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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #75 on: May 29, 2015, 03:39:04 PM »
Clinton Foundation accused of trading ex-president’s presence for donation
Published May 29, 2015

The Clinton camp was hit Friday with yet another bombshell report on the family foundation, even as the Democratic power couple launched a counteroffensive against critics of the foundation's dealings.

The New York Times reported Friday on a questionable arrangement last year involving Bill Clinton's attendance at a fundraising gala thrown by a school-building charity.

According to the report, Clinton agreed to accept a lifetime achievement award at the June 2014 gala, hosted by the Happy Hearts Fund, only after founder Petra Nemcova offered to give $500,000 to the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation.

Sue Veres Royal, the group's executive director at the time who was later "dismissed," alleged that this amounted to a "quid pro quo."

She told the Times the foundation had rejected an invitation from the Happy Hearts Fund "more than once." That changed, she said, when "there was a thinly veiled solicitation and then the offer of an honorarium."

Representatives for Nemcova and the foundation countered that the money was not solicited -- and would be used for projects in Haiti.

The revelations are the latest to raise questions about possible favor-trading at the foundation, as Hillary Clinton mounts her run for the Democratic presidential nomination and her supporters try to tamp down controversy surrounding the family charity.

The fundraiser in question was initially meant to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Indian Ocean tsunami -- Nemcova, a well-known Czech model, founded the charity after surviving the 2004 disaster, while in Thailand.

The Times reported that the fund first asked Bill Clinton to be an honoree in 2011, and again in 2013. They were turned down. But another invitation letter was reportedly sent in August 2013, offering to work around Clinton's schedule, and shifting the focus from Indonesia to Haiti.

The invitation added that the fund "would like to also share the proceeds of the event with the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation, committing at least $500,000 in partnership on a joint educational project in Haiti, of your selection."

He accepted.

The Times report pointed out that the foundation donation effectively rerouted money raised at the gala to an organization with a significantly larger budget. According to the Times, the $500,000 donation was worth almost a quarter of the event's net proceeds and could have funded the construction of several schools in Indonesia.

Charity experts told the Times it is rare for such honorees to get money from a gala's proceeds.

The former president and aides to Hillary Clinton, meanwhile, are pushing back on some of the critical reports surrounding the foundation.

On Friday, the former president said in a letter to supporters that the foundation remains a "non-partisan" philanthropy and he's determined to continue its mission.

The former president said in the letter that "it's the political season in America" and the impact of the organization has "largely been ignored" recently.

Top aides to Hillary Clinton also said late Thursday they see no permanent damage to her campaign over questions about the Clinton Foundation and other ethics issues, while acknowledging they expect an extremely competitive general election fought on other issues like the economy next year.

One top Clinton campaign official said they have a good story to tell about the philanthropic work of the Clintons and will make that case in the days ahead. The aides spoke at a briefing with reporters at Clinton's campaign headquarters in Brooklyn.

Fox News' Ed Henry and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #76 on: June 03, 2015, 10:47:30 AM »
HRC EMAILS: Federal officials voiced growing alarm over Clinton’s compliance with records laws, documents show
By James Rosen
Published June 02, 2015

Over a five-year span, senior officials at the National Archives and Records Administrations (NARA) voiced growing alarm about Hillary Clinton’s record-keeping practices as secretary of state, according to internal documents obtained by Fox News.

During Clinton’s final days in office, Paul Wester, the director of Modern Records Programs at NARA – essentially the agency’s chief records custodian – privately emailed five NARA colleagues to confide his fear that Clinton would take her official records with her when she left office, in violation of federal statutes.

Referring to a colleague whose full name is unknown, Wester wrote on December 11, 2012: “Tom heard (or thought he heard) from the Clinton Library Director that there are or may be plans afoot for taking her records from State to Little Rock." That was a reference to the possibility that Clinton might seek to house her records at the Clinton Presidential Center, which was largely funded by the Clinton Foundation.

"[W]e need to discuss what we know, and how we should delicately go about learning more about…the transition plans for Secretary Clinton’s departure from State," Wester added. He did not specify why the situation required “delicate” handling, but added that colleagues had “continued to invoke the specter of the Henry Kissinger experience vis-à-vis Hilary [sic] Clinton.”

That was a reference to how the secretary of state during the Nixon and Ford administrations, preparing to leave office in January 1977, stashed large segments of his classified papers on the upstate New York estate of his friend, Vice President Nelson A. Rockefeller. It wasn’t until 2001 that Kissinger relented to demands from scholars and the U.S. government and made the documents available for research.

Under the Federal Records Act, NARA is entrusted with official oversight of Executive Branch agencies and their employees, aimed at ensuring that the records they generate in the discharge of their official duties are being properly preserved and stored.

The Wester email and 72 other internal documents released by NARA and the State Department earlier this month show NARA officers repeatedly expressed concerns that Clinton and her office were not observing the federal laws and regulations that govern recordkeeping – but that NARA never did much about it.

The 73 documents from NARA and State were turned over to Cause of Action, a non-partisan government accountability watchdog that had filed a Freedom of Information Act request in March, after the New York Times revealed that Clinton had exclusively used a private email server and domain name during her tenure as secretary of state. Cause of Action shared the documentswith Fox News on an exclusive basis, ahead of Senate testimony by the group’s executive director, Daniel Epstein.

