Author Topic: my thoughts on training, nutrition and anabolics usage  (Read 24785 times)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: my thoughts on training, nutrition and anabolics usage
« Reply #125 on: April 08, 2014, 12:25:13 PM »
Oh dear, another homophobe. ::)

not at all im usually a nice guy, but people like you bring the worst out of me,the stab you up your arse with 9" blade worse of me.
Ive had enough of c unts like you attacking anyone who disagrees with you. Your a c unt end of of.

Simple Simon

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Re: my thoughts on training, nutrition and anabolics usage
« Reply #126 on: April 08, 2014, 12:25:40 PM »
so when im not making a fool of people on here i actually do help a lot of people thru pm. i get asked a lot for my thoughts on these 3 things. so im going to put them all down here. hopefully it can help someone better themselves.

so, i get asked a lot what do you recommend for me to do regarding..., or what should i take, how many grams of carbs should i eat. all that.

my thoughts revolve around and pertain to building a balanced physique that holds quality muscle that can be maintained well into your 40's. why 40's? cause if you truly love doing this your going to be doing this for a long time. a physique that is respectably bigger than most guys who train, but still isnt so big that you are shunned by the general public. something that someone would look at and say 'shit, id like to look like that one day'. something admirable. not a sideshow.

im not saying that being a bber isnt cool- to each their own. i think you can achieve any look that you want your body to have. but for me, as i got older i realised all that being that big does is screams insecurity issues and attract guys. thats it. why the fuck would i want that?

so, how do you build the perfect physique- perfect for yourself- not perfect for what others thinks is perfect? cause at the end of the day this should be about you, not wanting to build something for someone else.


the first thing is you have to take your height into consideration. typically the taller you are, the more lean tissue you are going to have to hold to look feasibly respectable. for me at my height- 6'2, id say the upper limit of what i would find balanced without going over board would be 230. anymore than that and your getting 'too big'. i dont want to be 'too big' anymore. thats 230 and 5-6%. i'll get to bodyfat next. so, if your a short guy, you'll have to be conscious of how big your getting, cause you'll honestly hit 'that point' a lot sooner than us tall guys. its a bitch being tall. what can i say. ya its great in that being tall = respect, but its very hard to fill out a tall frame properly.


typically you'll never want to get over 8% bf. why? exactly- what the fuck for? it serves no purpose whatsoever and makes the fat harder to get off later on. i have found the leaner i am, the more energy i have, the more efficient i become a burning cals, the better i feel mentally and physically. i came to realise that for myself, that overeating is a depressant- it actually causes a chemical reaction in me whos symptoms are eerily similar to depression. i become withdrawn, lazy, unmotivated, listless- all kinds of downside. thats just not cool. if you find you go thru swings in your mood, take a closer look at your diet, specifically your cal and sugar intake the day before. i can almost guarantee you'll find a direct correlation. so stay lean. theres no reason to get fat. which leads to my next thing- eating big to get big.


this is one thing i wish would die a slow painful fucking death- you have to eat big to get big. really? what the fuck for? what builds lean tissue? carbs? fats? no- protein. what are carbs and fats then. they are energy sources. so, why the fuck would anyone take in more fats or carbs than they need to meet their energy requirements? oh cause you need to eat big to get big? really. no you eat big to get fat. take in enough protein to keep your body repairing and growing and enough fats and carbs to give you the energy you need to get thru your day. YOU DO NOT NEED A CALORIE SURPLUS TO CREATE LEAN TISSUE. you can create tissue in a deficit. so why the fuck would you think you need to eat big to get big. stimulus+anabolics+ample protein= growth. end of fucking story.


i've done it all. what works for me is strictly instinctual training sessions. i know what im going to train that day, i dont know the exercises the rep ranges the number of sets it all goes by feel. the one constant is that i always train to failure. i always use as much weight as i can properly managed to get a good rep range in, and i always listen to my body- if im not feeling a particular exercise that day WHY THE FUCK WOULD I DO IT- so i can feel my joints work? if you cant feel what your doing, drop the weight, or find a different exercise. leave the ego at home. nobody cares what your lifting bro, and if they do they are a pimply faced kid of 17. who gives a fuck what he thinks.

i never rest between sets. what i have come to find interestingly enough is that my pace slows down as my muscle fatigues, so by the end of my workout when i find myself sitting on the bench getting ready for my next set, its time to pack it in. im tired and my muscle is fried. why train a fried muscle? get in and get out. my workouts dont last longer than 30min typically. why only 30 min? cause i hit my whole body 3 times in 8 days. i dont need to be in the gym for an fact given the way i train its counterproductive. stimulate growth, dont smash it cause your going to be hitting it again in 48 hrs.

i believe in frequency over heavier weights. some guys will pound the fuck out of that muscle group with big weight, then not train it for a week. i'll run the pump, train it 3 times in a week. thats 3 times your initiating growth. works for me. if your not getting the gains you expect to get get off your ass and start hitting everything every 48 hrs. yes your going to be sore. your body will adapt. its a remarkable mechanism. with that adaptation comes growth. look at people who perform repetitive movements every day on a job that requires the use of a particular muscle group. its developed way more than the rest of their body. so much for over training.


