Author Topic: Election 2016  (Read 173339 times)

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Re: Election 2016
« Reply #175 on: May 10, 2016, 10:50:31 AM »
I do not believe that the US is that insane.

OH - they very much are.  Spend an hour talking to almost anyone age 18-30 these days.  They can't put down their phone for 5 minutes, they consider clickbait/linkbait to be the only news they trust.  They LIKE about 200 things a day and forget everything inside of 48 hours.

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Re: Election 2016
« Reply #176 on: May 10, 2016, 01:58:01 PM »
I do not believe that the US is that insane.

That's what I said during Trump's campaign. 

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Re: Election 2016
« Reply #177 on: May 10, 2016, 02:56:17 PM »
this generation thinks pictures of their breakfast are worthy of thousands of views.   they take 40 half-naked pics in the mirror daily in order to further their 'instagram modeling' career.  They have zero idea how the world works and care nothing about anything other than being entertained.  even their kids are continual props for their snapchat following.  Trump is the perfect candidate for them - obnoxious, entertaining, easy to understand and no real political depth needed.   He's an authoritarian that'll handle the stressful shit so they can focus on buying likes and whatnot.

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Re: Election 2016
« Reply #178 on: May 12, 2016, 10:34:55 AM »
Will they be assigning 20 reporters to dig into Hillary's past?

Washington Post assigns army of 20 to dig into 'every phase' of Trump's life

The Washington Post has built a sizable army of reporters to dig into every facet of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's life, urged on by new owner Jeff Bezos to reveal everything about the potential nominees.

Post Associate Editor Bob Woodward revealed Wednesday that the Post has assigned 20 staffers to Trump. In addition the paper plans a book.

"There's a lot we don't know," he told the National Association of Realtors convention in Washington. "We have 20 people working on Trump, we're going to do a book, we're doing articles about every phase of his life," he added.

Woodward, who has interviewed Trump, said that he has begun looking into Trump's New York real estate deals. "The New York real estate world is more complex than the CIA," he said.

On Wednesday, the Post poured on several Trump stories, including a deep dig into his sex talk on radio host Howard Stern's show.

He also said that the paper is trying to get to the "essence" of Hillary Rodham Clinton, but he dismissed suggestions that she used a personal email server to distribute classified information.

"I don't think anyone feels that there was intent on her part to distribute classified information in a way that was illegal or jeopardized security," he assured the crowd.

Still, he did mention Watergate when discussing the email scandal.

"To do this, quite frankly, doesn't make sense and back to Watergate, the burglary, five burglars, business suits, arrested in the Democratic headquarters. And the reaction was gee, 'That's unusual.' My reaction, Carl Bernstein's reaction was WTF?"

He said that Bezos has urged the Post to run as many stories on Trump and the other candidates so that voters can't say they didn't know about the eventual president.

"He said, 'Look the job at the Washington Post has to be tell us everything about who the eventual nominee will be in both parties, 15 part, 16 part series, 20 part series, we want to look at every part of their lives and we're never going get the whole story of course but we can get the best attainable," said the famed reporter.

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Re: Election 2016
« Reply #179 on: May 12, 2016, 11:37:11 AM »
Will they be assigning 20 reporters to dig into Hillary's past?

I'm pretty sure MSNBC did a fine job of that in 2008 when they elected obama, remember?  ;)


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Re: Election 2016
« Reply #180 on: May 12, 2016, 12:54:36 PM »
Will they be assigning 20 reporters to dig into Hillary's past?

I wish they would.


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Re: Election 2016
« Reply #181 on: May 12, 2016, 01:11:47 PM »
Will they be assigning 20 reporters to dig into Hillary's past?
Washington Post assigns army of 20 to dig into 'every phase' of Trump's life

The Washington Post has built a sizable army of reporters to dig into every facet of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's life, urged on by new owner Jeff Bezos to reveal everything about the potential nominees.

