Author Topic: White power march - Manchester Uk  (Read 23846 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: White power march - Manchester Uk
« Reply #50 on: March 31, 2015, 03:21:14 AM »
Joon you sure are one ignorant racist dude.


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Re: White power march - Manchester Uk
« Reply #51 on: March 31, 2015, 04:00:22 AM »

You being white, black, orange or purple in skin color is irrelevant to the discussion..."Oh and I am not even white" is a statement only a fool would use to offer as a counter argument.
What is relevant is having the intellectual capacity to understand the points mentioned in understanding the root causes of racism in history and the irony and hypocrisy of BNP members and the far right wing in recent times.

Of course my skin colour is relevant because the entire discussion is in regards to race. :D

Hypocrisy exists with almost every movement and belief, whether it is the far right, the far left and everything in between. What’s your point? The root cause of racism is tribalism which is a fairly natural thought process among humans. Humans are tribalistic and race is one aspect of tribalism. This is the reason why I’m not too bothered by it as long as no one gets hurt.

You know absolutely nothing about Mark Duggan,........he was a good family man who was a victim of police brutality .......and no one gives a fuck about the botched  IPCC investigation....and Mark having a criminal record did not mean he wasn't innocent on that day....THAT is the point of the don't shoot someone based in their priors or history...that then becomes Murder....plain and simple.

London spoke, it spoke loud and clear.

As for Brown, America spoke and it spoke loud and clear

The only people who gave two shits about Duggan were the criminal underclass in Britain. You think the average working person had any sympathy for him? LOL.  :D
The same with Brown in the US. You think the minority of people who rioted were representative of how the majority of Americans (including many blacks) felt?

The same will happen again every time their is brutality on the streets and mis-carriages of justice.

The only people who suffered “injustice” were those who had their shops and livelihood looted and destroyed by criminal vermin who went on the rampage after the deaths of Duggan and Brown.


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Re: White power march - Manchester Uk
« Reply #52 on: March 31, 2015, 04:22:21 AM »
They do fuck all & they call Israeli police Nazis  :D

They can't do fuck all. And they shouldn't, it just proves my point  8)

And your'e right, zionists are like the nazi police


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Re: White power march - Manchester Uk
« Reply #53 on: March 31, 2015, 04:26:52 AM »
Of course my skin colour is relevant because the entire discussion is in regards to race. :D

Hypocrisy exists with almost every movement and belief, whether it is the far right, the far left and everything in between. What’s your point? The root cause of racism is tribalism which is a fairly natural thought process among humans. Humans are tribalistic and race is one aspect of tribalism. This is the reason why I’m not too bothered by it as long as no one gets hurt.

The only people who gave two shits about Duggan were the criminal underclass in Britain. You think the average working person had any sympathy for him? LOL.  :D
The same with Brown in the US. You think the minority of people who rioted were representative of how the majority of Americans (including many blacks) felt?

The only people who suffered “injustice” were those who had their shops and livelihood looted and destroyed by criminal vermin who went on the rampage after the deaths of Duggan and Brown.

This is the truth of it. Its about respect.

Lord Chronos

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Re: White power march - Manchester Uk
« Reply #54 on: March 31, 2015, 09:22:10 AM »

Lets talk about re-affirmation and lets talk about some of the root causes of racism.

Racism started in modern day America (only around 200 years or so ago, a brief time in history terms) when bunch of white people decided to go over to Africa capture, rape, torture and enslave a bunch of black people and bring them and breed them in America  as slaves for free labor, economic greed and sexual gratification based on the ideology that they were superior.

Same way the British did with their campaign of colonization in India and all the other commonwealth countries.

Let's not forget the facts here, what Hilter tried to do with Nazi Germany in World War 2 pales in comparison and is only a drop in Ocean compared to what the yanks and Brits have done throughout history and what they attempt to do to this very day in the Middle East.

Despite all of the above racism still continues to this very day in the British and American Police force (even to some extent on this forum, even by moderators) with the highly publicized cases of Michael Brown in the US and Mark Duggan in the UK which gave rise to the London riots and is just a small set of examples out of many such cases.

So forgive me if urban youth is not so quick to forgive and forget the transgressions of your past. Don't complain about immigration, you have no right to...America was built up on it. So was the UK.