“Given NARA’s stated concerns,” Epstein said in written testimony submitted this week to the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, “it either was aware of the failure to preserve Mrs. Clinton’s emails or was extremely negligent in its efforts to monitor [the preservation of] senior officials’ emails.”

The alarm bells sounded fairly early in Clinton’s tenure at Foggy Bottom. In a November 2009 email, written when Clinton had not yet completed her first year on the job, NARA archivist David Langbart wrote to his colleague, Michael Kurtz, about a “huge issue on which there has been little progress” – namely, the proper preservation of “high-level memos” generated by employees at “S/ES.” That is the abbreviation for the office of the secretary of state within the State Department’s Executive Secretariat.

“[Members of a task force] are still working with the Executive Secretariat on the high-level memos issue,” Langbart wrote on November 2. “Earlier it sounded like S/ES was going to relay on SMART [an updated recordkeeping program for the State Department] but it now appears that they will be establishing their own recordkeeping system…”

Previously unpublished notes taken at a conference of NARA and State Department officials in July 2014, after Clinton had left the government, reflect continued concern that recordkeeping practices at Clinton’s agency had never met federal standards.

The handwritten notes, turned over to Cause of Action, refer to employees at State “using gmail with no r/k [recordkeeping] system,” and lamenting the “total disaster” that had apparently occurred when the Department of Interior had adopted a Google app for government use. The notes show the officials discussed “targeting senior leaders” at the State Department, in part by having assistant secretaries of state at each of the department’s bureaus establish “Bureau Records coordinators.”

The notes show that the officials considered starting such procedures with a test run at the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL), which was thought to be an “easy” venue for such trials, then moving to the Bureau of Diplomatic Security (DS) and then “into the Office of the Secretary w/ Principles [sic]” on the “7th Floor” – where the secretary’s office suite is housed.

The most recent private expressions of concern by NARA officials came after Michael Schmidt, the New York Times reporter who broke the Clinton private emails story on March 2, began making inquiries at NARA a few days before his story ran. “I’m working on a story about government employees who use their personal email addresses to conduct government business,” Schmidt wrote, without disclosing initially that his focus was on Clinton, in a February 27 email to NARA general counsel Gary Stern.

Within about two hours, Stern secured approval from NARA Chief Operating Officer William Bosanko (“No objections from me”) for Stern to speak with Schmidt. The two connected on Sunday, March 1, after which Stern privately emailed the National Archivist himself, David Ferriero, and Wester, the agency’s chief records custodian, who had two years earlier expressed fears about Clinton unlawfully taking her records with her when she left office.

“As Paul surmised,” Stern wrote, Schmidt “has learned that when Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, she apparently used a personal email account to conduct government business.” Stern, who has served as general counsel at NARA since 1998, added: “NARA does look into allegations of this type, with our interest being to ensure that the agency recovers any alienated [withheld] records and has policies in place to ensure prevent such events from occurring again. This case, if true, would present a concern.”

Particularly stung by the Times’ bombshell was James Springs, the acting inspector general at NARA, who responded to the story with an agitated March 3 email to Wester that asked: “Were we aware the gov[ernment] email system was not being used by Ms[.] Clinton. [sic] If we were not aware why not. [sic] What checks and balances do we have in place to ensure the gov email systems are being used. [sic]”

Wester forwarded Springs’ email to seven NARA colleagues, stating only: “I will talk to James, hopefully later this afternoon or tomorrow.”

Wester did not respond to a message left on his office voice mail by Fox News. Appearing at a National Press Club panel discussion in April, Jason Baron, the attorney who formerly served as the director of litigation at NARA, expressed amazement that NARA officials had not done more to discharge their supervisory duty over Clinton’s recordkeeping practices.

“I remain mystified by the fact that the use of a private e-mail account apparently went either unnoticed or unremarked upon during the four-year tenure in office of the former secretary,” said Baron, now in private practice at the firm of Drinker Biddle & Reath.”Simply put, where was everyone? Is there any record indicating that any lawyer, any FOIA officer, any records person, any high-level official ever respectfully confronted the former secretary with reasonable questions about the practice of sending e-mails from a private account? It is unfathomable to me that this would not have been noticed and reported up the chain.”

Clinton has disclosed that late last year she turned over 55,000 pages of emails to the State Department, printed out, and unilaterally deleted another 30,000 emails she deemed “personal.” Her spokesman, Nick Merrill, told reporters when the controversy first erupted that the secretary had obeyed the “letter and spirit of the rules.”

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #77 on: June 11, 2015, 09:16:46 AM »
Bill Clinton contradicts Hillary on email claims
Published June 11, 2015

Bill Clinton appeared Wednesday to contradict his wife's claims about their personal email use, saying he's only sent two emails in his life -- despite Hillary Clinton saying some of the private messages on her personal server were from her and her husband.

The former president addressed his very sparing email use at a Clinton Global Initiative meeting in Denver.

He said the "only time" he got on the Internet was to do "two emails" and order Christmas presents.

"Otherwise I found people said embarrassing things on emails. I didn't want to be one of them," Clinton said, to laughter.

The statement echoes what a spokesman told the Wall Street Journal in March -- that the ex-president had only sent two emails in his life, one to U.S. troops and the other to astronaut John Glenn.   

