Author Topic: Top 20% of earners pay 84% of Fed taxes  (Read 9842 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Top 20% of earners pay 84% of Fed taxes
« Reply #150 on: April 21, 2015, 12:22:06 PM »

Hilarious post :D

You sound like you live in nazi germany.

And you sound like you live is Soviet Russia


  • Getbig V
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Re: Top 20% of earners pay 84% of Fed taxes
« Reply #151 on: April 21, 2015, 12:27:44 PM »
And your a whiny little bitch. What exactly is your problem with the "rich"? Why is their money fair game for .gov? It seems you think the rich somehow don't deserve what they have, so .gov does what you can't, Take it.

And why do you always jump to defend the "poor"? Do you think it is some noble cause to defend the leaches of society? If it wasn't for those rich bastards these people wouldn't be poor?

Under the current system of taxation, many if not most of the very wealthy have a much lower tax rate then the dwindling middle-class. In my opinion, everyone should have the same tax rate and any loopholes should be eliminated because everyone benefits from government programs one way or the other. The middle-class traditionally have contributed in a big way to the health of the U.S. economy. If the middle-class were eliminated, our economy would fail. No U.S. citizen wants that to happen.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Top 20% of earners pay 84% of Fed taxes
« Reply #152 on: April 21, 2015, 12:38:35 PM »
Under the current system of taxation, many if not most of the very wealthy have a much lower tax rate then the dwindling middle-class. In my opinion, everyone should have the same tax rate and any loopholes should be eliminated because everyone benefits from government programs one way or the other. The middle-class traditionally have contributed in a big way to the health of the U.S. economy. If the middle-class were eliminated, our economy would fail. No U.S. citizen wants that to happen.

And how exactly is that going to happen? There is no way .gov will go to a flat tax or national sales tax type system. How then could they raise taxes on the evil rich without raising them on everyone? Last time I checked .gov implements the tax code, yet blame the rich for using loop holes. Without class warfare what do politicians have to keep the masses in fighting?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Top 20% of earners pay 84% of Fed taxes
« Reply #153 on: April 21, 2015, 12:53:14 PM »
And how exactly is that going to happen? There is no way .gov will go to a flat tax or national sales tax type system. How then could they raise taxes on the evil rich without raising them on everyone? Last time I checked .gov implements the tax code, yet blame the rich for using loop holes. Without class warfare what do politicians have to keep the masses in fighting?

Who do you suppose lobbies for these loop-holes, which mainly benefit the rich? Remember a politician's primary job is to get elected and then reelected. Running a campaign for office is an extremely expensive proposition these days. It would be next to impossible to get elected without donations to their campaigns. Who do you think the biggest donors are? Sales tax is considered a regressive tax.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Top 20% of earners pay 84% of Fed taxes
« Reply #154 on: April 21, 2015, 01:12:49 PM »
Who do you suppose lobbies for these loop-holes, which mainly benefit the rich? Remember a politician's primary job is to get elected and then reelected. Running a campaign for office is an extremely expensive proposition these days. It would be next to impossible to get elected without donations to their campaigns. Who do you think the biggest donors are? Sales tax is considered a regressive tax.

Really a politicians job is to get re-elected? And all this time I thought it was to represent the people who elected them.

Lobbyist should be outlawed, and if you haven't noticed most politicians are "rich", so gee no wonder they are going to benefit themselves.



  • Getbig V
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Re: Top 20% of earners pay 84% of Fed taxes
« Reply #155 on: April 21, 2015, 01:24:10 PM »
Really a politicians job is to get re-elected? And all this time I thought it was to represent the people who elected them.

Lobbyist should be outlawed, and if you haven't noticed most politicians are "rich", so gee no wonder they are going to benefit themselves.


When you consider what it cost to get elected or reelected to Congress, you can understand why so much time is spent raising campaign funds. Politicians are elected to represent the people as you say. Most of them do. Many politicians represent the folks who contribute the most to their campaigns.

The figures below are for the 2012 election.

