Author Topic: Carly Fiorina for President!  (Read 30768 times)


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Re: Carly Fiorina for President!
« Reply #100 on: February 15, 2016, 10:20:35 AM »
And so it ends...

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Re: Carly Fiorina for President!
« Reply #101 on: February 15, 2016, 10:49:42 AM »
Fiorina Cheers Self Up By Firing Campaign Staff
by The New Yorker

NEW HAMPSHIRE (The Borowitz Report)—After suffering a poor showing in the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday night, the former Hewlett-Packard C.E.O. Carly Fiorina cheered herself up by firing her entire campaign staff, fired staffers confirm.

Minutes after the returns started coming in, revealing that Fiorina had no chance of making a respectable showing, the former business executive acknowledged that she was “sad at first—but then I realized that every failure is an opportunity, and in this case I had an opportunity to give some people the axe.”

After delivering pink slips to her entire campaign staff, Fiorina said, “I started feeling better already.”

“That’s the one thing you have to understand about Carly Fiorina—she doesn’t stay down for long,” she said.

Fiorina said that she had “no regrets” about running for President, despite her dismal showing in New Hampshire. “I got to downsize a lot of people tonight, and that makes me a winner,” she said.


lol, funny

I hope she doesn't try to cheat a bunch of people on her way out, like she did in her run for senate in 2010

Hope she takes a hike and stays there, too.


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Re: Carly Fiorina for President!
« Reply #102 on: May 04, 2016, 07:43:35 AM »
Carly Fiorina and the shortest vice presidential candidacy in modern history
By Amber Phillips

With Ted Cruz out of the presidential race, Carly Fiorina now ranks in history among these fine politicians:

Richard Schweiker: 24 days
Thomas Eagleton: 18 days
Carly Fiorina: 7 days

Here’s a quick rundown on the shortest veep bids in modern American history.

Richard Schweiker: 24 days
When Schweiker died in 2015, headlines remembered the Pennsylvania senator as Ronald Reagan’s first running mate.

Even though the two had never met and it wasn’t for very long.

Reagan was making a serious challenge to President Gerald Ford in 1976 in the primary. As the nominating convention neared with Reagan behind in the delegate count, he needed a boost. So Reagan stunned the political world — and Schweiker — by announcing he was naming a running mate.

Schweiker was more moderate than Reagan, which Reagan’s campaign felt he needed. The two hadn’t met before, but apparently they hit it off. Reagan lost the nomination in a heart-breaker 24 days later. But when Reagan won the presidency in 1980, he appointed Schweiker to be his secretary of health and human services. Not a bad consolation prize — and one that Fiorina would surely be happy with in 2021.

Thomas Eagleton: 18 days
Thomas Eagleton is the reason politicians vet their veeps. George McGovern won Democrats’ 1972 contested convention (a regular thing back then) without a running mate after first Ted Kennedy and then other Democrats said no to him. (McGovern managed to upset a lot of the Democratic establishment with his upstart candidacy. Sound familiar?)

McGovern settled on Thomas Eagleton, a young Missouri senator, who then had to go on and win on a series of ballots for vice president. The two running mates spoke for two minutes over the phone and McGovern’s campaign did no serious vetting, said Joshua Glasser, who wrote a book, “The Eighteen Day Running Mate,” on the affair. That turned out to be a mistake.

Eagleton had been hospitalized for depression and stress and three times had undergone electroshock therapy. Back then, any hint of mental health problems was a political no-no. Eagleton initially stayed on the ticket despite pressure from the Democratic establishment for him to drop out. Eighteen days on, though, he ended it.

Carly Fiorina: Seven days
Ted Cruz actually took a page straight out of Reagan's 1976 playbook. After a terrible showing in the April 26 multistate I-95 primary, Cruz needed a big move to inject momentum back into his race. Donald Trump had won all five states by at least 30 points, and Cruz was mathematically blocked from winning the nomination before the GOP convention. The Republican establishment had already started resigning themselves to the fact Trump was going to be their nominee.

