Author Topic: 1980 Olympia - CBS never released the footage  (Read 138873 times)

Pet shop boys

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Re: 1980 Olympia - CBS never released the footage
« Reply #775 on: October 20, 2023, 08:17:59 PM »
I don't understand the "controversy."

Dickerson had ugly, small biceps and a droopy chest.  He looked good in the back double biceps and his legs were sliced; otherwise, I was amazed he made the top two.

Frank looked okay but was way down in size.  Boyer's lack of ab separation and his weird aesthetics cost him.

Mike was ripped but flat.  RMJ will attribute that to Mike's HIT training that he supposedly didn't follow :/ (I say forget about John Little's Mentzer worshipping and take it up with Larry Pollock.  He's the guy who said Mike "flipped," right?  So why believe him about one thing but not the other?)

Walker was huge but a bit smooth, complete with bitch tits.

Arnold was Arnold.  Tall, huge showy body parts and he dried out as the show went on.  The judges should have been less forgiving of his antics -- No, Arnold!  We called for side triceps, NOT a mantis pose!  Do it right! -- but he was still the best that day.

A little bit of The Controversy started the minute Bill Pearl learned that Arnold was entering the show ,
He wanted to have a quick meeting to let the Competitors, he wasn't going to be part of the charade that was in store ,
However, he was convinced by Arnold and Ben to take the job as CBS commentator instead so he could have national exposure , he agreed
And ended up saying he was pulling out from judging panel because he was Dickerson's coach and didn't want to have a conflict" there.
Some of the guys (Tinerino and Boyer) were really pissed because they knew Pearl had no problem judging and placing Dickerson first place months prior at the Grand Prix which Dickerson won . lol

When the crew got back from Sydney , and the footage disappeared ... Thats when Mr Pearl felt they were playing with his name and time (weiders and Arnie) so from then on he  had no problem saying that Dickerson Boyer and Mentzer were better than Arnold and Arnold was booed by entire opera house .



Humble Narcissist

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Re: 1980 Olympia - CBS never released the footage
« Reply #776 on: October 21, 2023, 12:51:51 AM »
That's right. methzer never did hit. John Terilli had trained with methzer in 1980 and saw him do 25 sets gor the back alone. Fact is, methzer just didnt have it. He thought he was going to beat He couldn't even beat Zane so what chance did he have against Arnold? None. It was never going to happen for old meth head.
Mentzer should have trained with Michalik.


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Re: 1980 Olympia - CBS never released the footage
« Reply #777 on: October 21, 2023, 03:35:11 AM »
Arnold sucked Paul Grahamīs dick for the ī80 Mr O  :-X

Titus Pullo

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Re: 1980 Olympia - CBS never released the footage
« Reply #778 on: October 21, 2023, 12:26:07 PM »
That's right. methzer never did hit. John Terilli had trained with methzer in 1980 and saw him do 25 sets gor the back alone. Fact is, methzer just didnt have it. He thought he was going to beat He couldn't even beat Zane so what chance did he have against Arnold? None. It was never going to happen for old meth head.

As I said, Larry Pollock disagrees.


So does our own The Scott, who personally saw the Mentzers and Viator training in a HIT style in the late seventies.

I'm not sure why you're so wrapped around the axle when it comes to HIT.  Even Fred Hatfield admits that it works.  Is it necessarily better than, say, how Padilla trained?  Absolutely NOT.  But it helped me win my first show as a teenager (natty), and it didn't seem to hurt Larry's contest resume.

We've been down this road too many times, mate, and I can't help but to think we are speaking at cross-purposes sometimes.  Let me ask you something:  how do you define HIT? 

I'm being earnest here, in an effort to understand one another.  Consider it an olive branch.


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Re: 1980 Olympia - CBS never released the footage
« Reply #779 on: October 21, 2023, 01:45:48 PM »
As I said, Larry Pollock disagrees.


So does our own The Scott, who personally saw the Mentzers and Viator training in a HIT style in the late seventies.

I'm not sure why you're so wrapped around the axle when it comes to HIT.  Even Fred Hatfield admits that it works.  Is it necessarily better than, say, how Padilla trained?  Absolutely NOT.  But it helped me win my first show as a teenager (natty), and it didn't seem to hurt Larry's contest resume.

We've been down this road too many times, mate, and I can't help but to think we are speaking at cross-purposes sometimes.  Let me ask you something:  how do you define HIT? 

I'm being earnest here, in an effort to understand one another.  Consider it an olive branch.