Post Associate Editor Bob Woodward revealed Wednesday that the Post has assigned 20 staffers to Trump. In addition the paper plans a book.

"There's a lot we don't know," he told the National Association of Realtors convention in Washington. "We have 20 people working on Trump, we're going to do a book, we're doing articles about every phase of his life," he added.

Woodward, who has interviewed Trump, said that he has begun looking into Trump's New York real estate deals. "The New York real estate world is more complex than the CIA," he said.

On Wednesday, the Post poured on several Trump stories, including a deep dig into his sex talk on radio host Howard Stern's show.

He also said that the paper is trying to get to the "essence" of Hillary Rodham Clinton, but he dismissed suggestions that she used a personal email server to distribute classified information.

"I don't think anyone feels that there was intent on her part to distribute classified information in a way that was illegal or jeopardized security," he assured the crowd.

Still, he did mention Watergate when discussing the email scandal.

"To do this, quite frankly, doesn't make sense and back to Watergate, the burglary, five burglars, business suits, arrested in the Democratic headquarters. And the reaction was gee, 'That's unusual.' My reaction, Carl Bernstein's reaction was WTF?"

He said that Bezos has urged the Post to run as many stories on Trump and the other candidates so that voters can't say they didn't know about the eventual president.

"He said, 'Look the job at the Washington Post has to be tell us everything about who the eventual nominee will be in both parties, 15 part, 16 part series, 20 part series, we want to look at every part of their lives and we're never going get the whole story of course but we can get the best attainable," said the famed reporter.

Thats ALREADY been done...for the past 25 years

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Re: Election 2016
« Reply #182 on: May 12, 2016, 03:58:14 PM »
Will they be assigning 20 reporters to dig into Hillary's past?

typical right-wing victimhood statement, right here. 

I wondered how many weeks it'd take you to defend Trump at every turn.  The answer is "less than one".

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Re: Election 2016
« Reply #183 on: May 12, 2016, 05:13:49 PM »

typical right-wing victimhood statement, right here. 

I wondered how many weeks it'd take you to defend Trump at every turn.  The answer is "less than one".

Shut the heck up troll. 

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Re: Election 2016
« Reply #184 on: May 12, 2016, 06:34:47 PM »
Shut the heck up troll.  

Trump is a 911 truther and you didn't even know.

Alex jones is supporting trump in a big way with infowars and prison planet - and you didn't know.

oh man, that's worse than hilary at this point.  

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Re: Election 2016
« Reply #185 on: May 13, 2016, 09:58:09 AM »
Trump: 'Anything I Say Right Now' Is a 'Suggestion'
By Sandy Fitzgerald   |   Friday, 13 May 2016

A commission led by former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani will examine problems with immigration in general along with the issues being caused by Muslim immigration, presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump said Friday, emphasizing that his call for a ban on Muslims entering the country was a "suggestion" as he is not the president.

"Look, anything I say right now — I'm not the president," Trump told Fox News' "Fox & Friends" program. "I feel strongly we have to do something about it. When you look at radical Islamic terrorism, we have a president that — as you folks know very well — we have a president that won't use the term for the World Trade Center, he won't use the term.

"And we have to do something. You're not going to do something about it until you know what the problem is."

Trump said he's spoken with Giuliani about the issue and a group is coming together "to look at the problem . . . I feel very strongly that we have to find out what the problem is. When you look at San Bernardino, when you look at Paris, when you look at all of these horrible, horrible acts of hatred, this is pure hatred. We have to find out and get to the bottom of the problem before we can solve it."

But the panel will also look at immigration "generally," including "across the border, we're talking about the problems that we have, tremendous problems we have on the southern border with the drugs pouring through, with people coming through the border, it's like Swiss cheese."

Trump also on Friday also commented on this week's meetings in Washington with Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus and House Speaker Paul Ryan. Although the meetings didn't bring him a Ryan endorsement, Trump thinks the Wisconsin lawmaker will eventually back him.

