Author Topic: Steroids and eating disorder...  (Read 4947 times)


  • Getbig III
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  • Trensform
Steroids and eating disorder...
« on: March 11, 2016, 01:10:56 AM »
So been a while i have been on steroids and the biggest thing i noticed is an increase in appetite and hunger. When i use to be natty, i use to eat anything i wanted and stayed relatively stringy and skinny. I also played alot of tennis and ice hockey which helped to keep me relatively lean. But at the same time i wasn't going overboard on food. Did have the occasional mcdies, subway, chips, cakes, ice cream, etc what kids usually enjoy.
However, now i always keep on mind to hit my meals every 2-3 hours from the moment i wake up to the moment i sleep or i get really paranoid. But i am always hungry or have the appetite for more food. Food is always on my mind no matter where i am or what i am doing. It's just so complicated to control such a huge appetite. And this is what really shits on my progress and keeps my body fat higher than it should be and kills alot of my good progress.

When i wake up i usually cook 10 egg whites, 3 slices of fat free cheese, with non stick cooking spray, spices + hot sauce. On the side id make 1.5 cups oat meal, with cinnamon stevia and walden maple syrup and a whole banana cut up in it. By the time im done and downed all my supplements, I'm already thinking of eating more food. And usually the bad kind, but i always end up fking up my diet at night time. So throughout the day i would have couple more meals, white rice and halibut, cream of rice with almond butter and a protein shake preworkout, my intra carb shake with my bcaas and creatine, and postwo at the gym i would down a weight gainer ~ 45 carbs 15g protein 3.5 fats with 1 scoop of whey iso with a banana and a tbsp of honey. When i get home I immediately eat my postwo meal halibut and sweet potatoes. I hit around 4-5 solid meals a day, and another 2 which i dont consider as meals would be gainer and a shake with carbs. I use those to fuel my body faster and because it simply digests easier for me. If i take a proteim shake pre, my body abosrbs it better, less bloating and farting in my workouts, and postwo gainer and protein shake helps fuel my body quicker and keeps me still hungry for a meal right after to optimize for more growth.

But at night time after hitting my meals, or postwo I always have on mind of eating out and i end up stuffing in me 3-5k cals in one sitting without even feeling too full. It's really fked up, when i manage to keep my diet on track i manage to keep the same habits and routine, the second I start eating out and getting bad habits in, i directly go off tracks and everything becomes a disaster.

If i could without getting fat i would be happy downing 6-8k cals a day. I just love eating. Growth hormone really makes it worse for me, after injecting it i just want to eat, it's not like ghrp-2or 6, it's a drop in sugar i get. T3 makes my appetite unbearable even at 25mcg. And no amount of orals can cut my appetite even if they make me toxic.

I remember 1-3 years ago, took me 30 minutes to an hour to force feed a couple eggs in the morning. I felt like puking and like shit. It was just so hard for me to put food i didnt like or want to eat in that specific moment in my stomach. Now everything has flipped over.

How do you guys manage? Diet has always been my biggest struggle, i do my best to limit my cals to 3-4k on bulks but i end up eating bad foods at the end of the day.  :'(


  • Getbig III
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  • Posts: 374
  • Trensform
Re: Steroids and eating disorder...
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2016, 01:20:53 AM »
For those wondering i am blasting right now
150 test e (50mg m/w/f)
700 npp (100mg ed)
600 eq (200mg m/w/f)
75 anadrol on empty stomach split equally throughout the day
5iu GH upon waking
25mcg t3 upon waking
12.5 asin before bed
1mg caber (0.5mg m/f)


  • Getbig III
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Re: Steroids and eating disorder...
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2016, 01:46:33 AM »
My best advice would be try to eat something healthy that mimics the junk food you want like a quest bar maybe, and if that doesn't work focus on your end goal and don't give into your food cravings. It seems like you have perservered through alot of hard stuff so I know you definetely have it in you to overcome your cravings for junk food. How is your acne doing just out of curiosity? I remember you saying you got it pretty bad with certain compounds. I'm getting acne from my TRT dose any advice? I just figured I would ask about the acne cause that seems like a decent cycle and that you may have some good knowledge about how to combat acne if you can run a cycle like that with minimal to no acne.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Steroids and eating disorder...
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2016, 01:49:07 AM »
I made the best progress staying away from junk food by never buying any. When I am on top of my diet I try to have cheat days on weekends and only at nice restaurants.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Steroids and eating disorder...
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2016, 02:10:52 AM »
So been a while i have been on steroids and the biggest thing i noticed is an increase in appetite and hunger. When i use to be natty, i use to eat anything i wanted and stayed relatively stringy and skinny. I also played alot of tennis and ice hockey which helped to keep me relatively lean. But at the same time i wasn't going overboard on food. Did have the occasional mcdies, subway, chips, cakes, ice cream, etc what kids usually enjoy.
However, now i always keep on mind to hit my meals every 2-3 hours from the moment i wake up to the moment i sleep or i get really paranoid. But i am always hungry or have the appetite for more food. Food is always on my mind no matter where i am or what i am doing. It's just so complicated to control such a huge appetite. And this is what really shits on my progress and keeps my body fat higher than it should be and kills alot of my good progress.

When i wake up i usually cook 10 egg whites, 3 slices of fat free cheese, with non stick cooking spray, spices + hot sauce. On the side id make 1.5 cups oat meal, with cinnamon stevia and walden maple syrup and a whole banana cut up in it. By the time im done and downed all my supplements, I'm already thinking of eating more food. And usually the bad kind, but i always end up fking up my diet at night time. So throughout the day i would have couple more meals, white rice and halibut, cream of rice with almond butter and a protein shake preworkout, my intra carb shake with my bcaas and creatine, and postwo at the gym i would down a weight gainer ~ 45 carbs 15g protein 3.5 fats with 1 scoop of whey iso with a banana and a tbsp of honey. When i get home I immediately eat my postwo meal halibut and sweet potatoes. I hit around 4-5 solid meals a day, and another 2 which i dont consider as meals would be gainer and a shake with carbs. I use those to fuel my body faster and because it simply digests easier for me. If i take a proteim shake pre, my body abosrbs it better, less bloating and farting in my workouts, and postwo gainer and protein shake helps fuel my body quicker and keeps me still hungry for a meal right after to optimize for more growth.