Yet, when Hillary Clinton held a press conference in March explaining her personal email use, she said her private server "contains personal communications from my husband and me."

The now-Democratic presidential candidate gave this detail in asserting that she would not turn over her personal server for examination -- as Republican lawmakers have requested.

Her office, though, has turned over thousands of pages of emails to the State Department, which has started to release some of them.

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #78 on: June 18, 2015, 08:59:19 AM »
Documents challenge Clinton claim no classified intel on personal emails
By Catherine Herridge
Published June 17, 2015

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton used her personal email account to handle high level negotiations in 2011 for a no-fly zone to help topple Libyan dictator Muammar Qaddafi, according to a series of emails obtained by Fox News, challenging her claim the private server did not hold classified information.

The emails, linked here, conflict with Clinton's statement that she did not put national security at risk by using a personal account.

"I did not email any classified material to anyone on my email. There is no classified material,"  Clinton, now a candidate for president, told reporters in March. "I'm certainly well-aware of the classification requirements and did not send classified material."

That claim was hard to test because emails released by the State Department are heavily blacked out. But an email chain from March 23, 2011 -- with virtually no redactions -- shows a message for senior administration staff including then Deputy National Security Adviser Denis McDonough, then-Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs William Burns, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, Michele Flournoy among others.  It goes point by point, explaining what Turkey, France and Britain will likely accept in the deal.

"I think the information in the email is clearly classified. If I were engaged in the negotiation on that subject reporting back to Washington, my reporting cable would be classified,"  former UN Ambassador and Fox News contributor John Bolton said after reading the un-redacted emails.

"They're dealing with the possible U.S. military operation, sensitive negotiations among NATO partners, talking about U.S. objectives and political arrangements and possible objections to the deal from key partners so all of these at secretary of state level is extraordinarily sensitive."

The email chain also contains exchanges with Clinton aide Jake Sullivan who writes "I will forward you (Clinton) the Turkish proposal momentarily."  Clinton responds "I'm worried that FR (France) and/or the UK know about the Turks idea and want to derail it."

As the negotiations for a no-fly zone continue, Sullivan notifies Clinton that then-deputy chief of mission Christopher Stevens, who was later killed in the 2012 Benghazi attack, was moving into eastern Libya.

"At that time of course, the country was in chaos, so the situation was very dangerous. His mission was quite sensitive to link up to the opposition,"  Bolton said.  "And just having that information floating around …would obviously expose Stevens and others to great peril."

While the first email in the chain is marked "UNCLASSIFIED," based on his experience as ambassador to the UN, Bolton said he suspects a lot of intelligence was pushed out as unclassified to accommodate her separate, private system.

"It's not simply the effect on Secretary Clinton's own email. It's pervasive throughout the higher levels of the department, which simply magnifies the risk." Bolton added.

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #79 on: June 29, 2015, 02:33:08 PM »
Is she hiding something?

Benghazi night call between Clinton and Obama withheld, documents show
By Catherine Herridge
Published June 29, 2015

New documents released by a federal court show President Obama called then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on the night of the 2012 Benghazi attack -- but the contents are being withheld by the State Department.

It had previously been disclosed that Clinton and Obama spoke the night of the terror attacks. But the documents offer additional information about the timing of the call -- after the initial attack on the U.S. consulate, but before the second wave where mortars hit the nearby CIA annex and killed former Navy SEALs Ty Woods and Glen Doherty.

The contents of the call, however, are being withheld, not because the information is classified but because the administration claims they represent internal deliberations about the 2012 terror assault.

The claim comes as Clinton also faces accusations that she withheld Benghazi-related emails from her private server in the trove of emails handed over to the State Department.

The contents of the call were only shared with Obama's and Clinton's closest aides. Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes sent an email on the call to State Department officials Jake Sullivan and Philippe Reines, and National Security Council spokeswoman Bernadette Meehan.

The email was released as part of an ongoing lawsuit by conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch.

The email on the Obama-Clinton phone call bears the subject line, "Call." The text of the email says, "Readout of President's Call to Secretary Clinton," but the rest of the details are fully redacted. The State Department cited the so-called "B5" exception for internal deliberations.

The emails also show that Rhodes, on the night of Sept. 11, 2012, and before the attack was over, endorsed a statement from Clinton that cited an anti-Islam Internet video.

That statement noted some tried to justify the assault "as a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet." Rhodes told Clinton's aides that "we should let State Department statement be our comment for the night."

The following day, Sept. 12, Meehan sent an email to State and NSC officials saying Rhodes would host a conference call that morning "to ensure we are all in sync on messaging for the rest of the day."

The narrative about protests over an Internet video would later become a point of major controversy. Fox News was first to report, on Sept. 17, 2012, there was no demonstration before the attack.

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement: "It is little wonder that Mrs. Clinton and the entire Obama administration have fought so hard to keep these documents from the American people -- they shine a spotlight on the administration's incompetence and indifference. All evidence now points to Hillary Clinton, with the approval of the White House, as being the source the Internet video lie."

Other emails from Judicial Watch lawsuits have, separately, shown Rhodes played a central role in preparing former U.N. ambassador Susan Rice for her Sunday show appearances that weekend where she blamed protests over the Internet video.

