Author Topic: Brokered Convention  (Read 16665 times)

Dos Equis

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Re: Brokered Convention
« Reply #75 on: February 25, 2016, 11:28:20 AM »
Exactly what I've been saying:  "The 963 delegates — 39 percent of the convention's total — to be selected in 24 contests between March 1 and March 12 will all be awarded proportionally. This means he could win the headlines but capture a minority of the delegates — unless he unites the GOP."

Rove: Trump Does Not Have 'Lock' on Nomination

Image: Rove: Trump Does Not Have 'Lock' on Nomination  (Getty Images)
By Cathy Burke   |    Thursday, 25 Feb 2016

Front-running GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump doesn't yet have a "lock" on the nomination, but time is running out for another candidate to defeat him, according to political strategist Karl Rove.

In a commentary for The Wall Street Journal, the former senior adviser and deputy chief of staff during the George W. Bush administration argues the GOP nomination — "as long as three or more candidates are splitting delegates" in proportional contests — may stay "uncertain" until March 15.

But he could also seal the deal then "if a fragmented opposition gives him an absolute majority of delegates on that day," Rove writes.

The delegate numbers will be crucial, Rove writes.

"Even a weak Trump plurality on March 15 would give him Florida's 99 delegates and Ohio's 66 delegates," he writes. "Additionally, if a majority of Republicans oppose Mr. Trump that day, but are divided among several candidates, he could also take the lion's share of Illinois's 69 and Missouri's 52 delegates."

There's "still time for the non-Trump GOP majority to coalesce around a single candidate," Rove writes. "But not much."

"Things can remain somewhat divided on March 1 as long as the majority is largely unified on March 8 and fully behind a single candidate on the Ides of March. If not, the hopes of the party's non-Trump majority will suffer the same fate as Caesar."

Rove calls Trump's latest win in November "very impressive," noting "after four contests, only 133 of the convention's 2,472 delegates have been selected," and the caucus victory in Nevada "does not necessarily a consolidation make."

"Mr. Trump is supported by better than three of every 10 Republicans, but some 65 percent aren't in his camp," he writes.

"The 963 delegates — 39 percent of the convention's total — to be selected in 24 contests between March 1 and March 12 will all be awarded proportionally. This means he could win the headlines but capture a minority of the delegates — unless he unites the GOP."

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Re: Brokered Convention
« Reply #76 on: February 25, 2016, 04:49:23 PM »
Ten of the states are winner takes all, and in the other contests, he's gonna average 20 more % of the delegates than the others.

He's gonna own it by the time the liberals in hawaii take their nightly bubble baths on super tuesday.

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Re: Brokered Convention
« Reply #77 on: February 26, 2016, 09:46:04 AM »
Marco Rubio Teases Brokered Convention: After First Round, Delegates Vote For Whoever They Want

Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio speaks at a rally Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016, in Houston. ()AP/Pat Sullivan
26 Feb 2016

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) is again floating the possibility that Donald Trump, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), or he himself might fail to earn the necessary 1,236 delegates required to win the Republican presidential nomination.

That would mean taking the fight to a brokered convention.

During an interview on CBS “This Morning,” Rubio was questioned about a CNN report that revealed Rubio’s campaign manager had prepared donors in New York for the possibility.

“If you look at the way it’s going now, no one may have that number of delegates and that in and of itself would trigger a convention in which after the first round, delegates are free to vote for whoever they want,” Rubio said.

That scenario would create a chaotic process at the Republican convention in July — unlike any other nomination since 1948. Rubio indicated that he didn’t want a brokered convention to happen, but that he was ready for the possibility.

“I would not prefer that to be the case, I would much rather just have someone win the nomination in this process, but not a con artist like Donald Trump,” Rubio said.

Last night in the debate spin room, Rubio campaign manager Terry Sullivan teased reporters about his strategy.

“It’s a beautiful plan. Yooge. You’ll love it. You’ll love it,” he told NBC reporter Alexandra Jaffe.

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Re: Brokered Convention
« Reply #78 on: February 26, 2016, 02:24:56 PM »
rubio is such a snake.  He doesn't even argue that the people of these states aren't choosing him.

it's just "hey, we can wiggle the system to give me the win, even if that's not what people want".

Politicians rise or fall once they get the spotlight.  Rubio has turned out to be a shitbird.


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Re: Brokered Convention
« Reply #79 on: February 26, 2016, 03:04:26 PM »
Wants to be pissed would u be if you were a Rubio guy and gives his shit to friggen Trump to be VP.

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Re: Brokered Convention
« Reply #80 on: February 26, 2016, 06:30:40 PM »
But rubio will likely won no states. 