So Cruz tried to throw up one last roadblock. He preemptively named Fiorina his vice presidential nominee. Fiorina, who had dropped out of her own presidential bid months ago and had strong ties to California politics, which Cruz saw as one of his last, best chances to Stop Trump.

Unfortunately for the Cruz-Fiorina ticket, Indiana stopped them before they could even get to California.


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Re: Carly Fiorina for President!
« Reply #103 on: May 04, 2016, 08:38:21 AM »


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Re: Carly Fiorina for President!
« Reply #104 on: June 05, 2016, 06:59:41 PM »
Carly Fiorina to Hillary Clinton: ‘I’m a Woman, and I’m Not Voting for You’
By Claire Landsbaum

Remember Carly Fiorina? She was Ted Cruz's vice-presidential candidate for about a week before he dropped out of the race? During which time she managed to alienate a majority of voters by breaking into song? Fiorina briefly disappeared from the spotlight after Cruz's collapse, but she reemerged late Thursday to attack Hillary Clinton on Twitter.

She started with a link to a Facebook post in which she slammed Clinton for the State Department's report on her use of a private email server. "You and I have been saying this for months: Hillary is unfit to be President," she wrote. "And the evidence keeps piling up. If anyone can stop her, it has to be you and me — conservatives like us who aren’t afraid of a fight."

Then she sent a few more tweets for good measure.

Carly Fiorina
.@HillaryClinton will say and do anything in her lust for power. She is the ultimate insider, the ultimate in a corrupt politician.

Carly Fiorina
Far from being a trailblazing woman who has accomplished things on her own, Hillary has traded on her husband's name, fame, and charisma.

Carly Fiorina
Mrs. Clinton, I have news for you: I am a woman, and I am not voting for you.

Far be it from a presidential candidate — and a female one, at that! — to "lust for power." And, yes, Carly, Bill Clinton's legacy has sure given Hillary a leg up in this race.

What's that, Carly? Not all women vote based on a politician's gender, but instead take into consideration the complex web of issues and policies that will directly affect their lives? What a shocking revelation.

As for Hillary Clinton being denied your vote, well, we're sure she's devastated.


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Re: Carly Fiorina for President!
« Reply #105 on: September 03, 2016, 05:16:06 PM »
Carly Fiorina Plotting Bid to Chair Republican National Committee
by Zeke J Miller

Former HP CEO and 2016 presidential contender Carly Fiorina is actively laying the groundwork for a bid to be the next chair of the Republican National Committee, according to state GOP officials who have followed her plans.

Fiorina and her aides have plotted an aggressive season of travel this fall to states with and without close Republicans races as she looks to help down-ballot Republicans, but people familiar with the plans said she is also looking to curry favor with the influential 168 members of the Republican National Committee. In phone calls and emails, Fiorina has reached out to party chairs across the country as well as RNC committee-men and -women who will elect a successor to incumbent RNC chairman Reince Priebus in January.

“The past few months Carly has been helping out with major races around the country, I know she is planning to reach out to your party chairman in the next week or so, just to touch base and see if there is any way she could be helpful to Republicans in the [Insert State or Territory] this Fall,” a Fiorina advisor wrote to multiple state party executive directors in recent weeks.

What elevated Fiorina’s travel from popular surrogate and fundraiser to that of RNC chair candidate, according to multiple RNC members, was her outreach to the U.S. territories, a particularly powerful voting bloc within the RNC but fall way down on the party’s priority list for the fall. Another source noted that the domains and were both registered on July 14 at the same time.

The campaign for the chairmanship would be moot should Donald Trump win the White House, when custom dictates that the RNC defer to the wishes of the incumbent president. But Fiorina isn’t betting on a Trump win—in fact just the opposite. The noted Clinton critic has declined to formally endorse Trump, but has sought to burnish her spot in the conservative moment with frequent attacks on the Democratic nominee.