But at night time after hitting my meals, or postwo I always have on mind of eating out and i end up stuffing in me 3-5k cals in one sitting without even feeling too full. It's really fked up, when i manage to keep my diet on track i manage to keep the same habits and routine, the second I start eating out and getting bad habits in, i directly go off tracks and everything becomes a disaster.

If i could without getting fat i would be happy downing 6-8k cals a day. I just love eating. Growth hormone really makes it worse for me, after injecting it i just want to eat, it's not like ghrp-2or 6, it's a drop in sugar i get. T3 makes my appetite unbearable even at 25mcg. And no amount of orals can cut my appetite even if they make me toxic.

I remember 1-3 years ago, took me 30 minutes to an hour to force feed a couple eggs in the morning. I felt like puking and like shit. It was just so hard for me to put food i didnt like or want to eat in that specific moment in my stomach. Now everything has flipped over.

How do you guys manage? Diet has always been my biggest struggle, i do my best to limit my cals to 3-4k on bulks but i end up eating bad foods at the end of the day.  :'(

Not enough fat, way too many carbs.

Always prioritise protein and fat, carbs are not nessecary for muscle building but the brain craves them.

I get 600ish kcal per meal from egg whites, peanut butter and my primary carb source being only 3 slices of grainary whole meal bread or 300g chopped potato alone.

Insulin is climbing to a huge peak dropping quickly due to the faster digestion with no fat, as it falls you crave more carbs and the cycle repeats

25% of your daily calories from fat, 35% protein, 40% carbs is a good baseline, drop 500kcal worth of carbs on non training days assuming your only hitting a 500kcal surplus.

Spread the fat evenly throughout the day, only time it would be beneficial to remove is post workout for faster digestion

Start drinking or supplementing coffee x 3 a day as it supresses appetite, get off the t3.

Stop eating shit, just because you're hungry doesnt mean you have to eat a donut, if you don't have the will power to make a choice  that simple you deserve every repercussion coming your way.


  • Getbig III
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  • Trensform
Re: Steroids and eating disorder...
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2016, 03:09:57 AM »
My best advice would be try to eat something healthy that mimics the junk food you want like a quest bar maybe, and if that doesn't work focus on your end goal and don't give into your food cravings. It seems like you have perservered through alot of hard stuff so I know you definetely have it in you to overcome your cravings for junk food. How is your acne doing just out of curiosity? I remember you saying you got it pretty bad with certain compounds. I'm getting acne from my TRT dose any advice? I just figured I would ask about the acne cause that seems like a decent cycle and that you may have some good knowledge about how to combat acne if you can run a cycle like that with minimal to no acne.

What's your TRT dosage? My advice would be the usual, stick to long estered Testosterone, either Enanthate or Cypionate. Logically, or what makes more sense to me, the longer the ester, the better. Why do I think so? Because over a long period of time of being consistent and frequent with your injections, you could achieve very stable blood levels. Initially, when you present a new compound, or when you change a dosage (whether you increase it or lower it), you will or could experience some acne in the first 4-6 weeks, which is normal and to be expected, till you get stable blood levels. Afterwards, you should have no issues.

If you shoot up 150mg a week for example, idially I would split my injections 3 times a week. So 50mg on Monday, on Wednesday and Friday. If that's too many injections for you for the sake of such a small Testosterone dose, you could do Monday and Thursday. However, 3 times a week helps a lot I find for me. Once a week will definitely cause break outs if you are prone to it, even if you are shooting up longer estered EQ. So ideally 2-3 injections per week.
That being said, I personally use Aromasin because I find it is the easiest AI to dose and control. It's hard to crash your estrogen on it, and it becomes more effective the longer you use it. If you know you are prone to high estrogen, I would always include an AI whether blasting or cruising. Some people's body are just bad and suck at regulating estrogen. They convert too much Testosterone to E2 and causes issues such as oily skin and acne. Usually Aromasin should be used everyday, but if you find that an every other day dosage is working for you, than that's great. Aromasin is the easiest AI IMO to find your desired dose. It's just more friendly. Also taking it everyday just keeps things easier to track, more consistent with your body, and less fluctuations. Sometimes I feel that if I take my AI too far apart, estrogen fluctuations can affect me negatively. I take my Asin before bed as it makes people drowsy.

If you are using other compounds on TRT or during your cruise such as low dose deca, I would still try and use Cabergoline as Prolactin can raise problems as well.

Keeping very androgenic compounds low, or away from my cycle is my key to keeping less oily and acne prone skin. DHT is the main culprit to acne. Just causes too much oil production (oil glands produce more oil) and P. Bacterias to live there and cause infected zits. Bacterias live in oil, it's easy as that, and the white accumulation you see inside your zits, that's your white blood cells accumulating in one area trying to fight off the bad bacterias. So anything that converts to alot of estrogen, or that is very androgenic, will raise the chances of getting acne. This is why I always try to be smart about my cycles and not touch compounds that are useless to growth, and that will cause me expected complications in the future. Also using sane steroid dises rather than useless high doses, mainly on harsh androgens, will reduce those chances by alot.

For carbohydrates, they cause inflammation in your body and that is a known fact. So try to be very carful on your carbohydrate intake as excessive amounts will cause excessive inflammation. Mainly if you're eating simple carbs/sugars. I keep my simple carbs/sugars immediately after waking up, intra and post-workout.

I use specific body washes that have anti-bacterial properties as those help to keep bad bacterias living on your skin at bay. Benzoyl Peroxide is an extra as it helps to reduce oil production on your skin by drying it out a little. Start with low Benzoyl Peroxide % if you start using it to get your skin use to it, and slowly ramp up if you need more. Too much will cause your skin to dry too much and try to compensate by producing more oil. That could worsen things for you. I like using soft loofash, don't scrub like you are in war with your skin, but apply enough pressure to get dead skin cells off your skin. I loofash my back/shoulders/traps/chest and apply some on my face and scalp as well. I personally shower once in the morning after waking up and eating breakfast, and once postworkout. I wash my body both times using my special washes. I like Trisan and Benzac W.

Make sure you don't keep using the same towel and bed sheets/pillow case too often. Use clean clothes, and make sure you use detergents that don't make your skin sensitive when you wear your clothes. If you apply perfume, don't spray it everywhere on your body, you should look up online how to properly wear cologne, there are spots on the body where acne doesn't form where you can spray them.

