualmente el tratamiento de los trastornos mentales posee un enfoque integrativo y multidisciplinar, en el que participan psicólogos y psiquiatras, educadores sociales, enfermeros psiquiátricos, trabajadores sociales, terapeutas ocupacionales y otros profesionales. Cada tratamiento integra, dependiendo del caso, la administración de psicofármacos como métodos paliativo de los síntomas más pronunciados, para así dar paso a un proceso de intervención psicológica para atender los orígenes y manifestaciones del trastorno y así generar un estado de bienestar más sólido, efectivo y permanente en las personas que sufren de esta enfermedad.

Véanse también: Psicoterapia y Psicofármaco.

Definición de Trastorno mental
Según el DSM-IV-TR, los trastornos son una clasificación categorial no excluyente, basada en criterios con rasgos definitorios. Admiten que no existe una definición que especifique adecuadamente los límites del concepto, careciendo de una definición operacional consistente que englobe todas las posibilidades. Un trastorno es un patrón comportamental o psicológico de significación clínica que, cualquiera que sea su causa, es una manifestación individual de una disfunción comportamental, psicológica o biológica.

Esta manifestación es considerada síntoma cuando aparece asociada a un malestar (p. ej., dolor), a una discapacidad (p. ej., deterioro en un área de funcionamiento) o a un riesgo significativamente aumentado de morir o de sufrir dolor, discapacidad o pérdida de libertad.

Más aún, afirman, existen pruebas de que los síntomas y el curso de un gran número de trastornos están influidos por factores étnicos y culturales. No olvidemos que la categoría diagnóstica es sólo el primer paso para el adecuado plan terapéutico, el cual necesita más información que la requerida para el diagnóstico.

Una concepción errónea muy frecuente es pensar que la clasificación de los trastornos mentales clasifica a las personas; lo que realmente hace es clasificar los trastornos de las personas que los padecen.

You will keep responding to me even though you've already stated, twice, that it's both pointless and a waste of your time to do so.

That's irrational.  You are as mentally ill as you say that I am.

I'm sure Beach Bum is flattered that you, of all people, are going out of your way to prove him right about irrational atheists.

Straw Man

  • Getbig V
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  • one dwells in nirvana
I agree that it sounds silly to use the term Chaplain - it may even be silly. However, I would argue that atheist soldiers benefit from having the ability to go to someone who shares their outlook to discuss issues or concerns that they might have in the same way that a Christian soldier benefits from going to a Chaplain for. Of course, I would also argue that a "therapist" is better suited that chaplains in filling that role, for all soldiers, theist and atheist.

But the fact is that we have chaplains in the army today. With that in mind, should soldiers who follow pastafarianism have access to a Pastafarian chaplain? What about Jedi soldiers? Or native American soldiers? Or any other number of religions? Again, you may find some of religions silly, perhaps even outright stupid. But there are people who find your religious beliefs silly or even stupid, so that's not really an argument for not having pastafarian ministers or Jedi pastors, or Native American medicine men or whatever else.

Or, to put the question more broadly, on what grounds should we decide which religions or viewpoints get military chaplains?

How about you answer that question?

I agree that he word chaplain doesn't really fit but the premise is completely apt

I wonder why anyone gives a shit

let the atheists have someone to talk to if they need it

who cares

The title of "chaplain" is weird but atheists in the military probably face a lot of pressure to adopt some form of religious belief so it does make some sense that there should be someone in a role similar to a chaplain that that can talk if they feel they need some support of their beliefs


  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 19168
  • loco like a fox
yes, you've done a great job demonstrating your sanity in this thread

why is it again, that you didn't just admit you made mistake and move on?

btw - very nice touch to really drive home the point of how sane you are to post something in beige so that it can't be seen and in spanish (I assume that is spanish)


Thank you!

You are the one entertaining me, and not the other way around.

You will keep responding to me even though you've already stated, twice, that it's both pointless and a waste of your time to do so.

That's irrational.  You are as mentally ill as you say that I am.

I'm sure Beach Bum is flattered that you, of all people, are going out of your way to prove him right about irrational atheists.

You are more mentally ill than you say Soul Crusher is.

Dos Equis

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  • Getbig V
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I agree that it sounds silly to use the term Chaplain - it may even be silly. However, I would argue that atheist soldiers benefit from having the ability to go to someone who shares their outlook to discuss issues or concerns that they might have in the same way that a Christian soldier benefits from going to a Chaplain for. Of course, I would also argue that a "therapist" is better suited that chaplains in filling that role, for all soldiers, theist and atheist.

