Author Topic: Is Hillary Hiding Something  (Read 120863 times)

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #375 on: January 23, 2016, 12:27:05 AM »
Repubs are going to wait too long to damage her with this.  

If she wins the nomination and is then disqualified, the dems can bring in any ringer they want - and the repubs won't have 5-6 months to skewer and discredit the pick.

KINDA like when that fake news youtube clip about "Palin withdraws from VP slot" went around - many dems were upset they just lost the most damaging thing against mccain.

If they yank hilary at last minute, a Biden or Gore or bill richardson or some general steps in - we've had 5 months to shit on Trump (the GOP choice) and 3 weeks to shit on General Awesome or whoever they choose.   Polls take 10 days to show true change in opinion.  Do repubs really want to cut it that close?


they POSTPONE the election so Dems can take 3 more months to select a candidate... at which case obama gets more time in office ;)

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #376 on: January 26, 2016, 12:04:02 PM »
Was talking to a smart, highly educated man the other day who said the same thing.  He's a Hillary supporter.  A disproportionate number of liberals have to rely on cognitive dissonance.  That's one of the ways they ignore blatant misconduct and dishonesty.   

Clinton won't call email use 'error in judgment,' says did 'nothing' wrong
Published January 26, 2016

Hillary Clinton refused to say Monday that her handling of sensitive emails as secretary of state was an "error in judgment," telling an Iowa audience “nothing that I did was wrong.”

She spoke alongside the two other Democratic presidential candidates at a televised town hall in Des Moines, their final forum together before next Monday's caucuses. While the primary front-runner previously has apologized for her email practices, she dug in on the matter Monday night, assuming a more defensive tone. 

“No, I’m not willing to say it was an error in judgment because what – nothing that I did was wrong. It was not – it was not in any way prohibited,” Clinton said when asked about her emails at the CNN-hosted forum.

Her remarks drew immediate criticism from Republicans.

“Clinton’s cratering poll numbers show why this last-minute forum was even necessary, but her refusal to admit her secret email server was a lapse in judgement will only add to Americans’ doubts about her honesty and trustworthiness,” Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said in a statement.

Questions about Clinton’s use of a private, unsecured email server to handle sensitive State Department business when she served as secretary of state have dogged her campaign, and have been seen as a factor in her dwindling lead over rival Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. The FBI is  investigating the matter.

Clinton has always claimed her handling of emails was merely a well-intentioned mistake and not illegal. She apologized in September, saying it was a mistake not to use two accounts, one personal and one for work.

“You know, I had no intention of doing anything other than having a convenient way of communicating, and it turned out not to be so convenient,” Clinton reiterated Monday. “So again, we've answered every question and we will continue to do so.”

Other conservative critics pointed to Clinton’s answer as proof that she simply doesn’t grasp the severity of the matter.

“When confronted with the criticism that she doesn't recognize her own mistakes, Clinton proved the criticism correct by saying she handled her email scandal poorly but that she wouldn't call it an error in judgment,” Jeff Bechdel, communications director for the conservative America Rising PAC, said in a statement.

The comments echoed those even of her supporters. In its Monday endorsement of Clinton, the Des Moines Register mentioned her handling of the email issue as one of her main weaknesses.

“She is not a perfect candidate, as evidenced the way she has handled the furor over her private email server. In our endorsement of her 2008 campaign for president, we wrote that 'when she makes a mistake, she should just say so.' That appears to be a lesson she has yet to fully embrace,” the editors said.

At the town hall, Sanders also addressed one of his biggest controversies, namely raising taxes in order to pay for his spending plans on health care.

“We will raise taxes, yes we will,” Sanders said. “Yes, we may raise taxes but we are going to remove private health care insurance premiums for individuals and businesses.”

“If you're paying $10,000 a year to a private insurance company, and hypothetically, you’re going to pay $5,000 more in taxes, or actually less than that, but you’re not going to pay any more private health insurance, are you going to be complaining about the fact that I’ve saved you $5,000 in your total bills?” Sanders asked.

He also said that he was surprised at how well his campaign has been going, saying “our message has resonated much further, must faster than I thought.”

“We are touching a nerve with the American people who understand that establishment politics just aren't bold enough," Sanders said.

Despite Clinton's push to generate enthusiasm among supporters, new data from Google Trends suggests Sanders was the real winner.

Google reported an enormous spike in search interest in the self-described "democratic socialist" during the town hall meeting, a much bigger spike than Clinton received.

