Author Topic: Oregon gunman singled out Christians, Community Refused to hire Armed Guard  (Read 7272 times)


  • Getbig IV
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This is by far one of the greatest speeches I have ever witness by a President of the USA

You want a solution to the gun problem? Start by legalizing all drugs, fuck it, just like we did with alcohol, choke the gangs. Next, home owners who have someone mentally ill with access to their home should not be allowed to own a gun, if they do and that person kills someone hang the home owner in public, EVEN if that person was not mentally ill officially, if they should have known, HANG THEM, bring back hanging and force people to take responsibility.

Next, people working as security in schools or in malls should be armed and armed well, you need someone there to defend against these nutcases out there.

Last, put on trial anyone and everyone that knew the person is nuts and said nothing. I am sick and tired of seeing people after the fact of some crimes say "oh well, we kinda expected them to one day do this". If they expected it and said nothing hang em.

Only by forcing people to start acting responsible can we solve problems, the current attitude of "who gives a shit" is all fun and games until that attitude causes an innocent person to get killed.

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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You want a solution to the gun problem? Start by legalizing all drugs, fuck it, just like we did with alcohol, choke the gangs. Next, home owners who have someone mentally ill with access to their home should not be allowed to own a gun, if they do and that person kills someone hang the home owner in public, EVEN if that person was not mentally ill officially, if they should have known, HANG THEM, bring back hanging and force people to take responsibility.

Next, people working as security in schools or in malls should be armed and armed well, you need someone there to defend against these nutcases out there.

Last, put on trial anyone and everyone that knew the person is nuts and said nothing. I am sick and tired of seeing people after the fact of some crimes say "oh well, we kinda expected them to one day do this". If they expected it and said nothing hang em.

Only by forcing people to start acting responsible can we solve problems, the current attitude of "who gives a shit" is all fun and games until that attitude causes an innocent person to get killed.
What happens if someone gets all hopped up on PCP and decides he wants to buy a few guns?


  • Getbig IV
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What happens if someone gets all hopped up on PCP and decides he wants to buy a few guns?
What happens if a cop goes nuts and kills a few people, do we take the guns away of all cops?

What happens if someone gets hopped up on PCP and goes on a drive and kills people with his car do we take away cars?

I can come up with more for ya but you get the point. There will always be some level of gun violence, what I outline is designed to reduce it big time.

Think of the Air Marshal program, they are not on every flight, so what happens if some radical muslim fu boards a flight with no marshals? Yes, I think they should be on all flights, however the current program certainly reduces the amount of problems there can be in the sky.


  • Getbig IV
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Only realistic way to eliminate the threat at elementary/high schools is a single entrance metal detector, which might be welcomed at this point. Until the shootings stop, of course, and people start bitching about the inconvenience and intrusion.
Yes, the metal detector will eliminate the threat and keep our kids safe. Because there's no possible way a shooter could just walk onto any elementary school field during recess and have target practice. Or walk onto any bus. Or any bus stop. Or stand outside the school at dismissal. Or in the morning. Yes, the metal detector will stop a murderous lunatic from killing schoolchildren.  ::)

The Ugly

  • Getbig V
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You want a solution to the gun problem? Start by legalizing all drugs, fuck it, just like we did with alcohol, choke the gangs. Next, home owners who have someone mentally ill with access to their home should not be allowed to own a gun, if they do and that person kills someone hang the home owner in public, EVEN if that person was not mentally ill officially, if they should have known, HANG THEM, bring back hanging and force people to take responsibility.

Next, people working as security in schools or in malls should be armed and armed well, you need someone there to defend against these nutcases out there.

Last, put on trial anyone and everyone that knew the person is nuts and said nothing. I am sick and tired of seeing people after the fact of some crimes say "oh well, we kinda expected them to one day do this". If they expected it and said nothing hang em.

Only by forcing people to start acting responsible can we solve problems, the current attitude of "who gives a shit" is all fun and games until that attitude causes an innocent person to get killed.