But the fact is that we have chaplains in the army today. With that in mind, should soldiers who follow pastafarianism have access to a Pastafarian chaplain? What about Jedi soldiers? Or native American soldiers? Or any other number of religions? Again, you may find some of religions silly, perhaps even outright stupid. But there are people who find your religious beliefs silly or even stupid, so that's not really an argument for not having pastafarian ministers or Jedi pastors, or Native American medicine men or whatever else.

Or, to put the question more broadly, on what grounds should we decide which religions or viewpoints get military chaplains?

How about you answer that question?

An atheist chaplain is definitely silly.  And as Ozmo pointed out, if they need counseling and don't want to use a Christian (et al.) chaplain, they can go to a therapist.  Plenty of those available to Soldiers.  All those irrational atheists are doing is solidifying the fact that their radical non-belief in something that doesn't exist is actually a religion.

I have no comment about that flying spaghetti monster foolishness.  It's too stupid.

Regarding which religions or viewpoints get military chaplains, we've had chaplains in the military since the inception of the country.  I'm unsure how they were  originally selected, but it was probably based on the fact most "religious" Soldiers were Christian.  Today, we have protestant, Catholic, Jewish, etc. chaplains.  If there is a sizable enough population of Soldiers of a particular faith to warrant a chaplain, then I don't have a problem putting one on the payroll.  I assume that's how they are selected, but I don't know.  

I'm unaware of this being a problem, except for a handful of vocal irrational atheist activists.  

Straw Man

  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 41012
  • one dwells in nirvana
Thank you!

You are the one entertaining me, and not the other way around.

You will keep responding to me even though you've already stated, twice, that it's both pointless and a waste of your time to do so.

That's irrational.  You are as mentally ill as you say that I am.

I'm sure Beach Bum is flattered that you, of all people, are going out of your way to prove him right about irrational atheists.

You are more mentally ill than you say Soul Crusher is.

why no beige text this time

why again didn't you just admit you were wrong and save yourself ten pages of crazy talk

is that really a hard question for you


  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 19168
  • loco like a fox
why no beige text this time

why again didn't you just admit you were wrong and save yourself ten pages of crazy talk

is that really a hard question for you

Why don't you just admit that you were wrong?

You will keep responding to me even though you've already stated, twice, that it's both pointless and a waste of your time to do so.

That's irrational.  You are as mentally ill as you say that I am.

I'm sure Beach Bum is flattered that you, of all people, are going out of your way to prove him right about irrational atheists.

You are more mentally ill than you say Soul Crusher is.

Straw Man

  • Getbig V
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  • one dwells in nirvana
Why don't you just admit that you were wrong?

You will keep responding to me even though you've already stated, twice, that it's both pointless and a waste of your time to do so.

That's irrational.  You are as mentally ill as you say that I am.

I'm sure Beach Bum is flattered that you, of all people, are going out of your way to prove him right about irrational atheists.

You are more mentally ill than you say Soul Crusher is.

what do you think I was wrong about?


  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 19168
  • loco like a fox
what do you think I was wrong about?

Why are you still talking to me in this thread?

Straw Man

  • Getbig V
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  • one dwells in nirvana
Why are you still talking to me in this thread?

you've already asked me that question and I've answered it many times

remember ?

if  not, then scroll up


  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 19168
  • loco like a fox
you've already asked me that question and I've answered it many times

remember ?

if  not, then scroll up

Yes, you've already stated, twice, that it's both pointless and a waste of your time to do so.  So why are you still talking to me in this thread?

Straw Man

  • Getbig V
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  • one dwells in nirvana
Yes, you've already stated, twice, that it's both pointless and a waste of your time to do so.  So why are you still talking to me in this thread?

is that all I said

why do you selectively ignore the rest of it

Is that a practice that you picked up in bible study?

seriously man, why didn't you just admit you mispoke and move on

we've all done it

what's the big deal

why ten pages of crazy ?


  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 19168
  • loco like a fox
is that all I said

why do you selectively ignore the rest of it

Is that a practice that you picked up in bible study?

seriously man, why didn't you just admit you mispoke and move on

we've all done it

what's the big deal

why ten pages of crazy ?

Why won't you admit that you were wrong?  Why do you keep addressing me in this thread?

Straw Man

  • Getbig V
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  • one dwells in nirvana
Why won't you admit that you were wrong?  Why do you keep addressing me in this thread?

Loco - try to understand

if you ask me the same question and then ignore my answer it doesn't make you look less crazy


  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 19168
  • loco like a fox
Loco - try to understand

if you ask me the same question and then ignore my answer it doesn't make you look less crazy

Why do you keep calling others crazy, when here you are behaving far crazier than all?

