Author Topic: Star Wars: Episode VII - A Force Awakens - info and the trailer  (Read 163195 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII - A Force Awakens - info and the trailer
« Reply #425 on: October 21, 2015, 01:01:23 PM »
So the hebrew fella does he have powers of the force of is he just using that light saber recklessly?

El Diablo Blanco

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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII - A Force Awakens - info and the trailer
« Reply #426 on: October 21, 2015, 02:28:16 PM »
I have faith.  Abrahms is well aware of the shortcomings of the prequels and is not going to make the same mistake.

Isn't he only doing this one movie and another director is on tap for episode 8 and 9?  I'm pretty sure he wasn't the one that insisted on the strong female lead or the Hebrew as the new main characters.  This has Disney's PC piss and shit all over it.

Grape Ape

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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII - A Force Awakens - info and the trailer
« Reply #427 on: October 21, 2015, 02:49:36 PM »
Isn't he only doing this one movie and another director is on tap for episode 8 and 9?

Different, in fact , we called each other stupid over it just yesterday.

The director for 8 did good movies in the past like Brick and Looper , as well as what is considered the best episode of Breaking Bad, and possibly all TV, Ozmandias.

They're off to a good start.


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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII - A Force Awakens - info and the trailer
« Reply #428 on: October 22, 2015, 12:20:13 AM »
So the hebrew fella does he have powers of the force of is he just using that light saber recklessly?

Probably swinging it around all willy-nilly at first but he will eventually learn the ways of the force.  

You know Disney will have his black ass romancing the white girl.  Fuck this shit.

I liked Star Wars better when the only black guy was that no good swindler Lando.  It was more realistic.  lol.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII - A Force Awakens - info and the trailer
« Reply #429 on: October 22, 2015, 12:36:15 AM »
I liked Star Wars better when the only black guy was that no good swindler Lando.  It was more realistic.  lol.

Yes, BD Williams was credible in his role as Lando, as Lando was a swindler, looter and thief :D


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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII - A Force Awakens - info and the trailer
« Reply #430 on: October 22, 2015, 03:20:22 PM »
Yes, BD Williams was credible in his role as Lando, as Lando was a swindler, looter and thief :D


in the OT the the hebes knew their place in the world.


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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII - A Force Awakens - info and the trailer
« Reply #431 on: October 22, 2015, 07:23:24 PM »
I didn't want to put this up the last few months because you can't put spoiler tags on posts here at GetBig. :(

But some of you are so off that I'd rather do this that respond to individual posts and go crazy.

WARNING: This is 90% on target. Guaranteed. This is the movie. Don't Read it if you don't want to be fully spoiled!!!
I'm going to spread it over two posts.

Episode VII: The Force Awakens
(Compiled Synopsis)                                                                                                      

The opening crawl. An X-Wing Fighter approaches a planet. The planet is named Jakku. The X-Wing pilot, Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac), has been sent to retrieve a mysterious object. The object is a lightsaber, the weapon of a Jedi Knight. But this is no ordinary lightsaber. This is the blade that once belonged to Anakin Skywalker. It is the one passed down to his son, Luke Skywalker, and thought lost in Cloud City on the planet Bespin. What is unknown is how the ancient weapon found its way to this seemingly barren world. The lightsaber is retrieved by a mysterious hand and eventually finds its way to a village elder (Max Von Sydow). The elder contacted the Resistance, a splinter group that is an offshoot of the New Republic. It is led by General Leia Organa (Carrie Fisher). Dameron arrives with his droid, BB-8, to collect it. He is given the lightsaber by the old man. Suddenly, the sounds of ships are heard in the night. The First Order, the remaining forces of the Galactic Empire, have arrived in orbit above Jakku. Poe Dameron realizes that the old man’s transmission to the Resistance must have been intercepted. Quickly, he places the lightsaber inside BB-8, ordering the droid to flee into the desert. Meanwhile, a young stormtrooper is on a First Order transport ship, headed for the planet surface. This stormtrooper is Finn (John Boyega). He is with a number of other troops. The ship lands, the hatch opens, and the squad quickly flows out. The troopers surround the small village. Dameron is now trapped. There is no way to get to his X-Wing Fighter. It is rumored to be set ablaze.
A First Order shuttle lands on the planet surface. A masked, hooded figure in robes emerges from the vessel. This is Kylo Ren (Adam Driver). This dark figure confronts the old man about the lightsaber, demanding that he be given the weapon. He is unsatisfied with the conversation and the answers that he is getting. He kills the old man in cold blood. Ren orders the head stormtrooper to have her troops burn down the village. The woman is Captain Phasma (Gwendoline Christie). She appears to be a stormtrooper wearing advanced metallic armor that is adorned with a cape. She gives the order and chaos begins. The stormtroopers and flametroopers begin destroying the village and essentially slaughtering its inhabitants. Finn and a fellow stormtrooper appear reluctant to fire on what they see as innocent and defenseless individuals. This is not what they signed up for. The two fire at unsuspecting targets, but they miss – intentionally. It seems that Captain Phasma observes this occurrence. It appears there are disloyal soldiers serving under her leadership. Finn's stormtrooper friend is either shot by a villager and slowly dies, or he is killed by Kylo Ren for disloyalty on the hanger bay of the Star Destroyer. Meanwhile, Poe Dameron is captured by the stormtroopers. He is taken aboard a First Order transport, and flown back to their Star Destroyer in orbit. The young stormtrooper Finn is very disturbed by his experience on Jakku. Upon returning to the Star Destroyer, he feels ill and vomits.

