Author Topic: Not a Chad Nicholls victim....  (Read 4212 times)


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Not a Chad Nicholls victim....
« on: March 08, 2006, 09:52:13 PM »

Quote from: Princess L on Today at 08:03:02 PM
I think this thread should be posted where it will get more views.

Agreed^ this should be posted on the gear forum, you will get many more responses and a lot more guidance. Here in this section most replies will be limited to things like "sorry to hear that" and not much else.

I'd like to know a few things:

1. Can you break your cycles down a little more specific? Give an example of some of your cycles including duration of the cycles, PCT, and fluctuations and changes you may have made on these cycles. Do not limit this to only AAS, but if different drugs such as t-3, DNP, Clen or what not were used mention these as well.

2. Was the gear you bought pharmaceutical grade or was it made in a UG lab? Just make sure you do not post your source on an open forum, if you'd like you can PM me and I'll try to give you some insight on your source.

3. What did your diet look like, both food and water intake, and be specific. A lot of guys neglect to realize how important diet is when on cycle. A solid diet is important whether you use AAS or not but it should take even more precedent if you are an AAS can play many factors in this game.

4. I would also like to know your basic "living" patterns, i.e. sleeping schedule, recreational lifestyle, training protocol, stress related activities, if any that may have at times caused you to go off course.

Post your situation in the gear section, but do so in more detail based on the criteria I just laid out. There are a lot of good guys there who might be able to at least help you more accurately pinpoint your problem. One guy in particular "freakfestMD" should be able to help you a great deal.

1. My cycles all used test.  At the beginning it was only enanthate at 400mgs.  I used test e on and off switching of with cyp.  I found that my depression post cycle was much worse with cyp though.  The latest cycles I went on mostly utilized fast acting compounds because of my drive to get lean.  The highest dosage of test I took on a regular basis would be 750mgs a week.  Towards the end, I never went past 600.  Deca was also included in all my early cycles.  Never anything above 400 mgs.  Later on I traded off deca for boldenone at 300 mgs a week.    I have used trenbolone acetate twice and didn't like the way I felt on it but had awesome results.(The first time I broke 250)  I never went above 75mgs eod.  I never went past maybe three or four weeks of using either because of the price.  I did fall in love with dianabol for a while when I first introduced it on my 3rd cycle.  Mostly the strength gains took me.  The acne and water retention didn't.  I never went above 25mgs a day, but I did take the dirtiest form ever, Reforvit, and I did inject it for one cycle.  (The cycle I had liver enzyme trouble)  I also introduced oxandralone at 30 mgs a day for the last two cycles I did.  I tried anadrol once and quit after a week and a half due to the incredible amount of water collected in my hands and constantly flushed look I was getting.  I have didn't really utilize anything else other than PCT except T3 once.  Never again.  I posted about that mishap also.  I started getting severe chest pain and damn near collapsed after a cardio session.  I always PCT'd with 20mg of Nolva a day and cycled up and down with Clomid.  HCG was only used three times. 

My most extreme cycle:

      test cyp: 750 mgs a week 1-14
      deca: 300 mgs a week 1-8
      tren: 75 mgs eod 8-11
      anavar: 30 mgs a day 10-14

      nolva 20 mgs a day 6-18
      clomid 100 mgs a day 17-til my nuts came back

2. My source was always Mexico.  I stood by QV and later on Animal power the entire time.  That being said, could the BA or contamination of the juice have played a role?

3.  I ate like a fucking horse all the time.  I won't say that I ate cleanly because in the early years I didn't.  In fact I ate everything put in front of me, excluding sweets and junk, just for the size.  I force fed my body every day and pretty much gave it no choice but to grow, but I thought that was the whole point.  In the past two years I have grown into a very strict eating lifestyle which basically came out of books and magazines.  I love Carlo's recipes the most.  I cycled my protein intake and kept my carbs at a moderate level.  I also only ate yams, baked potatos, broccoli, rice, asparagus and oatmeal for carbos.

