Author Topic: The Democrat Mid-Term Massacre of 2018 is Going To Be AMAZING!!!  (Read 104443 times)

Soul Crusher

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Re: The Democrat Mid-Term Massacre of 2018 is Going To Be AMAZING!!!
« Reply #425 on: October 24, 2018, 04:51:18 AM »
Poll: Former Clinton Foundation Head Slides Behind Republican Salazar in Key Florida House Race

Breitbart News recently identified the district as one of twenty remaining toss-up districts in the midterm elections whose outcomes will determine which party controls the House of Representatives when the 116th Congress convenes in Washington, D.C., this January.

When incumbent Rep. Ilyana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL-27) announced that she was retiring, the 77-year-old Shalala was expected to easily win the seat, but the campaign has not gone well for her so far.


“The narrow Democratic primary victory in August by 77-year-old Donna Shalala, the former Secretary of Health and Human Services in the Bill Clinton administration, and the emergence of a rising Republican star as her general election opponent, former Spanish language broadcaster Maria Elvira Salazar, has catapulted the race from “Likely Democratic” to “Toss-up,” as Breitbart News reported earlier this month:

The Sunshine State News reported that Salazar “has been remarkably efficient in using her name strength in Congressional District 27 to her advantage, and has turned this into a competitive race.”

Salazar also speaks both Spanish and English, while Shalala speaks only English, a key disadvantage for her because “the district is heavily Latino, with 57 percent of the registered voters being Hispanic.”

“Salazar also has an edge beyond her name advantage — she can campaign comfortably in the area to most audiences because she is bi-lingual; Shalala is not,” the Sunshine State News noted

Just as Hillary Clinton failed to generate the requisite enthusiasm among Florida voters to win the state’s electoral college votes in the 2016 Presidential election, the enthusiasm gap for Shalala among rank and file Democrats in the 27th Congressional District is palpable.

Shalala served as CEO of the Clinton Foundation from 2015 to 2017.

“After a two-year stint amid a bruising U.S. presidential campaign for the Clintons, Shalala, 76, called it a wrap Tuesday as president and chief executive of the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation,” the Miami Herald reported in April 2017.

For F sake!   DemocRAT have anyone not a geriatric communist?


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Re: The Democrat Mid-Term Massacre of 2018 is Going To Be AMAZING!!!
« Reply #426 on: October 24, 2018, 05:00:47 AM »
For F sake!   DemocRAT have anyone not a geriatric communist?

I just love the visual contrast in that particular race.

In a heavily Latino district, the hottie Republican speaks fluent Spanish while the decrepit old battle ax only speaks English.

Soul Crusher

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Re: The Democrat Mid-Term Massacre of 2018 is Going To Be AMAZING!!!
« Reply #427 on: October 24, 2018, 05:07:00 AM »
I just love the visual contrast in that particular race.

In a heavily Latino district, the hottie Republican speaks fluent Spanish while the decrepit old battle ax only speaks English.

I would never ever vote Democommunist.  EVER.  Just look at the clown show they put up across the board.   Warren, Pelosi, Shalala, feinstein, waters, clinton, etc.   

Who the F would ever vote for this nonsense? 


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Re: The Democrat Mid-Term Massacre of 2018 is Going To Be AMAZING!!!
« Reply #428 on: October 24, 2018, 05:09:25 AM »
I would never ever vote Democommunist.  EVER.  Just look at the clown show they put up across the board.   Warren, Pelosi, Shalala, feinstein, waters, clinton, etc.   

Who the F would ever vote for this nonsense? 

Next thing you know Ruth Bader Ginsburg will retire from the bench and make a push for it herself.


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Re: The Democrat Mid-Term Massacre of 2018 is Going To Be AMAZING!!!
« Reply #429 on: October 25, 2018, 06:02:26 AM »

Bill Still = Best Election Analyst in the Business.

Soul Crusher

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Re: The Democrat Mid-Term Massacre of 2018 is Going To Be AMAZING!!!
« Reply #430 on: October 25, 2018, 07:57:35 AM »
Politics in the Trump era has been turned on its' head.

BUT, I see the midterms  as follows :

House of reps - Dems +33 seat gain and new speaker of the house

Senate -  GOP +1 net gain and maintain control

Go back to bed. 