A failed California Senate candidate in 2010, Fiorina has served as the vice chair of the National Republican Senatorial Committee and chair of the American Conservative Union Foundation, which is affiliated with the annual Conservative Political Action Conference.

Fiorina has been searching for another act since her presidential candidacy made her a household name. After dropping out of the presidential race in February, Fiorina briefly joined Texas Sen. Ted Cruz as a running-mate as part of a last-ditch ploy before the Indiana primary. After Trump won the state, the pair ended their candidacy. But Fiorina reconstituted her campaign as an outside group to enable her to travel in support of GOP candidates across the country.

A Fiorina spokesperson would not comment on the former candidate’s future plans, but highlighted her travel to assist vulnerable Republicans.

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus, already the longest serving party chairman in his sixth year, declined to rule out seeking a fourth two-year term in an interview with TIME last month. But Preibus’ announcement has been viewed inside the RNC as an effort to contain speculation about his possible successors until after the Nov. 8 general election. In the interview with TIME, Priebus encouraged aspirants for his office to remain focused on the campaign at hand.


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Re: Carly Fiorina for President!
« Reply #106 on: September 16, 2016, 01:42:27 PM »
Carly Fiorina Endorses Donald Trump
by Kody Fairfield

According to Senior Editor at The Atlantic David Frum and consistent with a tweet from the Washington State GOP twitter page, former GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina has endorsed GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump.

In a tweet saying, “We must have president Trump, we can’t have president Clinton,” it appears that Fiorina, after months of silence, is jumping on the Trump Train.

This is slightly shocking since she and Trump did not have the most friendly relationship, with Trump making statements in GOP debates about her physical appearance. Fiorina, after Trump’s clinching of the nomination, was said to want nothing to do with his campaign, even though she did turn some of her focus to help Kentucky Senator Rand Paul‘s re-election bid.

It appears that either the two former rivals have patched up their previously contentious relationship, or that the thought of a Clinton presidency is far worse to Fiorina than personal and derogatory attacks on her physical appearance.

The Ugly

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Re: Carly Fiorina for President!
« Reply #107 on: September 16, 2016, 05:59:08 PM »
What's your deal with Carly, Bay?

A forgettable loon, what gives?


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Re: Carly Fiorina for President!
« Reply #108 on: September 17, 2016, 08:34:11 AM »
What's your deal with Carly, Bay?

A forgettable loon, what gives?

Carly has been on my radar screen since she was CEO of HP.  At one time, I lived in the Valley and knew quite few people who worked at HP.  It has been fun watching her "fail up."  She loves to play the gender card even as she denies it.  At one time, she said there was "no glass ceiling."  Her philosophy seems to be "I became CEO so obviously, there is no such thing as gender bias in the world."  She later apologized and recanted her "no glass ceiling" comment.  

After flunking out of HP, she wrote a book defending her failed tenure.  By almost every measure (stock price, innovation, net revenue, etc.)  HP failed horribly during her tenure, but she still tries to spin it as some sort of success.  She ran a horrible campaign against Barbara Boxer for Senate and instead of just going away, she quickly moved to Northern Virginia and tried to "fail up" again by running for president.  By the way, like Meg Whitman, Fiorina has a long history of almost never voting.  Think about the arrogance of that!  Remember when she hitched her caboose to Ted Cruz hoping it would turn into something?

Now, because she is angling to run for GOP party chair, she is endorsing Donald Trump.  A man who basically said she was too ugly to live!  She is desperate for power and relevance.  And for several years now she has sought to get some by attacking someone with real political experience: Hillary Clinton.

She destroyed many careers at HP and is easily the most hated woman to come out of Silicon Valley.  I have far more respect for Meg Whitman.

