Author Topic: I'm really starting to like Scott Walker  (Read 8309 times)

Straw Man

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Re: I'm really starting to like Scott Walker
« Reply #25 on: February 24, 2015, 10:32:24 AM »
I prefer tossing insults at straw and the left.    ;)

so you're admitting that you're only here to "toss insults" and have nothing of substance on the topic at hand to contribute to the conversation

thanks for at least admitting that

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Re: I'm really starting to like Scott Walker
« Reply #26 on: February 24, 2015, 10:35:29 AM »
VS what - NYS and RI or other democrat 100% controlled hell holes?

This thread is about Walker and what HE has done in HIS state

try staying on topic

now can you answer the questions or not?

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Re: I'm really starting to like Scott Walker
« Reply #27 on: February 24, 2015, 10:38:30 AM »
Yes, balls are nice, but "showing balls" is what high school jocks do while flexing in the end zone while losing 42-7.

Do you have link showing Walker turned around economy? 

See, I'll start:

In 2011, Wisconsin had a whopping deficit of $3.6 billion dollars. But a cooperate tax cut and collective bargaining reforms invigorated the state economy. Now, the state is boasting a $911 million surplus, credited to “good stewardship of the taxpayers’ money.”

And what will Walker do? Buy his wife a $19,000 dress? Increase his paycheck? Go on vacation?

Nope. He's proposing $800 million in tax cuts.

“What do you do with a surplus? Give it back to the people who earned it. It's your money," Walker said.

It's not that hard to skip the "He's not as bad as hilary" and show his policies work.  That negative "they're worse than us" didn't work for romney or mccain. 

you got any figures on job growth, for example what he promised and what he delivered

how about wage growth in his state

those are both measures of economic growth and things that actually matter to every day working Americans.

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Re: I'm really starting to like Scott Walker
« Reply #28 on: February 24, 2015, 10:52:11 AM »
you got any figures on job growth, for example what he promised and what he delivered
how about wage growth in his state
those are both measures of economic growth and things that actually matter to every day working Americans.

I would argue there are huge ripple effects from the state having a surplus, and the tax cuts leading to reinvestment.

The money is there if you want to use it for social programs, or infrastructure, or whatever.  Lots of options for the things you mentioned.  but going from a deficit of 3.6 billion, to 911 million surplus... that's huge.

I can't think of ANY politician on either side that can make a similar claim. 

Straw Man

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Re: I'm really starting to like Scott Walker
« Reply #29 on: February 24, 2015, 11:20:57 AM »
I would argue there are huge ripple effects from the state having a surplus, and the tax cuts leading to reinvestment.

The money is there if you want to use it for social programs, or infrastructure, or whatever.  Lots of options for the things you mentioned.  but going from a deficit of 3.6 billion, to 911 million surplus... that's huge.

I can't think of ANY politician on either side that can make a similar claim. 

maybe he can use that surplus to plug the holes in his budget

Still not much hope for job growth and median income growth

Soul Crusher

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Re: I'm really starting to like Scott Walker
« Reply #30 on: February 24, 2015, 11:27:16 AM »
maybe he can use that surplus to plug the holes in his budget

Still not much hope for job growth and median income growth

funny REALLY - you don't give a F about Obama's failed and fake promises on ObamaCare yet hold Walker to a different standard.

Typical left wing lib double standards - f off and go lick Hillarys' snatch 

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Re: I'm really starting to like Scott Walker
« Reply #31 on: February 24, 2015, 11:29:22 AM »
maybe he can use that surplus to plug the holes in his budget
Still not much hope for job growth and median income growth

I like this!  

We've now agreed that Walker created $3.5 billion turnaround.   Now we're just arguing about whether or not he managed to spend it effectively - that's a great argument to be having!

And if the only beef is that Walker was unable to create as many jobs as he had hoped, while simultaneously saving $3.5 billion bucks lol... I'd say that ain't so bad.

Were any other US governors able to turn $3.6 billion dollar deficit into a $911 million surplus, in this same time period?

Straw Man

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Re: I'm really starting to like Scott Walker
« Reply #32 on: February 24, 2015, 11:33:18 AM »
Why is it that none of the right wing economic fantasies every actually produce good economic results and often wind up torpedoing the economy (see Kansas as another example)
Scott Walker’s economic mess: How worker wages were gutted in Wisconsin

In many respects, the point of Walker’s anti-union crusade was to destroy the electoral muscle of the main opposition to his conservative agenda. But the most important impact of the creeping death of public unions in Wisconsin may be on take-home pay.