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Re: The Democrat Mid-Term Massacre of 2018 is Going To Be AMAZING!!!
« Reply #431 on: October 25, 2018, 08:57:45 AM »
Politics in the Trump era has been turned on its' head.

BUT, I see the midterms  as follows :

House of reps - Dems +33 seat gain and new speaker of the house

Senate -  GOP +1 net gain and maintain control

I don't know what books you been cookin Brother but you ain't even in the ballpark with those Micky Mouse jimmied up figures.


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Re: The Democrat Mid-Term Massacre of 2018 is Going To Be AMAZING!!!
« Reply #432 on: October 25, 2018, 10:02:12 AM »
I don't know what books you been cookin Brother but you ain't even in the ballpark with those Micky Mouse jimmied up figures.
He worked as an accountant as Arthur Anderson back in the late 1990s.


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Re: The Democrat Mid-Term Massacre of 2018 is Going To Be AMAZING!!!
« Reply #433 on: October 25, 2018, 03:52:46 PM »
damn Beto...  :o


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Re: The Democrat Mid-Term Massacre of 2018 is Going To Be AMAZING!!!
« Reply #434 on: October 25, 2018, 04:24:26 PM »
Politics in the Trump era has been turned on its' head.

BUT, I see the midterms  as follows :

House of reps - Dems +33 seat gain and new speaker of the house

Senate -  GOP +1 net gain and maintain control

Nothing new about Pelosi.  Would you welcome her return?

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Re: The Democrat Mid-Term Massacre of 2018 is Going To Be AMAZING!!!
« Reply #435 on: October 25, 2018, 07:21:53 PM »
Good commentary.

Midterm Optics Are Bad for Progressives
October 25, 2018

For progressives, the looming midterm elections apparently should not hinge on a booming economy, a near-record-low unemployment rate, a strong stock market, and unprecedented energy production. Instead, progressives hope that race and gender questions overshadow pocketbook issues.

The media are fixated on another caravan of foreign nationals flowing toward the United States from Central America. More than 5,000 mostly Honduran migrants say they will cross through Mexico. Then they plan to crash the American border, enter the U.S. illegally, claim refugee status, and demand asylum. Once inside the United States, the newcomers will count on a variety of ways to avoid deportation.

This gambit appears mysteriously timed to arrive right before the U.S. midterms — apparently to create empathy and sway voters toward progressive candidates supporting a more relaxed immigration policy.

Open-borders advocates and progressives assume that if border-security officials are forced to detain the intruders and separate parents who broke the law from their children, it will make President Trump and Republican candidates appear cold-hearted and callous.

Earlier this year, a similar border melodrama became sensationalized in the media and almost certainly dropped Trump’s approval ratings. But this time around, the optics may be different.

The new caravan appears strangely well organized. The marchers, many of them young men, do not appear destitute. They do not seem to fit the profile of desperate refugees whose lives were in immediate danger in their homeland.

For many Americans, the would-be refugees may seem presumptuous in assuming that they have the right to barge into someone else’s country. Most Americans realize that if an organized caravan of foreigners can simply announce in advance plans to crash into the U.S. illegally, then the concepts of a border, citizenship, sovereignty, and even a country itself no longer exist.

A number of other events on the eve of the midterm elections also may have the opposite of the intended effect on voters. The Supreme Court nomination hearings for Brett Kavanaugh ended up as scripted melodrama. Protesters disrupted the Senate on cue. They screamed from the gallery. Democratic senators staged a walkout. They filibustered and interrupted the proceedings.

Their collective aim was to show America that male Republican senators were insensitive to the feelings and charges of Christine Blasey Ford, and therefore callous and sexist.

Ford had alleged that Kavanaugh 36 years earlier had sexually assaulted her at a party when they were both teenagers. But she produced no corroborating testimony, physical evidence, or witnesses. Many of her assertions were contested by other people.

Many Americans finally concluded that there was no reason to deny Kavanaugh’s nomination to the court. To find Kavanaugh guilty of Ford’s charges, Americans were asked to suspend the very ideas of due process and Western jurisprudence.

The furious demonstrations that followed Kavanaugh’s confirmation only made the optics worse.