House members, on average, each raised $1,689,580, an average of $2,315 every day during the 2012 cycle.

Senators, on average, each raised $10,476,451, an average of $14,351 every day during the 2012 cycle.
Very few politicians are rich enough to fund their own campaigns.

42,506,349           Elizabeth Warren           Senate

$25,894,721   Michele Bachmann   House

$22,024,288   John Boehner           House

$20,945,196   Sherrod Brown           Senate

$18,833,736   Claire McCaskill           Senate

$18,038,275   Timothy Kaine           Senate

$15,735,457   Kirsten Gillibrand           Senate

$15,098,279   Ted Cruz                  Senate

$15,063,115   Tammy Baldwin          Senate

$13,402,612   Bill Nelson                  Senate

$12,673,306   Dianne Feinstein         Senate

$12,290,307   Robert Menéndez         Senate

$11,912,726   Jon Tester                 Senate

$11,159,085   Robert Casey         Senate

$10,640,546   Debbie Stabenow         Senate

$10,543,456   Christopher Murphy   Senate

$9,994,587           Bob Corker                 Senate

$9,423,369           Maria Cantwell         Senate

$9,341,391           Dean Heller                 Senate

$9,026,106           Jeff Flake                 Senate

$8,912,971           Orrin Hatch                 Senate

$7,640,467           Eric Cantor                 House

$7,245,123           Amy Klobuchar        Senate

$6,727,091          Martin Heinrich        Senate

$6,274,553          Bernard Sanders        Senate

$5,662,233          Joe Donnelly        Senate

$5,642,938          Heidi Heitkamp        Senate

$5,594,299          Benjamin Cardin        Senate

$5,514,418          Mazie Hirono        Senate

$5,394,200   Alan Grayson   House

$5,309,495   Tammy Duckworth   House

$5,283,975   Deb Fischer   Senate

$5,071,896   Joe Manchin   Senate

$4,994,668   Paul Ryan   House

$4,752,054   Patrick Murphy   House

$4,605,118   John Delaney   House

$4,578,119   Kevin McCarthy   House

$4,496,594   Charles Boustany   House

$4,476,145   Dave Camp   House

$4,425,726   Suzan DelBene   House

$4,381,438   Scott Peters   House

$4,204,050   Joseph Kennedy   House

$4,155,103   Steny Hoyer   House

$4,129,538   Fred Upton   House

$4,001,363   John Barrasso   Senate

$3,753,860   Steve King   House

$3,664,782   Ami Bera   House

$3,629,324   Debbie Wasserman Schultz   House

$3,540,707   Bill Foster   House

$3,533,915   Lois Frankel   House

$3,516,328   Thomas Carper   Senate

$3,511,130   Diane Black   House

$3,441,283   Mike Coffman   House

$3,412,780   Tom Latham   House

$3,401,860   Brad Sherman   House

$3,384,007   Roger Wicker   Senate

$3,375,830   Patrick Tiberi   House

$3,371,438   James Renacci   House

$3,326,550   Elizabeth Esty   House

$3,324,422   Robert Pittenger   House

$3,320,071   Lois Capps   House

$3,299,474   Sheldon Whitehouse   Senate

$3,297,683   Roger Williams   House

$3,277,932   Peter Roskam   House

$3,226,793   Aaron Schock   House

$3,190,721   Steve Israel   House

$3,161,004   Ann Kuster   House

$3,113,793   Erik Paulsen   House

$3,043,849   Bradley Schneider   House

$3,035,222   James Himes   House

$3,017,392   Jeb Hensarling   House

$2,975,376   Ed Perlmutter   House

$2,964,323   Angus King   Senate

$2,910,725   Allyson Schwartz   House

$2,876,918   John Barrow   House

$2,861,095   Bill Pascrell   House

$2,811,274   Kristi Noem   House

$2,776,639   Ron Barber   House

$2,756,589   Jeff Denham   House

$2,748,859   Edward Royce   House

$2,748,358   Steve Stivers   House

$2,736,873   Greg Walden   House