The Washington Post didn’t take note of this, but according to the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey, median household income in Wisconsin is $51,467 a year, nearly $800 below the national average. And it has fallen consistently since the passage of the anti-union law in 2011, despite a small bounce-back nationally in 2013. The Bureau of Economic Analysis puts Wisconsin in the middle of the pack on earnings growth, despite a fairly tight labor market with a headline unemployment rate of 5.2 percent.

This actually undercounts the problem a bit, because it doesn’t cover total compensation. For example, in the wake of the anti-union law, public employees lost the equivalent of 8-10 percent in take-home pay because of increased contributions to healthcare and pension benefits.

Moreover, the meager earnings growth that has come to Wisconsin has mostly gone to the top 1 percent of earners. Another Wisconsin Budget Project report shows that the state hit a record share of income going to the very top in 2012, a year after passage of the anti-union law. That doesn’t include the $2 billion in tax cuts Walker initiated in his first term, which went disproportionately to the highest wage earners. (This is precisely the agenda Walker is likely to run on in his presidential campaign.)

The trends mirror those in the country at large, where labor has similarly stumbled. Real hourly wages fell for almost everyone nationwide in 2014, according to the Economic Policy Institute, except for the low-wage sector, bolstered by minimum wage increases at the state and local level. Wisconsin has not joined that movement, with its minimum wage still consistent with the federal floor, at $7.25 an hour.

You can argue that squashing unions in Wisconsin had no bearing on income stagnation in the state. But you would have to ignore how the labor market works. If public employees cannot bargain for wages and benefits, they stay depressed. And employers who compete for well-educated workers, like those who take jobs in teaching and government administration, similarly don’t have to increase wages to attract their services. Blunting worker power in one sector has ripple effects everywhere else; as Larry Mishel wrote in the New York Times yesterday, “the erosion of collective bargaining is the single largest factor suppressing wage growth for middle-wage workers over the last few decades.” And Wisconsin provides a salient example of that.

Collective worker action was behind the biggest wage announcement in the past several years: Wal-Mart’s move to increase entry-level pay to $9 an hour this year, and $10 an hour by 2016. This will act like Wisconsin’s wage depression in reverse: retailers will be forced to compete with Wal-Mart’s slightly higher wages, and the entire wage floor will push upward. And while an improving economy, tighter labor markets and the need to retain personnel may have factored into Wal-Mart’s decision, you cannot deny the role of the United Food and Commercial Workers’ campaign to organize Wal-Mart workers. “This is not an act of corporate benevolence,” said Marc Perrone, president of UFCW, in a statement on the Wal-Mart announcement. “Walmart is responding directly to calls from workers and their allies to pay a living wage.”

In fact, the last time Wal-Mart faced significant labor unrest in 2006, it raised wages as a direct result, according to Federal Reserve minutes. It, like most businesses, makes changes that benefit workers only when its reputation is threatened and poor publicity ensues. That means that worker voices play a powerful role in wage growth.

Scott Walker has taken that voice away from public unions, and effectively the entire Wisconsin labor movement, which finds itself crippled. That has real consequences for middle-class wages. Since Walker wants to bring this policy menu to the rest of the country in 2016, people on Main Streets outside of Wisconsin should take note.

Soul Crusher

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Re: I'm really starting to like Scott Walker
« Reply #33 on: February 24, 2015, 11:37:12 AM »
Scott Walker has taken that voice away from public unions, and effectively the entire Wisconsin labor movement, which finds itself crippled. That has real consequences for middle-class wages. Since Walker wants to bring this policy menu to the rest of the country in 2016, people on Main Streets outside of Wisconsin should take note.

________________________ ________________________ __________


Yes - fuck you!!!! 

Straw Man

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Re: I'm really starting to like Scott Walker
« Reply #34 on: February 24, 2015, 11:37:20 AM »
I like this!  

We've now agreed that Walker created $3.5 billion turnaround.   Now we're just arguing about whether or not he managed to spend it effectively - that's a great argument to be having!

And if the only beef is that Walker was unable to create as many jobs as he had hoped, while simultaneously saving $3.5 billion bucks lol... I'd say that ain't so bad.

Were any other US governors able to turn $3.6 billion dollar deficit into a $911 million surplus, in this same time period?

turn around?

All he did was cut wages and benefits to workers and give tax cuts to the top 1%

Is that what you're referring to as a "turnaround"?

from my prior link

MADISON – Gov. Scott Walker will have to plug a roughly $280 million budget shortfall by the end of June, and the state faces a two-year deficit that could be as large as $2 billion, based on new estimates released Friday by the nonpartisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau.

Straw Man

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Re: I'm really starting to like Scott Walker
« Reply #35 on: February 24, 2015, 11:38:42 AM »
funny REALLY - you don't give a F about Obama's failed and fake promises on ObamaCare yet hold Walker to a different standard.