In that Sept. 14 email, Rhodes specifically draws attention to the video, without distinguishing whether the Benghazi attack was different from protests elsewhere in the region.

The email lists the following two goals, among others:

"To underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure of policy."

"To reinforce the President and Administration's strength and steadiness in dealing with difficult challenges."

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #80 on: June 29, 2015, 07:42:16 PM »
Benghazi night call between Clinton and Obama withheld, documents show

We all knew it.  Well, some of us claimed obama let this happen from minute 1 to avoid a mess right before the election.

But liberals, RINOs and even the repubs in congress that cleared her... you can't convince some people.

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #81 on: June 29, 2015, 08:00:52 PM »
Benghazi night call between Clinton and Obama withheld, documents show

We all knew it.  Well, some of us claimed obama let this happen from minute 1 to avoid a mess right before the election.

But liberals, RINOs and even the repubs in congress that cleared her... you can't convince some people.

The board's biggest liberal here to provide cover for liberals.  It's a full-time job.  

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #82 on: June 29, 2015, 08:04:06 PM »
the lady doth protest a little much ;)

 If you're not one of those liberals, i don't see why you get offended here.

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #83 on: June 29, 2015, 08:09:40 PM »
the lady doth protest a little much ;)

 If you're not one of those liberals, i don't see why you get offended here.

What I'm trying to say is that every time something unflattering or negative is said about a liberal, you pipe in to try and deflect attention away from liberals.  The DNC should put you on their payroll. 

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #84 on: July 01, 2015, 10:08:32 AM »
Emails reveal Obama staff knew of Clinton's private account in 2009
Washington Examiner
By Sarah Westwood
Published June 30, 2015

Top White House aides emailed Hillary Clinton on at least one of several private email accounts during her first year in office, suggesting President Obama's staff knew about the secretary's controversial email arrangement as early as 2009.

Clinton's chief of staff, Cheryl Mills, passed Clinton's private email address to David Axelrod, then a senior Obama adviser, in June 2009.

Weeks later, Axelrod sent a note of sympathy to the secretary after learning she had fallen and hurt herself.

Mills ensured Clinton was comfortable sharing her private email address again in September 2009 before giving it to Rahm Emmanuel, Obama's chief of staff.


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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #85 on: July 08, 2015, 06:38:13 PM »
Trey Gowdy Says Hillary Clinton Made a Big False Claim During CNN Interview — and He Just Released the Proof
Jul. 8, 2015
Jason Howerton

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, released its March 4 subpoena of Hillary Clinton on Wednesday after the former secretary of state claimed on CNN that she “never had a subpoena.”

“The committee has issued several subpoenas, but I have not sought to make them public,” Gowdy said in a statement. “I would not make this one public now, but after Secretary Clinton falsely claimed the committee did not subpoena her, I have no choice in order to correct the inaccuracy.”

Gowdy argued the Benghazi committee “immediately subpoenaed Clinton personally after learning the full extent of her unusual email arrangement with herself” and “would have done so earlier if the State Department or Clinton had been forthcoming that State did not maintain custody of her records and only Secretary Clinton herself had her records when Congress first requested them.”

During the first national TV interview of her 2016 presidential campaign, Clinton accused her interviewer of making “so many assumptions” about her private email controversy and defended her handling of emails during her tenure at the State Department. You can watch her comments in full context here.

“I’ve never had a subpoena,” she added. “There’s nothing, again. Let’s take a deep breath here. Everything I did was permitted by law and regulation.”

In his Wednesday statement, Gowdy also questioned the “curious” timing of Clinton’s decision to “delete and attempt to permanently destroy emails.”

“The Secretary left office in February of 2013. By her own admission she did not delete or destroy emails until the fall of 2014, well after this Committee had been actively engaged in securing her emails from the Department of State,” he said. “For 20 months, it was not too burdensome or cumbersome for the Secretary to house records on her personal server but mysteriously in the fall of 2014 she decided to delete and attempt to permanently destroy those same records.”

House Speaker John Boehner also weighed in on the matter on Twitter Wednesday:

Speaker John BoehnerVerified account
#BREAKING: Here’s the subpoena Hillary Clinton told @CNN she “never had.” It’s dated 3/4/15. 

Messages left with the Hillary Clinton campaign seeking clarification on her comments were not returned at the time of publication.

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #86 on: July 27, 2015, 09:21:12 AM »
Clinton facing new calls to turn over server after IGs request probe
Published July 24, 2015

Hillary Clinton faced new calls Friday to turn over her personal server after key inspectors general asked the Justice Department to open an investigation into whether classified material was improperly shared on the former secretary of state's account.

In correspondence obtained by Fox News, the inspectors general for the State Department and intelligence community raised deep concerns about the contents of the Democratic presidential candidate's emails. An initial joint memo sent June 29 to State Department Under Secretary for Management Patrick Kennedy said a review of Clinton's email archive showed "hundreds of potentially classified emails."

A memo sent Thursday to lawmakers from the intelligence community's IG repeated the claim, saying emails they reviewed contained classified information even though they weren't marked as such. Office spokeswoman Andrea Williams said they raised concerns with the FBI "that these emails exist on at least one private server and thumb drive with classified information and those are not in the government's possession."

There are conflicting accounts over the nature of the investigation being sought. A source familiar with the probe told Fox News that the watchdogs recommended a criminal investigation into the handling of her email, specifically regarding whether classified information was shared on her personal server.   