$2,731,218   Timothy Bishop   House

$2,730,570   Vern Buchanan   House

$2,725,004   Spencer Bachus   House

$2,704,873   Ann Wagner   House

$2,687,008   Bruce Braley   House

$2,672,027   Michael Fitzpatrick   House

$2,647,210   Sean Duffy   House

$2,614,914   Patrick Meehan   House

$2,577,592   Joseph Crowley   House

$2,532,626   Jerry McNerney   House

$2,521,899   Janice Hahn   House

$2,493,720   Suzanne Bonamici   House

$2,478,710   Darrell Issa   House

$2,451,268   E. Rigell   House

$2,449,473   Shelley Capito   House

$2,423,277   Joseph Heck   House

$2,405,553   David Cicilline   House

$2,397,465   Scott Garrett   House

$2,388,048   James Clyburn   House

$2,386,295   Tim Murphy   House

$2,363,587   Ann Kirkpatrick   House

$2,360,399   Jim Matheson   House

$2,352,676   John Kline   House

$2,342,229   Scott Tipton   House

$2,341,155   Tom Price   House

$2,324,473   Reid Ribble   House

$2,320,196   Cory Gardner   House

$2,305,144   Nancy Pelosi   House

$2,304,496   Mike McIntyre   House

$2,281,359   Gary Peters   House

$2,278,709   Louise Slaughter   House

$2,278,000   Carolyn McCarthy   House

$2,263,994   Michael Grimm   House

$2,257,171   Sean Maloney   House

$2,251,746   Stephen Fincher   House

$2,241,573   Gerald Connolly   House

$2,234,892   Jim Gerlach   House

$2,224,860   Dan Benishek   House

$2,221,935   Garland Barr   House

$2,213,218   Tom Cotton   House

$2,212,530   Cheri Bustos   House

$2,187,577   Christopher Gibson   House

$2,167,384   Kyrsten Sinema   House

$2,165,669   Nita Lowey   House

$2,155,828   Julia Brownley   House

$2,146,246   Ileana Ros-Lehtinen   House

$2,137,065   David McKinley   House

$2,133,196   John Tierney   House

$2,107,794   Tom Reed   House

$2,107,579   John Shimkus   House

$2,085,819   John Garamendi   House

$2,084,904   Rush Holt   House

$2,080,014   Jon Runyan   House

$2,068,331   John Mica   House

$2,054,754   Denny Heck   House

$2,053,544   Keith Ellison   House

$2,051,306   Robert Hurt   House

$2,042,739   Bill Johnson   House

$2,036,017   Lee Terry   House

$2,034,419   Adam Kinzinger   House

$2,032,959   Daniel Maffei   House

$2,018,561   John Larson   House

$2,002,960   Keith Rothfus   House

$1,997,478   William Owens   House

$1,982,870   David Schweikert   House

$1,980,080   Howard McKeon   House

$1,979,017   Ron Kind   House

$1,976,758   Raul Ruiz   House

$1,976,106   Timothy Walz   House

$1,968,862   Cathy McMorris Rodgers   House

$1,948,903   Lynn Jenkins   House

$1,924,285   Mike Pompeo   House

$1,921,587   Mike Rogers   House

$1,917,049   Ed Whitfield   House

$1,894,271   Henry Waxman   House

$1,878,410   Jackie Walorski   House

$1,873,136   Derek Kilmer   House

$1,868,760   Frank Pallone   House

$1,852,611   Grace Meng   House

$1,850,000   Xavier Becerra   House

$1,836,756   Sander Levin   House

$1,836,552   Pete Sessions   House

$1,830,491   Steve Daines   House

$1,826,211   Tulsi Gabbard   House

$1,823,957   Steve Southerland   House

$1,819,057   Todd Young   House

$1,818,730   Michelle Lujan Grisham   House

$1,812,860   Peter King   House

$1,811,426   Mike Thompson   House

$1,802,830   Pete Gallego   House

$1,797,931   Bill Cassidy   House

$1,793,587   Richard Neal   House

$1,789,595   Pedro Pierluisi   House

$1,779,731   Marsha Blackburn   House

$1,779,067   Kurt Schrader   House

$1,746,929   Carolyn Maloney   House

$1,744,503   Lloyd Doggett   House

$1,732,311   Markwayne Mullin   House

$1,727,472   Lamar Smith   House

$1,723,480   Kevin Yoder   House