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #377 on: January 28, 2016, 12:30:19 PM »
So it wasn't a mistake that she had confidential, secret, top secret, and special access program info on her personal laptop, regardless of how it was "marked."  It's just all you people making a fuss over it that makes it a mistake.  How in the world can people vote for this woman?   :-\

Hillary Clinton: Private Email Was a Mistake, But Only ‘Because of the Reaction’

by Alex Griswold
January 27th, 2016

In a meeting with Iowa’s Quad-City Times editorial board, Hillary Clinton explained that she does believe her use of a private email server while Secretary of State was a mistake… but only because of the way other people reacted to it.

An editor with the Times pointed out a seeming contradiction in two statements from Clinton on her private email. During the CNN Democratic forum Monday, Clinton insisted that it was not an error in judgment to set up the server. But earlier in September 2015, the Democratic frontrunner apologized and called her private email “a mistake.”

“That to me sounded to me like an admission of an error in judgement,” the editor pointed out. “Why would that not be the case?”

Clinton responded by saying that she believed her private email was a mistake “because it’s caused all this uproar and commotion.”

She insisted that she had released all of her work emails, and that her email arrangement was allowed. “It was mistake, because who wants to put people through all of this? I don’t want to go through it, I don’t want to put a lot of my friends through it. So it was a mistake.”

“So it was a mistake because of the reaction?” the editor asked.

“Yes, absolutely,” Clinton responded.

“Not because it would have made sense to use a work email for work purposes?” he continued.

“It makes sense – look, look – I know that this remains a subject of some interest, obviously… The facts have not changed,” she responded.

“Look, I regret that this has caused so much of a diversion, which I believe is unfounded. But I will continue to answer the questions I’m asked about it.”

Listen above, via Quad-City Times (starting @11:02).


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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #378 on: January 28, 2016, 12:32:36 PM »
She sounds like a sociopath

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #379 on: January 28, 2016, 01:28:37 PM »
the cool thing about trying her in the media, and not an actual courtroom, is that you can use anonymous sources/stories in place of actual facts and real people.  Love that shit.

We should start a rumor that Hilary shot Archduke Franz Ferdinand.   Get a couple of FOX anchors to hint "Some people say they saw Hilary in the area that day..." and maybe some WND articles about secret unearthed documents linking Hilary, classified by Eric Holder, but leaked by some disgraced Republican congressman from a decade ago.

Then we can have 8 hearings about it, and brag that we hurt her poll numbers with our witch hunt.  Total Republican Saul Alinsky tactics, I know, but ya gotta win!

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #380 on: January 29, 2016, 12:40:09 PM »
Looking worse by the day for her.  Lucky for her the president will likely provide cover. 

Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release
By  Catherine Herridge,  Pamela K. Browne 
Published January 29, 2016

EXCLUSIVE: The intelligence community has now deemed some of Hillary Clinton’s emails “too damaging" to national security to release under any circumstances, according to a U.S. government official close to the ongoing review. A second source, who was not authorized to speak on the record, backed up the finding. 

The decision to withhold the documents in full, and not provide even a partial release with redactions, further undercuts claims by the State Department and the Clinton campaign that none of the intelligence in the emails was classified when it hit Clinton's personal server.

Fox News is told the emails include intelligence from "special access programs," or SAP, which is considered beyond “Top Secret.” A Jan. 14 letter, first reported by Fox News, from intelligence community Inspector General Charles McCullough III notified senior intelligence and foreign relations committee leaders that "several dozen emails containing classified information” were determined to be “at the CONFIDENTIAL, SECRET, AND TOP SECRET/SAP levels."

The State Department is trying to finish its review and public release of thousands of Clinton emails, as the Democratic presidential primary contests get underway in early February. 

Under the Freedom of Information Act, or FOIA, there is an exemption that allows for highly sensitive, and in this case classified, material to be withheld in full -- which means nothing would be released in these cases, not even heavily redacted versions, which has been standard practice with the 1,340 such emails made public so far by the State Department.

According to the Justice Department FOIA website, exemption “B3” allows a carve-out for both the CIA and NSA to withhold "operational files." Similar provisions also apply to other agencies.

Fox News reported Friday that at least one Clinton email contained information identified as "HCS-O," which is the code for intelligence from human spying.

One source, not authorized to speak on the record, suggested the intelligence agencies are operating on the assumption there are more copies of the Clinton emails out there, and even releasing a partial email would provide enough clues to trace back to the original – which could allow the identification of “special access programs” intelligence. 