Bottom line: after all she has said, done, and failed at, I like watching and making fun of Carly Fiorina. ;D

The Ugly

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Re: Carly Fiorina for President!
« Reply #109 on: September 17, 2016, 09:27:28 AM »
Carly has been on my radar screen since she was CEO of HP.  At one time, I lived in the Valley and knew quite few people who worked at HP.  It has been fun watching her "fail up."  She loves to play the gender card even as she denies it.  At one time, she said there was "no glass ceiling."  Her philosophy seems to be "I became CEO so obviously, there is no such thing as gender bias in the world."  She later apologized and recanted her "no glass ceiling" comment.  

After flunking out of HP, she wrote a book defending her failed tenure.  By almost every measure (stock price, innovation, net revenue, etc.)  HP failed horribly during her tenure, but she still tries to spin it as some sort of success.  She ran a horrible campaign against Barbara Boxer for Senate and instead of just going away, she quickly moved to Northern Virginia and tried to "fail up" again by running for president.  By the way, like Meg Whitman, Fiorina has a long history of almost never voting.  Think about the arrogance of that!  Remember when she hitched her caboose to Ted Cruz hoping it would turn into something?

Now, because she is angling to run or GOP party chair, she is endorsing Donald Trump.  A man who basically said she was too ugly to live!  She is desperate for power and relevance.  And for several years now she has sought to get some by attacking someone with real political experience: Hillary Clinton.

She destroyed many careers at HP and is easily the most hated woman to come out of Silicon Valley.  I have far more respect for Meg Whitman.

Bottom line: after all she has said, done, and failed at, I like watching and making fun of Carly Fiorina. ;D

Fair enough.

Las Vegas

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Re: Carly Fiorina for President!
« Reply #110 on: September 17, 2016, 10:06:35 AM »
Carly has been on my radar screen since she was CEO of HP.  At one time, I lived in the Valley and knew quite few people who worked at HP.  It has been fun watching her "fail up."  She loves to play the gender card even as she denies it.  At one time, she said there was "no glass ceiling."  Her philosophy seems to be "I became CEO so obviously, there is no such thing as gender bias in the world."  She later apologized and recanted her "no glass ceiling" comment.  

After flunking out of HP, she wrote a book defending her failed tenure.  By almost every measure (stock price, innovation, net revenue, etc.)  HP failed horribly during her tenure, but she still tries to spin it as some sort of success.  She ran a horrible campaign against Barbara Boxer for Senate and instead of just going away, she quickly moved to Northern Virginia and tried to "fail up" again by running for president.  By the way, like Meg Whitman, Fiorina has a long history of almost never voting.  Think about the arrogance of that!  Remember when she hitched her caboose to Ted Cruz hoping it would turn into something?

Now, because she is angling to run for GOP party chair, she is endorsing Donald Trump.  A man who basically said she was too ugly to live!  She is desperate for power and relevance.  And for several years now she has sought to get some by attacking someone with real political experience: Hillary Clinton.

She destroyed many careers at HP and is easily the most hated woman to come out of Silicon Valley.  I have far more respect for Meg Whitman.

Bottom line: after all she has said, done, and failed at, I like watching and making fun of Carly Fiorina. ;D

Good post, Bay.


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Re: Carly Fiorina for President!
« Reply #111 on: September 17, 2016, 12:52:14 PM »
Carly has been on my radar screen since she was CEO of HP.  At one time, I lived in the Valley and knew quite few people who worked at HP.  It has been fun watching her "fail up."  She loves to play the gender card even as she denies it.  At one time, she said there was "no glass ceiling."  Her philosophy seems to be "I became CEO so obviously, there is no such thing as gender bias in the world."  She later apologized and recanted her "no glass ceiling" comment.  

After flunking out of HP, she wrote a book defending her failed tenure.  By almost every measure (stock price, innovation, net revenue, etc.)  HP failed horribly during her tenure, but she still tries to spin it as some sort of success.  She ran a horrible campaign against Barbara Boxer for Senate and instead of just going away, she quickly moved to Northern Virginia and tried to "fail up" again by running for president.  By the way, like Meg Whitman, Fiorina has a long history of almost never voting.  Think about the arrogance of that!  Remember when she hitched her caboose to Ted Cruz hoping it would turn into something?