A Justice Department official confirmed to Fox News that they received a "referral" regarding the "potential compromise of classified information." However, the official said it is not a "criminal referral." Williams also said their office requested a "counterintelligence referral." (A State Department spokesman further clarified that only the intelligence IG referred the case.)

In light of the request, though, House Speaker John Boehner and Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., chairman of the House Benghazi committee, both called for Clinton to turn over her server for an independent evaluation, something she has so far refused to do. 

"Two inspector generals appointed by President Obama have now called on the Justice Department to investigate Secretary Clinton's mishandling of classified email," Boehner said in a statement. "If Secretary Clinton truly has nothing to hide, she can prove it by immediately turning over her server to the proper authorities and allowing them to examine the complete record.

"... She has claimed she is well-aware of what matters are classified and what are not, and yet she set up a personal email server to discuss matters of national security despite guidance to the contrary from both her State Department and the White House."

The development poses new challenges for Clinton as she mounts her front-running campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination, amid recent polls showing potential slack in her public support.

Clinton has repeatedly denied sending or receiving any classified information on her personal account.

However, the inspectors general wrote in a subsequent memo last week that "several" of Clinton's emails contained classified intelligence information -- and at least one of them was made public. The same memo said the information was not originally marked as classified.

The findings were first reported by The New York Times.

Clinton presidential campaign spokesman Nick Merrill issued a statement early Friday denying that Clinton had handled classified materials inappropriately. 

"As has been reported on multiple occasions, any released emails deemed classified by the [Obama] administration have been done so after the fact, and not at the time they were transmitted," Merrill said.

After the DOJ said the investigation request was not a "criminal" referral, Merrill issued a second statement saying the original Times report referring to a criminal inquiry was "false," and the incident shows "the danger of relying on reckless, inaccurate leaks from partisan sources."

The Times reported that senior Justice Department officials had not said whether they will open an investigation.

The existence of Clinton's private email account was first revealed in March of this year. Subsequent reports revealed that the account was run through a personal so-called "homebrew" server based at her New York home. The arrangement has raised questions about Clinton's adherence to federal open records laws and whether she used the account to shield herself from information requests by journalists and government transparency groups.

Clinton has maintained that she turned over all relevant federal records before deleting her emails off her sever. Amid heavy public criticism, she later asked the State Department to release 55,000 pages of emails she had turned over to them. An initial batch of 3,000 pages was made public June 30.

The next day, State Department spokesman John Kirby confirmed to Fox News that the department had retroactively deemed about 25 of the Clinton emails to be classified. The Times reported that in May, the State Department also acceded to a request by the FBI to retroactively classify a section of emails related to the 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya. The Department's decisions don't mean Clinton knowingly sent classified information during her tenure as America's top diplomat.

The New York Times reports that the inspectors general also criticized the State Department for over-reliance on former Foreign Service officers to determine which information should be classified and failure to consult with the intelligence community on such matters.

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #87 on: July 27, 2015, 09:26:31 AM »

Hillary Clinton: I Did Not Send or Receive Classified Information on Email Server
Saturday, 25 Jul 2015

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said Saturday that she neither sent nor received materials considered classified at the time through the private e-mail account she used while serving as secretary of state.

“I am confident that I never sent nor received any information that was classified at the time it was sent and received,” she told reporters in Winterset, Iowa, after news emerged this week that a federal watchdog had asked the FBI to review whether potentially classified material in her e-mails had been jeopardized during a State Department review of the messages ahead of public release.

“The facts are pretty clear,” she said, reiterating her campaign's message on Friday as news of the referral unfolded.

The current confusion, Clinton said, comes from disagreements between federal agencies about whether certain information should have been characterized as classified at the time.

“What I think you’re seeing here is a very typical kind of discussion—to some extent disagreement—among various parts of the government over what should or should not be publicly released,” she said.

In a line of argument similar to the defense from the candidate and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, about some of the Clinton Foundation’s controversial donors, Hillary Clinton said the debate over whether some messages should have been classified had only become an issue because of her request that the State Department release her e-mails in the interest of transparency.

“If I just turned it over, we would not be having this conversation,” she said. “But when I said, 'Hey, I want it to be public,' it has to go through the FOIA [Freedom of Information Act] process. That’s what’s going on here. And I am going to continue to say that I want it to be made public as soon as it possibly can. And we will do whatever we can to try to get the process to move along.”

Clinton ducked a question about whether the Justice Department should investigate the possible transmission of classified materials through unsecured channels.

“They can fight over it or argue over it. That’s up to them,” she said, holding up her palms to the reporters questioning her. “I can just tell you what the facts are. And there is nothing contradicted in those facts by anything that anybody has said so far.”

A report from the federal watchdog said the office had found four e-mails out of a sample for 40 containing classified intelligence community information that should have been marked and handled at the secret level.

Asked whether she knew what those four e-mails were, Clinton said, “I have no idea.”

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #88 on: August 04, 2015, 04:57:19 PM »
'Under Penalty of Perjury': Judge Nap on Latest Twist in Hillary's Email Scandal
Aug 03, 2015
As seen on The Kelly File

Judge Andrew Napolitano appeared on "The Kelly File" tonight to weigh in on the latest developments in the Hillary Clinton email scandal.