if you can afford gh use it. you wont need more than 4-5 iu a day. i like hyges. imo they are the best of the chinese generics. the truth of it is, the more you use, the bigger you'll get. i dont believe in being a kamikaze. i dont believe in using big gram cycles. why? whats going to happen when you go off if you havent built up to that dosage? not even go off, what going to happen when you drop the dose to a bridge? welcome to shrinksville, population : you. how do you avoid this- easy. use only enough to keep your body growing. thats it. the slower the gains, the more quality they are. this is a marathon not a sprint. when do you think is going to happen to boston lloyd when he goes off? hes going to deflate like a popped balloon. you want that? i dont. its godamn hard to lose lean tissue when you use an intelligent approach to anabolics usage when you need to go off. i have been on 200mg of enanthate e4-5d since the last week of dec. thats 3.5 months almost- all i have lost is the look the anabolics gave me- the fullness and density. i still weigh the exact same. when you put it one slow, it'll come off slow. its really that simple.


what to use and how much? well, i like to use a year round base of test and i dont go over 300mg a week. my ceiling is around 750mg. to be honest this summer i'll prolly not go above 400mg a week and not use tren. i have used some nosebleed numbers in my day. i didnt look any better. but i was fucking big. thats not the look i want, so i drop the dose. its about using the dose you need for the look you want, not a wholesale shotgunning of mega doses and hoping it all works out in the end. in fact the less anabolics i use, more responsibly the better i look. i used to run 2g all year. fuck i wish i knew then what i know now. as for compunds im a huge fan of long estered versions of compounds like masteron and tren- i find they give a better density to the cell than the faster esters. i like masteron in the summer as it will keep you dry as long as your carbs and sodium are in check. tren for the obvious reasons. i love var. and the only other anabolic id recommend is npp. those are my core anabolics. the trick is to find those that you respond best to and cycle them in depending on the look you want to achieve. i have found that i react better some some compounds more than others- there is def not a level playing feild when it comes to the bodies utilisation of all compounds. find those that work for you. i dont use anti es to stay dry- they dry my joints out and hamper my recovery.

i think thats about it. if i havent mentioned it, its not worth mentioning -insulin for example- in my day i used a ton of it. i think you'll look better without it.

im not saying this a be all/end all definitive guide for everyone to follow. im saying this is what works for me.

any questions fire away.

Back on topic please.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: my thoughts on training, nutrition and anabolics usage
« Reply #127 on: April 08, 2014, 12:27:46 PM »
Fucking dickhead anyways great thread!!

Simple Simon

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Re: my thoughts on training, nutrition and anabolics usage
« Reply #128 on: April 08, 2014, 12:29:00 PM »
not at all im usually a nice guy, but people like you bring the worst out of me,the stab you up your arse with 9" blade worse of me.
Ive had enough of c unts like you attacking anyone who disagrees with you. Your a c unt end of of.
Dont take it so serious mate, its just banter on the internet.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: my thoughts on training, nutrition and anabolics usage
« Reply #129 on: April 08, 2014, 12:34:39 PM »
Dont take it so serious mate, its just banter on the internet.

im not, that is banter?

Simple Simon

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Re: my thoughts on training, nutrition and anabolics usage
« Reply #130 on: April 08, 2014, 12:36:34 PM »
im not, that is banter?
Wanting to shove a blade up someones arse is banter?
the playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: my thoughts on training, nutrition and anabolics usage
« Reply #131 on: April 08, 2014, 12:38:34 PM »
Wanting to shove a blade up someones arse is banter?

Lol about as banter as it comes "mate"
tren banter lmao

the trainer

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Re: my thoughts on training, nutrition and anabolics usage
« Reply #132 on: April 08, 2014, 12:59:13 PM »
The biggest bullshit I see is a lot of you guys are so brained washed by the supplement companies in believing that you need to eat a shit load of protein to build muscles and carbs will make you fat, so you are on your low carb diet drinking your whey protein but on a shirt you look like you dont even working out.


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Re: my thoughts on training, nutrition and anabolics usage
« Reply #133 on: April 08, 2014, 01:09:47 PM »
Gotta` agree with Joe once again,real world experience trumps any book you could ever read when it comes to weight training and nutrition for weight trainers.


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Re: my thoughts on training, nutrition and anabolics usage
« Reply #134 on: April 08, 2014, 01:11:28 PM »
The biggest bullshit I see is a lot of you guys are so brained washed by the supplement companies in believing that you need to eat a shit load of protein to build muscles and carbs will make you fat, so you are on your low carb diet drinking your whey protein but on a shirt you look like you dont even working out.

Is English your first language?


  • Getbig V
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Re: my thoughts on training, nutrition and anabolics usage
« Reply #135 on: April 08, 2014, 01:54:58 PM »
Why would anyone listen to a know nothing like no one when there are real gurus out there like this specimen?