Now, because she is angling to run for GOP party chair, she is endorsing Donald Trump.  A man who basically said she was too ugly to live!  She is desperate for power and relevance.  And for several years now she has sought to get some by attacking someone with real political experience: Hillary Clinton.

She destroyed many careers at HP and is easily the most hated woman to come out of Silicon Valley.  I have far more respect for Meg Whitman.

Bottom line: after all she has said, done, and failed at, I like watching and making fun of Carly Fiorina. ;D



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Re: Carly Fiorina for President!
« Reply #112 on: September 18, 2016, 07:22:43 AM »
Carly has been on my radar screen since she was CEO of HP.  At one time, I lived in the Valley and knew quite few people who worked at HP.  It has been fun watching her "fail up."  She loves to play the gender card even as she denies it.  At one time, she said there was "no glass ceiling."  Her philosophy seems to be "I became CEO so obviously, there is no such thing as gender bias in the world."  She later apologized and recanted her "no glass ceiling" comment.  

After flunking out of HP, she wrote a book defending her failed tenure.  By almost every measure (stock price, innovation, net revenue, etc.)  HP failed horribly during her tenure, but she still tries to spin it as some sort of success.  She ran a horrible campaign against Barbara Boxer for Senate and instead of just going away, she quickly moved to Northern Virginia and tried to "fail up" again by running for president.  By the way, like Meg Whitman, Fiorina has a long history of almost never voting.  Think about the arrogance of that!  Remember when she hitched her caboose to Ted Cruz hoping it would turn into something?

Now, because she is angling to run for GOP party chair, she is endorsing Donald Trump.  A man who basically said she was too ugly to live!  She is desperate for power and relevance.  And for several years now she has sought to get some by attacking someone with real political experience: Hillary Clinton.

She destroyed many careers at HP and is easily the most hated woman to come out of Silicon Valley.  I have far more respect for Meg Whitman.

Bottom line: after all she has said, done, and failed at, I like watching and making fun of Carly Fiorina. ;D



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Re: Carly Fiorina for President!
« Reply #113 on: October 08, 2016, 01:07:26 PM »
Carly Fiorina calls on Donald Trump to step aside and Mike Pence to move to the top of the ticket

"Donald Trump does not represent me or my party. I understand the responsibility of Republicans to support their nominee. Our nominee has weighty responsibilities as well. Donald Trump has manifestly failed in these responsibilities.
I have traveled the country for years warning Americans that Hillary Clinton is unfit to be President.
We must have a conservative in the White House to restore accountability, opportunity and security. For the sake of our Constitution and the rule of law, we must defeat Hillary Clinton.
Today I ask Donald Trump to step aside and for the RNC to replace him with Gov. Mike Pence."

Carly Fiorina, the former chief executive of Hewlett-Packard, joined a growing list of those demanding that Donald Trump end his presidential campaign, calling on running mate Mike Pence to ascend to the top of the ticket.

Fiorina, the only woman to seek the Republican nomination for president, was tough on Trump and his views on women during the primaries, memorably challenging him during a debate after it emerged that he had insulted her looks.

"I think women all over this country heard very clearly what Mr. Trump said," she said, glaring.

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Re: Carly Fiorina for President!
« Reply #114 on: October 08, 2016, 01:29:32 PM »
She wants to be pences veep


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Re: Carly Fiorina for President!
« Reply #115 on: October 08, 2016, 01:31:28 PM »
She wants to be pences veep

Very badly!  :'(

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Re: Carly Fiorina for President!
« Reply #116 on: October 08, 2016, 01:36:12 PM »
It'd mend a lot of fences with female voters.


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Re: Carly Fiorina for President!
« Reply #117 on: October 11, 2016, 04:57:33 PM »
It'd mend a lot of fences with female voters.

Would like Donald to grab her muff.

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Re: Carly Fiorina for President!
« Reply #118 on: October 11, 2016, 05:07:18 PM »