Author Topic: only atheists are allowed to post in this thread.  (Read 107588 times)


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #625 on: June 16, 2015, 07:25:35 AM »
I too have found, felt, heard NAVY MIKE, and he is amazing.  My yard has never looked better.   :D



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Man of Steel

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  • Isaiah40:28-31 ✝ Romans10:9 ✝ 1Peter3:15
Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #627 on: June 16, 2015, 06:11:03 PM »
Time for a little disclaimer: I am about to counter every single one of the Bible verses you quote with another Bible verse. This doesn't suggest that I accept the Bible - I do not. You, however, do. I am using these quotes to highlight that the book that you rely on is inconsistent and logically flawed.

That’s fine….I figured as much LOL!   Again I’m entering this discussion with Christian love so I’ll do my level best not to come across or be insulting because that isn’t my intention.

Not necessarily and that's not the way I used it. I don't think you're dishonest; in fact, I know that your beliefs are genuine even if you cannot rationally justify them. That's all fine and dandy. The problem is that you try to justify your beliefs by assertion. That's what I'm challenging.

I appreciate that you don’t consider me dishonest.  

My beliefs are grounded in Jesus Christ and scripture.  

If I speak confidently it’s because I boast only in Christ.  That doesn’t mean that I don’t make mistakes or learn new things though.

And yet, he does. See Exodus 32:14: "So the Lord changed His mind about the harm which He said He would do to His people." Even if you want the King James version, the change is still there - God repents. In the New King James version God relents. So clearly, God changes. And this is but one example.

No worries, I am unconcerned about the translation.  

There are several verses that note the idea of God changing his mind, but this doesn’t negate the immutability of his nature….he remains who he is.  

Those that belief in God and live for him are also in a relationship with him.   When the Lord “changes his mind” in scripture he does this for the sake of relationship with his body of believers.   He demonstrates that he acknowledges their will and choices.   God “changes his mind” within the scope of our finite existence so that we may grow in knowledge of him and increase in fellowship and relationship with him.  Was he already aware of this situation from his position of infinity?  Yes he was.    

Jeremiah 18:8 – “ if that nation against which I have spoken turns from its evil, I will relent concerning the calamity I planned to bring on it.”

God will do what is just and correct and merciful and gracious.  Within scripture he has demonstrated  that he will “change his mind” once we first come to him in repentance.  

You are defining divine to mean to have the quality of God or to be God, but we don't know what God is, so we have no idea of what that quality is.

Merriam-Webster dictionary:  Divine - 1
a :  of, relating to, or proceeding directly from God or a god <divine love>
b :  being a deity <the divine Savior>
c :  directed to a deity <divine worship>
a :  supremely good :  superb <the pie was divine>
b :  heavenly, godlike
— di•vine•ly adverb

So the nature of God is divinity….deity….supreme being….to be God.

God expresses that divine nature in a trinity of coequal, coeternal persons in Father, Son and Holy Spirit that serve different purposes.  God the Father and the Holy Spirit are divine in nature and are without flesh and bone (they are spirit), while God the Son in Jesus Christ has a dual nature of both divinity and humanity.  Humanity is the highest in God's creation and created with the image or qualities of God in that we can exhibit his love, grace, mercy, peace and judgment to one another.   Christ left the divine and entered into humanity and gave us the perfect example of God's image imprinted upon humanity.

So for me to understand how we're created in God's image we must look to Christ first and examine how he lived his life.  

Hebrews 1:1-3
1 Long ago God spoke many times and in many ways to our ancestors through the prophets. 2 And now in these final days, he has spoken to us through his Son. God promised everything to the Son as an inheritance, and through the Son he created the universe. 3 The Son radiates God’s own glory and expresses the very character of God, and he sustains everything by the mighty power of his command.

How does God’s nature function in a trinity?  I can’t comprehend it fully.

The “I am who I am” bit is a tautology and it's meaningless. You are you who you are. A rock is what it is is. It tells us nothing. You cite this is as having to do with divinity, but it tells us nothing.

So we’ve defined “divine” above….great….a god.

“I am” is not tautology… is God’s eternal name as given to Moses.   God’s church has given many names to God.

So again, God’s nature is divine…..he’s a god.  So picking up where you left off in Exodus 3:14-15,  God also said to Moses, “Say this to the people of Israel: Yahweh,  the God of your ancestors—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob—has sent me to you.  This is my eternal name, my name to remember for all generations.“

Again, you are using circular reasoning: The Bible is true because it's the word of God, and it tells us that God's years shall have no end. But even if you ignore the circular reasoning, this tells us little.  

The bible is true because it demonstrates the fulfillment of prophecy written hundreds and hundreds of years prior to the occurring of the prophetic event.

The bible is true because the risen Christ was attested to by many people and the apostles of Christ went to their deaths for him and today the Holy Spirit of God indwells believers.  

In seeking to know God in my own life I have followed through according to God’s terms as outlined in scripture and in doing so have experienced the reality of him in my life.   As I stated previously (, the promises of scripture continue to be fulfilled in me through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, the process of sanctification, the process of becoming a new creature in Christ, the complete change of perception, the joy of fellowship and worship experienced by believers.   I’ve experienced the love and goodness and God in my life.   Because of these things I have faith that his promises for the future will also be fulfilled.

Really? He was weary enough that he had to take a day off (Ex. 31:17).

What is the greater context of that passage?

God expresses his desire for how man should work and used his creative efforts as the platform to describe that……6 days work and 1 day for rest and worship.  

Did God actually “rest” or “become weary”?   No.  He merely ceased his creative efforts.   The notion of “rest” is applied so that man can understand and relate.   The language ascribes this action to God for that purpose.

Really? Exodus 15:11: "“Who is like you, O Lord, among the gods?" Also, Psalm 86:8: "Among the gods there is none like unto thee, O Lord."

These verses are actually affirmations of his uniqueness.   They don’t affirm the existence of other gods though.   Now, did man create all sorts of other gods?  Yes….Baal, Molech, Asherah are examples.   We already know this though.  

Except when one is also three: 1 John 5:7 "For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one." How is that possible? Who knows. But clearly there's more than one.

So now we’re diving into how God expresses his divine nature.    As noted above this expression is also quantified with a count of three or a trinity in Father, Son and Spirit.  Three expressions of his nature forming one God.

Clouds don't balance - that statement is meaningless.

The descriptive language can often be poetic in form.   Although calling it meaningless doesn’t make it so.  

This entire thing tells us nothing about omniscience. What's "perfect knowledge"? What does that even mean? I've asked you this before.

It’s total knowledge….all knowledge….complete knowledge.

Clearly it can't mean omniscience: Otherwise, why would God need to come down to Sodom and Gomorrah himself to see and know what was going on. (Gen. 18:20-21)? Or not know what the Israelites were up to when they "made princes" (Hos. 8:4)?

God engages with us for our benefit.   Again the moment we ask why “God needs” we are in error.   God interacts with his creation for the sake of the creation.

God often acts like a parent does with his child and helps lead that child to a specific conclusion or to teach a life lesson.

As far as Hosea 8:4 goes I’ve read the passage before of course, but honestly I neither remember the verse nor do I remember the surrounding context.   I belief the crux will be the word “know”.   I’ve learned about the use of “know” from the Greek, but don’t know if that is appropriate here.   Gotta study that out a bit.

As far as Genesis 18:20-21, this is an unusual literary device used by Moses to setup up the exchange between God and Abraham.  I hesitate to call it anthropomorphic language though, but it does still humanize God.  It establishes God’s purposes for making a face-to-face encounter with Abraham (via the pre-incarnate Christ).   We understand that God already knew because of verse 20 in which he states “The outcry of Sodom and Gomorrah is indeed great, and their sin is exceedingly grave.”    It’s the actual exchange between Abraham and God that follows which is the heart of the passage.   Man pleads with God to show mercy and God responds in kind.  

It's a pity you have things like Jude 4: "For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation."

And let's not forget 2 Thes. 2:11-12: "God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned."

So much for free will...

These passages don’t speak of a denial of free will.   They speak of condemnation and punishment of the wicked.

Ok, so Jude 1:4, this verse and surrounding scripture deals with false teachers of the gospel.   It’s actually more of a fulfillment of prophetic scripture.   Christ warned of this behavior during his ministry in Matthew 7 when he spoke of the coming of false prophets.   Even further back we see mention of false teachers outlined in Isaiah 8 written hundreds and hundreds of years before the gospel came to fruition.   So the passage “of old ordained to this condemnation” does not speak of God predetermining (or forcing) these folks to engage in such behavior before time began, but it does reference that God has already condemned such actions in much earlier scripture.  

2 Thessalonians 2:11-12, deals with the coming of the anti-Christ and those whom will follow him in lawlessness and direct defiance of God.   You quote the verses 11 and 12 with no context and a text without a context is a just a pretext.   Verses 11 and 12 deal with the judgment and punishment for those who align themselves with this “deception of wickedness”.  As punishment for ignoring the truth of God and aligning themselves with the demonic, God gives them over to their wicked desires permanently.   We already know that the unpardonable sin is blaspheming the Holy Spirit and the example given in scripture was attributing the works of the Holy Spirit to the demonic.   That said there can be no alignment between God’s goodness and the evil of the demonic.   What we see repeated in scripture is that once people have willfully chosen to align themselves with evil and the demonic (thereby coming into the fullness of their sin) that God pronounces judgment upon them in scripture.  

