Author Topic: Former FBI Chief Admits Chemtrails Are Real And Then He Is Poisoned And Dies  (Read 76132 times)

The Showstoppa

  • Getbig V
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I like leaving chem trails in the gym as I pass by the cardio area.

The Abdominal Snoman

  • Getbig V
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Ahh, to most Jews(Zionist and those that oppose Zionism) the Jews and blacks are always the victim. But not White people. I wonder if he will agree about the conspiracy to genocide the white race? After all, many Zionist Jews have publicly expressed their desire to get rid of the White race. And it is actually happening.

Zionist Jews are at the center of many conspiracies:

World War 1 and 2
Cole Attack
Kennedy Assassination
Oklahoma City Bombing
White Genocide

What I took from his answer was that he looks at everything in the world with suspicion. Doesn't mean that if you believe in some Conspiracy's that you believe in all conspiracy's...He told me that if more people believed in what the Conspiracy Theorists were saying about Germany in the late mid to late 1930's into the 40's about the Jews, it's possible that millions of his fellow Jews may have been saved. The fact that millions of people weren't open to the Conspiracy theory that Germany was planning on killing millions of Jews with the intent of wiping them off the planet is one of the reasons millions of Jews were wiped off the planet. In essence he was saying, it's the non Conspiracy people's way of thinking that helped wipe out countless Jews...

The Abdominal Snoman

  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 23503
I like leaving chem trails in the gym as I pass by the cardio area.



  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 6657

good luck getting the sheeple to say anything other than ... "your an idiot , your a tin foil hat wearer"

they NEVER will explain that because its 100% proof they are spraying something... the who, what, where, and why are debatable but that type of evidence is impossible to debunk so they just like to call names and keep yelling "water, vapor, condensation" .. bla blah blah.."

so let me save the sheeple time here..

Good post. And you're right. You won't get debate, just name calling. They need to be ridiculed at every opportunity.


  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 6657
I like leaving chem trails in the gym as I pass by the cardio area.
Do they linger as long as your sea monkeys?

The Showstoppa

  • Getbig V
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  • Call the vet, cause these pythons are sick!
Do they linger as long as your sea monkeys?



  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 6657
What I took from his answer was that he looks at everything in the world with suspicion. Doesn't mean that if you believe in some Conspiracy's that you believe in all conspiracy's...He told me that if more people believed in what the Conspiracy Theorists were saying about Germany in the late mid to late 1930's into the 40's about the Jews, it's possible that millions of his fellow Jews may have been saved. The fact that millions of people weren't open to the theory that Germany was planning on killing millions of Jews with the intent of wiping them off the planet is one of the reasons millions of Jews were wiped off the planet.
Can't disagree with that. However I don't agree that millions of Jews were killed. I believe the number is around 500,000. Tens of Millions of white people were killed however in both the first and second world war and the Holomodor.

And the recent social engineering policies of the elite have probably killed 100s of millions of unborn whites and that number may well conclude with a billion in the future if they succeed with their criminal agenda.

White people are the real victims. White lives matter.

The Showstoppa

  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 26879
  • Call the vet, cause these pythons are sick!


  • Getbig IV
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What are you babbling about Mr 3 INCH biceps  ;D

I am just pointing out how, when you find yourself to be the underdog, you panic and reveal that you are just a child. These one liner's of your are handbook examples of the situation, where little kid have been put in his place and how he is whining after that. Just like teacher has put you to stand on the corner, and you mumble your pitiful protest fearing that some one would hear  ;D


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 10673
I got chem trails steaming from my ass at all times...


  • Getbig IV
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yes... history of man has shown that all governments, everything they say and do can be trusted 100% and should never be questioned at all because they would never lie, nor ever mislead the people they serve.

 ::) ::) ::)

history has proven this time and time again...