Typical left wing lib double standards - f off and go lick Hillarys' snatch 

again, either stay on topic or go find another thread to pollute

Straw Man

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Re: I'm really starting to like Scott Walker
« Reply #36 on: February 24, 2015, 11:41:04 AM »
Scott Walker has taken that voice away from public unions, and effectively the entire Wisconsin labor movement, which finds itself crippled. That has real consequences for middle-class wages. Since Walker wants to bring this policy menu to the rest of the country in 2016, people on Main Streets outside of Wisconsin should take note.

________________________ ________________________ __________


Yes - fuck you!!!!  

yep and all it did was fuck up the economy, created stagnation in wage growth and of course greatly benefit the top 1% and his oligarch patrons

of course you would love that

you're too stupid to see how this fucks over common people just like you

fucking idiot cheering for your demise

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Re: I'm really starting to like Scott Walker
« Reply #37 on: February 24, 2015, 11:41:11 AM »
let's clarify this ...  

Worker wages are LOW in Wisconsin, correct?  

That should bring a few things UP in Wisconsin.  American manufacturing should go there, since there are plenty of workers who won't demand huge salaries.  Colleges and Univ should be packed there with people going back to school, learning new skills which can transfer.  Land should be cheap, opening up things for developers and real estate.  

And let's face it -

I'm not saying walker's way is 100% correct - that $3.5 bill sure could have been used better.  But he's shown he's not afraid to shake things up, and doing this in 50 states would be a huge way to transform the USA in a way that will eventually happen, regardless... better to do it now while economy is comparatively good.  Get people back in school, bring back mnfg, but at the same time, you punish the shit out of anyone that abuses workers in a place with reduced union involvement.

Walker isn't perfect, but he is the best thing going.  Can he use that $ better?  Sure, of course.  But while most people are all talk, he's actually done it.

Straw Man

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Re: I'm really starting to like Scott Walker
« Reply #38 on: February 24, 2015, 11:42:31 AM »
let's clarify this ...  

Worker wages are LOW in Wisconsin, correct?  

That should bring a few things UP in Wisconsin.  American manufacturing should go there, since there are plenty of workers who won't demand huge salaries.  Colleges and Univ should be packed there with people going back to school, learning new skills which can transfer.  Land should be cheap, opening up things for developers and real estate.  

And let's face it -

I'm not saying walker's way is 100% correct - that $3.5 bill sure could have been used better.  But he's shown he's not afraid to shake things up, and doing this in 50 states would be a huge way to transform the USA in a way that will eventually happen, regardless... better to do it now while economy is comparatively good.  Get people back in school, bring back mnfg, but at the same time, you punish the shit out of anyone that abuses workers in a place with reduced union involvement.

Walker isn't perfect, but he is the best thing going.  Can he use that $ better?  Sure, of course.  But while most people are all talk, he's actually done it.

yeah, that's the theory

too bad it didn't happen

Soul Crusher

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Re: I'm really starting to like Scott Walker
« Reply #39 on: February 24, 2015, 11:43:15 AM »
yep and all it did was fuck up the economy, created stagnation in wage growth and of course greatly benefit the top 1% and his oligarch patrons

of course you would love that

you're too stupid to see how this fucks over common people just like you

fucking idiot cheering for your demise

Right - cause a state like NY or IL or RI would be booming right you FNG moronic leftist tool? 

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Re: I'm really starting to like Scott Walker
« Reply #40 on: February 24, 2015, 11:43:21 AM »
yeah, that's the theory

too bad it didn't happen

maybe it's too early to tell.  

Straw Man

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Re: I'm really starting to like Scott Walker
« Reply #41 on: February 24, 2015, 11:48:12 AM »

maybe it's too early to tell.  

how much time does he need.  It's been 3 years now.

things are worse now so they have to get better just to get back to par

Also there was no 3.5 billion deficit to begin with

It's just a lie that you apparently got suckered into believing

Walker does not mention the 11 billion Federal stimulus Wisconsin got from the Obama administration(5 billion went to Milwaukee county, 4 billion to Dane County and the other 70 counties had to divvy up the remainder...  and, his friend Paul Ryan who voted against it, then took some for his district after it passed and lied about having done so to good old Joe from Stoughton on a radio station and also to the press...
See video(s) below by Rachel Maddow: the one below states that when Scott Walker took office, Wisconsin was doing fine, it had a 120 million dollar surplus... and, it's obvious that Scott Walker was lying about the 3.5 billion ginned up projected deficit he told VCY America about, shortly before the recalls; his intent? it was to justify it as a pretext for having ended collective bargaining for public state workers. i.e., just as his intent for ginning up a fake budget crisis when Milwaukee county executive for his justifying of his firing of the union security guards as she explained in her next video following the one below.