What I’ve repeatedly asked others critical of God’s judgments (and who never answer) is why they feel so much compassion for the reprobate, the twisted evil of pharaoh, the pagan nations who sacrificed live babies  and those who willfully aligned themselves with the evil of the demonic?    They engage in this evil behavior and God pronounces judgment upon them and suddenly these critics begin shaking their fists at God and seemingly forget the horrific acts of these people.

Why is that?

Your definitions were flawed or insufficient.

I already knew  you were aware of them and they aren’t changing so I didn’t bother posting them.

In the end it’s just your opinion and you have every right to it.    Although calling something “flawed or insufficient” doesn’t make it so.

Sure - a substitution of words. But why is it irrational or impossible when the word is "pink unicorn" but somehow possible when the word is "god"? I'll tell you why: because you are allowing your belief to cloud your rational judgement.

I can lead you to God, but you can’t lead me to the pink unicorn.

You speak so confidently and often in absolutes on matters of faith and God yet have no experience whatsoever.  

What makes your opinions on such matters so valuable?   Your tone of voice?  Your handwaving?  

Foreknowledge can be bening - there's nothing bad with foreknowledge. The problem - which you're failing to address - is how does inerrant foreknowledge co-exist with free will. The answer is that it does not. You can have one or the other. You CANNOT have both.

You’re inventing a concept that isn’t there.   Foreknowledge is a facet of total knowledge (omniscience).   I know you’re clinging valiantly to the notion that it’s impossible to for God to already know everything  including our free choices because if our choices are truly free God can’t be allowed to know about them.    You need this notion to be correct for the sake of the argument…I get that.    Further, you want to be completely self-governed….to be completely autonomous with no influence from God whatsoever.   Yet you are still subject to God’s law and his divine attributes and because of that you  claim “incompatibility” between total knowledge and free will and claim that what humanity has is an “illusion of free will”.   I get the argument.

I respectfully disagree.  And as I’ve noted total knowledge is just total knowledge…it’s benign.   Total knowledge is not total knowledge less knowledge of humanity’s choices…..that would be less than total knowledge.     You insert “incompatibility” into the discussion so you can arrive at the “illusion of free will”.   If you want to stick with that then by all means do so.   I can’t counter it because it’s your opinion and you can adjust it as necessary for the sake of the argument.

No, rationality is not subjective. If your presupposition is that God is real, that doesn't make God rational or real.  

So what is rationality?   A state of reasonableness or ability to reason.   It’s also defined as a rational opinion or belief.

How do we reason?  Using the available data and our experiences is the typical method.

We like to pretend that rationality is completely objective, but it is only from within our individual worldviews that we rationalize.  

What if worldviews conflict?  Am I irrational and you’re rational?  

It's not benign to my choice. If God knows I'm going to choose to have pizza tonight and that knowledge is inerrant, I don't have any choice: it's pizza. I only have the illusion of choice.

Again, God’s knowledge is complete although honestly I haven’t seen the term inerrant inconjunction with omniscience.  I’m not saying it’s never been stated as such I just don’t recall seeing that.  

Now, God knows all things past, present and future.   His foreknowledge is not “force”knowledge….it doesn’t force your choices or his will upon you.   If you want pizza ,then you eat pizza.   His foreknowledge is inerrant only because he’s aware of the definite choices you will make.   Above you said foreknowledge can be benign and now you’re saying it can’t be benign to your choice.  It’s the notion of inerrancy that appears to force your choice.   Problem is that inerrancy is a concept, not an action.

Explain to me how God knowing you’ll eat pizza and only pizza because he knows you made the choice to eat pizza is forcing you to eat pizza?    Where did God exercise his power to control your choice?    

I'm open to his will, if I can be convinced that (a) he exists and (b) that his will is what you claim it is.

Now you’ve made it clear you won’t engage in faith or according to his terms as outlined in scripture.  

You reduce my testimony to delusion.   You deny scripture.   And an act of prayer would initially be an act of faith.

As much as I’d like for you to know God you refuse his requirements and demand your own instead.   God don’t do demands.  

God reveals himself to folks that humbly come unto him first.    

You understand tautologies? If that's true, why say: "Total knowledge is total knowledge." That's a meaningless and completely vacuous statement. And, with respect, it's not something we're both doing.

If total knowledge is 100% knowledge can it still be total knowledge if it’s 99% knowledge?   Can total knowledge be 110%?   Don’t know how it could be greater than or less than the 100%.

Of course not, only the theist is ever in error LOL!!  

Through the scripture - so how's that different from the previous point.

Not really different, just indicates that Christ attests to it specifically in scripture.

When you can provide observable, quantifiable evidence that the Holy Spirit spirit exists and indwells believes me know.

The Holy Spirit manifests himself to those who belief, not those who do not.  

You have my testimony to consider.   You have the testimony of others believers to consider as well.  

Great - there's not argument there. You have had a direct, personal revelation. That's perfectly fine and, in fact, logically unassailable. But only when it comes to your belief; that direct personal revelation you had is meaningless to anyone other than you. For all we know, you're hearing voices.

Well, it’s meaningless to you, but not to other people who have been lead to Christ.

Tell that to children slaughtered for the iniquity of their fathers (Isaiah 14:21). And to Eli's descendants (1 Samuel 3:12-13).

So once again, as noted above, in Isaiah and Samuel we see God pronouncing judgment upon “evildoers” and “workers of iniquity” and critics of God shake their fists at him when he punishes evil.    

We already have specific examples from the Amalakites, Canaanites and the pre-deluge world that indulged in horrific, reprobate behavior.   Older generations corrupting the next generation and so forth…….slowly generation after generation becomes steeped in sin and falls away from God.   In the fullness of sin God steps forth and says enough.  “They must not arise and take possession of the earth and fill the face of the world with cities.”  

He gave these pagan nations hundreds of years to engage in repentance, but instead they chose defiance and evil.   They lead their children out of innocence and taught them evil.  They removed God’s law and promises from their children and replaced it with evil.   And yet, we complain about God.  

There are no innocents according to the Bible. Your warm and fuzzy feelings about reunions in heaven aside.

Already proved this out in scripture……sorry, you are wrong.

Except the little children that are cursed in the name of God (2 Kings 2:23-24).

It’s been awhile since I’ve discussed this infamous verse.   Elisha and the little children that were destroyed by bears for simply teasing Elisha.   The “little children” of this passage are also translated as “youths”, “young men” and “young lads”.

This was a gang of 42 youths anywhere from ages 12-20 (based on previous readings I’ve done) that exclaimed “go up Baldy!” to Elisha.   Elisha’s predecessor Elijah had just “gone up” via the flaming chariot and they wanted Elisha “gone up” too (which from my previous reading can indicate wanting him “cast out” or “to die”).   This gang was organized with bad intentions  and their exclamation although seemingly harmless in our culture today meant something more threatening then.  

The KJV translation states “little children” to which readers today immediately associate with a “happy daycare class of 42 5-year olds playfully teasing Elisha calling him ‘baldy’ .  Then wicked ole Elisha cursed the blessed little ones and they were destroyed by bears.”   The bears were sent to protect God’s messenger from impending harm by a organized gang of youths set on bad intentions.

Let me remind Jesus of Psalm 137:9: "Happy is the one who takes your babies and smashes them against the rocks!"

Oh yes, the infamous “dashing babies against the rocks” psalm.   Sounds horrific and it is.   So what’s the context of the psalm?  

The context is captivity of God’s chosen people by Babylon.   The Israelites were again enslaved and tortured…..the psalmist notes that they were “tormented”.

Within this psalm the psalmist is expressing tremendous anger towards Babylon and hopes for an equally horrific end to the Babylonian people.  

Because these feelings are included in scripture does that mean the idea of dashing/smashing babies on rocks is approved by God?   Not at all.

Is the psalmist angry?  You bet.   Is the psalmist justified in his anger?   You bet.   Are the desired acts of vengeance justified?  Nope.

We already discussed scripture that outlines how cherished children are to Christ and their placement in his kingdom….they are deemed the greatest.

The moment we entertain the notion of what “God needs” we’re in error.  


Man of Steel

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  • Isaiah40:28-31 ✝ Romans10:9 ✝ 1Peter3:15
Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #628 on: June 16, 2015, 06:25:57 PM »
You asked me to highlight the logical fallacies in your argument. I did. Don't complain.

I did and your application of said fallacies was inappropriate as they were based upon your atheistic worldview.   You simply fallacy shopped when our worldviews conflicted. 

That's a non-sequitur, yes. That slapping a police officer might mean jail, therefore "slapping" God means eternal punishment is also a non-sequitur.

That was not what I outlined.   I used “slapping” as an example of an offense.  It’s the individual getting slapped that’s the crux.   There will be different degrees of punishment for slapping different individuals.

NO. This has nothing to do with worldviews and presuppositions. You assume the very thing that you are trying to prove. This is a logical fallacy. You may not like this, but it is.

From your atheistic worldview you deem my position about God an “assumption” and then apply the claim of logical fallacy. 

What does it mean to break the law in the infinite?

My clumsy way of saying we break God’s law….God is infinite and so is his law.

In other words, we anthropomorphize God when it's convenient and we don't when it's not.

We use anthropomorphic language to align divine attributes alongside human attributes.   We attempt to make God more relatable and understandable to humanity.

Well then, you, who do have a relationship with God, should be able to quickly and conclusively disprove every single one of those statements...

I can lead you right to God, but you won’t follow.


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #629 on: June 16, 2015, 06:32:24 PM »
That’s fine….I figured as much LOL!   Again I’m entering this discussion with Christian love so I’ll do my level best not to come across or be insulting because that isn’t my intention.

I appreciate that you don’t consider me dishonest.  