I'm shocked that he 2016 field is this bad


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Re: Brokered Convention
« Reply #81 on: February 26, 2016, 06:42:18 PM »
Marco Rubio Teases Brokered Convention: After First Round, Delegates Vote For Whoever They Want

Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio speaks at a rally Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2016, in Houston. ()AP/Pat Sullivan
26 Feb 2016

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) is again floating the possibility that Donald Trump, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), or he himself might fail to earn the necessary 1,236 delegates required to win the Republican presidential nomination.

That would mean taking the fight to a brokered convention.

During an interview on CBS “This Morning,” Rubio was questioned about a CNN report that revealed Rubio’s campaign manager had prepared donors in New York for the possibility.

“If you look at the way it’s going now, no one may have that number of delegates and that in and of itself would trigger a convention in which after the first round, delegates are free to vote for whoever they want,” Rubio said.

That scenario would create a chaotic process at the Republican convention in July — unlike any other nomination since 1948. Rubio indicated that he didn’t want a brokered convention to happen, but that he was ready for the possibility.

“I would not prefer that to be the case, I would much rather just have someone win the nomination in this process, but not a con artist like Donald Trump,” Rubio said.

Last night in the debate spin room, Rubio campaign manager Terry Sullivan teased reporters about his strategy.

“It’s a beautiful plan. Yooge. You’ll love it. You’ll love it,” he told NBC reporter Alexandra Jaffe.

Well that basically tells you everything you need to know about that little weasel.


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Re: Brokered Convention
« Reply #82 on: February 26, 2016, 06:52:38 PM »
Trump just needs 51% of the delegates?  He'll likely have those, particularly as more people drop out.

Don't forget, Bush BEAT Rubio in NH, and he may easily beat him in SC also. 

IF it goes to a brokered convention, my $ is on Jeb/Rubio ticket.  NOBODY is going to out-manuever a Bush if it comes down to a deal at a table.  Jeb wins it that way. 

Boy how these things change in a week or so. Maybe you $ would be better placed on a Rubio/Bush ticket, huh?

My person hope it that Trump's ego will induce him to spend himself poor in order to try and win the election. Didn't he say he was self-funding his campaign?

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Re: Brokered Convention
« Reply #83 on: February 27, 2016, 12:12:34 AM »
trump said the other day that he's now accepting donations lol


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Re: Brokered Convention
« Reply #84 on: February 27, 2016, 11:47:02 AM »
It's funny though - the PEOPLE doing the actual VOTING want TRUMP to be the nominee.  Overwhelmingly.

The party itself? They're very much against Trump being the nominee.

We're now at the point where getbiggers have to choose between supporting the will of the PEOPLE, and the will of the PARTY.

Open primaries will do that.

Thank the GOP/RNC establishment for switching to those after 1984. The GOP didn't want another Reagan.

Think about that.

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Re: Brokered Convention
« Reply #85 on: February 28, 2016, 01:23:38 AM »
it's such a historically unique time.  our grandkids are going to ask us about the 2016 election.

Trump is classless populist liberal, calling people LOWLIFES and PU$$IES... and he's shit all over everyone in power in the republican party...

yet he is BY FAR the choice of the PEOPLE.

He'll wreck the GOP, whether he wins or loses 40 states against hilary (one of these will happen).   The repub party will be a train wreck.

I've said it all along - Trump will terrorize the GOP and make their nomination a process, destroying Gop careers and bernie too (commie!! accusations)

And in the end, trump will either win, or lose, 40 states against hilary.  SO FAR, I've been correct.  We should be looking at Jeb!/Walker as the obvious ticket right now... and trump punked all of them to oblivion.   Rubio is a dribbling robot, Cruz is a lying canadian who isn't even eligible to be president... carson is like a pedophile, jeb is a low energy loser... I mean, he's stained these folks in a way they may never return from... NO DEM could do that kind of damage ;)

Trump is a plant.  I said it in 2011.  Conservative columnis george willl said it in 2015.  It's true.  Bill clinton admitted calling and 'encouraging trump to get more involved" just days before he announced his run.  

The shittiest thing for "repubs" on getbid will be admitted that shitbag libs like 240 called trump exactly for the lib plant that he is, on DAY ONE, and predicted his rise and the powerhouse repubs falls.  And I was proven correct.  He will easily win this nomination thru chaos, then win or lose by 40 states.  He does NOT want this job - he wants to live in his penthouse while his company builds the mex wall and hilary brings healthcare to the nation, and big govt spending to recover economy.... and they planned all along.

Getbig 'conservatives' will see it in the coming months.

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Re: Brokered Convention
« Reply #86 on: March 01, 2016, 01:08:29 PM »
How the GOP Insiders Plan to Steal the Nod From Trump

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump February 23, 2016 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Ethan Miller/Getty Images
by Roger Stone and Ed Martin
1 Mar 2016

“Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket.” – Eric Hoffer

Despite a growing string of victories in the Republican primaries ,the DC-Wall Street cabal that has dominated the GOP since 1988 has no intention of letting the billionaire real estate mogul be nominated. None other than Karl Rove has insisted the stop-Trump effort is not too late and can succeed.