A young woman stands in the desert on the planet Jakku. This is Rey (Daisy Ridley). She flies her speeder across the sands, approaching a great ruin. It is a crashed Star Destroyer from a titanic battle between the Empire and the Rebellion some thirty years earlier. Rey enters the giant craft and explore it, expertly hopping over huge chasms – some of which house the remains of old TIE fighters. She is a scavenger on a planet that was once uninhabited, but is now populated by opportunists scavenging the wreckage of war. Rey is something of a skilled gymnast, jumping from precipice to precipice in the Star Destroyer’s great husk. She scavenges a bit, and then decides to return home. In a rather evocative shot, she flies her speeder toward a one sun sunset. On The First Order Star Destroyer in orbit above Jakku, Kylo Ren is torturing Poe Dameron for information. He is confident that he will get what he wants. He emerges from the interrogation knowing that the lightsaber is now being carried inside the droid BB-8. Kylo Ren delivers this information to General Hux (Domhnall Gleeson).  

The stormtrooper Finn, fearing death (or worse), decides to flee. The problem is that he can’t operate a spaceship. He needs a pilot. He sees Poe Dameron being escorted to the brig, and decides to act. He breaks the man free. They steal a TIE fighter from the hangar bay. It lifts away from its moorings, firing at troopers as it makes its way into outer space. Other TIE fighters follow, closing behind them. After a short chase, Finn and Poe are shot down over Jakku. Poe is rendered unconscious, but Finn manages to eject himself from the craft. He comes to on the desert ground. He looks around in a panic, seeing the crashed TIE fighter. He tries to get into it, but can’t. Finn sheds his stormtrooper armor, putting on a jacket that seems to be Dameron’s. It’s not clear what has happened to Poe. Finn, now disguised as a Resistance pilot, heads away from the wreckage. A speeder zooms by him, blasting sand. Finn follows it, hoping that it will lead him to the nearest settlement on this barren planet. Aboard the Star Destroyer, Kylo Ren and General Hux study Finn’s hologram. General Hux orders Captain Phasma to hunt down the droid and retrieve the lightsaber. The Captain is told to forget about Finn, but the trooper may have her own ideas about how to deal with the defector.

Rey eats alone, in a rough, makeshift dwelling built in the belly of an old Imperial AT-AT. She hears a commotion outside, and finds that a small droid is in some trouble. She helps the droid, who turns out to be BB-8. Deciding to sell BB-8 at the salvage station, she heads off with the rest of her loot. After some haggling, she changes her mind and decides to keep the little droid. On her way home, Rey is confronted by some ruffians. Finn enters the settlement and sees that she is in trouble. Rey doesn’t believe that Finn is a Resistance pilot. She doesn’t trust his intentions, but there are bigger problems at the moment. The ruffians may be in the employ of The First Order with a mission to find the droid. The three make a run for it. TIE fighters scream overhead, firing down at them. They look for a ship, and ultimately choose one. It’s the Millennium Falcon.
Rey and Finn board the Falcon, getting it off the ground. Rey flies expertly as Finn settles in at the guns. A number of TIE fighters are in pursuit. Rey shouts at Finn to return fire. She flies the Falcon back towards the crashed Star Destroyer. In order to throw the enemy off their back, she flies directly into the Star Destroyer via its rear boosters. The ships slalom through the old leviathan skillfully. But Rey knows this place well, and she soon leaves her pursuers behind. The Millennium Falcon jets off into space. Onboard the orbiting Star Destroyer, Kylo Ren is alone in his quarters. He receives news of the failed retrieval of the lightsaber. He appears to begin speaking to himself, but he is actually talking to something. It is the twisted and burned husk of a mask and helmet. It is the mask and helmet once worn by Darth Vader.