Maybe if we just all jumped in the DeLorean and went back to the 1760s or whatever, we could then just pay ol' George what he wanted. Probably still be British colonies, but at least we wouldn't all be shooting each other.

Other than that, think we're probably stuck with the violence.


  • Getbig V
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  • Team Hairy Chest Henda
Yes, the metal detector will eliminate the threat and keep our kids safe. Because there's no possible way a shooter could just walk onto any elementary school field during recess and have target practice. Or walk onto any bus. Or any bus stop. Or stand outside the school at dismissal. Or in the morning. Yes, the metal detector will stop a murderous lunatic from killing schoolchildren.  ::)

That's the problem: There is no one safeguard that will take into consideration every possible scenario. The best we can do is implement the best policies and procedures to reduce the likelihood that mass shootings will happen. This is going to sound crazy, but to a certain extent, people need to let go of the idea that they can control every aspect of every situation. Its just impossible, unless you pretty much take away everyones freedom. Every day we wake up we face possible dangers from all directions. We hope that we wake up and ourselves and our loved ones are safe and that the best policies have been implemented to reduce danger. But its all a risk.


  • Getbig IV
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That's the problem: There is no one safeguard that will take into consideration every possible scenario. The best we can do is implement the best policies and procedures to reduce the likelihood that mass shootings will happen. This is going to sound crazy, but to a certain extent, people need to let go of the idea that they can control every aspect of every situation. Its just impossible, unless you pretty much take away everyones freedom. Every day we wake up we face possible dangers from all directions. We hope that we wake up and ourselves and our loved ones are safe and that the best policies have been implemented to reduce danger. But its all a risk.
Exactly, a mass schoolyard shooting will bring calls for LOCKED FENCES and GATES around the perimeter of school grounds. Eventually, we're imprisoning our own children under the misguided illusion of safety.


  • Getbig V
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  • Team Hairy Chest Henda
Exactly, a mass schoolyard shooting will bring calls for LOCKED FENCES and GATES around the perimeter of school grounds. Eventually, we're imprisoning our own children under the misguided illusion of safety.

The thing is, you can eliminate all mass shootings. But you'd have to go to EXTREME lengths to do so.


  • Getbig IV
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The thing is, you can eliminate all mass shootings. But you'd have to go to EXTREME lengths to do so.
You mean self-inflicted global thermo nuclear war? Let me get my modem hooked up to DARPNET and hack into their system. Together we can end mass shootings once and for all.

The Ugly

  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 21287
Yes, the metal detector will eliminate the threat and keep our kids safe. Because there's no possible way a shooter could just walk onto any elementary school field during recess and have target practice. Or walk onto any bus. Or any bus stop. Or stand outside the school at dismissal. Or in the morning. Yes, the metal detector will stop a murderous lunatic from killing schoolchildren.  ::)

So you sat there fine-toothing my "Maybe possible, haven't thought it through" alternative, yet ignored the previous 'armed security' suggestion altogether?

If you're really that upset about Cosby, I'd happily change my stance. Hate for your experience here to be ruined by a disagreement.


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 49074
  • Team Hairy Chest Henda
You mean self-inflicted global thermo nuclear war? Let me get my modem hooked up to DARPNET and hack into their system. Together we can end mass shootings once and for all.

haha lol. Well, I meant mass SCHOOL shootings, but as you said, it would provide a false sense of security.


  • Getbig IV
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  • Posts: 2798
So you sat there fine-toothing my "Maybe possible, haven't thought it through" alternative, yet ignored the previous 'armed security' suggestion altogether?

If you're really that upset about Cosby, I'd happily change my stance. Hate for your experience here to be ruined by a disagreement.
I don't even remember which way I trolled on the Cosby story. Thats ancient history bro. But yes, armed security is always good and unarmed security is always bad. Metal detectors are pretty good at detecting metal but chances are the guy with the assault rifle isn't going to wait his turn at the metal detector and put the rifle in a separate bin.