"If that didn't happen, I would continue on," said Trump. "But we had a great meeting yesterday. He's a very good guy, very nice guy, and very committed to what he's doing and to the country."

Trump has been able to win even without establishment support, but he said Friday he'd "rather see unity."

"I'm a Republican, I'm conservative," he said. "Some people say I'm not conservative on trade. I say, really, tell me about it. I'm more conservative than anybody on trade. I'm actually a free trader. But we make all bad deals."

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Re: Election 2016
« Reply #186 on: May 13, 2016, 10:06:30 AM »
Sheldon Adelson: I endorse Donald Trump for president
By Sheldon G. Adelson
May 13, 2016

Sheldon G. Adelson is chairman and chief executive of Las Vegas Sands Corp.

At the outset of the 2016 election, the GOP primary field was nearly as large as that of last weekend’s Kentucky Derby. In total, 17 Republican hopefuls campaigned to win the party’s nomination for president.

Like the Derby, the race for the Republican nomination started from a wide gate — some entries with better post positions, others with more backing. We had candidates with such perceived advantages as wide name identification, large campaign war chests, supposed geographic benefits and other assets they hoped would tip the race in their direction.

Ultimately, each candidate had to convince the party’s primary voters across the country that he or she deserved to be the nominee.

One candidate has won that race, and now Republicans must join together to make sure he wins the next one.

While the primary cycle still has some important elections ahead, it is clear that Donald Trump will be the Republican nominee for president.

I am endorsing Trump’s bid for president and strongly encourage my fellow Republicans — especially our Republican elected officials, party loyalists and operatives, and those who provide important financial backing — to do the same.

The alternative to Trump being sworn in as the nation’s 45th president is frightening.

For nearly eight years, Republicans have fought tooth and nail against President Obama and his policies. We waged battles over debt, government spending, Obamacare and the Iran nuclear deal — an issue of paramount importance to me personally and to many others around the world.

We gained some victories, but on too many issues Obama achieved his goals, if not necessarily America’s goals. As Republicans, we know that getting a person in the White House with an “R” behind his name is the only way things will get better.

That opportunity still exists. We must not cut off our noses to spite our faces.

If Republicans do not come together in support of Trump, Obama will essentially be granted something the Constitution does not allow — a third term in the name of Hillary Clinton.

I’ve spent time talking to Donald Trump. Do I agree with him on every issue? No. But it’s unlikely that any American agrees with his or her preferred candidate on every issue.

After the 2012 election cycle, I was asked frequently what I would look for in a future presidential contender. While I had some personal preferences because of friendships with some of the 2016 candidates, I kept coming back to the issue of executive experience.

In my view, a governor of a state is ideally qualified to be president. A governor is a state’s final decision maker — its chief executive and steward of the public’s money. I felt strongly that someone with that level of CEO experience would be well-trained for the job of president.

It turns out that is exactly what we are getting in Trump. He is a candidate with actual CEO experience, shaped and molded by the commitment and risk of his own money rather than the public’s. He is a CEO success story that exemplifies the American spirit of determination, commitment to cause and business stewardship.

Despite being the grandson of a Welsh coal miner and the son of a Boston cab driver, I’ve had the remarkable experience of being part of almost 50 different businesses in my more than 70-year business career. So, tell me I’m not a conservative enough Republican or I’m too hawkish on Israel or whatever else you may think, but I think I’ve earned the right to talk about success and leadership.

You may not like Trump’s style or what he says on Twitter, but this country needs strong executive leadership more today than at almost any point in its history. The world is less secure than ever, and our allies have lost confidence in our ability to lead. The economy is not growing the way it should. The middle class is finding it harder and harder to get by.

Trump has created a movement in this country that cannot be denied. He will end this primary election cycle having garnered more Republican primary votes for president than anyone before.

But some Republicans are sitting on the sidelines, threatening to stay home on Election Day or, worse, suggesting they will vote for Clinton. They must realize the stakes are too high for an outcome that will have a damaging impact on our country.