Back on the Millennium Falcon, Rey and Finn, either by tractor beam or their own choice, are picked up by a large freighter in space. The Falcon lands in a hangar bay. At the bottom of the ramp stand Han Solo and Chewbacca. Han orders the two kids off his ship, but they refuse. Han and Chewie enter the ship, confronting Rey and Finn. Suddenly, an alert pops up. Two competing gangs of ruffians approach the freighter, wishing to board it. Han asks the kids to hide in the storage bay. The gangs confront Han and Chewie, and they seem to be in trouble. Rey tries to help by releasing the ship’s cargo (which appears to be giant pigs). This provides a distraction. However, one of the creatures goes for Finn. Rey chases it down, freeing Finn from the beast’s clutches. A fight ensues between the two groups. Rey takes them on almost single-handedly, using her skills with a staff. However, Chewie is wounded in the fight. Finn helps the wookiee, getting some respect from Han Solo in the process. They rush back into the Millennium Falcon. Han gets behind the controls, and Rey is in the copilot seat. When the Falcon won’t start, Rey manages to tinker with it, fixing the ship. This earns some kudos from Captain Solo. As Chewie recovers in the back, they jet out of the freighter, crashing into some of the livestock on the way out.

Finn attends to Chewie’s wounds. As the young man chats with the wookiee, he spots the spherical remote Luke Skywalker trained with back on the journey to Alderaan. Finn fiddles with it for a few moments, and after appearing disinterested, he puts it away. Han asks Rey and Finn what the devil they were up to back there on Jakku. BB-8 determines that the time is right, and reveals the item it is carrying. It is a lightsaber. Han Solo quickly recognizes it as belonging to Luke Skywalker. Solo suggests that they need to go to see Maz Kanata (Lupita Nyong'o). She’ll know what to do. Kanata is living on Takodana, a lush green planet. As they arrive, Rey is awed by the immense jungle, a sight she has never seen in her life. As Chewie and Finn power down the ship, Han has a private chat with Rey. He gives her his trusty blaster - the DL-44. They arrive at Maz Kanata’s castle. It is a pirate hideout.


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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII - A Force Awakens - info and the trailer
« Reply #432 on: October 22, 2015, 07:38:45 PM »
There are a range of strange and unsavory characters, alien and human, lounging about inside. Han asks for Maz Kanata. While they wait, Rey gets into a bar fight. Finn comes to her aid, and then Chewie takes care of the adversary. He may rip an arm off. Han thanks Finn for his bravery. An alien escorts them into a catacomb below the pirate castle. There they meet the diminutive and wise pirate alien, Maz Kanata. They show her the lightsaber and she immediately recognizes it. She wishes to show them a vision. Maz seemingly has force powers of some kind, and may have once been a Jedi or a Jedi padawan of Luke Skywalker. They all hold hands, and a vision begins washing over them.

The vision begins with what looks to be a Jedi Academy or Temple. Dead bodies of padawans litter the ground. Luke Skywalker shows up, but he is too late. He sits by a funeral pyre with R2-D2. The Jedi Master bids farewell to his astro droid. R2-D2 is saddened by his master’s departure. A new image now of a hand that takes the lightsaber. It is revealed to be the hand of someone called Naka. Naka starts a fire after accidently activating the blade. Another new image appears of a local trader making a sale to a wealthy man. Suddenly, the image of a fierce battle! The lightsaber is being used by the Clan against The Seven? The last man is down and Kylo Ren seems to approach Rey in the vision. The Seven are looting and we see Maz Kanata in the foreground taking an object and the vision ends.