If history has proven something it has proved, that the stupidity of the masses is a cancer of the earth. I don't know how to put this in the form you would  be able to understand it, but the main point of these things is very simple. To believe, you have to see the evidence. Hearsay, rumor, claims etc. utterly bullshit doesn't prove nothing, you need to have real life facts and concrete evidence, no matter which kind of internet bullshit you want to believe. If we use this thread as an example, what is the concrete evidence about the vapor trails? There is none. Instead of that, if you ask for evidence, all the foil hat morons disappear, or try to stubbornly argue black to white. This is the best way to prove these claims to be a bullshit, because without real evidence you don't have the case.

Need more examples? 9/11 was controlled demolition. If so, why don't we find any marks of the explosions from all of the video material about the happening? In demolition like that they need to use hundred of metric tons of explosives, and we don't see even the windows be breached from the blasts? There was all kind of claims how collapse of the buildings were not possible because of the laws of physics, but how about those explosions, which are completely ruled by those same laws? No blast from the explosion = no explosion = no controlled demolition what so ever. It isn't harder that that, every one should have that amount of ability to reasoning things, but most of you guys don't have it. And because of that, when some one is drunk enough to wrote in the web page that holocaust was jewish conspiracy, you welcome that as a fact. There is no limits how stupid the major claim would be, there is believers for all of stupid claims.

JFK was shot by his driver, because there is no evidence what so ever that Oswald was the shooter, if we don't count those +150 concrete real life evidence which was pointing to his guilty. What do you think we should do? Rely on these concrete real life facts, of believe the fairytale where driver take his gun to his left hand and throw a shot above his right shoulder without aiming at all, hitting JFK to head and killing him, without anybody seeing him to do this or even hearing the shot?

World of the foil hat morons are filled with these kind of dilemmas which they dig from the web and adopt without any thinking at all, and that is the main reason why these imbeciles are claiming, that your government is corrupted as hell. It has it's faults, no one can deny that, but is it a source of these ridiculous conspiracies? If you have the evidence, it is. If you have only claims and rumors, find the evidence which prove the facts to be true or false. Quite simple. There is multimillion of these mentally ill imbeciles feeding all kind of bullshit stories to you guys, and all what you need to do is find the evidence. How about using your own brains to do that instead of believing such crap without thinking at all?  ;D


  • Getbig IV
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  • Posts: 2895
Ok, answer this. If these are only vapor trails, why does it stick around for hours? It should dissipate sooner right?

Look at this video below - you can see the spraying stop and start again.

So you are not able to find this information by Google yourself? They appear at the 8000 meters, and there isn't clouds at that altitude at all, so what do you compare them? Do clouds stick around for hours? Yes they do, it there is no wind. And clouds are at the altitude of few hundred - few thousand meters, so they go over the horizon lot faster than trails which are 8000 - 12 000 meters. How about the winds in that altitude? Not much to talk about, so how those trails would dissipate? There is temperature of - 37 to 57.5°C at those altitudes, vapor is white, so exactly how it would dissipate? Why there is snow at the top of the high mountain? Why it doesn't dissipate? Because it is cold out there, and very little forces which could help to make the difference.


  • Getbig IV
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  • Posts: 2895
You're either a moron or a paid shill.

This is another ridiculous claim from the foil hat morons, and as usual, all the evidence about the matter is fake. There isn't such thing as paid shill's, it is just a scapegoat for these morons, to use when they run out of arguments. They use it when someone like me outsmart them, and that is quite often. They have even go so far that they have provide the bullshit stories how some of these paid shills are come forward and told that they have been paid, but there isn't even a little splinter of truth in that crap. 1 rule of the internet = everyone can lie.


  • Getbig IV
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  • Posts: 2895

good luck getting the sheeple to say anything other than ... "your an idiot , your a tin foil hat wearer"

they NEVER will explain that because its 100% proof they are spraying something... the who, what, where, and why are debatable but that type of evidence is impossible to debunk so they just like to call names and keep yelling "water, vapor, condensation" .. bla blah blah.."

so let me save the sheeple time here..