Republicans have the candidate who the people decided is our winner from a field of 17 viable contenders. It’s time for all Republicans to mount up and back our nominee.

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Re: Election 2016
« Reply #187 on: May 13, 2016, 10:07:53 AM »
Trump: 'Anything I Say Right Now' Is a 'Suggestion'

This should scare the shit out of republicans.   

All of these conservative things he's promised were merely suggestions ;)

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Re: Election 2016
« Reply #188 on: May 16, 2016, 09:49:53 AM »
Trump, Clinton Statistically Tied in Georgia

Image: Trump, Clinton Statistically Tied in Georgia  (Newsmax files)
By Cathy Burke   |   Sunday, 15 May 2016
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are in a statistical tie in Georgia, a new poll shows.

The survey by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution gives the GOP presumptive presidential nominee, 45 percent, a 4-point lead over the Democratic presidential front-runner Clinton's 41 percent, but within the poll’s 4.26 percent margin of error.

The newspaper notes the survey also shows deep division among voters in the Peach State, including on:

A hypothetical match-up between Sen. Bernie Sanders and Trump, with the Vermont lawmaker beating the billionaire businessman 47 percent to 42 percent
Favorability, with Sanders earning the highest rating, 47 percent, compared with 40 percent for Trump and 31 for Clinton.

The choice of independent voters, who are evenly split over the leading candidates

Voters' support of Clinton's campaign, with half viewing their vote chiefly as a vote against Trump; among voters supporting Trump, a slim majority say they're voting out of opposition to Clinton.

The last Democrat to carry Georgia was Bill Clinton in 1992, when he beat incumbent President George H.W. Bush by less than 15,000 votes; in 1996, Clinton lost the state by about 27,000 votes, Politico reports.

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Re: Election 2016
« Reply #189 on: May 16, 2016, 09:52:55 AM »
Nate Silver Gives Trump 25 Percent Chance to Beat Clinton

Image: Nate Silver Gives Trump 25 Percent Chance to Beat Clinton (Getty Images)
By Joe Crowe   |   Monday, 16 May 2016

Nate Silver, editor-in-chief of poll analysis website FiveThirtyEight, said Donald Trump has a 25 percent chance of winning the 2016 presidential election.

In an interview on CNN's "Reliable Sources," Silver said Hillary Clinton is more likely to win than her Republican opponent "if you held the election today."

Silver said he has been surprised by Trump's success. His site had predicted before the primaries that Trump had a 5-percent chance of capturing the Republican presidential nomination and would "flame out" during the primaries.

"This is one of the crazier things we've seen in politics for a long time," Silver said in the CNN interview.

The 25-percent prediction for Trump could also change, Silver explained, because of the possibility of world events continuing to shape voters' opinions. "You can have recessions, you can have terror attacks," said the editor-in-chief.

Silver noted that in his site's analyses, while he predicted that she would win, he said Hillary Clinton "is not a very popular candidate herself."

A Salon editorial about the 538 site pointed out that Trump's rise raises questions about Silver's website and its analysis of polls.

Silver has mentioned before that poll results should not lead to overconfidence, but the Salon editorial said that 538 might have become too confident in its own predictions when it made the 5-percent prediction about Trump.

In the CNN interview, Silver called on journalists to be more accountable about covering political news. He said Trump ran on "a lot of misinformation, and we're the information industry."

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Re: Election 2016
« Reply #190 on: May 16, 2016, 10:10:05 AM »
Just heard someone say Hillary has been running for president for ten years and is struggling to take out one candidate, while Trump--a political neophyte--took out sixteen candidates in eleven months.  Pretty remarkable when you think about it. 


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Re: Election 2016
« Reply #191 on: May 16, 2016, 10:19:55 AM »
Nate Silver Gives Trump 25 Percent Chance to Beat Clinton

Image: Nate Silver Gives Trump 25 Percent Chance to Beat Clinton (Getty Images)
By Joe Crowe   |   Monday, 16 May 2016

Nate Silver, editor-in-chief of poll analysis website FiveThirtyEight, said Donald Trump has a 25 percent chance of winning the 2016 presidential election.