There was no comment to Fox News from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the Office of the Intelligence Community Inspector General, or the agency involved. Fox News has chosen not to identify the agency that provided sworn declarations that intelligence beyond Top Secret was found in the Clinton emails.

Reached for comment by Fox News, a State Department official did not dispute that some emails will never be made public.

“We continue to process the next set of former Secretary Clinton’s emails for release under the FOIA process and will have more to say about it later,” the official said. “As always, we take seriously our responsibilities to protect sensitive information.”

The State Department was scheduled to release more Clinton emails Friday, while asking a D.C. federal court for an extension.

FBI investigators looking into the emails are focused on the criminal code pertaining to “gross negligence” in the handling and storage of classified information, and “public corruption.”

“The documents alone in and of themselves set forth a set of compelling, articulable facts that statutes relating to espionage have been violated,” a former senior federal law enforcement officer said. The source said the ongoing investigation along the corruption track “also stems from her tenure of secretary. These charges would be inseparable from the other charges in as much as there is potential for significant overlap and correlation."

Based on federal regulations, once classified information is spilled onto a personal computer or device, as was the case with Clinton and her aides, the hardware is now considered classified at the highest classification level of the materials received.

While criticized by the Clinton campaign, McCullough, an Obama administration appointee, was relaying the conclusion of two intelligence agencies in his letter to Congress that the information was classified when it hit Clinton’s server -- and not his own judgment.   

Joseph E. Schmitz, a former inspector general of the Department of Defense, called the attacks on McCullough a “shoot the watchdog” tactic by Clinton’s campaign.

The developments, taken together, show Clinton finding herself once again at the epicenter of a controversy over incomplete records.

During her time as the first female partner at the Rose Law firm in Arkansas during the mid-1980s, she was known as one of the “three amigos” and close with partners Webb Hubbell and Vince Foster. Hubbell ended up a convicted felon for his role in the failure of the corrupt Madison Guaranty, a savings and loan which cost taxpayers more than $65 million. Hubbell embezzled more than a half-million dollars from the firm.

Foster killed himself in Washington, D.C., in July 1993. As Clinton’s partner in the Rose Law firm, he had followed the Clintons into the White House where he served as the Clintons’ personal lawyer and a White House deputy counsel.

Clinton’s missing Rose Law billing records for her work for Guaranty during the mid-1980s were the subject of three intense federal investigations over two years. Those records, in the form of a computerized printout of her work performed on behalf of Guaranty, were discovered under mysterious circumstances in the Book Room of the private White House living quarters.

The discovery of those records was announced during a  blizzard in January 1996 by attorney David Kendall, who still represents Hillary Clinton. After Clinton testified before a grand jury, prosecutors concluded there was insufficient evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt she committed perjury or obstruction of justice.

Despite Clinton’s recent public statements about not knowing how the technology works, at least one email suggests she directed a subordinate to work around the rules. In a June 2011 email to aide Jake Sullivan, she instructed him to take what appeared to be classified talking points, and "turn into nonpaper w no identifying heading and send nonsecure."

A State Department spokesman could not say whether such a fax was sent.

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #381 on: January 29, 2016, 03:08:34 PM »
Government Finds 'Top Secret' Information In Hillary Clinton's Emails
Department officials wouldn't describe the substance of the emails, or say if Clinton had sent any herself.
Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration confirmed for the first time Friday that Hillary Clinton's unsecured home server contained closely guarded government secrets, censoring 22 emails with material requiring one of the highest levels of classification. The revelation comes just three days before the Iowa presidential nominating caucuses in which Clinton is a candidate.

Department officials also said the agency's Diplomatic Security and Intelligence and Research bureaus will investigate whether any of the information was classified at the time of transmission, going to the heart of one of Clinton's primary defenses of her email practices.

The State Department will release its next batch of emails from Clinton's time as secretary of state later Friday.

But The Associated Press learned seven email chains are being withheld in full from the Friday release because they contain information deemed to be "top secret." The 37 pages include messages recently described by a key intelligence official as concerning so-called "special access programs" — a highly restricted subset of classified material that could point to confidential sources or clandestine programs like drone strikes or government eavesdropping.

"The documents are being upgraded at the request of the intelligence community because they contain a category of top secret information," State Department spokesman John Kirby told the AP, describing the decision to withhold documents in full as "not unusual." That means they won't be published online with the rest of the documents, even with blacked-out boxes.