A federal judge has demanded that Clinton and two of her most trusted aides go on the record "under penalty of perjury" regarding the private email server Clinton used during her time as Secretary of State.

Judge Napolitano noted that when the government suspected that Gen. Petraeus kept secure documents in his home, they raided it.

In Clinton's case, Judge Napolitano pointed out, the government doesn't suspect she has secure documents. It's a known fact.

Not only that, but she gave a thumb drive with that secure information to her lawyer, Judge Napolitano added.

"Mrs. Clinton should be treated like anybody else who is obviously violating the law by failing to secure classified documents and keeping them in insecure venues not approved by the government," Judge Napolitano stated.

He said that the federal judge's use of the phrase "under penalty of perjury" is extremely significant, because it reminds Clinton that for the first time, she will be under oath.

Get more insight from Judge Napolitano in the clip above.

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #89 on: August 06, 2015, 10:47:50 AM »

OH I know....nothing to see right.

The FBI investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s unsecured e-mail account is not just a fact-finding venture — it’s a criminal probe, sources told The Post on Wednesday.
The feds are investigating to what extent Clinton relied on her home server and other private devices to send and store classified documents, according to a federal source with knowledge of the inquiry.

"It's definitely a criminal probe," said the source. "I'm not sure why they’re not calling it a criminal probe."

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #90 on: August 11, 2015, 03:12:37 PM »
Hillary Clinton Signs Court Statement Declaring She's Turned Over All Her Emails
Aug 10, 2015
As seen on The Kelly File

Judge Andrew Napolitano appeared on "The Kelly File" tonight to react to Hillary Clinton signing a statement over the weekend declaring “under penalty of perjury” that she has turned over to the government all of her emails that were federal records.

He explained that when a judge uses the phrase "under penalty of perjury" that means that he or she is basically saying, "I don't believe you."

Judge Napolitano added that the key part of the statement Clinton signed is "all" copies of the emails.

"What does that mean?" Judge Napolitano said. "She no longer has the server. And if she no longer has the server, where is it? Did she knowingly rid herself of the server? And if she still has the server, then her statement violates the law because it's untruthful, because the server has copies of the emails on it, and she didn't turn over 'all' the copies of the emails."

Get more insight from Judge Napolitano in the clip above.

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #91 on: August 11, 2015, 03:34:12 PM »

Hillary Clinton emails contained ‘top secret’ material, watchdog confirms

Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s emails did in fact have “top secret” material, the government’s top spy watchdog confirmed Tuesday, forwarding the messages in question to members of Congress. (Associated Press) more >

By Stephen Dinan
The Washington Times
Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s emails did in fact have “top secret” material, the government’s top spy watchdog confirmed Tuesday, forwarding the messages in question to members of Congress.

I. Charles McCullough III, the inspector general for the intelligence community, said he has concluded two of Mrs. Clinton’s emails met the standard of “top secret/SCI level,” while other messages are still being scrutinized to see how secret they should have been.

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #92 on: August 12, 2015, 10:15:46 AM »
Clinton turns over private server to Justice Dept. amid report it contained 'top secret' emails
Published August 12, 2015

Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton announced Tuesday that she had directed her aides to turn over her personal e-mail server to the Justice Department, giving in to months of demands that she relinquish the device she used to store her correspondence while secretary of state.

The move came hours after it was disclosed that the inspector general for the intelligence community, I. Charles McCullough III, had notified senior members of Congress that two of four retroactively classified emails found on Clinton's server contained material deemed to be more sensitive than had previously been thought.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, said two emails that traversed Clinton's personal system were deemed "Top Secret, Sensitive Compartmented Information" — a rating that is among the government's highest classifications. Grassley said McCullough had reported the new details about the higher classification to Congress on Tuesday.

The State Department disputes McCullough's determination that the emails were classified at the time they were sent. McCullough had previously told Congress that potentially hundreds of classified emails are among the cache that Clinton provided to the State Department.

"Department employees circulated these emails on unclassified systems in 2009 and 2011 and ultimately some were forwarded to Secretary Clinton," said State Department spokesman John Kirby. "They were not marked as classified."

A source familiar with the investigation told Fox News late Tuesday that the two emails in question contained operational and geospatial intelligence from the CIA and the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), which produces satellite images.

The FBI is investigating whether classified information was improperly sent via and stored on the so-called "home-brew" e-mail server she ran from her house in the New York City suburb of Chappaqua after concerns were raised by McCullough. Investigators have said that the probe is not criminal in nature and have denied that Clinton is a target of their inquiries.

Clinton campaign spokesman Nick Merrill said she has "pledged to cooperate with the government's security inquiry, and if there are more questions, we will continue to address them."

It's not clear if the device will yield any information — Clinton's attorney said in March that no emails from the main personal address she used while secretary of state still "reside on the server or on back-up systems associated with the server."

An intelligence source familiar with the matter told Fox News that the campaign's statement of cooperation was overblown, as the FBI had previously taken possession of a thumb drive containing sensitive emails that had been held by Clinton's personal attorney, David Kendall. The Associated Press reported that Kendall gave three thumb drives containing copies of roughly 30,000 work-related emails sent to and from Clinton's personal email address to the FBI after the agency determined he could not remain in possession of the classified information contained in some of the emails.

