I'm going against the getbig grain here, but statistically I like 7 getbiggers and hate the rest
, so no big loss here, having re-assessed my stance, IMO Phil is a great Mr O and would love to see him win again.......my reasons:
1-He never raped a grape-fruit
2-Best arms and delts thickness we've seen on stage in a long time
3-On stage he is separated, hardest and far more proportionate than any other IFBB competitors right now, no one can argue that.
4-Smallest waist out of all recent Mr Os: Dorian, Ronnie,
Dexter, Jay.
5-No children, Ron with his 8 (+1 on the way) from different "womenz" is not doing Hebrew men's reputation any favours.
6-He doesn't partake in Gay insinuated photo shoots....I am yet to see him dress like a semi naked fireman, or suspenders and cut up jeans with leather boots. Nick Toscani should take a leaf of his book.
7-No suspicious oil in any body part.
8-Married to a middle class white woman, which decreases the likelyhood of his offspring robbing you or kicking your son's ass in school whilst calling him " ginger cracka"