. . . .

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #382 on: February 01, 2016, 10:08:29 AM »
Clinton Camp in Damage-Control Mode Over 'Top Secret' Emails
By Sandy Fitzgerald
30 Jan 2016

With the Iowa caucus just days away, Hillary Clinton and her presidential campaign quickly went into damage-control mode over the State Department's decision to withhold 22 emails containing "top secret" information found in emails on the private server she used while secretary of state.

"I never emailed anything that was considered to be classified," Clinton, the Democratic front-runner, told Dubuque, Iowa ABC affiliate KCRG on Friday, maintaining that she wants the withheld emails to be released.

"I'd love for people to see what I did and I hope that will happen," Clinton commented in the interview.

The Friday afternoon interview came as her campaign was issuing an official statement about the emails, in which it insists that she wants them released, not withheld by the State Department.

"After a process that has been dominated by bureaucratic infighting that has too often played out in public view, the loudest and leakiest participants in this interagency dispute have now prevailed in blocking any release of these emails," the campaign said in a statement, reports The Weekly Standard.

"This flies in the face of the fact that these emails were unmarked at the time they were sent, and have been called 'innocuous' by certain intelligence officials. We understand that these emails were likely originated on the State Department's unclassified system before they were ever shared with Secretary Clinton, and they have remained on the department's unclassified system for years. And, in at least one case, the emails appear to involve information from a published news article.

"This appears to be over-classification run amok," the statement continued. "We will pursue all appropriate avenues to see that her emails are released in a manner consistent with her call last year."

On Friday, the State Department, while releasing yet another batch of the former secretary's emails, said the ones that were withheld were not labeled as classified when they were sent. The information was spread through seven email chains and 37 pages of documents.

"In consultation with the intelligence community, we are making this upgrade and we believe it's the prudent, responsible thing to do.," State Department spokesman John Kirby said, reports CBS News.

Kirby would not say what the topics were in the emails, or if Clinton herself had sent or received the information, but the announcement's timing came at an inopportune time, just two days before Monday's Iowa caucuses.

Her main rival, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, released a statement saying that he did not believe in politicizing the legal process, but her potential Republican rivals aren't being so generous, with many questioning if she is fit to seek the Democratic nomination with the spectre of legal charges hanging over her.

GOP candidate Ted Cruz told the Hugh Hewitt radio show Saturday that the State Department's findings and refusal to release the emails means the scandal is "far more serious" than had been sought, and he can't see how she can run for the presidency, reports Fox News.

But he also questioned if the Justice Department, which is part of the Obama administration, will indict Clinton at all.

"There is an acceptance that the enforcement of criminal justice is decided not by the laws of this country, but by some political hack in the West Wing of the White House. That is not how our Constitution is meant to operate," Cruz told the show.

But if Clinton is indicted, "it is difficult to see how she could successfully run for president. I would put nothing past the gall and audacity of the Clintons to try. But even the Democratic Party, I would find it hard to believe that they would be eager to nominate someone who is under indictment and could well face felony incarceration."

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio said that had one of his staff on the Intelligence Committee had used a private server, "they'd have been fired and probably would have been prosecuted," Florida Sen. Marco Rubio told reporters Friday, reports CBS. And Friday night, Rubio hit Clinton hard again on Twitter:

Marco Rubio  ✔@marcorubio
The latest revelations on Hillary's emails again point to one thing → She is disqualified from being president.

And New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who has maintained that Clinton should be the main target of Republicans seeking the presidency, called her a liar: 

Chris Christie  ✔@ChrisChristie
State Department confirms @HillaryClinton looked us in the eye and lied.
& …

And Donald Trump tweeted: 

Donald J. Trump  ✔@realDonaldTrump
Hillary Clinton is a major national security risk. Not presidential material!

Clinton told NBC News anchor Lester Holt on Friday, in an interview just before the State Department made its announcement, that she doesn't "see it as anything that will in any way cause any voter to —a voter with an open mind — to have any concerns."

Clinton got a boost in the controversy through White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest, who on Friday praised her for her "extraordinary" request to release her emails, reports The Washington Free Beacon. 

"I think the extraordinary request that Secretary Clinton put forward to actually release her emails is something that I'm not sure has a precedent, at least for federal officeholders," Earnest said, in response to a question from Wall Street Journal reporter Byron Tau, who asked if voters have a right to see the emails before the primary election voting begins.