My beliefs are grounded in Jesus Christ and scripture.  

If I speak confidently it’s because I boast only in Christ.  That doesn’t mean that I don’t make mistakes or learn new things though.

No worries, I am unconcerned about the translation.  

There are several verses that note the idea of God changing his mind, but this doesn’t negate the immutability of his nature….he remains who he is.  

Those that belief in God and live for him are also in a relationship with him.   When the Lord “changes his mind” in scripture he does this for the sake of relationship with his body of believers.   He demonstrates that he acknowledges their will and choices.   God “changes his mind” within the scope of our finite existence so that we may grow in knowledge of him and increase in fellowship and relationship with him.  Was he already aware of this situation from his position of infinity?  Yes he was.    

Jeremiah 18:8 – “ if that nation against which I have spoken turns from its evil, I will relent concerning the calamity I planned to bring on it.”

God will do what is just and correct and merciful and gracious.  Within scripture he has demonstrated  that he will “change his mind” once we first come to him in repentance.  

Merriam-Webster dictionary:  Divine - 1
a :  of, relating to, or proceeding directly from God or a god <divine love>
b :  being a deity <the divine Savior>
c :  directed to a deity <divine worship>
a :  supremely good :  superb <the pie was divine>
b :  heavenly, godlike
— di•vine•ly adverb

So the nature of God is divinity….deity….supreme being….to be God.

God expresses that divine nature in a trinity of coequal, coeternal persons in Father, Son and Holy Spirit that serve different purposes.  God the Father and the Holy Spirit are divine in nature and are without flesh and bone (they are spirit), while God the Son in Jesus Christ has a dual nature of both divinity and humanity.  Humanity is the highest in God's creation and created with the image or qualities of God in that we can exhibit his love, grace, mercy, peace and judgment to one another.   Christ left the divine and entered into humanity and gave us the perfect example of God's image imprinted upon humanity.

So for me to understand how we're created in God's image we must look to Christ first and examine how he lived his life.  

Hebrews 1:1-3
1 Long ago God spoke many times and in many ways to our ancestors through the prophets. 2 And now in these final days, he has spoken to us through his Son. God promised everything to the Son as an inheritance, and through the Son he created the universe. 3 The Son radiates God’s own glory and expresses the very character of God, and he sustains everything by the mighty power of his command.

How does God’s nature function in a trinity?  I can’t comprehend it fully.

So we’ve defined “divine” above….great….a god.

“I am” is not tautology… is God’s eternal name as given to Moses.   God’s church has given many names to God.

So again, God’s nature is divine…..he’s a god.  So picking up where you left off in Exodus 3:14-15,  God also said to Moses, “Say this to the people of Israel: Yahweh,  the God of your ancestors—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob—has sent me to you.  This is my eternal name, my name to remember for all generations.“

The bible is true because it demonstrates the fulfillment of prophecy written hundreds and hundreds of years prior to the occurring of the prophetic event.

The bible is true because the risen Christ was attested to by many people and the apostles of Christ went to their deaths for him and today the Holy Spirit of God indwells believers.  

In seeking to know God in my own life I have followed through according to God’s terms as outlined in scripture and in doing so have experienced the reality of him in my life.   As I stated previously (, the promises of scripture continue to be fulfilled in me through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, the process of sanctification, the process of becoming a new creature in Christ, the complete change of perception, the joy of fellowship and worship experienced by believers.   I’ve experienced the love and goodness and God in my life.   Because of these things I have faith that his promises for the future will also be fulfilled.

What is the greater context of that passage?

God expresses his desire for how man should work and used his creative efforts as the platform to describe that……6 days work and 1 day for rest and worship.  

Did God actually “rest” or “become weary”?   No.  He merely ceased his creative efforts.   The notion of “rest” is applied so that man can understand and relate.   The language ascribes this action to God for that purpose.

These verses are actually affirmations of his uniqueness.   They don’t affirm the existence of other gods though.   Now, did man create all sorts of other gods?  Yes….Baal, Molech, Asherah are examples.   We already know this though.  

So now we’re diving into how God expresses his divine nature.    As noted above this expression is also quantified with a count of three or a trinity in Father, Son and Spirit.  Three expressions of his nature forming one God.

The descriptive language can often be poetic in form.   Although calling it meaningless doesn’t make it so.  

It’s total knowledge….all knowledge….complete knowledge.

God engages with us for our benefit.   Again the moment we ask why “God needs” we are in error.   God interacts with his creation for the sake of the creation.

God often acts like a parent does with his child and helps lead that child to a specific conclusion or to teach a life lesson.

As far as Hosea 8:4 goes I’ve read the passage before of course, but honestly I neither remember the verse nor do I remember the surrounding context.   I belief the crux will be the word “know”.   I’ve learned about the use of “know” from the Greek, but don’t know if that is appropriate here.   Gotta study that out a bit.

As far as Genesis 18:20-21, this is an unusual literary device used by Moses to setup up the exchange between God and Abraham.  I hesitate to call it anthropomorphic language though, but it does still humanize God.  It establishes God’s purposes for making a face-to-face encounter with Abraham (via the pre-incarnate Christ).   We understand that God already knew because of verse 20 in which he states “The outcry of Sodom and Gomorrah is indeed great, and their sin is exceedingly grave.”    It’s the actual exchange between Abraham and God that follows which is the heart of the passage.   Man pleads with God to show mercy and God responds in kind.  

These passages don’t speak of a denial of free will.   They speak of condemnation and punishment of the wicked.

Ok, so Jude 1:4, this verse and surrounding scripture deals with false teachers of the gospel.   It’s actually more of a fulfillment of prophetic scripture.   Christ warned of this behavior during his ministry in Matthew 7 when he spoke of the coming of false prophets.   Even further back we see mention of false teachers outlined in Isaiah 8 written hundreds and hundreds of years before the gospel came to fruition.   So the passage “of old ordained to this condemnation” does not speak of God predetermining (or forcing) these folks to engage in such behavior before time began, but it does reference that God has already condemned such actions in much earlier scripture.  

2 Thessalonians 2:11-12, deals with the coming of the anti-Christ and those whom will follow him in lawlessness and direct defiance of God.   You quote the verses 11 and 12 with no context and a text without a context is a just a pretext.   Verses 11 and 12 deal with the judgment and punishment for those who align themselves with this “deception of wickedness”.  As punishment for ignoring the truth of God and aligning themselves with the demonic, God gives them over to their wicked desires permanently.   We already know that the unpardonable sin is blaspheming the Holy Spirit and the example given in scripture was attributing the works of the Holy Spirit to the demonic.   That said there can be no alignment between God’s goodness and the evil of the demonic.   What we see repeated in scripture is that once people have willfully chosen to align themselves with evil and the demonic (thereby coming into the fullness of their sin) that God pronounces judgment upon them in scripture.  

What I’ve repeatedly asked others critical of God’s judgments (and who never answer) is why they feel so much compassion for the reprobate, the twisted evil of pharaoh, the pagan nations who sacrificed live babies  and those who willfully aligned themselves with the evil of the demonic?    They engage in this evil behavior and God pronounces judgment upon them and suddenly these critics begin shaking their fists at God and seemingly forget the horrific acts of these people.

Why is that?

I already knew  you were aware of them and they aren’t changing so I didn’t bother posting them.

In the end it’s just your opinion and you have every right to it.    Although calling something “flawed or insufficient” doesn’t make it so.

I can lead you to God, but you can’t lead me to the pink unicorn.

You speak so confidently and often in absolutes on matters of faith and God yet have no experience whatsoever.  

What makes your opinions on such matters so valuable?   Your tone of voice?  Your handwaving?  

You’re inventing a concept that isn’t there.   Foreknowledge is a facet of total knowledge (omniscience).   I know you’re clinging valiantly to the notion that it’s impossible to for God to already know everything  including our free choices because if our choices are truly free God can’t be allowed to know about them.    You need this notion to be correct for the sake of the argument…I get that.    Further, you want to be completely self-governed….to be completely autonomous with no influence from God whatsoever.   Yet you are still subject to God’s law and his divine attributes and because of that you  claim “incompatibility” between total knowledge and free will and claim that what humanity has is an “illusion of free will”.   I get the argument.

I respectfully disagree.  And as I’ve noted total knowledge is just total knowledge…it’s benign.   Total knowledge is not total knowledge less knowledge of humanity’s choices…..that would be less than total knowledge.     You insert “incompatibility” into the discussion so you can arrive at the “illusion of free will”.   If you want to stick with that then by all means do so.   I can’t counter it because it’s your opinion and you can adjust it as necessary for the sake of the argument.

So what is rationality?   A state of reasonableness or ability to reason.   It’s also defined as a rational opinion or belief.

How do we reason?  Using the available data and our experiences is the typical method.

We like to pretend that rationality is completely objective, but it is only from within our individual worldviews that we rationalize.  

What if worldviews conflict?  Am I irrational and you’re rational?  

Again, God’s knowledge is complete although honestly I haven’t seen the term inerrant inconjunction with omniscience.  I’m not saying it’s never been stated as such I just don’t recall seeing that.  

Now, God knows all things past, present and future.   His foreknowledge is not “force”knowledge….it doesn’t force your choices or his will upon you.   If you want pizza ,then you eat pizza.   His foreknowledge is inerrant only because he’s aware of the definite choices you will make.   Above you said foreknowledge can be benign and now you’re saying it can’t be benign to your choice.  It’s the notion of inerrancy that appears to force your choice.   Problem is that inerrancy is a concept, not an action.

Explain to me how God knowing you’ll eat pizza and only pizza because he knows you made the choice to eat pizza is forcing you to eat pizza?    Where did God exercise his power to control your choice?    