Well, I just did.

If you are claiming that they are spraying something, proving is quite simple. Go to start of the thread, look at those facts which I put there as pointers to you idiots, and prove I am wrong. I made there little simple calculation which proves that the plain amount of the liquid needed to those trails is enormous and there isn't any means to deliver that by aero plane. Prove it isn't so? Your problem is always the same: you are keen to use laws of physics as an point of your arguments, but sadly, you simply don't understand their meanings, and that's why those laws are in fact the truth which make your theory impossible. So, do you best, prove I am wrong? It can't be difficult to the self proclaimed genius like you  ;D


  • Getbig IV
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  • Posts: 2895
Good post. And you're right. You won't get debate, just name calling. They need to be ridiculed at every opportunity.

Debate with your kind of morons is impossible, because you don't have any arguments, you just runt that circle of yours: It has to be conspiracy because government is always lying so it has to be  conspiracy.  How you make a debate out of that? 9/11 was inside job because buildings doesn't collapse like that, so it has to be controlled demolition and that has to mean it was inside job. Only problem here is the fact, that you lack the amount of intelligence which is needed to debate at any of these things. You are stupid enough to think that claims are evidence. You are stupid enough to believe, that fake evidence proves something else than the simple fact that whoever provide it, is lying. You are stupid enough to believe all kinds of fairytales, but not the simplest truth, just because it is proving official theory to be a correct one. And then you start crying because you don't get the debate?


  • Getbig V
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So are chemtrails real or fake?  Is the head of the FBI a crackpot?


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 5029
yes Ropo...

please ignore all evidence of 9/11 and chemtrails that are science FACT

Say whatever you want but ultimately... you need to

Please get some therapy you and the rest of the sheeple unfortunately suffer from this:


  • Guest
Is the head of the FBI a crackpot?

Yes, he is a crackpot.  This has been determined by Mr ROPO and Mr GROINK whose knowledge and credentials are far more impressive.  We are lucky to have people on GETBIG who are much smarter and better educated in secretive government practices than the Chief of the FBI. 

The Ugly

  • Getbig V
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Seems you fellas got all the evidence you need. I mean, it's all overwhelming and clearly undisputable.

So what now, guys? How ya gonna fix it all and pull us sheep outta the Matrix?


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 4620
  • Team Trump
Yes, he is a crackpot.  This has been determined by Mr ROPO and Mr GROINK whose knowledge and credentials are far more impressive.  We are lucky to have people on GETBIG who are much smarter and better educated in secretive government practices than the Chief of the FBI. 

Oh I see,  then I guess that ends that.  It sometimes amazes me how knowledgeable getbiggers are.  I imagine the spaghetti agencies must be constantly after them for advice on matters of national security.


  • Getbig IV
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  • Posts: 2895
So are chemtrails real or fake?  Is the head of the FBI a crackpot?

This may be surprise to you, but even relatively sane people do ridiculous things to get some attention. Like this author of yours, who may have been head of the some FBI side office before lost his mind. Don't take my word for it, but instead of that, try to prove how those trails have been done, while it is completely impossible to do by means known the mankind. Why this is so hard to understand? If you need to do thousands of kilometers of those trails, you need millions of metric tons of liquid, and where you put it in the plane? If you have container of one gallon, can you put 2 gallons in it? No, you can't press liquid. So just tell me how they carry all that liquid, if it isn't in the air already? And all this is futile, because the general flaw of this theory is even simpler: If you spray these vapor trails over the USA, the poison doesn't drop there, because of the movements of the air, called winds.