Maz Kanata says something very serious to Han, Rey and Finn. It is possible that Rey may learn something of her heritage here that upsets her. Maz presents the blue lightsaber back to them. Rey is revolted by it. Finn is attracted to it, taking it in his hands. Maz knows why the weapon came to her. Rey is deeply troubled, rejecting both the lightsaber and the information Maz has given. She flees the pirate castle, running into the nearby jungle. Nearby, there seems to be a spy in the pirate castle. This is Kor Sella (Maisie Richardson-Sellers), an emissary that has been sent by General Leia Skywalker, the leader of the Resistance. Sella has been tasked with tracking down the lightsaber like Poe Dameron before her. BB-8 finds Rey in the jungle. Suddenly, First Order ships are in the skies overhead. On the Star Destroyer, Kylo Ren is speaking with a mysterious superior named Supreme Leader Snoke (Andy Serkis). He orders that The First Order superweapon be fired at the castle. The Supreme Leader suggests to Kylo Ren that he "not get sentimental," when Ren appears to hesitate. This suggests that Kylo Ren may have some relationship with Han Solo, Rey, or perhaps both. Ren does order the pirate castle destroyed, but the heroes, including Maz Kanata, get out in time. However, Leia’s emissary is killed in the explosion. There is another rumor that Sella is still in a Resistance ship in orbit when she dies from the blast, never actually making it to Maz Kanata's castle.

Enemy fighters are flying overhead and landing. A Resistance group arrives. Poe Dameron is with them, having gotten off Jakku and back to the Resistance. A large battle takes place. Rey is captured by The First Order, but Dameron and the Resistance fighters succeed in driving off The First Order. A Resistance shuttle lands, and it is General Leia with C-3PO in tow. She meets with Han, and the meeting is awkward. It appears that they haven’t seen each other in some time. They are estranged. Han, Chewie, Finn, Poe and BB-8 go with Leia to the Resistance Base, which may be on Yavin IV. Leia plies Finn for information about The First Order – likely probing for weaknesses. She learns something very valuable from Finn, who discloses the location of the enemy base known as Starkiller. This puts Leia’s plans into motion to assault Starkiller Base and the superweapon they have there. She expresses pride in a new Resistance superweapon, deciding to use it against the enemy stronghold. The Resistance begins preparing for the assault, including Poe and another squadron leader named Gorwyn. Leia meets with Maz Kanata and receives Luke’s blue lightsaber. Maz suggests that, for the time being at least, the lightsaber should go to Finn. Maz knows if it is in Finn’s hands, it will find its way back to Rey. Only then she will be ready to accept her destiny. Han meets with Leia, and they seem to have a close, intimate scene together. Before leaving, Han tells Leia that he will "hurry back."

On a snowy forest planet, Rey is being interrogated by Kylo Ren in The First Order’s Starkiller base. Kylo uses his force powers on her during the interrogation. Rey seems to reverse his probe, learning something about Ren in the process. Rey informs Kylo he will never be as powerful as Darth Vader. This infuriates Ren, and he leaves the chamber. Was this a family duel? Siblings? The interrogation was not fruitless for Kylo Ren as he learns that he no longer needs the lightsaber. His overall plan remains mysterious, but it may have something to do with finding Luke Skywalker. He reports this new information to the Supreme Leader Snoke. Meanwhile, Rey uses her Force powers, likely mind tricks, to distract the snowtroopers guarding her cell. She escapes through a ventilation shaft, gets outside, and takes off through the snow. Han, Chewie and Finn leave for The First Order planet. The Resistance prepares to assault the base from space. After quickly taking the Millennium Falcon into the planet’s atmosphere to jump past The First Order defenses in orbit, Han flies right through some trees before setting down. The Millennium Falcon takes some damage. Han Solo hasn’t had a good day.

As they make their way to The First Order base on foot, Finn talks about his past to Han, revealing a lot about himself. He speaks of his life before he was a stormtrooper, and the reasons why he became one. In the distance, they spot a figure. It is Rey. She is clearly moved by their arrival. As someone who has learned to rely only on herself, having them come back for her means a lot. This makes her reconsider her angry feelings at Maz Kanata’s. Rey seems to have learned vital information during her capture. Armed with this information, the group pushes on to for Starkiller base. Han has come up with a plan. They will destroy the superweapon (or the shield that protects it), which is controlled from within the base. Kylo Ren, now outside searching for Rey, walks into the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon. He sits in the pilot’s seat, seeming to have an emotional moment. Is this his father’s ship? Does he remember it? Are those memories fond?