Fred Hatfield was very critical on hit actually.
* decreasing rest between reps
* decreasing rest between sets
* increasing the number of exercises per body part
* increasing the total number of exercises or body parts trained at one session
* increasing the number of training sessions per day
* increasing the speed of movement
* increasing the amount of work done at the anaerobic threshold (maximum pain
* increasing the amount of eccentric work your muscles are required to perform.
Perhaps most importantly, going to failure is NOT a prerequisite to adaptation!

The SAID Principle is violated by the first commandment of HIT. Their idea is to go to failure all the time, but certain "specific" training objectives mitigate against it (e.g., speed training). And, the GAS Principle, which states that there must be a period of low intensity training or complete rest following periods of high intensity training, is violated. These guys go to failure all the time!

2. Attempt To Increase The Resistance Used Or The Repetitions Performed Every Workout.
"...every time you work out you should attempt to increase either the weight you use or the repetitions you perform in relation to your previous workout. This can be viewed as a "double progressive" technique (resistance and repetitions). Challenging your muscles in this manner will force them to adapt to the imposed demands (or stress)."
The SAID Principle is violated. Sometimes, lighter weights done rapidly is required. And sometimes heavier weights done for 3 reps is required. (If your training requires that you go to failure with a weight that's so heavy you can only do three reps, you are BEGGING for a MAJOR injury if that takes you to failure!) The GAS Principle is also violated. Alternating periods of high versus low intensity is a better way to go. If you wait until total recovery is accomplished in any given muscle, atrophy place.

3. Perform 1 To 3 Sets Of Each Exercise.
"...numerous research studies -- which I once again am probably viewed as dreaming up--have shown that there are no significant differences when performing either one, two or three sets of an exercise..."
Yep! You're dreaming pal! Dr. Richard Berger (my mentor during my doctoral studies at Temple) years ago showed that there IS a significant improvement in gains with three sets as opposed to one. Other studies have shown the same results. Nowadays, many athletes (bodybuilders included) do as many as 10 or more sets. Even Arthur Jones --the original HIT man --showed that people with white, fast-twitch muscles require fewer reps, sets and workouts per week than people with predominantly red, slow-twitch muscles.
Apparently, all HIT men are white muscle fiber guys? I think not! So, while none of the seven laws are violated here, some (especially the overload principle and the SAID principle) are not being applied to their maximum potential.

4. Reach Concentric Muscular Failure Within A Prescribed Number Of Repetitions.
"Repetition ranges differ from body part to body part and from coach to coach. In the course of training hundreds of collegiate athletes over the past eleven years, these are the ranges I usually assign: 15 to 20 (hip exercises), 10 to 15 (leg exercises) and 6 to 12 (upper body exercises). Other HIT strength coaches are pretty much in that neighborhood, with a few electing slightly lower ranges but not less than six."
Woah! You guys should be blushing on this one! The SAID principle as well as the principle of individual differences are quite specific in recognizing that not everyone is alike. Not everyone responds in the same way to any given rep/set scheme. Look again at my response to Commandment Three.

5. Perform Each Repetition With Proper Technique.
"A quality rep is performed by raising and lowering the weight in a deliberate, controlled manner. Lifting a weight in a rapid, explosive fashion is ill-advised for two reasons: (1) it exposes your muscles, joint structures and connective tissue to potentially dangerous forces which magnify the likelihood of an injury while strength training and (2) it introduces momentum into the movement which makes the exercise less productive and less efficient. Lifting a weight in about 1 to 2 seconds will guarantee that you're exercising in a safe, efficient manner. It should take about 3 to 4 seconds to lower the weight back to the starting/stretched position.
First, I grow weary of the HIT business of being "safe." Where in the book does it say that going slow and deliberate with a heavy weight is safer? I think otherwise. What about predisposing an athlete to greater harm on the playing field as a result of this sort of nonsensical preparatory training?
And, certainly, these slow, deliberate movements are not as effective as other methods in many instances. SOME reps are well performed in the manner described above. However, this commandment clearly disregards the importance of cheating movements, explosive lifting (e.g., the Olympic lifts), and many other techniques of lifting.
Further, slow, deliberate movements are nowhere NEAR as effective for forcing an adaptive response in connective tissues as are more explosive (and yes, often "ballistic") movements. So much for their claim to "safety!" Deinhibition of the Golgi tendon organ's protective feedback loop can be moved back far more effectively with controlled ballistic movements than with slow, deliberate movements. Clearly, this commandment is in violation of the Overcompensation, Specificity and SAID principles.