I like staying cold, i open the window at night to prevent myself from sweating and being too hot at night, allow my skin to breath shirtless.

Keep away from too many chemicals, sodas, meats with hormones (organic is your best bet, anything you can get organic is better), and really fatty meats/cheeses/foods that have really bad sorts of fats (trans fats mainly). Sticking to the healthy fats will be so much better and more beneficial on your skin and other things in general.

Low dose of growth hormone has helped me to keep smooth skin. When i go too high on the dose, over 5units, i start breaking out because my body starts producing alot of IGF-1 and that also causes acne. So everything in moderation. I use generics, so pharmaceutical grade is better for you, cleaner. Anything pharmaceutical you are guaranteed to be putting in your body something clean and 100% what it says it is. SERMs such as Raloxfine give me acne when blast or cruising. Ran it fir 6 months at 60mg a day to try and reduce my gyno, when i took it out, my skin got better.

Keeping your liver healthy, is really important as it cleans your blood from toxins. I personally don't do it, and only do on orals, but a natural liver support everyday year round such as LiverCare (Liv.52) is amazing for you 2-3x a day. On orals I would add TUDCA and leave TUDCA in after the done using the oral for the same duration you used it. Helps get your liver back to healthy and to prevent issues quickly.

Supplements I take are Omega3s, Multivitamins, Vitamin D3, Calcium Complex in the morning and these are all organic. At night before bed after my last meal, I will take Magnesium and Zinc. You could add 1 LiverCare pill in the morning and at night. If you run an oral, you could do 3 pills, and add 300mg TUDCA in the morning and at night.

If you get bad breakouts, antibiotics are a quick fix to help keep acne under control, but make sure to stop what is causing the acne, because if you don't, when you have to stop your antibiotic course, the acne will come running back to you. I would take BioK Probiotics with any antibiotic that kills healthy bacterias in your stomach, as you need them and are essential to you. Organic yogurts have lots of probiotics too, having a cup in the morning and at night is good.

Keeping your stress levels low is really important too. Maybe taking Epsam Salt Baths once a week in warm water can help dry and exfoliate and release toxins from your skin and even assist in recovery. I use scented ones with eucalyptus, jasmin or citrus.

Basically less drugs you use, the less complications you will run in. Keep androgenic compounds low to moderate if you have to use them. Keep frequent injections for stable blood levels. Take your AI (and PA such as Cabergoline if you need to). Don't eat excessive carbs you don't need. Use special body washes and whatever information you retained and seemed interesting to you apply it. These are all easy tasks, and form into a habbit.

Anabolic compounds is what I mainly want now. I don't grow as well without compounds that aromatise such as Testosterone or Dianabol. Anadrol itself is doing a good job now, I will run it at moderate doses for 4-6 weeks, I am getting great results so far. Deca is amazing, low androgenic ratio, doesn't aromatise too much, 20% as much as Testosterone if I remember well. You can achieve very stable levels with it after 6 weeks of frequent weekly injections. NPP or short estered compounds easily cause acne for me as they peak so fast in the blood and fluctuate alot for me personally. If I use moderate doses of short esters I find I can manage well. EQ also I find it to be a good compound as it only aromatises half as much as Testosterone and is mild itself. When I absolutely need to use higher doses of Testosterone, I make sure I do frequent injections, I take my AI regularly, and that I don't go over what I need in dosage. If you know you are prone to acne, why harm yourself with high doses when you can achieve funner and good consistent results without being annoyed of sides effects.

With orals for me, the key is to keep my blood levels stable as these are devil compounds and cause strong fluctuations. 

Making sure you take well deserved breaks for your body to let it recover and become healthy again. Crusing is important. Going blasting for months on end none stop is simply a way to call out on problems, so don't forget to give your body a break. Stop all drugs and only keep the ones you need for proper function. Let your body detoxify. You could do it with your diet as well, reducing proteins im general and food intake which gives your kidneys a break as well. This will only prime you by making you feel much better mentally and physically allowing you to get better gains next time you blast will less to no side effects. Also, donating blood when one steroids, it's a healthy thing to do, and you will feel much better the next day.

Apart of that keep your dirty hands away from your face and body, and don't pick at your pimples. Keep hydrated, water is the body's best detoxifier and cleanser!
This is whatever I could think from the top of my head! If you have anything you want to ask me go ahead. If those don't solve your issue, you can low dose accutane and everything will be solved easily. I know alot about this drug and could tell you more about it if you want. Cheers!


  • Getbig III
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  • Trensform
Re: Steroids and eating disorder...
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2016, 03:24:28 AM »
For my skin now I found a skin surgeon and he told me my skin should be back to normal in about 6 months! I am very excited and have already started the treatment yesterday! I can keep you guys updated, hopefully I won't have to pass a third summer hiding my body again with shirts   :'(


  • Getbig III
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Re: Steroids and eating disorder...
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2016, 03:44:27 AM »
What's your TRT dosage? My advice would be the usual, stick to long estered Testosterone, either Enanthate or Cypionate. Logically, or what makes more sense to me, the longer the ester, the better. Why do I think so? Because over a long period of time of being consistent and frequent with your injections, you could achieve very stable blood levels. Initially, when you present a new compound, or when you change a dosage (whether you increase it or lower it), you will or could experience some acne in the first 4-6 weeks, which is normal and to be expected, till you get stable blood levels. Afterwards, you should have no issues.

If you shoot up 150mg a week for example, idially I would split my injections 3 times a week. So 50mg on Monday, on Wednesday and Friday. If that's too many injections for you for the sake of such a small Testosterone dose, you could do Monday and Thursday. However, 3 times a week helps a lot I find for me. Once a week will definitely cause break outs if you are prone to it, even if you are shooting up longer estered EQ. So ideally 2-3 injections per week.
That being said, I personally use Aromasin because I find it is the easiest AI to dose and control. It's hard to crash your estrogen on it, and it becomes more effective the longer you use it. If you know you are prone to high estrogen, I would always include an AI whether blasting or cruising. Some people's body are just bad and suck at regulating estrogen. They convert too much Testosterone to E2 and causes issues such as oily skin and acne. Usually Aromasin should be used everyday, but if you find that an every other day dosage is working for you, than that's great. Aromasin is the easiest AI IMO to find your desired dose. It's just more friendly. Also taking it everyday just keeps things easier to track, more consistent with your body, and less fluctuations. Sometimes I feel that if I take my AI too far apart, estrogen fluctuations can affect me negatively. I take my Asin before bed as it makes people drowsy.

