Why would god choose one race, creed or colour over another? Are you saying he is racist? I think you are.
Surely you jest? Nay... I think you kid not.
There is but one race and that being human. Every so-called difference is nothing but a variation on the theme of humanity. We can and do, have children with one another. If this were possible with humans and animals then the Arab world would be turgid with kids and by "kids" I mean goatboy and goatgirl kids. Hmmm... I suspect "Llama-Mama" would be the hot catch phrase among the turbaned zoophiliacs.
It is when someone behaves in an inhuman(e) fashion that any rational being makes a choice and if we as human beings are capable of rational thought and reason how much more so the author of all we see? My statement about there actually being only two races, smart and stooooopid, was made in jest but also to make a point. Humans have so much more in common than the differences that so often separate us and yet some people, mostly libtards bent on subjugation via welfare, desire only to celebrate those minor differences.
Cretins like Hamas go a step further. They want to kill those different from them. Libtards don't seem to mind this at all and in all honesty I suspect that the only way these zeitgeist of the moment juveniles would ever condemn Hamas and others of their ilk would be if they were as white as Michael Jackson in a dream about unicorns, Diana Ross and Pepsi. Whitey is eeevile, dontcha know. It's okay to hate Whitey.
Evil and for that matter stupid, comes in many colors.
I have no idea if this has helped you or not, but it should.
Be well.