Believe it or not he actually looked decent once upon a time.  I will see if I can locate a pic.


  • Getbig V
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Re: my thoughts on training, nutrition and anabolics usage
« Reply #136 on: April 08, 2014, 01:56:27 PM »
This is the one I was thinking of, can't see much I guess.


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Re: my thoughts on training, nutrition and anabolics usage
« Reply #137 on: April 08, 2014, 01:56:53 PM »
Wanting to shove a blade up someones arse is banter?

Hes not the only person on getbig that would love to shove something up your ass im afraid.

The other one is just vehemently denying it.

Simple Simon

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Re: my thoughts on training, nutrition and anabolics usage
« Reply #138 on: April 08, 2014, 01:57:18 PM »
This is the one I was thinking of, can't see much I guess.
Doesnt look like the same bloke
What happened to him?


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Re: my thoughts on training, nutrition and anabolics usage
« Reply #139 on: April 08, 2014, 01:58:12 PM »
This is the one I was thinking of, can't see much I guess.

Did something happen to his face/chin area?

He looks like a facial gunshot victim or something requiring reconstruction.


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Re: my thoughts on training, nutrition and anabolics usage
« Reply #140 on: April 08, 2014, 02:12:10 PM »
Doesnt look like the same bloke
What happened to him?


  • Getbig V
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Re: my thoughts on training, nutrition and anabolics usage
« Reply #141 on: April 08, 2014, 02:13:46 PM »
Did something happen to his face/chin area?

He looks like a facial gunshot victim or something requiring reconstruction.

Not talking shit but he looks like he had a organ transplant. They take meds that swell their faces like crazy.


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Re: my thoughts on training, nutrition and anabolics usage
« Reply #142 on: April 08, 2014, 02:18:21 PM »
Did something happen to his face/chin area?

He looks like a facial gunshot victim or something requiring reconstruction.

Faces change as we get older. If lucky, you don't end up looking too rough. If not, you end up looking like the gargoyle posted above.

A good example would be Andrea Corr whom went from highly highly HIGHLY bangable to .. well .... highly  highly HIGHLY bangable. That's not the point though. Her whole facial structurs is changing. She even said so herself on an interview I saw with her years ago. Can't remember her exact words but that was the gist of it.


  • Getbig III
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Re: my thoughts on training, nutrition and anabolics usage
« Reply #143 on: April 08, 2014, 05:12:45 PM »
i was talking about protein absorption and the myth of the anabolic window. you come along with 'you dont think metabolism slows down etc etc'

what in the fuck does protein absorption have to do with metabolism.

'nice day, eh bob?'

'ya, but it rained in china yesterday'

the fuck does that have to do with what im talking about.

Really just protein? I'll quote what you said
ya, just like 'they' say you need to eat your protein and carbs to get the benefit of the 'anabolic window'- so what happens if i dont eat for an hour after my session, or even that day- my body going to say when i reintroduce food, 'well, he didnt quite make the window, i cant really use this now'?

Sounds a lot like taking about more than protein; waiting for "even [a] day" without food and the seemingly implying that the body is fully ready to utilize the cals (protein / carbs, again your words), the same as it would have the previous day. Why getting defensive anyway? Aren't we all here to learn, maybe not all, many. That's not good form when one gets riled up over a simple question


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Re: my thoughts on training, nutrition and anabolics usage
« Reply #144 on: April 08, 2014, 05:15:08 PM »
This is the one I was thinking of, can't see much I guess.

Young Dorian

no one

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Re: my thoughts on training, nutrition and anabolics usage
« Reply #145 on: April 08, 2014, 05:22:17 PM »

Really just protein? I'll quote what you said
Sounds a lot like taking about more than protein; waiting for "even [a] day" without food and the seemingly implying that the body is fully ready to utilize the cals (protein / carbs, again your words), the same as it would have the previous day. Why getting defensive anyway? Aren't we all here to learn, maybe not all, many. That's not good form when one gets riled up over a simple question

honestly dude I thought you were twisting my words. sorry to jump on you.

that being said again I ask you what role metabolism plays in the uptake of nutrients to the trained muscle?

no one

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Re: my thoughts on training, nutrition and anabolics usage
« Reply #146 on: April 08, 2014, 05:24:56 PM »
good posts by justin here.

classic GB between Latiuss and Simon.



  • Getbig V
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Re: my thoughts on training, nutrition and anabolics usage
« Reply #147 on: April 08, 2014, 05:28:32 PM »
no one getting his shit pushed in up here in this thread.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: my thoughts on training, nutrition and anabolics usage
« Reply #148 on: April 08, 2014, 08:47:41 PM »
no one getting his shit pushed in up here in this thread.
holy fuck bro...  you look like shit... you are an idiot..... the end...
no one looks has valid advice....  the end


  • Getbig IV
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Re: my thoughts on training, nutrition and anabolics usage
« Reply #149 on: April 08, 2014, 08:52:38 PM »
Solid post by no one

can people just ignore shit-sos annoying Woolycock gimmick until he fucks off and drinks himself unconscious ?