If you are using other compounds on TRT or during your cruise such as low dose deca, I would still try and use Cabergoline as Prolactin can raise problems as well.

Keeping very androgenic compounds low, or away from my cycle is my key to keeping less oily and acne prone skin. DHT is the main culprit to acne. Just causes too much oil production (oil glands produce more oil) and P. Bacterias to live there and cause infected zits. Bacterias live in oil, it's easy as that, and the white accumulation you see inside your zits, that's your white blood cells accumulating in one area trying to fight off the bad bacterias. So anything that converts to alot of estrogen, or that is very androgenic, will raise the chances of getting acne. This is why I always try to be smart about my cycles and not touch compounds that are useless to growth, and that will cause me expected complications in the future. Also using sane steroid dises rather than useless high doses, mainly on harsh androgens, will reduce those chances by alot.

For carbohydrates, they cause inflammation in your body and that is a known fact. So try to be very carful on your carbohydrate intake as excessive amounts will cause excessive inflammation. Mainly if you're eating simple carbs/sugars. I keep my simple carbs/sugars immediately after waking up, intra and post-workout.

I use specific body washes that have anti-bacterial properties as those help to keep bad bacterias living on your skin at bay. Benzoyl Peroxide is an extra as it helps to reduce oil production on your skin by drying it out a little. Start with low Benzoyl Peroxide % if you start using it to get your skin use to it, and slowly ramp up if you need more. Too much will cause your skin to dry too much and try to compensate by producing more oil. That could worsen things for you. I like using soft loofash, don't scrub like you are in war with your skin, but apply enough pressure to get dead skin cells off your skin. I loofash my back/shoulders/traps/chest and apply some on my face and scalp as well. I personally shower once in the morning after waking up and eating breakfast, and once postworkout. I wash my body both times using my special washes. I like Trisan and Benzac W.

Make sure you don't keep using the same towel and bed sheets/pillow case too often. Use clean clothes, and make sure you use detergents that don't make your skin sensitive when you wear your clothes. If you apply perfume, don't spray it everywhere on your body, you should look up online how to properly wear cologne, there are spots on the body where acne doesn't form where you can spray them.

I like staying cold, i open the window at night to prevent myself from sweating and being too hot at night, allow my skin to breath shirtless.

Keep away from too many chemicals, sodas, meats with hormones (organic is your best bet, anything you can get organic is better), and really fatty meats/cheeses/foods that have really bad sorts of fats (trans fats mainly). Sticking to the healthy fats will be so much better and more beneficial on your skin and other things in general.

Low dose of growth hormone has helped me to keep smooth skin. When i go too high on the dose, over 5units, i start breaking out because my body starts producing alot of IGF-1 and that also causes acne. So everything in moderation. I use generics, so pharmaceutical grade is better for you, cleaner. Anything pharmaceutical you are guaranteed to be putting in your body something clean and 100% what it says it is. SERMs such as Raloxfine give me acne when blast or cruising. Ran it fir 6 months at 60mg a day to try and reduce my gyno, when i took it out, my skin got better.

Keeping your liver healthy, is really important as it cleans your blood from toxins. I personally don't do it, and only do on orals, but a natural liver support everyday year round such as LiverCare (Liv.52) is amazing for you 2-3x a day. On orals I would add TUDCA and leave TUDCA in after the done using the oral for the same duration you used it. Helps get your liver back to healthy and to prevent issues quickly.

Supplements I take are Omega3s, Multivitamins, Vitamin D3, Calcium Complex in the morning and these are all organic. At night before bed after my last meal, I will take Magnesium and Zinc. You could add 1 LiverCare pill in the morning and at night. If you run an oral, you could do 3 pills, and add 300mg TUDCA in the morning and at night.

If you get bad breakouts, antibiotics are a quick fix to help keep acne under control, but make sure to stop what is causing the acne, because if you don't, when you have to stop your antibiotic course, the acne will come running back to you. I would take BioK Probiotics with any antibiotic that kills healthy bacterias in your stomach, as you need them and are essential to you. Organic yogurts have lots of probiotics too, having a cup in the morning and at night is good.

Keeping your stress levels low is really important too. Maybe taking Epsam Salt Baths once a week in warm water can help dry and exfoliate and release toxins from your skin and even assist in recovery. I use scented ones with eucalyptus, jasmin or citrus.

Basically less drugs you use, the less complications you will run in. Keep androgenic compounds low to moderate if you have to use them. Keep frequent injections for stable blood levels. Take your AI (and PA such as Cabergoline if you need to). Don't eat excessive carbs you don't need. Use special body washes and whatever information you retained and seemed interesting to you apply it. These are all easy tasks, and form into a habbit.

Anabolic compounds is what I mainly want now. I don't grow as well without compounds that aromatise such as Testosterone or Dianabol. Anadrol itself is doing a good job now, I will run it at moderate doses for 4-6 weeks, I am getting great results so far. Deca is amazing, low androgenic ratio, doesn't aromatise too much, 20% as much as Testosterone if I remember well. You can achieve very stable levels with it after 6 weeks of frequent weekly injections. NPP or short estered compounds easily cause acne for me as they peak so fast in the blood and fluctuate alot for me personally. If I use moderate doses of short esters I find I can manage well. EQ also I find it to be a good compound as it only aromatises half as much as Testosterone and is mild itself. When I absolutely need to use higher doses of Testosterone, I make sure I do frequent injections, I take my AI regularly, and that I don't go over what I need in dosage. If you know you are prone to acne, why harm yourself with high doses when you can achieve funner and good consistent results without being annoyed of sides effects.

With orals for me, the key is to keep my blood levels stable as these are devil compounds and cause strong fluctuations. 

Making sure you take well deserved breaks for your body to let it recover and become healthy again. Crusing is important. Going blasting for months on end none stop is simply a way to call out on problems, so don't forget to give your body a break. Stop all drugs and only keep the ones you need for proper function. Let your body detoxify. You could do it with your diet as well, reducing proteins im general and food intake which gives your kidneys a break as well. This will only prime you by making you feel much better mentally and physically allowing you to get better gains next time you blast will less to no side effects. Also, donating blood when one steroids, it's a healthy thing to do, and you will feel much better the next day.