Republican senators were confronted at their offices and on elevators. Protesters broke through police cordons and beat and scratched at the Supreme Court doors, apparently in vain efforts to break in and disrupt the swearing-in ceremonies. Liberal icons such as Hillary Clinton, former attorney general Eric Holder, and Senator Cory Booker seemed to encourage the incivility and disruptions.

Did the ongoing chaos work to change public opinion in their direction? Perhaps not.

Most Americans do not want frenzied shriekers scratching at doors on Capitol Hill. They are turned off by shouters popping up in Senate galleries. Few are comfortable with efforts to bully or intimidate senators rather than to persuade them.

In yet another misreading of the public, Senator Elizabeth Warren produced the results of a DNA test to prove she had properly claimed advantageous minority status on the basis of her alleged Native American family history.

But the test only confirmed that Warren might be 1 percent (or less) Native American and is probably not from a tribe in the continental U.S.

If Warren’s video emphasizing her DNA claims was intended to be persuasive, it sadly ended up confirming her farce. Most Americans could claim a similarly minuscule bloodline but would not do so to game the system for careerist advantage.

On the eve of the midterms, progressives believe that these public spectacles showcasing feminist, immigrant, and identity issues trump the booming economy and might galvanize independents and fence-sitters to vote for liberal candidates.

Yet the caravan, the Kavanaugh hearings, and the Warren fiasco remind voters of the very opposite of what was intended.

Every country requires a border and the rule of law. Due process cannot so easily be thrown out in a moment. There can be no Senate without safety and calm inside its halls. Powerful, privileged Washington officials should be the last to game a system designed to help the underprivileged.

Americans know all that. Strangely, progressive activists don’t.


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Re: The Democrat Mid-Term Massacre of 2018 is Going To Be AMAZING!!!
« Reply #436 on: October 25, 2018, 09:09:35 PM »
Poll: Former Clinton Foundation Head Slides Behind Republican Salazar in Key Florida House Race

Breitbart News recently identified the district as one of twenty remaining toss-up districts in the midterm elections whose outcomes will determine which party controls the House of Representatives when the 116th Congress convenes in Washington, D.C., this January.

When incumbent Rep. Ilyana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL-27) announced that she was retiring, the 77-year-old Shalala was expected to easily win the seat, but the campaign has not gone well for her so far.

 “The narrow Democratic primary victory in August by 77-year-old Donna Shalala, the former Secretary of Health and Human Services in the Bill Clinton administration, and the emergence of a rising Republican star as her general election opponent, former Spanish language broadcaster Maria Elvira Salazar, has catapulted the race from “Likely Democratic” to “Toss-up,” as Breitbart News reported earlier this month:

The Sunshine State News reported that Salazar “has been remarkably efficient in using her name strength in Congressional District 27 to her advantage, and has turned this into a competitive race.”

Salazar also speaks both Spanish and English, while Shalala speaks only English, a key disadvantage for her because “the district is heavily Latino, with 57 percent of the registered voters being Hispanic.”

“Salazar also has an edge beyond her name advantage — she can campaign comfortably in the area to most audiences because she is bi-lingual; Shalala is not,” the Sunshine State News noted

Just as Hillary Clinton failed to generate the requisite enthusiasm among Florida voters to win the state’s electoral college votes in the 2016 Presidential election, the enthusiasm gap for Shalala among rank and file Democrats in the 27th Congressional District is palpable.

Shalala served as CEO of the Clinton Foundation from 2015 to 2017.

“After a two-year stint amid a bruising U.S. presidential campaign for the Clintons, Shalala, 76, called it a wrap Tuesday as president and chief executive of the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation,” the Miami Herald reported in April 2017.

Who wouldn't want to slide behind Salazar? 


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Re: The Democrat Mid-Term Massacre of 2018 is Going To Be AMAZING!!!
« Reply #437 on: October 26, 2018, 04:16:26 AM »
Tick Tock...


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Re: The Democrat Mid-Term Massacre of 2018 is Going To Be AMAZING!!!
« Reply #438 on: October 26, 2018, 04:48:28 AM »
Good commentary.

Midterm Optics Are Bad for Progressives
October 25, 2018

For progressives, the looming midterm elections apparently should not hinge on a booming economy, a near-record-low unemployment rate, a strong stock market, and unprecedented energy production. Instead, progressives hope that race and gender questions overshadow pocketbook issues.