I'll answer #4 manana cuz I'm passin out.  One thing I failed to mention about drug use was xanax.  I am prescribed those because ever since I had my bout with cocaine at an early age, I've had anxiety.  I usually didn't use them at all when cycling, but the uneasiness would sometimes overcome and I'd give in to the torture of anxiety and take a xannie.  One mg tabs.  Just thought I'd throw that into the mix also.


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Re: Not a Chad Nicholls victim....
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2006, 10:13:10 PM »

What is the question?

I'm a ghost in these killing fields...


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Re: Not a Chad Nicholls victim....
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2006, 10:16:30 PM »
What is the question?


my thought as well


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Re: Not a Chad Nicholls victim....
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2006, 06:57:10 AM »
ok??  ???



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Re: Not a Chad Nicholls victim....
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2006, 08:12:54 AM »
there is no question.  this is so you all know that there is consequences to the game being played.  in fact it is no game at all.  it's a serious gamble with the only thing that really and truly belongs to you, your health.  i didn't abuse mindlessly.  my cycles were calculated and planned out.  now instead of pretending to be steroid gurus, be people and tell me what your thoughts are on this happening to you because something probably will happen to you years down the line.  Even arnold had to have heart surgeory.  DIV, you know as much about roids as I do and probably learned everything the exact same way.  You heard about roids and somewhere down the line decided to make the plunge.  After experiencing the awesome effects, you became engulfed with the need to learn as much as possible.  You read a lot of articles and share what you've read here.  Quit acting like you are a steroid authority because you aren't.  I know you all like living in the now, that's what BBrs do the best, but you're physical well-beings are at stake here gentleman.  Think about it harder than you are because when you play with the devil your ass is gonna get burned.


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Re: Not a Chad Nicholls victim....
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2006, 08:19:23 AM »
why would u say that our health is at risk, i dont take over 1000mg of anything even gear combined, i play it safe and i dont expect anything to happen from that, even in the arnold days, they were taking alot of gear, long periods at a time and their diet was rich in red meat, sat and trans fat



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Re: Not a Chad Nicholls victim....
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2006, 09:19:37 AM »
why would u say that our health is at risk, i dont take over 1000mg of anything even gear combined, i play it safe and i dont expect anything to happen from that, even in the arnold days, they were taking alot of gear, long periods at a time and their diet was rich in red meat, sat and trans fat


I know you really believe that.  That is why I'm posting this.


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Re: Not a Chad Nicholls victim....
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2006, 09:41:08 AM »
here the problems you people act like you read a couple of thinks online and you know about roids,go pick up a book not just a book about roids get a book that dates back to the 1960 when roids were perfect and helped out.our health is not at risk unless were stupid enough to put them at risk.of course there are risk when using,we all know that but see some of us play it safe we dont go slamming 3000mg a week of shit into our bodies.see opinions are like asshole's everyone has one,and some are clean but yours just stinks.


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Re: Not a Chad Nicholls victim....
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2006, 10:13:40 AM »
exactly, i never said that taking what iu take will not effect my health, i just dont think it will. i think that once u start goin yrs on and using 3-4g of gear, thats when the problems occur expecially if ur diet isnt sound at all. other than that, i see no harm in what im doing at all! i do play it safe and well see when im 50-60 if what im doing is safe or not, other than that its time to be huge



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Re: Not a Chad Nicholls victim....
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2006, 10:19:25 AM »
OK, listen-- everybody just calm down a notch.  Please go back and read Chino's original post on the other board, and the responses to it.  They thought it would be more appropriate to move the thread over to here, and I think that was a reasonable thing to do.  Unfortunately, they only moved the very last quote and response.

So, in a nutshell, Chino believes his present situation, renal failure, was the direct result of using AAS.  His creatinine level is markedly elevated (1200) and is awaiting further work-up.  His story is unfortunate, but I think we can sort out some of the info through what he posted about himself and his experiences with gear.