Now you’ve made it clear you won’t engage in faith or according to his terms as outlined in scripture.  

You reduce my testimony to delusion.   You deny scripture.   And an act of prayer would initially be an act of faith.

As much as I’d like for you to know God you refuse his requirements and demand your own instead.   God don’t do demands.  

God reveals himself to folks that humbly come unto him first.    

If total knowledge is 100% knowledge can it still be total knowledge if it’s 99% knowledge?   Can total knowledge be 110%?   Don’t know how it could be greater than or less than the 100%.

Of course not, only the theist is ever in error LOL!!  

Not really different, just indicates that Christ attests to it specifically in scripture.

The Holy Spirit manifests himself to those who belief, not those who do not.  

You have my testimony to consider.   You have the testimony of others believers to consider as well.  

Well, it’s meaningless to you, but not to other people who have been lead to Christ.

So once again, as noted above, in Isaiah and Samuel we see God pronouncing judgment upon “evildoers” and “workers of iniquity” and critics of God shake their fists at him when he punishes evil.    

We already have specific examples from the Amalakites, Canaanites and the pre-deluge world that indulged in horrific, reprobate behavior.   Older generations corrupting the next generation and so forth…….slowly generation after generation becomes steeped in sin and falls away from God.   In the fullness of sin God steps forth and says enough.  “They must not arise and take possession of the earth and fill the face of the world with cities.”  

He gave these pagan nations hundreds of years to engage in repentance, but instead they chose defiance and evil.   They lead their children out of innocence and taught them evil.  They removed God’s law and promises from their children and replaced it with evil.   And yet, we complain about God.  

Already proved this out in scripture……sorry, you are wrong.

It’s been awhile since I’ve discussed this infamous verse.   Elisha and the little children that were destroyed by bears for simply teasing Elisha.   The “little children” of this passage are also translated as “youths”, “young men” and “young lads”.

This was a gang of 42 youths anywhere from ages 12-20 (based on previous readings I’ve done) that exclaimed “go up Baldy!” to Elisha.   Elisha’s predecessor Elijah had just “gone up” via the flaming chariot and they wanted Elisha “gone up” too (which from my previous reading can indicate wanting him “cast out” or “to die”).   This gang was organized with bad intentions  and their exclamation although seemingly harmless in our culture today meant something more threatening then.  

The KJV translation states “little children” to which readers today immediately associate with a “happy daycare class of 42 5-year olds playfully teasing Elisha calling him ‘baldy’ .  Then wicked ole Elisha cursed the blessed little ones and they were destroyed by bears.”   The bears were sent to protect God’s messenger from impending harm by a organized gang of youths set on bad intentions.

Oh yes, the infamous “dashing babies against the rocks” psalm.   Sounds horrific and it is.   So what’s the context of the psalm?  

The context is captivity of God’s chosen people by Babylon.   The Israelites were again enslaved and tortured…..the psalmist notes that they were “tormented”.

Within this psalm the psalmist is expressing tremendous anger towards Babylon and hopes for an equally horrific end to the Babylonian people.  

Because these feelings are included in scripture does that mean the idea of dashing/smashing babies on rocks is approved by God?   Not at all.

Is the psalmist angry?  You bet.   Is the psalmist justified in his anger?   You bet.   Are the desired acts of vengeance justified?  Nope.

We already discussed scripture that outlines how cherished children are to Christ and their placement in his kingdom….they are deemed the greatest.


Zakara did what he had to do with the wingspan of limited effort.

The caesarian way and style of meddling and improving things surely seemed like the true and may be ONLY resort for such an advantage.

The first "rider" (or should we say proponent?) engaged, and then the second, in this vile concoction of wills.

Apocalyptic or not, the true manifest was made, and it was clear, black baggery was a real effort as a means of settling it in a non-provokative manner without a dispute nor a premonition of strife and struggle.

They both knew where everything was heading as soon as they stepped inside the cage, it was a hellbound ride to the sauna...

The "mistique" is here to stay, be it now or never...

It's the Afterlife alright.

And yes, we should always (vis-a-vis) stay in the same boat among those other sordid predicaments where it may or may not flutter.

The one that tries, will, of course gain what is needed in this time and age.

The religion is one thing though, make no mistake about that.

It gets thought of many many times, always trying to improve.


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 5607
  • Iron Pumping University Math Professor
Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #630 on: June 16, 2015, 08:37:13 PM »
There are several verses that note the idea of God changing his mind, but this doesn’t negate the immutability of his nature….he remains who he is.

You say that God never changes, then when I show you a bit from the Bible where God changes, you now pretend that this change doesn't count and somehow God doesn't change...

Those that belief in God and live for him are also in a relationship with him.   When the Lord “changes his mind” in scripture he does this for the sake of relationship with his body of believers.   He demonstrates that he acknowledges their will and choices.   God “changes his mind” within the scope of our finite existence so that we may grow in knowledge of him and increase in fellowship and relationship with him.  Was he already aware of this situation from his position of infinity?  Yes he was.

It's simple: you assert that your God is immutable; when evidence that he's not is provided you pretend that this is somehow not an issue and pretend that "immutable" means something other than "immutable."

So the nature of God is divinity….deity….supreme being….to be God.

Circular definition.

How does God’s nature function in a trinity?  I can’t comprehend it fully.

If you can't comprehend and explain it, don't talk about it.

So we’ve defined “divine” above….great….a god.

The dictionary definition you provided doesn't help: how can I distinguish something divine from something not divine?

“I am” is not tautology… is God’s eternal name as given to Moses.   God’s church has given many names to God.

"I am who I am" is a tautology. When you claim that "I am" is God's name, you're arguing semantics. But even if we accept that "I am" is the name, it's still meaningless. How is "I am" different from "Chuck"? It's not.

So again, God’s nature is divine…..he’s a god.

God is a god... got it ::)

So picking up where you left off in Exodus 3:14-15,  God also said to Moses, “Say this to the people of Israel: Yahweh,  the God of your ancestors—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob—has sent me to you.  This is my eternal name, my name to remember for all generations.“

All of which tells us nothing quantifiable about God.

The bible is true because it demonstrates the fulfillment of prophecy written hundreds and hundreds of years prior to the occurring of the prophetic event.

No it doesn't! Come on...

The bible is true because the risen Christ was attested to by many people and the apostles of Christ went to their deaths for him and today the Holy Spirit of God indwells believers.

"The Bible is true because a lot of people say it's true!"  ::)

Did God actually “rest” or “become weary”?   No.  He merely ceased his creative efforts.   The notion of “rest” is applied so that man can understand and relate.   The language ascribes this action to God for that purpose.

How do you know he didn't become weary? He explicitly says he did... if this perfect, divine God wanted to say "I am ceasing my creative efforts" why would he not say that? Also "efforts"? Really? God needs to exert effort?

These verses are actually affirmations of his uniqueness.   They don’t affirm the existence of other gods though.   Now, did man create all sorts of other gods?  Yes….Baal, Molech, Asherah are examples.   We already know this though.

Right... all these "other" gods references are man made. Your God isn't. What a joke.

The descriptive language can often be poetic in form.   Although calling it meaningless doesn’t make it so.

Right... "poetic in form." Next, stay tuned for God's new album "Interstellar Haiku Master" featuring MC JC...

It’s total knowledge….all knowledge….complete knowledge.

You cannot have complete knowledge and free will. It's one or the other.

God engages with us for our benefit.   Again the moment we ask why “God needs” we are in error.   God interacts with his creation for the sake of the creation.

Except when he creates those of us who won't choose salvation - those whose hearts he hardens. Right?

God often acts like a parent does with his child and helps lead that child to a specific conclusion or to teach a life lesson.

There you go, anthropomorphizing God again.

As far as Hosea 8:4 goes I’ve read the passage before of course, but honestly I neither remember the verse nor do I remember the surrounding context.   I belief the crux will be the word “know”.   I’ve learned about the use of “know” from the Greek, but don’t know if that is appropriate here.   Gotta study that out a bit.

Looking forward to talking about it.

As far as Genesis 18:20-21, this is an unusual literary device used by Moses to setup up the exchange between God and Abraham.  I hesitate to call it anthropomorphic language though, but it does still humanize God.  It establishes God’s purposes for making a face-to-face encounter with Abraham (via the pre-incarnate Christ).   We understand that God already knew because of verse 20 in which he states “The outcry of Sodom and Gomorrah is indeed great, and their sin is exceedingly grave.”    It’s the actual exchange between Abraham and God that follows which is the heart of the passage.   Man pleads with God to show mercy and God responds in kind.

A literary device... I'm detecting a pattern here. Whenever something from the Bible doesn't fit your worldview, it's not meant to be literal - it's poetic form, or a literary device, or a parable, or any number of things. The Bible is the inerrant word of God and perfectly says what it means by divine inspiration, except when it doesn't and interpretation is required.

Come on...

These passages don’t speak of a denial of free will.   They speak of condemnation and punishment of the wicked.

Transparent apologetics aside, the plain reading of the text is crystal clear: there are those "WHO WERE BEFORE OF OLD ORDAINED TO THIS CONDEMNATION". And this speak of a denial of free will? You do know what ordained means, right? Also, God sending people delusions causing them to believe a lie and to be damned is free will?

What I’ve repeatedly asked others critical of God’s judgments (and who never answer) is why they feel so much compassion for the reprobate, the twisted evil of pharaoh, the pagan nations who sacrificed live babies  and those who willfully aligned themselves with the evil of the demonic?    They engage in this evil behavior and God pronounces judgment upon them and suddenly these critics begin shaking their fists at God and seemingly forget the horrific acts of these people.