“So the fact is, the Democratic primary voters, to the extent that they’re interested in reading those emails—and I’m not sure very many of them are — but to the extent that they are, they have already had the opportunity to review tens of thousands of them,” Earnest continued, while admitting more work needs done, but the State Department has a plan to complete the release as soon as possible.

And when Tau asked if the White House is concerned over reports about the Clinton's attitudes surrounding classified information and Clinton, Earnest responded that President Barack Obama has made it clear that how sensitive information is handled.

"I know that Secretary Clinton and her team have said, on a number of occasions, that she neither sent nor received information on her private server that was stamped ‘classified,' Earnest said. "That is consistent with the proper handling of sensitive materials."

But as it is an election year, Earnest continued, "people are going to have a whole bunch of reasons to criticize any of the candidates. So it’s not surprising to me that there are certain political opponents of Secretary Clinton that are looking for a way to use this situation to criticize her. That is part of the process. And she and her team, I’m confident, will muster a robust defense.”

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #383 on: February 02, 2016, 09:55:06 AM »
Hillary’s emails included CIA officers’ names, report says
By Marisa Schultz
February 1, 2016
Modal Trigger Hillary’s emails included CIA officers’ names, report says

'This was all planned': Former IG says Hillary, State Dept. are lying

Hillary Clinton emails contained America's top secrets

FBI seeking indictment of Hillary in email scandal, Tom DeLay claims

Hillary not worried email flap will hurt candidacy chances
WASHINGTON — Hillary Clinton’s e-mails included the names of CIA officers serving overseas and foreigners who are on the spy agency’s payroll — potentially endangering their lives, it was reported Monday.

“It’s a death sentence,” a senior intelligence-community official told the Observer. “If we’re lucky, only [foreign] agents, not our officers, will get killed because of this.”

The paper said the intelligence community is in panic mode trying to determine which agents may have been compromised.

CIA officials assume foreign agencies intercepted unencrypted e-mails stored on Clinton’s home server while she was secretary of state.

The State Department has released e-mails from the server under a court order, but said on Friday that it would withhold 22 of them because they contained “top secret” information.

Observer columnist John Schindler, a former National Security Agency analyst, said some of those ­e-mails contained spy names.

Clinton — whose front-running presidential campaign has been dogged by questions over her use of the unsecured home server — deleted some 30,000 e-mails she deemed personal before handing over another 30,000 to the State Department for release.

“I’ll spend the rest of my career trying to figure out what classified information was in those [deleted ­e-mails],” said a Pentagon counterintelligence official. “Everybody is mad as hell.

“The worst part is that Moscow and Beijing have that information, but the intelligence community maybe never will.”

Clinton has maintained that she never sent or received any e-mails that were marked classified.

On Monday, she dismissed the controversy as Republican-fueled politics and said voters don’t care.

“I can tell you that is not on the minds of the literally thousands of people that I’ve seen in the last few weeks. I’m glad it isn’t,” she told CNN from Iowa.

“The facts are the facts, and no matter how much selective leaking or anonymous sourcing . . . that goes on, what people want to know is what I can do to be the best possible president for them and their families.”

Citing an unidentified official, Fox News reported earlier Monday that the 22 “top secret” e-mails contained “operational intelligence” that jeopardized intelligence sources’ lives.

Rep. Mike Pompeo, a Kansas Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, said sources and methods were exposed.

“Any person with a modicum of knowledge about the proper handling of classified information would have known upon reading the information contained in these 22 e-mails that it was appropriately and necessarily classified,” Pompeo said.

A security expert said Clinton was required to protect the information in her possession, even if it was sent by someone else.

“Everybody who has a security clearance has an individual obligation to protect the information,” national-security attorney Edward MacMahon Jr. told Fox News.

MacMahon represented former CIA officer Jeffrey Sterling in a high-profile leak case regarding a New York Times reporter.

“Just because somebody sends it to you . . . you can’t just turn a blind eye and pretend it never happened and pretend it’s unclassified information,” he added.

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #384 on: February 02, 2016, 03:03:51 PM »
Republican warns of White House influence on Clinton investigation
By Jordain Carney
February 01, 2016

The second-ranking Republican in the Senate is amplifying his call for the Justice Department to name a special counsel to investigate Hillary Clinton's email server, suggesting the White House is trying to influence the FBI's probe.

"I believe that Secretary Clinton has likely violated multiple criminal statues," Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) said Monday.