Straw Man

  • Getbig V
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  • one dwells in nirvana
Why do you keep calling others crazy, when here you are behaving far crazier than all?

how is it crazy to entertain myself especially when doing so validates a point that I made 7 years ago (which neuroscientist have recently also suggested)

I mean it's not like I did anything nutty like post a bunch of irrelevant text in Spanish and in beige so it can't be seen

If I did that then you might have a point


  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 19168
  • loco like a fox
how is it crazy to entertain myself especially when doing so validates a point that I made 7 years ago (which neuroscientist have recently also suggested)

I mean it's not like I did anything nutty like post a bunch of irrelevant text in Spanish and in beige so it can't be seen

If I did that then you might have a point

Just entertaining myself, at your expense.

So, if I'm as mentally ill as you say I am, what's your excuse?

Straw Man

  • Getbig V
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  • one dwells in nirvana
So, if I'm as mentally ill as you say I am, what's your excuse?

I have no excuse as to why you are mentally ill

you might have gotten that way due to your religious beliefs or you might have been mentally ill first

I haven't figured that out yet

It's a chicken or egg thing


  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 19168
  • loco like a fox
I have no excuse as to why you are mentally ill

you might have gotten that way due to your religious beliefs or you might have been mentally ill first

I haven't figured that out yet

It's a chicken or egg thing

I see, playing pendejo again.  What's your excuse for acting so mentally ill in this thread, if you are so sane?

Straw Man

  • Getbig V
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  • one dwells in nirvana
I see, playing pendejo again.  What's your excuse for acting so mentally ill in this thread, if you are so sane?

you just refuse to understand that I'm engaging you in conversation to both entertain myself and as a picture perfect example of the point that I made 7 years ago

you still have never answered the question as to why you didn't just admit you mispoke about the world being most christian

why not just admit that statement wasn't correct

why is that so hard for you

I'm heading out to lunch so I'll give you a few hours to think about it

I am looking forward to hearing your answer to that question


  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 19168
  • loco like a fox
you just refuse to understand that I'm engaging you in conversation to both entertain myself and as a picture perfect example of the point that I made 7 years ago

you still have never answered the question as to why you didn't just admit you mispoke about the world being most christian

why not just admit that statement wasn't correct

why is that so hard for you

I'm heading out to lunch so I'll give you a few hours to think about it

I am looking forward to hearing your answer to that question

Why are you still talking to me in this thread?  You've already stated, twice, that it's both pointless and a waste of your time to do so.

That's irrational.  You are as mentally ill as you say that I am.  You are more mentally ill than you say Soul Crusher is.

I'm sure Beach Bum is flattered that you, of all people, are going out of your way to prove him right about irrational atheists.

Straw Man

  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 41012
  • one dwells in nirvana
Why are you still talking to me in this thread?  You've already stated, twice, that it's both pointless and a waste of your time to do so.

That's irrational.  You are as mentally ill as you say that I am.  You are more mentally ill than you say Soul Crusher is.

I'm sure Beach Bum is flattered that you, of all people, are going out of your way to prove him right about irrational atheists.

so you choose to continue to ask the same question even though I've answered it and continue to ignore and refuse to answer the very simple question that I've asked you about ten times now

I didn't see that coming


  • Moderator
  • Getbig V
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no more stupid than needing a chaplain

Not really.  Beliefs are more powerful than fact.  if a persons believes counsel with a chaplain will help him and he has a foundation of faith its not stupid at all.

Straw Man

  • Getbig V
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  • one dwells in nirvana
Not really.  Beliefs are more powerful than fact.  if a persons believes counsel with a chaplain will help him and he has a foundation of faith its not stupid at all.

Are you aware of the heavy (some might say oppressive) influence of fundamentalist christians in the military ?


  • Getbig IV
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Not sure if this story should be in the religion board but.....

Tennessee atheists win right to distribute literature after schools give Bibles to students

An atheist group in Tennessee won the right to distribute literature at an elementary school after the school allowed the Gideons group to distribute Christian Bibles to students.

The Friendly Atheist blog reported that the Tri-State Freethinkers group in conjunction with the ACLU challenged the decision by Casey County School District Superintendent Marion Sowders to allow the Gideons to distribute copies of the New Testament at the county’s three elementary schools.

The Freethinkers and the ACLU sent the school district a letter demanding equal access and, surprisingly, the request was granted.

On Friday, the group was allowed to leave copies of the book Humanism, What’s That?: A Book for Curious Kids by Helen Bennett.

As with the Gideons, actual group members were not allowed to contact students, but the books were left for interested students to pick up and peruse.

Some Christian parents expressed outrage. Carmen Foster contemplated keeping her kids home on Friday, but changed her mind.

“I work hard everyday of my life as a mother to teach my kids what we believe,” she told WKYT. “If I don’t have enough confidence to send them out in the world, then how strong am I with what I’m teaching them.”

“Whether we like it or not. Our kids are going to go out in to this world. They are going to come across these situations. This is a good opportunity to teach them how to handle it,” she said.

good for them.