The Ugly

  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 21287
I don't even remember which way I trolled on the Cosby story. Thats ancient history bro. But yes, armed security is always good and unarmed security is always bad. Metal detectors are pretty good at detecting metal but chances are the guy with the assault rifle isn't going to wait his turn at the metal detector and put the rifle in a separate bin.

Why does one have to exclude the other? You see no value in an unarmed airport detector?

We're not really disagreeing on much, seems you're just looking to spar.


  • Getbig IV
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  • Posts: 2798
We're not really disagreeing on much, seems you're just looking to spar.
I think we agree on all the major issues. Fiorina over Carson, Dexter over Heath, Moons over Myhammy?


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 49074
  • Team Hairy Chest Henda
Why does one have to exclude the other? You see no value in an unarmed airport detector?

We're not really disagreeing on much, seems you're just looking to spar.

Set it up.

The Ugly

  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 21287
I think we agree on all the major issues. Fiorina over Carson, Dexter over Heath, Moons over Myhammy?

Common sense over either.


  • Getbig IV
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Yes, the metal detector will eliminate the threat and keep our kids safe. Because there's no possible way a shooter could just walk onto any elementary school field during recess and have target practice. Or walk onto any bus. Or any bus stop. Or stand outside the school at dismissal. Or in the morning. Yes, the metal detector will stop a murderous lunatic from killing schoolchildren.  ::)

Have ya seen what how many times the TSA failed to catch a gun? 95% failure rate!!!

EDUCATE yourself please before opening your mouth with BS.

I agree a metal detector is a great thing IN addition to an armed guard or guards and even better if teachers have guns especially those who had prior military training etc.

The Ugly

  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 21287
Have ya seen what how many times the TSA failed to catch a gun? 95% failure rate!!!

EDUCATE yourself please before opening your mouth with BS.

I agree a metal detector is a great thing IN addition to an armed guard or guards and even better if teachers have guns especially those who had prior military training etc.

Then why the shitty dismissal one line above?

And they're already using detectors; they wand kids randomly at my gal's ghetto school. The deterrent factor is significant, so it may very well dissuade some knucklehead with a random, half-assed plan. But it ain't doing shit about an intent Harris or Klebold, because nothing will. Not this, not your campus cop, not the two combined.

Only sure thing is homeschooling. So either roll the dice with the next suicidal fuck, or exchange a semi-whatever education for the safety of Mom.


  • Getbig IV
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  • Posts: 2798
Have ya seen what how many times the TSA failed to catch a gun? 95% failure rate!!!

EDUCATE yourself please before opening your mouth with BS.

I agree a metal detector is a great thing IN addition to an armed guard or guards and even better if teachers have guns especially those who had prior military training etc.
Reading comprehension clearly not your strong point.


  • Getbig IV
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Reading comprehension clearly not your strong point.
Stick to the topic at hand, no clue why you would post replies that were popular in 2001, posting "why is this news" would bring you more up to date.

Again, as hard as it is for you to focus and stay on topic, please post relevant replies.


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 16844

A single cop near the front and/or roaming near the front will stop most shootings very early on.

He would be the first one to get kill .


  • Getbig IV
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  • Posts: 2798
Stick to the topic at hand, no clue why you would post replies that were popular in 2001, posting "why is this news" would bring you more up to date.

Again, as hard as it is for you to focus and stay on topic, please post relevant replies.
Your inability to detect sarcasm will require your avatar to wear a dunce cap.


  • Getbig V
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He would be the first one to get kill .

Obviously not the same person at all.  False flag for sure.


  • Getbig V
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I would rather suffer the tragedy of perpetually being 0.00000000001% at risk of a mass shooting, then be 100% at risk every day of having no freedom at all because the 'government' managed to limit the 0.0000000001% risk  ::)


  • Getbig V
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I would rather suffer the tragedy of perpetually being 0.00000000001% at risk of a mass shooting, then be 100% at risk every day of having no freedom at all because the 'government' managed to limit the 0.0000000001% risk  ::)