6. Strength Train For No More Than One Hour Per Workout.
"If you are training with a high level of intensity--and you should--you literally cannot exercise for a long period of time. ...Training with a minimal amount of recovery time between exercises will elicit a metabolic conditioning effect that cannot be approached by traditional multiple set programs. Don't ask me why cause I've been makin' all this stuff up as I go along."
Ol' Jedi Brzycki continues to put his sandalled foot on top of his golden tongue. Here, I think (one can't really tell) he's claiming that doing one set of squats, then one set of benches, then one set of pulldowns, then one set of curls, and one set of 3, 4, 5 or so additional exercises, and you're outta the gym. C'mon!
Clearly, this commandment is in violation of the Overcompensation, Specificity and SAID principles. Re-read my response to Commandment Three.
People are DIFFERENT!

7. Emphasize The Major Muscle Groups.
"The focal point for most of your exercises should be your major muscle groups (i.e. your hips, legs and upper torso)."
Oh? Have we lost sight of training weaknesses first? Bodybuilders know this instinctively. Most athletes do as well. Clearly, this commandment is in violation of the Specificity and SAID principles.

8. Whenever Possible, Work Your Muscles From Largest To Smallest.
"Exercise your hips first, then go to your legs (hams, quads and calves or dorsi flexors), upper torso (chest, upper back and shoulders), arms (biceps, triceps and forearms), abs and finally your low back."
Duhhhhh! Am I missing something? In the Eighth Commandment, you told us NOT to focus on smaller muscles! In addition to violating one of your own commandments, this commandment is in violation of the Specificity and SAID principles.

9. Strength Train 2 To 3 Times Per Week On Nonconsecutive Days.
"...a period of about 48 to 72 hours is necessary for muscle tissue to recover sufficiently from a strength workout. A period of at least 48 hours is also required to replenish your depleted carbohydrate stores.
...Performing any more than three sessions a week can gradually become counterproductive due to a catabolic effect. This occurs when the demands you have placed on your muscles have exceeded you recovery ability. Recovery time is adequate if you continue making gains."
Sometimes 48-72 hours is sufficient, and sometimes it's not. Depending upon the muscle involved it may be less or it may be more.
* Big muscles take longer to recover than smaller ones
* Fast twitch muscles (your "explosive" muscles) take longer to recover than slow twitch muscle fibers ("endurance" muscles);
* Guys recover faster than girls;
* You recover faster from slow movements than from fast movements;
* You recover faster from low intensity training than from high intensity training.
* The older you get, the longer it takes to recover

By carbohydrate stores, do you mean glycogen? Not 48 hours...something closer to 2 or 3 hours! I, and every athlete I've ever trained, often trained twice a day! The Russian athletes do, the Bulgarian weightlifters train 3-6 times a day! And, even if there were (as Bryzcki put it) a "catabolic" effect, wouldn't that call for a "periodized approach to training?
Grand daddy laws violated with this one are the SAID, GAS and Specificity Principles.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: 1980 Olympia - CBS never released the footage
« Reply #780 on: October 21, 2023, 01:47:40 PM »
As I said, Larry Pollock disagrees.


So does our own The Scott, who personally saw the Mentzers and Viator training in a HIT style in the late seventies.

I'm not sure why you're so wrapped around the axle when it comes to HIT.  Even Fred Hatfield admits that it works.  Is it necessarily better than, say, how Padilla trained?  Absolutely NOT.  But it helped me win my first show as a teenager (natty), and it didn't seem to hurt Larry's contest resume.

We've been down this road too many times, mate, and I can't help but to think we are speaking at cross-purposes sometimes.  Let me ask you something:  how do you define HIT? 

I'm being earnest here, in an effort to understand one another.  Consider it an olive branch.

Old larry is on the roids and doesn't do hit as methzer prescribed. Hit, historically, has a very dismal success rate. No top athlete uses it.


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Re: 1980 Olympia - CBS never released the footage
« Reply #781 on: October 22, 2023, 12:48:07 AM »
Let's get the real story from the Big Man himself instead of listening to these cry babies whinging over how the 1980 was unfair. Somebody forgot to tell them it's a competition. It's an individual contest. No team playing. Arnold won simply because he was the best that day. Zane, Coe, Walker can shove it.


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Re: 1980 Olympia - CBS never released the footage
« Reply #782 on: October 22, 2023, 12:49:25 AM »

Humble Narcissist

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Re: 1980 Olympia - CBS never released the footage
« Reply #783 on: October 22, 2023, 12:51:53 AM »
Old larry is on the roids and doesn't do hit as methzer prescribed. Hit, historically, has a very dismal success rate. No top athlete uses it.
"no athlete uses it" says it all.


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Re: 1980 Olympia - CBS never released the footage
« Reply #784 on: October 22, 2023, 02:29:10 AM »
All makes sense, interesting read. Arnold has always been a showman on stage and competition is about winning! They should have known arnold would ruffle feathers and choose to ignore it yet some still whine about it 40 years later.