The Resistance fleet arrives in orbit of The First Order's planet. A great, climatic space battle above the snowy, forest planet begins. The Resistance is throwing everything it has at the enemy. X-Wings and TIE fighters face off in space and in the atmosphere of the planet. General Leia Skywalker uses the Resistance superweapon to crush through Star Destroyers as if they were tinker toys. Down on the planet, General Hux of The First Order orders the firing of the weapon, attempting to take out all the fighters in space around the planet. General Hux’s subordinates question his orders, knowing the weapon will also destroy their own ships. The General fires the weapon himself. In that moment, nearly all the ships in space are destroyed. The man is practical and coldhearted. He obliterates his own pilots in their TIE fighters in order to take out the attacking Resistance fleet, securing the safety of The First Order’s superweapon.

Leia’s own superweapon appears to be destroyed. It falls into the atmosphere of the planet, breaking apart. At this moment, General Leia feels all is lost. She calls for a total retreat of Resistance forces. Meanwhile, Han Solo and his team witness the destruction from the surface. They know now they have to take matters into their own hands. Poe Dameron, BB-8 and his X-Wing squadron have survived the attack by the weapon. It appears that they were low enough in the planet’s atmosphere to evade it. Dameron spots Han Solo's team on the planet’s surface. Han, Chewie, Rey and Finn approach Starkiller base. The security codes Finn had have been changed and he feels defeated. Han Solo encourages Finn to take the lightsaber and use it to destroy a generator of some kind (likely a shield) for the superweapon. Finn heads off, dispatching some stormtroopers with the lightsaber. Han and the others begin placing explosive charges around the base.

Kylo Ren arrives to confront the heroes. The gang is on the ramparts, and they are cornered. There is no way out. Han Solo decides to confront Kylo Ren. Rey, Finn and Chewbacca stop in their tracks. They watch as Han Solo speaks to Kylo Ren, who is most likely his son. Han may try to reason with him. Suddenly, Kylo Ren silences the conversation forever. He murders Han in cold blood with his lightsaber. Leia senses Han’s death through the force. Chewbacca lets out a barrage of angry roars and fires his crossbow at Ren. At that point, things start to collapse and explode around them, presumably as the charges do their job. They are forced to flee, leaving Han’s body behind. It seems that the explosions take out whatever shield may have been protecting the superweapon. This allows Poe Dameron, BB-8 and their X-Wing squadron to swoop in and destroy the superweapon. General Hux watches in horror as it all collapses. He checks in with Supreme Leader Snoke, telling him that all is lost. In the resulting destruction, General Hux is killed.

Kylo Ren pursues the heroes into the forest. It is night and it is snowing. Finn stops to face him. Finn confronts Kylo Ren, but he is quickly bested by Kylo’s superior skill. Finn is on the ground, hurt and maybe maimed. Rey picks up the lightsaber, which she has been reluctant to accept up until this point. To save her friend and avenge Han Solo’s death, she takes the weapon and attacks Kylo Ren - her brother. She is able to hold off the warrior, matching him. Chewbacca arrives with the Millennium Falcon. After collecting Rey and Finn, the wookiee jets the Millennium Falcon off and into space. The First Order has been defeated, for now, but Kylo Ren and Supreme Leader Snoke plot their next move.

Rey, Finn, Chewie, Poe and BB-8 all return to the Resistance base on Yavin IV. The tragic loss of Han Solo makes the celebration bittersweet. General Leia informs Poe Dameron that his squadron is all that survived the assault. Rey says her goodbyes, making a special stop to see Finn in the medical bay. Meanwhile, BB-8, R2-D2 and C-3PO decode a puzzle of some kind, revealing Luke Skywalker’s location. Leia is elated that her long-lost brother has been found. She suggests that Rey be the first to greet him since his self imposed exile. Leia and Rey have a special goodbye in which she bids Rey "a fond farewell." Chewbacca playfully messes up Rey’s hair in an endearing gesture. Rey, BB-8 and Chewbacca take off in the Millennium Falcon. The ship lands on a planet with a rocky island in the middle of a sea. Rey walks up a set of old stone steps carved into the mountain. She comes up to a hooded figure seated in a chair. She places the lightsaber in the man’s hand. It is Luke Skywalker.