Apart of that keep your dirty hands away from your face and body, and don't pick at your pimples. Keep hydrated, water is the body's best detoxifier and cleanser!
This is whatever I could think from the top of my head! If you have anything you want to ask me go ahead. If those don't solve your issue, you can low dose accutane and everything will be solved easily. I know alot about this drug and could tell you more about it if you want. Cheers!

respect for the dude who is gonna read all this :/

But i wish i wasnt a lazy fuck and could cook my meals like you... I Drink 70% of my nutrition i get out of the day


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Steroids and eating disorder...
« Reply #8 on: March 11, 2016, 05:00:59 AM »
what the fuck are these walls of text

it all comes down to "QQ bodybuilding is so hard"

its like the fattie threads "im fat i cant lose weight wat do"

youre not even on any hunger inducing compounds except EQ (for some) and GH

get your shit together, everybody would love to eat 3000 kcals for dinner everyday. just spread your calories more intelligently.
if youre a night time eater then save 50% of your daily calories for your last meal, add a lot of veggies and youre gonna be full before you can overeat.
dont eat shit foods and junk.
simple as thatl.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Steroids and eating disorder...
« Reply #9 on: March 11, 2016, 05:19:12 AM »
what the fuck are these walls of text

it all comes down to "QQ bodybuilding is so hard"

its like the fattie threads "im fat i cant lose weight wat do"

youre not even on any hunger inducing compounds except EQ (for some) and GH

get your shit together, everybody would love to eat 3000 kcals for dinner everyday. just spread your calories more intelligently.
if youre a night time eater then save 50% of your daily calories for your last meal, add a lot of veggies and youre gonna be full before you can overeat.
dont eat shit foods and junk.
simple as thatl.

I had a few friends do intermittent fasting for a while now (couple years), and they raved about how awesome it was. I didn't try it cause I thought it was stupid and thought I'd lose muscle and look small, etc.. etc...
I decided to give it a shot after not really being motivated enough to diet down after a pretty heavy bulk. I started eating between noon and 10pm, then 2 and 10pm, now im to the point where I eat about 2k cals in like 3 to 4 hours at night. TBH I feel amazing on this diet, and I'm seeing changes every single day. My lifts in the gym are up (I don't eat prior to working out, and have BCAAs + creatine intraworkout), stamina took a bit of a hit, but the weight is going up for sure. People just need to find something that works for them. If you're prone to being a fatass who overeats (like me), doing IF may be the magic bullet. If you have a hard time putting on weight or getting enough cals in, then eating frequent meals is something you should do.
But I agree, complaining about it on a board will solve nothing, just have some discipline and do your research.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Steroids and eating disorder...
« Reply #10 on: March 11, 2016, 06:08:27 AM »
^ i pretty much always fast at least 12h a day aswell, more like 14 and sometimes 16, feels much better to me.
usually eat 3-4 meals a day, rarely ever have more than 4.

eating 5+ meals a day or evenly spreading calories over 6 meals or some shit like that never worked for me.
eating 8 meals a day also has absolutely zero advantages over 3 or 4.

i also have around 2/3 of my daily kcals split right before/intra workout and post workout and thats with 4000kcals a day
i can starve all day without thinking about food too much, but after a heavy gym session i need to EAT.

pretty easy to adjust your nutrition individually.

Thong Maniac

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Re: Steroids and eating disorder...
« Reply #11 on: March 11, 2016, 07:59:44 AM »
yep if helps big time if you have binging issues. for example yesterday i ate about 350 cals  until dinner, which allowed me to have a huge ass dinner of pasta/fish/pesto/, two chocolate bars to wash it down, and a lennys cookie...and still was around 1900 cals


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Steroids and eating disorder...
« Reply #12 on: March 11, 2016, 08:07:47 AM »
yep if helps big time if you have binging issues. for example yesterday i ate about 350 cals  until dinner, which allowed me to have a huge ass dinner of pasta/fish/pesto/, two chocolate bars to wash it down, and a lennys cookie...and still was around 1900 cals
yeah, doing it that way also makes cutting a breeze...
wake up, fast for another 2-3 hours, be active, get some shit done, then have a small meal (if you eat lots of protein youll still be satiated), then a couple hours later another small meal for lunch, hit the gym late in the day and then you can still stuff your face with a bigass dinner, feel full once a day and still stay on low kcals & lose weight quickly


  • Getbig III
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Re: Steroids and eating disorder...
« Reply #13 on: March 11, 2016, 11:27:03 AM »
respect for the dude who is gonna read all this :/

But i wish i wasnt a lazy fuck and could cook my meals like you... I Drink 70% of my nutrition i get out of the day

People who get bad acne would actually be desprate enough to read this because it isn't something fun to deal with haha, if you don't want to read it it's either because you get so little of it that you can easily disregard it  :P
For meals took me alot of effort to make my stomach grow to accommodate more food. Liquid shakes aren't bad as long as you hit 3-4 solid meals a day and have some healthy fats and carbs with the shakes you consider as meals. Also quality of protein powder matters. I use NZI by ATP, pharmaceutical grade protein which has no preservatives, antibiotics, hormones, etc. Very clean overall product with a really good amino profile. Get 5g glutamine a scoop from it and dissolves really well thanks to enough leucine content. Just got to research the supplements you use and make sure they are good quality

what the fuck are these walls of text

it all comes down to "QQ bodybuilding is so hard"

its like the fattie threads "im fat i cant lose weight wat do"

youre not even on any hunger inducing compounds except EQ (for some) and GH

get your shit together, everybody would love to eat 3000 kcals for dinner everyday. just spread your calories more intelligently.
if youre a night time eater then save 50% of your daily calories for your last meal, add a lot of veggies and youre gonna be full before you can overeat.
dont eat shit foods and junk.
simple as thatl.

I use to eat really low fats throughout the day as i thought it would help my metabolism be faster. Tried adding some for breakfast instead of avoiding them on most my meals. I feel pretty full right now. And you're right i should save enough calories for night time, but I rather spread out my cals evenly to get enough calories around my workout. I should add veggies, i always neglect them, you're right. They have good fibre content which helps to keep me full, i will keep that on mind. My main goal is to avoud junk and shit foods.