If you try, you find out that you don't have any means to even predict where that crap is going, because between your flight altitude and ground is several layers of air, all moving differently. So what ever you drop from there, would be on your own dinner plate sooner or later. And hey, who would really be so fucking stupid that he would poison himself, his relatives and his family just to accomplish some sinister plan? I bet that USA is full of those kind of idiots, but those trails are everywhere. Who is organizing them in the airport of Rovaniemi, or Joensuu in Finland? In Namibia international in Africa? What kind of organization it has to be, to get everywhere, even the small airports of Russia or north Korea, and put their poison in the planes? I have been many airports, but I have never seen any "biohazard" posters at the side of the trucks or barrels there. How exactly they organize that completely impossible logistic, because even those fighters which fly from carrier has vapor trails?

And furthermore, they have done it at least past 70 - 80 years, because even WW2 planes has vapor trails, and still there is not even one fucking soul on this earth who have seen those containers of poison. I don't know about you, but I find that ridiculously impossible. Some fucking universal conspiracy around the world, dropping poison from the planes but nobody doesn't know why, or what they are dropping, they just do it. How do you know? I read it from the internet, and there really is vapor trails behind the planes. Great logic, and great example of the logic of the foil hat morons. It is true, if some one say it is..

So, what do you think? Is chemtrails bullshit or not? Is the head of the FBI idiot or not? If we put a side all what is completely impossible, what is left? Vapor trails are mostly water, mixed with the exhaust gasses of the plane, and because of that, there is more than thousand chemicals in them. Those chemicals are components of the fuel, and that is all there is. If you can prove otherwise, do not hesitate to do so. You and the other foil hats have used 80 years just talk about it, so it would be nice if you after all that talking would be able to show some evidence  ;D


  • Getbig IV
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  • Posts: 2895
yes Ropo...

please ignore all evidence of 9/11 and chemtrails that are science FACT

Say whatever you want but ultimately... you need to

Please get some therapy you and the rest of the sheeple unfortunately suffer from this:

Well, just point out something about those which REALLY are scientific facts, and we will see what you have. Lets start from the explosions in the 9/11 video material, you have to have something what I haven't seen, if you are claiming that there was explosions. I know that there is plenty of material were some bystanders tell how they hear explosions, but you can forget those, because the point is that they are guessing. Fact is that they didn't see explosions, they hear something which sound like it. What kind of noise there is to be hear, when part of the aeroplane drops down the street from 300 meters at the middle of the Manhattan? 99.9% of people would hear explosion, because decibels goes over the pain threshold. I have watch all the material I can get from TV and from internet, and truth is simple: THERE IS NO EXPLOSIONS WHAT SO EVER. So how it can be controlled demolition? Well, it just cant. Case closed.

And please show me even just one scientific fact about the chemtrails? That I like to see, because there can't be facts in the fairytale. You may find some facts about the vapor trails, but as you know, it is completely different thing. Vapor trails are based on the laws of physics, chemtrails are based on stupidity of the foil hat morons ;D


  • Getbig IV
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  • Posts: 2895
Yes, he is a crackpot.  This has been determined by Mr ROPO and Mr GROINK whose knowledge and credentials are far more impressive.  We are lucky to have people on GETBIG who are much smarter and better educated in secretive government practices than the Chief of the FBI. 

Well, just answer this: If the task is proved to being completely impossible and against the laws of physics, would it make the difference if some old geek say it is still true? If this same Chief would told you that the sun will be rising 180° different direction, would you believe it? Can he overrule laws of physics? No he can't, so therefore he must be either imbecile or liar.


  • Getbig IV
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  • Posts: 2895
Oh I see,  then I guess that ends that.  It sometimes amazes me how knowledgeable getbiggers are.  I imagine the spaghetti agencies must be constantly after them for advice on matters of national security.

Why you are just talking about the knowledge of others, but not showing yours? I repeat: JUST SHOW ONE (1) CONCRETE REAL LIFE SCIENTIFITIC FACT WHICH WILL TALK BEHALF OF WHAT EVER CONSPIRACY THEORY?  Why this is too much to ask or too hard, because after these years I haven't seen any.