1.  The compounds.  He listed cycles that contained test prop (750/wk), deca (300/wk), dbol (25/d), tren (75 eod) and anavar (30/d).  Although he doesn't list the specific cycles, he comments that he did not use these compounds all at one time.  I think it is fair to say that the dosages are reasonable, and certainly in line with what many here use and recommend.  What he does not state is if the AAS were pharmaceutical-grade or home-brewed.

2.  Risk factors.  He stated that his grandfather is presently on dialysis for kidney failure.  He states that he had rather wide fluctuations in weight, up to 268 lbs.  He himself describes his look as "...the huge puffy type with bad calves..." (gotta love the honesty, there, actually).  He lists some sides, namely "...the worst I ever had happen was some high BP and liver enzymes...".  He also admits to a history of recreational drug use, including cocaine, pot and alcohol.  His protein intake, I would say, is typical for the average BB, at 250-350mg protein intake per day.  He describes his training style as intense.  He drinks 1-1 1/2 gallons of water per day.

We all know that there are some very serious and very real risk factors associated with the use of AAS.  Most directly, I think it is fair to say that hepato(liver)toxicity stands out as one of the greatest DIRECT health risks associated with the use of gear, especially with oral compounds.  Most AAS have not been shown to have a direct impact on renal function (there was a buzz awhile ago about tren, but most now agree that this may have been more strongly linked to its common preparation in underground labs), although secondary effects can certainly tax the kidneys to a great degree.  Probably the greatest of all is hypertension (high BP).  AAS lead to an increase in water and sodium retention through several different mechanisms, which can cause significant BP elevation.  For example, deca metabolites are aldosterone agonists. High BP can result in significant damage to the kidneys.

On the flip side to this, I think we should take into account the fact that AAS, most notably deca, has been used to combat malnutrition, anemia and hypoalbuminemia in dialysis and chronic renal patients.  The medical community would not likely continue this practice if it was strongly felt that AAS directly caused further kidney damage.  

Chino, I think you have assumed that AAS directly caused your present renal crisis.  You have, in effect, done what the media always does when a gear-user has health problems.  For some reason we as a society want to point to these people and blame the juice.  It helps other justify there non-gear existence (often while they continue to smoke, drink, liposuck and beat their wives--but that seems to be OK).  

You clearly have listed a lifestyle that may have had much more to do with your problems than the gear alone.  You have a genetic predisposition to CRF.  You state you had high BP and corroborate this with your description of your "puffy look."  This tells me you were a water-retaining monster.  You were probably often overweight (admit it, you probably were).  You used coke which further damages the heart, blood vessels and elevates BP.  You had a high protein intake.  Perhaps you also used megadosages of creatine.  Your gear may have come from UGLs (you can speak on this), which are known to have high levels of very toxic contaminants.

Let's face it.  Gear was probably one part of a lifestyle that has brought you down.  We talk about this on this board all the time.  If I had familial hypertension or early heart disease in my family, I wouldn't use gear.  If my blood pressure so much as elevated a little while on cycle, I would take antihypertensives and check it frequently.  I check my liver enzymes frequently.  I protect my liver function with tationil.  I moderate my water intake in relation to the color of my piss due to my high nitrogen load.  I want to see clear piss--no yellow--or I increase it (always over 1- 1 1/2 gal water per day).  I take niacin and fish oils to keep my cholesterol down and my LDL/HDL ratios in check...

You gotta THINK, man.  Use your fu*king head.  Plan it out.  Completely.  Every angle...every detail...

I feel for you.  Please let us know how it goes from here.  