I had a few friends do intermittent fasting for a while now (couple years), and they raved about how awesome it was. I didn't try it cause I thought it was stupid and thought I'd lose muscle and look small, etc.. etc...
I decided to give it a shot after not really being motivated enough to diet down after a pretty heavy bulk. I started eating between noon and 10pm, then 2 and 10pm, now im to the point where I eat about 2k cals in like 3 to 4 hours at night. TBH I feel amazing on this diet, and I'm seeing changes every single day. My lifts in the gym are up (I don't eat prior to working out, and have BCAAs + creatine intraworkout), stamina took a bit of a hit, but the weight is going up for sure. People just need to find something that works for them. If you're prone to being a fatass who overeats (like me), doing IF may be the magic bullet. If you have a hard time putting on weight or getting enough cals in, then eating frequent meals is something you should do.
But I agree, complaining about it on a board will solve nothing, just have some discipline and do your research.

I have never tried IF. I feel I would be far too catabolic if I don't feed my body protein for over 3 hours. Constantly feeding my body to keep me as anabolic as possible is what i feel is right. But i could imagine how healthy and good i would feel on such a diet. I would probably feel much better throughout the day with more energy. I will try that when i cut and see how it goes. It should make my life easier

yep if helps big time if you have binging issues. for example yesterday i ate about 350 cals  until dinner, which allowed me to have a huge ass dinner of pasta/fish/pesto/, two chocolate bars to wash it down, and a lennys cookie...and still was around 1900 cals

Don't you feel like a twig during your workout or throughout the day? You leave all your calories for dinner


  • Getbig II
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Re: Steroids and eating disorder...
« Reply #14 on: March 11, 2016, 11:32:24 AM »
People who get bad acne would actually be desprate enough to read this because it isn't something fun to deal with haha, if you don't want to read it it's either because you get so little of it that you can easily disregard it  :P
For meals took me alot of effort to make my stomach grow to accommodate more food. Liquid shakes aren't bad as long as you hit 3-4 solid meals a day and have some healthy fats and carbs with the shakes you consider as meals. Also quality of protein powder matters. I use NZI by ATP, pharmaceutical grade protein which has no preservatives, antibiotics, hormones, etc. Very clean overall product with a really good amino profile. Get 5g glutamine a scoop from it and dissolves really well thanks to enough leucine content. Just got to research the supplements you use and make sure they are good quality

I use to eat really low fats throughout the day as i thought it would help my metabolism be faster. Tried adding some for breakfast instead of avoiding them on most my meals. I feel pretty full right now. And you're right i should save enough calories for night time, but I rather spread out my cals evenly to get enough calories around my workout. I should add veggies, i always neglect them, you're right. They have good fibre content which helps to keep me full, i will keep that on mind. My main goal is to avoud junk and shit foods.

I have never tried IF. I feel I would be far too catabolic if I don't feed my body protein for over 3 hours. Constantly feeding my body to keep me as anabolic as possible is what i feel is right. But i could imagine how healthy and good i would feel on such a diet. I would probably feel much better throughout the day with more energy. I will try that when i cut and see how it goes. It should make my life easier

Don't you feel like a twig during your workout or throughout the day? You leave all your calories for dinner

All in your head, bro. If you have enough bodyfat, your body will use it up before touching your precious muscle, especially if you're on gear. You're on more than enough gear to keep the muscle you've built and just starve off the fat.
I, personally, get in a minimum of 200g protein/day in those 3 - 4 hours that I eat + the carbs and fats to end up at about 2k cals. Maybe try it and see what happens? If you have a shitty appetite at night though, I'd suggest eating throughout the day. IF works well for people who can chew their arm off at night before bed, no matter how much they've eaten that day.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Steroids and eating disorder...
« Reply #15 on: March 11, 2016, 11:44:43 AM »
If u r on gear u r not gonna fucking go catabolic in 3 hours of no protein lol

Qwert II

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Re: Steroids and eating disorder...
« Reply #16 on: March 11, 2016, 12:17:58 PM »
If u r on gear u r not gonna fucking go catabolic in 3 hours of no protein lol

And you better eat within that 1hr anabolic window after working out or your gains will grind to a halt.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Steroids and eating disorder...
« Reply #17 on: March 11, 2016, 12:53:57 PM »
And you better eat within that 1hr anabolic window after working out or your gains will grind to a halt.
not only that, but a single anabolic window missed means at least a pound of muscle will be GONE. instantly.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Steroids and eating disorder...
« Reply #18 on: March 11, 2016, 01:03:35 PM »
Ah give the guy a break, I believed this crap as well before actually trying something new. I just hope he listens and let's go of the myths. All you gotta do is try it once, worst thing that could happen is you actually lose a bit of muscle and just go back to what you were doing before. But I guarantee you won't go catabolic enough to lose any muscle. The only catabolic effect you'll see is the one on your fat cells. And don't confuse flatness with muscle loss! Don't let that fuck with your head!


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Re: Steroids and eating disorder...
« Reply #19 on: March 11, 2016, 01:44:09 PM »
Wow, 150 test a week
700 deca and 600 EQ

How's the cycle going?
you are gay.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Steroids and eating disorder...
« Reply #20 on: March 11, 2016, 01:52:09 PM »
What's your TRT dosage? My advice would be the usual, stick to long estered Testosterone, either Enanthate or Cypionate. Logically, or what makes more sense to me, the longer the ester, the better. Why do I think so? Because over a long period of time of being consistent and frequent with your injections, you could achieve very stable blood levels. Initially, when you present a new compound, or when you change a dosage (whether you increase it or lower it), you will or could experience some acne in the first 4-6 weeks, which is normal and to be expected, till you get stable blood levels. Afterwards, you should have no issues.

If you shoot up 150mg a week for example, idially I would split my injections 3 times a week. So 50mg on Monday, on Wednesday and Friday. If that's too many injections for you for the sake of such a small Testosterone dose, you could do Monday and Thursday. However, 3 times a week helps a lot I find for me. Once a week will definitely cause break outs if you are prone to it, even if you are shooting up longer estered EQ. So ideally 2-3 injections per week.
That being said, I personally use Aromasin because I find it is the easiest AI to dose and control. It's hard to crash your estrogen on it, and it becomes more effective the longer you use it. If you know you are prone to high estrogen, I would always include an AI whether blasting or cruising. Some people's body are just bad and suck at regulating estrogen. They convert too much Testosterone to E2 and causes issues such as oily skin and acne. Usually Aromasin should be used everyday, but if you find that an every other day dosage is working for you, than that's great. Aromasin is the easiest AI IMO to find your desired dose. It's just more friendly. Also taking it everyday just keeps things easier to track, more consistent with your body, and less fluctuations. Sometimes I feel that if I take my AI too far apart, estrogen fluctuations can affect me negatively. I take my Asin before bed as it makes people drowsy.