Cornyn said Attorney General Loretta Lynch should name a special counsel to counter the "apparent inability of the White House to resist the temptation to try to influence or at worst obstruct the current investigation."
Cornyn pointed to remarks made last year by President Obama and separate comments from White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest last month, which he argued underscores that the administration is trying to sway the FBI's investigation. 

Asked if he could guarantee that Clinton wouldn't be indicted, Earnest told reporters that while that was a DOJ decision, some officials "have said is that she is not a target of the investigation. So that does not seem to be the direction that it's trending."

Cornyn said the comments suggested that either White House officials had "information they should not have... or they are sending a signal to the FBI and the Department of Justice that they want this to go away."

The FBI has been conducting a months-long investigation into Clinton's use of a private email server while she was secretary of State over concerns about the mishandling of classified information.

Cornyn said that while the FBI is "widely respected," it rests with the Justice Department to decide whether or not to indict Clinton.

The Texas Republican previously called for Lynch to name a special council last year, suggesting that the move would help ensure that "justice alone is being served."

The intelligence community’s internal watchdog, Inspector General I. Charles McCullough III, found last month that emails on Clinton's server were marked as "special access programs" — a classification above "top-secret."

After the report, Clinton quickly stood by her statement that she never "sent or received any material marked classified."


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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #385 on: February 04, 2016, 08:47:35 PM »


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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #386 on: February 05, 2016, 08:07:23 AM »


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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #387 on: February 05, 2016, 10:10:08 AM »

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #388 on: February 08, 2016, 04:58:24 PM »
She should be confident.  I'll be shocked if the Obama Justice Department holds her accountable. 

Clinton: '100 percent confident' nothing will come of FBI email probe
Published February 05, 2016

Hillary Clinton defiantly claimed at Thursday’s Democratic presidential debate that she is “100 percent confident” nothing will come of the FBI’s investigation of her email practices and has no concerns about the controversy’s impact on her chances in the race.

“I have absolutely no concerns about it whatsoever,” the former secretary of state said at the MSNBC-hosted debate in New Hampshire.

The comments come less than a week after the State Department confirmed that, as it releases thousands of Clinton emails, it is withholding 22 emails containing information too “top secret” to release.

But Clinton pointed Thursday to emerging reports that former Secretary of State Colin Powell and the immediate staff of former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice also received classified national security information on their personal email accounts. The details were included in a memo written by the State Department watchdog that was released Thursday.

IG Steve Linick said in the memo that two emails sent to Powell and 10 emails sent to Rice's staff contained classified national security information. Powell and Rice were the top diplomats under Republican President George W. Bush.

"None of the material was marked as classified, but the substance of the material and 'NODIS' (No Distribution) references in the body or subject lines of some of the documents suggested that the documents could be potentially sensitive," Linick wrote.

In a statement, Powell said the emails were from his executive assistant. He said that while the department now has said they are "confidential," which is a low level of classification, both messages were unclassified at the time and there was no reason not to forward them to his personal account. Powell's office said two FBI agents visited Powell in December for a general discussion about email practices during his time at State.

Clinton pointed to those developments in arguing that those officials are now facing the same scrutiny she’s facing, suggesting investigators are going too far in their handling of the “absurd situation of retroactive classification.”

She dismissed the controversy as similar to Republican criticism of her over the Benghazi terror attacks.

Earlier, however, Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., challenged the campaign’s “everybody did it” defense. 

“The attempt to paint her predecessors in the State Department as equal offenders in mishandling classified material is an insult to what we now know to be the truth,” Issa said in a statement. “Official investigations have confirmed that Secretary Clinton’s unsecure server stored more than 1,000 emails containing classified information, including some classified at the very highest levels. Her guarantee to the nation that the number was zero now seems more like desperation than news cycle spin.”

At Thursday’s debate, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders once again declined to criticize Clinton over the email scandal.

“I will not politicize it,” he said.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #389 on: February 09, 2016, 09:55:52 AM »
FBI Confirms Its Investigation of Hillary's Emails

Image: FBI Confirms Its Investigation of Hillary's Emails
Tuesday, 09 Feb 2016

The FBI has confirmed that it is investigating Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server while she was secretary of state.

In a letter obtained by several news agencies, FBI General Counsel James A. Baker said that "the Bureau has acknowledged generally that it is working on matters related to former Secretary of State Clinton's use of a private e-mail [sic] server."

The letter, addressed to Mary McCleod, the State Department's principal deputy legal adviser.