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Re: Not a Chad Nicholls victim....
« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2006, 10:40:34 AM »
here the problems you people act like you read a couple of thinks online and you know about roids,go pick up a book not just a book about roids get a book that dates back to the 1960 when roids were perfect and helped out.our health is not at risk unless were stupid enough to put them at risk.of course there are risk when using,we all know that but see some of us play it safe we dont go slamming 3000mg a week of shit into our bodies.see opinions are like asshole's everyone has one,and some are clean but yours just stinks.
exactly, i never said that taking what iu take will not effect my health, i just dont think it will. i think that once u start goin yrs on and using 3-4g of gear, thats when the problems occur expecially if ur diet isnt sound at all. other than that, i see no harm in what im doing at all! i do play it safe and well see when im 50-60 if what im doing is safe or not, other than that its time to be huge


You guys keep saying that like that is what I took.  I NEVER took 3 or 4 grams of shit!  I typed what my exact dosages were and if you do know anything about steroids, than you know that the dosages that I was ingesting were right at what is typically considered "safe", in our little circles.  In fact those dosages are still constantly being prescribed by Div and even you muscle19.  I knew there was a risk.  I respect drugs, I know what they can do.  I, like all of you, had fallen in love with being dense and ridiculously strong.  I refused to believe that even if kept in moderation, steroids would hurt me.  I loved steroids.  I even enjoyed the days I was sticking myself in the quads, ass and shoulders simply because I knew what would be happening to my body in the coming weeks.  Most of you will probably not have problems, but I guarantee some of you will.  I just hope you are prepared to face the consequences when you roll snake eyes yourself.

I got this kid friend too.  He's big.  He's 18.  He's been big since he was 16 when some asshole who I 'd really like to name, talked him into using.  This other guy was on juice all the time and was a big fucking joke to tell you the truth.  He was like me in the fact that he just had this puffy look that just wouldn't tighten up.  This guy would be running and jumping all over the gym yelling "Wooooooo!!!", up and down whilst simultaneously slapping everyone's ass that happened to be around him.  So this guy tells this kid all sorts of shit like "you have the genetics kid", and, "you could take it all the way."  Of course this kid tried it.  He looked up to this asshole.  Now this kid is finding out that his skeleton is underdeveloped and the back and joint pain he's feeling is because for some strange reason his growth stopped.  That kid is huge right now.  In my opinion he in fact does have the genetics to get very far, but now he is looking at nothing but problems.  He would like to kick the shit out of that dude now.  Shit, he deserves it.  


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Re: Not a Chad Nicholls victim....
« Reply #11 on: March 09, 2006, 10:55:22 AM »
I get it know OK.
whats sucks is we,and when i say we,i means we as responsable adult roid users should be protecting the undergage kids that want to use these things,they have not fully grown yet so i dont think they should try any of this stuff at all,of course we cant stop them from getting it but,for the suppliers they should not be so concerned about the money there getting from these young kids,I know there are alot of us out there that would not even let a young kid buy or use roids,


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Re: Not a Chad Nicholls victim....
« Reply #12 on: March 09, 2006, 11:13:34 AM »
So, in a nutshell, Chino believes his present situation, renal failure, was the direct result of using AAS.  His creatinine level is markedly elevated (1200) and is awaiting further work-up.  His story is unfortunate, but I think we can sort out some of the info through what he posted about himself and his experiences with gear.

No I do not believe that.  If you had read all of my earlier posts you would see that I do recognize the fact that EVERYTHING played a factor in this.

1.  The compounds.  He listed cycles that contained test prop (750/wk), deca (300/wk), dbol (25/d), tren (75 eod) and anavar (30/d).  Although he doesn't list the specific cycles, he comments that he did not use these compounds all at one time.  I think it is fair to say that the dosages are reasonable, and certainly in line with what many here use and recommend.  What he does not state is if the AAS were pharmaceutical-grade or home-brewed.

I did state in my earlier posts that I have used Mexican gear the entire time.  Including the worst of them all, Reforvit.  QV, Animal Power, Brovel, Denkall

2.  Risk factors.  He stated that his grandfather is presently on dialysis for kidney failure.  He states that he had rather wide fluctuations in weight, up to 268 lbs.  He himself describes his look as "...the huge puffy type with bad calves..." (gotta love the honesty, there, actually).  He lists some sides, namely "...the worst I ever had happen was some high BP and liver enzymes...".  He also admits to a history of recreational drug use, including cocaine, pot and alcohol.  His protein intake, I would say, is typical for the average BB, at 250-350mg protein intake per day.  He describes his training style as intense.  He drinks 1-1 1/2 gallons of water per day.