Also, Walker lied about inheriting a 3.5 billion dollar deficit. when he took office Wisconsin was projected to have a 120 million surplus. He ginned it up by cooking the books and faked a budget crisis as he did when Milwaukee county executive to justify the firing of the union security guards.

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Re: I'm really starting to like Scott Walker
« Reply #42 on: February 24, 2015, 11:49:56 AM »
Right - cause a state like NY or IL or RI would be booming right you FNG moronic leftist tool? 

again, stay on topic or go somewhere else

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Re: I'm really starting to like Scott Walker
« Reply #43 on: February 24, 2015, 11:50:30 AM »
how much time does he need.  It's been 3 years now.

things are worse now so they have to get better just to get back to par

Also there was no 3.5 billion deficit to begin with

It's just a lie that you apparently got suckered into believing

LOL!!!!!   F real you FNG libfag?   You voted for obamafag in 2012 remember?     F off w your libgayfagpajamatwinkbitc h douvle standards.  Look in the damn mirror pajama boy

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Re: I'm really starting to like Scott Walker
« Reply #44 on: February 24, 2015, 11:51:30 AM »

LOL!!!!!   F real you FNG libfag?   You voted for obamafag in 2012 remember?     F off w your libgayfagpajamatwinkbitc h douvle standards.  Look in the damn mirror pajama boy

Hey Archer - do you see why I don't take this idiot seriously

you were the one pissing and moaning about how I treat 333

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Re: I'm really starting to like Scott Walker
« Reply #45 on: February 24, 2015, 11:54:27 AM »
Hey Archer - do you see why I don't take this idiot seriously

you were the one pissing and moaning about how I treat 333

I give it right back.   F you lib w your communist garbage.   If your belief system worked stated like NYS, CT, IL, RI, etc would be at the top of every list economy wise.   Guess what twinklestoes - they are not and are all near the bottom. 

PS - F you!!! 

Straw Man

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Re: I'm really starting to like Scott Walker
« Reply #46 on: February 24, 2015, 12:00:21 PM »
I give it right back.   F you lib w your communist garbage.   If your belief system worked stated like NYS, CT, IL, RI, etc would be at the top of every list economy wise.   Guess what twinklestoes - they are not and are all near the bottom. 

PS - F you!!! 

give what back

all I've asked you to do is stay on topic

Fuck you and fuck your MOTHER for not getting an abortion

she is responsible for contributing a piece of shit to the human race

Soul Crusher

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Re: I'm really starting to like Scott Walker
« Reply #47 on: February 24, 2015, 12:02:52 PM »
give what back

all I've asked you to do is stay on topic

Fuck you and fuck your MOTHER for not getting an abortion

she is responsible for contributing a piece of shit to the human race

Yellen: Unemployment Rate Looks 'Less Rosy' When Part-Time and Discouraged Workers Are Counted
CNS ^  | February 24,2015 | Ali Meyer

Posted on ‎2‎/‎24‎/‎2015‎ ‎2‎:‎54‎:‎36‎ ‎PM by Hojczyk

Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen said Tuesday at a Senate Banking Committee hearing that the U-6 unemployment rate--which includes people who are working part-time for economic reasons and those who are marginally attached to the labor force--“definitely shows a less rosy picture” of employment in the country.

People "marginally attached" to the labor force "are those who currently are neither working nor looking for work but indicate that they want and are available for a job and have looked for one work sometime in the past 12 months."

In January, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the "U-3" unemployment rate, which is the one generally reported, was 5.7 percent. U-6 was 11.3 percent.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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Re: I'm really starting to like Scott Walker
« Reply #48 on: February 24, 2015, 12:23:18 PM »
give what back

all I've asked you to do is stay on topic

Fuck you and fuck your MOTHER for not getting an abortion

she is responsible for contributing a piece of shit to the human race

OOOHHHH poor baby - strawfagpajamatwink doesn't like her own tactics used against her.   F off pansie

Straw Man

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Re: I'm really starting to like Scott Walker
« Reply #49 on: February 24, 2015, 12:43:48 PM »

OOOHHHH poor baby - strawfagpajamatwink doesn't like her own tactics used against her.   F off pansie

what the fuck are you talking about you delusional queer

here is your first reply to me on this thread (note that you were replying to me even though my post wasn't to you)

LOL - yet you and the other libfags will vote for Hillary who destroyed lybia and everything else she went near

here's my reply trying to get you to stay on topic

tell me how he is doing on job growth or growth of median household income

you know, things that are actually a measure of economic growth in the state

or was this post just one of the 20 times today that you NEED to say fag to fulfill the requirements of your OCD?

so again

FUCK YOU and and FUCK YOUR MOTHER for not getting an abortion

you are worthless piece of shit that ruins this board