And when urban youth is confronted with BNP members, some even on this board (general white welfare training trash fascists) particularly from the North of England.... especially in places such as Nottingham, Salford and Leeds ....forgive us if Tottenham, Hackney and Haringay shoot first and ask questions later

I leave you with two videos of my very good friends Charlie Sloth and Dappy who have much better way with words than me fam. ;)

Slavery was not down to just a bunch of white people. Arabs were heavily involved and the modern day equivalant to Nigerians, were knee deep in supporting the slave trade by selling their own people (nigerians doing that, who would have thought ::)

Black people sold out other black people for money. Black people were involved in the slave trade. White's and Arabs were at the top of the tree, but Black people played a part, both as victims and supporters of the trade. If the tables were turned for sure Black people would have done the same to Whitess and Arab's.

I fully agree with you on the crimes that have been commited by the US and UK, and are being commited to this day. I dont see what relevance that has in relation to why someone chooses to be racist?

Mark Duggan and the riots were not representative of the UK or London, they were representative of black people and how they behave once they are in a large collective.

The US was certainly built on immigration, the UK never was, it was built on exploiting other 3rd world country's and taking all their resources, yes, but it was never built on immigation.

The urban youth are just the offspring of immigrations, if there was no immigration policy to let them in, there would be no urban youth to deal with.

The suggestion that "locals" to Tottenham, Hackney and Haringay will shoot first and ask questions later, simply re-affirms why people are racist in the first place.

Here we can see the urban youth standing up for whats right and making sure justice is served during the riots!!

Dappy is just some scrawny little greek turd, I'd rather stick pins in my eyes than play that!


  • Getbig V
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Re: White power march - Manchester Uk
« Reply #55 on: March 31, 2015, 09:26:03 AM »
thats not dorian yates

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Re: White power march - Manchester Uk
« Reply #56 on: March 31, 2015, 11:17:23 AM »
Why is it most the Racist and Biggots come from up North England?

Is it cos they would brick themselves down Tottenham, Hackney or Kilburn?

Yep pretty much wouldn't last 5 minutes there with any bullshit.

Thank fuck half my friend are

Bullshit, two of my friends used rob black cracking dealers when they lived in London, cowards without a gun


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Re: White power march - Manchester Uk
« Reply #57 on: March 31, 2015, 11:21:00 AM »

Walked past this on saturday, being mixed race i did shit my pants abit getting on the tram with an army of skin head guy holding white power banners.

Im not exactly brown but im not white either so how far does this white power go, do you have to be 100% white to join? lol

you'd think at a white power rally there'd be leading scientist, intellectuals, academics.. leading captains of indstry, millionaires, billionaires as well as normal working folk.

this march is more like a white dregs rally :-\


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Re: White power march - Manchester Uk
« Reply #58 on: March 31, 2015, 11:27:49 AM »
According to many former nazis who have changed their ways, the whole "white power," "proud to be white," and "we hate everyone who is not white" is a smokescreen for the real reason of the organization: MONEY. These former  nazis claim that many of the higher-ups do not even care about the whole "white power" crap. They are in it for the money. The whole notion of "white power" is to drawn in ignorant idiots to do their bidding for them, i.e., make them money. This is why there have been many members who have been part jewish, native american, etc. Because they were willing to do whatever it took to spread the word, get more people to join, which equals power and money.

This is no surprise, given that the majority of organization exist for one reason: money.

Lord Chronos

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Re: White power march - Manchester Uk
« Reply #59 on: March 31, 2015, 11:46:15 AM »
you'd think at a white power rally there'd be leading scientist, intellectuals, academics.. leading captains of indstry, millionaires, billionaires as well as normal working folk.

Actually you wouldnt expect any of the above at a rally like this.

Scientists, intellectuals, academics will agree with this stuff behind closed doors, but they know to talk of it in public means the end of their careers. There was a very prominant scientist who came out with some un-PC comments regarding certain races. The morning after he made those comments his career was finished.

Leading captains of indstry, millionaires, billionaires, absolutely do not believe or even want white power, at least not in the way, nationalists want white power.

Leading captains of indstry, millionaires, billionaires want to me the people at the top of the ladder, they ultimately dont care about race or purity, just profit. Most importantly what they want is consumers and lots of them. More consumers = more profit = more money for them.