That is true but you're stating that I am using.  I haven't touched anything like cocaine since early 2000.  I also do not drink at all.  I haven't for almost seven months.  When I did drink after the year 2003, it was very moderate and spaced.  I just smoke pot, and then again, only at the end of the day when I got my shit all done and in order.

On the flip side to this, I think we should take into account the fact that AAS, most notably deca, has been used to combat malnutrition, anemia and hypoalbuminemia in dialysis and chronic renal patients.  The medical community would not likely continue this practice if it was strongly felt that AAS directly caused further kidney damage.  

I did use other things including tren.

Chino, I think you have assumed that AAS directly caused your present renal crisis.  You have, in effect, done what the media always does when a gear-user has health problems.  For some reason we as a society want to point to these people and blame the juice.  It helps other justify there non-gear existence (often while they continue to smoke, drink, liposuck and beat their wives--but that seems to be OK).  

f**k you for saying that.  I appreciate the way you are tying to examine my situation, but you got me fucked up.  I love this fucking lifestyle.  I had conformed to it entirely.  I would never go and bash usage or the lifestyle or even the sport!
It can be beneficial and it can be observed, so if you know the risks and you are ready to face those risks if they ever do show up, go for it!  I don't blame steroids entirely.  I have stated over and over that everything from genetics to my workouts contributed.  I have supervised other people's cycles and training regimine.  I truly appreciate these compounds for what they can do, but I now realize the gravity of the situation and want you to also.

You clearly have listed a lifestyle that may have had much more to do with your problems than the gear alone.  You have a genetic predisposition to CRF.  You state you had high BP and corroborate this with your description of your "puffy look."  This tells me you were a water-retaining monster.  You were probably often overweight (admit it, you probably were).  You used coke which further damages the heart, blood vessels and elevates BP.  You had a high protein intake.  Perhaps you also used megadosages of creatine.  Your gear may have come from UGLs (you can speak on this), which are known to have high levels of very toxic contaminants.

I had a cut fat sort of look.  I attained striations along the chest, clear seperations in my arms which were 191/2 inces at one time.  I still have a clear tear drop and seperation in my quads.  I did at my largest also.  I was not so veiny cept for my arms and the pec-delt tie in area.  I just looked like I was offseason all the time.  I never had a gut, just this layer on my obliques and lower abs.  I could even see intercostals.  :: I told you that the last time I used coke was 2000.

.  I take niacin and fish oils to keep my cholesterol down and my LDL/HDL ratios in

so do I.

You gotta THINK, man.  Use your fu*king head.  Plan it out.  Completely.  Every angle...every detail...

My cycles were.  Thank You.

I feel for you.  Please let us know how it goes from here.  

I appreciate what you've tried to make out of this man, but you're wrong about me.


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Re: Not a Chad Nicholls victim....
« Reply #13 on: March 09, 2006, 11:45:21 AM »
what problems do u have? im confused with all this writing



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Re: Not a Chad Nicholls victim....
« Reply #14 on: March 09, 2006, 11:52:02 AM »


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Re: Not a Chad Nicholls victim....
« Reply #15 on: March 09, 2006, 12:00:41 PM »
what problems do u have? im confused with all this writing


renal failure.  i had posted the link to the original thread in the bodybuilders board, but you probably haven't clicked it.  it's at the top.  the thread is titled "the best diet I ever went on".


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Re: Not a Chad Nicholls victim....
« Reply #16 on: March 09, 2006, 02:05:24 PM »
So you did coke at a early age, of 20-21? Other than that you only took/take Xanax?

When did you start doing coke? When did you start using AAS?

Did you drink? If so what, how much, how often?