If you are using other compounds on TRT or during your cruise such as low dose deca, I would still try and use Cabergoline as Prolactin can raise problems as well.

Keeping very androgenic compounds low, or away from my cycle is my key to keeping less oily and acne prone skin. DHT is the main culprit to acne. Just causes too much oil production (oil glands produce more oil) and P. Bacterias to live there and cause infected zits. Bacterias live in oil, it's easy as that, and the white accumulation you see inside your zits, that's your white blood cells accumulating in one area trying to fight off the bad bacterias. So anything that converts to alot of estrogen, or that is very androgenic, will raise the chances of getting acne. This is why I always try to be smart about my cycles and not touch compounds that are useless to growth, and that will cause me expected complications in the future. Also using sane steroid dises rather than useless high doses, mainly on harsh androgens, will reduce those chances by alot.

For carbohydrates, they cause inflammation in your body and that is a known fact. So try to be very carful on your carbohydrate intake as excessive amounts will cause excessive inflammation. Mainly if you're eating simple carbs/sugars. I keep my simple carbs/sugars immediately after waking up, intra and post-workout.

I use specific body washes that have anti-bacterial properties as those help to keep bad bacterias living on your skin at bay. Benzoyl Peroxide is an extra as it helps to reduce oil production on your skin by drying it out a little. Start with low Benzoyl Peroxide % if you start using it to get your skin use to it, and slowly ramp up if you need more. Too much will cause your skin to dry too much and try to compensate by producing more oil. That could worsen things for you. I like using soft loofash, don't scrub like you are in war with your skin, but apply enough pressure to get dead skin cells off your skin. I loofash my back/shoulders/traps/chest and apply some on my face and scalp as well. I personally shower once in the morning after waking up and eating breakfast, and once postworkout. I wash my body both times using my special washes. I like Trisan and Benzac W.

Make sure you don't keep using the same towel and bed sheets/pillow case too often. Use clean clothes, and make sure you use detergents that don't make your skin sensitive when you wear your clothes. If you apply perfume, don't spray it everywhere on your body, you should look up online how to properly wear cologne, there are spots on the body where acne doesn't form where you can spray them.

I like staying cold, i open the window at night to prevent myself from sweating and being too hot at night, allow my skin to breath shirtless.

Keep away from too many chemicals, sodas, meats with hormones (organic is your best bet, anything you can get organic is better), and really fatty meats/cheeses/foods that have really bad sorts of fats (trans fats mainly). Sticking to the healthy fats will be so much better and more beneficial on your skin and other things in general.

Low dose of growth hormone has helped me to keep smooth skin. When i go too high on the dose, over 5units, i start breaking out because my body starts producing alot of IGF-1 and that also causes acne. So everything in moderation. I use generics, so pharmaceutical grade is better for you, cleaner. Anything pharmaceutical you are guaranteed to be putting in your body something clean and 100% what it says it is. SERMs such as Raloxfine give me acne when blast or cruising. Ran it fir 6 months at 60mg a day to try and reduce my gyno, when i took it out, my skin got better.

Keeping your liver healthy, is really important as it cleans your blood from toxins. I personally don't do it, and only do on orals, but a natural liver support everyday year round such as LiverCare (Liv.52) is amazing for you 2-3x a day. On orals I would add TUDCA and leave TUDCA in after the done using the oral for the same duration you used it. Helps get your liver back to healthy and to prevent issues quickly.

Supplements I take are Omega3s, Multivitamins, Vitamin D3, Calcium Complex in the morning and these are all organic. At night before bed after my last meal, I will take Magnesium and Zinc. You could add 1 LiverCare pill in the morning and at night. If you run an oral, you could do 3 pills, and add 300mg TUDCA in the morning and at night.

If you get bad breakouts, antibiotics are a quick fix to help keep acne under control, but make sure to stop what is causing the acne, because if you don't, when you have to stop your antibiotic course, the acne will come running back to you. I would take BioK Probiotics with any antibiotic that kills healthy bacterias in your stomach, as you need them and are essential to you. Organic yogurts have lots of probiotics too, having a cup in the morning and at night is good.

Keeping your stress levels low is really important too. Maybe taking Epsam Salt Baths once a week in warm water can help dry and exfoliate and release toxins from your skin and even assist in recovery. I use scented ones with eucalyptus, jasmin or citrus.

Basically less drugs you use, the less complications you will run in. Keep androgenic compounds low to moderate if you have to use them. Keep frequent injections for stable blood levels. Take your AI (and PA such as Cabergoline if you need to). Don't eat excessive carbs you don't need. Use special body washes and whatever information you retained and seemed interesting to you apply it. These are all easy tasks, and form into a habbit.

Anabolic compounds is what I mainly want now. I don't grow as well without compounds that aromatise such as Testosterone or Dianabol. Anadrol itself is doing a good job now, I will run it at moderate doses for 4-6 weeks, I am getting great results so far. Deca is amazing, low androgenic ratio, doesn't aromatise too much, 20% as much as Testosterone if I remember well. You can achieve very stable levels with it after 6 weeks of frequent weekly injections. NPP or short estered compounds easily cause acne for me as they peak so fast in the blood and fluctuate alot for me personally. If I use moderate doses of short esters I find I can manage well. EQ also I find it to be a good compound as it only aromatises half as much as Testosterone and is mild itself. When I absolutely need to use higher doses of Testosterone, I make sure I do frequent injections, I take my AI regularly, and that I don't go over what I need in dosage. If you know you are prone to acne, why harm yourself with high doses when you can achieve funner and good consistent results without being annoyed of sides effects.

With orals for me, the key is to keep my blood levels stable as these are devil compounds and cause strong fluctuations. 