Why is that?

It has nothing to do with compassion, and everything to do with logic.

I can lead you to God, but you can’t lead me to the pink unicorn.

No, you can't lead me to God. All you can do is say: "if you believe what I say is true, then you'll know what I say is true." But if I believe it to be true, the question becomes moot. Your God is no more real than the pink unicorn in my example. I am challenging you outright: provide me with one shred of objective, quantifiable, incontrovertible evidence to the contrary. Surely you can do that if you could lead me to him.

You speak so confidently and often in absolutes on matters of faith and God yet have no experience whatsoever.  

My confidence comes from an intimate knowledge of the Bible and extensive thought on the topic of deities in general and the Christian deity in particular.

What makes your opinions on such matters so valuable?   Your tone of voice?  Your handwaving?

I don't think my opinions are valuable. They're merely grounded in logic.

You’re inventing a concept that isn’t there.   Foreknowledge is a facet of total knowledge (omniscience).   I know you’re clinging valiantly to the notion that it’s impossible to for God to already know everything  including our free choices because if our choices are truly free God can’t be allowed to know about them.    You need this notion to be correct for the sake of the argument…I get that.    Further, you want to be completely self-governed….to be completely autonomous with no influence from God whatsoever.   Yet you are still subject to God’s law and his divine attributes and because of that you  claim “incompatibility” between total knowledge and free will and claim that what humanity has is an “illusion of free will”.   I get the argument.

You have invented this "total knowledge" bit and try to claim that it's equal to omniscience and, at the same time, compatible with free will. If you claim your God inerrantly knows the choice I will make in every decision I will ever be faced with, then the question "is my choice really free" is perfectly legitimate. And yet you keep evading it.

I respectfully disagree.  And as I’ve noted total knowledge is just total knowledge…it’s benign.   Total knowledge is not total knowledge less knowledge of humanity’s choices…..that would be less than total knowledge.     You insert “incompatibility” into the discussion so you can arrive at the “illusion of free will”.   If you want to stick with that then by all means do so.   I can’t counter it because it’s your opinion and you can adjust it as necessary for the sake of the argument.

Disagree all you want. Whether this "total knowledge" is "benign" or not - whatever that means - is irrelevant. Knowledge, by itself, is neither good nor bad; neither benign nor malignant. The question is if God knows the outcome of every choice, then, when the time comes for you to make a choice, is that choice freely made?

So what is rationality?   A state of reasonableness or ability to reason.   It’s also defined as a rational opinion or belief.

Wikipedia offers a great explanation: "Rationality is the quality or state of being reasonable, based on facts or reason. Rationality implies the conformity of one's beliefs with one's reasons to believe, or of one's actions with one's reasons for action."

How do we reason?  Using the available data and our experiences is the typical method.

Also, the basic rules of logic.

We like to pretend that rationality is completely objective, but it is only from within our individual worldviews that we rationalize.

What if worldviews conflict?  Am I irrational and you’re rational?

Maybe, maybe not. We look at our worldviews and decide. You claim we should believe in an invisible, supernatural deity that one must come to know only in a limited fashion and only supernaturally and you can't even present a consistent definition, much less evidence. I claim that we should not believe in things which are not proven or defined.

Which one of us is rational? I'll remind you that when I mentioned a magic invisible pink unicorn that shared all the attributes of your God, you claimed that was irrational.

Again, God’s knowledge is complete although honestly I haven’t seen the term inerrant inconjunction with omniscience.  I’m not saying it’s never been stated as such I just don’t recall seeing that.

Omniscience presupposes inerrancy. If God knows I'll choose to eat lasagna but I choose to eat pizza instead, then he's not omniscient.

Now, God knows all things past, present and future.   His foreknowledge is not “force”knowledge….it doesn’t force your choices or his will upon you.   If you want pizza ,then you eat pizza.   His foreknowledge is inerrant only because he’s aware of the definite choices you will make.   Above you said foreknowledge can be benign and now you’re saying it can’t be benign to your choice.  It’s the notion of inerrancy that appears to force your choice.   Problem is that inerrancy is a concept, not an action.

If God knows what I'll choose for dinner as soon as I hit post and God knows all things past, present and future, then he knows what I'll be having for dinner before I do. If he knows I'll choose pizza, does that mean I can't decide anything other than pizza?

Explain to me how God knowing you’ll eat pizza and only pizza because he knows you made the choice to eat pizza is forcing you to eat pizza?    Where did God exercise his power to control your choice?

God knows I'll choose pizza for dinner. If I choose something else, then God was wrong and we know by your definition that that doesn't happen. So my only choice for tonight is pizza. Is that not exercising control over my choice? Remember, God knew my decision, say, a million years go, before I could have possibly made it.

Now you’ve made it clear you won’t engage in faith or according to his terms as outlined in scripture.

You are right - I refuse to accept something which is irrational on its face on faith.

You reduce my testimony to delusion.   You deny scripture.   And an act of prayer would initially be an act of faith.

No, I openly admit that your personal experience is meaningful to you. I openly admit that if you have received knowledge of God in a supernatural way then you can and should act on that knowledge. But your personal experiences and knowledge aren't sufficient for me.

As much as I’d like for you to know God you refuse his requirements and demand your own instead.   God don’t do demands.

I'm only doing what he put me on this earth to do, right? There's a plan for everyone, right?

God reveals himself to folks that humbly come unto him first.

My pink unicorn does the same.

If total knowledge is 100% knowledge can it still be total knowledge if it’s 99% knowledge?   Can total knowledge be 110%?   Don’t know how it could be greater than or less than the 100%.

Of course not, only the theist is ever in error LOL!!

I openly admit the possibility that I can be wrong, about a great many things. I am curious about something: do you think that it's possible that you're wrong about God?

Well, it’s meaningless to you, but not to other people who have been lead to Christ.

No, the personal revelation you experienced is meaningless to anyone other than you. It can't be challenged or proven. Others, who choose to take the leap of faith, may also get a personal revelation, although one must wonder: what good is a personal revelation once faith is involved?

It’s been awhile since I’ve discussed this infamous verse.   Elisha and the little children that were destroyed by bears for simply teasing Elisha.   The “little children” of this passage are also translated as “youths”, “young men” and “young lads”.

Well, that makes a lot of difference!

This was a gang of 42 youths anywhere from ages 12-20 (based on previous readings I’ve done) that exclaimed “go up Baldy!” to Elisha.   Elisha’s predecessor Elijah had just “gone up” via the flaming chariot and they wanted Elisha “gone up” too (which from my previous reading can indicate wanting him “cast out” or “to die”).   This gang was organized with bad intentions  and their exclamation although seemingly harmless in our culture today meant something more threatening then.

Let's assume you're 100% right in everything you say. What about the first-born of the Egyptians and their livestock? And while we're there, why did God - with his perfect knowledge - need a sign to know which houses to spare?  

Oh yes, the infamous “dashing babies against the rocks” psalm.   Sounds horrific and it is.   So what’s the context of the psalm?  

The context is captivity of God’s chosen people by Babylon.   The Israelites were again enslaved and tortured…..the psalmist notes that they were “tormented”.

Within this psalm the psalmist is expressing tremendous anger towards Babylon and hopes for an equally horrific end to the Babylonian people.  

Because these feelings are included in scripture does that mean the idea of dashing/smashing babies on rocks is approved by God?   Not at all.

But isn't the Bible the inspired word of God? Surely if he didn't want this in, he'd have willed it out.

Is the psalmist angry?  You bet.

I'll say!

Is the psalmist justified in his anger?   You bet.


Are the desired acts of vengeance justified?  Nope.



That was a bit you wrote, that I accidentally included in my post. Oops!


  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 5607
  • Iron Pumping University Math Professor
Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #631 on: June 16, 2015, 08:45:49 PM »
I did and your application of said fallacies was inappropriate as they were based upon your atheistic worldview.   You simply fallacy shopped when our worldviews conflicted.

This has nothing to do about worldviews. Either those are logical fallacies or they aren't.

There are several verses that note the idea of God changing his mind, but this doesn’t negate the immutability of his nature….he remains who he is.

You say that God never changes, then when I show you a bit from the Bible where God changes, you now pretend that this change doesn't count and somehow God doesn't change...

Those that belief in God and live for him are also in a relationship with him.   When the Lord “changes his mind” in scripture he does this for the sake of relationship with his body of believers.   He demonstrates that he acknowledges their will and choices.   God “changes his mind” within the scope of our finite existence so that we may grow in knowledge of him and increase in fellowship and relationship with him.  Was he already aware of this situation from his position of infinity?  Yes he was.

It's simple: you assert that your God is immutable; when evidence that he's not is provided you pretend that this is somehow not an issue and pretend that "immutable" means something other than "immutable."

So the nature of God is divinity….deity….supreme being….to be God.

Circular definition.

How does God’s nature function in a trinity?  I can’t comprehend it fully.

If you can't comprehend and explain it, don't talk about it.

So we’ve defined “divine” above….great….a god.

The dictionary definition you provided doesn't help: how can I distinguish something divine from something not divine?

“I am” is not tautology… is God’s eternal name as given to Moses.   God’s church has given many names to God.

"I am who I am" is a tautology. When you claim that "I am" is God's name, you're arguing semantics. But even if we accept that "I am" is the name, it's still meaningless. How is "I am" different from "Chuck"? It's not.

So again, God’s nature is divine…..he’s a god.