The End


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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII - A Force Awakens - info and the trailer
« Reply #433 on: October 22, 2015, 07:47:16 PM »
More Spoilers! You've been warned!

01. Luke is hardly in the film. It’s two, possibly three scenes. That’s it.
02. The desert planet you see is Jakku. It is not Tatooine.
03. The blue lightsaber in the movie is Luke’s. It is Anakin’s old lightsaber. It is the one Luke loses on Bespin when his father slices his hand off. It winds up on the planet Jakku.
04. The lightsaber ends up with Max von Sydow. The question is who put it there? Who got it from Bespin… from Cloud City?
05. This is Ford’s swansong. He dies… at the hands of his son Kylo. He has the most screen time. Then Leia. Then Luke.
06. Finn is the one down in the trailer. He fights Kylo first with Luke’s lightsaber. He is injured. He may lose a hand or arm. This detail is unknown, but there is a scene where Rey visits him in the medical bay near the end.
07. Then Rey duels Kylo… with luke’s blue lightsaber.
08. Kylo is now a Knight of Ren. It’s seven beings obsessed with the Sith… and especially Darth Vader. Snoke is the leader. I believe I discovered Snoke in the trailer hidden in plain sight. See Page 15. Abrams has confirmed that neither Kylo nor Snoke are Sith.
09. The Galactic Empire is now called The First Order. It is powerful, but not what it once was.
10. The Rebellion has become The New Republic. Leia leads a splinter group called The Resistance that is more militant. She has issues with the New Republic because they don’t believe The First Order is the threat Leia does. Leia is right and they are wrong.
11. There is a rumor that Rey is Luke's daughter, not Han and Leia's. I still say she is a Skywalker-Solo, not Skywalker. Luke is the uncle.
12. Luke has gone into hiding and has been missing for about ten years.


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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII - A Force Awakens - info and the trailer
« Reply #434 on: October 23, 2015, 06:48:14 AM »

That all sounds spot-on to me.

El Diablo Blanco

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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII - A Force Awakens - info and the trailer
« Reply #435 on: October 23, 2015, 07:22:41 AM »
I didn't want to put this up the last few months because you can't put spoiler tags on posts here at GetBig. :(

But some of you are so off that I'd rather do this that respond to individual posts and go crazy.

WARNING: This is 90% on target. Guaranteed. This is the movie. Don't Read it if you don't want to be fully spoiled!!!
I'm going to spread it over two posts.

If truly is the movie it sounds like utter shit


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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII - A Force Awakens - info and the trailer
« Reply #436 on: October 23, 2015, 06:20:34 PM »
What are you against, the lack of Luke in the film? ???


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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII - A Force Awakens - info and the trailer
« Reply #437 on: October 23, 2015, 06:25:43 PM »
If truly is the movie it sounds like utter shit


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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII - A Force Awakens - info and the trailer
« Reply #438 on: October 24, 2015, 09:09:32 AM »
Movie will be great..
Not as good as episode 4,5,6

But better than 1,2,3..

To me that is good enough..

In the meantime while I wait for the 17th..
Been watching the 2nd season of star wars rebels  ;)


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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII - A Force Awakens - info and the trailer
« Reply #439 on: October 24, 2015, 07:06:59 PM »
Who is the getbigger  ???

Most Muscular Pose Rebel Scum

Side Tricep shit for the Empire


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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII - A Force Awakens - info and the trailer
« Reply #440 on: October 24, 2015, 07:42:44 PM »
Wider than narrow heath   :-\

The Scott

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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII - A Force Awakens - info and the trailer
« Reply #441 on: October 25, 2015, 08:23:06 AM »
I have several friends that will see it...Several times.  Still for me, it looks more like the Farce Awakens.

A long, long time ago...Disney went PC.

Walt is spinning in his (I know its an urban legend) cryogenic chamber.  ;D

El Diablo Blanco

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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII - A Force Awakens - info and the trailer
« Reply #442 on: October 26, 2015, 09:56:33 AM »
What are you against, the lack of Luke in the film? ???