$1,720,667   Carol Shea-Porter   House

$1,720,190   Phil Gingrey   House

$1,718,991   Steven Horsford   House

$1,706,451   Charles Dent   House

$1,692,833   George Holding   House

$1,687,075   Stevan Pearce   House

$1,677,371   Loretta Sanchez   House

$1,674,736   Bill Shuster   House

$1,672,433   Henry Cuellar   House

$1,658,722   Jaime Herrera Beutler   House

$1,654,833   David Reichert   House

$1,649,564   Doc Hastings   House

$1,634,096   Chris Van Hollen   House

$1,624,078   Frank Lucas   House

$1,620,070   John Fleming   House

$1,619,346   Tim Griffin   House

$1,618,469   Richard Hudson   House

$1,606,982   Niki Tsongas   House

$1,606,588   Bob Goodlatte   House

$1,603,549   Bill Flores   House

$1,595,563   Andy Harris   House

$1,577,907   Brett Guthrie   House

$1,566,500   Frank LoBiondo   House

$1,562,540   David Loebsack   House

$1,561,331   Randy Neugebauer   House

$1,551,897   Devin Nunes   House

$1,550,088   Bob Gibbs   House

$1,535,592   Joe Barton   House

$1,535,445   Harold Rogers   House

$1,534,725   Daniel Webster   House

$1,533,550   Tim Walberg   House

$1,526,893   John Carney   House

$1,523,072   Judy Chu   House

$1,520,759   Joe Courtney   House

$1,517,261   Jo Ann Emerson   House

$1,510,757   Robert Andrews   House

$1,510,603   Vicky Hartzler   House

$1,499,023   Joaquin Castro   House

$1,489,802   Anna Eshoo   House

$1,483,424   Blaine Luetkemeyer   House

$1,483,126   Jim Costa   House

$1,473,767   Tom Rice   House

$1,470,455   Alan Nunnelee   House

$1,461,286   Charles Rangel   House

$1,456,716   Mark Takano   House

$1,449,962   Jared Huffman   House

$1,444,696   John Dingell   House

$1,440,815   Susan Brooks   House

$1,439,597   Pete Olson   House

$1,439,038   Colleen Hanabusa   House

$1,436,751   Steve Scalise   House

$1,435,521   Chris Collins   House

$1,412,229   Charles Fleischmann   House

$1,408,187   C. Ruppersberger   House

$1,405,685   Hakeem Jeffries   House

$1,400,551   Rodney Alexander   House

$1,400,451   Rodney Davis   House

$1,399,363   H. Griffith   House

$1,395,068   Joe Garcia   House

$1,385,894   Kevin Brady   House

$1,375,457   Kay Granger   House

$1,371,507   Larry Bucshon   House

$1,362,710   Randy Hultgren   House

$1,361,753   Matthew Cartwright   House

$1,361,048   Justin Amash   House

$1,359,430   Nick Rahall   House

$1,359,236   Randy Weber   House

$1,357,981   Sam Graves   House

$1,356,321   Rick Larsen   House

$1,351,218   Paul Broun   House

$1,350,902   Janice Schakowsky   House

$1,350,630   K. Conaway   House

$1,339,446   Eric Crawford   House

$1,334,027   Lou Barletta   House

$1,333,331   Peter DeFazio   House

$1,333,321   Adam Schiff   House

$1,325,479   Kevin Cramer   House

$1,324,340   Michael McCaul   House

$1,321,362   Leonard Lance   House

$1,321,278   Todd Rokita   House

$1,315,897   David Valadao   House

$1,314,808   Mark Amodei   House

$1,312,424   Joseph Pitts   House

$1,292,268   John Campbell   House

$1,290,956   Sanford Bishop   House

$1,282,757   Matt Salmon   House

$1,273,981   Dina Titus   House

$1,271,829   Gary Miller   House

$1,264,885   Glenn Thompson   House

$1,264,258   Theodore Deutch   House

$1,260,459   Scott DesJarlais   House

$1,257,013   Patrick McHenry   House

$1,252,092   Richard Nolan   House

$1,248,945   Robert Aderholt   House

$1,248,412   Jack Kingston   House

$1,238,300   John Lewis   House

$1,232,450   Michael Turner   House

$1,222,006   Michael Michaud   House

$1,219,902   Marc Veasey   House

$1,213,185   Jim Cooper   House