Ethnic minorities are great consumers, Black people make excellent consumers, as many are completely careless with their money, frittering it away on junk and generally buying beyond their means. Many nationalities of white people tend to be more logic orientated and frugal. Germans for example are frugal consumers if you compare household earnings to expenditure. We need to get rid of these types as they impact profit margins.

The best thing for profit is to bring in truck loads of immigrants, preferably ones that are not too bright and setup a consumer culture. This is what the leaders of industry want. They dont want miserly enlightened white people who want to fight against the system and reject consumerism. They want Doe-eyed Tyrese and Shaneka sitting in Popeyes eating chicken and biscuits,  browsing their smartphone looking for the next adidas top and sneakers to buy on credit while listening to some Jay-z on their Dr Dre headphones.
People from 3rd world countries tend to have more kids, and with a lot of africans, they are more promiscuous too so this helps boost populaton numbers and breed more consumers. It all links together and keeps the rich rubbing their hands while they relax in their ivory towers.

Lord Chronos

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Re: White power march - Manchester Uk
« Reply #60 on: March 31, 2015, 11:58:23 AM »
Bullshit, two of my friends used rob black cracking dealers when they lived in London, cowards without a gun

Abosultely, I've seen it time and time again, when they dont have a gun, a knife or are in large numbers, they are absolute cowards.

Teutonic Knight

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Re: White power march - Manchester Uk
« Reply #61 on: March 31, 2015, 02:15:43 PM »
They can't do fuck all. And they shouldn't, it just proves my point  8)

And your'e right, zionists are like the nazi police

Jews government pay them to pray , free housing, etc,....................nice profession  :D
Other Jews get killed fighting Arabs & those lazy girls .............. ::)

Just like Aussie Abos who get free housing,coins,etc ,. for doing nothing................. >:(
White Aussie soldiers get killed in Afghanistan .......... :-\

The Abdominal Snoman

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Re: White power march - Manchester Uk
« Reply #62 on: March 31, 2015, 02:36:13 PM »
This chick was given 100 million dollars for helping to push the breed mixing/ethnic cleansing agenda and is now jet setting with Billionaires...


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Re: White power march - Manchester Uk
« Reply #63 on: April 01, 2015, 03:29:50 AM »
How did she do that?


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Re: White power march - Manchester Uk
« Reply #64 on: April 01, 2015, 05:14:17 AM »
Bullshit, two of my friends used rob black cracking dealers when they lived in London, cowards without a gun



  • Getbig II
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Re: White power march - Manchester Uk
« Reply #65 on: April 01, 2015, 07:05:14 AM »
Bullshit, two of my friends used rob black cracking dealers when they lived in London, cowards without a gun

Not just black peeps in those areas fam.

Turks, Albanians, Romanians, Polski's, Jodaki's, irish.....its peek cuz....long ting. 


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Re: White power march - Manchester Uk
« Reply #66 on: April 01, 2015, 08:18:20 AM »
According to many former nazis who have changed their ways, the whole "white power," "proud to be white," and "we hate everyone who is not white" is a smokescreen for the real reason of the organization: MONEY. These former  nazis claim that many of the higher-ups do not even care about the whole "white power" crap. They are in it for the money. The whole notion of "white power" is to drawn in ignorant idiots to do their bidding for them, i.e., make them money. This is why there have been many members who have been part jewish, native american, etc. Because they were willing to do whatever it took to spread the word, get more people to join, which equals power and money.

This is no surprise, given that the majority of organization exist for one reason: money.

I've said this before - There's a helluva lotta truth on this board!

Teutonic Knight

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Re: White power march - Manchester Uk
« Reply #67 on: April 01, 2015, 01:47:35 PM »
So at the end Mr.Fuhrer was right , castrate freaks & eliminate 1 or 2 tribes.
Imagine how clean would be Europe under Nazis, no Gyp's,no Pakis,..................



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Re: White power march - Manchester Uk
« Reply #68 on: April 01, 2015, 01:56:04 PM »
If they all looked like Tiger's Ex I'd be all for it.  Unfortunately alot look like this.


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Re: White power march - Manchester Uk
« Reply #69 on: April 01, 2015, 05:05:33 PM »
ARABS were the top of the tree.  Slavery was introduced to the USA via ARAB slave traders and AFRICAN slave traders.