Let's get the real story from the Big Man himself instead of listening to these cry babies whinging over how the 1980 was unfair. Somebody forgot to tell them it's a competition. It's an individual contest. No team playing. Arnold won simply because he was the best that day. Zane, Coe, Walker can shove it.


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Re: 1980 Olympia - CBS never released the footage
« Reply #785 on: October 23, 2023, 04:35:20 AM »


John Little has ran out of material and is regurgitating the old vids again. He had already covered  this topic in his older vids. The methzer fans in the comments of course claiming that methzer should've was a fix...Arnold, Weider blah blah blah. Same old shit. Little trying desperately hard to rewrite history that methzer somehow won. The hit cult don't like the fact methzer could never win against a superior bodybuilder like Arnold. Even when Arnold was at 90% of his best he still bested methzer who was supposedly at his best (he wasn't as he had a deflated chest, fat ass, undeveloped back, deformed traps, narrow clavicles, small arms with biceps having no peak, small frame, protruding gut). No wonder he came 5th.

Despite the anti Arnold crap that's coming from the hit cult the fact remains Arnold won the 1980 olympia because he was the best that day and that is how it will remain. Doesn't matter how many dully vids Little comes up with trying..and prove otherwise Arnold was the winner. The hit cult can suck on that. 

 Funny how he never has vids of real evidence of methzer's methods working.

Humble Narcissist

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Re: 1980 Olympia - CBS never released the footage
« Reply #786 on: October 24, 2023, 12:20:40 AM »
Mentzer's methods work even less for naturals which most of the (s)HIT warriors consist of.

hipolito mejia

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Re: 1980 Olympia - CBS never released the footage
« Reply #787 on: October 24, 2023, 06:24:39 AM »
Does anyone know where exactly Franco Columbu is buried? 

I wouldn't be surprised if the CBS 1980 Olympia footage is in the casket laying next to our beloved Sardinian.


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Re: 1980 Olympia - CBS never released the footage
« Reply #788 on: October 24, 2023, 06:51:04 AM »
Mentzer's methods work even less for naturals which most of the (s)HIT warriors consist of.
are you frustrated?

hipolito mejia

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Re: 1980 Olympia - CBS never released the footage
« Reply #789 on: October 24, 2023, 08:00:00 AM »
The were moments ....definitely worth watching remastered from different angles from a never released footage.

Perhaps we can have Boyer and Zane joining the thread.  ;D


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Re: 1980 Olympia - CBS never released the footage
« Reply #790 on: October 24, 2023, 10:57:08 AM »
The were moments ....definitely worth watching remastered from different angles from a never released footage.

Perhaps we can have Boyer and Zane joining the thread.  ;D

methzer looking awful there. Back is undeveloped with his deformed traps being very noticable. Too much fat in the glutes and hamstrings giving him that bottom heavy look along with his mall frame. How anyone can ever think he could ever have won this olympia is just plain laughable.

Glady have Zane and Coe on here so we can then call them out for being such pathetic cry babies.


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Re: 1980 Olympia - CBS never released the footage
« Reply #791 on: October 24, 2023, 11:32:14 AM »
methzer looking awful there. Back is undeveloped with his deformed traps being very noticable. Too much fat in the glutes and hamstrings giving him that bottom heavy look along with his mall frame. How anyone can ever think he could ever have won this olympia are just plain laughable.

Glady have Zane and Coe on here so we can then call them out for being such pathetic dry babies.
:D what a clown


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Re: 1980 Olympia - CBS never released the footage
« Reply #792 on: October 24, 2023, 03:28:20 PM »
:D what a clown

Yes, methzer certainly was a clown. Glad you agree.

Humble Narcissist

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Re: 1980 Olympia - CBS never released the footage
« Reply #793 on: October 25, 2023, 12:42:24 AM »
are you frustrated?
Not at all as I don't train with the (s)HIT program.


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Re: 1980 Olympia - CBS never released the footage
« Reply #794 on: October 27, 2023, 04:39:59 AM »


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Re: 1980 Olympia - CBS never released the footage
« Reply #795 on: October 27, 2023, 06:43:16 AM »

methzer didn't even have a chest. 😁😆😂

Pet shop boys

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Re: 1980 Olympia - CBS never released the footage
« Reply #796 on: October 27, 2023, 01:22:07 PM »
W ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;DSH


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Re: 1980 Olympia - CBS never released the footage
« Reply #797 on: October 27, 2023, 01:27:42 PM »


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Re: 1980 Olympia - CBS never released the footage
« Reply #798 on: October 28, 2023, 02:54:20 PM »


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