The media are fixated on another caravan of foreign nationals flowing toward the United States from Central America. More than 5,000 mostly Honduran migrants say they will cross through Mexico. Then they plan to crash the American border, enter the U.S. illegally, claim refugee status, and demand asylum. Once inside the United States, the newcomers will count on a variety of ways to avoid deportation.

This gambit appears mysteriously timed to arrive right before the U.S. midterms — apparently to create empathy and sway voters toward progressive candidates supporting a more relaxed immigration policy.

Open-borders advocates and progressives assume that if border-security officials are forced to detain the intruders and separate parents who broke the law from their children, it will make President Trump and Republican candidates appear cold-hearted and callous.

Earlier this year, a similar border melodrama became sensationalized in the media and almost certainly dropped Trump’s approval ratings. But this time around, the optics may be different.

The new caravan appears strangely well organized. The marchers, many of them young men, do not appear destitute. They do not seem to fit the profile of desperate refugees whose lives were in immediate danger in their homeland.

For many Americans, the would-be refugees may seem presumptuous in assuming that they have the right to barge into someone else’s country. Most Americans realize that if an organized caravan of foreigners can simply announce in advance plans to crash into the U.S. illegally, then the concepts of a border, citizenship, sovereignty, and even a country itself no longer exist.

A number of other events on the eve of the midterm elections also may have the opposite of the intended effect on voters. The Supreme Court nomination hearings for Brett Kavanaugh ended up as scripted melodrama. Protesters disrupted the Senate on cue. They screamed from the gallery. Democratic senators staged a walkout. They filibustered and interrupted the proceedings.

Their collective aim was to show America that male Republican senators were insensitive to the feelings and charges of Christine Blasey Ford, and therefore callous and sexist.

Ford had alleged that Kavanaugh 36 years earlier had sexually assaulted her at a party when they were both teenagers. But she produced no corroborating testimony, physical evidence, or witnesses. Many of her assertions were contested by other people.

Many Americans finally concluded that there was no reason to deny Kavanaugh’s nomination to the court. To find Kavanaugh guilty of Ford’s charges, Americans were asked to suspend the very ideas of due process and Western jurisprudence.

The furious demonstrations that followed Kavanaugh’s confirmation only made the optics worse.

Republican senators were confronted at their offices and on elevators. Protesters broke through police cordons and beat and scratched at the Supreme Court doors, apparently in vain efforts to break in and disrupt the swearing-in ceremonies. Liberal icons such as Hillary Clinton, former attorney general Eric Holder, and Senator Cory Booker seemed to encourage the incivility and disruptions.

Did the ongoing chaos work to change public opinion in their direction? Perhaps not.

Most Americans do not want frenzied shriekers scratching at doors on Capitol Hill. They are turned off by shouters popping up in Senate galleries. Few are comfortable with efforts to bully or intimidate senators rather than to persuade them.

In yet another misreading of the public, Senator Elizabeth Warren produced the results of a DNA test to prove she had properly claimed advantageous minority status on the basis of her alleged Native American family history.

But the test only confirmed that Warren might be 1 percent (or less) Native American and is probably not from a tribe in the continental U.S.

If Warren’s video emphasizing her DNA claims was intended to be persuasive, it sadly ended up confirming her farce. Most Americans could claim a similarly minuscule bloodline but would not do so to game the system for careerist advantage.

On the eve of the midterms, progressives believe that these public spectacles showcasing feminist, immigrant, and identity issues trump the booming economy and might galvanize independents and fence-sitters to vote for liberal candidates.

Yet the caravan, the Kavanaugh hearings, and the Warren fiasco remind voters of the very opposite of what was intended.

Every country requires a border and the rule of law. Due process cannot so easily be thrown out in a moment. There can be no Senate without safety and calm inside its halls. Powerful, privileged Washington officials should be the last to game a system designed to help the underprivileged.

Americans know all that. Strangely, progressive activists don’t.

Yeah I read this one over at Nation Review.

Best commentator in the business.

Love hearing from Victor Davis Hanson.