$1,210,251   Alan Lowenthal   House

$1,208,368   Bennie Thompson   House

$1,205,400   Terri Sewell   House

$1,200,026   Michael Simpson   House

$1,191,743   Tom McClintock   House

$1,185,142   Earl Blumenauer   House

$1,180,463   William Enyart   House

$1,179,677   Tom Graves   House

$1,175,608   Rosa DeLauro   House

$1,167,292   Barbara Lee   House

$1,166,947   Luke Messer   House

$1,163,154   Adrian Smith   House

$1,155,959   James Lankford   House

$1,155,959   Ron DeSantis   House

$1,155,799   Emanuel Cleaver   House

$1,153,511   Blake Farenthold   House

$1,153,420   Mark Pocan   House

$1,150,701   Paul Gosar   House

$1,150,009   Marcy Kaptur   House

$1,149,924   Jared Polis   House

$1,146,862   Mike Kelly   House

$1,145,880   Adam Smith   House

$1,141,280   David Price   House

$1,140,567   Jo Bonner   House

$1,136,768   Sam Johnson   House

$1,129,343   Collin Peterson   House

$1,125,304   Jerrold Nadler   House

$1,124,042   André Carson   House

$1,114,641   Austin Scott   House

$1,113,284   Mark Meadows   House

$1,111,742   Robert Latta   House

$1,103,439   James Langevin   House

$1,102,858   Ben Luján   House

$1,102,047   James Moran   House

$1,101,628   Rodney Frelinghuysen   House

$1,096,522   Thomas Rooney   House

$1,096,315   Richard Hanna   House

$1,092,129   Mac Thornberry   House

$1,091,666   Edward Markey   House

$1,091,573   Ken Calvert   House

$1,091,197   Frank Wolf   House

$1,091,162   Brian Higgins   House

$1,089,631   Thomas Massie   House

$1,086,870   Renee Ellmers   House

$1,078,119   Jim Jordan   House

$1,077,552   J. Forbes   House

$1,075,806   Juan Vargas   House

$1,069,891   Mike Rogers   House

$1,068,822   James McGovern   House

$1,068,816   Steve Chabot   House

$1,068,123   Trey Radel   House

$1,067,726   Lynn Westmoreland   House

$1,066,724   Bill Huizenga   House

$1,062,606   Eliot Engel   House

$1,061,105   William Keating   House

$1,054,607   Michael Burgess   House

$1,051,652   Bill Posey   House

$1,051,538   Diana DeGette   House

$1,048,195   Linda Sánchez   House

$1,044,468   John Conyers   House

$1,040,707   C. Young   House

$1,035,717   Martha Roby   House

$1,030,165   Joe Wilson   House

$1,025,611   Ed Pastor   House

$1,024,608   Chellie Pingree   House

$1,020,415   Kathy Castor   House

$1,016,546   Tom Cole   House

$1,015,733   Brad Wenstrup   House

$1,012,295   Gene Green   House

$1,010,367   John Sarbanes   House

$1,003,532   Don Young   House

$1,000,849   John Yarmuth   House

$991,385   Tim Ryan   House

$986,170   Duncan Hunter   House

$976,669   David Scott   House

$974,899   Paul Tonko   House

$972,460   Virginia Foxx   House

$969,474   Jackie Speier   House

$966,271   Ted Poe   House

$960,107   Marlin Stutzman   House

$952,655   David Joyce   House

$950,387   Robert Wittman   House

$950,026   Peter Welch   House

$937,451   Cedric Richmond   House

$934,966   Gregg Harper   House

$932,788   Steve Womack   House

$931,990   Betty McCollum   House

$926,893   Steven Palazzo   House

$924,152   Billy Long   House

$909,487   Michael Capuano   House

$908,544   Raúl Grijalva   House

$908,449   Doris Matsui   House

$904,753   Mo Brooks   House

$901,274   George Butterfield   House

$900,844   Michael Honda   House

$894,184   Filemon Vela   House

$885,684   John Carter   House

$883,780   Dennis Ross   House

$872,995   Doug LaMalfa   House

$870,614   Michael Doyle   House

$866,835   Wm. Clay   House

$858,985   Zoe Lofgren   House

$857,538   Tim Huelskamp   House

$852,973   Mario Diaz-Balart   House