In an interview on CNN's "Reliable Sources," Silver said Hillary Clinton is more likely to win than her Republican opponent "if you held the election today."

Silver said he has been surprised by Trump's success. His site had predicted before the primaries that Trump had a 5-percent chance of capturing the Republican presidential nomination and would "flame out" during the primaries.

"This is one of the crazier things we've seen in politics for a long time," Silver said in the CNN interview.

The 25-percent prediction for Trump could also change, Silver explained, because of the possibility of world events continuing to shape voters' opinions. "You can have recessions, you can have terror attacks," said the editor-in-chief.

Silver noted that in his site's analyses, while he predicted that she would win, he said Hillary Clinton "is not a very popular candidate herself."

A Salon editorial about the 538 site pointed out that Trump's rise raises questions about Silver's website and its analysis of polls.

Silver has mentioned before that poll results should not lead to overconfidence, but the Salon editorial said that 538 might have become too confident in its own predictions when it made the 5-percent prediction about Trump.

In the CNN interview, Silver called on journalists to be more accountable about covering political news. He said Trump ran on "a lot of misinformation, and we're the information industry."

That's probably the first time I have agreed with Salon on anything but they are correct, it is a question that needs to be asked.

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Re: Election 2016
« Reply #192 on: May 16, 2016, 10:27:54 AM »
PredictIt currently reads about a 60 - 40, Hillary.

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Re: Election 2016
« Reply #193 on: May 16, 2016, 10:40:10 AM »
That's probably the first time I have agreed with Salon on anything but they are correct, it is a question that needs to be asked.

Not really.  They are incredibly accurate.  From what I've seen, they have correctly forecast the outcome of every primary/caucus this cycle except Michigan, which everybody missed.   

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Re: Election 2016
« Reply #194 on: May 16, 2016, 10:40:50 AM »
PredictIt currently reads about a 60 - 40, Hillary.

Sounds about right, but there is a long way to go in this crazy campaign.


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Re: Election 2016
« Reply #195 on: May 16, 2016, 10:47:51 AM »
Joe Scarborough mocks Nate Silver  :D ;D

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Re: Election 2016
« Reply #196 on: May 16, 2016, 10:49:44 AM »
Sounds about right, but there is a long way to go in this crazy campaign.

The one thing I've learned is to avoid trying to make sense of it.

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Re: Election 2016
« Reply #197 on: May 16, 2016, 11:14:26 AM »
The one thing I've learned is to avoid trying to make sense of it.

I agree.  Someone was talking to me last week about all the logical reasons why Trump will get crushed by Hillary.  I told him we made those same logical arguments about why Trump would not sniff the GOP nomination.  Logic is pretty much out the window. 

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Re: Election 2016
« Reply #198 on: May 16, 2016, 11:18:03 AM »
I agree.  Someone was talking to me last week about all the logical reasons why Trump will get crushed by Hillary.  I told him we made those same logical arguments about why Trump would not sniff the GOP nomination.  Logic is pretty much out the window. 

Yes, and the fact that information can be found to show a real battle in those key states, should throw cold water on the Hillary clowns.

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Re: Election 2016
« Reply #199 on: May 16, 2016, 11:38:41 AM »
Just heard someone say Hillary has been running for president for ten years and is struggling to take out one candidate, while Trump--a political neophyte--took out sixteen candidates in eleven months.  Pretty remarkable when you think about it. 

Trump's been talking about running since what, 1980?   LOL nearly did it in 2000.  keeps flirting with it forever. 

Did you see the full transcript of the "john miller" fake trump interview.  He's kinda a psychopath.  Pages and pages of him pretending to be a PR guy, ranting about all these celebrity women that want Trump.  Such an insecure dude.