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Re: The Democrat Mid-Term Massacre of 2018 is Going To Be AMAZING!!!
« Reply #439 on: October 26, 2018, 03:28:24 PM »
We'll know soon enough.
Mark me down ( again) for:

Dems + 33 seats in the house, take back the house .
Repubs +1 net gain in the senate ( for a 3 seat majority)

Looking at the various races, that's how I see it along with 2 Gov races.
Florida - Gilliam (D) wins gov race by 4-5%

Ga - Abrams ( D) eeks out a close win over Kemp ( 1-2%)

The latest research doesn't support these numbers or this prediction by a long shot.


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Re: The Democrat Mid-Term Massacre of 2018 is Going To Be AMAZING!!!
« Reply #440 on: October 26, 2018, 04:38:50 PM »
-And look who's is supporting the polls now.  ::) ::) ::)


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Re: The Democrat Mid-Term Massacre of 2018 is Going To Be AMAZING!!!
« Reply #441 on: October 26, 2018, 07:39:01 PM »
-And look who's is supporting the polls now.  ::) ::) ::)


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Re: The Democrat Mid-Term Massacre of 2018 is Going To Be AMAZING!!!
« Reply #442 on: October 27, 2018, 07:42:55 AM »
Democrat Menendez odds to win Jersey's hot Senate race downgraded. It's now a tossup.

The nasty race between Democratic U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez and Republican challenger Bob Hugin is now a tossup, as the Cook Political Report said the incumbent's ethics baggage could cost him the seat.

The Washington-based publication that tracks Senate races d owngraded Menendez's chances less than two weeks before Election Day, citing little-known and unfunded community newspaper publisher Lisa McCormick's surprisingly strong performance in June's Democratic primary.

"The contest isn't about anything else but Democratic U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez and his ethics problems," said Jennifer Duffy, Cook's Senate analyst.

"The biggest threat to Menendez's re-election is not so much Hugin than it is the voter who goes to the polls and decides to send Menendez a message, much the way many did in the primary when 38 percent voted for his unknown primary opponent," she said.

Still, Inside Elections, which also tracks Senate races, said Menendez was likely to win re-election, and Nate Silver's FiveThirtyEight gave him a 90 percent chance of being re-elected. The Real Clear Politics polling average put him ahead by 7.7 percentage points.

Hugin doubles down on unproven allegations

Hugin has spent millions of dollars on ads bashing Menendez, making the race much closer than originally expected.

But Menendez, who has never trailed in any legitimate opinion poll, spent more money on ads in the closing weeks of the campaign than Hugin has, and got a boost when the Senate Democrats' super political action committee, Senate Majority PAC, said it would spend another $2.8 million on his behalf.

Federal Election Commission reports covering the period Oct. 1-17 and filed Thursday showed Menendez spending $4.3 million during the period, $3.9 million of that on political commercials. Hugin spent $5 million with $2.6 million going for advertising.

Overall, Hugin, a former Celgene Corp. executive, spent more than twice as much as Menendez through Oct. 17, $27.7 million to $11.8 million.

Helping to reduce spending gap were Senate Majority PAC, which has spent $5.8 million overall to help Menendez, and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, which spent $900,000.

Another super PAC, Patients for Affordable Drugs Action, spent $3.3 million to help Menendez.

Integrity NJ, the super PAC founded by allies of Gov. Chris Christie , spent $3.8 million on behalf of Hugin. Investment banker Nicholas Brady, a former U.S. treasury secretary and former interim U.S. senator from New Jersey, contributed $1.8 million.

Hugin's financial edge was due to the $31 million in personal funds he put into his campaign -- including $7 million so far this month -- allowing him to flood the airwaves with ads focusing on Menendez's ethical problems.

Menendez's trial on criminal corruption charges ended in a mistrial . The Senate Ethics Committee then rebuked him for intervening with federal agencies on behalf of Dr. Salomon Melgen, a friend and campaign donor who had given him gifts and trips.

Hugin's recent ads resurrected the unproven allegations that Menendez slept with underage prostitutes during a trip to the Dominican Republic with Melgen. The ads were criticized by independent fact-checkers.

The challenger raised $2.8 million from other sources and had $2.6 million to spend. Among his most recent contributors were Vice President Mike Pence's leadership political action committee, which gave the maximum $5,000 to his campaign.

Menendez raised $11.7 million for his re-election and had $1.8 million in the bank.