$852,387   Melvin Watt   House

$844,097   Tony Cárdenas   House

$842,045   John Culberson   House

$831,886   Steve Cohen   House

$830,196   Raúl Labrador   House

$829,632   Kenny Marchant   House

$827,493   Tom Marino   House

$826,186   Eric Swalwell   House

$825,518   Daniel Lipinski   House

$823,446   Gwen Moore   House

$812,493   Joyce Beatty   House

$807,595   Jason Chaffetz   House

$798,055   Mick Mulvaney   House

$795,483   Elijah Cummings   House

$788,056   Donna Edwards   House

$785,240   Peter Visclosky   House

$781,233   Jim Bridenstine   House

$780,887   Doug Collins   House

$779,237   Eddie Johnson   House

$758,988   Gus Bilirakis   House

$746,273   Robert Brady   House

$743,699   Thomas Petri   House

$743,547   George Miller   House

$742,347   Louie Gohmert   House

$740,897   Gregory Meeks   House

$735,679   Sam Farr   House

$731,601   Jeff Miller   House

$729,888   Maxine Waters   House

$729,836   Stephen Lynch   House

$728,767   Trey Gowdy   House

$728,591   Mike Quigley   House

$726,003   Yvette Clarke   House

$721,598   Daniel Kildee   House

$721,044   Doug Lamborn   House

$716,405   Walter Jones   House

$715,314   Cynthia Lummis   House

$706,756   David Roe   House

$698,728   Jeff Duncan   House

$698,414   Jeff Fortenberry   House

$692,989   Karen Bass   House

$689,197   Marcia Fudge   House

$685,661   Beto O'Rourke   House

$683,986   Ted Yoho   House

$674,524   Nydia Velázquez   House

$674,170   Candice Miller   House

$663,827   Albio Sires   House

$658,474   Christopher Smith   House

$652,963   Alcee Hastings   House

$650,922   John Duncan   House

$647,372   Susan Davis   House

$615,072   Corrine Brown   House

$611,670   Jim McDermott   House

$611,327   Donald Payne   House

$610,014   Paul Cook   House

$600,551   Richard Nugent   House

$600,451   Sheila Jackson Lee   House

$592,033   Rubén Hinojosa   House

$589,851   Ralph Hall   House

$588,812   Kerry Bentivolio   House

$581,440   Lucille Roybal-Allard   House

$554,920   F. Sensenbrenner   House

$554,638   Chaka Fattah   House

$543,227   Ander Crenshaw   House

$540,770   Grace Napolitano   House

$538,093   Chris Stewart   House

$534,032   Frederica Wilson   House

$531,611   Howard Coble   House

$529,958   Scott Perry   House

$498,765   Bobby Rush   House

$493,392   Dana Rohrabacher   House

$451,466   Robert Scott   House

$448,223   Henry Johnson   House

$407,300   Rob Woodall   House

$378,998   Trent Franks   House

$372,392   Steve Stockman   House

$372,212   Danny Davis   House

$353,367   Rob Bishop   House

$352,550   Gloria Negrete McLeod   House

$351,713   Al Green   House

$344,315   Luis Gutierrez   House

$332,288   Eleanor Norton           House

$330,274   Donna Christensen   House

$254,070   Madeleine Bordallo   House

$212,068   José Serrano           House

$111,145   Gregorio Sablan           House

$110,570   Eni Faleomavaega   House


  • Getbig V
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  • Getbig!
Re: Top 20% of earners pay 84% of Fed taxes
« Reply #156 on: April 21, 2015, 02:18:24 PM »
And how exactly is that going to happen? There is no way .gov will go to a flat tax or national sales tax type system. How then could they raise taxes on the evil rich without raising them on everyone? Last time I checked .gov implements the tax code, yet blame the rich for using loop holes. Without class warfare what do politicians have to keep the masses in fighting?

The top 5% owns the politicians.

You dont have to worry about them.