Making sure you take well deserved breaks for your body to let it recover and become healthy again. Crusing is important. Going blasting for months on end none stop is simply a way to call out on problems, so don't forget to give your body a break. Stop all drugs and only keep the ones you need for proper function. Let your body detoxify. You could do it with your diet as well, reducing proteins im general and food intake which gives your kidneys a break as well. This will only prime you by making you feel much better mentally and physically allowing you to get better gains next time you blast will less to no side effects. Also, donating blood when one steroids, it's a healthy thing to do, and you will feel much better the next day.

Apart of that keep your dirty hands away from your face and body, and don't pick at your pimples. Keep hydrated, water is the body's best detoxifier and cleanser!
This is whatever I could think from the top of my head! If you have anything you want to ask me go ahead. If those don't solve your issue, you can low dose accutane and everything will be solved easily. I know alot about this drug and could tell you more about it if you want. Cheers!

I read all of that post and I apreciate you taking the time to write it man I will try to do some of those things. Right now my TRT dose is 80mgs a week and that puts my totall testosterone at 972ng/dl as of last time I checked. I inject 40 mgs on monday and thursday. I use liquid arimidex maybe I should try aromisin instead soon. I find if I drink alcohol at all I get really bad acne flare ups and that go's along with alot of the points you made. It sucks getting acne from a TRT dosage I'm considering quiting TRT and just trying to get my test levels back to normal through a hardcore pct.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Steroids and eating disorder...
« Reply #21 on: March 11, 2016, 02:47:55 PM »
All in your head, bro. If you have enough bodyfat, your body will use it up before touching your precious muscle, especially if you're on gear. You're on more than enough gear to keep the muscle you've built and just starve off the fat.
I, personally, get in a minimum of 200g protein/day in those 3 - 4 hours that I eat + the carbs and fats to end up at about 2k cals. Maybe try it and see what happens? If you have a shitty appetite at night though, I'd suggest eating throughout the day. IF works well for people who can chew their arm off at night before bed, no matter how much they've eaten that day.

My appetite is he biggest in the morning, postworkout and at night. So i will definitely try that out! Can you give me an example of how your day looks like on IF?

not only that, but a single anabolic window missed means at least a pound of muscle will be GONE. instantly.
And you better eat within that 1hr anabolic window after working out or your gains will grind to a halt.

Lmao Jizmo, yeah i will eat postwo for sure

Wow, 150 test a week
700 deca and 600 EQ

How's the cycle going?

Npp is amazing in the first couple weeks because this is when you feel your muscles getting a nice pop and becoming really full. As you go down the cycle, you're constantly full and just keep growing and getting thicker. Adding really nice size on it. I don't know if it is that much less water retention than deca since i was running 600 test along my 450 deca, and wasn't even running enough deca to start with. Next time, i might try npp as a kick start with deca and low test. Eq i find it to be an amazing staple for all my cycles, lean dry compound for me, makes me vascular and endurant, been around 17 weeks on it, I definitely see a difference mostly in my chest/traps/shoulders/vascularity and core. Anadrol is by far my favorite oral

I read all of that post and I apreciate you taking the time to write it man I will try to do some of those things. Right now my TRT dose is 80mgs a week and that puts my totall testosterone at 972ng/dl as of last time I checked. I inject 40 mgs on monday and thursday. I use liquid arimidex maybe I should try aromisin instead soon. I find if I drink alcohol at all I get really bad acne flare ups and that go's along with alot of the points you made. It sucks getting acne from a TRT dosage I'm considering quiting TRT and just trying to get my test levels back to normal through a hardcore pct.

Alcohol puts a strain on your liver, and itself is toxic on the body, so it is normal if you breakout aftee consuming it. Your body uses the liver and skin including other mechanisms to get rid of toxins. I would watch out on PCT, hormones become crazy and you can definitely make things become a nightmare. How is your Total Testosterone so high from 80mg a week  :o


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Steroids and eating disorder...
« Reply #22 on: March 11, 2016, 02:50:20 PM »
Goddamn did you say 40mgs Monday and 40 Thursday? You have lost your fucking mind lol. I know all this splitting up blood levels being even and stuff. But that's pussy shit at 80mg a week just shoot a cc Mondays, the end fuxk it get Swole the sites called, out before any pussies try so say wah wah wah fucking wah about legitimate trt dosages and levels.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Steroids and eating disorder...
« Reply #23 on: March 11, 2016, 03:08:52 PM »
I don't know why I get so high of total testosterone levels off of small dosages. I started my trt at 150mgs a week of pharm grade test E and it put my levels over 1500 so I dropped it down to 80mgs a week and it went down to 972ng/dl. I would love to keep my levels at 1500ng/dl I just get acne and hair loss even at 972ng/dl. I'm also really sensitive to estrogen 80mgs a week puts my estrogen at 50pg/ml which causes me to start to get gyno. I need to figure out why I get so bad of acne when my testosterone is even a little high, Ive been considering trying accutane because I heard it can stop acne for long periods of time and if I continue to be on TRT I would like to blast and cruise.


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Re: Steroids and eating disorder...
« Reply #24 on: March 12, 2016, 12:54:35 AM »
I don't know why I get so high of total testosterone levels off of small dosages. I started my trt at 150mgs a week of pharm grade test E and it put my levels over 1500 so I dropped it down to 80mgs a week and it went down to 972ng/dl. I would love to keep my levels at 1500ng/dl I just get acne and hair loss even at 972ng/dl. I'm also really sensitive to estrogen 80mgs a week puts my estrogen at 50pg/ml which causes me to start to get gyno. I need to figure out why I get so bad of acne when my testosterone is even a little high, Ive been considering trying accutane because I heard it can stop acne for long periods of time and if I continue to be on TRT I would like to blast and cruise.

Well if you have high estrogen, first thing would be to control that and find what dosage of AI you need to bring it within range. After 2-3 weeks, if you still break out the same amount, might be that you have too much DHT in your body from having high total testosterone. Could also explain the shedding of hair, DHT is responsible for that by blocking your hair follicles and killing your roots. You could try lowering your total DHT by using a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor like Finasteride and Dutasteride. For your case, Finasteride, the weaker one, should be the first one to try. I have personally never used any of the two and i hear some people having ED with it. Maybe other members could shine in on it. Ii am really unexperienced in the TRT field when it comes to levels and dosing as i have never heard someone near 1000ng/dl off 80mg,, usually i hear people shoot up 150 to get close to 1000-1200. Maybe Jizmo can help here as well