God is a god... got it ::)

So picking up where you left off in Exodus 3:14-15,  God also said to Moses, “Say this to the people of Israel: Yahweh,  the God of your ancestors—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob—has sent me to you.  This is my eternal name, my name to remember for all generations.“

All of which tells us nothing quantifiable about God.

The bible is true because it demonstrates the fulfillment of prophecy written hundreds and hundreds of years prior to the occurring of the prophetic event.

No it doesn't! Come on...

The bible is true because the risen Christ was attested to by many people and the apostles of Christ went to their deaths for him and today the Holy Spirit of God indwells believers.

"The Bible is true because a lot of people say it's true!"  ::)

Did God actually “rest” or “become weary”?   No.  He merely ceased his creative efforts.   The notion of “rest” is applied so that man can understand and relate.   The language ascribes this action to God for that purpose.

How do you know he didn't become weary? He explicitly says he did... if this perfect, divine God wanted to say "I am ceasing my creative efforts" why would he not say that? Also "efforts"? Really? God needs to exert effort?

These verses are actually affirmations of his uniqueness.   They don’t affirm the existence of other gods though.   Now, did man create all sorts of other gods?  Yes….Baal, Molech, Asherah are examples.   We already know this though.

Right... all these "other" gods references are man made. Your God isn't. What a joke.

The descriptive language can often be poetic in form.   Although calling it meaningless doesn’t make it so.

Right... "poetic in form." Next, stay tuned for God's new album "Interstellar Haiku Master" featuring MC JC...

It’s total knowledge….all knowledge….complete knowledge.

You cannot have complete knowledge and free will. It's one or the other.

God engages with us for our benefit.   Again the moment we ask why “God needs” we are in error.   God interacts with his creation for the sake of the creation.

Except when he creates those of us who won't choose salvation - those whose hearts he hardens. Right?

God often acts like a parent does with his child and helps lead that child to a specific conclusion or to teach a life lesson.

There you go, anthropomorphizing God again.

As far as Hosea 8:4 goes I’ve read the passage before of course, but honestly I neither remember the verse nor do I remember the surrounding context.   I belief the crux will be the word “know”.   I’ve learned about the use of “know” from the Greek, but don’t know if that is appropriate here.   Gotta study that out a bit.

Looking forward to talking about it.

As far as Genesis 18:20-21, this is an unusual literary device used by Moses to setup up the exchange between God and Abraham.  I hesitate to call it anthropomorphic language though, but it does still humanize God.  It establishes God’s purposes for making a face-to-face encounter with Abraham (via the pre-incarnate Christ).   We understand that God already knew because of verse 20 in which he states “The outcry of Sodom and Gomorrah is indeed great, and their sin is exceedingly grave.”    It’s the actual exchange between Abraham and God that follows which is the heart of the passage.   Man pleads with God to show mercy and God responds in kind.

A literary device... I'm detecting a pattern here. Whenever something from the Bible doesn't fit your worldview, it's not meant to be literal - it's poetic form, or a literary device, or a parable, or any number of things. The Bible is the inerrant word of God and perfectly says what it means by divine inspiration, except when it doesn't and interpretation is required.

Come on...

These passages don’t speak of a denial of free will.   They speak of condemnation and punishment of the wicked.

Transparent apologetics aside, the plain reading of the text is crystal clear: there are those "WHO WERE BEFORE OF OLD ORDAINED TO THIS CONDEMNATION". And this speak of a denial of free will? You do know what ordained means, right? Also, God sending people delusions causing them to believe a lie and to be damned is free will?

What I’ve repeatedly asked others critical of God’s judgments (and who never answer) is why they feel so much compassion for the reprobate, the twisted evil of pharaoh, the pagan nations who sacrificed live babies  and those who willfully aligned themselves with the evil of the demonic?    They engage in this evil behavior and God pronounces judgment upon them and suddenly these critics begin shaking their fists at God and seemingly forget the horrific acts of these people.

Why is that?

It has nothing to do with compassion, and everything to do with logic.

I can lead you to God, but you can’t lead me to the pink unicorn.

No, you can't lead me to God. All you can do is say: "if you believe what I say is true, then you'll know what I say is true." But if I believe it to be true, the question becomes moot. Your God is no more real than the pink unicorn in my example. I am challenging you outright: provide me with one shred of objective, quantifiable, incontrovertible evidence to the contrary. Surely you can do that if you could lead me to him.

You speak so confidently and often in absolutes on matters of faith and God yet have no experience whatsoever.  

My confidence comes from an intimate knowledge of the Bible and extensive thought on the topic of deities in general and the Christian deity in particular.

What makes your opinions on such matters so valuable?   Your tone of voice?  Your handwaving?

I don't think my opinions are valuable. They're merely grounded in logic.

You’re inventing a concept that isn’t there.   Foreknowledge is a facet of total knowledge (omniscience).   I know you’re clinging valiantly to the notion that it’s impossible to for God to already know everything  including our free choices because if our choices are truly free God can’t be allowed to know about them.    You need this notion to be correct for the sake of the argument…I get that.    Further, you want to be completely self-governed….to be completely autonomous with no influence from God whatsoever.   Yet you are still subject to God’s law and his divine attributes and because of that you  claim “incompatibility” between total knowledge and free will and claim that what humanity has is an “illusion of free will”.   I get the argument.

You have invented this "total knowledge" bit and try to claim that it's equal to omniscience and, at the same time, compatible with free will. If you claim your God inerrantly knows the choice I will make in every decision I will ever be faced with, then the question "is my choice really free" is perfectly legitimate. And yet you keep evading it.

I respectfully disagree.  And as I’ve noted total knowledge is just total knowledge…it’s benign.   Total knowledge is not total knowledge less knowledge of humanity’s choices…..that would be less than total knowledge.     You insert “incompatibility” into the discussion so you can arrive at the “illusion of free will”.   If you want to stick with that then by all means do so.   I can’t counter it because it’s your opinion and you can adjust it as necessary for the sake of the argument.

Disagree all you want. Whether this "total knowledge" is "benign" or not - whatever that means - is irrelevant. Knowledge, by itself, is neither good nor bad; neither benign nor malignant. The question is if God knows the outcome of every choice, then, when the time comes for you to make a choice, is that choice freely made?

So what is rationality?   A state of reasonableness or ability to reason.   It’s also defined as a rational opinion or belief.

Wikipedia offers a great explanation: "Rationality is the quality or state of being reasonable, based on facts or reason. Rationality implies the conformity of one's beliefs with one's reasons to believe, or of one's actions with one's reasons for action."

How do we reason?  Using the available data and our experiences is the typical method.

Also, the basic rules of logic.

We like to pretend that rationality is completely objective, but it is only from within our individual worldviews that we rationalize.

What if worldviews conflict?  Am I irrational and you’re rational?

Maybe, maybe not. We look at our worldviews and decide. You claim we should believe in an invisible, supernatural deity that one must come to know only in a limited fashion and only supernaturally and you can't even present a consistent definition, much less evidence. I claim that we should not believe in things which are not proven or defined.

Which one of us is rational? I'll remind you that when I mentioned a magic invisible pink unicorn that shared all the attributes of your God, you claimed that was irrational.

Again, God’s knowledge is complete although honestly I haven’t seen the term inerrant inconjunction with omniscience.  I’m not saying it’s never been stated as such I just don’t recall seeing that.

Omniscience presupposes inerrancy. If God knows I'll choose to eat lasagna but I choose to eat pizza instead, then he's not omniscient.

Now, God knows all things past, present and future.   His foreknowledge is not “force”knowledge….it doesn’t force your choices or his will upon you.   If you want pizza ,then you eat pizza.   His foreknowledge is inerrant only because he’s aware of the definite choices you will make.   Above you said foreknowledge can be benign and now you’re saying it can’t be benign to your choice.  It’s the notion of inerrancy that appears to force your choice.   Problem is that inerrancy is a concept, not an action.

If God knows what I'll choose for dinner as soon as I hit post and God knows all things past, present and future, then he knows what I'll be having for dinner before I do. If he knows I'll choose pizza, does that mean I can't decide anything other than pizza?

Explain to me how God knowing you’ll eat pizza and only pizza because he knows you made the choice to eat pizza is forcing you to eat pizza?    Where did God exercise his power to control your choice?

God knows I'll choose pizza for dinner. If I choose something else, then God was wrong and we know by your definition that that doesn't happen. So my only choice for tonight is pizza. Is that not exercising control over my choice? Remember, God knew my decision, say, a million years go, before I could have possibly made it.

Now you’ve made it clear you won’t engage in faith or according to his terms as outlined in scripture.

You are right - I refuse to accept something which is irrational on its face on faith.

You reduce my testimony to delusion.   You deny scripture.   And an act of prayer would initially be an act of faith.

No, I openly admit that your personal experience is meaningful to you. I openly admit that if you have received knowledge of God in a supernatural way then you can and should act on that knowledge. But your personal experiences and knowledge aren't sufficient for me.

As much as I’d like for you to know God you refuse his requirements and demand your own instead.   God don’t do demands.

I'm only doing what he put me on this earth to do, right? There's a plan for everyone, right?

God reveals himself to folks that humbly come unto him first.

My pink unicorn does the same.

If total knowledge is 100% knowledge can it still be total knowledge if it’s 99% knowledge?   Can total knowledge be 110%?   Don’t know how it could be greater than or less than the 100%.

Of course not, only the theist is ever in error LOL!!

I openly admit the possibility that I can be wrong, about a great many things. I am curious about something: do you think that it's possible that you're wrong about God?

Well, it’s meaningless to you, but not to other people who have been lead to Christ.