A new superPAC has dumped $10 million dollars into blistering negative TV ads against Trump in the last three days. The Koch brothers and their associates deny funding the effort but they denials are questionable at best. The New York Times reported Sunday that the Rubio and Kasich campaigns are now openly planning on a ‘brokered convention” to stop Trump in the back rooms in Cleveland. The New York Daily News reported that Barbara Bush has vowed revenge against Trump for ending the “low energy” campaign of her son Jeb, the anointed one and that the Bush clan is all-in in the effort to stop Trump. The News reported that Jeb may transfer the $25 to $30 million in SuperPAC funds he has left to an anti-Trump effort

The power-brokers short term game is clear; stall Trump just short of the magic number of delegates needed to be nominated on the first ballot with the knowledge that many delegates bound on the first ballot by Trump primary and caucus victories would be unbound on a second ballot. Much in the way the RNC stacked the galleries with anti-Trump partisans in the last two debates, anti-Trump quislings are be planted in various delegations that will be free to betray Trump on subsequent ballots.

If Cruz prevails in Texas and Kasich can hold Ohio the insiders game of “keep away “could get some legs. The cabal of billionaires who are bankrolling Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) have served notice on the young Senator that he must win his home state of Florida on March 15 or get the hook. Mitt Romney, who passed up the 2016 race because he deemed Jeb Bush unstoppable (!) is suited up to enter late primaries in California, New Jersey and elsewhere in the hopes that the party would turn to him on a second ballot. This explains why Romney has suddenly emerged as a twitter critic of Trump’s chiding him for not releasing his tax returns in the middle of an IRS audit and not renouncing the support of former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke fast enough.

The Republican nomination process was already rigged: the campaigns of the four early states (Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Nevada) have been traditionally controlled by high paid consultants and party leaders who convince candidates to spend hundreds of millions on media, staff and early state “necessities.” The big money needed has to come from somewhere–namely from special interests who demand loyalty on key issues: government handouts/bailouts, open borders, and especially big government. The demands of early big money usually clear the field of anyone unacceptable to the Republican Racketeers: when Newt or Santorum didn’t play along in 2012, they were swamped under by big money.

In 2016, Trump doesn’t need the racketeers money because he has the Republican grassroots, but the racketeers have one last play: fix the Rules of the Conventions. For example, do you know how many delegates Trump must get to be nominated for president today? Zero. Cruz, Rubio, and all the rest? Also zero. Why? Because the Rule that allows them to be nominated (Rule 40) requires “permanently seated delegates” for nomination. But that won’t happen until the Credentials Committee meets at the convention!

Then there is rule 40-B.Please note that Rule 40 as it is currently written expires on the day before the convention when the Rules Committee meets to make up the new Rules of the Convention and for the Republican Party for the next 4 years. Rule 40-B currently requires a nominee to have “the “majority of the permanently seated delegates from at least 8 states.” Romney lawyer Ben Ginsberg was able to change Rule 40 from “plurality of the delegates from at least 5 states” to the current rule. The potential for skullduggery is clear. Even if Trump runs the tables in the primaries winning a plurality in virtually every state the rule can be tailored by a controlled Rules Committee to prevent a Trump nomination.

Rule 40-B used to require a majority in six states but when Congressman Ron Paul met that goal it was quickly changed to eight states. Under control of the insiders the number of states required can be amended to any number to block Trump.

Also, the goal of the extended nomination process will be to make it so either no one gets to eight states (or what ever number the establishment changes it to) Then, under the guise of letting “the voters be heard”, the Rules committee will make a more lax Rule 40. After all, Cruz and Rubio and Romney “deserve to be nominated,” they will argue. Romney will enter the late primaries because he is concerned that Rule 40 B will be changed to allow only those who won some delegates from voters in the states to be considered and because he might stand a better chance of chiseling delegates from Trump in late “’winner take all” primaries than the hapless Rubio.

Surely the party pros know that a nomination wrenched from the hands of Donald Trump would be worthless but they don’t care. The ruling elite that has dominated the party would rather have globalist Hillary Clinton than the uncontrollable nationalist Donald Trump. The idea of a president not beholden to the ruling elite is more than they can stand.

There are many great aphorisms in politics but this one may be the key to who ends up President: he who knows the rules, rules. Right now, it’s Reince and the Racketeers who know them best. Beware Republicans: the big steal is coming.

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Re: Brokered Convention
« Reply #87 on: March 01, 2016, 01:10:00 PM »
How the GOP Insiders Plan to Steal the Nod From Trump

Trump is an ass.