Meanwhile, Attorney General Loretta Lynch on Monday also reaffirmed that the FBI's probe into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server while secretary of state is free of outside political influence.

She told The Associated Press on Monday that the FBI investigation is independent and is being conducted by career lawyers looking at the facts and evidence.

Republicans have been critical of the Democratic presidential candidate's use of personal email when she led State.

Baker's letter says the FBI has not "publicly acknowledged the specific focus, scope or potential targets of any such proceedings."

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #390 on: February 09, 2016, 10:03:19 AM »
She should be confident.  I'll be shocked if the Obama Justice Department holds her accountable. 

the majority of americans elected obama (twice).   They knew what his DoJ was like after F&F and they didn't care, they elected him again. 

Same way people don't care about trump imitating the handicapped or calling people p*ssy.  Americans standards for leaders is so low.  Heck, I remember a time when people argued Palin was brilliant.  People are nuts.


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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #391 on: February 09, 2016, 03:25:29 PM »
She should be confident.  I'll be shocked if the Obama Justice Department holds her accountable. 

Clinton: '100 percent confident' nothing will come of FBI email probe
Published February 05, 2016

Hillary Clinton defiantly claimed at Thursday’s Democratic presidential debate that she is “100 percent confident” nothing will come of the FBI’s investigation of her email practices and has no concerns about the controversy’s impact on her chances in the race.

“I have absolutely no concerns about it whatsoever,” the former secretary of state said at the MSNBC-hosted debate in New Hampshire.

The comments come less than a week after the State Department confirmed that, as it releases thousands of Clinton emails, it is withholding 22 emails containing information too “top secret” to release.

But Clinton pointed Thursday to emerging reports that former Secretary of State Colin Powell and the immediate staff of former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice also received classified national security information on their personal email accounts. The details were included in a memo written by the State Department watchdog that was released Thursday.

IG Steve Linick said in the memo that two emails sent to Powell and 10 emails sent to Rice's staff contained classified national security information. Powell and Rice were the top diplomats under Republican President George W. Bush.

"None of the material was marked as classified, but the substance of the material and 'NODIS' (No Distribution) references in the body or subject lines of some of the documents suggested that the documents could be potentially sensitive," Linick wrote.

In a statement, Powell said the emails were from his executive assistant. He said that while the department now has said they are "confidential," which is a low level of classification, both messages were unclassified at the time and there was no reason not to forward them to his personal account. Powell's office said two FBI agents visited Powell in December for a general discussion about email practices during his time at State.

Clinton pointed to those developments in arguing that those officials are now facing the same scrutiny she’s facing, suggesting investigators are going too far in their handling of the “absurd situation of retroactive classification.”

She dismissed the controversy as similar to Republican criticism of her over the Benghazi terror attacks.

Earlier, however, Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., challenged the campaign’s “everybody did it” defense. 

“The attempt to paint her predecessors in the State Department as equal offenders in mishandling classified material is an insult to what we now know to be the truth,” Issa said in a statement. “Official investigations have confirmed that Secretary Clinton’s unsecure server stored more than 1,000 emails containing classified information, including some classified at the very highest levels. Her guarantee to the nation that the number was zero now seems more like desperation than news cycle spin.”

At Thursday’s debate, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders once again declined to criticize Clinton over the email scandal.

“I will not politicize it,” he said.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

you truly overestimate the power the president has over the FBI

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #392 on: February 09, 2016, 05:00:47 PM »
you truly overestimate the power the president has over the FBI

lol.  You are incredibly naïve if you believe the president will play no role in this process. 


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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #393 on: February 10, 2016, 07:21:43 AM »
lol.  You are incredibly naïve if you believe the president will play no role in this process. 

Actually you are naive if you think President Obama would risk his own prestige and legacy by interfering in an investigation in which he has no dog in the fight....also he's not exactly fond of the Clintons...and its reportedly been said that Obama has already told Hillary she's on her own and he will not intervene on her behalf..although I don't know this for sure

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #394 on: February 10, 2016, 09:54:09 AM »
Actually you are naive if you think President Obama would risk his own prestige and legacy by interfering in an investigation in which he has no dog in the fight....also he's not exactly fond of the Clintons...and its reportedly been said that Obama has already told Hillary she's on her own and he will not intervene on her behalf..although I don't know this for sure

This is what happens when you have blind devotion to a political "leader."  He already tried to interfere in the investigation by saying to the entire world in an interview that Hillary did nothing wrong.  Obviously an attempt to influence an ongoing FBI investigation.  He did the same thing with Lois Lerner. 