I have many friends that use or have coke & they will be the FIRST to tell you that when they were doing coke, thats not the only thing they were doing...My old roommates brother did Coke, Xanax, Valium, Pain killers & grass. AT the sametime & he drank EVERY weekend needless to say hes in the same situation as you. Kidney failure & has already gone through a transplant. But he wil ltell you that COKE was not the only thing he done.

So with that being said. I'm sorry for the trouble & pain you have went through & are going through but I feel theres more to this story then whats being said. Like someone said thats "MY" opinion & I'm stating it.


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Re: Not a Chad Nicholls victim....
« Reply #17 on: March 09, 2006, 03:02:25 PM »

f**k you for saying that.  I appreciate the way you are tying to examine my situation, but you got me fucked up.    

I appreciate what you've tried to make out of this man, but you're wrong about me.

Hey, sorry man.  I don't know anything about you.  All I had to go on was the info you provided to US.  You wanted a response, so I gave one.  My message was to you, as well as to everyone else who cruises on through this board.

It's probably not as far off as you think.  I think others reading through would agree. 

In any event, you do have my sympathy and my prayers.  Iron brothers should stick together.

sen pen kyi shem
(the thought to be of help to others)



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Re: Not a Chad Nicholls victim....
« Reply #18 on: March 09, 2006, 03:23:04 PM »
there is no question.  this is so you all know that there is consequences to the game being played.  in fact it is no game at all.  it's a serious gamble with the only thing that really and truly belongs to you, your health.  i didn't abuse mindlessly.  my cycles were calculated and planned out.  now instead of pretending to be steroid gurus, be people and tell me what your thoughts are on this happening to you because something probably will happen to you years down the line.  Even arnold had to have heart surgeory.  DIV, you know as much about roids as I do and probably learned everything the exact same way.  You heard about roids and somewhere down the line decided to make the plunge.  After experiencing the awesome effects, you became engulfed with the need to learn as much as possible.  You read a lot of articles and share what you've read here.  Quit acting like you are a steroid authority because you aren't.  I know you all like living in the now, that's what BBrs do the best, but you're physical well-beings are at stake here gentleman.  Think about it harder than you are because when you play with the devil your ass is gonna get burned.

ChinoXL, don't come on here preaching about the dangers of AAS.  People here know full well what they're dealing with and if not, they should know, because they will have to face the possible consequences eventually.  I never said I was a "guru".  I have no idea if I know more than you or not, Chino, but I know enough to answer about 95% of the questions people pose on here.  Don't compare yourself to me or my experiences with AAS.  You don't know me outside of this forum and you have no basis to make that type of generalization.

I never became "englulfed" in AAS.  It's something I read about for years and studied before I ever used anything.  I approached it like I would any serious undertaking, didn't just order up a cycle and start shooting up like alot of newbies do.  I read articles, books, and have e-mailed several of the "gurus" regularly to ask specific questions.  I'm not just pulling information out of my ass, it comes from direct sources and personal experience. 

It's true that you can plan for the future, but there is no guarantee of the future.  There is no guarantee you will live past today and you should be aware of that.  I'm not saying gamble with your health, but keep things in perspective.  Play it safe, as safe as possible, while still trying to meet your goals and that's all you can hope for.     

I appreciate the concern, but people aren't that naive.  If they are, they shouldn't be in this game. 

I'm a ghost in these killing fields...


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Re: Not a Chad Nicholls victim....
« Reply #19 on: March 09, 2006, 04:57:12 PM »
chino,  you came on here asking for people's opinions and thoughts on your situation and now when we are giving them to you you totally bash what everyone says.  if you want honest answers to your situation then give people the same respect they are giving you by trying to interpret and analysis your situation.  everyone knows what effects these drugs can have, good or bad, and a lot of us are concerned with the health side of it also like freak said.  I'm just wondering what it is you want from everyone here?  if it was to come on here to preach then you came to the wrong place.  hope everything works out for you, good luck