No, just the story itself.  So somehow Luke is the new Yoda waiting to train the next fighter and somehow the negro is a jedi who is getting the force in a new PC Disney way?


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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII - A Force Awakens - info and the trailer
« Reply #443 on: October 26, 2015, 10:01:38 AM »
The PC-way indeed

Negro Jedi of Peace  :D ;D

El Diablo Blanco

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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII - A Force Awakens - info and the trailer
« Reply #444 on: October 26, 2015, 12:19:42 PM »
The PC-way indeed

Negro Jedi of Peace  :D ;D

I'm not sure I can deal with a full movie of the skinny bitch british girl being a bad ass jedi along with the nebrew.


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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII - A Force Awakens - info and the trailer
« Reply #445 on: October 27, 2015, 06:23:10 PM »
Neither Rey nor Finn are Jedi in this film.

Also, Kylo and Snoke are not Sith.

This was confirmed by Abrams.


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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII - A Force Awakens - info and the trailer
« Reply #446 on: October 28, 2015, 03:36:45 AM »
Neither Rey nor Finn are Jedi in this film.

Also, Kylo and Snoke are not Sith.

This was confirmed by Abrams.

why would they hire "the raid" people to do the action scenes?  so anyone can pick up a saber now and do maul moves?

the in-between movies should be old republic stories.  i don't need a back story on boba, solo and stealing death star plans. 


  • Getbig V
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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII - A Force Awakens - info and the trailer
« Reply #447 on: October 28, 2015, 03:41:32 AM »
why would they hire "the raid" people to do the action scenes?  so anyone can pick up a saber now and do maul moves?

the in-between movies should be old republic stories.  i don't need a back story on boba, solo and stealing death star plans. 

That would require original ideas, and Hollywood isn't about original ideas. 


  • Getbig V
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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII - A Force Awakens - info and the trailer
« Reply #448 on: October 29, 2015, 06:04:54 PM »
why would they hire "the raid" people to do the action scenes?  so anyone can pick up a saber now and do maul moves?

the in-between movies should be old republic stories.  i don't need a back story on boba, solo and stealing death star plans.

Finn may be Force-sensitive. Rey definitely is as she is either Han and Leia's kid... or she is Luke's.

But Luke has gone into hiding for about the last ten years. There is no one to teach someone how to be a Jedi.

Lucas said that balance came from destroying the Sith, not from Sith and Jedi existing together.

Vader is redeemed and returns to being Anakin Skywalker. In addition, Vader/Anakin kills the Emperor.

So there are no more Sith at the end of Return of the Jedi. To bring the Sith back would be an insult to all Lucas had done. Lawrence Kasdan wouldn't do that.

As to Kylo, he is believed to be Han and Leia's son. He seems to have trained himself as best he can. He may have once trained with Luke.

He is skilled. He can use the Force and can wield a lightsaber with some proficiency. It is believed he cobbled together the lightsaber he uses, thereby explaining its primitive look.

The rumor is that he takes out Finn in about thirty seconds. Rey is said to fight him to a stalemate.

Now he may be going easy on her because she is either his sister... or cousin. Also, she would have more natural ability than Finn in being the granddaughter of Anakin Skywalker.

Kylo is a member of the Knights of Ren, a group obsessed with the Sith and Darth Vader in particular. They may be following Kylo because he is the grandson of Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader.

He may have been kidnapped by the group when he was a child.

But Kylo answers to Supreme Leader Snoke.

We just don't know who Snoke is other than the fact that he is not a Sith Lord. Could he have once been an Inquisitor very loyal to Vader? Did he start the Knights of Ren?

This is unknown.

There is a new rumor going around that he is from the same species as Yoda. But I don't believe this to be the case.

The Ugly

  • Getbig V
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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII - A Force Awakens - info and the trailer
« Reply #449 on: October 29, 2015, 06:22:34 PM »
I have several friends that will see it...Several times.  Still for me, it looks more like the Farce Awakens.

A long, long time ago...Disney went PC.

Walt is spinning in his (I know its an urban legend) cryogenic chamber.  ;D

Abrams is doing this one, it'll be probably be amazing. Looking forward, and I checked out as a kid (after Jedi).

What's Disney got to do with Star Wars, btw? I'm outta the loop. Lucas himself fucked up the last three, JJ can only make things better. Imagine Star Trek fans'd probably agree.