And LOL at "prestige and legacy."  Oh brother . . . .


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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #395 on: February 10, 2016, 11:06:58 AM »
This is what happens when you have blind devotion to a political "leader."  He already tried to interfere in the investigation by saying to the entire world in an interview that Hillary did nothing wrong.  Obviously an attempt to influence an ongoing FBI investigation.  He did the same thing with Lois Lerner.  

And LOL at "prestige and legacy."  Oh brother . . . .

when I say "interfere" you know EXACTLY what I mean,.,...Obama is free to pontificate like anyone else...BUT did he give the word to the FBI not to be too hard on Hillary???????...doubtful..and you know this to be for Lois Lerner, EVERY POLITICIAN defends his underlings.......thats no surprise.....comparing Lois Lerner to Hillary is like apples and oranges.....

Stop being dishonest

if the FBI comes out and says Hillary did nothing wrong you will not accept that anyway

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #396 on: February 10, 2016, 11:49:19 AM »
when I say "interfere" you know EXACTLY what I mean,.,...Obama is free to pontificate like anyone else...BUT did he give the word to the FBI not to be too hard on Hillary???????...doubtful..and you know this to be for Lois Lerner, EVERY POLITICIAN defends his underlings.......thats no surprise.....comparing Lois Lerner to Hillary is like apples and oranges.....

Stop being dishonest

if the FBI comes out and says Hillary did nothing wrong you will not accept that anyway

I'm not even sure what to say.  You believe the president is free to comment and offer opinions about an ongoing investigation being conducted by the Justice Department.  Holy smokes.  And you vote?   :-\

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #397 on: February 10, 2016, 01:21:27 PM »
Holy smokes.  This is unreal. 

Official: Top Clinton aides also handled ‘top secret’ intel on server
By  Catherine Herridge,  Pamela K. Browne 
Published February 10, 2016

EXCLUSIVE: At least a dozen email accounts handled the “top secret” intelligence that was found on Hillary Clinton’s server and recently deemed too damaging for national security to release, a U.S. government official close to the review told Fox News.

The official said the accounts include not only Clinton’s but those of top aides – including Cheryl Mills, Huma Abedin, Jake Sullivan and Philippe Reines – as well as State Department Under Secretary for Management Patrick Kennedy and others.

A second source not authorized to speak on the record said the number of accounts involved could be as high as 30 and reflects how the intelligence was broadly shared, replied to, and copied to individuals using the unsecured server.

The State Department recently confirmed that the messages in question include the most sensitive kind of intelligence. On Jan. 29, Fox News first reported that some emails on Clinton’s server were too damaging to release in any form. The State Department subsequently announced that 22 “top secret” emails were being withheld in full; these were the messages being handled by more than a dozen accounts.

Kennedy recently told the House Benghazi Select Committee that he knew about Clinton's personal email account from the beginning, but did not understand the "scope," thinking it was for reaching husband Bill Clinton and their daughter Chelsea -- and not for the exclusive handling of State Department business. Kennedy's testimony appears to conflict with emails released through the Freedom of Information Act that show he routinely sent and received government business from the Clinton account.

Fox News has asked the State Department to comment on the email accounts that shared the highly classified information, and how it was that Kennedy did not understand the “scope” of Clinton’s personal email being used for government business.

A spokesman for the intelligence community inspector general, which has been reviewing the classification of the Clinton server emails, had no comment.


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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #398 on: February 10, 2016, 01:23:15 PM »
I'm not even sure what to say.  You believe the president is free to comment and offer opinions about an ongoing investigation being conducted by the Justice Department.  Holy smokes.  And you vote?   :-\

why not?....he even defended Hillary during the Benghazi investigation....nothing wrong with that...and EXACTLY WHERE DID THAT LEAD?????????????...he was right

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Re: Is Hillary Hiding Something
« Reply #399 on: February 10, 2016, 01:30:24 PM »

why not?....he even defended Hillary during the Benghazi investigation....nothing wrong with that...and EXACTLY WHERE DID THAT LEAD?????????????...he was right

You are asking me why the president should not comment on a pending investigation?  Dude.  Even if I explained something so elementary to you it would be a waste of time.  I'm embarrassed for you, especially given how much you pound your chest claiming to have destroyed people on the board.   :-[