Even today slavery is big in places like Saudi Arabia.

Joon is a complete knob, accusing white Americans while it is really his own heritage that has the bulk of the blood on it's hands.

And you are right, if the AFRICANS actually had the brain power, they would have been trading in white slaves.

Slavery was not down to just a bunch of white people. Arabs were heavily involved and the modern day equivalant to Nigerians, were knee deep in supporting the slave trade by selling their own people (nigerians doing that, who would have thought ::)

Black people sold out other black people for money. Black people were involved in the slave trade. White's and Arabs were at the top of the tree, but Black people played a part, both as victims and supporters of the trade. If the tables were turned for sure Black people would have done the same to Whitess and Arab's.

I fully agree with you on the crimes that have been commited by the US and UK, and are being commited to this day. I dont see what relevance that has in relation to why someone chooses to be racist?

Mark Duggan and the riots were not representative of the UK or London, they were representative of black people and how they behave once they are in a large collective.

The US was certainly built on immigration, the UK never was, it was built on exploiting other 3rd world country's and taking all their resources, yes, but it was never built on immigation.

The urban youth are just the offspring of immigrations, if there was no immigration policy to let them in, there would be no urban youth to deal with.

The suggestion that "locals" to Tottenham, Hackney and Haringay will shoot first and ask questions later, simply re-affirms why people are racist in the first place.

Here we can see the urban youth standing up for whats right and making sure justice is served during the riots!!

Dappy is just some scrawny little greek turd, I'd rather stick pins in my eyes than play that!



  • Getbig V
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Re: White power march - Manchester Uk
« Reply #70 on: April 01, 2015, 05:22:06 PM »
just want to chime in with a couple items for clarification

the US was most definitely not "built on immigration" haha unless you're referring to the europeans who arrived then eradicated about 100 millions people?  ???

It's also known that slavery was highly profitable efficient business which provided the basis for the industrialization and the modern financial system.

If you want to have a serious chit chat about this then you're going to have a hard time dancing around these facts. Carry on!



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Re: White power march - Manchester Uk
« Reply #71 on: April 02, 2015, 05:27:53 AM »
just want to chime in with a couple items for clarification

the US was most definitely not "built on immigration" haha unless you're referring to the europeans who arrived then eradicated about 100 millions people?  ???
It's also known that slavery was highly profitable efficient business which provided the basis for the industrialization and the modern financial system.

If you want to have a serious chit chat about this then you're going to have a hard time dancing around these facts. Carry on!

100 million people? Was the Native American population ever that high? I always thought they were nomadic tribes relatively small in number.


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Re: White power march - Manchester Uk
« Reply #72 on: April 02, 2015, 08:45:07 AM »
100 million people? Was the Native American population ever that high? I always thought they were nomadic tribes relatively small in number.

They are pretty much all gone so it's easier to suggest oh yeah there wasn't that many. I think the range discussed is from 10 to over 100 million.  So if you wanted to be conservative you could say only 50 million were eliminated. The more serious sources I've seen tend toward 100 million.

I encourage you to investigate this matter further!



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Re: White power march - Manchester Uk
« Reply #73 on: April 02, 2015, 09:12:32 AM »
They are pretty much all gone so it's easier to suggest oh yeah there wasn't that many. I think the range discussed is from 10 to over 100 million.  So if you wanted to be conservative you could say only 50 million were eliminated. The more serious sources I've seen tend toward 100 million.

I encourage you to investigate this matter further!

I have an interest in history so I'm curious. Which sources did you find these numbers from?
From everything I've previously read, the entire Native American population in the US prior to European conquest ranged from around 5 - 20 million. This seems quite believable to me as I think it would have been near impossible to eliminate a people if their numbers were more significant.

100 million Native Americans killed would be around 40% more than the entire death count from WWII. Does that sound realistic?

Teutonic Knight

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Re: White power march - Manchester Uk
« Reply #74 on: April 02, 2015, 03:28:59 PM »
The best example of all:

-200 Spanish + 1 monk & chained black African vs Inca army of 50000 & guess who won  ;D ;D ;D

Inca empire of around 7 million  capitulated  :)

Pizzaro would force black guy (pure devil in Incas eyes) to run toward Inca  :D

Wiggzy should visit Peru & he will see how much Indios hate blacks  8)