The AP's report cited a U.S. official briefed on the matter who was not authorized to speak publicly. The State Department previously had said it was comfortable with Kendall keeping the emails at his Washington law office.

Clinton had to this point refused demands from Republican critics to turn over the server to a third party, with Kendall telling the House committee investigating the 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya, that "there is no basis to support the proposed third-party review of the server." Clinton has also defended her use of the server, saying she used it as a matter of convenience to limit the number of electronic devices she had to carry.

Congressional Republicans seized on Clinton's reversal late Tuesday.

"It's about time," House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio said in a statement. "Secretary Clinton's previous statements that she possessed no classified information were patently untrue. Her mishandling of classified information must be fully investigated."

"Secretary Clinton said she created this unusual email arrangement with herself for 'convenience.' It may have been convenient for her, but it has been troubling at multiple levels for the rest of the country," said Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., the chairman of the Benghazi select committee. "Secretary Clinton's decision to prioritize her own convenience - and desire for control - over the security of our country's intelligence should concern all people of good conscience."

There is no evidence Clinton used encryption to shield the emails or her personal server from foreign intelligence services or other potentially prying eyes. Kendall has said that Clinton is "actively cooperating" with the FBI inquiry.

In March, Clinton said she exchanged about 60,000 emails in her four years in the Obama administration, about half of which were personal and were discarded. She turned over the other half to the State Department in last December.

The department is reviewing those emails and has begun the process of releasing them to the public.

"As she has said, it is her hope that State and the other agencies involved in the review process will sort out as quickly as possible which emails are appropriate to release to the public, and that the release will be as timely and transparent as possible," Merrill said Tuesday.

Earlier this week, Clinton said in a sworn statement submitted to a federal judge that she has turned over to the State Department all emails from the server "that were or potentially were federal records." The statement, which carries her signature and was signed under penalty of perjury, echoed months of Clinton's past public statements about the matter.

Vince G, CSN MFT

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #93 on: August 12, 2015, 10:26:46 AM »
Clinton turns over private server to Justice Dept. amid report it contained 'top secret' emails
Published August 12, 2015

Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton announced Tuesday that she had directed her aides to turn over her personal e-mail server to the Justice Department, giving in to months of demands that she relinquish the device she used to store her correspondence while secretary of state.

The move came hours after it was disclosed that the inspector general for the intelligence community, I. Charles McCullough III, had notified senior members of Congress that two of four retroactively classified emails found on Clinton's server contained material deemed to be more sensitive than had previously been thought.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, said two emails that traversed Clinton's personal system were deemed "Top Secret, Sensitive Compartmented Information" — a rating that is among the government's highest classifications. Grassley said McCullough had reported the new details about the higher classification to Congress on Tuesday.

The State Department disputes McCullough's determination that the emails were classified at the time they were sent. McCullough had previously told Congress that potentially hundreds of classified emails are among the cache that Clinton provided to the State Department.

"Department employees circulated these emails on unclassified systems in 2009 and 2011 and ultimately some were forwarded to Secretary Clinton," said State Department spokesman John Kirby. "They were not marked as classified."

A source familiar with the investigation told Fox News late Tuesday that the two emails in question contained operational and geospatial intelligence from the CIA and the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), which produces satellite images.

The FBI is investigating whether classified information was improperly sent via and stored on the so-called "home-brew" e-mail server she ran from her house in the New York City suburb of Chappaqua after concerns were raised by McCullough. Investigators have said that the probe is not criminal in nature and have denied that Clinton is a target of their inquiries.

Clinton campaign spokesman Nick Merrill said she has "pledged to cooperate with the government's security inquiry, and if there are more questions, we will continue to address them."

It's not clear if the device will yield any information — Clinton's attorney said in March that no emails from the main personal address she used while secretary of state still "reside on the server or on back-up systems associated with the server."

An intelligence source familiar with the matter told Fox News that the campaign's statement of cooperation was overblown, as the FBI had previously taken possession of a thumb drive containing sensitive emails that had been held by Clinton's personal attorney, David Kendall. The Associated Press reported that Kendall gave three thumb drives containing copies of roughly 30,000 work-related emails sent to and from Clinton's personal email address to the FBI after the agency determined he could not remain in possession of the classified information contained in some of the emails.

The AP's report cited a U.S. official briefed on the matter who was not authorized to speak publicly. The State Department previously had said it was comfortable with Kendall keeping the emails at his Washington law office.

Clinton had to this point refused demands from Republican critics to turn over the server to a third party, with Kendall telling the House committee investigating the 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya, that "there is no basis to support the proposed third-party review of the server." Clinton has also defended her use of the server, saying she used it as a matter of convenience to limit the number of electronic devices she had to carry.

Congressional Republicans seized on Clinton's reversal late Tuesday.

"It's about time," House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio said in a statement. "Secretary Clinton's previous statements that she possessed no classified information were patently untrue. Her mishandling of classified information must be fully investigated."

"Secretary Clinton said she created this unusual email arrangement with herself for 'convenience.' It may have been convenient for her, but it has been troubling at multiple levels for the rest of the country," said Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., the chairman of the Benghazi select committee. "Secretary Clinton's decision to prioritize her own convenience - and desire for control - over the security of our country's intelligence should concern all people of good conscience."