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Re: The Democrat Mid-Term Massacre of 2018 is Going To Be AMAZING!!!
« Reply #443 on: October 27, 2018, 07:48:38 AM »
My man keeps inching closer and closer....  :o

Let's see if Minnesota, Wisconsin and Ohio tighten up in the coming days.

Republican John James Closes in On Michigan's Sen. Stabenow

In what were clearly the most unexpected poll results of any election anywhere this week, a EPIC/MRA Detroit News poll Thursday showed businessman and first-time candidate John James within single digits of Michigan’s three-term Democrat Debbie Stabenow.

According to the poll, James, West Point graduate and Detroit businessman, trails Stabenow by 49 to 42 percent among likely voters statewide.  The margin of error was 4.0 percent.

These figures become even more dramatic when one looks at those EPIC/MRA found a month ago: Stabenow over James by a whopping 56 to 33 percent.

But given polls showing President Donald Trump’s popularity on the rise in the Wolverine State and the general increase in Republican enthusiasm over Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court, James was clearly the beneficiary.

“And let’s give John some credit as well,” Norm Shinkle, Republican Chairman of the 8th District Republican, told Newsmax, “He’s a dynamic speaker, an unabashed conservative, and he’s excited the conservative base here like no one since Sarah Palin made her acceptance speech at the ’08 Republican National Convention.”

Asked if James can expand that appeal to more moderate Michigan residents, Shinkle told us: “Absolutel y— if they meet him.”  In the last quarterly period, James raised more than $2 million and clearly needs a lot more than that to have a chance at the well-funded Stabenow.

Should James emerge triumphant, he will join South Carolina’s Tim Scott as one of two Republican U.S. Senators who happen to be black.


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Re: The Democrat Mid-Term Massacre of 2018 is Going To Be AMAZING!!!
« Reply #444 on: October 28, 2018, 11:16:18 AM »
Ben McAdams and Mia Love remain tied in New York Times Upshot poll, as new twist over Love’s campaign financing emerges

GOP Rep. Mia Love and Democratic Salt Lake County Mayor Ben McAdams remain tied in their tight congressional race, according to a New York Times Upshot poll that concluded Friday night.

It shows them tied 45-45 percent, with 9 percent undecided — and a 4.7 percent margin of error. A Salt Lake Tribune-Hinckley Institute of Politics poll earlier this month also showed McAdams and Love tied, 46-46, with 8 percent undecided.

The new poll comes as a new twist emerged Friday over how the Love campaign is helping the Utah Republican Party — which has teetered near bankruptcy in recent years — to afford mailers attacking McAdams.

The Love campaign reported in new disclosure forms that it donated $70,000 this month to the party. The campaign acknowledges that helped the party to send out attack mailers that say “paid for by the Utah Republican Party."

Some of those party ads attack McAdams for donations that he accepted — and one shows him holding a buck

The New York Times Upshot poll was conducted live — allowing people to view updates after every call. It interviewed 526 people over three days.

The Times is conducting such polls in districts nationally that it deems as key to whether Republicans will retain control of the U.S. House or lose it to a midterm election blue wave.

It says that among the types of people who voted in 2014, Love leads by 8 percentage points. Among people who say they will vote this year, McAdams leads by 4 points. Among people whose history suggests they truly will vote regardless what they say, the pair are even.

“Voters are responding positively to our message about reaching across the aisle and finding solutions," McAdams said. "It’s time to end the divisiveness in Washington. Voters have seen my track record as mayor, of being a bridge builder. This poll is consistent with what we are seeing on the doorsteps.”

Dave Hansen, Love’s campaign manager, said her message also “is getting out there, that Mia has accomplished a great deal for the district.”

He added, “This campaign is about whether Nancy Pelosi is controlling Congress or not. The way things are looking nationally, it could come down to Utah whether Republicans control the House of Representatives or Nancy Pelosi is back in charge. It doesn’t matter that McAdams says in his ads that he won’t vote for Nancy Pelosi. If he wins, she’ll be the speaker, plain and simple.”


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Re: The Democrat Mid-Term Massacre of 2018 is Going To Be AMAZING!!!
« Reply #445 on: October 28, 2018, 11:35:21 AM »
My man keeps inching closer and closer....  :o

Let's see if Minnesota, Wisconsin and Ohio tighten up in the coming days.