But wow... the will of the people is actually Trump.  That's what more republicans want.

It's like elections matter nothing, when 200 people in Washington can overturn the will of tens of millions of voters. 

I'm guessing, since you agree with them this time - you're okay with this, then?  ;)

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Re: Brokered Convention
« Reply #88 on: March 02, 2016, 01:08:27 PM »
Brokered convention still a possibility after Super Tuesday:

Trump  319
Cruz  226
Rubio  110
Kasich  25
Carson  8
Bush  4
Fiorina  1
Huckabee  1
Paul  1

A lot will depend on Florida and Ohio. 

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Re: Brokered Convention
« Reply #89 on: March 02, 2016, 04:57:14 PM »
Brokered convention still a possibility after Super Tuesday:

Trump  319
Cruz  226
Rubio  110
Kasich  25
Carson  8
Bush  4
Fiorina  1
Huckabee  1
Paul  1

A lot will depend on Florida and Ohio. 

you're really looking fwd to the GOP completely undermining the will of republican voters.

I love it. 

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Re: Brokered Convention
« Reply #90 on: March 02, 2016, 07:48:19 PM »
Nevada and overall numbers:

34,531 = Votes for Trump
40,347 = Votes for other candidates

Total (Iowa, NH, SC, NV)
320,215 = Votes for Trump
858,598 = Votes for other candidates

Trump gets less than 50 percent of the vote in Nevada.  Delegates split again.  In fact, the other candidates received more delegates than Trump in Nevada.  The current projections through Super Tuesday show the same kind of outcome, unless the field gets smaller. 

Super Tuesday totals:
2,945,652 = Votes for Trump
5,409,738 = Votes for other candidates

3,265,867 = Votes for Trump
6,268,336 = Votes for other candidates

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Re: Brokered Convention
« Reply #91 on: March 02, 2016, 09:03:31 PM »
I love the new defense of overthrowing Trump.

"The ANTI-TRUMP votes are a higher number, so they have an unknowing and unwilling coalition".

I guess this rule didn't apply to Mitt or Mccain when they had less than 50%, huh?  ;)


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Re: Brokered Convention
« Reply #92 on: March 02, 2016, 11:46:48 PM »
Super Tuesday totals:
2,945,652 = Votes for Trump
5,409,738 = Votes for other candidates

3,265,867 = Votes for Trump
6,268,336 = Votes for other candidates

What does this mean? If you split those other votes among the other candidates, every one of the GOP candidates except for Trump is in trouble. It's not like 6,268,366 voters are not going to vote for Trump in the general election if he is nominated and at this point he appears to be unstoppable.

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Re: Brokered Convention
« Reply #93 on: March 03, 2016, 08:49:39 AM »
What does this mean? If you split those other votes among the other candidates, every one of the GOP candidates except for Trump is in trouble. It's not like 6,268,366 voters are not going to vote for Trump in the general election if he is nominated and at this point he appears to be unstoppable.

It means several things:

1.  The overwhelming majority of Republican voters do not support Trump. 

2.  Given the number of voters who don't support him, he may not get to 1237 delegates.

3.  They dispel the notion that Trump is someone the GOP wants.  The numbers clearly show they don't want him. 

4.  They support the poll numbers showing a sizable number of voters will never support Trump.  That means all of those non-Trump voters are not going to flock to him as the field narrows, and they will not support him in November if he wins the nomination. 

5.  They support the percentage of votes he got on Super Tuesday, which I heard was about 35 percent.  In other words, 65 percent voted for someone else.

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Re: Brokered Convention
« Reply #94 on: March 03, 2016, 08:58:18 AM »
They dispel the notion that Trump is someone the GOP wants.  The numbers clearly show they don't want him.

But isn't it true the numbers clearly show they want everyone else even less?

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Re: Brokered Convention
« Reply #95 on: March 03, 2016, 09:01:52 AM »
But isn't it true the numbers clearly show they want everyone else even less?

Perhaps.  The difference is people aren't touting anyone else as some kind of runaway choice. 

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Re: Brokered Convention
« Reply #96 on: March 03, 2016, 09:06:10 AM »
Perhaps.  The difference is people aren't touting anyone else as some kind of runaway choice. 

But there may be people scheming to remove the choice.

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Re: Brokered Convention
« Reply #97 on: March 03, 2016, 09:19:41 AM »
But there may be people scheming to remove the choice.


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Re: Brokered Convention
« Reply #98 on: March 03, 2016, 11:12:40 AM »

As long as they don't do it to you, you mean.

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Re: Brokered Convention
« Reply #99 on: March 03, 2016, 11:14:59 AM »
As long as they don't do it to you, you mean.

They could never do it to me.