The rest of us including you and me are not so lucky.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Top 20% of earners pay 84% of Fed taxes
« Reply #157 on: April 21, 2015, 02:19:18 PM »
That was a long list.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Top 20% of earners pay 84% of Fed taxes
« Reply #158 on: April 21, 2015, 03:00:13 PM »
I havent heard about this is it this one:

3. Higher Medicare taxes

For those making over $200,000 ($250,000 if married), their Medicare taxes will go up on their wages and, for the first time, their investment income will be subject to a Medicare tax as well.

On wages: They will pay another 0.9 percentage points of Medicare tax on wage income over $200,000 ($250,000 if married). That's on top of the 1.45% Medicare tax that they must pay on all their wages (or 2.9% if they're self-employed).

So, for example, a single bank executive making $500,000 in wages - which is $300,000 above the applicable threshold - would have to pay an additional $2,700 in Medicare taxes (0.9% x $300,000)

Shit yeah I actually forgot about that one.  I was talking about the additional 3.8% surtax on Net Investment Income that's tacked on to the additional 5% to the top rate for qualified dividends and capital gains.  So the guy in your example.  his long term capital gains tax went from 15% to 23.8% in one year.

but yeah then they also added that .9% on to their wages over $200K....and they decreased phaseouts for itemized, and they decreased phaseouts for a bunch of credits.  but they didn't "increase taxes"........... but people are going to have to pay a bunch more in taxes. 

again.  the IRS will never come at us with an axe.  they will chip away at us with razor blades.

the problem is that when you look at each tax individually, you say "who cares?"  "it's so little"  but throw 10-15 of those "little taxes" together over a span of 10 years and you have some very large tax increases .


  • Getbig V
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Re: Top 20% of earners pay 84% of Fed taxes
« Reply #159 on: April 21, 2015, 03:41:43 PM »
Go back to Regan era rates and close some, if not all loopholes.  There it is.  Rocket science.


  • Getbig V
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  • Getbig!
Re: Top 20% of earners pay 84% of Fed taxes
« Reply #160 on: April 21, 2015, 05:28:33 PM »
Shit yeah I actually forgot about that one.  I was talking about the additional 3.8% surtax on Net Investment Income that's tacked on to the additional 5% to the top rate for qualified dividends and capital gains.  So the guy in your example.  his long term capital gains tax went from 15% to 23.8% in one year.

but yeah then they also added that .9% on to their wages over $200K....and they decreased phaseouts for itemized, and they decreased phaseouts for a bunch of credits.  but they didn't "increase taxes"........... but people are going to have to pay a bunch more in taxes. 

again.  the IRS will never come at us with an axe.  they will chip away at us with razor blades.

the problem is that when you look at each tax individually, you say "who cares?"  "it's so little"  but throw 10-15 of those "little taxes" together over a span of 10 years and you have some very large tax increases .

We often disagree but i like talking taxes with you. You seem to know your stuff.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Top 20% of earners pay 84% of Fed taxes
« Reply #161 on: April 22, 2015, 07:28:02 AM »
We often disagree but i like talking taxes with you. You seem to know your stuff.

thanks dude.