There is no evidence Clinton used encryption to shield the emails or her personal server from foreign intelligence services or other potentially prying eyes. Kendall has said that Clinton is "actively cooperating" with the FBI inquiry.

In March, Clinton said she exchanged about 60,000 emails in her four years in the Obama administration, about half of which were personal and were discarded. She turned over the other half to the State Department in last December.

The department is reviewing those emails and has begun the process of releasing them to the public.

"As she has said, it is her hope that State and the other agencies involved in the review process will sort out as quickly as possible which emails are appropriate to release to the public, and that the release will be as timely and transparent as possible," Merrill said Tuesday.

Earlier this week, Clinton said in a sworn statement submitted to a federal judge that she has turned over to the State Department all emails from the server "that were or potentially were federal records." The statement, which carries her signature and was signed under penalty of perjury, echoed months of Clinton's past public statements about the matter.

You can post all the shit you want but the fact is that the GOP is using this committee as a campaign platform.  No emails were classified according to the State Dept and quite frankly no person in the history of the union has been asked to turn over person emails, paperwork, etc. 

Its a fishing expedition and this Bengazi committee should be disbanded immediately as its produced no smoking guns, not even a fart.......its a waste of time and Trey Gowdy has overstepped his boundries

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #94 on: August 12, 2015, 10:29:49 AM »

You can post all the shit you want but the fact is that the GOP is using this committee as a campaign platform.  No emails were classified according to the State Dept and quite frankly no person in the history of the union has been asked to turn over person emails, paperwork, etc. 

Its a fishing expedition and this Bengazi committee should be disbanded immediately as its produced no smoking guns, not even a fart.......its a waste of time and Trey Gowdy has overstepped his boundries

That's some pretty bad spin. 

I doubt she is actually held accountable for running classified intel off her home computer (which would land the typical American in jail), but it is getting harder for her to claim she did nothing wrong. 

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #95 on: August 12, 2015, 11:48:55 AM »
Trump's idiocy is keeping hilary off of the front page.

every doggone time there's a break in the hilary server story, Trump calls up CNN and says some outrageous nonsense to steal all the headlines.

The average american has heard about hilary's email twice, and has heard about trump's mess about 1500 times.

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #96 on: August 13, 2015, 11:41:11 AM »
Judge Napolitano: Hillary's Legal Problems 'Worse Than Grave'
Aug 12, 2015
As seen on The Kelly File

Judge Andrew Napolitano reacted on "The Kelly File" tonight to reports that a Hillary Clinton staffer stripped "top secret" classification markings off information on her private email server.

Judge Napolitano explained that would constitute two felonies: altering a top secret document and placing a top secret document in an unsecured place, in this case Clinton's server.

He said that FBI investigators, now that they have the server, can look and see if the emails had the top secret classification when Clinton received them.

"Our colleagues in the intelligence community have told me with certainty that if it was on that server, it can be extracted," Judge Napolitano said. "If 'top secret' was on there, we know she lied, and she committed a felony by possessing and storing top secret information on an insecure server. If 'top secret' was not there, we will know that someone removed it."

He agreed with Megyn Kelly that this raises the email scandal to a whole new level, possibly that of a criminal conspiracy.

Judge Napolitano noted that earlier today, he said that Clinton's legal problems were gravely serious.

"Now, 16 hours later, I don't know what word to use, but they are worse than grave."

Watch more from "The Kelly File" above.


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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #97 on: August 13, 2015, 12:11:04 PM »
Her negatives in polls are an issue. The press is no longer covering for her.

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #98 on: August 13, 2015, 12:16:10 PM »
Hillary Clinton turns in ‘blank’ email server to investigators
By Marisa Schultz
August 13, 2015

Hillary Clinton turns in ‘blank’ email server to investigators

WASHINGTON — Hillary Clinton has complied with the Justice Department requests for her server — by turning over a hunk of junk.

The much-sought-after server “was blank,” said Barbara Wells, a lawyer representing the Denver-based computer firm Platte River Networks, who managed the server for Clinton.

“The information had been migrated over to a different server for purposes of transition,” Wells told the Washington Post. “To my knowledge the data on the old server is not available now on any servers or devices in Platte River Network’s control.”

The statement jibes with what outside computer experts told The Post — that by deleting content, Clinton has likely thwarted investigators who are trying to recover her records.

“We now know that we didn’t get all the relevant documents from that server and the American people are entitled to them,” said Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-Kan.), a member of the House Benghazi committee.

The Justice Department is investigating whether classified information passed through the server or was improperly stored.

Clinton says no emails were marked classified at the time, but some may have been upgraded since.

She turned over 55,000 pages of emails to the State Department she printed from the server and announced earlier this year that the rest had been erased.
Missing emails have been identified by the House Benghazi committee and now an independent inspector general says at least two of those emails were “top-secret.”

Clinton’s email arrangement was “regrettable,” said Steven Aftergood, director of the Project on Government Secrecy at the Federation of American Scientists.

“It was a mistake,” he said of the private arrangement.

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #99 on: August 13, 2015, 12:35:05 PM »
Judge Napolitano: Hillary's Legal Problems 'Worse Than Grave'

this guy is a fox news troll that has a history of over-reaction.

Also his quote "Democracy is NOT freedom" is very anti-american.