No, the personal revelation you experienced is meaningless to anyone other than you. It can't be challenged or proven. Others, who choose to take the leap of faith, may also get a personal revelation, although one must wonder: what good is a personal revelation once faith is involved?

It’s been awhile since I’ve discussed this infamous verse.   Elisha and the little children that were destroyed by bears for simply teasing Elisha.   The “little children” of this passage are also translated as “youths”, “young men” and “young lads”.

Well, that makes a lot of difference!

This was a gang of 42 youths anywhere from ages 12-20 (based on previous readings I’ve done) that exclaimed “go up Baldy!” to Elisha.   Elisha’s predecessor Elijah had just “gone up” via the flaming chariot and they wanted Elisha “gone up” too (which from my previous reading can indicate wanting him “cast out” or “to die”).   This gang was organized with bad intentions  and their exclamation although seemingly harmless in our culture today meant something more threatening then.

Let's assume you're 100% right in everything you say. What about the first-born of the Egyptians and their livestock? And while we're there, why did God - with his perfect knowledge - need a sign to know which houses to spare?  

Oh yes, the infamous “dashing babies against the rocks” psalm.   Sounds horrific and it is.   So what’s the context of the psalm?  

The context is captivity of God’s chosen people by Babylon.   The Israelites were again enslaved and tortured…..the psalmist notes that they were “tormented”.

Within this psalm the psalmist is expressing tremendous anger towards Babylon and hopes for an equally horrific end to the Babylonian people.  

Because these feelings are included in scripture does that mean the idea of dashing/smashing babies on rocks is approved by God?   Not at all.

But isn't the Bible the inspired word of God? Surely if he didn't want this in, he'd have willed it out.

Is the psalmist angry?  You bet.

I'll say!

Is the psalmist justified in his anger?   You bet.


Are the desired acts of vengeance justified?  Nope.


From your atheistic worldview you deem my position about God an “assumption” and then apply the claim of logical fallacy.

I am sure that he is very real to you. But we are having a debate here and not everybody believes what you believe. Until you can prove your position, it has to remain an assumption.

I can lead you right to God, but you won’t follow.

You cannot. You can't even define what you'll be leading me to. You can only ask me to believe in something without offering any proof.

Man of Steel

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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #632 on: June 16, 2015, 09:20:43 PM »
This has nothing to do about worldviews. Either those are logical fallacies or they aren't.

You say that God never changes, then when I show you a bit from the Bible where God changes, you now pretend that this change doesn't count and somehow God doesn't change...

It's simple: you assert that your God is immutable; when evidence that he's not is provided you pretend that this is somehow not an issue and pretend that "immutable" means something other than "immutable."

Circular definition.

If you can't comprehend and explain it, don't talk about it.

The dictionary definition you provided doesn't help: how can I distinguish something divine from something not divine?

"I am who I am" is a tautology. When you claim that "I am" is God's name, you're arguing semantics. But even if we accept that "I am" is the name, it's still meaningless. How is "I am" different from "Chuck"? It's not.

God is a god... got it ::)

All of which tells us nothing quantifiable about God.

No it doesn't! Come on...


"The Bible is true because a lot of people say it's true!"  ::)

How do you know he didn't become weary? He explicitly says he did... if this perfect, divine God wanted to say "I am ceasing my creative efforts" why would he not say that? Also "efforts"? Really? God needs to exert effort?

Right... all these "other" gods references are man made. Your God isn't. What a joke.

Right... "poetic in form." Next, stay tuned for God's new album "Interstellar Haiku Master" featuring MC JC...

You cannot have complete knowledge and free will. It's one or the other.

Except when he creates those of us who won't choose salvation - those whose hearts he hardens. Right?

There you go, anthropomorphizing God again.

Looking forward to talking about it.

A literary device... I'm detecting a pattern here. Whenever something from the Bible doesn't fit your worldview, it's not meant to be literal - it's poetic form, or a literary device, or a parable, or any number of things. The Bible is the inerrant word of God and perfectly says what it means by divine inspiration, except when it doesn't and interpretation is required.

Come on...

Transparent apologetics aside, the plain reading of the text is crystal clear: there are those "WHO WERE BEFORE OF OLD ORDAINED TO THIS CONDEMNATION". And this speak of a denial of free will? You do know what ordained means, right? Also, God sending people delusions causing them to believe a lie and to be damned is free will?

It has nothing to do with compassion, and everything to do with logic.

No, you can't lead me to God. All you can do is say: "if you believe what I say is true, then you'll know what I say is true." But if I believe it to be true, the question becomes moot. Your God is no more real than the pink unicorn in my example. I am challenging you outright: provide me with one shred of objective, quantifiable, incontrovertible evidence to the contrary. Surely you can do that if you could lead me to him.

My confidence comes from an intimate knowledge of the Bible and extensive thought on the topic of deities in general and the Christian deity in particular.

I don't think my opinions are valuable. They're merely grounded in logic.

You have invented this "total knowledge" bit and try to claim that it's equal to omniscience and, at the same time, compatible with free will. If you claim your God inerrantly knows the choice I will make in every decision I will ever be faced with, then the question "is my choice really free" is perfectly legitimate. And yet you keep evading it.

Disagree all you want. Whether this "total knowledge" is "benign" or not - whatever that means - is irrelevant. Knowledge, by itself, is neither good nor bad; neither benign nor malignant. The question is if God knows the outcome of every choice, then, when the time comes for you to make a choice, is that choice freely made?

Wikipedia offers a great explanation: "Rationality is the quality or state of being reasonable, based on facts or reason. Rationality implies the conformity of one's beliefs with one's reasons to believe, or of one's actions with one's reasons for action."

Also, the basic rules of logic.

Maybe, maybe not. We look at our worldviews and decide. You claim we should believe in an invisible, supernatural deity that one must come to know only in a limited fashion and only supernaturally and you can't even present a consistent definition, much less evidence. I claim that we should not believe in things which are not proven or defined.

Which one of us is rational? I'll remind you that when I mentioned a magic invisible pink unicorn that shared all the attributes of your God, you claimed that was irrational.

Omniscience presupposes inerrancy. If God knows I'll choose to eat lasagna but I choose to eat pizza instead, then he's not omniscient.

If God knows what I'll choose for dinner as soon as I hit post and God knows all things past, present and future, then he knows what I'll be having for dinner before I do. If he knows I'll choose pizza, does that mean I can't decide anything other than pizza?

God knows I'll choose pizza for dinner. If I choose something else, then God was wrong and we know by your definition that that doesn't happen. So my only choice for tonight is pizza. Is that not exercising control over my choice? Remember, God knew my decision, say, a million years go, before I could have possibly made it.

You are right - I refuse to accept something which is irrational on its face on faith.

No, I openly admit that your personal experience is meaningful to you. I openly admit that if you have received knowledge of God in a supernatural way then you can and should act on that knowledge. But your personal experiences and knowledge aren't sufficient for me.

I'm only doing what he put me on this earth to do, right? There's a plan for everyone, right?

My pink unicorn does the same.

I openly admit the possibility that I can be wrong, about a great many things. I am curious about something: do you think that it's possible that you're wrong about God?

No, the personal revelation you experienced is meaningless to anyone other than you. It can't be challenged or proven. Others, who choose to take the leap of faith, may also get a personal revelation, although one must wonder: what good is a personal revelation once faith is involved?

Well, that makes a lot of difference!

Let's assume you're 100% right in everything you say. What about the first-born of the Egyptians and their livestock? And while we're there, why did God - with his perfect knowledge - need a sign to know which houses to spare?  

But isn't the Bible the inspired word of God? Surely if he didn't want this in, he'd have willed it out.

I'll say!



I am sure that he is very real to you. But we are having a debate here and not everybody believes what you believe. Until you can prove your position, it has to remain an assumption.

You cannot. You can't even define what you'll be leading me to. You can only ask me to believe in something without offering any proof.

Well, that's a wrap for me.  I quickly read your response and nothing more needs to be said by me.

You're welcome to have the final word....this is mine.

Have a good night.


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #633 on: June 16, 2015, 09:48:48 PM »
Well, that's a wrap for me.  I quickly read your response and nothing more needs to be said by me.

You're welcome to have the final word....this is mine.

Have a good night.

Sounds like AVXO was calm, rationale and poised in his discussion. Because you didn't like what he said, you stop debating?  ??? ???


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #634 on: June 16, 2015, 09:50:24 PM »
Sounds like AVXO was calm, rationale and poised in his discussion. Because you didn't like what he said, you stop debating?  ??? ???
Fruitless debate,  neither side will ever convince the other of their point.


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #635 on: June 16, 2015, 09:53:50 PM »
Fruitless debate,  neither side will ever convince the other of their point.

Of course not. But are you also saying debates between two scholars in a university setting is also fruitless? Id have to disagree. Most people who debate each other in a real setting do so for the audience. The atheist and theist are well aware they are not going to change each others minds during the debate. The debate is usually held for the public, so they can gain knowledge about a topic. And there have been many instances where audience members may be on the fence about their theism or atheism, and the debate helps them make a more informed opinion. Debates in those types of settings arent really for the atheist to convert the theist or vice versa. Its usually done for the audience. In this sense, they are worthwhile and important.

But the debates on getbig are pretty useless in changing minds.

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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #636 on: June 16, 2015, 10:14:16 PM »
belief is not a debate and no one believes stronger than one that dis-bilieves someones's spiritual belief...