Republican John James Closes in On Michigan's Sen. Stabenow

In what were clearly the most unexpected poll results of any election anywhere this week, a EPIC/MRA Detroit News poll Thursday showed businessman and first-time candidate John James within single digits of Michigan’s three-term Democrat Debbie Stabenow.

According to the poll, James, West Point graduate and Detroit businessman, trails Stabenow by 49 to 42 percent among likely voters statewide.  The margin of error was 4.0 percent.

These figures become even more dramatic when one looks at those EPIC/MRA found a month ago: Stabenow over James by a whopping 56 to 33 percent.

But given polls showing President Donald Trump’s popularity on the rise in the Wolverine State and the general increase in Republican enthusiasm over Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court, James was clearly the beneficiary.

“And let’s give John some credit as well,” Norm Shinkle, Republican Chairman of the 8th District Republican, told Newsmax, “He’s a dynamic speaker, an unabashed conservative, and he’s excited the conservative base here like no one since Sarah Palin made her acceptance speech at the ’08 Republican National Convention.”

Asked if James can expand that appeal to more moderate Michigan residents, Shinkle told us: “Absolutel y— if they meet him.”  In the last quarterly period, James raised more than $2 million and clearly needs a lot more than that to have a chance at the well-funded Stabenow.

Should James emerge triumphant, he will join South Carolina’s Tim Scott as one of two Republican U.S. Senators who happen to be black.

Why my state keeps electing Debbie is beyond me.


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Re: The Democrat Mid-Term Massacre of 2018 is Going To Be AMAZING!!!
« Reply #446 on: October 28, 2018, 11:44:34 AM »
Why my state keeps electing Debbie is beyond me.

Any general feel you are getting up there about the race or how the people of Michigan are feeling?

I'm seeing about 50/50 yard signs between Cruz and Beto here in Tarrant county but I think having super popular Greg Abbott on the same ballot will really help to pull Cruz ahead by a handful of points. Maybe more.

John Cornyn(the other Texas Senator) would demolish Beto but Cruz is kinda contentious for some people around here I suppose.


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Re: The Democrat Mid-Term Massacre of 2018 is Going To Be AMAZING!!!
« Reply #447 on: October 28, 2018, 12:12:59 PM »
Florida Senate: Nelson, Scott tied, CBS poll finds

Florida Sen. Bill Nelson and Gov. Rick Scott are tied among likely voters in the U.S. Senate race, according to the CBS News 2018 Battleground Tracker.

Nelson, the Democrat incumbent, and Scott, the Republican challenger, are tied 46-46, according to poll results presented Sunday morning on “Face the Nation.” Those numbers include voters who have already cast ballots.
The poll finds Sen. Nelson receives support from voters who say health care is their top issue.

Gov. Scott was given high marks for his handling of recent hurricanes to strike the Sunshine State.

President Donald Trump is a major factor for voters. Large majorities in Florida as well as Arizona and Indiana see their Senate vote as a chance to support or oppose Trump.

YouGov, an online polling company, conducted the CBS News 2018 Background Tracker.,amp.html


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Re: The Democrat Mid-Term Massacre of 2018 is Going To Be AMAZING!!!
« Reply #448 on: October 28, 2018, 01:12:09 PM »
Bill Nelson has done nothing for Florida. He's an arrogant piece of shit who skates by on his long history of simply being "the senator from the sunshine state." In other words, he's like Feinstein, a relic of the 1970s that keeps winning just because they have the whole political machine locked up in their state and outsiders are quickly shut out of the advertising game because their longtime incumbent challenger gets all the big money donations and takes care of all the special interests.


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Re: The Democrat Mid-Term Massacre of 2018 is Going To Be AMAZING!!!
« Reply #449 on: October 29, 2018, 02:22:17 PM »
Bill Nelson has done nothing for Florida. He's an arrogant piece of shit who skates by on his long history of simply being "the senator from the sunshine state." In other words, he's like Feinstein, a relic of the 1970s that keeps winning just because they have the whole political machine locked up in their state and outsiders are quickly shut out of the advertising game because their longtime incumbent challenger gets all the big money donations and takes care of all the special interests.

I think Florida will set the tone very early with the 2 high stakes races out there(Senator and Governor)

If Scott can pull away with a 5 to 8 point lead and Gillum crashes and burns, it's going to be a long night for the Dems.