Author Topic: Krazy Horse fights Chute Box Team backstage!!!  (Read 5070 times)


  • Getbig V
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Krazy Horse fights Chute Box Team backstage!!!
« on: February 21, 2006, 01:57:28 AM »
apparently he battered a member of Chute Box in their fight, so the team waited for him in his changing room. 1 of them choked him out, another few kicked fuck out of him and when he woke up he KO'd Wanderlei Silva!!!

READ ON.........

MMAWeekly: ‘Krazy Horse,’ what’s up with you? How are you doing?

Charles Bennett: Pretty good, just getting ready to head to the airport.

MMAWeekly: Talk about who you’re fighting this weekend.

Bennett: Um, some guy named ‘The Frog.’ I don’t know what that means.

MMAWeekly: Does that intimidate you since you’re ‘The Krazy Horse’ and you’re fighting ‘The Frog?’

Bennett: Nah. Horses are bigger than frogs. Just stomp on them.

MMAWeekly: ‘Krazy Horse,’ do you even watch any tape on the guys you fight, or do you just show up and fight?

Bennett: I just show up and fight.

MMAWeekly: How come you don’t watch any tape on your opponents?

Bennett: Because I don’t need to. Whatever they’re going to try to do, I”m going to have a blockage for it anways. There’s no reason to watch tape. They’re weak. Everybody is weak when it comes to fighting me.

MMAWeekly: When are we going to see you in Pride again?

Bennett: I’m supposed to go back to Japan in April.

MMAWeekly: Who are you going to fight in April? Do you know yet?

Bennett: I don’t know. Hopefully one of Wanderlei Silva’s fighters.

MMAWeekly: Let’s talk about that. You bring that up. There was an interesting post on a lot of the forums saying you got into a battle with the Chute Boxe guys. What happened with that?

Bennett: Nothing much. They just jumped me. A bunch of little bitches.

MMAWeekly: When did this happen? Was it at the show?

Bennett: This was at the last (show), this was at the New Year’s show.

MMAWeekly: So what went down?

Bennett: Um. They were pretty disappointed that their training techniques didn’t work for the guy that I was fighting. You know? I made him look like shit when I beat him up. He tried some of that Chute Boxe shit, but it’s bullshit. All that shit is bullshit.

MMAWeekly: So you go backstage, and what happens backstage?

Bennett: I got called out in the ring after I beat the dude. One of the dudes that was training with him gets into the ring and he was like, me and you are next. You know me. I don’t look for any trouble. I was more like, Okay, whatever you say, but right now I won my fight. I’m going to have a good time. Then I go to the back in the locker room, and that’s where the whole Chute Boxe team was at. Then, you know, this and that happened. I won’t go into further details, but if you read the post you already know.

MMAWeekly: This is what I read. Somebody from Chute Boxe choked you out. Somebody was kicking you down and then, rumor has it, you got up and you knocked out Wanderlei Silva.

Bennett: Um. Some rumors are not always rumors, though.

MMAWeekly: What does that mean?

Bennett: You can take that any way you want, but if a little man my size can pack that much punch, just imagine what I can do to a guy that I’m going to fight my size.

MMAWeekly: All right. The post says you knocked out Wanderlei Silva. That’s what it says.

Bennett: Did it?

MMAWeekly: That’s what it said.

Bennett: That man there, Wanderlei Silva, he’s pretty bad. I think I should be crowned the champion. You know what I mean?

MMAWeekly: That’s craziness dude, you throwing down with Wanderlei. Are you crazy?

Bennett: Yea, but the f#%ked up thing about it, I didn’t get paid for it.

MMAWeekly: So you want to fight one of the Chute Boxe guys in Pride soon?

Bennett: Actually, I want to fight all of the Chute Boxe guys.

MMAWeekly: Who do you want to fight?

Bennett: The guy, I don’t know his name. He’s about 155 pounds.

MMAWeekly: Azeredo?

Bennett: I think that’s him.

MMAWeekly: So you’d like to take a shot at him?

Bennett: Yea.

MMAWeekly: How would that go? Would it just be a stand up war between you two?

Bennett: No, because he didn’t want to stand up with me in the locker room.

MMAWeekly: Dude, did you take on the entire team or what?

Bennett: I took on the whole Chute Boxe team. It was six against one . . . I’m not worried about anyone know. If I took on the whole Chute Boxe team, f@%k, what are you going to bring?

MMAWeekly: You’re crazy if you’re throwing down with the whole Chute Boxe. Who does that? Nobody does.

Bennett: Nope. I didn’t even have no corner help.

MMAWeekly: You were just solo? You were just throwing down?

Bennett: Yea. That’s it. After whatever happened with Wanderlei, I tried to get the hell up out of there, though, because I knew then I had him f@%ked up. I was like, damn. What have I done?

MMAWeekly: How did this end? How did you get out of there? I mean if you’re battling six guys, how did you get out? How did it end?

Bennett: Somebody snatched me out. They were like, you’re going to get yourself killed. Get out here with all of us so we can protect you. I was like, all right. Hurry up and get me out of here.

MMAWeekly: You got the green light and ran with somebody else?

Bennett: Yea. That’s basically it. I dropped in a herd.

MMAWeekly: Let me ask you. Would you ever go up in weight and fight a guy like Shogun or Wanderlei?

Bennett: Sure would.

MMAWeekly: You’d do it in a heartbeat?

Bennett: Yep. I would want to fight Wanderlei first because I know he’d stand with me like a dumbass and get knocked out again.

MMAWeekly: You’d knockout Wanderlei again?

Bennett: Yea. Nah. I won’t knock him out, but somebody . . . I know with the weight I’ll knock him out.

MMAWeekly: You said it again ‘Krazy Horse.’ I just caught you man.

Bennett: Nah. That wasn’t me. That was Charles.

MMAWeekly: That was Charles. All right. ‘Krazy Horse,’ we wish you the best. Jeff Curran’s a tough guy man. You better be ready. He’s a tough, tough dude.

Bennett: I heard.

MMAWeekly: He’s a good fighter.

Bennett: I’ve got something for him. I’m going to stick my fingers in his butt and see how tough he is then.

MMAWeekly: You’re simply crazy. Good talking to you and good luck in your fight. Okay?

Bennett: Thanks.
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  • Getbig IV
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Re: Krazy Horse fights Chute Box Team backstage!!!
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2006, 08:47:03 AM »

Maybe Bennet should have watched some tape on Jeff Curran.
He'll get totally killed by alzedo.