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #637 on: June 17, 2015, 01:54:53 AM »
I've been accused of submitting a "wall of posts" in the past. As far as I can remember, nothing I ever posted was so long and detailed as these. You go guys. But, don't expect others to follow them. It's just too much for our pea brains to handle.  ;D

I am of the mind that when it comes to religion it is best to not argue which beliefs are the best. Just the fact that one can believe in something outside themselves is a major accomplishment.

Man of Steel

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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #638 on: June 17, 2015, 04:47:29 AM »
Sounds like AVXO was calm, rationale and poised in his discussion. Because you didn't like what he said, you stop debating?  ??? ???

Never said he wasn't.

I stopped because there wasn't anything else for me to say and I was in a cycle of repetition.

At some point the discussion had to end and it did for me.

That's basically it.


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #639 on: June 17, 2015, 06:44:04 AM »
man of steel when Jesus would go in to solitude to 'pray' what do you think was going on inside of his body, what was his mind doing? Do you not consider it possible he was going in to a deep state of meditation?

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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #640 on: June 17, 2015, 07:02:54 AM »
there is no need for an explanation , meaning, to life. It just is.

Other animal species dont give a meaning to their existences, only humans do. And it s always a false, fake one. Basically humans constantly convince themselves they are not meaningless animals killing each others daily for resources and partners of reproduction on a rock floating in space until there are no more resources anymore. Still, it's the only rational, logical, cold truth. That's what we are. That's what is happening.

Being able to dominate weaker individuals makes  one feel pleasure, and constant stable pleasure equals to hapiness.
Not being able to do so makes individuals feel bad. Their "hope" is to one day dominate too, or that their offspring will when they have one. If they have no hope to ever dominate, they either want to destroy everything or/and themselves. The only goal of all lifeforms is to dominate and reproduce. Being dominant gives you and your offspring better odds of survival thats why everyone wants to be dominant instead of being dominated.

We are animals who only see short term, our own survival, and we re all at war against each others daily. In "peace times" for jobs, land, and partners of reproduction, in war times, for resources and teritory.

All relationships between life forms are based on a dominant/dominated base.

The survival of the human species itself actually endangers the survival of life as a whole on earth. We keep animal lifeforms alive only to eat them.

The only path for life is to head for destruction or self destruction. Life leads to death.

Then somewhere, life starts again cause there s enough water, and sunlight,and the "right" conditions for it to develop. It s just hapening, it as no meaning, it just is. No god(human) creates life, it happens because of biological, physical chemical random processes.
Noone, nothing, creates it, makes it, it just happens without any reason. There is no need for an explanation for things to happen, they simply do.
Humans will probably destroy everything on this planet before they ever figure how to flee the planet or create life somewhere else. Because they are short sighted..animals.

 Life is a constant struggle between lifeforms that dont choose to exist, but are spawned to fight , adapt, until they cant anymore.The luckiest, strongest, smartest, better prepared ones survive longer than the weaker ones. Strenght is adorated, copied, weakness disgusts every other life form, except if they can make a buck out of it. We only help those whose survival would maintain
or improve our own odds of survival.


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #641 on: June 17, 2015, 07:06:44 AM »
I agree but there are levels of depth when experiencing life and most people live on the surface only.

edit: I agree with the first part before your Darwinism extrapolation which just went contrary to your initial words about not having to explain the meaning of life.

Man of Steel

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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #642 on: June 17, 2015, 07:18:47 AM »
man of steel when Jesus would go in to solitude to 'pray' what do you think was going on inside of his body, what was his mind doing? Do you not consider it possible he was going in to a deep state of meditation?

Honestly, I think when Jesus went alone to pray he probably didn't do so in a meditative state.   I believe he did so in a reverent state.

Prior to the incarnation Jesus's knowledge was complete and his abilities and existence equal to that of the remaining persons of the trinity in Father and Spirit.

Now as man in flesh he was emptied of his divine powers and existed as a man.  As Paul states in Phillipians:

Philippians 2:5-7
5 Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, 6 who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, 7 but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men.

He now existed as a man with a divine mission.  I think given the limitations of his newly added humanity when he reverently prayed to the Father he was probably quite anxious and scared about fulfilling his mission....I would guess his stomach was probably upset.   He probably sought council and peace and the will of the Father who sent him.   I can't say with certainty how Christ did or didn't feel in both body and mind, but given his purpose, his human nature and his limitations therein I'd say he experienced a great deal of inner turmoil.  His time of private prayer in which he entered in reverence and commune with the Father was his outlet for peace.....his period of inner replenishment and grounding if you will.  

Perhaps after he calmed his mind via the peace and grace of the Father he received during prayer he would then become more meditative outside of prayer and reflect upon what learned or given to him by the Father.  Again, I just don't know for sure.


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #643 on: June 17, 2015, 07:21:19 AM »
I agree but there are levels of depth when experiencing life and most people live on the surface only.

I was smoking a nice joint in my garden last night, and just enjoying the sunset/thinking about some recent arguments i've had with the Mrs (nothing major tbh), and I had some kind of 'revelation' of exactly how she is feeling and what I can rectify to change it for the better. It was pretty surreal, as I had been thinking of solutions for days and not really understanding where she was coming from. 1 big joint of sensimilia later, and I had absolute clarity on what I needed to do.

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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #644 on: June 17, 2015, 07:26:37 AM »
Fact is if you really live and act like jesus, or gandhi etc you d tell many truths that would hurt many powerful and unscrupulous people's BUSINESSES who would send you to jail or a psych ward.

The biggest assholes survive, not the nice, caring ones. Most people are sinners who give themselves a good conscience by thinking "jesus died for their sins" then go back to sinning. Because to survive you are FORCED to sometimes be an asshole, to beat the competition. Which means it is impossible to be holy, pure etc. Everyone has to step on someone else s head to survive. There is no possibility to survive without doing so. We re actually wired by nature to take pleasure in seeing other suffer, except if they are important to our own survival. We all enjoy seeing ennemies, oponents, suffer, lose. And we all convince ourselves when we win that we "deserved it" because "God, karma, etc" "chose " us. But nobody, nothing, "chose" us, we were just stronger, luckier, smarter, better prepared, and as a result beat the competition.

Darwinism , eugenism, Evolutionary psychology explain it all. There is no good or evil, there are just strong, lucky and weak, unlucky individuals fighting each others constantly for limited resources and partners of reproduction.


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #645 on: June 17, 2015, 07:29:08 AM »
I agree but there are levels of depth when experiencing life and most people live on the surface only.

MOS will never agree that he Jesus was in a meditative state. Why? Well, its simple...

Meditation is often associated with Buddhism.

Buddhism is not the one true religion (like MOS's religion).

You are not saved through Buddhism.

Therefore, if you associate oneself with any aspects of any other religion, you're going to burn in hell for all eternity.


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #646 on: June 17, 2015, 07:30:53 AM »
Fact is if you really live and act like jesus, or gandhi etc you d tell many truths that would hurt many powerful and unscrupulous people's BUSINESSES who would send you to jail or a psych ward.

The biggest assholes survive, not the nice, caring ones. Most people are sinners who give themselves a good conscience by thinking "jesus died for their sins" then go back to sinning. Because to survive you are FORCED to sometimes be an asshole, to beat the competition. Which means it is impossible to be holy, pure etc. Everyone has to step on someone else s head to survive. There is no possibility to survive without doing so. We re actually wired by nature to take pleasure in seeing other suffer, except if they are important to our own survival. We all enjoy seeing ennemies, oponents, suffer, lose. And we all convince ourselves when we win that we "deserved it" because "God, karma, etc" "chose " us. But nobody, nothing, "chose" us, we were just stronger, luckier, smarter, better prepared, and as a result beat the competition.

Darwinism , eugenism, Evolutionary psychology explain it all. There is no good or evil, there are just strong, lucky and weak, unlucky individuals fighting each others constantly for limited resources and partners of reproduction.

Yes, we get it. How many times do you have to say the same stuff over and over again? Okay, WE GET IT!! We get what you're about. We know the type of ideas you hold. Its obvious by now.

Man of Steel

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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #647 on: June 17, 2015, 07:34:29 AM »
MOS will never agree that he Jesus was in a meditative state. Why? Well, its simple...

Meditation is often associated with Buddhism.

Buddhism is not the one true religion (like MOS's religion).

You are not saved through Buddhism.

Therefore, if you associate oneself with any aspects of any other religion, you're going to burn in hell for all eternity.

Perhaps after he calmed his mind via the peace and grace of the Father he received during prayer he would then become more meditative outside of prayer and reflect upon what learned or given to him by the Father.  Again, I just don't know for sure.

To meditate is to simply deeply reflect and consider one's thought.   

Would Christ chant and/or moan in religious meditative state akin to a Buddhist?  No.


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #648 on: June 17, 2015, 07:38:40 AM »
To meditate is to simply deeply reflect and consider one's thought.   

Would Christ chant and/or moan in religious meditative state akin to a Buddhist?  No.

Yes, but meditation is often associated with Buddhism. You wouldn't want JC being associated in any way, shape or form with Buddhism. Even deep reflection may be associated with meditation, thus JC practicing Buddhism, and burning in HELL for all eternity!


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Re: tbombz facebook post from today & free religious sermon by MOS!
« Reply #649 on: June 17, 2015, 07:45:25 AM »
I was smoking a nice joint in my garden last night, and just enjoying the sunset/thinking about some recent arguments i've had with the Mrs (nothing major tbh), and I had some kind of 'revelation' of exactly how she is feeling and what I can rectify to change it for the better. It was pretty surreal, as I had been thinking of solutions for days and not really understanding where she was coming from. 1 big joint of sensimilia later, and I had absolute clarity on what I needed to do.

enjoying the Colchester night sky?